The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 04, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
unty In The State Of Oregon
NO. 47
N f ' ' 4m x-n m.
Juntura Times Says
We Need Transportation
iy of Agricultural Products Good
idex to Possibilities of Big Harney
Country. Fine Exhibits by School
:hildren and Entertaining Program
!ach Afternoon. Weather Good
Ivilion at the fair grounds
well filled with products
. it-.
rmor years, caused iy i mous
no- nt the work earlier , wmcn
ihing a greater area ot
by field workers and
or rather lack of know-
just what would be ex-
the producer. What is
never surpassed in
any tair norcoum ii oe
in any fair regardless
it is held.
the exhibits are not us
itive, considering area.
)ped for they neverthe-
those who view it
Among them fine individual ex-
are those of I. S. Geer,
covers a wide area in the
farm and vegetable line, and also
includes an excellent display of
fruit; Dan Vanen and Ralph
Hibbard are each out again with
big and diversified exhibits as in
former years. These gentlemen
will again be close competitors
for the Hill loving cup.
The fruit display is not as large
as former years and there are
not so many orchards represent
ed but the displays are good.
visitors an idea el what
ted in Harney county.
bxperienced help "t the
lias prevented the classi-
The largest is
Robins Crow
: which includes
plate displays.
from the W. H
Camp orchard
both box and
Other good fruit
i- . .1 ....1.1 ..vl-,,K.I. .i-o mfirl.i w Mr I. I'd"
as distinctly as muiuuuiwit"'--j .
best impression, yet ' Mrs. sweeK, Mrs. anu uiswe.
rirmmstancesitisveryiThe writer failed to nnd any
,i am that irives fruit from the Adam George
i.i .1 1 1 ...L.I.L. laa .... ,-.f tho (mot
ounty one ot the oest orcnuru which i one mm
ents it has ever gotten, i in the country, l ne venaior, n.
the most complete ex-j J- McKinnon. C. S. Jonnson
the pavilion is that of (now V. uawineia; uiai nave
j . t-iL-oii !iirK nrominpnt rilaces in
ey county experiment . - - .- -.
From the standpoint of former fairs, are not in evidence.
his exhibit will stand However, the fruit display is not
detail is consider- " important as wmi vi j-
full particulars are at: general iarm ami y"""" "-;
ormation. This is plays. There are sumciem oi an
b the exhibit not being to make a good snowing ana
.... mm ivKon sont nut to the land MOW!
as competitive. i mmc, --
are restricted bv the I and for the exniomon cars oi u.e
making any display of I railroads will prove one
nest advertisements we
! have.
The exhibits by the school
children are fine. Some ex-
.f II.. 1 Inl,.,..
that will be of lasting exceptionally kouu tBtHWH.
m. .i.,.i i nrc shown and some nice canned
0 tnem. inresneu anu ;--
una, emer, field peas, fruits, etc. in tne R.i
, .. i..... land fancv deDartment the school
lax. anu otner prouuuis -- ,
r ' . ... !,; olan Viavp some nice
Ration are shown Wltn v,""" "
rid. given on each, tbe oxniDits
beeding, etc., and thus ?" c""" "." """
kluable instructions to (Continued on page two. )
fcr that would tend to an
over other exhibits.
friment station display!
instructive- to farmers
of the
jntrallv Located, Good Clean
Leals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
it Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
urns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
(eef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
ladcheese and Weinerworst, ttc.
Wholesale and Retail
ompt and Satisfactory Service
ur Patronge Solicited and
. 4 a a A '. . . -
ders (iive'i guicK Atiermon
The Times-Hcnrld. of Burns,
contained n lenghty article last
week dealing with the matter of
their big crop and the lack of any
way of getting it to market.
There was just the faintest
touch of impatience manifested,
and caused bv the uncertainly
of when they would get a road
in there.
