-Jietfaln r CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The Sute The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon I I Of Oregon, Best In The West BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 22. 1913 )L. XXVII NO. 2 ffte 2Km.e ER PERMITS FOR RIGATION AND POWER ty County People Secure Permis- n to Divert and Impound Water r Irrigation. One Man Wantt to teclaim 7,500 Acres Lying Near le West End of Harney Lake the past quarter 150 r the appropriation of re Deen issuea oy me ineer. ot wnicn numner for the construction of According to these I is proiosed to irrigate es, develop 21,716 ir, as wen as ior and domestic purposes. ruction of the works tin these permits would cimately $2,300,000, of kunt $550,000 is estimat- sst of constructing re- acres with the waters of Rattle snake Spring in Sec. 7Tp. 26 S. R. 24 E. J. M. BalUoe of Andrews, for the irrigation of 10 acres with waters of springs in Sec. 1 Tp. 35 S. R. 33 E. J. R. Jenkins of Princeton, secured a permit to store 368 acre feet of the waters of Wild Horse Creek. teresting paper on "The Musical Life of England in Shakespeare's Time." The Club was then entertained by selections from "Merry Wives of Windsor", and "Midsummer Night's Dream" on the Victrola Also listened to such Shakes pearean artists as Frank Burbeck in "Seven Ages of Man," Shy lock's Rebuke"; Ben Greet, "Benedick's Idea of a Wife." "Hamlet on Friendship"; Ellen Terry in "Potion Scene," from "Romeo and Juliet" The meeting closed with a social home in which the club and several guests "Did sometime's counsel take, And sometimes tea. HARNEY COUNTY PRO DUCTS PUT ON DISPLAY Market Report. The Library Club. Bowing permits have ed in Harney County past quarter: Hutton of Riley, permit to irrigate 160 the waters of South Sec. 31 Tp. 26 S. R. 24 J. Bolster of Burns, figationof 10 acres with of an unnamed spring 11 Tp. 26 S. K. 24 K. Itubblefield of Pdrtland, a permit to store re reet oi water in in Harney County same for the irriga- L500 acres of land lying west end of Harney insiderable activity, ition lines, has been Harney County within fear, probably due to jction of the Orogon lilroad west of Vale. ittenhiller and B. L. iurns, tor the irrigation Eres of land with the (Poison Creek Slough in Pp. 23 S. R. 32 E. W. of Burns, for the ir- 240 acres with waters bughs in Sec. 29 Tp. 24 IE. Thomas Hutton of the irrigation of 80 (Contributed) Mrs. Gault's beautiful home was opened to the Ladies Library Club last Saturday Nov. 16th, and the members enjoyed a ban ner program prepared by Group No. 2. "Shakespear in Music" was the study for this occasion and the responses to roll call were "Musical Quotations from Shak espeare", interspersed by the singing of four Old English Bal lad's, "Under the Green Trees," written in the 17th century. "Where the Bee Sucks, there Suck I." written in 1612: "It ".. . I . nnsJ Vila f BBfl" SMH vy ua i liuvcr iru ma . vs i- ten in 1639; "Heart's Ease," an old melody written in 1670, by Mrs. Gault rendered with an ar tist's skill. An excellent paper was read by Mrs. Gault, "Shakespeare in Music" very ably divided in three divisions illustrated with music. As a writer of the ballad, "Oh! Willow. Willow, Willow!" sung by Mrs. Gault, As a writer of Lyric songs, "Who is Sylvia", Hark! Hark the Lark." set by Schubert and "Blow. Blow, Thou Winter Wind" from "As You Like It," set by Sarjeant, sung by Mrs Gault As a writer of Operas a violin selection from "Romeo & Juliet" played by Dodge accompanied by MisB Ellis Mrs. Biggs, read an able and in- THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DlBBLt, Prop. itrallv Located, Good Clean leals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds Class Bar. In Connection. Give Me A Call JKS FED laled THE WHITE FRONT ERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE .- j ,.i;..l., .. tl, ft have oonnneo our duwh "; rhite Front where we are prepared to care for our customers better than ever Deiore FOR 20c. PER HEAD AND UP Hay and Grain for Sale at Market , t li i. i en dTmi nceB. ijooa nay in main t.u . delivered in Hums, $6.50 Per Ion Burns-Vale Stage Line 36-Hour Schedule from Railroad Close Connections Made With Trains Eest Cofortable Conveyances for Prssengers. Fare, $10. Careful Attention and Prompt Delivery of Express and Freigha Entrust ed to Our Care. Freight 2 l-2c. Per Pound, J. McKinnon & Son . BURNS, - OREGON HOWARD H. CUSTIS Veterinarian finiuli of University of F JOHN DAY, ommaoM .UttHi ot Horse, Cattle mm m liuU Receipts for the week have been Cattle. 338; Calves, 1; Hogs, 2727; Sheep, 2429. Cattle Liquidation has been somewhat less this week than it was a week ago, but the arrivals did not furnish a very large number of prime head. Killers are not very keen for the half fat grade, and prices are general ly lower on this class; $7.25 to $7.50 was bid for the few choice cars of steers offering the early part of the'.. week with the bulk top at $7.40. Sixteen head!of steers sold Friday morning for $7.60, the extreme top for the week. Much of the stuff arriv ing shows shrinkage in transit from being fed short grass. Butcher stock was in fair de mand during the entire session. Cow stuff was the only kind to suffer price declines, and this occurred only when quality averaged poor; $6.50 was bid freely for smooth fat she stuff, but there was a'short supply, Bulls and stags held steady at Arm prices. Swine values lowered 20 cents from the old price Monday. The first half of the week furnished big receipts, Monday having one of the largest totals on record. Quality of stock has been general ly good and pork is being finish ed more carefully; $8.00 as a light hog quotation has stood the test right through the week. Good demand prevailed at the lowered prices, Market closing steady to firm. Sheep house business was one of the most active of the year. A plentiful supply of choice lambs and mutton was offered the buyers, who have been short handed for some time. They advanced prices Monday, but later receded, and the close was about where it was seven days ago, but is steady. Prices on best grades are as follows : Yearl ings. $4.75 to $4.0; old sheep, $4.25 to $4.50; ewes, $3.90 to $4.00; lambs, $5.50 to $5.75. Exhibits Sent O.