The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 20, 1913, Image 4

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    ! Wi' r'Wi'i-m-r'riT'i'i T'i"
All st.k nnlinala nlintilil lo Im
inpillflli'l.v i-rni.'v.'tl" from contact
Willi In-all tiy 00, nt Inaat until
t lie untnro of t ti. Olsonxo If.
known, Tli.'.v nlnuilil tio foil ami
WISH ml from ac-mr-ito vceaela.
Tin- ovtsMs wall of n bNMl
lun.f abovM iii'M'i- Im tuiKiiiti
Willi ii IMP or lilt-, us I lie fovi't-
3. inn (piMiopU'i pmvhM b salts
Is rvinov I'll
Orarfeedlng and Irregular r--ti- X
tux iii'o the i miaca at mora aick
Maa anmni horaae tbaa anj oili
er know ii thing,
A iiilMuii' "l i'iiiiI patta of
(iiuiiiir "i lodtM turpaatlna
nii.l -ii'i i u lc ether, applied t.iu-n
dan- i i aral days, trill atop
: iwth of tien apllnta
in i e should ba ahod at
i,.isi i . . ti i fortj ii.'ijx.
Mthi i lit iboea ara worn or
nut, .'is i'ir lioofa im.iuiow tlit
shoos. this being tin' cauaa Of In
llnniiiial lou of tba fi I nnil innis
I' II' I II II H't'l' H-H I ii 1 1' 1 1 It 'I
Essentials In Fred and Car That
Mk. Cattle Raiting Profitable.
othci tiiimxs bttai aqual, tba man
who niakos i in- Moest aaccaaa of tM
N-pf hualima la tM hi who hna tin
has) ball, aara Ret Darfof la
Orange .linl.l Farmer Only CSlTSS of
IM i"' eet, bloi Iq aarlj natnrtng
type naM Br I claaa baby i f.
calm i aara la rare raataaaaa,
only ii'oin pnra brad beef ilraa
Qood feeding is another aaaantial.
Ostrea muai ba mada fal al the in-gin-ntng
and kept fni io tba and, TMy
do battar if they gel eotne grate even
wllon Ml, 'kin:: lllrll' (1:1111s. Tills la OIIM-
liy accompllebed by baring "eraapa"
in tba paatnra or by keeping thecaleaa
in ii aepsrate paature, letting tbam
suck only twlca n liny ami feeding
boon grain arblta by thamaalTaa The
creep matbod takaa loss labor and i
nlnu-st as afflclMt
Tiio om btggeet balp toward cbaapor
is.'f prodnctlon in tba cow ball is tba
alio. Bllaga is us essential in Mat pre
diictioii or in ttaar feeding as it is in
tin- dairy Imsliioss llv iiioiins of corn
sttaga tba coat of Iffnihn baaf cow
ii year ran bt lOWaNd al least one
tblrd. Tlie lost of BMbtDg tains on
fnttenlnc cattle can ba lowered almost
ns lnncli Tlie man who tries ba pro
duee basf "Ithoiit the nld of the hllo
Is hniiill. mi-nil. Bllaga reduces the
blgb cost of Hrtog for tba cow.
No baaf cattla tana can afford to i
without 01 r the other Of either , 1..
ver nr alfalfa, or botb, .' Imr.- tliey CM
is- ralaad. The;, not only keep up crop
yields when used In rotation, lint they
furnish the i heapest aotlrca of protein
to balance llne and corn llwt can he
MH'ure.i ,,ii ii "I'n belt farm Cotton-
seed meal or will help take
their place la the ration, bul tbay are
more costly. Another factor that nltls
in the i helper production of bMf Is
the rale nf ' p iMuri-s. A good deal of
the land M"a under the plow In the
cuii ball (could bring larger returns If
laid down in pastures and properly
cared for. If pastures ara Bat "ver
storked and eiten Into the grOOIld for
a few yens, but lire lielii'd out In sum
mer and lime of drought a lih Mingo or
ctlnr feeds, their stock carrying capac
ity Is Inrrea-rd hound pastures
are made mora produrtlve by disking
in the qaruaj, it payi to raaaad thin
spots, drain low ones and mow I be rag
weed before It unit's. The pasture de
serves ami Dead Its share of the farm
manures. Many pastures could lie
tnadu to double their ret urns under
propel rare and very little expense
The boatnasa of beef producing Is not
n gel i;ui, k BfMIM It does give
to the man who Is fitted for It and
who goes lino It Intelligently and care
fully good returns for both labor and
Investment It helps Map the fertility
of the farm where It belongs, nt home,
and lull!, Is up Hie land It mnkea of
farming a lui-lin-s that Is stable and
permanent, one In which the son ran
follow the father on the same farm
and prosper
Andrew Jaokaen Shewed He Had a
Qrlm Sena of Humor.
