COME HI!RE A MINUTE! We wan. to talk to you about that Overcoat you need. The only way to enjoy this brisk weother is by wearing an Overcoat. Come fti ann see us about It. Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon J Ihf !HutYi(! JULIAN HYRD Manager I and Dromon i8 beinjr advertised in new liht. That hen hns deposited 291 effgs in the trim nest in a year and now has lirr picture in all the paper. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1911 SUBSCRIPTION RATES O.. Y-.r Si. Months Tare. Months No better dividend paying In vestment is open In capital than a dependable telephone llnedirecl . MUSICAL RECITAL FottiWlnl is th program to be rendered at Tonawama next in das evening by pupils of Mrs. Rembold and Mrs. Dodge. They will bo assisted by Miss Loual Smith. Violin KnHenible Wiegenled, Schulwrt Russian National Hymn, run Agnes Poky, Rathlcun Jordan Charlie Welcome, Vivian Wert Ed Goodman, thao. Bpragu Violet llarkev. Hazel Owsley Milton Brown, (ieary ('levenirer Walter llastii Two Pianos Poet and Peasant, Sssjw 1st I'i.ioo. Ariich Miller Piano On the Meadow l.trhmr Raymond Voegtly Violin Gavotte Mignon, Thomas Theo. Sprague Piano Sonatina CUwmti Waltz, Kmilemann Regina Schwartz Piano Mazurka ( 'harasUristigue, Frynngtr Anna Sprague Violin Russian Folk Song Hunters ('horns from "Der Fralflchutl". Welr Milton Hrown Piano In th Gondola, Oeaten Annett Leonard Vocal Spray of Rosea. Sandenan l The Rosary, Atitn Lous Smith Violin Dust Sextette from "l.uciudi Lamm- SrfflOOr, Donizetti Kathleen Jordan', Kd Goodman Piano II Trovatore Verdi-IJorn Nathan Brown Piano Simple Confession, Thome Mary Poujade Violin German Air Old Oaken Buokst Geary Clevenger. Hazel Owsley Vivian Wert. Walter Hastie Two Pianos "Tannhaoser". Wmjner-Alberti 1st Piano, Robert Hibbar I Violin BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. service of worship. 7:30 p. m. service of worship. The Giant Killer. Special meeting will begin about November 18th. Presbyterian Church Tomorrow. Sunday school Ht 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:!U) p. m. Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testi monial should certainly be suffi cient to give hope and courage to persona alllicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chroic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medicine I have taken. Cham berluin'a Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W. (5. Mattison, No. 7 Sher man St., Hornellavillc. N. Y. For sale by all dealers. We do job printing. A M.rvrlo... Escape,. "My little boy had a marvelous escape," writes P. F. Bastiams of Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope. "It occured in the middle of the night. He got a very se vere attack of croup. As luck would have it, I had a large bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house. After following the directiona for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger. ' ' Sold by all dealers. Tonawama tomorrow night. ioo u outside points from Burns, as 7S proposed by partial in this sec- Sounds from the Rail Ition to connect with Rend. It Kd Goodman (iilUt t" Honest Advertising. " A noted educator once said that he knew no genius except "the genius of industry, hon esty and common sense". In advertising the fruits of judi cious publicity are but the product of industry, honesty and common