I 'JP The Scrap Book t Wat Eiy to Read. On a Phllatleiniiln P"i"T worked li age Kaufman, n Pant, Wbo wrote clever, forcnfnl, inuiKrnt Wltori Kaufmans Kngllsli was ""I" "' but lila writltiK was iranossiutt' t - -- to ImVO IllM'll ili'lli' "llll .1 teat pin mitt an iispliiilt inlMiiii' fjaatgs Keiniotly wna (In- only mftn an lk copy tok nlm rmilil road It Onu Oaj Keiiiif.lv ciiihi to Kitltor 'I'll'"")' eoo.ahaltliiu M. hond "H'h nil off," il i be. "I've l" i mj punch I rratl '! i ehlng of Kt iinn'a with perfocl until I "l i Ifwny tlinuiRli, nml lln'ii I atuok I ilon'l knot. wh.v. The rmi half n( lib stuff looi i i"-1 i rat hnlf. Kilt I dint "' "' " Thompson tonh thnl uiaiiuarrlpl over to corner By ami l Tliiinimmn nan back with llnr-i of strain nrotind hit mouth. "I'm it up ' Kaufman." aid he. "KUIiit lie' '.'n ih 01 vro have." Bo when Kiinfiiinn came I" Iho gave him hi manuacrlpl nml I'll lm ta go away aomcwlioro nii'l tlntl ""' vrhat It meant. Hy nml !' he come back beaming. "It wiinm cy." anW W. "The aecoml purl I huf jwoal wrote In Danish " - Argonaut Love's Reward. The eweetest llvr are Ihoae In duty wail Whoa tJeeile I'oth great and small Am Iom knit strsnils of nn m thread. Where lovs annoblaa nil The world may Betiad BO trump, t. rlliR no belle; The book of Kin tlm shining record tell. Thy love shall i-hiint It" own beatltudi I After It own Ufa workhiK A. enlHTa fetal Oat on thy sighing line slum make the lad; A atck man keload by thee ahall make thee at rone, Thou ahalt be eervrd Unreal! In even Bases Of eenrlce which to men thou ran n ll Rob.'i t Browning Got In .ha Wrong Room. In "Obarloe Dtcfcona and Moate" it Ii aelated tbat Jenny Uud was li'iivlnj flenniD town one morning, having created furor the previous oven Inf. when a band of students atopped bar earrlago nml rushed It back i" too Inn, demanding to he show D to bar bedroom. There they tore up the eheeta and wore them as do rations Somewhat Inter on Englishman nl braakfaat remnrkeil to his nelgl "Too are Kngllsh gentlemen, l ob eetve. Moat extraordinary people, these German students, as a body, saving mad, gentleiin -n! " "Oh, no," aald somebody else, "ai citable, but very good fellows, and very aenatblo." "By heaven, air," returned tl id gentleman, still more dlatnrlicd, "then there's something political In It. and I'm a marked man! I wont oul I little walk thl Horning afti and while I was gone" be fi II In a terrible perspiration as he told U "they burst Into my badrooi i, tore up the aheets and are now patrolling the town In all directions with hits of 'em la their buttonholes " A Natural Mistake. Uncle Jake was amplojratl around the house In various enpnclilc;. Includ tng that of valet to the master of the Blare. Came once from the lty Home friends of the master, with ill: i of all sorts. One gaatlatnan in par tic alar had a pair of riding boots, and upon retiring he placed in his door to be blacked. Careful of their abape, he put long wooden "trace" la tbem. Uncle Jake dutiful 1 colled ed thcee boots and cared for thin. The est morning he wni rorj solicitous for the owuer and sought to aid Mm whan he mounted his horse. The rid at vaulted easily Into the eaddla "Well, auh," exclaimed .lake inhnlr lagly, "you certainly gits ulnnil power ful easy for a gemiiiau with two wood" est lalga yaa, suh." Now S"ork Poet Impoaalbla. A year or ao ago nn Ann in stu dent In Berlin was attending a lecture la a room drowsily eJoaa tbl h lack ef ventilation. To keep awake be be gan whispering to n Oarmari al his side the story of Mark Twain about tbe man wbo lived all bis life In a chronic fear of fresh air. The relatives of this man, aa Is well known, decided aft. r his death to have his remains eremal ed, and the climax of the stor urs when the undertaker, opening the do of the oven to see whether Incini rati in waa complete, wua appallod to hearths corpse speak out and request him ' close the door and hhut oh tbe draft The American sprang the Joki factlvely as he could, but never a smile waa his reward. Ill German friend remained for several uioimnts In a pi r plexed atudy; then ho leaned over t" the American and said: "Hut boa eeuld that be? Tho man waa dead!" The Oovernor'e Orders. The governor of I certain state, a nan of wealth, hut of penurious habits, wslked Into a hotel In Sin I'raio In, holding bis head high and with a awagger ln hi gait. The chief clerk. who prided himself on his ext.