-W. R. & N. From Our County Fair Given Prominence in Portland. Publicity Also Given in Papers With Nice Illustrations and Comment by "Farmer" Smith Prospecting For Oil to Resume It is reported that the recent financial troubles of the oil com pany have practically been ad justed and that work will be resumed in the immediate future. This in good news and it is hoped there will be further delay in the matter of ascertaining just what the prospects are. Every indica tion is favorable to oil in this region and with the matter of prospecting being properly hand led and economically conducted many local people will assist in its development. Harney county has many ad vantages and resources that should be cared for and this is one of our important assets. If we can find oil in commercial quantities, together with the natural g&a that we are already sure of, we will attract big capital and with the exploitation of this will come other development that will helo materially. A Night of Terror. Few nights are more terrible than that of a mother looking on her child choking and gasping for breath during an attack of croup, and nothing in the house to relieve it. Many mothers have passed nights of terror in this situation. A little forethought will enable you to avoid this. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Keep it at hand. For sale by all dealers. The Times-Herald received the following letter this week from the president of O-W.R. A N: "It is my pleasure to enclose photographs of a portion of the Harney County Exhibits, which Mr. Chamberlin arranged with you to supply, also prints and reading matter which I clipped from a local paper. "The Exhibits were arranged in a room adjoining this office, were viewed by a large number of people, particularly members of the press, and greatly admir ed by everyone who had the privilege of seeing them. They are now on display in our City Ticket Office. ' 'On behalf of the Company I represent and for myself I beg to extend my congratulations. "Yours very truly, J. D. FARREI.L." The clipping is from the Journal of last Wednesday, the article being illustrated with good views of a portion of the exhibit. It says in part: That Harney county has been graduated from that class of districts known as "grazing country" and has taken a pos itive place in the agricultural world is the declaration of Presi dent J. D. Farrell of the Oregon Washington Railroad & Naviga tion company, who has gathered some samples of field and garden products to prove it The directors, room in President Far rell's office suite looked like a full fledged county fair yester day, with great sheaves of al falfa, wheat, oats, vetch, red clover, flax, hops, com and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Although there are a few 'freak" products of unusual size, the most oi tne exniDit is made up of normal speciments. Some apples of excellent size and coloring are represented, to gether with potatoes of size and quality. President Farrell ex pects to have the exhibit trans ferred to the city ticket office, where it will remain on public display throughout the winter. 'The significant feature about that exhibit," declared C. L. Smith, agriculturist of the rail road company, "is that it shows what has actually been done. Scientific farming is nothing but a collection and application of experiences. These products are experiences. And so, by proper methods, corn can be grown in Harney county, Crook, Malheur and the other 'dry farm ing regions that have always run to cattle and sheep. Diversified farming means livestock. The way some of the farmers do it now is to let their pigs run on the stubble. When the stubble is gone, they sell the pigs and let somebody else fatten them. Now that gives both men a profit, but think what a bigger profit one of tho men might have had if he did the whole job himself. By feeding grain ana corn siiage in proper balance, he can raise his porker to proper weight and condition of flesh himself. It's encouraging to know that people are trying our plan of farming and these products show how they succeeded. One man raised 26 bushels of Turkey red wheat on dry farm land. One tract yielded 33 bushels and 50 pounds from selected seed. The soil and climate are right for production the only thing the farmer has to do is use right methods to develop hi crop. "Why. at the Crook county fair, one man exhibited 72 differ ent products from his farm. That's diversification for you. Ijick of proper attention to cultivation is shown today in Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow counties, where the weed growth has easily discounted half the