sense abov i all is honesty. Honest advertising is a won derful force for good, both to the consumer and product r. As evidence of the direct way fraudulent or dishonest adver tising affects the public or consumer, take the food pro ducts. Through fraud and fake advertising wholly unfit and unhealthy food products are sold and eaten as good goods and the health of every member of the home, includ ing children, is affected. The health of the country is a mat ter of grave Importance and dishonest advertising of food products is criminal. Dis honest advertising of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hard ware, etc., is a matter that effects the health less, and is not of so grave a nature. The producer or merchant is interested in securing a per manent market for his good . Two forces must work to his advantage to accomplish this result. First the goods must be meritorious. Second, the goods must be honestly adver tised. If goods are not meri torious it is useless to expect a permanent market. Exagger ations and deceptions in adver tisements produce only tempor ary advar.tige in business, if any at all, and soon brands the merchant as a pirate in business. Dishonest advertis ing reacts and the reacting affects all merchants more or less, hence all merchants should be directly interested in honest advertising. However, the people are getting wiser every day and more easily de tect lies in advertisements, and it is a sad blow to the merchant when people lost faith in his advertisements. The producer or merchant who adopts theslraight-to-the-point, honest advertising policy will ultimately hold the atten tion and win the confidence of the people, which is an invalu- on1. auunr in business. J Oregon is famous for a goaf many things, her dairy, field and orchard products have attracted the attention of the world and now an old hen at Corvallis has added more laurals to the state by laying more eggs in a year than any other hen in the world would not only be a paying pro position but a great convenience to the people of Central Oregon. Our cattle- men -need mone just the same as other people, but with great stacks of bay, lots of pasture and a vast crop of grain on hand it will be a mis take to sell stock cattle and drive them out of Harney county. We need more cattte and in another year it will he found more pro fitable to have kept them. Piano Alehien Aiinee Sthutt Agnes Stirling Violin .Spanish Dance Kathleen Jordan Two Pianos i Zampa Ihrold Florabel Goodman, Roberta Hibbard Anna Sprague. Mrs. Rembold Second piano parts played by Mrs. Rembold. MRS. MARGARET VARIEN. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Varien. who died on the 18th, was held Thursday afternoon from the Presbyterian church, Harry W. McHose conducting the service In the abaence of the pastor, Dr. Rabbidge. Her son, William II whose home i.i in , California, and for whose arrival ar- Mrs. Pankhurst was held up for a time before being permitt ed to land in the United States, but finally upon th promise thai she wouldn't start fires or cause the women of this country to act unbecoming as they have been dointr over in Kturland under her direction, she was allowed to the funeral was postponed come in and visit Mrs. Relmont 1 "ved 1 uesday night, and other suffragists. Mrs- Varien was born in Ohio zzzg- November 10. 