A Itgluhin veteran used to tell how
And) Jackson used balea of cottou In
the ramparts (hat he threw up 111 de
fei ae of New Orleans, and It waa nat
in illy a niailer of Indifference to him
arboaa cotton be employed.
Some of the cotton happened to be
, tig to a rich merchant The mer
rliiut followisl bis balea with doglike
devotion He could not bear to tear
himself a way from them. He waa
I isdlng over them when Jackson hap
lriied to draw near, and, running up
io the thlcr, be said: "Monaleur, It la
damage for your tneu to take my cot
ton All property la aacred and must
be protected."
"Hut," said Jnckeon. "ara you aura
this Is your cotton?"
'Oh. sure, moat sure," aald the mer
rliaut. "I know the marks, all of them.
It puis, alors. this cotton, air. must be
defended "
Jackson turned to a private and told
him to fetch a musket at once. The
musket being brought, the general laid
it In the merchant1)) arms and aald
a lib a grim smile:
"My friend, you are tho moat proper
person I know" of to defend your own
property Stay bore, then, and do ao.
Stir at your porll."
One Ton of It Would Equal In Power
1.SO0.0OO Tone of Coal.
If one could utilise the energy of a
urn of radium through a apace of thlr
ii years It would be aultlclent to drive
i ship of leVOQO Ions, with engines of
10,000 horsepower, at a rate of fifteen
knots throughout the whole thirty
ens To do this 1,500,000 tons of coal
are uetunlly required, says the Chicago
These era not fanciful figures, for the
energy Is there, though, as a matter of
fart. It la unlikely that iniin will ever
produce much more than hnlf en
ounce of radium a year.
Still, the fact Is Important for this
paaeoa that science Is convinced that
I in- radium in radium bromide Is nut
I he only element which possesses this
marvelous store of energy, but that the
rHlriuin III gypsum and the sodium lu
minion suit contain also this energy
The evidence of the wouderful atomic
energies In tho common elemouta of
(reryday material Is rapidly accumu
lating, mid scientists are of the opinion
thai perMpa these same discoveries
may In time alter the whole future of
i he hu ma ii race.
The Care of Farm Horses.
Two things nre necessary besides
good feed to keep the horses In prime
One is a daily grooming. It need not
be very elaborate nor long drawn out
just a decent going over every day.
A amnrt man ran do a sufficiently
thorough Job In four or live minutes
to each horso v.-hero another couldn't
do as well In ten or fifteen minutes.
A light grooming every day Is better
than n big curding down once or twice
a woek and Is worth n Quart of oat
a day. The other necessity la a chunk
of rock salt In the monger, rtrt m a
big one ao they can't bite it They
will BOM gat enough and then only
lap nt It occasionally. It has n good
effect on their digestion and helps keep
them looking sleek and HBOOtB
Causes of Scours In Pigs.
laosra in ptga may in- oarssSl by
many different things Tbhsga which
do not affect the sows may cause
scours In pigs Any sudden or radical
eMnga In feed, the reeding of kitchen
lope, vt pens and had ventilation,
following the hi. iv through wet grass,
dirty 1 1., nuhs, sour milk from
creameries and cbe te factories or the
sow eaphlng cold are among the
esuaea or scours In pig.
Filth Kills Calves.
ii ii claimed by a recognised dairy
authority il ii DO per rent of tho calves
lhal die before tbay are n weeks old
succumb It her to Indigestion or to nol
, sonlng caused b fenllng from dirty
pall ,
A Cloao Reeemblance.
Professor Harry 0MS nini.seil Judge
Hull by an appUcatlM on behnlf of a
man who was a dealer lu horses and
sugar stiriis The Incongruity of his
evocation struck tM Judge, who re
marked, "What 'a si range combination
or trade I '
"I see a close resemblance between
borsi and sugar eticka," aald the witty
tan n ier
'ii chat uayV Impilrrd his lord
Ship. "TM more you I ii It them llio faster
they go," vmii the reply - London 'J'lt-
Knew Just What to Do.
