3PblJ Wft WimiMtMK r CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY L' The Biggest City In The Biggett The Biggett County In The State County In The State Of Oregon I Of Oregon, Beat In The Weit rOL. XXVII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 20, 1913 NO. 6 r, ..J liat WTH OF CATLOW SHOWN IN SCHOOLS in Organized District in the Valley ineteen Months Ago, Three now 'he Number. Manual Training tnd Domestic Science Taught in ne School. New School Houses "BURBANK OF DRY FARMING WORLD" Has Oregon Products at-United States Land Show In Chicago n months ago there was fool district organized in ralley. Today we have 47, 48 and 50. is in the north end lew school has recently lit and school is in prc- Ider the capable leader- Mrs. Claude Richmond. ready to give the right hand of fellowship to new settlers. C. EDWIN TULLOCH. Plans to Assist Land Seeker In response to a request from the secretary of the Central Oregon Development League, Hon. A. W. Orton, ex-register holars are in attensance. j of the United States Land Office 1 board is composed of at Lakeview, now a resident of loman, chairman; F. Portland, has submitted apian and Claude Richmond for a Bureau of Information for Munson. clerk. j Central Oregon. Briefly stated on the west side is the Mr. Orion's plan is to establish ssessor of a new build- the main office at Bend, with ill cost completed about ' branches at Lakeview, Burns and hundred dollars. The, other points throughout Central has thirtv-four scholars ! Oregon. A field officer wouli school is being conduct-, gather information and organize the efficient manage- the several communities int Miss Edith Peckley. settlers associations, boards of traimnir ana domestic iraue, commercial ciuus anu ire a part of the program. tors intend to make the t Al in every particular. Bnce Lewis the librarian the foundation for a )lesome school library. ars are W. R. Byram, C. P. Borrowdale and phart with C. Edwin l clerk. has just been carved and 48 and have their Ion complete. M-nooi at Beckley in the near th Oscar Stuart as teach- Iboaro is Frank Clayton, Udey and V. A. Stuart, Jewett clerk. khool advancement in is in keeping with the energy displayed bv knu jn other lines. We s, county roads, Tost mail routes for the land convenience of our knd we always stand like, something perhaps on tin line of the Oregon Development League. These associations wou'd furnish all information concern ing the lands in its immediate ! vicinity, and the main office I would then be able to give the incoming settler all information desired. The plan seems perfectly feas ible, and if put into effect would doubtless be of much value to this entire section. Lakeview Examiner. J Z ' s. I 1 itiiimiii 1l4iVi j Ht utAttiH (tl a ii t . i .. Ma.m 11 In ,-t A.i i i t LHI I v V U UKU U U v I iRU U UU Uv VUW J If ii-Wi fffll m WmMbwMvflluwi a IB r;j j'j J tiJJij i inpiki-fl H ' I I 1m& '. tfj HAfvBI hB BIa.1 I WM - VRraH nr HBtI rKwR '3 Al'iV. .1 t. i7, , Ui ul V . S"IE ' 1 B aaB la. ..-)! SttL&Bmba bHHHbP Jr. xVHHMil BVUi V BrA. ai BBA m v ktH I 1 PbT lflH bm 1 f M I I Al I fl bIJI. IJ1 - Ba W Lb-'' imi niitiiiiiWr I T BeiWi Mgp 0aa L sa'jIBaR DH HHs Hi I ii mk laaa aAaaasa aUaaMStriaSaraMU ih im jia asahjw sb w awsaii ist iimWm I I ' ilmW BV IbHi sffjBrJBHBni MmIbI ' 3 flSB ft0M,H RVflXjU ' JB 1 I I 'vflL h fl&Bi , iflB BBnyBBBj"BJ v4 UVAmmEm 'HHbI idftto- ' I 1 i - &dL JL I IbbI LkaaHs" "" " '" ' ! ,MC,cSXaBk - WORLD'S FINEST AT THE LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION Entries Ever Assembled on Coast. Nearly 1000 Entries and Premiums Aggregating $15,000 Awarded. Thousands Visit the Stock Yards economy is to locate factories close to the raw material, rather than in the large cities. There are many reas oris for this. Trans portation charges are lessened, and when the finished products are consumed near the factories these charges are saved. Sites Most Rrillianf A DAnMA.AMaa: C 1J for location of factories are icpicacmaiivc I 1C1U cheaper and more commodius. Building material is more plenti- lul. Interest on the investment. taxi , and coat of repairs, are inhur than on the city plants. Labor is inure plentiful and sanli- j tary. There is hardly a county , in Oregon that could not profit- IlIlK' 'U I tl III IU L ,.11.. ..." ........ ..... ' facturing plant . "Our resources are varied enough to supply all our needs. Already we are producing a little of must or wtar. The Pacific International Live- field corn. There was corn of stock Exposition flung open its every description; com on th portals at the I'ort'and Union C0D- in row" and piles; corn on everything that we eat Stock Yards for the third time 8rUUKS 8ome of 'hem measuring Some of our factories I last week in its annual show. 12 eet "'" There was corn in are wondei fully successM. Such with the most brilliant and re- "UIK- vellow corn, white .orn. are the woolen mills, paper millK, ' presentative field of entries in all re(1 corn .an(1 several shades be chec se factories and a number of , classes, individuals. Cured of Livar C "I was suffering with liver complaint" says Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas, "and decided to try a 26c box of Chamberlain's Tablets, and am happy to aay that I am completely cured and can recommend them to every one. " For sale by all Dealers. Tonawama tomorrow night. CtticAUO, ILL. Knit- mate Tillman. iutr tim "Burtaaa of tiiu iry VstaUag World.' 4bwu Bm 'n ugo In' left his ho mil In lOvainnlllc. Intl., brokou In l.mli Hint silrll. un.l lin m-nl weal In ijiu-Ht of lii'Hltli Ho not only fmiml liculili, but won wi-altb Mini fume n well. Ho loralinl In Central OrrKon niul iiloneered It um ii i-olllMitor f Hie dry fnriiilnu variety, lis workeil WUBdf, iironK everj HiIiik In tliu hIihimi of sralna niul wki-IhIiIi-i that aru pruducud Willi more auiilu rnlnfnll Tills your at tin? IntiTiiatlonal Dry KiirmliiK Kxioslllon In Tulaa. Okla.. Ki-ntrr, for tliu llilnl couaevullv time. Mwopt tin- lK)iirils In roiuuetltluu with tliu i-xlilliltH of tiw entlio North Ainrrlrun innlliuMit Ixiula W. Hill, chair man of tba board of directum of the OroOl NorthiTii railway, Inui liiMtalled a portion of th fauiuua Houtor eahlblt In the (.'rent Northern railway' lioirl,li at the Inllisl Statea l.aml Show, wlihh opened Nov. Juih In tho Chicago CoIImoiiiii. Iteiiter, nieanwhlle, la too busy K'"tttliK ready for his next yenr's nop to attend the Chicago show. Ho In out to make It four i-onaecutlve "wurld'a i'hainplinihlM" by Improving his next dry farming rongreaa exhibit THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLtc, Prop. it rally Located, Good Clean leals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call THE WHITE FRONT ERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE IrVe have oonfined our business entirely to the (White Front where we are prepared to care for our customers better than ever before JES FED FOR 20c. PER HEAD AND UP .led Hay and Grain for Sale at Market jt Tl tA 1. J EA D.M Tah rices, uooa nay in mick n.ov rm iw. delivered in Burns, $6.50 Per Ton Burns-Vale Stage Line 6-Hiur rkhedulf front tailrpd Cloae Connections Made With Train Et Cofortablc Conveyances fpr prsaepgera. Fare, $10. Careful Attention and Prompt Delivery of Express and Freigha Entrust ed to Our Care. Freight 2 l-2c. Per Pound. L J. McKinnon & Son BURNS, - OREGON HOWARD B. CUSTIS Veterinarian Graduate of University of PoMnarlvasd JOHN DAY, OHECrOH of Horses, all J An Excellent Feed for Cattle It is Interacting to note the great amount of oxperimcntinK going on in fattening cattle. In the International Show tho other day a yearling steer raised by J. D. McGregor, of Brandon, Can aka, was awarded first prise and weighed 1,470 pounds. This steer never had a kernel of corn, but was fattened on alfalfa, oats and barley. This is what Mr. McGregor says concerning him: "Glenbarnock Victor II., has never eaten a kernel of corn. He is a triumph of economical feeding. Barley and oats, ground and boiled, have comprised his fare, with some alfalfa to give New Grade to Catlow Valley C. B, Tulloch, U. S. Commis sioner and general booster for the Catlow Valley where he re-1 sides, was in this week accom panied ny mrs. lullocn. He re section and the importation of these registered animals will help materially. The Times Herald understands there will be several more of this 'stock brought in during the coming season. With that class of stock ports considerable activity in his! local beef breeders may secure vicinity in the way of develoi -, top prices for their product at all ment and had already sent The, limes Times-Herald an account of tin This is the first shipment of c:ittle ever brought in on auto trucks and as the animals came through in good shape it is likely others will be brought in by this method. Several shipments of thus the people of h(,Ks mivu bcen madK "W trucks, may now haul good both WUVH- schools in that section. Mr. Tulloch informs us that the Han ley Company has just completed a good grade up the famous 1 Ranch hill between here and Catlow and that section loads over from this section. Tin grade is less than III per ivnl and is much appreciated by the him hardiness. He has never many new settlers in 1 coun been coddled or petted, but has try. been treaded very much as the Mr. Tullock is very much in otber stock on my farm. He terested in the development of has been taken care of by a 17- the country and says his politics year-old boy. I guess he proves henceforth is proper administra that you don't have to feed corn tion of county affair Dial will to a steer to make him big and permit of extension work along fat. I believe that this cham- agricultural lines for the benefll pionship and the other prjc of the new settlers, and old i.nes that we are winning here prove t00' for thai matter, with the that very superior cattle can be view of Betting the vast number produced ut the lowest feeding of acres now idle at work. Mr. ,. iii iii-n iifiu I ii iiiiiii ii i.i mi COSt WlUlOUt COm. '...".. " ""' T? vrvlulu rl.uwt.'t n.,.... " ,,. ., . ,. . ... ,, will find all progressive citizens ' ., ... 