-n .1 , acquaintance and boasted that ho nev er forgot fine, hurried to great the distinguished visitor. "Ah, governor," he oriel "delighted te welcome you to our HHIo town' Turning to the daak, ha shouted, "A room with bath for the governor." Tbe governor leaned over and WblS pered In tbe clerk's ear The exaires sion on the clerk's face changed to eae of Intense disappointment He turned again to the man al t! and called louder than boforo; "No bath for the governor; tbe gov rnor doesn't need a hath!" UxcnaOge WAS HAMLtT FAT7 With Hit Own Words lie Doth Pro claim the Fact Quite Pat. Tbe traditional llnmlet of our il ls s lean, ascetic young person, an Idealised, etbareallsed, heroic creature evolved for the delectation of tin- mall nee girl. He is a horrid sham la n credible that such a man would hn lacked the determination, the purpo fulness, to put hi revenge Into opi i 1 1, .ii pat upon the discovery It I all Very well to nrgue about hi mental balance. It whs hi hlugulah liver that stayed him ami hampered Mm. Hamlet's fattier eras a rat and lethal gle man by his own account Sleeping within my oreherd, My custom elwuys or the afternoon, be aays In Ills ghostly Inlnrvieu We may then look for Nome Clew to Hamlet's cburucler as loofl a . bo I I aleue on the stage What are Ida words? Ob, that tide too. too soil. i n, n would meltt It Is B keynote that may Ml I"' glossed over us n beautiful thought, far the aame Iden burst out Home lines farther on. here be say of (ho world- Things rank and gross tn aal Posseee It merely I, ii .Modlhlo (hat audi thoughts are for "' piirpoac anva to guide us n i" the unttiro of lhl prince.? i area donlilo pUTpOaw Not l v.. learn Hint llnmlet win i ,i , i. bill ill" Hint lie Wtfe mi nn i! nan llnmlet xrna n man In hi. bulk wn nn nlllli'U"" B h hnndli ipptw I'.v n ln"1 attar ,h"' i , .vna Hums itMb idea li durcenilble . rj one of llin grout olllo."les it,- acorn hlmaatf for n aiuggnr.i: i la a no"" i I and market of hie time p ami feed? ills niln. I. unhinged or not, I ol. , i bj illness, and In the mud tnr i ii of emotlOM after he Iiiih alnln lonliia ids lliouglits run; u ,. fat ill Dreatarai elaa to fat aa and , t . . for iiiiirr.nls Ii lm Is out ngtiln III tlm "Oil. wlmi oii.l peasant alnvf'" linciingiit' Rra IM i mi ivefattadall tharetlOB'aanea i vi ' nffal. li.l WhO Imt I fat. Irthni-glc man would have 'an Id In the "To lio or not t" . h Wl,,. would fardels bear i ml Uveal imilur a ivimry life Hoes noi the plii'MHo In-liig to mind ill ni i of n fat innn tolling lit some loathed tnak rI.omlon Kxprcas. No Wonrier. Cannibal thief tsmacklng his lips) kind of n minister wna that we I for illiiner? ant Your evolloiii'.v, that wna sister. Comic cuts Taking an Unfair Advantage. i Ree here; I want my (jocularly Inclined') Ob, i : naps von arutod mine. I A College Education. "N4 U III you take n potitgradua te id- (varaltj pitcher)-Unless 1 o Chicago News. Putting It Qently. Dark) f No. sir; 1 don't think I'll i the old town again. I'.'l I -.Hi hum Aw, coino mil We DOW chief if DOHOi now The Easier Wsy. TTT3TT i'oi'll liuve to work bard to win i be hcircHH." "Well, I'll havii to work i darned sight harder if l don't." Mil- I mil. i-o Selitlliul. At Her Own Shrine. -A 'IMI W mm E L !dfl" Jinli That sulTi'uguttu has a pretty good opinion of baraabt Jobu Ves. 1 giie she Is tho only i. an SOS aajajf loved. SUMMONS. In the OiriMiit. t'onii of the Htale id Oregon, Inr llnrney ('utility. lidwln II. Hill, Clmrlotln H, Sturgeon, Hose I''.. Hoall, McMu I'onn, John Met lain, I red Allen. K .1. OatloWi 10 M. Si lirnc.li'r, Huve I lete-nliuilglt, li. I). Dafobbangh, i