EM Qaorge, dear, hare's srientlat
who . .i im ssi lb la wabbling on i's
axis. W'lii t do you anppSM Ihey can
do air, in ? ;, , , BUj Opgg
up the muffler, rereree tba lever, shut
off the pouer. luhrlrnie Hie bearings
and tighten the i i cap. Cleveland
Plain healer
The Kitohen Sink.
It Is a statistical fact that farm wo
men die earlier than do fann men and
that those who survive the yea re Of
drudgery hrenk III health sooner than
h the men. The opposite Is true In
town. There Is no doubt in my mind
that (he biggest factor III the develop
ment of this state of affairs Is the woe
ful lack of labor saving contrivances
lu the farm womaus home. Many
houses lu the country are still without
ilrit greatest of Inlsir anvers-a kltch
"ii sink, a sink with h pump or faucet
ni, with a drain leading out from It
i m- carrying Is and out of water is
i he most hiUirluus and hack breaking
r nil the hard tasks belonging to
I he housekeeper There la no substl
:te for a kitchen sink If you can
id, I tint one thing to your home this
year ami If you have no kitchen sink
let that be the addition I'srin and
I ''reside
Why People Travel.
Bacaneo they think they are going to
tram something, and It Is only by trav
eling that they ran discover that
knowledge dees not come by travel
Decensa It helps them to get better
acquainted with their neighbors -aome
or whom thev are bound to fall In with
mi their travels
BSSSMS the doctor tells them they
ought to
Bacaneo It gives them tile Illusion
of superiority and furnishes them with
ropjea of conversation.
I '.,-, n use It coats more than they can
BSMSM they don't know all the die
agreeable things that will happen to
Beeanaa It Is the only way In which
they can discover how comfortable
they are at home Mfe
Hum of the Wiree.
Any tiling that la stretched la apt to
he thrown Into vibration by the force
of tbu air blowing against It If It vl
l, rates so faat aa to produce the air
waves that our ears ran bear then that
Is what we call sound This la what
happens to the telegraph wires when
liny hum. and if we put our hand on
the telegraph pole we shall feel that
the wires vibrate atrongly enough to
-et the whole xile trembling too. But
hen the air la quite still the telegraph
wires do not bum
Vary Attentive.
"I can't get old Snip the tailor to pay
any attention to me." remarked Dub
"That's strange." said Slathers. "lie's
most assiduous in bis attention to me.
Bends me three or four bills ewy
nth" Harper's Weekly
Easily Explained.
I.ldci II ion l.elleie Hint everything
thai Hikes place Is foreordained why
did you wallop Hie man you caught
stealing umr wood? Deacon Heoii us
I couldn't help It I felt that It was
foreordained Hint I should wallop him.
Boston Transcript
In this world It la not what we take
up Inn nhal we give up. that makes
Us rich lleiirv Ward Ituecber
riie world turns aside to let a man
pass who knows whither he la going.
Inn Id Starr Jordan
lii the Circuit t'onrl of the State ol
Oregon, lor llarnev County.
lalwln H. Hill, t'liurlotte K. Sturgeon,
Ross lv I loan, Melvln I'onn, John
Mel lata, lie.l Allen I ,1. Catlow,
K. M. Hi brooder, Have I lefeubaiigb,
H H. Hefeiibiiiigh, Lewis Hefeiibaugli,
Adiini I'rlciil'iiugh, lisnk Adrian,
John Utility, ami I arl A. Thompson,
The American Land & Live Sink Com
puny, a corporation, (' Ii. Thomas
and Wal lei, n psi i unship doing
business as Thomas ,V Walter, John
Pobiiuler, (' S Allgsnl, I'aclfle Live
stock Company i a corporation, II. J.
Iliimloitl, A W Oiilucv, .1. lv Komi
aevelb , Sarah K. Wiggins, Michael J.
w,,o,i, loaapu Krullk, III. in he l.yn
Isll, I.. J. I Iran, ii. Henry Uils, W.
