llltm Wmw wBk. 1 II vMffMmfwK I conn in n a minute! I We want to talk to you about that I COME HERE A We want to talk to Overcoat you need. The only way to enjoy this brisk weother is by wearing an Overcoat. Come In ann see us about It. Williams-Zoglittanit Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading; Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon She ftiutcs- JUUAN BYRD Manager SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13. MM SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oh Year SI. Meatae Three MoalH. $2.00 1.00 .75 . .. . u-.jo..-: 11 Advertise lO noiu iiiai"r A year or so ago National Biscuit company spent 160,000 in one year in advertising in New York City, whore they already had 98.'per cent of the business. When asked the rea son for expending this big um in one place where they already had the business they said it was to noia meir twin The object of advertising is not only to get business bat to hold business. It is folly for merchant to have the idea that because his business is running smoothly today it will continue so with out proper effort back of the business. The power thai built up a business is Deeded to keep it goi..g and more business sagacity is needed each year. Every year sees new and changing conditions and forces in business. The merchant must be ever. watch ful and gain every particle of knowledge possible in regard to his business. Nothing is so important to his business as advertising, because it supplies the informa tion the public wants. The people are looking for every particle of information about goods that will add to their comfort and happiness. The merchant who is back ward about telling of those things that will give the in dividual greater comfort will find his business going to the more successful merchant who s not backward in giving the I people the information they crave. Advertising is con stantly creating and satisfying wants. It is likewise folly for a merchant to be peeved over competition. A merchant should get ahead and stay II ahead of competition by carry ing such a stuck of goods, adopting such advertising methods, etc., that will place his store in the lead. Then competition will not bother him, trade will come to him ahd old customers will stay by im. II Panama Exposition in San Fran Cisco. Products of the soil is what will bring the people we ill sire to us and the Fair As sociation should have the support of every citizen in the county to get a most creditable display. Iike and Crook counties are already busy with the rabbit drives for the season and have had successful meetings and are organizing systemically, every school neighborhood being the rcadiiuarters for a club. At Madras! the other day the new tpapera report 12,000 rabbits having been exterminated in one drive. Harney county should al so get into the game early as we have our share, even though rabbits are reported dying. The illustration on the cover of the Pacific Northwest, Phil Bates' paper, is a picture of Farmer Smith and the Harney county exhibit of products sent to President Farrell of the O-VV. B. & N. We are getting much publicity from the products sent out and it will result in much advertising of this country and of a nature that counts. There ahould be a greater interest in the fair next year as it is then we must gather such products as we desire to exhibit at the If your team will haul 2500 pounds in July when the roads are at their best and only 1000 pounds when the roadsare muddy, how much tax are you paying for bad roads? You are paying 1500 pounds for each trip. Why is it the freight rates advance in the winter? If you live in Canyon City and have freight hauled in the summer it will cost 20 cents a hundred but