18.H) and was married to A. i. varien in iw. The family moved to Harney county from California, in 1886 and had resided here since. The husband died in July. 1898. Two Supt Rreithaupt of the Experi ment Station has a very interest- 1 ing letter in today's paper that ; should be read by the farmers. Already this station has done ! much for the benefit of the far mers in this county anil u has just started on the work for which it was established. Guess it wasn't such a mistake after all when wo got the station or the money it has cost. sons, Daniel N.. and William II., survive her. She was the moth er of five children, two daughters and one son having died. Deceased had not been in strong health for many years but she was a very cheerful ladv and enjoyed a wide acquaintance. She was a member of the Met A weather prophet over in j hodist church. Many sorrowing Lake county says we're going to frit,n(ls sym,,athize with the have plenty of precipitation dur the coming year, but we may ex pect a deficiency up to the latter Dart of the winter. He claims that there is a re-recurrence every aix months to some extent. For instance during the winter 1 period extreme cold will occur on the same dates as extreme heat during the corresponding time m the summer period and the same as to precipitation. This is something it would be in teresting to watch and the wea ther man of this place should be consulted to verify this man's suggestions, bereaved relatives. A. C. Linch Found Dead. Coroner Clevenger was noti fied last Sunday thaBA. C. Linch, a homesteader near Narrows, had been found dead in his cabin. Mr. Clevenger went down and held an inquest. It seemed the old gentleman lived alone and he was found lying beside the stove where he had evidently fallen with either apoplexy or had a stroke of paralysia. De ceased had resided there for SOBM time and was GO years old. A nice saddle animal, four years old, suitable for lady, per fectly gentle, for sale Mrs. Murray, Hums, Oregon. SUBURBAN TRACTS. Prank Johnson of the Oregon & Western Colonization Co. has been doing quite a business in suburban tracts adjoining Burns this week and now has but three of the tracts left with one of them spoken for. Mrs. N. A. Dibble, A. II. McLuin, C. E. Reery, Grovor Jameson, Reed Brothers' and Ludwig Johnson have all bought acreage in the new addition and C. A. Byrd traded 240 acres on Willow Creek for :!() acres of the same tracta. This was a good trade for both parties as the acreage ia what Chan, needs and his holdings on Willow Creek held the water of the Stream in such a manner that six sections of grazing land belonging to the company de pended upon it. These tracta are located be tween town and the power plant and are all under an irrigation ditch, therefore when once im proved and homes built will make OBt of the finest residence por tions of town. Dr. C. C. Rabbidge has return ed from Portland where he at tended the Presbyterian Synod and will hold services tomorrow. SUMMONS In the Cirmit Omwl uf Ihf tat of t iir,-.,n, lor llarnrjr County. Kliiiiln K. Stoy, I'liuiilift,! v Stitniiioiia. oltn li. Stoy, Dclrntlulit, I To John li. Stoy, llitt above inline.) llolciitliint In the name of tin' State of Oregon, you lire hereby rriiiircil to Spptaf ami answer to the complaint liletl uxitinst vott in the BaWM entitled uil, on or be lore the last tiny of tilt) time preeribal