S. Kslell, (unelius Mandevllln, Nor
man J. Ito-s, Harry Hlough, Oscar
L'hilatophersiin, s. Waterfall, William
J. Keiini'dy, l.vdn R, h'ryor, lluihert
Wynboir, P. K. I'arlloii, !',. A. Homes,
Henrietta 0. Hates, llihling Itydeu,
liisirge II. Miller, ( iilnUlve O. Schrri
lor, P. I, U helily, Mary J. Wnlsteln,
William Kent, William T. Sly lea,
.t'laicnce I'. Chirk, f, l',. Pepper,
Arnold P. Archibald, I.nwr llci
CIsik. elndu M. Ileal, and R, licit
Sen t, Defendants
I'o The Aiiiericsn l.amltVi Livestock Co,
a corpoialioii, C. I, I liomas, and
Wsllors, a I'Hilurrsliip doing business
as Thomas and Withers, II. J. Han
lord, A W (jutney, Sarah K. Wig
gins, Mirhael .1 WmmIs, Joseph Kra
lik, Hlaiieli Lvmlall, K. 1. Heau. C.
Henry oils, w s Ratell, Oornalla
Msadevllle, NorasM J. Kos, Harr
-lough, Oscar i hrislopliersoii, S
Vaterfiill, Wllllsiu J. Kennedy, Lylia
i I'ryer. llurlsTi W uihofl, I', K.
'arlton, K A. Homes, Henrietta (
late, Hi ding Kwlrii, (ieorge II
tiller, Onaiava O, schroiber, f, i,
Vhelplv, Mary J. Wulslein, Wllllau
Kent, William T. Styles, Clarence K
Clark, t B Pepsr, Arnobl R, Arcbl
nahl. I.iih relict. Clark, Veledu M
ileal and Robes I St-otl, alstve imnitsl
In the inline ol the state of Oregon,
on ami e.irli of you are hereby rttuir
d to appeal and answer the amended
complaint 111, ,1 been agSlnel von, iisji
ibe expiration el fil Weeks bom the
..ublicatinu of tb Siimmom lien in, to
Wlt, On or before October Is, pil.i that
teing the last d,.y ol the time , reerril o,.
n I be order of the court of the pub
icalion ol this summon aid if you
or sny one of y,,u fail to so answt r
as appear tba plain UtewlH apply la lbs
t nun tor the relief prayed 'or in -tab
mended complaint, eemelyi
I. I or Ibe i ilituiiiauce of the I tu-
snaiy iiijuiu imn heretofore i sad
against IMdelt-mUut J. K. Kounsewlle.
'j. I or so leoaaM oi the lempnisiy
ilijunclion against the deleudaiit John
I'olanbr, enjoining iind r.-slin gteg him
lining Hie pendani Of this Mil nun
in sny way or iiianner iuterletiiig wild
tb.i Mow uf waters o Trout Creek i r its
tributaries and from in any way gtvert
ing tin- same or any iiait tbensif.
Kor a derren dt-leriiiiiiiiig the re-
Mann, iirrsiui, aiikiibI -., una
Niiih'i' In lii'itdi) afvea Hial Jnlin I, garnet
aiKlsnee td laii'lna w. Iluia-i'll, amitnin. ,,)
I sura Htrliaritpini, I, no iirim r at Jaetth inn.
I'snl. ill'lrNII',1, hss III, , III tint ,,111, ,. , ,,
llt'alhitl to I'lld'l llliilri He' iUHUt, H,, ,,,
suliileaiil Ilia Pnlleil Klnlea. Iln, 1,01 I.
1', .' m , a, no K , ami 1 ma 11 ami u. Her, .111 t
IIM, It, ill K. W M (Soalll, l,,!,,,,
Serial MO.OW
Any aad all aaraeai riaitnina auvii, inin,
laads daaarlbad, 01 iiciiint- la objimt Isprsnse
ni iln itiini'rai ekaractai ol ill,- lane, 01 lor eaj
nt loo raasoa. to toj llnHiaiil In aiiilli anl
Nllnlilil ah' Ihclr altl'liivltt ol protesl III llil-I
iirncr.iin or I, c liae I lie Islh tla) of ilcloher, IVI:i.
Kas, K'uUlcr
rlral pulilli'sllini HiMitcitil'iT 111. lal:l
aat publication OeioBai i 1(11,
l'.-.l,,.ll,l. I, . ..
rsiTsn hti l,sniirrii s.
I'NirKh htatrm 1 ANnorrit k. i
Him ni, Hri'ttoH, H. ,,tnni. r ;i, Iwi I.
