.mes-Jferald it Circulation Of Any r In Harney County. AY, DECCMRU . ItlS cl News. ia tonight ey was a visitor to the eek. Itmas trees may be so ke Sweek home. rters for Santa Glaus. Dalton & Co. 4 prison waa over from luring the week on d visiting his family. of dray work and work withateam B. one your orders to tt and wife and Hoy in the city the fore Us week attending to business. NATIONAL BANK OF MTAL AND SURPLUS HE BANK THAT MAKES $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS nupin, at one time a this section, but now is here for medical lociti.r li'til Vila mil'1 ikiiii, huu ma jon a horse falling with F. Hissner left Sun of Bend for outside went to Seattle but Ir expects to go out next week to join will go to southern r the winter. WHEN IN DOUBT 111 Mill LET SAFETY be the deciding factor end deposit with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000.00 ACCOUNTS INVITED Harney County Warrants ere worth 100 cents on the dollar at our bank and we will pay that amount for them. Heathcote, Presby- ker located at Drew- jsiness visitor to this the week. Mr- Has a large territory Dm that point and ttple kindly disposed bm the frmce ot rill furnish enter- the people of Burns on Dec. 23. The and choruses, ap- ostumed with some ery, together with will give a most en- ling and one well 3ing. ipter, No. 40, 0. E. lie following officers keeting to serve for year: Mrs. J. M. M. ; C. M. Faulkner, W. A. Gowan, As- Mrs. G. A. Smyth, Mrs. Allen Jones, jnductress; Miss ttson, Secretary ; Mrs. Treasurer. . innell and family be last Sunday even- l taken up their abode )aker residence for Mr. McConnell is low checking up the Br of Silvies River, his interests in the scheme he is work ver the entire Val- IcConnell and the all enjoying good to be back among lends. Tonawama tonight We do job printing. Herman Ruh and wife were in the city Thursday from their home near Lawen. Eastman's Kodaks and East man's Kodak supplies at The Welcome Pharmacy. . . N Dr. Griffith performed an operation on Henry Keiaenbeck at the Cummins hospital Wed nesday for hernia. The patient is doing well at the hospital. I. S. Tyler was up from Sun- et Wednesday and toid ine Times-Herald man there is going to be a dance at the Sunset school house on Christmas Eve., Dec. 24. A. K. Richardson asks a chance to figure on your winter supply of goods. Will meet prices of any outside house. Give him your order and get his prices be fore purchasing. The date of producing the music of "The Prince of Pillsen." the benefit entertainment for the library, has been set for Dec. 23. It is one of the most delightful entertainments ever attempted in Burns and one that every one should witness. Henry Trowbridge and E. S. Harrison, two substantial stock men of the Izee section, are here looking after some stock that had strayed over from that sec tion. Henry has been Kept Dusy greeting his many old time friends. o-f old Object Advertisement ve two objects in view in this advertise- first is to inform you that this store is teem- full stock of fall goods in every line of lise that belongs to this business and to aation so interesting that you may be indue up the iten; that engage you most. ther object is to plant the germ of conf i- ur heart of hearts, confidence in this store ingnc.s to serve you fairly, even generous- no question of its ability. Fall styles in have no more thorough nor lavish ex our show room and counters, at your and get our prices on any foods you fore sending off or buying elsewhere. rare with you on your winter supplies. HWARTZ leral Merchandise - luilding, - Burns, Oregon Adam George is in town. J. P. Withers is down from Harney. Sauer kraut at Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Bert Dunten was over from Drewsey during th week. W. H. Morrison and Chas. Roper were down from Harney Wednesday. Mrs. John Schenk will give lessons in Irish Crochet every Thursday afternoon at her home in Burns. 