swii Oatsnoangb, dain Mi fiiibaiii'h, liaiik Adrian, John lb ally, nnd tiirl A. Tliiiniioii, I'hliol.ll . vs i'be Aineinaii I. ami .. Mvs Itooh Coin panv, n i oipornlion. ( Ii 'I'lioinas nml Walter, perinerablp doing liUHine-s at ThomM A Walter, Jobu I'olaiider, t'. H, Allgnrd, PaSlfla liw Slock t'oini'iiny, n i-orpointhin, II ! lamlotd, W I4Mmt, J. B. Robii iieveih', Karah K. Mflggtas, NlobatUJ. Woods, Joseph Nr.ilik, in inoha I ilsll, I.. J. I lean, O. Ileiny till. W S. Btell, i-'iieliiis Mamlevllle, Not- man .1. Ho , Harry .siougb, Ossuf Chrlstophsrson, fl, Watorfaili William J. Kennedy, Lyda K, l-'iyci, lluibort viiholl', I'. Ra Carlliui, i'.. A.lloiiu'H, lleniiclta t'. I'.ali'H, llilding Ityden, Uaorga II. Millar, UasUvs O, rtchral Ut, I'. I. Wlialply, Mary .' Wulslcin, Williiun Kant, Willuiin T. Si vie. Olarsiica r. Clark, l'. B Psppar, i mild II. Archilinlil, l.nwr me Clark, VeleiU M. Heal, and K bcrl Hon t. Defendants I'ii Tbe American l.anddi Llvaatoas 0o, a corporation. 0. II Thomas, and Walter, it partnership doing huslasM as Thomas nml Walter, II. .1. Ihtu fur.l, A N 1,'uini-v, Harub K. M Ig gins, .Micbin i .1 Woods, Joseph Km hkj Blanch Lyndail, R. J., Honn, C. iiomv Oils, w. H I'-ti-n, Cornel I os Mandevllle, Korman J. lios. Harry Hlongh, Oseai Ohrlatophortoii, s. Waterfall, William J. Kennedy, Lydla K. I'tyei. Ilnrl'i'il Mihofl, I'. K Oarlton, K. A. Home. HMriwttt i Bates, ill .ling Byden, Oaorga 11. Miller, i iu-lavc lb Scliieiher, K. I.. Vliel.h, Mary J, Wulileln, William Kent, Will mm I. SUle, l 'lm euro I. Clark, I i: Pepper, Amok! I . An lu bahl, Lawrence Olark, Veleda M Hi :ii ami Robert Rcott, abova named Dctandants lull anted lbs Htata of Oiegon, you nn I each ol V"" are linrab) n unit ed to appeal in ! BllSWSf the am led oomplalol Bird herein igalnatyoo, opoa the sxplrati i sla arecka from Iba j oi.l;. .ito'o i'l the Summon) ln-riin, lo wit, tin ot before I letober 1, 1913 that being tbe la I il ij ol the ll rescril sd in tho order of the roarl "I the imh llcatlon of this summons aid if yon or sny inn- "I t o fail to so answer of appear lbs plalutlff will apply t 'tie I'mirt for lb. ii ili-l .i ii il or in ill amemli-ii eomplaiot, namely i I. I nr the i ontlnaaoos ol the I at porary lajanotloa heratofora i Had iigaiii-i the defendant J K, Roonsotella, ". l-nrsii I'siuiiii--ol tho temporary Injonotlon agalaal tin- dsfandant Johji I'olnn Ii r, enjoining snd reetrs ntng him dining the peii'liiin v "I Ibis i-uit mlu in ina Way Ol iii.i ll Hi- r inl.i.,- m with tb. i il.'Vi ..I ii. iii i - .a I roul Creak r it tributaries and from in sny May divert' ing tin- - line ui any pari thereof. .': For a decree deiermlnhscj tie tc ipat tlm rights of the partlae t" thl suit ami sat Ii no I every one therool to the wuti-rs ol Trout Crook and its t'ltinar- kw aa between themselves andoaoli nml ii vi-1 .on- tharaol t" the sralars o( 'I rout t'ri-ek nud its tributaries a lieiiieen I hiimsi-lii-- ll'id e.ich Hint even one therool 4. lor ii decree declaring eaoh owa of tbe pbiiutilTs to In- tliHowuei nml uu li'b'l to t In- use of the waters to tin o- lent us in litem and each and aval one illeged io srtol iiiio-uiled i iin plalnt. o, I "r tin- decree determining Ihe relative rights ami priorities to and la Ihe waters ol Trout Creel and Its tri butariee ol each snd ever) one of the pal ties to this nit, Ii. lor mch olln-r ami liirlber i.-llel as I i this (our I and to Bqult) may soon proper and aal ami ueceesary In the pramlaaa, 7. 1 or jiidgmi'iit agalnsl the tli Su danis tor plaintiffs c sta and disburse tio'io i herein, I l.i .in, mm.- i pllbll I" d In , id. r of tin- I !"ii ' i mil ill lllp'OU t 'ooiily I ii). iii 1 1. ii i. ', i ..in.i , i iregon, -lull made and tared on etemberS, liilS, diiei- ing ib" i ahlloatl u the t lot all eonaocatlvs seeks In The times Herald a newspaper published in Bums, Oiagoa uml the dale of Drsl .lil.lu ot I, ,ii is Sept o, 1013, and the dub of hist (iniiii ii Will be Oct, Ih, IBM, J, W. I'm. us .V; ti A. Ill illlol li, Attorneys for Plaintllfs NOTIOK KtiK PUBLIC ATfON, '.Mill I I I I V Mi in i Boras, Oreson, spletnts r is, s ; , Mo Iihoreb) (I yen Hihi winimn a Wuiiy. ol Lawoa, Oregon, tin, us July ,, iwi, ui,(, llulili Hli-N'l Klltri Nn t'.:. M, fill Ml, -., IIiiii .'i rowniblu II 6., UiiiiK.