crop this year. They try to farm too much land with too little help. One man and one team can take care of 50 acres. To try to work more than that means insufficient cultivation and the result is short wheat stalks and long weed stalks. We're trying to teach deeper plowing, more frequent cultivation, more care in selec tion of seed. ' 'The average farmer of east ern and central Oregon actually works only one-third of the time. He hires a man to help him plow, hin-s a couple or three more to help him harvest In the mean time he is idle and lets the men go. lhey are tramp workers who have no interest in the farm. If the farmer would work all the time, he could keep up the pro ducts he too often thinks not worth bothering with, such as pigs and cows. I know a man who sold off his sheets because he didn't want to bother with fattening them and then bought $2.50 worth of bacon to take home. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (I'niiii Oar Portland Oorreipomlent) A short time ago the Oregon Agricultural College announced the fact that a cross-bred hen had turned out 291 eggs in her first twelve months of usefulness, and stated that no other egg machine had ever before reached that rate of speed. Now, the college announces, the original best-hen-lntheworld will have to take a back Beat, as another biddy at the same institution has succeeded in laying 308 eggs in exactly one year. This new hen, like the former record-breaker, is a cross between the Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. Professor Dryden, in charge of the poultry department at the college, says that no special at tempt, outside of the breeding, was made to secure high records. The methods followed in feeding and general care were such as might be profitable followed by any fanner or owner of poultry. The 308 eggs produced bv the record-breaking hen weighed 42 pounds, or about eight times the weight of the hen herself, and were remarkable uniform in size, shape and color. Many re quests have been received at the college to place the hen on ex hibition, but on account of her great value as a breeder it has been decided that the risks are greater than the value of the advertising. PRICES CORRESPOND TO COST OF PRODUCTION According to Prof. Potter of the Oregon Agricultural College High Price of Beef is Justified, as Cost of Produc tion is 50 Per Cent Higher Than a Few Years Ago. Prices Fluctuate LAND PRICES. While in Portland the other day James J. Hill hit the thing on the head in respect to specula tive values on land and urged the downing of the land hog. In commenting editorially on this the Journal says in part: James J. Hill is right If you put the price too high, you can not get the people out on the land. It is a contention that The Journal has maintained ever since it was established. For the wild sage brush land of Eastern Oregon, the $15 to $26 asked is too much. Such prices discourage settlement. It is more than home builders can pay. By such demands, land specula tors are strangling development They are holding back the pro gress, both of city and country. It is a criminal injustice to society. Occupied land makes markets for the products of city workers. It makes products and agricultural output with which the city workers are fed, clothed and sheltered. When these lands are held in idleness, the city workers' market is narrowed. The producing area of the state is correspondingly restricted. The feeding power of the state is to that extent reduced. In effect, the land speculator who is holding large areas out of use is a public enemy. He is undermining the welfare and prosperity of society. He is knowingly and for his own selfish purposes, reducing the aggregate of the food stuffs on which cities must depend for survival. He is knowingly and for his own greedy desires, forcing to remain in the cities families who would otherwise become workers in the great army of agricultural pro ducers. It is not only an execr able, but it is well nigh an im moral act to thus hold land in idleness. mmmnTffwtttiwtiMwtiittitittttftiMttttnwtwiiiinmif i We do job printing. Raw Furs, Hides and Pelts Bought I pay hi ha.t caah prlc.t for all kind, of Raw Fun, HUm and Pallt. Noilly ma althar by mail or talaphona II you hava aay quantity and I will coma aftar ln.ni. Am praparad la aavaaca bounty on scalp, aavina you lha Iroubla of coming to Iba Clark Address, L. L. NOONCHESTER Office in building south Burns hotel on street leading to court house old Masonic building Burns, Oregon rnnnnnnwwiiiiiiiiwiiiiinpnniniiiiiuiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiimit Widespread observance of ap ple day, November 18, is expect ed to give the Oregon apple one of the greatest bits of advertis ing it has ever received. Apples and apple dishes will be served in hotels and restaurants all over the United States. Scores of menus and promises of co-operation have been received at the Portland Commercial Club, even far away Alaska having fallen in line, and newspapers all over the country are boosting the matter along. Eight pigs, six months. 