4 A. T. Raycraf t Was up from Valley View yesterday attending to some land matters and look ing after other business. Early Christmas shoppers should inspect the big lot of use ful and beautiful presents now to be seen at Lunaberg, Dalton &Co. 4 Dr. C. C. Griffith arrived home last Sunday evening from the Willamette Valley where he was called on account of the death of his father. Delos Gould and family took their departure Tuesday morning for Dayton, Washington where they will again take up their re sidence. Mrs. Gould's health was not good here and they de cided to return to their former home after an extended visit with relatives and friends. C. A. McMahan was over from the Drewsey section yesterday renewing acquaintances and call ing on old friends. Mac. has been farming in that section but contemplates returning to his farm in this Valley next season. He was accompanied over by his nephew, J. W. McMahan, of Iowa, who is out on a visit and wanted to see the big Harney Valley. The ladies of the Library Club have established a reputation for putting on the best entertain ments ever in Bums and the one to be produced on Dec. 23, of a musical character using the principal solos and choruses from "The Prince of Pillsen." will prove no exception to past efforts. In fact it is going to be one of the most enjoyable ever under taken by the ladies. A telephone message was re ceived Thursday stating that T. F. Dunten was dying and it was doubtful if he would survive 24 hours. last August while at his home in Bear Valley he fell and broke his neck. He has been in a precarious condition ever since although for a time it seemed that he might survive. Some time ago he was taken to Pendle ton where he is at this time. Blue Mt. Eagle. Miss Clare Swain took her de parture last Sunday by way of Bend for a few weeks visit at outside points. She spends a week in Portland with Mrs, Julian Byrd and children and will go to Dallas to be present at the marri age of her cousin, MisB Hallie Coad on the 19th later going to Wallowa where she will spend the Christmas vacation with her sister, Miss Bessie Swain, who is teaching there, returning home about the first of the year. We do job printing. Tonawama tomorrow night. Pat Donegan is again in town renewing acquaintances. H. J. Jokisch of the Harriman high school is in the city. Butterick patterns at Luna burg, Dalton & Co. 52tf. Wm. A. Catterson waa in the city this week on business. Dry cleaning and pressing at the Burns Steam Laundrv. 4tf. Mrs. Marsden and George were over from Bear Valley this week. Volney Officer waB over from his Grant county home during the week. The usual big dance on Christ mas night at Tonawama. Fine music. The Welcome Pharmacy has a fresh supply of Vaccine. Be Bure and Vaccinate your calves. Gail Barnes and wife leave to day for an extended visit with relatives and friends in Crook county. Mrs. Robt. Irving was over from her home near Harney during the week, the guest of relatives and friends. Dr. Geo. G. Carl is prepared for Bpecial attention to all dis eases of eye, ear and nose. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. 50tf. Gus Hard well left yesterday morning for Voltage were he goes for a visit with his sinter, Miss Jessie, who is teaching in that district C. F. McKinney has gone to Portland on business and may be accompanied home by Mrs. Pur ington and her daughter, Miss Helen, for the Christmas holiday period. The Clay Clemens sawmill is now at its new location and jb prepared to fill any order with rough or dressed lumber, also fir lumber; buck teeth and any special order given prompt at tention. 32. Rev. E. Benson, the new Pres byterian minister who takes charge of the chirch here, arrived from Portland Thursday evening and has been getting acquainted with the people of Hums. He is a very pleasant gentleman. Clyde Weittenhiller left Mon day for Spokane where he joins his brother for the winter. His father. P. S. Weittenhiller, who with his associates has cleared and gotten ready for seeding a vast amount of land during the past season, will also leave in the near future to be absent all winter. A. E. Murphy and family have gone to Seattle to spend the winter. Miss Cowgill will start a class in dancing lessons immediately after the holidays. A fine display of suitable Christmas gifts may be found at Lunaberg, Dalton & Co. Mrs. Alvin Hurlburt was the guest of relatives and friends in this city during the week. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. 'THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ 9 $ I SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Clean seed barley, the six row ed variety, raised on new ground and entirely free from other seed, 1 cents per lb. Vic. Gibson, Burns. Trespassing of any nature on mv farm at Dog Mountain is strictly forbidden and will be pro secuted to the full extent of the law. - E N. NELSON. 3-5 The manager of this great re ligious weekly wants the good services of those who have an influence with the weather man to have the threatened snow storm postponed until late next week at least, as he hopes to have his "flock" in from Portland by next Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Bennett was down from her Silvies Valley home this week visiting her new grandson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mellie Parker, and also her sons, two of whom are in the high school, another in the N. Brown & Sons mercantile store and Robt. on the farm up the river. Don't miss the picture pro grams at Tonawama. California Woman S.rlou.ly Alarmed. "A short time ago I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and caused me a great deal of annoyance. I Would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed I be gan to be seriously nlnrmed. A friend recommended Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, Baying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it relieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the cold and soreness of my lungs," Writes Miss Marie Gcrber. SaWtelle, Cal. For sale by all Dealers. "1 Cured of Liver Complaint. "I was suffering with liver complaint" says Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas, "and decided to try a 25c box of Chamberlain's Tablets, and am happy to say that I am completely cured and can recommend them to every one. ror sale Dy an Dealers. W. J. Pinney, the Ontario re presentative of the Colonization Co,, has been here this week in company with Messrs. Ballard and Reeves. They were taken out over a portion of the Valley yesterday by Frank Johnson who took (hem on to Juntura on their way out P. H. Aitkins, a man who was at work for Road Master Vander pool on the road, has his leg broken last Monday by the bank of a gravel pit in which he was working caving in on him. Dr. Griffith reduced the fracture and the patient is doing quite well at the French hotel. Judge C. A. Sweek of Burns left here this week for his home with a four-horee load of fruit. Mr. Sweek says that is the first time in ten years that he has hauled fruit out of the John Day valley. It will be but a few years, he says, when Harney county will produce all of the fruit that it consumes. Blue Mt. Eagle. The Public Library benefit en tertainment, the most popular and catchy solos and choruses from "The Prince of Pillsen," interspersed with specialties, will be .staged at Tonawama on the evening of Dec. 23. The ladies of the Library Club are putting forth great effort in ar ranging this entertainment and it promises one of the finest musical programs ever under taken in Burns. Dr. Harrison was in to see us during his visit yesterday and informs The Times-Herald that Floyd Easterday, an employe on the big irrigation ditch being constructed over there by J. E. Johnson & Sons, met with a very serious accident on Wednesday by the premature explosion of a dynamite blast His fore arm was badly burned and the same arm broken in three places above the elbow. He is doing quite well at this time, but is bo badly injured that it will take a long time to recover. Dr. Harrison also stated that Dan Death waa returning with him to Drewsey to undergo an operation for the removal of a prostate gland. The doctor says Drewsey is lively and building up quite rapidly. Mr.. Millar ha. at ma H. M. Hortoa residence aaraplea of work of Mrs. Florence Powelaon CHINA DECOBATOR The