- ..", K Wiii.ii, i. -io Mi-1 lil Is n li,t l, sd in-Ill i ol ml, nil,,,, n, 2Hk. il mil i In. -.- i in .r. .nl in eslabllsb .in on in the Isml above desi'lbvil, lie I Ii.,.,i,, ,, Mealier, si I , lirugon, mi the .':u.l .lm m 'Ji-lnuiir ll i iHiiioiui tisiiii - hi. ii It r start Kri-il Itbirk I in., n Rose bolli nf I.niviiii Dri-ioui Moyil II i nli, of burna. Ores m- rgs w, Hayeraf I, ol bsweu, Orsgoli. IV. Kiiinr. in Ki er I'Vt'sli Initiic made lard 17c ut Hansen's meal market. ' BIG v.AME J 'IN 'Kit..' - ,2- si Kisae'- liigenotiph r-t lin i'.i,;.. ... j r ,i . vorfh . .i. . . i. . STF' ' "HiKhPower"hon' RlfieNo.425. I lit Price t'00 .25-.30-30-.32 uii.l .: ..i-j.s I'M- Hi in. Autn Lmlln Csi iiiokis EusiriSl liUkAf,'; Our "High Powsri'u V Rifles also fur- L -r; ni ,lo d in i ini y i urudes. gshvoLrlaiks-.V Si Mil li.i illlllll . . ItllluOiliilnn. W i. stevens am & TOOL COMPANY, l'. (). Baa S004 GHICOPEE FAliS, MA3SACHU8EIIS 3 i . im ftRsH i aoss v I gs W av rit- jsT 'T-" NOTICK FDit PUBLICATION I'NITKIIRTATKH I.ANIHII-KH K( Hums, ilri-soa. Annum -".i, IIIIII i Nnlli ii In Iii-iiiIi) slvi-a Ihsl John K Its est, SP.ISIH'1' ot 1.111-lllS W, lllllilil'll, SMlKUl'i- ot I ,im Itli liMi'lmiii. I ion llrlniy of lni.il. II nl. i nut, ilix'i'SSi'il, hSS filed III Ibis onii-ii Ills si iiii-'Hiiiiii in i-nii-r under si- nn., itov is.-ii i ill Him i.I llm Illlllril Htsles, llin I. "I I, s,. .':,, I -n M, :m K . nml bnls II Slut 1. Hit, ;- T, iiiH, It. Ill K, W M iH.iiilli Msllli'ilr bnhi. Serial TO.aNN Any Biol all (ii'tsniis i hilailni silvi-isujy llm .... i . i iii.i.. i, in .i...iiiiiii in beol beraiiM il lio- in l hits 1 i-loirsi'lir of III.' Isail.ot for sal , ii ii.. i rsason, in tin- itistH.sHi to n). .n inn pin. ill-l lib' Hull ,iII1.1hvII nl .n.li-i In Ihln ofllra,anol belors lbs nth ! ol UeMbsr, IH I Wm H'asss. II Iflttsl Kiral .n l.i 1 1 "ti HiiiitninlH'r til, mill I sit I'Utilli -ntliui in lulii-r Is Intl. Nol'KK l-OK PUBLICATION' UsiraiiMTATSs i nanorrii a. lafaS, nri'snn, Hi'iilonibi'i .', mi i I rOIII I- IS IIITI-ll, S1 I " ' "Sl ' ii.'Sn-i r ,,,i, 1. 1 ltit, ns. Ho-Kiin. win July III, lal.'. aisiln . i ....... si., mi in I... li .hi ,..! 0, 1 1 io-sii-s.il r in ' i i. ', " . , - " W.Kh',, Him lion in, I nnslili :i H , ftniiKi- .1.", I , 11 OIM III I 111' 'H' B'l, ll.-ll'l.ll.i I. i, tiiiiiii ; si.. Him! i no proof, te ...,.,...,. ..Il... ,.. ll... I..,.. I al...... .1. , .ll.. .1 .,ltll'IIPI, ,n I ,,, ,' .,,. ,n,,.. m...'.. ... n i.,f iti'iilsii i anil b In i. ni II urns, i o. , . n. ..n Hi.-.nth nn i ot i bar, His, I ISIIIISin Usui' . ss wiiiiibsis rhrlsllsii lierit, "I Hums, iiri'iinii m iu-ik ml J.iliu I lii'iitiy. both ol Ism ii. Oregon lis I Hbi'iiii. ot tiurin Uregon. WM. K4SSS, III' sjtster, NOTU'K tOH PUBLICATION IINIISII Nrstas I ASIi'lHO , I Bams, iiri'goH, Ni'iti-iiiiiiT li en'1 I Notlss Is bereb sty ea that liberies Krakaon, ol frlneaton, Oreson, wbo, on Ainu na, lulu MiS'li' bnliivsli'sd ICntii, No UIMis. hir .y .' , I Hi'i- ill. K'sMVM, nn. I M',Sl,. Set'tllltl .'', rownSblPSfS Itsiisi'.il . A lltiiiii.lt.- M.rl iIIiiii, liss nii.'t nolTi .- n( liili-albiu to tiiel.,' iinni tiiri'i- rear Preol, in I'sisiilisn .inim io tin-Isml above described, la-fure Iti.stsliT sail Ret alrsf st iiimis. Oregon, on Ho- '. ol asi .a lll'l.llHT, ISIS, I'liihiisnt im ss witnesses lll.t.si'l J II hi in s. ol Wsvurlv. Iirrsnn I liinnss K, lli-sli. Jamas Anuslrous sml Olio NysiT.an sll ot i'lliu .-tun, Oraaon M ii I aiisi . Hi's tsli-r NOTU'K FOR I'UHL.CATiON. UNlTKtl ITA1 1 tl I IM' DPI It I llin ns, l ll .vim . S'lili'liil'i'r IT, I Hollos Ii bereb) glvaatbsl thowias r ib-siy nl I'rli Ion. Ilrssou. wbn, mi May l,IK'7sail Dptolsti 17. C'lii, ri'sfi'i tivi-ly insili' Hnmeslead Kiilrlns, Nihi IKUII ik.lll. fur I .as I. .'