in the ortlcr of publication of thia sum inona lO-wlti OB "t about the Hth ilttv t'l Ireernila-r, IHIil, ! ''ate iK-iiiK I ex piration of aix wreka from llie flrat publication oflMfl aiiininiin.; nntl if you lull to nnswri, tor want lliereut. Hum till will apply to the Court lor the re lief ileinaiitlctl in the complaint, tnwii I'or n ilecrre of thia Court ili..lvinK the homU til matrimony BOB exintinx hriur.'ii Plaintiff nnl Petentlanl. nil that I'laintilT have a ilccirc ul illvurce abaoltile from IH-I'entbint That plum tiff havi" the cuie, cuatotly anil controll ol John l..onnrl Stoy, minor chiltl ol plaintiff uml ilefeiiilant, and her BOStS anil disbursements herein. Thia tiuimona ia puhhahrd by older ol lion. Grant Thoinpaon, Judge ot tlte County Court of llaiiu-v County, Oregon, made and entered on the .'3rd day ol Ottobtr, l'i:i, and tlic llrat publication of (hi Munitions ia October JMh ISIS. J- J. Pattok, Attorney for I'laintilT. Appointment of Administrator. In the matter ul tliceatatt- ul Itora S. llnves, tlct.aaetl. Notice il hereby Kiven that the under lgM4 thia day been duly Hpjxmitrd the adniiuialialoi ul the ubovc entitled estate unit liaa duly tUallflctl. All r BOM having claims ngninst said estate are hereby tetjuired to present thorn with prtiier vouchers to th undersigned at his resilience nenr l.awcn, Oregon, or at the olhce of ti. A. Keitibtilti, hi nl turuey at Itnrna, QfBgOB, dated Octobn '.1, l'.)l:t I'irst publication, Octolwr 26, lUl.'l. Boot! IfaVKK, Administrator. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of th State of Of!' Mflfbl Harney County. Vcrn R, Wclkri, PlnltitlrT, a Osrl W. Welkii, Pelt mlanl. To Curl W. Welkc i . the above nitmed tlefcndnut: In th mini ol llir State of OieKtm, you nr hereby rrulrrd to up- paar ami astmr to ths ssaiplalpt Bled iik-lllnst you in the above emitted suit, ,,n or MbVI tbS last .lav ol Ml time preacrllied in the order of the publication of this suniniona, towit, on or nboul th ir.lhday of Novenilier, 1018, said tlule IwIdk th expiration of six weks from the first publication o! this summons, mul if you fail to answer, for wnul there of, l'liiliilill will iipplv 10 the i oun ior ll nlirl deinitn.lrd ill til complaint, lo-wit ; Poi a decree of this Court dissolving Ihe bonds of inaliiinonv BOW fslstiOg BtlWSSB I'laintilT mul lelciidiint, nntl that Plaintiff hnve B dcercr of divorce abnolule from the Deleiidaiit; Thnt Plnintill have the care, custody anil control ol Catherine Caroline, tbS mintii child of Plnintill anil Defendant; That Plninl ill have judgment against the Pffendunt for her cftsts nntl dis bursements herein; lor such other and further relief us to equity may iertain. Thin aumiiions is published by order of Hon. Pulton lliggs t Irciitt Judge "I Hie Ui Judicial District, made mid entered on the 4th day of Octolier, Ibl.l, and the date of the lost publication ol this summons is Octobn uii, lata, M. A. IIiiiuh, Attorney for PluintilT. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. PNITKI) HTATK-t 1 ANIMiKKier. llilfim ureal, n, "itoher M, IMS. I Nullia la htirsby slvsn thai Karl Charles liuniilns, ol Viilla, Orssun, WHO, mi April . lliioisslesil Al.iltesllill. Nti. OJMS, lr u.i A ami KW'.nl S', Heetiun :. slid U'U I ami t, fiMllun a.TowDslilp'i' H., Itatnt- i V. , tin- u.riilian ) ti ,it tmlh ,- ill lnli-l. Mm. in make "" I Intra yar ITimjI, l sslalillsb i lallll In Ilia laiul nasi' riwu. nsliire BI lata, i..l Iteeelvrr. at llnrm. Ilrison. tilt ll IMhilayot NuvuiUr, IWIB. I 'lalnialit nam. a wlll.eaaet lleo J Mail. I' I llunn. I'laUilrM-hUXSIltt I' r llunn all ul VnUasr,tlrS"l w rar Keslalsr. Hut lit lint No m NOTIOK KOH POSLIOATIOB 1SITKUHTATKH I.A Nil OKKICK. llurti. OrsgiiU, Hel.temlH-r. i, BBS I Nulits I i . . . . i - Bttaa Oiat Hie Ni.rthrn rselSr Hsllw.y eompsti). r-"' 'e ..l.lir.. Is BL I'aul. Mlnlira.ita, lisilhlslttli ilay "I R.leiiil-r lull nl.l In tbll ultlr II -. Ilrall. in ttialoct iiii.ler lli i.rto lilotia nl Hi it Julv Limit (J mi. I 'i'"" 1 1 'JO I DW't.iirHKi. h , It .14 K . W M wuo H,ial N.. Mi, ami all -rnili elalmllix rly til lamia ilsaerllMMl.t.r tloslrlul to ulileel iM.aiiae ul the mineral rharaelrr "I Oie lanil. nr lor ant other traaoli.lo th .1 lani-aa! m a..llral.l.lhoill.l SI Ibelr allavllol timleat In this "Hit e. tin in lilore th Ml .lay ol Noveuilwr, Una. Wu. Kassk. Hesltter NOTICE OF CONTEST. Dsttm hTTM l.axb tirruu, , Miit it . onii'li, () tutMH 7, UM-i , lul.ieftVi nilinagt- ..I Itllry.or.-guii, I'ou llt' Vtiii art l.'-r.Ly u.liIUl tLar AntaixU i Iltuitia wh.i irlvt KUr, tirrcuii, hrr mbbI ni,Mii'', H-i ..ti ii-i.-i-ei iii. i-ii.t. nisj iu llilBtiinrw livr tluly iurroU.rH(Nl a.(.llcloii to i.mi.Bt atxl si. in.- the caut llatlun ( r"ttr iM.mrBtes.l, Kiitry NO 0MM, HrrU. N tM.M iiiB-ir Aprti an!, iwio, rtr h. Strttuti :i. Town liiii . Ilaiiim. Kast, W'llUinrtitt MrrLItau, i"! a gn.iii.'it fur hr runlval ihr Blltcr ihat on nt.trr i ai-iiBiift! rwfiiw uH'n uf In am m liii(""' -I ""' lalm au'l Ini MM IBM li iii.ilitlis IbTI bail Umw whullj i.atnlut-1 u.i taint- You art', i l.t-ulorr, (urllu-i tiotlt)! thai tlm sal'l llrgail.nia will bi lain n l.jr tun oiTUr sa havltig-t.s--ii i unit s-rii ii )(mi, ami your aa(l ulrt will l ot&nt 'i' 'I Itwrvuna! wlitmul your Curliirr rlnlit t t"- litafl ItaartlB. i-Hher lofnrt. tbla utti tur oti itm!. li you fall to nii In tola nftlin will. in t wrnty .tm-alliT tb KOt'ltTII puwli atloii ol lliln mil he. aa shown tlow, yor anawflf unilrr nath, sik-i ifli-ally iiirrtln; ami rMiNiiiilltig to thrat allfitathMit ot ronlest, or K ymi (all thai liiii to ni in tbla ..fllff .In.- primf that fojt havr avrVsHl a OODf 1 ytiur iiuwrr oa Ihr .si. i outratant rllhrr lu paraoii of b rajgUtOMM mall. II thia avr.lca li Mia.le by llic loTlvrry of a ropv ol your anawrr 10 i hi- citnt. atatit In ,. i bxi .I i i.i. M.f i.f lUrl) Hi vlroiuuft Iwrltlivrtbt aaU i ontataitfs written t-htiowh .laim in of lila rrrftptnf tha ropy. houliii. thnlati uf Km rci ellit. r t hi- affidavit uf tba naraoi. by whom the .fell. . ry was uialf atatliiK when and wbcrvtho cop) waadrllvtr i-' inailo ly ii-glaterrd mall, prtHilof aurb irni.r inu.i ciiiislat ot the affidavit of the per son h whom th copy mailrd, italliii whan and the patoffirato whlrb It waa mailrd ami ttila affidavit mutt he a. otupauhd hy the paMtmaalrr'a rr.pi.i for Ihr n tin You should statfln your taWf thanaraa ol (ha p..t offn to Whirl, ou di-alra lu or no i . ' i" '' t" I no Wm. Kahhr. HtUlrr. ' . I ins I .iill lion ll tobi-r II, ttflS. i'.,t. ..( loovod t'lii'iliaiiiii oototiar la, 1913. Uata of thlf.l puiillralloi) iii lobt-r i'. 