1632 pounds, $123.00. This is a con densed story of what has been accomplished by a farmer at In dependence, Oregon, who re cently hauled his pork to market and disposed of it Each hog was 6 months old and averaged 204 pounds, making an average of $15.38 a head, or $2.56 per month per hog. "Never let your pigs make hogs of them selver," is the advice of a pro minent farm expert in urging farmers to hurry the growth of their pigs and getting them to market when from 6 to 9 months old. Of great interest to every sec tion of the great Columbia basin is the announcement made by James J. Hill himself within the past week, that a new line of steamers will be put in operation between the mouth of the river and California points within the next fifteen months. Two fine combination freight and pasting er steamers are now being built at Philadelphia, and it is said they will be the fastest vessels ever sailed under the American flag. Each will have capacity for 800 passengers and 1,500 tons of freight, and they are expect ed to beat the present best rail road time between Portland and San Francisco by about four hours. Daclara War on Cold. A crusade of education which aims "that common colds may be come uncommon within the next generation" has been begun by prominent New York physicians. Here is a list of "don'ts" which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of the celd: "Don't sit in a draughty car." "Don't Bleep in hot rooms." "Don't avoid the fresh air." "Don't stuff yourself at meal time. Over-eating reduces your resistance." To which we would add when you take a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. To accom plish that you will find Chamber lain's Cough Remedy most ex cellent. Sold by all dealers. That the prices of beef are un duly high in comparison with other articles of food, is not be lieved by Professor E. L. Potter, head of the Animal Husbandry department Oregon Agricultural College, who has made a careful study of the range of prices ex tending over several years. He does not consider that beef prices have increased cost of production. "Of course present prices seem high in comparison wnicn prevanea a lew years ago." said Professor Potter, "btit it must be borne in mind that five-cent cattle were a los ing proposition, and when we consider that the cost of pro duction has been constantly in creasing nothing could be ex pected other than a gradual closing out of the large herds, and a final increase in price. In addition to diminishing ranges and higher priced land the cattle man had to pay for labor, sup plies and other factors, the high prices which prevail throughout the country. For this reason it is not fair to expect him to furnish us with beef at the old prices. "At the present prices, beef making is reasonably profitable, and if they are maintained the supply will doubtless increase somewhat But should prices go down the cattlemen will again curtail their beef making opera tions, educational campaigns and legislation to increase beef production are of doubtful value. It is the maintainance of present prices that will do most to en courage beef production. Lower prices will discourage it "The cost of raising beef is about 50 per cent higher than it was a few years ago, and stock men will not raise cattle without adequate returns. Beef prices will fluctuate, but they cannot be kept below the cost of production. "The new tariff will probably have no great effect on beef prices, since the surplus from the great meat producing countries is already being consumed in Europe at prices approximately the same as our own." Commissioner Objects. In the matter of the letting of the contract for the care and keeping of the county poor. The contract run out Nov. 7th with prices I according to tho records of our county, and should have been let by submitting it to the people for bids. But it was not done in that way. The old contract was extended from Nov. 1912 for three years, which means to Nov. 1915. Now then gentleman I want you all to understand thai I had no hand in this extension of the contract for three years. As I stood on the records of our coun ty, and claimed the contract should have been let by adver tising for bids. We are paying under the pre sent contract, from $6 per week up to $21 per week for each per son, aside from the above we have to pay for all medical at tention and clothing, which I claim is too much. Examine the two Journal en tries Nov. 1912 and Nov. 1913 and they will show you, where my contention arises. This is another place where there is a big leakage in our county funds. THOS. BAIN, County Commissioner. Tonight Tonight, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel all right tomorrow. For sale by all deal ers. Tonawama tomorrow night. THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service. Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates Patrons of the A. K. Richard son general merchandise store are in luck. The boys have ar ranged to give away a handsome 7-piece breakfast set to patrons showing by a coupon that the have traded to the amount of $25. Ask them about it lit f BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City 8CHEDULE: LEAVE AKKIVK Burna Sam Canyon City II :(l p m Canyon City 7am Prairie City HI I in Prairie City XM p m Canyon City 7pm Burna ., 12 noon Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - - $ 6.00 Round Trip, - - 11.00 Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hums PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WAY L. WOLDENBERC. Prop. aHaaHHHaaBaaBnMBaaaBaBHanlBaBB I IT IS IMPORTANT That you vaccinate your calves for Black Leg early, as the loss of one calf will more than pay for vaccination of the whole herd. We have fresh vaccine on hand. Phone orders to THE WELCOME PHARMACY