. i. I. sU'.NK1,. fw I. I-'.VIV, sail Nl', sW',, S.,-lluii J. In w list. 1 1. ITH , ltiii- UK, ill-.iii-.11.. M.-rhllsii, liss llii-.l iiialn- nl liiii-mn.il oi mski' linsl tlyn yi-sr proof, la sslsblUh rlslm In llm Isml slsm- iii s, rli.i-it, before It.xlsi. i siul lo.i-iM'i, st Hums, oiejgen, oaths "at its ui October, ii i Is. i in n ii I as s ss iilllirsiss' Ksrl J. W. Il.iislinniili lliinnsa s. Hlevelll, into Nysiiuai sinl Ib-iiri alssseersll of Prises ii.n. "rsr.iii a. Iibiii , Ki'itlstii NtiTK'K l-'oK PUBLICATION. si 1 1 n i 1 1 1 -1 kKDorm k. j Hum. Orsgoa, ssptsaibst is, Isial sun,.' is berebf Blvss ikal lui alewari. ui Itliiislil.. urns'. ui. wlin nil Jain II. flu uin.1i- lluinreli'sil l.nliv. Nu msm, ..i h', ..ti. ut '.i.i nstoti .lis .KanaeSSR wu amatti Miiiilisii. liss t I i.iiiin i.i Intention to niske nni.i Ihr.-i' yint proof, oi establish ilsliu In it,, si.. I I ... .- described, before Kistliter snS keeslver, st Hums. a,.-n tin i-i a ol iii-ii.i.. i i"l i i Utnisui names ss n I in. si s J N li'inum sml J.ilni i iil.l. Is.tli .it Itli.i slilr. Oregna John I Iniiil'l. io Slid A. 1 . imtui tsitii or ii ut r itus.il , Oregon w Pisss. ksatstsr. NOTICE Kok PUBLICATION V Nltri HTATaM I ! n M- l I Mlirrn, Kt.ii 'i .,fiiil.T 1' . I ' St.tlif In In ft I., (tvU Mint JftAM S .U'l.avn, i itivfmxit', uryon, i"- "ii '" t-.tn i iiicytlaj l,a it I an. I I ulM , N... '- J. Itn ,-1 , . -, i , rowiiabtc M . : iMahti' 11 M i'-'Imk list lllft ii. I int. ni l. .ii In iiiui.ii fliinl .tt.., tn istiiil.i fh 1st I lit luttulMtCi talM... il. t. ill. I I. im. I... ir.lt' r nn -I l'i iii f . tt Murna i rt-,-..,, Mi I l.t 'Ul dtt) n tn tot i. IWU. t ia.lt. i it til li. tin i a ita n- It lit aM a lannr J liaM-ii stii'l lol Mtil Lolls, til Murrt HiriTI, I If.'ffUII ttlllll I' t'ol.h at! ! lift (Mill t . an Loth ( Kut'ial-I.'. OnfOfl Wit. Khhr. sUytl ' NOTIOK TOR IMMti.K t nN DMITRI) i , i - i IHMOI m i II ti i it m, ilr.'aitin, .')( imImi I i, I ! r-tOfUagj io j,. ,,-!, m n i hat II n P t . 1 1 t.f Kilt-). iir4oa, who, on May I. Ih uihiI iImmi. an -ut Kuirt N- --H' htrial Nn trtvii. m n', (.',. MvNWi, asti.i I ..i I Itrllun IV IttVklUllll.V.' f , liH'ih'i '.I.. W I llMll.s It. . i.llan. btf 'lift n. itii . u luit'Uii.rii la inak. final thl' -i I'i.hiI to i.lal.llali ilahii IO Ibt lail'l khuin dCaM ill ' UfION C-k-laltsf a ml K. .el., f, at Mum-., Orvftotl, OH 'In inL ta y ol Oi tobvr, i 'i l' ta liii an I name- a v llin a W I. Ilf-I. W ' ' '. II I -Mull- t t'i'i li, all f II I If jr. OrOflOt-' Wn l-'aHHK U.MlHrr. NOTICK KOK niBLK'ATION l Mlin sfTATatt l aVO UlTtCI Hurtm. ' nctfnii, iotttstntbl r It, I'l N.illif If l.irtt, (lull that t..'i- flirt. I II. .I iiiii'i i in v-ii, who, on v i i v Ian in ad i lluinf.lt ail Kniry, No .IV.', S'llal S.. I iilun lowiialilii .'is. H - K 1 lamella Harldlaii, it- 8la no lira ! i to Mitt sf i- Dual h.r t af proof, Ut rata I.I i h i itUm Io 'h. ami Kbova di ' f (' ). In f I ami KcweUtr, al Hun.-, UrtfoR, OU Ihl tlay ol Ooiobf i. I 'I i laiitiiinl llMMifa aa w llOVtaMI laaai Kottvr, WiHXlli 1. ImI. Oof I H braja aii'l t i'i bboBi ail it I Ititfy ttfaguu i f imt , Rf iiar NOTICE P0R PUBLICATION. I N f i ! i i r I hi. ' i i ii i Ctiftia. Ortflnn fjiiriMi 1 1 ,-;., I'.m.i t Soil. . ip ii ii ) ti'.. ii Ibal Mod " llwttdi i on, of rt avi" I' . ' i woo, i ii i I'1 ami Mmi h In. 1111, II i HVi I ma-It- Honn -mail l-.iiirv No -. .VaV-ital No " ' ami n ''.M-'s. SK! , - . I. ami N Ai '.. ( .ii, iiiwii' nii . n , i- Htiyi- .ii r. in-men M-1 niiiiM. Laa ill. .I uoUrooJ ihi.iiii.iii ' mat final II V- Mar I'niol.lo t-i-ialillpl. i In i in io ll- litmla'.iM llMrHbtd, Ixtoii ItiuUtri ami i i tflvtT, at Unii.a, iiM'itoii. on he "ii, it a -i Ih loin I I'll I rialniHlit nanus aa Willi Hanjaiulii f, HfctMla ami l It.l.olamaO boll of Wavarji Onwon J. It Jftialna ami lm K. Arnold I .mil I 'i inn ton, Ortgnn Wm i-iii, l'i , i- . t NOTICK FOR 1'llltLICATION I'NITKIi HTATRR UrilHIKHn. MnrtiH. Uraffon, -- pi ' m I .r "', 1919 i NuiayOa ia licrrti) tliat Arllnir V Mn auilaml if siiillh. Oroami, wlm, mi Ai ill 10 I -i-N, iiui.li oim-aloail I'liliy No. .HVI M'rlal No. ih.ll, fm M ' ,. h.