NOtlOt In I'Hii'hy nlvnii lltt ObartCI K t.ihiu
tlf Mill MM, llll'KIIH, H III) till .lllh If. I'M.', IllH.Ti-
MuhMBlfHit Kltliy. Nsi OH? 7. for K'uKW'.himI
W HK'4, Hvi'llon l. Tfmhnhli -J4H . fUiiKr iU
h., wllUnifiiK Mprl-timi, imn iiifil 1n.1i, r ,, fj
twnllnn In iimko tlnnl Pol UII..11 proof, to
MtnliHuli PlaUn li) IIhi IiiimI kbdVt ! pii'r On 1,
boforo Iti'HlHli mini Hci'rlv, t,Hl Hnriih, (JroinD
mi iiif 'mil i of Otrtobor, 1 -1
I InllllHIll tlHIIII'H MR vVltlM'HIK'Sj
rhrlailUn IIimk."I Mm hu ()rtgoll. W 111 Hi r v
tbnti John J iii-Mity. huih ol Law on, Urtfon
In I. Hit0f, Of tin rn 1 'ipk"ii
Wh. Kahmk, i:-nliii.i
1'NI'I 10 MM- l AND 11KHCK, j
IWH Oftfon, t' I, in i I
NuIIimiU hiTfliy uIm'ii ih ni MHttn VMla.m,
til lining, urt'kiiii. wlm, mi h. 1 , ini,.-r 7 lUun
itmilti lirmT! T,eUKl 11 tr . 0101 , ta
siTittMi :'. lm uplii). . - , Ktngi 10 1 wh
leUlirltr Mctl'lllIM, l)H fill-. I pUl t IliliMllllMI
l.iliiKkr. I) tim I proof. tO taint. MO. (Irtlm to the
Unit iti, , tirni iiit.Mi, btfora iifgipici ft nrl Ki
I'uiMir, mi Muni Hri'n iht Ptll .1. ..1
OoloDvr, 19
I 'tell 111 Hill llHIHt'd HN Wil III blVf
Oh ft riot Wllfton. i hotttrd hfiblid botli o
Hlirni, nmOn, ChftrtM Nffillintn, It. s Klnu.,
ImiIIi uf Nstnini, ( ifiK.-n
Wm KtKiti-. l(oulitrf
i'misii snras isn oaaiea, t
iiiitna, nti'Kua. asataab. i .. iw i I
Notice lanerab) given thai Anna Leaeoa.ol
Priaoaton, ursaen, im, on Aprllaa, lata, taade
llnmi',l.t Kulrt Nti. 0Tki-j. lor s, ' . ,., II, ,n
J" Townnhle .11 s , llaiiai, ::., K . ttlllaiiirlli-M.-riilinn
i.r ni,., 1 tun, , ,,1 Intention Io ntski
nnal I'lUininitalloii frmil. In i atalillah i lalin I,
ilia land also.- a, .nil, c, I, i.n,,,- Reelslarsad
Iterelvar al Until", Uregoa, oo lbs Miiila, ui
1)1 loser, Ivi.i.
1 Ulmaiit iiatnea aa t. Itneases
1 liar lea Krt'kaiiu, Jauii-a W A i mal t.niu,
Mtau.taiilllotil, Karl II, o. 11,0,11,1 .all ..I I', In, .
Ion, 1 U-S"li
II, Ktaaa. Hcalilrr.
lHUIIfll fllllHt'H hy UlllliifHllDn PsiTai.aTTSsl.asi.iirr".
,,,! . . ,, .. , , ,, lltirlia, llregnll, Aiiaia ", "-'
niKl fOHHtlimllnll, 1111(1 (JUIfkl.V ' ,,. I. i,..,.-n, given lhal. Ka.l I. '
(llHIIttl l :i I'. vein ,11 I 'In,,,. I I..I..' , llonlnialill uf Irlni'i Ion, nni'"" Im mi April,, wili'll I hiHlllM't'lam H m, 111117, kii . 11. Piiy, an'l May II, lIJ, reeiwn
!'..!. I...,. ...... i..-i ii , , a,, I, ii'iiiI, I .!,.., I ci.trl, : mi -cilaIN"
.....ui.-. uiu tiuu'ii. riir KIIK' liy ,r,. ..tii Nna ormi, amt, for HK irNKi,uai
all iniii'iM.
Tonawnmu toniwht.
, ... '. I,' ........... U. ...,.,.. rim
NMl oiia.l.-. H liall Ml . 1111111. ' half HW
lal N.