ladiee of Burn, ami vicinity axe invited to call and aaa them, day or ;' evening. Order, taken for any character of decoration, initial, ate Teacher' Examination. Nun. ia hereby glveo that the Count Superintendent l Hartley County "Ore gon, will hold the regular axaaiiuatiou ol applicant fur Htate certificate at llui ii", a follew: Commencing Wetl nradnv, I'ci imhIht 17, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. in , and coutlnuing until Saturday, IWiul.fr tO, 1913, at 4 o'clock p. in., also at H. nlo, Oregon, on mm date. Wedueeiiay forenoon Writing, U. K. Ilialoiy, l'liyxlology ; afternoon Phys ical tleography, Heading, OompotlUon, Method in Heading, Mcllind in Aritb n elio. Thursday forenoou Arithmetic, III. tory of Kduration. IVyclmlogy, Math od in tleography ; afternoon- CJ ram mer, (Inugraphy, American Literature, I'hyaic, Method in Language Friday forenoon Theory and Prac tice, Orthography, Kngllah l.iieraiure, I'heti'li'ry ; aflernoon School I-aw, (ieology, Algebra, Civil Government Saturday forenoon (inn ra' History, Bookkeeping. L. M. Hamilton, County Superintendent. BURNS FLOUR MILLING CO. Price, at Mill for product! Flour S. 50 in S-bbl. lot or more. Bran $1.25 per hundred. Rolled barley S1.25 par hundred. Rolling barley $2.00 per ton ia ton lota or more. Cuatomer in all eaee to furnlah aacka. PACKING DEPARTMENT Until further notice the following Caah Price will prevail in aellinfl meat.: Hog, whole or half, lie per lb. Choice poik .teak.. ISc par lb. " " loin, 20c. Whole pork .houlder 12 1 .2c. Lag of pork, ISc Whole or half mutton, tic Front quarter mutton, 10c Hind quarter mutton, 12 l-2c. Choice mutton for tew, Be. Mutton chop, 15c. Hind quarter beef, 13c Front quarter beef, lie Beef all cut at reasonable price. Tha intention of the Company la at all time to pay the heal price and U oa clo.e.t margin con.i.tenl with good bu.l ne management. uwtniw.mnnmmmmtiiiiiiimmin THE STAR Feed Barn H. ELLIOTT, .'top. Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month CAREFUL ATTENDANTS Good Feed and Reasonable prices Hone 26c per Head In Barn Haled Hay and Grain for Bale Comfortable Camp House With Cook Stove PATRONAGE SOLICITED South Main St.. Burn itmiwtti XMAS Presents, the kind you will be proud to let your friends fevJvJ. A magnificent dis play of Jewelry presents that would please the severest critic. BJ . " Jjvery article is guaranteed to be just as represent ed surely there is something in that. Think it over. Special care has been taken to get the latest novelties in Watch brace lets, Cuif links, Fobs, etc. Watch this space for suggestions. You are welcome whether you buy or not. My time is yours. G. M. Salisbury Jeweler & Optftton Open Evenings After Dec 1st. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'KITM) 8TATKH LA NH OfFfW, I Hurna, Oregon, N oven, tor 14, Ivl . Noll e la hereb) g,n; u (hat Thouiaa H. gleveue, f I'r.tii ton, Oregon, who. on Hay V, lyo7.ma.lt ll.ntireiead Kntiff No. 80M. Herlal No ivj.'.;, (or wNWi, Sac. S3 and EjNK, Htx'tlui. SI, ToWhiutp jfi S . Range M K . Willamette Mr rl. Han. haa Sled imt Ire of Intention to n ake final ttve-aar Proof, tu estaM.h claim to tha land above ) rtbert, before HegUter-ind Keretver, at Rurui, Oregon, on the VClnd day of Oerenilter, 1V1M. Claimant mmvi wltueeeee: Karl lloratinami, Henry N. Mcaatirr.rhanuey W Hlevene. Mat hew Davlee all of Prlueetoi., Oregon. Wm. K-Hna. Kegliter. NOTICK FOB IMPLICATION. UNITgDMTATB- LANnOrrltg. I Burnt, Oregon, November U, nl3 ( Notice la hereby given that t'haurcy Q tevena.of Princeton, Oregon, who. on May , IWU7, made llomeatrad Kntry No. 3oiM, Herlal So uaflrt, for WUMVYU, Bc. M'4 and K'.MK',. See Sl.Towiiihlpfc H Mange .M K , W Ilia no 1 1 Meridian, haa filed nut Ice of I u tent ion to make Dual five-year proof, to eatabltae i laltn to the land alHve deat rlbed, before Ken later and Haeelver. at hitrna, Oregon, M tbt UuH day of m ember. IDIS. Claimant natnea aa wltuaaaaa: Karl Iloratmann Henry J. Meaaner, Thoe. H, Havana, Malhew Davlaa alio! Princeton, Ore gon Wm. K anus:, KtfUttr. Met 6-W.7 KKmTOKATION TO KNTRY OK I. A