r I Yes Sir! We have a hat that wHl please You, because our stock is so well as sorted now that we are almost sure to have exactly what you want in a hat that will fit your head, harmonize with your clothes, and at a price that will please you. Our fall stock is now complete. Come and make your selection now It's the best time. You and Big Values are good friends. So you and this Store ought to be good friends. Prices $2.00 to $5.00 Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers - mmmmimmmmmmHi .. Successful Institute. I. O. O. F. Building - Burns, Oregon Presbyterian Church Tomorrow. rhr (Timcs-Hmfd JULIAN ItYRD Mi.iK SATURDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1913 SUBSCRIPTION RATES On. Yv.r Si Month. Thr.-r Month. tH.OO ! chance to net into the livestock ' luisiness. The climate here is well adopted to it. Livestock ought to be the leading industry of this state. I believe it will be within the next few years. I am fclad to learn that they are raising more hogs here every year. Now, tncy ougnt 10 start Mntatnav iniillii ,i III,, utYltill ,'iini'l 1.00 "-"" "" ""- .75 es. The day of the big ranch is Last." The MintM institute of the tsMhsrsof Hartley county eom to a dost la I night. The attend ance was good and the interest most gratifying. All express themselves U being well repaid lot I he time as the instructors gave the local teachers many new ideas and better WOffc in the schools will result, The in structors were Miss Kuby Shearer of Portland, Prof. M. S. Ptttmin .. .. .. .1 VI I ..l.A..l r oi the Minimum n minimi bcihi, State Supt. Churchill, N. ( . Maris, fit-lit worker for the in dustrial fairs of the slate, and V. 1,. Griffin, professor of n tri eultural education of the Oregon Agricultural College. The hitter did not act as an instructor par ticularly but gave u fine talk to the teachers idong the line of ugriculture in the public schools. M r. Griffin it covering the slate and visiting the high schools where agriculture is taught and also working with the public schools with the intention of making the agricultural course more practical, Stale Supt. Churchill did not arrive until Thursday evening and therefore bad but one day with the teachers, but he gave then much good ad vice and made the best of the time. The even ing sessions were exceptionally interesting, Prof. Pittman lectur ing Thursday evening and Suite Supt. Churchill last evening. Some musical numbers each even ing by local young people greatly added to the enjoyment of the programs by the visiting teachers. Those present are loud in their! praise of the work accomplished and teachers have been inspired to greater efforts. It is also gratifying to note the interest taken by the general public and the good attendance by patrons of the school . Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. C Cutting Down Expense. Is advertising an expense Of an investment'.' Phis is an in teresting question and one that should command the thought ful consideration of every mer- oSanl. Expense, is the laying out money temporarily in the con duct of a business, while in vestment is "the act of laying out money in the purchase of a species of property, usually of a promanent nature." Ex pense is money spent in run ning a business, while invest ment is money spent in build ing up a permanent and profi