if you wait until the roads get bad you may pay as high as 50 cents a hundred. This is a tax for bad roads. Would it not be better to pay a tax for good roads rather than pay for bad roads. Bad roads cost more than good roads. You object to interest on bonds with which to build good roads and yet are content to pay a higher rate of interest on bad roads. The decreased load over bad roads is the interest on the $25, imm) which is spent annually to maintain the bad road. You get "double shot" with a bad road because you have to pay more to haul over it and pay more in taxes to maintain it- Blue Mt. Eagle. investigating Water Rights. L. D. Howland, representative of Water Commissioner Cochran, has returned to Ia Grande, hav ing given the water users of this section the alloted period to in spect the claims filed for water on SilvieH River. During the time he was here the Water Users Association had a com mittee consisting of Sain Mothers head. H. c. Lavsna, u. ft Sitz, Dan Varien and .1. 0. Foley to go over the claims and they arc to make report at a meeting of the Association today. It is given out that some conflicting rigius were foil ml among the wat r users but none of a serious char acter that would likely lead to litigation among them. The problem will be the claims of the large holders of land along the river and it is the opinion of many fhat the smaller users will have to stand together to secure an equitable distribution of the water for irrigation purposes. At best this will bo a long drawn out contest and the spirit of give and take should prevail as pre sent conditions are not satis factory and the sooner the rights are definitely settled the sooner the development of the country and tho lands served placed in a state where they will yield the best returns. BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Church Services. Merning: Ordination of a deacon. 3 p. m. Baptism at Warm Springs. 7.30 p. m. Closing of special meetings. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday. December nth. Organ "Praise and Glory" Miss Brown, Offertory "Mendesolni's Spring song." Solo- "Rock of Ages" Mrs. Farre. Evening song service led by chorus of young people. Solo "Hold Thou My Hand" Waldo Oeer The church has secured the services of Rev. E. Benson, re cently of Trinity Church, Port land. Rev. Benson comes highly recomended and will arrive in Burns this week and will preach at both services Dec. 14. A cordial invitation to all to attend. Catholic Church. 1. On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10:30 a. m. 2 On week days Holy Mass at t!:30 a. m. All other services, besidi s t nose mentioned above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Iteligious informa tion and instructions willingly imparted at the Franciscan Residence. Rev. Pius Niermann, O. F. M. Pastor of The Church of the Holy Family. Greatest Country Out Doors Melvin E. Ballard and Charles E Reeves have been looking over this big Valley during the past week in company with Frank Johnson of the Oregon & West ern Colonization Co., and as a result it is quite likely several townships of this fertile section will be taken over by a colony of people. These gentlemen repre sent a large number of Morman families and as they are familiar with the Salt Lake Valley see wonderful possibilities here. Both are most favorably. impress ed with the country and will certainly make a favorable re port. They have secured data re specting the irrigation possibili ties and Mr. Ballard is a very practical soil man. He is entirely satisfied with conditions and Mr. Reeves, who is an attorney con nected with the work of Mr. Bal lard in securing locations for families, says in his extensive travels over the West he