MM IN NATIONAL KiHtKHl Noil.e la hereby given that the landa deaorlbed below, embracing ti acres, within tha Malheur National Kor.at, Oregon, will be subject to aeuleinenl ainl in try tinder, the provlalona of the honwaeiid lawanf tha United HUtea and (ha act of etuue II. MO (84Hiat . i II, at the United Htalaa land office at Burnt ou Kebruay In, iui Auy aei tlar who waa actually and In go.nl faith claim ing auy of aald landa for agricultural t.urt'Oe nor in January i. ivun, ana nm itui anami n ed fame, haa a preference right to inak lit ry IO Haiti landa were Hated uiun Ou- atipll for tha landa atlu llv occ u Itomcaiead eu Hie. I. thou of the peraoua mentioned below, who navea preference rignt aniijert to " pri r I glit of auy auou aetller, privMed au h eeiller or applicant la '.ualltleil to mate borne tend eudy ana ibe prefeieuce right i- egerttaed prior to February 1H, i :i on whloh da'a the landa will i.e aubjact to autileuieut aud entry by any qualified perioi-. 1 be lauda are aa follewa: The hi ' ,,f s,4 Hettlon 10. T JOH.. It M K W.M, eDacrra.ap plication oi Thomaa Van Zaudt, of Hurna, Orc- 6 on; Lialft-fST Approved Nov. Jl. ivi, f M RI'CK, AaalaUul t oinmlaaloner ol iheUen eral Land ofava. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tiHiTD titu i.ahi urriv Burn, Orefeu, Muveuiiei In. mi Null.' I. ti.r.by aivvii tbat in l.n.k. l.uir, uroitiar aud b.irof Mylv.uii. l.urr, devvMrl, ul Lawau, ureaou, who. oa Mar ."i, IW7. utadv lluaiaatead Klltry No. Illv, Herlal Willi, fur NWH, aeclluiitt. Tuwualilu 'it It.. Kaunt.. Wlllaiuall Meridian, lia. Hint DM lev of In UuliuU tu lu.ae na! Qv aar Vwol, u t-.-t.hll.li I'laim tu the land above ib.rill.tl bufure Hallr and Haralvar, at lluru. Orrgon on tha JfllTi day of lleiviauer, ll I'laliu.nt nam, aa wttna.ava. lamal H Trier, of buma, ureaou. Ilinmaii Hub, Oliver H. I'obb, tleotf M. tlubb, all of l..vtu, Oreou, We K.aaa. ReflXvr NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. tlNITIU HT.TB. l.,kli Drill . I Hurna, Dragon, November ii, lull i Notlee I b.r.hy alvao that IdaWbltlu. lor- murlr Ida Turner, of Hum., tiregon, who, ou March 4. 1INJ7. made llomaatead Kmri No itMi. Herlal No. tMIM, ful HR1 Hoi'llon Do. fiiw.blu JB ., HailfaaulC , Willamette Merldlau, h.a tllod nulhio of luleutluu to make Klnal rive-year Drool, to aatabllah claim to the land abovi de ai'rlbed, liatore Helaler and Heoiitver, at Hurna, Dreaon.on the 6th day of iauuary, 1UU. Claimant name aa wltnwaaf. Uure K Wbltluf, Krauk T w l.liiu. rrank Haker, frank O. Jarkauu. all of Hum, Dratou We FAaal, Krelatar CAN YOU THINK of anything more acceptable as a CHRISTMAS GIFT Than a BANK BOOK showing a deposit for your child? Even YOU, as a husband, could be proud indeed of such a gift for your wife. Wouldn't she appreciate it? Then as a gift to your child it will bear with it one of the best lessons you could teach that of Saving, Carefulness and much else that tends toward success. SA VINOS DEPARTMENT Harney County National Bank "Year Home Inatltution" llll The Burns Hospital MBS. ETTA CUMMINS Prop. Rest Surgical Room and Equipment la the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms. Good Care and Com fort for PatientsReasonable Terms Graduated Nurse in Charge THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & HICKS. Props. - Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Hkands Hero Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment OROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon MR. FARMER IV4.aaf SB. aVaVw ' K . - l m ZSE isBgn - S ? anigR Ht-bL"y - sC fjKrt Ti-iVjlHBW 'JHkW ClaraaW jaBBaT ' J 0T' iSI JgA We have the greatest display of Earm Implements ever in this section and prepared to care for your needs. Plows Harrows, Seeders. Wagons. etc.,J Extras for machinery, repair parts for vehicles, etc. Pumps, gas engines ammunition, paints dishes, glassware crockery, windows doors, rootling and builders' supplies complete in all lines Blue Ribbon Wire Fencing In quantity any heigh th desired HEATING STOVES and RANGES xeayaJ' "''aeeeTaVaBaaiJLs BURNS HARDWARE CO. NEIL SMITH. Manager ,.... --;-