-i-cii.!. . ., I..H ns.it 1 1. .-I s . liatii-f -I r . niaintiiit Mn i.iiiiii, na- iiii'H imiiiti oi in tan 1 1 on to muhu tinui iivt .ar Proof, lo ai lal'llah Halm In llm latol ihoVt dt-a-riLi-t tif (on- Hafta'ai ami Haralvar, ai Buriia.Oraton, nn tba 71b day ol NoTatnuar, ivi ' in i in ii t natm-a na wMin-aaaii WnlU-i AlldlHimn, Malla Ihiiiii, ml ii-ImiMh, 'l'i ma Mi I'nrmli-k, Jr, all ofM.illh ihi'btmi m I tuiii . Ittgciaii i NOTU'K POR PUBLICATION. I'NIISII BWAVSS l,Nli lllllil I moils Oragon, aspleoibsi , i o Nutii'i' is keraki given ""'i keulaatla if Oils, u( WhviiI) , nu lorn .11 lm. nil Mini li i ISO .llll Altll ..'. I'll, Irs, , III l l l-l . , lllllill' Ilium!!.'. I Kali) Nu ...!. Si'ilsl Nu ll-'.ol i . tin K'.sVV, H',M'.. His-, s, r.i, NWU, N'jHrt', Hit 17; M",sf, H,i 11, li IK, ,' .1.1.. .7 U II..,,,., II'. I...I IV ill.. ... n, is,,,,' , ...,s' " .,, ..,,,..., ... M. it' list., liss all. I nwllri ill ttili-lillull tu uoilii- Klnsl l-lii'Vi'iir I'luiit, In I'slnlihsti . Inim In lliu lut.it i.li'ii' ili'Si'ill.iil. I,i-luii' ll.'l'istl'l Htl.l ttl'l'l'lll'l, St IllllllS, Hi.;. .11, nl. Hir wth 'im "I i i'ii"'! i'.'l'1 I lllllllH.lt USIIU'S SS II IIIIUSSIIS l.i. iii. Hi-mi tsiiii inul I. It t'olsiaau, lion. of Waverly. Oregon J. It Jniklns sud ims. I': Arnold, tmlii nl ril.i.'i'ton, oiuhuii Wm. Ksiibs. Ili'itl-lrr Appointment of Executor. in t im tuattor ol tlm aetata of S.ilnlH'1 Itoarli, ili-nasn , Nolo 1- Is limi'l.i (iv'ii ilinl llm ninlir sigui'il WM duly u....iiitn.l by lliiit'.ain ty t'tnirl of lliiriiuy t'niiuly OragOB, on Siiit, II), lillil, tlm .'xi'i'iiloi ol I be I n ol will inul lm I innnt anil (if Do' ustatn of Sunnii'l Uinuli, (ii-i i'omiiiI nml Ims quiili Ho. I All imrstius liuvlutc i-liilins nuuiusl suiii i" i. iiu me raanlretl to praaanl iliein with iiiiini vi.ui iiriM within sis month. from iltttu nf this notion, to tlm timli'i -.iLjni'il tit Ills resliluiire iii lilvlea Valley, oi at tlio ulllio nl tits attorney, ll, A. Kiitnliolil, at lltirns, Onvmi l.ai.i.l tl.tH i.'iiii. ilnv ..I lanteinbei IBIS, WAl.TKit UROai, Kuoutor. For Bala Pour btad of a-i milk atock and four jiuro lucil Poland China boara. ('has. Wilaon. Stop ut the Burnt Hottl when in this city whoro thore is n fine rook nntl very hoHt acconimotla- tonH. lf.H. tin uiois Notice. In llin COBBlS Court of tlm Slain ol ( Irouon lor llaiinv t'oiinlv iniioi Matter ol Ilia Ritate ol Robarl I loan, llin I'ltNi'.l Null, 'i' Is liini'liv 10 , ii Hint I In. under- "ii'io'i Iiiih in. on iiuly aiioini.'ii Kgaeator f tlm l.sliitoof Kolicil ..imi,icifi'il,lii llm above nUtM I oorti All paraoaa l.i. v l l.K rl'.ilns IIKaillst Hill. I .'Statu am liini'liv iiohlli'il Io nr ut i lm Hiittu', willi pro per rotiobari ami .inly yrifl.'l In tlm inanimi t.rovlili'.l by law. to t lio nil. lor- siy.iuil at Ororllla, Uregon, er to Oharlas w. ioiiis, Ms attorney, ni Boms, Ora goo, mi o before six ntonlbs from .Into Imr.'ol H.ili il ami Iii -I nulillslii'il nn llm .'III li day "i heptaenbef 1918. MKI.VIN 1MIAN, Bssentor ol tba Kalata ol Itolicit liomi, Daoeetad Oliarlss W. Bills, Atiorimv lot Blcootor. lust publication Heptember 30th, 1MB, l.nst poblleatlon October i IMS. Appointment nf Administrator. in tin- Blatter ' tba estate ol Mary A. QgOffw, da nnsn.l. Nnlin. is Imii'liy gltraa Hint llm ttn.l.ir- signed wns duly appointed lbs ailmiiilH- trat.n ol ll"' sbotS I lair l.v I bit County ladga ol Harney u..n. nrrgun, ami uril.'r Iii ll.at aflat t wns inn. I.' anil int.i ,s I on BapUUnbgl I, 1911, ami lm lias liialitlt'il as by law .imili il. All ta.r anns ImyliiK ilaitns ii'un-l sulil I'slalc art rrnnircil lo praaanl tlmio, srlih pro per vim In-is, ni'iiin six months Irom .lull' of I his not u.', to hiii. I .nl in I n ti i mint, at Lis ii'snli'in i- nt I Iron ml , IIiii.ii, or nt ti ii'ni' of his attorney, J a Rant bo. I, at itiiii s, Oragon. Dated Saptaymbet 10, HI. .it-1 1 n a . tlaoaog, A. Iinnii tratnr of llm estn'f ol Mary A. QoOfge, ili-i-i usiil. aiM'IKTIKM. il kUMI v i UlttiB, N "7, In o r. Mii-is i ii ii uerde la 044 fellow Hsu st r hi . in inooi. u ihl. Herman n .. Is so .