knows of no other place where such a magnificent body of undeveloped land may be had at reasonable prices. Always ready for job printing STATEMENT Of the ownership, management etc., required by the Act of Aug ust 24, 1912, of The Times-Herald, published weekly at Burns, Oregon, for October 1, 1013. Name of editor, managing edi tor, business manager, publisher, owner, Julian Byrd, Burns. Ore gon. Known bondholders, mort gagees, and other security hold ers, holding 1 p r cent or more of total amount of lionds, mort gages, or other securities: None. Julian Bykd, Editor, Publisher, Owner. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 13th day of Decem ber, 1013. Sam Motiikusiieap, Notary Public. Notice to Stockholders. To whom it may cencern: All parties who bought Gold berg Butte Stock from M. L. Lewis and Tom Anderson are re quested to send their names and number of their certificate to J. A. Morris of Adel, Oregon, for the purpose of entering your names on the book, aslewis and Anderson fa' led to furnish us with your names and number of certificates. K. H. I.OFFIU8. Lots of fun at the pictures to night and tomorrow night at Tonawama. Some fine comedies and dramas, an Indian picture and anothor "Days of 49," a thrilling scene of the plains where Indians attack an emigrant train. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Tonawama tomorrow night. It's a good plan to get that wood pile under cover. O. 0. Jet lev and his son were In the city this week. Well, if it snows we'll have some rabbit drives and sleighing. You'll miss some fun If you fail to see those comedy pictures at Tonawama tonight. ' Skating parties are now in order, the ice being fine on the mill pond above town. Mrs. Millar is selling her mil linery at reduced prices until it is sold out. See her at once. The local Sunday schools are making preparations to celebrate Christmas in the usual manner. T. C. Albrittonof the Albritton Townsite Co., has leased offices in The Times-Herald building. An orchestra of four pieces will furnish tho music for the big Christmas dance at Tonawama Those who attended the meet ing of the Agricultural Club last Tuesday evening report a very enjoyable and profitable evening. Mrs J. L. Guult entertained a large company of lady friends at a tea Wednesday afternoon at 5. Cards were played Tor a period after the tea. A. H. Kennedy, editor of the Prineville Review, died on Tues dav of last week. He was mar ried in 1908 to Mina Wilmarth, formerly of this place, who sur vives him. James Iampshire, the garage man, made a trip to Boise last week and brought in a new Stud ebaker five-passenger car as a demonstrator, he having taken the agency for that car. R. J. McKinnon & Son have established a daily stage between Drewsey and Juntura. Connec tions made with the trains at Juntura and passengers given every comfort. Fare to Burns $6. Several (llenlock people are in the city today, among them be ing Chas. Need ham. Ross Ringer. Henry Pease, EL A. Pearce and Ray Duvall. Mr. Pearce states his neighborhood is in prosperous condition and all will do con siderable farming next season. Julius Kerns, who has been confined at the Cummins hospital for some time, was agreeably surprised this week to have his daughter, who is a trained nurse. arrived from Glenwood, Wash. The young lady will remain here and nurse her father. After all there is compensation (some times) in being lean and hundry looking. The domestic science class of the high school, having noticed the hungry and lonesome look of the manager of this great religious weekly, and also knowing that the partner of his joys and sorrows, (mostly sorrows) had been absent from home for over six months, in vited him to luncheon yesterday at noon. He is