table business. We frequently hear a mer chant say I'll have to cut down on my advertising as my ex pense is too high. The mer chant really means that his selling cost is too high- If the merchant's selling cost is too high the one real way to re duce it It to reduce sales. Ad vertising, that is meritorious advertising, always increases sales. In this way advertis ing reduces selling cost, or ex pense. It is readily seen that anything that increases sales reduces the expense, or selling cost, and becomes thereby a valuable force or asset in the business. How can advertis ing be an expense if it reduces expense'.' Advertising is lasting in its effect. For instance the right kind of on ad put in thi. continues to pull bussiness un til the paper is destroyed and for a long time afterward. The right kind of an ad will leave an impression upon the mind of the reader that time will only brighten. A big re tail firm in New York City said that $10.00 tpsnt in the right kind of advertising this year would be worth $20.00 next yeas and $30.00 the next and so on. It is very evident that ad vertising is permanent in its nature and is an Investment That being true it is foolish for the merchant to cut down or cut out his advertising with the misguided notion that he is thus cutting down expense. V Circuit Court. The Circuit Court has been given over to criminal cases dur j ing the week, although some other cases have had attention. The case against Will George is now being tried. The following ensue have had attention. LAW. Northwestern Electric Equip ment Co. vs. Crescent Electric Co. Attachment. Default and judgment against defendants for j $280.02 and order of sale of at tached property. C. H. Voegtly vs. J. 1). Fellows and J. R. Wheeler Recovery of i money. Default and judgment , ters, and breadmaking. aeainst defendants for $443.47 a very interesting topic, as BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a. in. Sunday School. 11 a. m. service of worship. 7:30 p. m. service of worship. "A Grafting Hired Man." Two members wore received into the church last Sunday. Resolutions of Condolence. Hall of Sylvia R. I)., No. 43. Whereas. An All-Wise Put her has removed from us our esteem ed sister, Anna Stoner, be it . Resolved, That while we mourn the nbsencc of one we prized, wo know she has passed from labor to reward, that we will renew our fidelity to the order she loved, that her vacant chair will remind us that another litjjc has dropped from our chain. Resolved, That our order teach es the hope of immortality and leads us to dwell on the beauti ful traits in human nature; that it assures us that the golden chain that binds us in life can not be severed ill death. Resolved. Tha our hearts no out in tender sympathy for the bereaved, and while we fondly cherish the memory of our de parted sister we will not forget those she loved. Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereav ed husband and parents and al so to each of our county paper.- and the same be spread on the records of the lodge. Hyrd Dalton, Ruby Johnson. Pearl Fisk. Committee. The Harney County Exhibit .SUMMONS. in i he Circuit ('mm ni i in- stnt. ..i i n i ! ll.ii no ( 'mint)'. VCTI l. W.