The people of Harney Valley
have made n good fight and de
serve something better than in
definite promises. They have
L.i...Liiuwl fmunlfir liuir will
lead the west in nroduction of Thp new stockholders of th
small grains, alfalfa, hog. and Burns nous Mining m. nave
dairy products, they hnve done taken active charge of the pro
everything in their power to perty and on last Saturday elect
build up a prosperous community, od tno following directers: 1'hil
so that when a railroad does build Q peef CIemenHi R j
into their country, they would
find wealth producing farms Williams. J. P. Withers and M.
from the start. " Hny8- P"1' Smith was elect-
The farmers will perhaps have ed president and Walter E. Hus-
I.. l . ul-. nr fnrthis ion M'Cieiary .urn ucu.iuiei
fcV HUM M .-ill. ill 'i " ' mvm "
..111 .' 'l-inf C I I I l-l .!' t Ii I 1111
viuirc ff.ui mi'inir to ma ark m wiih. bhhmtwiii mi
. in ...,., u.,...n ... ...-.-
Lrnnrnnrljition. nnd mavbc anoth- miner, has neen employed toiaKe
or years crop, but it would be charge of the mill and (Jail
hard to conceive of such a pro- Barnes as business manager,
lifm emmtrv luivinu- to en with- It is the intention to turn out
'out the means of transportation all kinds of milling products as
much longer, What if the peo-; rapidly as tne capacity ot tne
pie of. Harney Valley do have to '' machinery will permit and to
wait another year? They are I take care of as much grain as
developing their land And mak- can be handled,
ing a good living which is more , The Times-Herald is informed
than scores of other places are j the new company will at once in
doing at present with railroad I stall the packing plant and be i
facilities, and they have the con- j
solation of knowing that when j
they do get a road they will have j
developed one of the best coun
tries in the west, and that just
Immediate Steps Taken to Build and
Install Modern Equipment for Hog
Business. New Stockholders Elect
Officers and Take Charge. Mill
Will be Run to Full Capacity
readiness to handle hogs just as
soon as the necessary buildings
and equipment can be installed.
Harry Crawford, an experienced
man, has been selected to con
duet this part of the enterprise
and is consulting with the mana
gement in making selections of
machinery, etc. The work will
be rushed as fast as possible in
order to be in operation at an
excellent ,,;ily (lntc.
The Times-Herald hopes to
see the new concern a success in
every particular as it is one of
the best things yet undertaken
for the country and one that will
benefit I large number of people,
making a market for home pro
ducts and keeping a vaat amount
of money heretofore sent out at
home. The farmers are to be
congratulated on this move and
will profit by it.
ll'rnin Our t'orllmul OofFMpondtUtJ
The region around Dallas has
this year turned off an immense
crop of hops of unusually high
quality and for some time the
city has been over run with buy
ers who are anxious to relieve
the growers of their holdings.'
A few sales huve been made at
26 cents but many of the farmers
are holding for better prices and
it is thought there will be no
general unlaoding until the price
reaches 30 cents. Shippers are
having difficulty in securing cars
to handle the hops and, as the
warehouse is full, the delivery
of the product will have to slop
unless the car shortage is relieved.
Mr. C. C. Moore, of the United . . "' 1,,cj Mr. Chamberlain noted a con
States Department of Chemistry, ''xtnsion work, D. C. Freeman, siderabie change in conditions
has been in Oregon for two ; publicity man of the Hill lines In gjnce his visit in June, 1912 and
weeks studying the adaptability Oregon and C. P. Chamberlain, a found a considerable more area
of Oregon potatoes as u raw pro-- representative of the executive under cultivation. His trip
duct for the manufacture of department of the O.-W. R. & N. around Steens Mountain gave
starch. He has declared his , railroad, have been in this county him an opportunity to see terri-
faith in the possibility of estah- since last Saturday and covered tory he had never before visited
a large portion of it in autos. and he is much pleased with the
The three former gentlemen had prospects. Mr. Chamberlain ex-
Farm Experts Tour County and Find a
Decided Improvement in Farming
Methods. Prof. Shaw Has Greater
Faith in Country and Prof. French
Explains College Extension Work
Prof. Thos. Shaw, agricultural . beef raised anywhere and we
expert of the Great Northern have every encouragement to en
railroad, Prof. French of the j ,are uPn BUch products to our
Arr;,.oit,.rai rwu hA nt . i ' Kt benefit.