glad he went and is open for another invitation at any time. The young ladies served their guests nicely and provided well for the hungry people who sat down to the table. The writer would like to give an account in detail but not being familiar with the dishes served will not attempt it. The guests were: Dr. Hibbard, Judge Mil ler, County Clerk Hughet and his deputy, drover Jameson, J. M. Dalton and The Times-Herald man. HARD WHEAT HIGHER. Il It Iks intention of the Burn. Flour Milling Co. to pay I 1-2 cenla par lb. for food, hard milling wheal nasi roar. If mutt be good and .land a tail of SO Ibt. lo tho buthol, free from othor grain tood and tmul. Hard wboal will bring IS contt par 100 mora than .oft wheat. Tba Company racommaadi Turkay Rad for fall towing and Blua Slant. Min nctota Rod and Auitralia Wbita Chaff for tpring towing. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE AT MUX. If it isnt Eastman's it isn't Kodak. NOTICE OF CONTEST. tlMITgn MTlTl.NDIirrllt i Rtirtit, Oregon, litoemlier fl, !1H I To llelajr Htnltli, mi' JerTHet ol itiiaiiown .'I lira... Ctintintaa . You tra htrtby tintlrleil lint Wtnl Frank (Ituo who tttvi't H. trim, n, Oregon, .till, jmiii- nmi'K il'lrnt,illil on I einliur till, Mil, Mia IB n, i., mi', hi. ilnlv iwirrolioralril tiilratloii lo limine! and (.rut. tti. r.ln'.ll.lloii ol your lioliir.Ki.il, (Ait KVI. I. I), atrial No. lalelO inen Meri-li Itllt, lulu, lor Mtv,. ol Mri'tloll If, nikI Um K', ol na', ol iei lion ;wi. a ne " . ol III. NVV'i. ol Hai'U'iu .'', lowiitlili i". Kolltn, Range M, r', Wlll.iinttt' Meridian, anil t. Rroilllila for III" I'Onlett he all.ee. that II.Ky iiulli, now JarTrlr., never inaile a.tllriiirnl, ii'Hiiirlivii or Improvi'lni'iit. upon ..l() enlry, 1 1,. i .lie .ti.niloin-il It .ml loft the rnlintrv liMuir.llatelytll.r intkltm the antry, toil hat lover relnriieil to II. orrnlll valeil ttnio, but that aaM al'Hhiloiiiioiii loiithiiira io Ihl. lima anil lor mnr. than alt month, la.t tiaat. You are, therefore, further tnitineil llmt the a.M allegation, vtlll lie taken ny Oil. ornrnaa havlntt been rond-a-ei! hy ion, anil your eeld entry will lie I'tnrWi il I In ii'iiinlii without your further rlithl to he he.nl (herein ell her helora thlt iilflrr or on apiet,lf you fit1! to file In i liln Hire within twenty naa .uer me rin inn Mlilli nilnll (il inn Home, a. mown ooiuw, .nr atiawrr, under oath, aierlflrally meeting ami ri'.i'n inline to then' aHre.ll.ui. of i'oiile.1, or If you fan wllhlnlhat time lo Ale In thla nmi'i' one nroni mm yon n.ve .ur.en . oiy " your attawer oa the aalM ronteatant etiher In hereon or by reetatered mall. II thla aervlee le made by Ibe delivery of a copy of your an.wer tn the eoiitettant In perenu, proof of aurli .rr vleetnuat be either the .aid routeat.ii I'm wiltti "i i.'tiiuwlrdamrtit nl lilt reeelpl of the ropy, aliou Iiik thedtte of It. rei i-llit, or tin' afrldavlt of the ierton by whom the delivery waa made Mating when and where the coiy wta deliver d If made by 'eelatered mall, timolol aurh .rrvli e mliat riilial.l of the affidavit of the tier roll ly whom Ihe ropy a in.lli d. .tatliii when and I hi- H...I offli'r in w h It'll II w.. In. I led .11,1 thla arr.ilavll ruual be teeulnpaiihd ly the poatuiaater't reeelpt for the laitar, Von .houbl .late In vour en.wir Hi. name of Ihe pott nlnoe to Willi b you dealrn liilnre im,' leee to lie aelit to you. We t .nil', Kegl.lir liatanf tlrel publliatioii Haaagibai lh IDIfl. pate of .eioiiii i, nl, in mi, ,n lut , mbei o leit. Hate of third mihllratloil ei etnber 17, lull. Ii.leof fourth pllblli alloli Jaimari .ml. Put NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'M I Mi HI Al KM I. AND (IKKHK llurlii, OfaBOB, liiii-iiibet I, lltl.l. Notice ! hereby given thtt William li Huff man of Andrewt, lireeoll aaalgnee ol Kdwin W HpaldliiK. ...leure of Kalinin Urake. I.) ilia Itrake, Anna Cnve and Mvrel A nine the aole helra nl Oeortte A I line, defeated, ha. filed In ihl. offli e hit Miiplic.tliiu to enter uuder aeo tlniiXKIil, Kevlaed hlatule. uf Ihe Hulled Hialea, tlie ' iiM., K mt K , W M., Oreioll HerlalNoll.il:. Any and all pereuiia idalmltiK adversely the I. n, I diiaerlhud. or dealrliie lo ohjeri beeaueeol llui mineral I'h.rei'li-r of Ihe lend, or for any other in. ton, lu the dlupoaal to .pi, lb tut, rhould file llo o affidavit ol proinat lu title oltlii' mi or ln'fore Ihe Iwtlulay ol January, Kit, KAtKK, Sl-Kleler. Flrel publli. lion Hen uiber la, lul.t. I...I pui, in .Hon January 17, lult. M0TI0I FOR lMUiUOATION. I'NITKDHTATKH I ANl lIKr'IfK, num., oietfoi'. Iieirini'ii, t, 191a. I Nutlet le hereby glean that Ihe Kugene H M.i.b. of llui tie, Oregon, whu oil April li, IVUv) and Juno 0, 11118, reetiel'llvely. made lloiiie ttead Kulrltt, Not ilttuitunlt?. for NWUtml IfEgei'iliiH I), lown.htp'J.'iM , Ittuge 1ft K., tMlltn file Mar nl I an, baa nled notli't of In ten Illilllii make Mini III rot yeti I'roof, lo taltbllali i i.lm lo On' Itnd abuve ili'ei'ilbed, before Keaitlor .lid Haoaleei at Hiitna, or.fou, uu the nib day of .i.uutry, iuh III li.uii-e aa wllllettet Miller, II H lleyliolda, Jiil.li I". Kay, it iiiirua. tireguu. Wu rtatl. Segltlei. t:l. lint il niiiiii. il... aimer, n nkiil A. Miller, all of Notice lo Creditor!. In till' itiitllrr ul tin Kttittt- of Jiilin li. I i.ll H'lf . 'li ir.i- . il Notice it hrirhv jinii tlinl tin- iniilrr- n;iu'il line Urn iipuiint-il iiiliiiiniatrn tor of the u burr Kilt it irii Court by oritur of thr Hon, r,i .mi Thuimieon, JuuVe of liu- County Cum t or Iliirnoy County iiii'i'iiii. All ih'imui. IniviiiK clainit .ii.miiiM aniil r.inli itrr hrrrby notified In prrarnt tlirin iluly vrrillril lit liy law ieiiiirril to Ihr Ailuiiniatriitor nl lliirne, i iirHon. in lo J. W. IIii.''n !ui utlornry ul Ilia oilier ttt llui ns, tlnoii within eii inotithe from the itulr of thr Ural pulili eation of tin. onlcr. I'iiat pulilii uti'ill Nov. 'JJ. CUM. PAUL i inki:, Ailiiiiiiietrutiir I. aim. ol John II tiftr rrtt, llecciiaril. School Suits for Boj At Greatly I REDUCED PRICEJ RANGE of AGES 5 to 15 YEAl We are over stocked on the above I sizes and offer any suit in this I lot at a very low price J $2.50 and up for the entire BROWNS SATISFACTORY ST The Quality Store 4 Notice of Final Account In the County Court ol tin- Stair of Orrjjoii, for lliiinry Cnutily. In the itiultcr of Ihr li.lntii id Ocoigg V. Wilcoiioit, Dgg'tf' Notice it Iterrby him 11 ili.it the miliar giggtjd lint flln hi. liu.il iieeiiiinl lierrill, iiinl t lint thr ,linl)-i- of Miiil I oiirt hna lurtl thr titur lor I.. .nine oliicetioiie (, tlireiinir fot MoiiiIav the 'J-nil day of li'irinlK-r .918, nl thr horn of 10 o'clock A. M, it ilir (nun It. inin of tnlil Court in llui im, OreifOti hiilril .mil lit at pilblithjil Novrtiilert IMi luia LLOYD li. CtJLPi Ailtiiitiiattiiti'i ol thr linlete ol Otoqag W. VVikiiteou, ilrcrnaril. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IJWTBIiHTATrM LAND ofTK K. j Harm nrrgun. Novtnilier 14, ten. I Notice It hrroby glvju thtt Krtrik hllva ol iMBinmid. Oregon, who. oa 0 itBbBI ; , UP, .. ............... i h i.ir. Si, ii' i: lor N Ki.NVI i.. NVt'-NK'., 'and HUNK',. Herilou -'. Tuwnehlii ,1UH llaiieeWK .aiK.inelte Meridian. bat flli'd notice of liitenllou to make final rive year I'roof. t eefebilib rlelm to ihe leud above He -I I bed liefore Keelater and Kerelver at Itiirna, Oregon, on the totli day ol Haraiobar. Il. ClalDiant uameaaa wllneasee K II Hrowu.e a Hawklnt Heto ll.n MM (1 A Hiuyth all of lil.inoiid. Oregon. VYe Km. Ileglaier. NOTICK POI ri'BI.ICATION HaiTaPH-r.