-lkri. I'lniillllY, VII- I'm, I . Wrlkrl, I'll. iiiliuil. I ., ('ml W. W'l'lllrl , lllr illiuvi- II il ,i, I. miiiiii; lii il- nam oi thi lists of Ortgoa, vim SI'S linrliv n-(iiin 'I 1" n BMf Mini lirmwir III lilt' ' iimiiImimI fllril IlKllillKl "H III till lllinvr rllllllfll Ullil, on hi lull. n- tlu last das ch Um tunc bed i" i1"' iinit'i "i ii' pabUcaUon of this ni bs, to wit, 'i about tJn I., ill ,l,,v "I Nint-inl.'i r, HUM, -.'iiil 'l.'ili- iiiiiic tin' aspiration of sis srasssfrow it, i inn publtcatli i iMs stumaoas, mill if y tni Ml I" Mii-iwi i , Im want llicrf t.f, I'lninlil) will apply to tin- Court tot il,, iiliii iiiiiiriiiiiii iii lbs complaint, i,,-wil ; I'm n iltiiri- ni ihit (''nut dtssolviaf iii,- bonds oi matrimony now slitting li h,-i n Plaintiff mnl Iii linilmil, mnl il,,, i I'liniiiiii ban .I dams ni iiivirif ill it"l ill r nOB9 lilt' I't liii.lmil, Thai I'liiiniiii bass i in-fin' i, etwtodj . , 1 1 . i i ..ni i. .1 ni ('ni liti in'' Carolina, I h nun hi i liilil ! 1'l.t i M I ill ami I 'fli ll'lmil , Thai rinitiiiii bavc)w1fmcnl against tlir IVirntlmil Im li'i SOStS and li- bnrasntsnts bsrsui I'm ptiifli Other mnl lintln i ii ln'l "i '" equity may ptrtsJa. This summons is published fiv "iii'i of Hon. Dalton Mggi i in mi Judge ol lbs !"li Judicial District, made and entered on ilicili ,i ,. -.i October, 101 I, and ii dats at iii,- initi publlci i i!ii sammoas Ii Octobei till, 1013 M. A DBMS, 1 1 inn-v ii.i PiaintuT NOTICK KOU PUBLlOATiOI iMiti. -ti i orrn . ) num., ot-K-.-i. -1 " in '. 'i i" yi. I ...',.. in hereto) liven "mi ' barlw Krh.in. ..I I ni.., iii.-i'.in. whit, mi Mull - ll" n.nl. hutnl'ltWUl Knot, N .in. lor MKI4SKI4 II I1,-"', " -"'.-"' -'''M.iti SI, i.nniii. .i. - Rii!EiK , wiliniiiiiiii- Marl .Hi... I.im rtlt.,1 in, in.- ol iiii.iiiiiiii in inckv lliml llirt-f ti-nr I'tnlil. In i.Llill.ll .no III In on- land n i... .- .1. . i ii.i .1. i . hire KelUi soa ii.-, .i v.-i ! iiiiiik. ohkiiii, un ii..' Sratnyal HpIuIh t. Ill .. i Ui iii nut i.HinfK mt wllnovavi Itlrlntnl J lUluta. ( .iili ilrnull rtiamM P. ii'-ni). inui'- Armitroni and OUa Nr.lri.ni nil Ol I'tlin Inn. On .ni W. KAItllH. HfllnItT High School Notes. School Suits for Be: At Greatly I REDUCED PRICES RANGE Of AGES 5 to 15 YEA! We are over stocked on the above sizes and offer any suit in this I lot at a very low price $2.50 and up for the entire It BROWNS SATISFACTORY STO The Quality Store Don't miss the picture pro Krams St Tonawama. IIY THI SI'.MMltf. The lioys who are taking s ri culture were dismissed at two o'clock Wednesday afterni hear Professor Shsw'g lecture on "Dry Fsnnlnff." The ilas averaKes for the The Harney county exhibit at the fair this week should be noted by every one who attend. the fair. This is an illustration of what Is and can he grown 00 .. ... drv lands. It. is one of the mo-it ii in, . , ., . instructive una nnest exnioiu ever shown lure. It VM all raised at the experiments! itstion averages lor uie - , iin., ..,,. li in in tin month of' SeptemlMi are as , ; Mr .....i MrM ij..,;.. NoTICK '(m I'UMLICATION. tlKITtliSTATIMI NI oKKIi'K. I IIIIM1N 1 If, ,.11, ' 'I ll.l-t'l S..H,,- i h.ti-i.i firm in t io iiniiu llutinllll, in ( " " '." "" PH I. ,.!. Il,.lli.-l. -nil M., 'null. in. S.i IIIHU. lor I m .mnl KWi.nl ',.-. inm . mnl Ix.in l.i.i'.-. lion I.TnwDnlilp J .. llmiai'lii K. n. Hmiii'll'- Vl.'ililimi. Ill Itwtl lioiln ni I'.l, -n .. . I,, mnk.' II "l Hi"' "'" I ''".if. t. t-mitlillili . i.lin UI Hi" Im.'l mm 1 1 .1' " ni -.1. I I..i. Il- i. ,.,.,,, i ii i. t-r. m Harm, OrvfOB an O'f I .11, iU ol N..t. i llM-t, 111 . 