1918. hate o. fourth pitbllralluu N.ntif l-rr I. I'M : School Suits for Bo At Greatly REDUCED PRICES! RANGE Of AGES 5 to 15 VEA We are over stocked on the above sizes and oiler any suit in this lot at a very low price 1 $2.50 and up for the entire li BR0WS SATISFACTORi STi The Quality Store i Don't miuH the picture pro grams at Tonawama. I NOTICE rOB PUBLICATION iHHI.ATKll lltAt I. I.ANIIHAI.K I'.sitsii htats. I .an tirrii s iliitiii, OfStoB, OcUibsr 111, ISIS, N.illre la BSttb sltt-n thai, as ilirarUnl l.y tli.i riiiiiiiilaHiiini-r nl Hi hi H.'i.l iml t m..-. tindiT provjaionsol Aolol t'niisrsasspt.rtive.1 Man li m, in III :i7 Mint.. ;7j ptirsusnl In Ik.' aii lilliatlnll ill Hull linn l.klaa. -it-rial No II ..1 .. si will t.lTar at nubllt. sals, la Ills hisli.-.t lil'ltlsr. Illlt at llul I. -aa tl.00 ii, aril', al HI oVIotlk A. M , i. ii 111.' I'.tli 'lav ul Niivi-n.t..'i Halt at till. "fit. i'. tin- fiilliiwing tr.t-t ill lam!. NK'.NW',, B.'. , T. JO H, K IM K, W. M "Till, trait la iinirn-.l int.. Hi., insrkst mi s I... win,- llisl lit grsstsr ,.t.n ii.i, Ibaraol Is in tn in. .u. t.r in., rough im t'ulllvstlon." Any juraniia i laimliis stlv.'tsrl tits shunt iI.'.itIIhiI IhihI an- Mil vl.tiil In Ills their tilalma, or tibJtM'tluiii, mi or in ton ttt.i time tlsslsuatri) lor sal Vm. KAhss, It.-slalt-r m, Kfi.-lirr NOTICK Nil. 0701.1 KOH PUBLICATION, I'MIKIi HTATKH I. AND OKKIl'Kl lluniM, tiretfoii, Oltobfjl 9, mil. t Noiiee la horohy glvau that Naomi I! Hpauofir. Adlim.of the.nUte Of T. Ki'Klltun IIokk lie pun urn. i a.ioreai im rortiamt, ilila is till It day of OrUibor lul '(, ceaafil wlior liruuoo. h Mli'il In Una omi'n Imt appllraeJoii to s.liM't ii'uler tilt) proviNlnlia of tba art of Kehruaiy lltb. Ii, I ho MtUNE'Hao I', Tp'2 Mouth of rftBHaWi K W W. Any and all 1.0110m 1 lannlna advemely the lands deal irlrad, or drslilUK to ohltct batauht of Ho- mineral I'harat'lrr of tn tana, or fur any olbur reasiH'. in Ihe dlapnaal to atipllraut, Hhould file their affidavlta ul urotaat In tbll 011 nr hafore tba lat day of Dai-ember 1W1H Wm. KAHha, ItoK-oiwr NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Uhitiii. ht.ts U.HuOrrn I i.i' 1, a. Ursfoa, Oolobsr lu, i .. Noiliii la hi'ii i.y nlvttii that K t'niwi rroiloii, ul IIiuiIiiiui.. Oregon, who on April JU, Main, inailu llolnnatiail Kntry, No. WUli, Huilal No (MM, lor l' nl NW ', ami Lots I Slut !l, Heillon lit iuwtislil. io H Hsng M K. Wlllainall Mirhllan ha. Ill.'l nolloe ol Itilnntlon to niaka final live yusr bttiol to eslahllili i-lalm Io ths land aluivi' lU.i'rllH'il, hsforn Iteglstsr sad Id ri'liiir, ai Htirna, tlregon, on IhelHlh ilsy ol Novainusr lull 1 laliiiain ininieiaa wllnt'SBiii Arth.r 1, II.. mi, ol Law. 'li, Oingon J J. Il.'lni, 1' T t'ary ami Ira II. i lark sll of man. Orsson, Wa. K.shx, Keglslar. NOTICE KOH I'DHI.ICATION iihiiai' hi a ibh tajipQrrioB, lluiua, Oregon, Ouiouttr HI ltH. Nolhit la hi-ieby ulvau that David t'lyda Hhavar, of I.aweii, ureaou, who, uu ah I90U, mad Homestead entry. Marlal Ni .'i', Him'ia for SljHK'. Tuwiiahlp .'I reaou, who, uu Auauat tU, .u.i ..tilri Uailal M.. Il'l'.'l I H.ii- III, ami S'uNK',, ftii'llu.i SI. I1I11 IM m. Itans J-'. K.,wiiautsllaHsrl- illan. has tllail iiiiMi-i ol Inlelitlou to uiskt. final thrue- war I'lot.l, Io vslshllsh tistut In Ihelsnil uliiivn ili.rrll.etl, liefors ItuglaU-r sml KecsWsr. st hnriis, Orugou, on the fatlt day ol Novsmher, ivm. I'lslliiunt niiinoa aa wllnses it. W It.vriali, w T. Willy. A. I. llaytrali, ana 0. It. I.eMsy allot lawsu. OrofOD. Wa. Passi, . a 1. 