- ii in k ss In'liiwi flrsl Snl noisy In I IISl.'ll siii.i.il Ssliilliii ll'Sl l'i Sin. Illlol ssiurday, SvoqiiiI Isuyrrs nmiiii Sater4aj ..oi'. i 'it". i NO It, .1 i M., t..'B..'l MlSl Sli'l llil.l Sllltilsi III I'HI'il in. .MM, I . I.s.l It. IN M -.SIM M ..I ('. , .liis'l s. i.isi M 'lit UN nOOUafl N "I .. Ml I. ll M. i'Is i .. i s , sn I I ii It nisi . I "ii oi m I ii n I iisii. all miliums Invited Hew epiillraola win - ..,., ...i,,n ireal 'i i lues, v i H I l . .n . HI UN- I II III I.i; Si,, in. nl. Mi i 's . ifi . s. . ,,i,. s.i'l I. .null V u.s. Is Use.mil Halt frantic wi n ,.n , M Klla Swvefc, r-rrrlsr) 1 1 1 1 i iinit-KAH UKORI i s., , si'in'iiii letandSd aedoaeda) livi.lli I It IK i lio l ... H nl W Mr. IS . nn t i. I, ii, s Msn I tlm M II. -'. t .......linen, I 1, ilKKIt III IUKI-1 li m i tts uaaooa II- s. nsn.is Ji.iisII.sii Hi.iiii.i' )i J... " I. . IisiiiImhIsIii i a kiiis .I gtsaaaias i w Hawlej un.iin -. -,, in i.i i t . ,s,f.uil "I'll"" llswslil . si .si) ot Male I w lii-ii... i, li.iasui.-t T. II Ksi -n.t i-ni.iii tnstrui "..ii. .. , n Alderman "" Prtutei a Uooiwai ' ... i.i i ..in I .1 Mi III l.i. supreme in.t.s , Ueoii Unrue.1 '. H llrsn ' f i Moors ninth ii tin 1 1 1 piaraioT, ' lial.uu sit" " ' V. II tins,.. .'; in. I.lsi li, i- .,, Moiili i .nut ii.i.ls liii- In. t U Is. In Atilll Mini III.I llundaj Iii OitntHi iia!ui lui ill K.'i.n ai'iilall.rt A Mll.) ". I Human t'M NT. iniiM, : "111 I i in!,;. . r. I n aaui. i Usrai.i " I ll-' lIl'U ifi. tn 'in 'im k h at rloi MiiiiMski.il! ra fhl I liuliiiat'li It I lliuh.l I. Mlilfl K . . - I.hi.Im I, t J J i . no-Hsu I. M Ms. in. n 11 U I Ii i. i. . i I'll. II It., I. Ill llll 1 1- I i-ylit-si. i till". I Sill I .no ii i , .ml ii. . i Is lln- II. s.ls, in Isioiio.. Msuli. llll, Jnli . . ,.' nil,,. t anil Ni.i.'.nl.. i mi a r s. i. ash ...ii. Ki'K.slii K It. I w in I- si to I riinL turn) i n v in KM' llHnii ssla Millllllstll'Sll ll"""lif. . A. IM. Il.vt.1 tn-asaii'i Muinli' vi Intifs Marslisl. ..It I . Ilslnis i ii .t. Ilaassa ' onu. linn n A. I'. Well mn.' I Juan s l.siii.slil.i I ll. -t Mi K llilnm Mn in. us ni no- i "ion ii ever) sSeaa4 sail Knnilli Hi'lniS'l :mtt:::ii:iit:!!ti:n::!tiJ!:i::i:t::mt:imii j Mrs. (Jrace li. Mcllose I II ACIIIK Voice niul Piano Mrtlloils (Iscd III Ciocinnatli Couservatury of Music Kr-.lili.il i siuilio j. ill door west I'rt-shy I. il.in Church tii:!t:iiinimnnitittiiiittitititj:iiiit $1500 Reward! I ho l Mt pill, I'l. I tlm nl.. inul Ni , mlu I i Vf .-.lurlt I'rtiut' lllill Un..i lalliin ut vhh'ii th uudvr aluumt la mvtll l'i i , Will HtVO H.IKKI m raward lr t-vl dsllOfj Itailiii,: to llif ai rent ami ton vtt linn u( mi v iar l y ui I'liiii.s t.h-nl ini' DoriM. tiitlli ni nnili'N l.clougjlng to itii y of Ita niiini ben- , ItltlililHliHi llilllt' lllinw, (hj Ullilt'lulglllutl ,tll..ia lln IUM tt'ii'lliltiii U0 mi fur all bOftM limiitli'l lioraii ahutl liar on both or i-ltlur Jaw. Hiuinl iii'tiult! tu i IkIU ttiuulloa Itaiigfn liitiii), lakv nii-i Drool itiuntU-a. llniHta .'lllti wluui moII. Noiiu bill gruvu lit lath atidt ami only lu ai'rd' Iiiiih llal V I 'vas.- W W IIKOVVN Kile, Ort)KOD. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IIHIMI. UT.tM ll Nil I I. I 11 I", I Haras, dragee, rteiiiemiii' M, law t Null, i' Is In nil li" tbsl Aiislln J I'uin mliissi.l llin bsiisn, iirrjun wlm, mi May is lisis insilii lliitn...ti'S.l KnlM No. 'l. Hi rli.1 Nu ,,'i.ts, for s',HK' NVt',HK', and "K'iHW',. SUI'IIOII SO, IOWI i Si n, n,ii'' - . Isuii-lti- l.-rin imii, nss nii-i' nonri- ..i i M..-I fl.n ., ,,.,,,, I 1,1 MStSllllSh iii Hiss.' ,,,,.., ...w ,. r---" - ," : , iinim to the isnd slsivf Bsesrlbed, before tin. Itiylsnr sml ItPi'sltur, st liurns, OrSgOn in. iheastb ilsy of October, U. i tslmsni nsuii's SS Wlllli'SS.