1.1 ii.nn I I. l.,. .. n li i..-M Uvtl 1 Mil I I I'm, ii, I Un.li' Minn mnl ii inina ml i olUe. oitnt t , I NC. llr.UKt MlTIl K K": ri'HI.H A 1TON follews: Seniors, 88.6; Jan ors, 82: Sophomores. H'. It; Freshmen, 87.40. One more pupil. Miss Ethel Thompson, has- enlisted in the ranks of the Juniors. The iritis of the Domestic Science chsrgi haupt. This exhibit alone with the instruction that k'oes with it is worth the price of admission. Bide Ml. Emtio. Hill's Hopes in Hogs. "Cattle and hoK-s," says L W. Hill, chairman of tlie hoard of dtrectori of the Creal Northern Railway, to the Oreitonian, "hold the future hope of the people of this Northwest. "There in only one alternative, and that is hojrs and cattle. With the present high price" Of heel' and with the constantly-iin injt demand every QUSrtsr .ection of land in this part of the coun try oujjht to contain its quota of cattle and swine. "Orejron has an excellent and order of sale of attached pro perty. Win. Johnson vs County Court Writ of review. Order of county court revoking license set aside. Hutler Bros. vs. 11. Denman Recovery of money. Default and judgment for $171.50. EQUITY. Elfrida Murray vsT. C. Murray Divorce. Default and referred to official reporter to take testi mony. Vera Welker vs Carl Welker divorce. Service of summons quashed. Laura II amy vs. Frank Hanev Divorce. Default of defendant entered. CRIMANAI,. State vs L It. Runyard Lar ceny. Jury found him guilty. The first indictment he wa ac quitted by a jury but found Kuilty on second. State vs James Henderson Larceny, Tried and a verdict of guilty. Motion filed for new trial. State vs Will George Larceny On trial today. Slate vs E. E McCay , I'erjury To he tried following George trial. State vs. Roy McGoe - Carry ing concealed weapon. Plea of guilty entered and fined $50. State vs Guy C. Willard Lar ceny. Plea of not guilty. Agricultural Club. The Burns Agricultural Club will hold its regular meeting Tuesday evening Oct. 14, in the assembly room of the public school huilding. This wlH be the first meeting of the year and the public is cordially invited to at tend. The following program has been arranged and will begin promptly at 8 o'cleck: Piano solo Roberta Hibbard "Advantages of bringing in Im proved Dairy Cattle" I. S. (Jeer "The Clydesdale Horse" Roy Heede "Plans for starting and Im proving a Dairy" J. C. Leedy "Field Peas" L. It. Rreithaupt Violin Solo Myran Blackmer Chronic Dytpeptia. The following unsolicited testi- elsse are studying bat-! monial snouid cenaimy os sum- This isjnent lo give hojc and courage to W(. persona alluded with chronic I have been a chroic as an instructive and valuable dyspepsia one. The laboratory has bssn dyspeptic for years, and of all rearranged, giving room for a the medicine I have taken. Chain dining department. The jdrls Denains jameis nave aonsme served their first meal last Ved- more good than anything else," naadav says W. G. Matlison, No. 7 Sher- mu. . i :. o....:.. h uJman , . TV , I For sale by all dealers, unable to hold its first meeting, this coming Friday, as school will be dismissed on account of Teachers' Institute. The msrrisge of l'M H I -. I I - I M ni I H I . ) I ,ii. ,',.. -'. -', IMS I 1 1 ... I ha N.iiilit-in ivISi limiw. i ".iii-mii, mbuM l"'"i nSlrj .!,!,, ., ,. I'bu HI nil, ...' I... Ibli nil l.i ..