1. 1 NOTICE. Til T1II2 saiOOI.IUSTKlCTCl.KKKS Tlir 111 III St'ssions l.nws yiit M.'IO Sc. :it.i'.l, proTidss ns t'tilliiws: 1 1 sliiill Imt tlir iluty tf every ochot.l tlistrict, mul tiii'li iniiirpiiriilnl town ami city, an. I t.t'riit li iulilii- corporation .nil I1..1 it-il to li-v v tux to notify io writing, tlir county clerk, untl the coun ty assessor, of the county within which the M-liool tlistrict, town, city, or public corporation, is aituutctl of the rat iwr cent of the im levy iiimlr l.v it, on or Irelore TIIK l'IKST DAY Off DKCKM IIKK 111 inch yrur, which notice sliiill lie kept oil hie hy Ihcstvernl county clerks, iiinl 1 oiintv BBSSBBurs mul rrinntn it part of the record of their rcicctivc offices. Vim nrr hxrrliy notifiett Unit unless the k-ciiiI tux is reported on or liefore the iiKST DAY OF i)i;ci:Miii;it una same will not In- ciiciulcil on the Tax Kolh. of tin- County. Ilv order ol the i'oiinty Court. . J DONBQAN, Assessor. BOTH K POt IMPLICATION I'mitsi. sr.1ssl.AHi.0rrn s. Buroa. OSBBSB, BBSSSsB IB, H N.nlt.i Is horsliy flvrn Ihsl Jo Mali . l Miirna. tlisgou, arho, on r I. '",t1 "" llomest.ail No. taHIU. loi HK,J: lion J l.mnhl. V.M . Hsns l K , Willain.Hr Mrll.tla.i. liaa II led liollrt- ol llltnll.n Itl I aki final roilill.nlatli.n I'. Mil. to eSlSl.H'l. flals. '" IhaUn.l loin de.irllH-.l l d... lit .Iji. r .ml Ki.ilvri, al Hum", t'r.'goii. aa IBS IBM 'lay 01 NovMitbrr. Il. flslmsnl nsntesa wllt.resrs: l.lli.ll li.ilr, linn 1 III. klnaon. ...-ti' Rlley, William T. I nier. all ol Mum. Oregon. r.SSS. Ilegutl. r NOTICK ffOR PUBLICATION l-NITKII'TATKM LANIMIKn' II 1,1 Hums, ml .iH-r H, 1118-1 Nollie li hrrrhr glrn .list II llrliai.ii, nl Kgll I'l.gon. who, on Jaiuiaiy 4th. Ilu. mart llnuiraioad A IM'H' atlon. arti.l ho Im .',-'-, fr. '., NW'. ml N',-"1,.-" (I. ,.i ,. I.wiiahll. M Hoolh, Han.' SaSI. Wlllamrllr Mrrl.llati. liaa fl "I liull l,i, lion in On. I Ihr.-.- yr.r .r.H.f lu ealali! ah . lallll In lbs laml SDATS iii e'rlun, Ulnir K.lws.d Sail. ' M ' ' uniilaaloli. r, al hie uftlir. al Ball, nt.. in. mi Hi 'h ilat ..I NtiVSIill" ' lM. I lalinai t nautt. al arltOOSBH- Aotoli Lgil.lit r lvi.-ie.iii. . I. Uoni.tef, Marlwralol hull nrrgoti. W a Kigialii (BBapasrlaa 11 BaiaaBaflal Ba BSI i NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'NITKH irrATKrt I.A.S.i OKIlfK Burns, llrafon, M-.lrniUr .ml. 11 ' Sotirr leherrLr glteu thsi Ssotiii t Spaa eer. Adiulnlslratrll ol Ihr .tatr ol T Kgritloti lluaf. hy i. I. Moult. !.. Alton..". 1.. Ka' ' I'usioMit-r s.l.trussol Atlorn.) Ill Ken. Wilroi lltiililluK. I'wrtlaml. tllrgoti. haa thia .'ml da. ol Hitutlw.r, ISIU Hied lu Ilila ofrlt'i- her el t.lli ati.ui in arle.t uu -lir tin- prot laloiia of the Art ol I .ingress, approved f"rl.rtiar II i"it rtii. li. .uu.. I.OI I sml lu, Bar '. rap .' S...UI, It It.', Kael W M. AiiTaiidall persons (tanning aversely- th laudediacrlla-d, or drsl'lns to ohiri I . ' "' of the mineral rbsrsrtrr of the I a ml. or for sny oilier resson to Ibe dlep.el to appllt al.l aluuilil rile their sltldst Its of protest In this aBMM " or U-li.rr the nth dey ol tlrlolarr. ISPt Wa P. BBS. Hrglal.r SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ol' the Slide ol i iit-jjini lor Harney County. Ivldirit KitiCrrnltl, I'lninliU i 1 Suilitllulla Pierce Kitt'lomlil.l'eli-iiil.iiii