C una
M( ii.iarl.-r
. . 11,, 1.
t'sivsi. srara. Last nrrira. 1
Saras, Otsaea, Safest , i 1 1 i
Noiic ia iiervi.y a'v. n that Corey K
Imvih. ol Smile, Uregoa ajeesil lalu
no,, lc ll.aio.i, a. I Knit. ,N . 0(i7:i. lor s'.l .' ,
If .'I M1, ami Ni IS',, -...i,,i, . ,, Iovm.
Iiip .hi s , Katiaf N I . wiliain.-itf Mai
liall, lias nif.l DOtlea of ll.lrullon Io mail
nnal three tsr I'r.Bif, tu c-i.ii.,1i , u ttn
taaa above daeerlbM, before Reelsiei and
Heetilrer. al llnri.a. Orefua, on lln on .lay ,,l
1 1, tot er, IV..1.
t laiinaiii Danes sa wltasasei
II, aa IMIIa.lihlr, an, I Hi., Moore, Imili .1
.mill.. tiTraou, K J In,., an, I l.
t aiim-i ion u, ,,1.
wa Kinaa. I(.ifl,i
I -oil.
apaetiva nghta of tbS parties to Ibis stilt
and each an I every one thereof la tbe
waters of Trout t'reek and its trihular-
ies 11- b, tseen Iheiu.elvea and each and
even one thereof to tbe waters ol I rout
(nek slid it- tnhiiiaries as betueen
themselves ami eneb ami ever one
there. .
4. lor a deci ie.hiriug eneb one
of the phnnlilT-. to Is- tbeownor and en
tilled Io Ike nasal tbe waters to Um -
teiil as by tbein and each ami everi one
Of tin-in 1, 1 Ico,., I n Hjai.l iiineiideil 1 im
t, l',.r tba decree ib-teriiiiinnc Iln
rehttne ritihta and priorities to and in
ess walarsof TraatCrsal ami its tri-
bu tu lies of each mid every one of tbe
parties to tills cult.
(!. Kor such ntber and furlber relief
as to this Court and to Kiiiiiy may seem
proper and jin-i mi I neeesssry in Hie
7. Kor judgment aitsinst tbe delen
danta lor plaintiffs eOSta and disburse
inenls herein.
This Kummoua is piihli.hed bv order
ot tbe Hon lirdnt Tbeajpaon, Oonnt
.Indue Of llarnev Coiinty, Oregon, duly
made ami SSlStSd 011 September 6, IIII3,
directing the publieati.,11 tberts.f for ail
consecutive Heolc in Tbe Tiling-Herald
a newspaper published in Ittirns, OrSfjM
and the date ol llrst publication ia Sept
6, 1018, and Hie date of last public Hon
will be Ort. 1H, lOlo.
J. W. limns a (i A. IUmh.ii 0 ,
Attorneys for PiaJSIJA
isitri, srstni 1 sJetorm
I'lini-. Orafee tecaai ia, Itu
N.iiirr la bereayalvaa thai imi starke, ol
Sarrowa. Itreauu. who. .111 S., Is. ISUS. Ni.
SK tall sod Aosestas. Ivll raseecilvel) nisde
ll",l Klin I.-., N... 1 ,. 1.
loi S.,SH',, S',s.,, K,.,. .,,,,,! ". M',
an. I k',s", -.f. il,.i. ... 1,0,0.1,1!. -, . , ,
' 1 . I Haa MerMlao, n. ill
im. an..., io uiakc in,. 1 laree .-.i proof, 10 1 -
tal.llah f lalm to tin- Unit alio.,- ,,-., r ..... I :.
tors HeeleUr and keeelver, si Harea, Ures.m
oe the ."all day of September, I
Claimant name, aa wlliwaeei
K.sia Itliifrr. of Sar.oa", in.-aon, s.oil M
llrowo. ol liurna, OrsgOO, John All ....