( . ol I In llilaoNlin In p l.'i, ....,i h, .,.!..-( . i, I. t il,.- i.r..i i.i'.n. n lli ..!,,. i. Hi-ill. ii.. i Jnit i. isaa iii-iit , -, i i .- - . i: i I w N '") rrl.l S.. ' -I ... .. i-nin . Ill in till inlvri..l UM liBtli .1.--. ...I .-. dMlrlui I-. i.i.."-ii I " ,,l in. un, . .i , l. .,! ll "I Hi, Imnl. ,.t Inr int .,11,, i i. ., , MMi.lt" "I'l-ln .tiMlioulit lie thilt it .! n oi ,i.iiii in iiii ..mi-f.i.n or 1.1.1m, ii.i- an inr "I Kmreiiii.-f. tin. Ma i - "" fcealetei NOTICE OF CONTEST. 1 mii f M si f iHDOinOI ( lliirna. Iirwgoll, ' tM ' iiii.uiiw in.iiitsg.- ofl HIM) tifisjiin, ion trite ' Vtni sr.- Li i hjf iiitilltvil tlisi VhirikU t riniMia who !. Kllvy. ()rfon. hr pmt rtD a Lli'S-, hi lii tllbOl I'll, I") :. tilv III thi a nflii i litti itul) rerii6oMtd ppllUoii ti DUIlleMl Mid I the rail) illMtliMi of jour I -iiisd hiiny s- turn, sVrUl Ha 9H M ii.K'i. April 'iirt, yU, tor nU HrrUoi! U, !-' Hilt, iii , Itsngi' .t. Kst, W IllSiinotts M.ri.nsii. im-i gropndl ("I luT im.i. el -Ih- sllrgrlht . , r . hllfJiiMi i. -n . in - upon or in nj wtM Improvosl MM (Isiinnii-l for yiufc ttisii iIm nealtaj Itul t'"'1 lis yboll) lisniUmiril lln- alii. Van mi,- lli.nlote hit tlu f i ..I Hi. '1 I ha I lhr I lislil nlligHilis HI Ul lL "i l-y tills iCln lisiini In i. . ..iid-sM i t . OU, i.i" uur said m it. .in yuiir hll u ill 1,1 i I III' ' -I I I Oi Ue.n.ltniiill.1 V V . un,.-. riehi in I . in'ii tin ii in. i-llliir isstfurv Ol. I1V1II1 tinilll, it . H , .. , ... . ,.i ..Hi..- wni. in i.tniiy ilttis siilir lln KOl'HTII i. ni. ii. ii n tl this notice, tbown bto .mr miawi i Ulltlvl MStli. s)hi Hlfsllf Mivr' lug Mil it ) aix.hllllg In tllHBM' Mili'gKf I.Mia ni iimlrst, nr tl Mm FN 1 1 .ui In ii Hint Hmi to I1U- l it I h In ulftci' ilUI rM.I Dint y.nt UVI MfVod w i Op) ' wiiir siiKur otl t'"' l'l ' niilt'sttsht .iiIh'I In poroou "f i rofllron noil, li thia oprvloo l tnadg i.y iut dollvoi ( . oopj f fooi taMtof tU II,. i ni I- 'Sit! til Im'ISMIH. 1'MMlt of Sllrll mT "Mv little bov hud a Risirvelous v,ellri,?rrKl4fon.Wi,,,.a!55!S? . r . t ' " itriliin. li -lli.n-ni oi nip ,-,, i ,,'f n,,T. Irving, 8 member Ol the gradual- ,,..,,, " writes I F llasliams ii.iin ii.K.iui- "i ii-"'. .-ii.i.ot iii.. iifi.ti.il ing class of 1HP, was an event I trin(.(, Albert Cane of (Jood ( """ """" '", '"" ' '"', ""''' lu" - ,-.l II tiiM.li- 1.1 H'.i.irit.i mill. I'Iihi) u .ion Hum "It occuredtn the mud c '!" mim "in "' u,. .iti.imiioi in. .. , We do job printing. A Marvaloui Eicape. Miss el la We do job printing. of last Week. The Agricultural Club will meet Tuesday evening Oct. 14,' at eight o'clock. The Fair together with the recent rains has interfered with foot hall practice during the last two weeks. A new member, Karnest Wil son, from the Narrows, has been added to the Freshmen class. ADDITIONAL LOCALS The public school building has been connected up with the elec tric light plant. Alvin llurlhurt and wife havo been guests al the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sweek during the week. Mrs. A. F.gli came in from the farm this week to be near her physician, being somewhat indisposed. A nice saddle animal, four year:; old, suitable for lady, ier- fectly gentle, 'sr sale