7,77'., This would indicate that tMU theiaine'Dolitlc- YH' "ald ht' ! believe in lands of Malheur and Harney, I the widest possible use of made- the high lands, where oats and in-Oregon products, and I con- barley grow to perfection should J Registered Bulls By Truck sj(t1. my ,njH8jon t,0 jry i0 aj soon hecoine the greatest cattle in bringing about Oregon fact. fattening country in America. Hubert Smith arrived home ories to supply these products. The sale of fat exhibition cat- IW" Wl'"k fl'0 Hip to ('took ( Too niuny of our raw materials tie in carload lots brought to the county where he purchased five are sent out of the stat to be exhibitors some very liigh prices, nuu "' young iiereioru buna, manufactured into finished pro The Congress Hotel, Chicago, and brought them over on a. ducts and returned to us for our paid Eseher and Hyan, of 111, truck. Ihese bulls are all re-1 use. Ihese window sashes and $18.iJ5. P. D. Armour paid C. B1Brea ana nne Hpecunenis. doors were grown in Oregon C. Jackson, Iowa, $11. GO. Several i Tney W'H ')(1 two yeais old in the , forests, sent to Sears & Roebuck lots sold f'or$10.(X) The lowest sPr'bff and Hubert secured them where they were manufactured, lor ins own neru. it has been then returned und put into tin proven that it is economical to building. improve the beef herds of this "The tendency now in political Oregon Needs Factories For Surplus Products "Hack of the principles, a wider use of Oregon goods, lies the deeper problem of securing a larger and more varied assort ment of made-in-Oregon articles" said Cojood K. Hofer in address ing the class in economics at the Oregon Agricultural College. Mr. Holer has just been introduced t the class by Dean Bexell, head of the Commercial department, as "a man with ideas with which price prise. was $8.70. Vale Knter- herds and co-operative canning factories, carload lots that has ever been 'That these should be enlarg-, assembled in. this section of the ed and many more established in country, many parts of Oregon, I believe ' Stock that has never known so nrmly that I have issued a call what it is to have their colors for manufacturers and others in- lowered in defeat on this terested to meet at Corvallis, tinent or in the United Kingdom, January 14-15. to consider these animals that have swept every uueslions. A large number have thing iu the way of awards at already assured me that they the International Livestock Show will attend, and it is not too much at Chicago, the National Dairy to hope that we have reached tie Show at Chicago, at state and time when discussions and iul- district fairs without number dresses shall give way to action." were represented in that magni- ficent symposium of livestock Valley View News. aristocracy. Portland was the mecca for all The Valley View Grange held ' livestock men last week. The a booster met ting at the school eyes of all stockmen of the west house Sasurday, Dec. 12th. This were focused on Portland. Near being the last meeting of the ly 1000 entries -not sinule year, officers for the ensuing year animals, but individual herds of was elected: Dr. Babbidge, varying sites and on up to tar-; Master; Henry Huntley, Over- load entries, were listed with the seer; Annie Babbidge, Lecturer; exposition that made the value! George Raycraft. Secty., Vanilla: run well up into millions. Cobb. Treas. There were elew n An aggregate of $15,000 Ull application- iormemnersmp wnn premiums were awarded. No more to follow at the next met- exposition of its kind has ever ing. We have a membeiship . f attempted to do to much for ita over sixty and are continually community, for the country adding more members to the roll, tributary to it. or for the industry The Grange is doing a great work ,t undertakes to foster. Thous all over our state and we are and visitm! th unrHa t uo ii.. pleased to note the farmers of world's finest on exhibition and .. ... our district are beginning to ap preciate this fact. Let us not stop the missionary work until Valley View is "Grangerized" from onr end to the other. The twe 'ii. Prizes iriven bv the O-W. R. & N. Co., and others amount ed to $1000. Entrii a from 200 individual exhibitors were re presented. The exhibit was judged by Professors KenHrlur llv !,,n airl con- , " , ' ' . " . rrencn. oi the Oregon Agricul tural College, after which the entire exhibit was shipped to Portland and displayed for a whole week by the railroad. In