lishing factories for the manu
facture of starch and glucose
from potatoes and has had a
meeting with prominent Port
land business men with this end
The Cattle Situation
Market Report.
as soon as the road hits the
boundary of that vast empire
their lands will be worth just as j
much as they are m communities
which have taken three or four
generations to develop and which
are not as good now, or never
will as good, as will be Harney
Valley with a railroad. Juntura
The cat tie situation has become Receipts for the past week at
soactue and is attracting such the Portland Union Stock Yardj
general attention that every well- have been Cattle 1492, Calves
informed man in the
Cleared Land
business is anxious to have the
facts at hand. Apart from the
ample circumstantial evidence
that beef cattle are scarce, we
have the farm animal census of
the United States Agricultural
Department as of January 1,
Usually figures given include
dairy cattle. The figures quoted
; below are for beef cattle only.
I for the instruction of our read-
19, Hofel 1983, Sheep 9965, Hor
ses 2(J.
Sentiment in the cattle market
has not been such as to warrant
optimism recently. While re
ceipts have not totaled so much
as a week ago, there has been
more than enough beef to supply
trade needs. The $8.00 ste; r has
been displaced at least temporari
ly, and extreme top quotations is
$7..r() to $7.6T. Butcher quality
failed to attain the high standard
Mr. DeW'itt, Mr. Wilson and
son and Mr. Knissen Willamette
Valley farmers, arrived here last
Saturday in Company with J. R.
Stinson, the Prineville agent of
the Oregon and Western Coloni
zation Co. Frank Johnson, the
local representative took them
out to see some land nnd found
they preferred the land that had
already been cleared and made a
sale. Wm. Piles, S. E. Jackson,
and Chas. Storms are also some
land seekers here to buy and
are lavoraoly impressed. Mr.
Johnson is having more land
cleared and hopes to interest
others in that class.
F. K. Hawley, one of the Iowa
men here as a guest of P. S.
Weittenhiller, closed a purchase
of ll!0 acres from Mr. Holloway
that had been plowed and disced . ","n
ready lor seeding iy the Latter
piller plow. Mr. Hawley will
send his brother in this fall or
early in the spring to see to the
further development of the piece
of land.
With such encouraging talks as
have been given the farmers dur
ing the week by I'rof. Shaw and
Prof. French and local men urg
ing greater cultivation of the
land with assurances of a market
at reasonable profit of all pro
ducts, such as Mr. Hartley pro
poses, we should not be discour
aged and complain of the slow
pKMMt of the railroad work.
It might be said here that the
road nan been cqmpleted to Jun-
ers we have prepared also a table of six days ago and prices on
the number of beef cattle each cows were generally lower,
year from 1906 to 1913 inclusive. Prime heifers at $7.00. cows
To these figures we have added f;t;.7f. bulls at $5.50 and calves
the population of continental at 9.00 are liberal price tops.
United States for the same years. Demnnd for any but choice finish-
is IIIK.
HI at.
New Mexlr-o
To The
Rexall Drug Store
tor Ansco Camera's Films
and any thing wanted In the
Reed Bros. Props.
A decrease
since January
are statistics from (Joverninent
sources and indicate a decrease
in beef cattle from 1906 of 23. !
per cent and an increase in popu
lation from 1906 of 13.2 per cent.
Here is a demoni (ration of the
fact that the numbers of cattle
and people are traveling in inverse
rato. We have 11,324,256 more
consumers of meat than in 1906
id cattle is slow and outlet very
Humping the hog market is
not proving as easy a task as
buyers anticipated. No other
explanation is needed than sup
ply paucity. Statistically the
market is 10 to 15 cents higher
than it was a week since and
light swine are resting
Some fairly good
$8.50 to $8.60 and
- .""" ..70 too, and smooth weighty
stuff moved readily $7.50 to $7.75
If receipts for the week had been
larger perhaps a more active
market would have held forth,
hut growers are not rushing to
7,uiu,ouu immkis market as yet and liquidation is
1.7 per cent spasmodic. Of course hogs are
1912. These beginning to carry more weight.
as winter approaches and quality
will be a better packing proposi
tion eventually. Until receipts
Ik c une steady enough to deluge
the trade, swine prices have a
good chance to range between
$ 00 and 8.50.