Mrs. Murray, Burns, Oregon. Miss Francis Kelsay, recently arriving here from Klamath, has been employed as teacher in the public school of Hums to fill a vacancy made by the resignation of Mrs. Kimball. Betray Came to my place over a year ago, one spotted cow branded OL connected on left hip. Owner call, prove property and pay charges. Alvin llurlhurt, Narrows, Oregon. Tonawama has some line pic tures to show its patrons tonight ami tomorrow night. The usual three reels tonight with good comedy and four reels tomorrow night. "Alkali Ike" tomorrow nltrhtin comedy. Usual prices. tr.it u lirv He- I win i ,. I... 1 1 of the night, lb vere attack of croup. As luck would hae it, I had a larue bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Itemed v in the house. After following the directions for an hour and twenty minutes he was through all danger." Sold by all dealers. -ii ll h" in III! ' ",.,"" , ',"'? ,? ."""'""V " j MK'.NK',, K.C I; hi,Vi. lint N mnl It,,- ,.ti.nii-.- ., l.n Il II m "iH"l Kerllon I lowinlil,. V . Sinn.- .li K ,i .m.titli mail I.. ..o,im,l,,ll,yll. ' , M..,,. u nir, , a ol In nti.tliiHil. i ti'.i'lnt Ini tl,,- li-llt.r Von iliolllil itili' In . ..il r ii.tttir tin- nitini- ol ,!.. poel "lllri- Iii ithliii ...it ili.li,' lu'uu noil. , . I., l.i .i nl ii. ..ii. W. Kakik. II. ulM. I I'll! of III. I .ill.lli'llli,ll II. Ii.i,,-1 II. mi. till" nl i,,1 nnl'lli nil -1,,1.1-r 11, III I i... i ..I iihi.i pulillriilon ... let n ' i III! llll" "I 1,114, III lillllllrmioil N.itilllli't I. I il : MOTH K KOU I'll 1(1, ICATION l'ltiTn SKTiil.iiitOrri. . Iiurii", tirt-icoii, sipi.-iiilwr .m, 11 Soil..- Il lieiel.) elvrn Out J"f "I. J' Hiiti... uiBKoii, who. on Mil I, 111. ''' llt.iii.-.ltl.l Knir. . No nuts. I'" l')WH le--ilt.u .' loii.liii .1 - limit- .' K , HilUmftn Mt-rlillin Ii.i nl.-'l BOtlre urilttrliU. " I" " ' l.r.l , ..I, .., il.ln.n I'fiM.I l.i.-Hil.ll.li flllnt to 11,,-l.ml iltotrl .In. tll.t I t-tof H"lit. r mil Ki-i.'lr'. il lltini., i'r.iin. on ibt-twb di of Not, t.i I"', in ' I'liliii.iil nim.-iii ttnlHMt-l' mi., i; nii-i.-, li.m i iiitiiiiMMi.U'rir w till.-). Wllll.ln I f .--I. r. nil ol Bint... Ilfrnoii. w t, rum llttliti-f NOTICE P0R IM1BLICATION I'MTKIl HI TC.H I. AMI WfHI liiinii, ott'if 1.,-p-t-niU-r 17. tww N nl. i. Ii,-rl ili.li lliil into Nj.lr.iin, ul I'ltu. i-'nn. Iirrinn. who on Mn I, IW mil llflotifl .'I. ;'l". r.'.-i-ili i-lt in. il.' lloitii-. triil K-nrlr. ' . U, K', I ,.' I II"! .. HIV'.S,-., , , ,n I li,i,.,l, 7 !.. Ilinri I il'm.,,-11.- Mi mil ' l.l. Mli'il noil, ...I liil,,.i it. mill,- flint fltt- yt-ir pin. if lop. labHih tliiin la Ho- i.iii.i iimtp ii.n'ii lurutbc It.'jil.i.-i in,l H. r.l Hon.. iiii- ,.,11 o,, (li,- .'.'Ii.i iU of ' ni"l. ' I Ml I IaIiMkI II .111.1 I. .lli'iM'. TholU.I . Illr. Klfl 1 H.llo.lllli Tholiil I- XIrTell. Il.'l IM1II.III I'kll.f ill "I I'rlin , Inn. i't. .--.i. tt I'aiii. Kkii'.i (Hprlo ,-r No I, Hum. Hrflll No. OtiWh. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i sitkh trans i.anh osth r. Mut, i. Oeeaea, Baeeaei ssS, nu Noiir.i ,. ii. ii i) (inn in.. Niniiiii G See Mr. A.imiulilf ifi el tl"- .iiiioIT Kgruton tllH'g. t'f t'. I, MOtlHoll. Altnrll.-i III K.it I'.uin.ti, , nl.lto. ol Alloti.i III ll.l. Win... Hull. Mini, lonlmiil OrocuB. tin Oil- n-l -li. III Hrplllnlx f. I'H.1. Illfl In Oil" nlfl.'i li, i p-pllt-illilll to orlirt ui,il,-r tlir protrtltolll of It.. A. i ..I . ..n.i, ... ippruvt-.l I'rlituirl II. 113. I Public .ini I. Ibii t bii.1 HI. Her til. Tup.'