-s iiiiiilli' llnrlisl.su slid Jiisi'pli niutisiisti nml, .,1 llni'lisnsii. uri'S'il. II '. tan kins. ., of llaraajr. Oregon. W.T. Ves Devesr.ol Urea -ii, nreron. , urn r insis, lire "ii Sumpter Valley Railway Co. Arrival and Departure Of Trains Departs No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrives Baker 10:15 A.M. 2:35 P. M. 4:00 P. M. Departa No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M. Sumpter 10:05 A. M. Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M. No. 1 Make". Root! connection with O.-W. K. & N. No. G leav ing Portland 6:40 P. M. anti No. 17 from eiiHt. arriving Hakt-r ti:lf A. M. No 2 CoiincctHwith I.a Grands) ItKal, and No 6 arriving in Port - land 11:40 A. M. Alio wilh No. IK for points Ka.st. JOHN ROBIN? ON Stock Inspector, Hareey tonnty. Iliiiim Address IturiiB. ( li i The DAYLIGHT ROUTE Between CENTRAL OREGON and Portland You secure the advantage of THROUGH SERVICE and warm comfortable STEEL COACHES Insist that your ticket read via the O-W. R. & N. and meet and travel with your neighbors from adjoining towns. J. H. CORBETT, Aft., O.-W. R. eft N. Bend, Ora. The JKarfm REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no better lor target work and all small game up to 200 yards. wziyr BSSSaaafA J JEL"" Tie IM sate sNbrv2e cauasr Wil LaLa watas elaiJ. lu.B 1 J&BBBr last rsk sear leat.slesl eaana. taaS 1 Haaw. I- S waW. - I m jjiPtSn aeess. ENGINtSBOILLRSSAWMILLSTHr?ESHER5 wrrilL IOR SPECIAL THE A HAVER ILL Sr'OHAMt.WA'.M. . PORTLAND Ofti: - SAN OOSC CM. If You Want ALL The Home News HEAD THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Rest Job Printing Direct connection sesath VSS HARRIMAN-ANDREWS Stag A. H. CURRY, frea. Leaves Hmrrlman Monday and Thursday and arrives Wednesday end SaSarday each week, connecting with southern line to Danlo, Winnomucce, etc. JOHN I.KMIIKHIsINO. M Jeweler. Optician and Knirmvor. 2kVlKek Fin.- Wait'li Repairing A Spe cinlly leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaeae LONE :. , ! RE8TAURANT QttOKOB FOON Prop. Meals At All Hours, Short Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Rates Give Me A Call OasysMtle Tlsnae-Harelel eaUetlau. Model 20 WUsosa rnsaa of bsjxlea 2.1 short. long or locg-rifle cartridm Derfecttv. 'The nWt. BsJUnl rilling dcveloDS mawimlim nnwr-r anrl accuracy and adds yean to tho tl ol rifles. 77Le Martin irrarms C WOhnrStraaS Hew Haaswa, Caasa. RUSSELL HIGIKiRADE MACHINERY CATALOG AND PBICI5 MACHINERY CO. uuxL3EfBBS& PR0FBH8I0NA1. CARL C. G I'liyal.-la. ROaNS. on J. UI. C Physi.'lsii ii ml Burnt, - - , t Office In new buililinn harnaee simp, 'Phons Mst GEO. G. CAtf andl Pawsa hi Tens wes. TILLS0N lAKKISOH Uffire Nerood floor Tgl Eatranr.- n Maj Hums, It. B.HTASDlSli, .,, i a. a., m. s, tleaaral rraetlce iit.J Nergars I si ej DBS. STA1S auaas, okecoI DErlMAN & J Phyalclans -nd. Catla .aneweretl i.r. i. ; . 'I'hone Harrioian. ..Prima n, g Dr- Minnitl Physician and LHrect Telephone J La wen. I It. E. HIM Otfac first door H-tJ Idirif- i if.. W. C. BkV0 KT Bcexs, Offlro riHims H sml M. A. Ill Attorney at Voegtly lildfc- . Ha O.A. REM Attorney-aiJ Burns, OraJ WM. MIU ATTORN KYll Burns, I IreJ Rooms 0 snd 7 Mael Satai loans qui. klr ms , . . ' CHMlliES W ! LAWI Bums, i rai-tirra In llu- "-titt lorai ih.- C a Uml Ohat. II I. Attoknkv t'areful ittii'iitti.i lions and Kml Ksa Fire It. Mir Notnrv l'i Buaaa. A. W. (i() ATTORNEY-A!) SUte Courts aiul Land 0.rk v Three doors : Harney County Nn Burns. Or FRANK Atteraer et Lew aa-U. S. Lead . OSloe lietween Ham. . . ..saqf and Lstad oitln Bunts, . . li Courts aaee. a. an. sor. c. s ... COOPER & Civil and Hydraulic I Irrigation, Water j Sewerage, Wafer Sorveys, lisps, K.ii BURNS, Ol K. V. Hll I AH.. ,,t Suriuetl) Aesl. Kaglusei lH 1st'. H Meolsuisllun Bat BB rice. as Eastern Oregon hi Com pin CIVIL AND IKIKiAIIOK Bans, tin; JEAN BART BAt t-uas. m, ah a. . r. ASSo. M. AM I. HYDRAULIC li! Ditches, Reservoirs, Work, Hydro-Klt'cli-J U. S. Dep. Miiu'ral! Ccart Wwk A I Kngegtul lu IKiili Triti (iovernnient Sinam1 I m ..