Mutton and lamb liquidation
continued liberal last week and
there was so much real fat kill-
Y..r II..I c .ill.-
SH :',,ii;,iw
llili ut.'Jmi.imi
lull :HI,(i7U.UUO
lain i...' ''.'"
IVM Kuntjm
iwn ui,m
won . i. ..... .
urtfrmvuTlTKri Kill
H.f I'ulll. I' I"1""
.I.i Ml
I li,lm
i,. on
trl i mi
l.l'.l fKxi
17,0 ' ,. '
MIS, '
IS,Tt1 M0
..'.I. i. i I
j .
'' '" around 8.75.
muZ lots brought
::.. QOB
I 149 000
.. .1 i.
and 11,037,656
yield beef.
fewer cattle to
Catholic Church.
ing stuff in the run, buyers did
not have the nerve to shade bids.
Choice mountain wethers sold
i.i id to 4.25 and ewes at 4.00.
arranged for a tour of the conn- pressed surprise when he visited
ty to give agricultural talks to the pavilion at the fair grounds
th farmers and make personal and said we had a great display
in view. It is stated that the ; inspection of the farms and gen- of products.
Pacific Northwest at present ! condition of the country.
consumes about 10,000 tons of j Mr- Chamberlain arrived Satur- The oniy rea) crjticism that
starch per year, practically all of (day evening to look over the can be made about the county
which is shipped from the east. icoun try and make comparisons fajr j8 that it will bring a big
The establishment of a starch i since his last trip in and was in- crowd in from the outside and
mill in Oregon would supply this v'ted to accompany the partv. g impressed with the wonder
annual demand and would also I I'1"0'- Shaw, French and Mr. ful resources of the county some
provide an outlet for surplus Freeman addressed the people of them mjght wanl to g,ttle
spuds during seasons of low j of Burns at Tonawama Saturday an(j in tneir eagerness to secure
PriceB. j evening and again at the fair a home advance the price of farm
It is stated by officials of the grounds Wednesday afternoon. ian(js. They will get onto the
Northwestern Fruit Exchange ' '"''' are enthusiastic in their Bnap the ranchers have and will
inaise ot the possibilities of this R0 "blabbing" it around. We
big section from a farming stand- shouid impreS8 on them that
point and all have great confi- they cannot make a iivinK in the
donee in its future They covered j county and that the products they
considerable territory, g o l n g , see are merely for show purposes
south by way of the P Ranch to atl(1 imported from Harney coun
( atlow Valley and around east ' ty. Harney county wants more
of Steens Mountain returning by peoue and lets slip them along.
way of Hanimaii and Lawen. Lets boost for Harnev. Baker.
price for the better grades of they met many larmers and dis- Malheur and Crook counties,
apples and that u little care and I cussed crops and soils. Prof. They need it. Tell strangers
patience in marketing will result : French explained particularly the that the real good country lies
in handsome additions to the bank I object and workings of the ex- beyond. Grant county is making
account. tension work undertaken by the no bid for a big population.
couege. rroi. anaw gave prac- Those who are here are satisfied
cal talks on dry farming and and they do not want to share
stock raising, answering ques- their many blessings. Let's keep
tions and otherwise helping the the snap to ourselves. - Blue Mt.
farmer to better his condition Kuele
I and increase his profits.
The parly left Thursday for Those who have crates that
Juntura going out by way of game birds were shipped in must
Harney and Drewsey where talks return them to the Lampshire
were made to tanners, rrof. garage at once as they are to be
Shaw insists that there is no sent to the state uame farm with-
that over anxiety on the part of
growers to dispose of their fruit
is costing them many thousands
of dollars, as many of them have
sold their apples at prices 25 to
50 cents below the actual market
value of the fruit. They state
this is one year when the grower
can practically name his own
Juntura Makes Bid for
Freight and Forwarding
The Commercial Club of Jun
tura have taken steps to have
their part of the new road to
Drewsey built at once. Our
County is out of road funds and
County Court could promise us
no immediate relief so we have
subscribed a fund sufiicienly large
to insure the building of the road
at once. We expect to start
work on this road by Oct. 1st.,
and to have it completed within
three weeks.