I Tn 1'irrcr KllrCri nlil, tlirrtllovt nmin-il dcf.tiiili.nt: In the muni-nt the Ktate of Ortixm. you nir hereby reiuirril to itpin-m mul answer to t In- complaint lilctl against you in the nbove enltllel suit, un or be loro the last tiny nl I lit' lime prescribed in Ihe unlet of publication nl this mm niiins to-wit: on or about the L'L'ml day of Novemlart, l!ll:i, m.i.I date Ix-mx the espiratiou of sit weeks from the lire!'iiiinii of this suiiimoUB, untl if you fad to answer, for wnnl thereof, I'lain tilT will apply to the I'mnt fur the relief demanded ill the complaint tewit: lor a decree of this Court dis"lviiio, the bonds of matrimony now esistiiiK between I'laiutiff ami lielentluut, mul I lust I'laintilf have a decree, of divorce itbfioltitn Imui Hrlendiinl, and her costs and disbursements herein. This siiiumnii" il publishetl by order of Horl. Ilillloll HiKKi .lutliye of I lie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Harney Couutv, made anil entered mi the 10th day of Octobsr, IBIS, ami the tlate of the Hrst pucliciitimi ul this SBtn tiious is October litis IBIS, Oan. S, HliKMOHM ami I. J 1'attkhsiis, Attorneys for f'laintill WOOD FALL IS ME And so is my full liner; of RUFF and V-NECKED SWEATE LIN CLOTH, SERGES, GINGHAMS, KIN AW, SHEEP LINED and LEJ COATS WINTER HATS and CAPS AUover Lace, Embroidery, Flannel Woolen Hose, Lined Gloves, Woolai derwear and the FAMOl G0TZ1 - Work andDi shoe; For MEN, w and CHILM I also pack one of the Rest Stoa of Groceries to be had anvwfcJ A. K. Richard: General Merchandis Potatoes Cal I a VI (I aj!s x- . s Rill &JLJ7n CENTRAL OREGON I The Owl for Busy P( Daily train each way between Central Oregon points and Portland. Tourist sleeping car Berths $1.00 1 First class coaches. Save a Day Each HARLAN A. HARRIS M. D. Physician and Surgeon Burns, Oregon From C?ntril Oregon To Central On Laavc Band 8i80 p m Lmts Portiaod " Datchutea B:48pm rVnive Madra Kodmontl !':10 p in " lletoUui " Terrebonne 9:ripm " Culver " Culver 10."02 1 m " TerrebonM Mftiilius Ui:2() i m " Kedmoml Madras L0:S0 p Hi " Deschutei Arriv.-s Portland B;10am " Band Fair Feed Yard GRAIN OF ALL KINDS Timothy, Alfalfa and Red Top Hay Baled Hay For Sale Free Camp House and Feeding Privileges in Corral or Barn. Customers Care For Own Stock. W. A. GOODMAN, Adjoining Fair Grounds. Prompt dispaiili of freight, between Central Oregon I and Portland and Eastern cities. Conni'ftioiis mmlf In Portland to and from Willll 'Astoria and Clatsop Beach points, I'ur-oI Sound, Spo toiorutto, .st. rani. Umahu, Kunsus i ity una ClucaK'1 rart-s, Tnm- Si-lu-iluK-.s ami other information l- Iff applii-ation to R. H. CROZ1ER, J. H. Co.bett, ; Asst.Gen'l Pass. I'.nllatnl. On-. Hen. I. W. C WILKES. Asst. Cen'l Freight & Pa, Agent, YOUR DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS Should He nilad al Tha Rexall Drug Store WHY Because we Guarantee Accuracy. We Never Substitute. Your Prescriptions Are Only Filled by a Registered Pharma cist. Our Prices Are Right. GIVE US A TRIAL Reed Bros. Props. OUR NEW GOODS Have arrived and we are now ready to supply you with your requirements..... I MANY NEW LINES have been added and all goods will be I sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES I CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDEstij The Burns Department Stl All the news in The Times-Herald for or I X