Portland, thousands were astonished to see the corn ex hibited in the shock, on the ears, in the sack, in thesilo and ground into meal- this being the pro duct of the state of Oregon, where all was spread out in con- v vincing profusion. And now, Oregon, comes into the ranks of corn growing states. Market Report. Receipt" for the week have beenCattle-1656;Calves-2!; Hog3 7402; Sheep-3903. An exceptionally good class of cattle were handled all week, the feature of the latter part of the week being a very large number of grass cattle from Central Oregon. Top steers went to 8 cents. One of the largest days for re ceipts was Monday, when nearly unloaded. Not withstanding, liquidation was prompt and tops, 1400 of them. Fit 111, Cat. Exactly '.'When father was sick about six years ftg( he read an adver tisement of Chamberlain's Tab lets lp the pap re that fit his case exactly," writes Miss Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith. Ark. He purchased a box of them and he has not been sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benefited bv them." For sale by all Dealers. ,iini!JW!t!ll!iliilluu!ilJinii!i:!iunii:ii..iuiiiaiiiimjiunummiiun;iiniiiimm Raw Furs, Hides and Pelts Bought I pay higkait cah priest for ali kind of Raw Furt, Hido and Poll!. Notify ma ithor by mail or telaphona if you have any quantity and I will coma aftar tnain. Am prepared to advance bounty on scalps, saving you tba trouble of coming to the Clark Address, L. L. NOONCHESTER Office in building south Burns hotel on trot leading to court houseold Masonic buildingBurns, Oregon ttiUUUituMiutummwiiiutiimmiisiiitiuiuiitiiiiiitiitmttt: installation of officers will take place on the second Saturday in January. There will be an all day session with basket lunch at noon. This will be an open meeting and all the farmers in the district are urged to be pre sent Come and hear what the Grange is really doing for you. The Valley View Sunday School meets every Sunday at 2 P. M. Thomas Raycraft has joined the big carpenter crew at Albrit ton. Dr. Babbidge. the alfalfa king of Valley View has on exhibition at his ranch the finest crop of cardinal whiskers in the county. He claims they were grown with out irrigation too. Mr. Chas. Van Zandt is build ing an addition to his house. We are pleased to see improvements of this kind as it denotes pros perity. The residents of this section are wondering if the members of the Hon. County Court are aware that Valley View is really located in Harney county. Mr. Joe Willnecker was a visit or in our section last Saturday. Joe is a royal good fellow and we are always pleased to see him. Valley View is going to have one of the nnest Christmas en tertainments in the county. There will be a big dinner, two big Christmas trees and a first class program. Santa Claws will be on deck and we hope every child in Valley View will be out tp greet him. Don't worry girls, Tom is not going to work on Christmas. Mr. George Bryning, peddler, junk dealer, insurance agent and general tradesman has added another line to his stock.- George is a full fledged trapper and is in the market for all kinds of hides providing the price is rigl;t, closed Inar Sinf nrihi v urho wn.-i . . . . f . . -- 4UIH) head were ai entertainment nad been pro vided for the school children and I i ai i. r ntan Un aasjaai a- a .-. 1 iL "-""? 7 wiinewwi Wentat8ciintutehpricere awarding of the prise cups. ,mained Bt8ndard for thc ,veek. That the Northwest has become Outlook steady, the rival of the "corn states"! Sheep continue strong, both is lias been demonstrated by the to numbers and price. Sales first Corn Show held at Pendle- have been brisk. Outlook con ton, a week ago last Friday. The'tinues firm. The lamb market people of Umatilla their first view of County had real Oregon is very steady with an extreme price at $6. 25 for tops. THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters .Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates BLUE MT. STAGE CO.! i ai ly iiinc ourns anu i ran ic i uv AKKIVK Canyon City Prairie City 8CHEDULE: LEAVK Hurnn 6am Canyon City 7m Prairie City 2:30 pm Canyon City Tpm lim n-. Fare, Iturns-Prairie City, Round Trip, Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Irairie to Runts PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WA Y L. WOLDENBERG. Prop. KM v in III a in IL' nun n $ 6.00 11.00 A. ft- Ritthardson asks a chance Ul figure on your winter supply of goods. Will meet prices of any outside house. Give him your order and get his prices be fore purchasing. I Gifts The Welcome Pharmacy Haa some of the fineat holi day goods to aelect from.... Hand Painted China Cut' Glass, Toilet Sets Kodaks, Pictures, Toys Appropriate Gifta for old and young and at pricea to auit your purse. You are in vited to come in and aee our diaplay. No trouble to ahow You are Welcome