We haven't heard what action j
the County Court of Harney j
County intends taking, but hope j
that it will be such as will give I
you people a good road to the ;
railroad this fall.
We believe that a concerted I
movement on the part of the'
people of Burns will get this
road down to meet us at once.
Burns people always get .what
they go after and this will be
one of the things that it will pay
them to make an elfort to get.
Freighters here in Juntura will j
lay freight down in Burns in
three days for 75 cents u hund
red over the new road, us it cuts
seven miles and a very bard pull
off the present road.
Give this mutter such publicity
as you think it merits und do
what you can to have your
better grain, alfalfa, peas and out delav.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
; ervice, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
Saiiiplekoom In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
Hunts ...Bum l'anon City 6:30 p m
( imyon iiy ,., 7m l'ri tie City 10 m
Pimtrlf (iiy . .2:30 p m
(nil) on in 7 pm Burnt Ii noon
cowntv build their nart of the
Packer! took to the lamb offering roa(j n,j8 jaj
We will be over to your fair,
or just after the fair to talk
freight rates with you, us our
and Mr. Keiiyon and Mr. j 1. Un Sundays and Moiy days in great style, niaing o.i tor all
Hanley each are bo ship cattle ' of obligation IIoK Muss with the best ones. Pessimists said
from (hati)oint this week sermon at Kk30 a. m. the market would'quickly subside
I, 2. On week duys Holy Mass to 5.00 if too many lambs were juntura schedules don't go into
I at 0:30 a.m. liquidated thiB weeK, Dut tney ; effect until Oct. 1st. We will be
All other services, besides were disupointed. However, the -,,,! ta handle stock sbinmenLs
those mentioned above will be trade is not so short handed on i.v .i.... . ;.,,,.
Avoid Sedativn Cough Medicinat.
If you want to contribute direct
to the occurrence of capillary
bronchitis and pneumonia use
cough medicines that contain
codine, morphine, heroin and
other sedatives when you huve a
cough or cold. An expectorant
like Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy is what is needed. That
cleans out the culture beds or
I breeding placi for the germs of
pneumonia and Outer germ dis
eases. Thai is why pneumonia
never results from a cold when
Chamberlain's Cough remedy is
Fart; Burn-Prairie City, - $ 6.00
Round Trip, - - 11.00
Expreas Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hums
-.i.iii. nii. 'ill in rhnrrli LiiiiIih nnd motion dm ii"!.en )hvh
All invited and welcome to the ago and buyers may not manifest
divine services. 10 much interest during the re-Sick-calls
promptly answered mniiuler of September if licjuida
at anytime. Religious informu- t ion is ubnormally large,
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the rranciacan
Rev. Pius Niermann, O. F. M.
Pastor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
Austin Goodman is ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may be stored by
farmers at any time. He will
grind one day each week and
larmers may store their grain
"Chino" Berdugo was in the any day and get it when con-
used. It has .world wide repu- city this week being on his way venient. He is prepared to take
tation for its cures. It contains to the mill for a load of lumber grain as pay for grinding at the
no morphine or other sedative, with which to do some improving market price. Special prices on
For sale by all dealers. out at Clover Swale. large quantities, 44tf.
Yours very truly,
P. J. Gallagher.
Secy. Juntura Commercial Club.
Chronic Dy.pap.ia.
The following unsolicited testi
monial should certainly be siidi
cient to give hope and courage to
persons afHicted with chronic
dvspepsia: "I have been a chroie '
dyspeptic for years, and of all
the medicine I huve taken, Cham
berlain's Tablets have done me
more good than anything else, "
says W. G. Mattison, No. 7 Sher
man St., Ilornellsville. N. Y.
For sale by all dealers.
That you vaccinate your calves for Black Leg
early, as the lost of one calf will more than
pay for vaccination of the whole herd. We
have fresh vaccine on hand. Phone orders to