.". ...ulli II UK Kill M Any lint ill pciiom i Uliiilni i.lt. r. it Hi. I. III). It. . . HI- I. Ol ili'illlli. loolil.i I I--' lll.o of iiM-nlm nl i 'inin-i.-r "I tin Imi'l. " ("i mr Hi., i r. ...in lo Ho- illii.-il toippllciul iboiilil 01c Ibitt itlttlit ni ol i.rt.L'it In Oil. ofni-c. on "f I., f.., tl,. 7ltl ill? of Hrli.lMt I'M i rtm. tegMei NOTIOM KOR PUBLICATION. i mi I D ST ATI UAWDOfFICS. lliirm. lii.-Koti, -ipl.-tnlKir l. tlla.l Nollr ii licrvti) iltcn thil Tot Htewirt. tit Kltcuhlc. llrrtntl. it I." on Jut .- I, 1110 iiii.Ic HlmMtMo l.niit N" mwi '" SWl -wi llon'.'.low n.lilp .ft- HlBRlMK Wll itut-ll. M. ml,.,, in. i, id nntn " ..I iiit.-iiiinii lo mike llml Itir.-.' rcti l'f'i"i i" i.'-'ill.b t'titttt t" lln- Imnl llmtt- ilrnrll.!. In-torc llt-il.l.-r i. ml Kli.lv.". It llllflil. tlrc,-"t. "li Un 'I.I 'I t ol Ortotwr W.1. I'lllUtlBt llllllt-l L. Hi 111' .- J N IciiMli m"l Jobli I olil. l-.lli "I Klin luc. i)rt-"ii .lolin I liiii.l.lcl.t mot A. K Vcmtor botti of llirrlmin, Ofafaa. Vv Fakuk. kctliict NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. DVirtDtrATM umi orftqi Hurni. tiri'iruti. s umbr 17, 1V1.1. , NoUm i Inr-'in nlvt'ii thm Tliotnan K ili-sly ..I I'lln. .Inn . (.ri'htnu. hhu, uli Msif l.ll-xCsinl (ri-ti.iKir 17, l'in. ri's(HTttvol). mail.. lloiiit'lail Kiiiiiiis, Nos. 0941 OftliM. lor lAtlm l I, 4, r.'4 fw. Hi Usui. IiIi -Ml. .11 In niAkt fltisl ilii- vi-si M.Hif. lo inUlih-li i Uhn tu tln IsimI sIhivi- .lfSi-rllwl, livliirtt Iti'iililrr and Iti'telwr, si lluriis, ortajon, onibT.oil Ut ol ii. t.ii.i-i. MI t, t UllllRIll lIHIIlfS .. IlllfSSSS- Kstl J. W. Il.irsliusiili, Ml si H. M.-..'U, WHO Nytt riiii) smt Henry Mrwm-r all ul l'i loir loll, Ort)K.m H, Kahhs. Ht'Klilrr. HARLAN A. HARRIS M. D. j Physician and Surgeon Burns, ... Oregon ! SUMMONS In lln Circuit ('unit nl tin- Stall nl I iti-Hun foi lliirney County l.liloni I'itzC.rialil, I'Iiiiiii ,11 f v Bummuas l'i. in liir(lnrnlil.lcl.'iiiliiiil ) To I'ltiti liiiirnilfl, the above aaiaetl .li Ininlniil: In tin name of tits State of Oreifon. vmi are KarabS i i un l in appear aad unswai tn ilm eoaiplafal lilcil iiKiimt you in (lie iibovi' rlllllleil mil. nn in Ih IniC ilntliiHl ilny nl tliu tliiu' Jin-mi ilicl in tin- unlet ul ptililiiatioii t Ithii Niini n, una to-wil: nil or iilntut tilt' 'J-'ini ,1.,, of NiivciiiIh'i', l'.H.'l, mill iliili- Ininx the i-xiiirHtinii nl nix wrelm from the Rrsl iiiililiiatiiilt of this Hiiitiiiiiiiii, mnl il roll t'ltii to aaswsr, for want thereof. I'lala mi iii apply tn Ihs ('nun lot ii,,- iriit-i il.iiiiiiiili'tl ill lilt-cniuil, nut to-wit I I'm n ilitri'i' nl tliii CimiiI dlasnlTiafl the lniuilt of iniiii iiii'iuv now nUtlna iiriwi.'n Plaintiff mil Defendant, and iimi riniiiiiti liny.' a dearea of dlvoroj iiliwiliitit Iniin iH-fcnilnnl, mnl her n.sii nail iliHliiiricilK'ntl herein. Thli iiiiniiioiiH ii published by order ,,i linn Dalton BlfS1! Judue of tin-lin-iiii Opart oi thy stfttt- nf Orevon, im II..IIUV ClllllltV, made mill tlllrlril un the jOth day of October, ISIS, and the date of the Bret puellcatlon of thiesum iniin ii tii-tniici ntii nn. i. (I mi S. Hixkmoiik ami J. J. rATTKiiKn Attm in vb lor rii 'laiiitill NOTICK KOU I'll HI. ICATION. If ll.NITKII M'I'ATKH I.ANIi III I I, I Haras, ii.