-ree I nn orrn e. Hun,.. Oregon. November 14. ItlSI Notice it hereby given that Annie M Mr Kentle, ol Narrowt. llrrgo:. who on April IJ. PXW made lloinotlead Klilry No. aJl7. for NK',. Heetlon .I.Town.blli JB H., K.n.e ;ej K . lll.mette Meridian. ha fllei. notlie ol Inuii iloli lo make fliiallhree year Proof, loa.taldiah rlalen Inllui land above ill arrlUit. before lleg later and Keeelver at Httrua oreguti, on ihe .':ird day of lit'i-cinber, IVlfl. elaieaiul u.mea ee wlliieaee. Knee llliigrr. Mlth Hlne.r. tharlee Need barn. Hay riiivall, all ul Narrowt, (iragnn. Hi. Ktter. Higlrier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'NITKH HTATKH l,ANI"i"ri I lakeylew, Oregon. Novell, U i i Mot Mill. I. .an Notice It hereby elvrn lag. ritr. L atari White, ol Pile, 'regoli Who. an Jtlili.n .'I. P'ln. mtde llolneetrad Klilry (Art Feb 1 1. IWi, MotnM. lor Hgt. ',. hi. SK', eK'. p.ugl'i4. Heetlon 17. TowiiBhlp il M . hen." .'3 K W lll.u.rll.' Meridian, haa lit. -I holler ol In -ii iitlmi Uv make Pinal Three Veer p.. of t n tabltah i lalin lu the laud above d. r.i ' l lie fore eiiaa A Bheiinaii, I', h t'omrntavloner, at Kile. Oregon, oa theluth day ul January, Wit. eialinaul ii.m. . ae wllueeeee Joaipli Hlreel, Hlaoler llelfour, Kdwrrd Miieet.Jobn I'auai h all of rile. Oregon Jta. r Hi ai.ae. Keglaler. WOOD FALL IS HERE WORK HORSES FOR SALE I have on hand a number of work horneHgeldinga and mares- for sale. I have instruction to ? at once and for cash and will make the prices right. J. W. BIGGS, Burns, Oregon And to U my full line of RUFF and V-NECKED SWEATER I UN CLOTH, SERGES, GINGHAMS KINAW, SHEEP LINED and LE. COATS WINTER HATS and CAPS Allover Lace, Embroidery, FlannH Woolen Hose, Lined Gloves, Wot derwear and the FAMI GOTZl Work and: SH0I For MEN.l and CHILI- I also pack one of the Rest Ste of Groceries to be had any A. K. Richarda General Merchandis Potatoes CaK Il ' VI BBBBBBtlggaa. Hl'BaCgtatKtk attaC?'- TH0S. STEPHENS it still BUYING HIDES AND FURS AND PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES See Him Before You Sell ! HARNEY VALaLEY HOSPITAL MODERN 'A DOCTOR ALWAYS IN THE HOSPITAL" Eacluaive for Surgical, Medical and Confinement Caeae WE STRIVE TO PLEASE. PATIENTS MAY HAVE ANY PHYSICIAN THEY CHOOSE WHILE IN THIS HOSPITAL "Succatt in 1 loapital work it only attained by cloaa and .killed attention to dotailt by trained Attendanta." DRS. STANDARD and HARRIS, Burns, Orv. Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Corral or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock. W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds. OregonTru CENTRAL 0REGW1 HOLIDAY HOME-GOING RATE; For Christmas and New Yean, From Oregon Trunk point to point in ington, British Columbia, Idaho and Oregon Reduced Tickets Sold S.xtkane, Tacoinu, Coeur d' Salem, Kugene, Further detail on request. The "Owl", daily between Central Oregon a land, save a day each way. Leave Bend 8:30 PW arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. J. H. CORBETT, Agt, Bend, On R. H. CROZ1ER, A. G. P. A., Portland, Oregof 1 8 th 24. Final limit January S FROM REND TO $16.70 Portland. 15.20 Vancouver, Wo, e, Ida. 17.76 Vancouver, RC 11.90 Seattle. . . 14.70 North Yakima, DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY Rexall Drug Store It, now prepared to supply your wants In every thing along the Holiday Line. Have a Look Before Buying 1 Elsewhere Heed Bros. Props. OUR NEW GOOD Have arrived and we are now ready i " supply you with your requirement- MAN Y NEW LDflj have been added and all goods will I sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDER The Burns Department Si All the news in The Times-Herald W