-H.in. Hi'pii'iniifi li, iii Nolliiililmrib) Ktven tint Wllllmn A Willi, of l.iwiin. Ofi'i: "li"' "" J"'' '' '""' mule llom.'itfi.l Knlit N M. lot M-',. ,,in. lllhlpil ,, ItlliK" '". f- V Ili.li,,, li, Mitrlillm Im Hn-'l lu'lli'i"" llitunlioii I" iiiiiic tllill llni'i iiiii-iiii.I Inr.lil'll.li I'Iiiiiii t.i II,, Unit ihiiv,- ili-ii-ill" 'I. I.t'l""' ll'Kl.lcr mill Itci'itlMi, il ilium. I'lt'l'ui. mi llio ':inl ,li ul 1,'ioiHu ru.i ii.iiiihiii ii iinniimiiiii'iiiii Kiml nl." w mil Allnri 11 "I.' I. "Hi til I ,U i II. loll. I. lull li "'I'. '" "uiii", i'i.i..ii "." W tin i-rill. i.l l.iwiin, Otigoli "' Vu,.'Aiiii,l("Kliler. Illi ,'"!, I. U't H' THE WHITE FRONT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE We have ooiifined our liusint'ss entirely to the While Front where we are prepared to rare for our customers better than ever before HORSES FED FOR 20c. PER HEAD AND UP Baled Hay and (irain for Sale at Market Prices. (Jim id Hay in Stack $4.50 Per Ton. Delivered in Burnt, $6.50 Per Ton Burns-Vale Stage Line ;it.-lloiir Schedule from Railroad clnsc Connections Made With Trains Kant. Cofot tabic Conveyancea for I'raaenft-era. I 'arc, $10. Careful Attention and Prompt Delivery of K.xpreaa and Preigha Kntruat nl to Our Care. Freight 2 l-2c. Per Pound. R. J. McKinnon & Son IUJRNS, - OREGON DR. HOWARD H. CUSTIS Veterinarian ..rduiilt- ot (Jnlveralty of Petntaylvanla JOHN DAY, OaUDOON Trail SUasuas of Horssa, Caltla auaS all othor Anl.au.is WOOD 'FALL IS HERE And so it my full line of RUFF and V-NECKED SWEATER! UN CLOTH, SERGES, GINGHAMS, KINAW, SHEEP LINED and Ll COATS, WINTER HATS and CAPS Allover Lace, Embroidery, Flannel Woolen Hose, Lined Gloves, W derwear and the FAMOI GOTZ Work and SHOl For MEN, and CHU I also pack one of the Rest St of Groceries to be had anyi A. K. Richards General Merchandu Potatoes Cabb ) v! II al if a. sw YW'.V W. ' hi Railroad Rates Reds From Sept. 25 to Oct 1 0, it To Points On The WURDjONIRUR VSSS CENTRAL OREGON U FROM j Atlanta, (.a. 1.70 Kansas City. Mo. ! Boston, Mass. 55.15 Louisville, Kv Buffalo. X. V. 17.80 Menuihis. Tom. Cairo, III. :l.98 Milwaukee, Wis. Charlston. S. C. S4.7B Minneatwlis. Mn ChatantKiKS, Tinn. IS. 40 Nashville. Tenn. Chicago, III. 38.00 New York. N. V. Cincinnati. (. 12.ST. Omaha. Nebr. Cleveland, I). 11.75 Peoria. III. Columbus, (). 1 1. GO Philadelnhia. I Detroit. Mich. 4:i.fi0 Bittsburjr, Pa. Dsssfoincs, la 88.M Richmond, Vs. Duluth, Minn. ;:ii.00 Sioux City, Is, Kvansvillo, In,! 10.10 St. Ixiuis, Mo. IndianupolK 1ml lO.ik) St. Paul. Minn. Superior, Wis. $30.00 Correapondisfli reduodons from other points. If you will advise the Oregon Trunk Ry. Aaron t tttj sddrsssea of wur frlenda in the Kast who are comiiu'tol will havo a representative call and help plan their trip. Dsposjts in (.repayment 0f Ucketa will be acci w and tiokots delivered at eastern points by tslsfprtph For further mini niatinii rsgarfllnfl .stupovors, ek IN R. H. CROZIER, J. H. Corbetlj Aul.Cvn'l Pan. Aiirnt, PorlUnd, Ore. Brml. 0V I OUR NEW GOOD! Have srrived and we are now read) to I supply you with your requirements 1 MANY NEW LINE' have been added and all goods will be I sold at Hie VERY LOWEST PRICES j CALL OR SEND YOUR OKIH K The Burns Department sJ J All the news in The Times-Herald fojj &