Ilrrinan Matka ImiIIi ol Sirtu.i, im-t,.i,
w faaaa Saaiati i
lu the Ciirmt (' ,, 1 1, ,, 1 n,
gon 1. 11 Hsrnej lounl -v.-i.i
R, Walker, Plaintiff,
('ml W, Wclkci, hclcnilanl.
i'n ('.ni v. Wcikci, the above named
defendant Is the name ol tba sini. ,,r
ORgOn, vol me beiebv lciliilcd In tip-
is'iir mid anaen r io the e plain! Bled
ngninat ynu in tba shove entitled suit,
mi ni before the insi daj "i the iimr
picsciihci ni ti nici ni the publication
nl Iln, aiiniimiiiH, Inwii, mi .11 abottl the
anii day of September, IB18, said data
being the expiration 01 ell vreeksfrom
the liiel piilihcnliiiu nl this minim, m.,
11111I it ynu I'nil In nnswci , Im wnnl their-
of, riniiitiii will apply to tba Court lot
tin- relief demanded la the complaint,
lii-wil ;
I'nr 11 den.. ,,1 ih ('.imi diaaolvlng
the bonds ni matrimony now existing
between Plaintiff and Defcndanti and
that I'laintiii have 11 decree ..i divorce
absolute Iron ba Dcfcndnnt;
Thai I'biiniiii ii, .- the care, euatody
and control iii Catherine Caroline, tba
nun., 1 child of Plaintiff and Defendant;
Thai Plaintiff have judgment agalnal
the Dafmdaal fbt nsi mats gad di-
blirs.'inenla liricin.
i.n Mich ntiirr and further relief aa to
equity may pertain. Tbia enramona ia
published by ,,i,l. i ,,i Hon, r.uint
Thompson, ml;c ..i the I oonty ('nun
nt 1 1 ni m 1 County, mads and enb n .1
on I lie Bth day ol AugUBt, 1918, mid the
r ami SK iiusrlor sw iinarter, .-.II"
., i..i,i,.,iu I,....,,,. . I. lli.i.irtlf M'-i
I, Han,, haa m.'il tioll.e ..I lulalillon I" make
loial llva tea i Proof, Io ealahllah I lli" lj IBS
liunl aliovn ,lri ill f.l, ludorc lleslalar ami IP'
..I llarns, llreS"". "" lllM '",,l ""' "'
KeplnuilsT, lull
i la name, aa wlliii'ae.'e'
Thomas m atavaas, Man Pavla, uililun
Ullklna llinry Meaaner all of I'rln. nloll, Hr.
H a. KAsin , IKWH
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival and Departure Of Traim
Direct connection enuth via
Leaves Hsrriman Monday r.e.1 Ihuridtsy
and arrive! Wedneaday und Salur.ley
each week, Wttk ""llnrn
line Io Denio. Winnemuccs. etc.
. pfr:
pin i .
No. 2, Prnirie,
Arrrvea Baker
2:35 P. M.
4:00 P. M.
r "m " - lii
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrivea Prairie 2:10 P. M.
it i 'inn
Enirrrti i i
Pine W.inii
i i.iliy
Kii,in trip A
: :
: l.ONfi :
No. 1 MakcH Reed connect imi
with O.-W. R. & N. No. 8 reJaJT
ru Portland (i:40 P. M. und No.
17 from ciiHt arriving Bator i:lo
A. M.
No 2 OonneclHwith La Orandi
local, and No 5 arriving in Port- J oi.ouoi. I 00N 0 i
land 11:40 A. M. Also with No. ;
18 for pointH KaHt.
IfurtiH, -
lllur in new bull, In
harness it hi ,
'Phone M
Phyalclan anil
rincr in I oni. v. .. ,,,,a
hern. .
fJflirt- Beeond Moor I in
I I'I no ,
I I IiaBD,
B..U. I.
Slock lospeclor, Harney County.
Int. nl the hi at pit bbea t inn of Ibis aum- ' Home AddrSae
Mnrna. i ii .
mona i Annual 0th I'U.'I
M. Beans,
Attorney fbi Plaintiff. ii .
I. n n K.
! ia ... ij -iiirli. In .1,1,1 allow Hall
a. i " . in , liuiiii,
1, hi i'i, lat .N n ,ink a. lo'l.iu. I ml utio.tnr hi I Pal la an-. . Ililr.t
rv o,,,
"nlut.lai. BettOI I I
inn,, iiearee.
l SMaLODOl I , i
M,-,l aval llial a. 1. 1 llilnl
lllolllll ,
-an. Hulkenbi s.1
1 .. Jn av?aVyahk
m w
e Meals At All Hours. Shorlj
e Orders and Prompt Service
With Rcaaonable Ifjitcs
(livi Me A (';ill
BUKN . .,i
Physicians n :
aim ansaren I m
'Phone II irrimsn
Harriman, D
eeeeeea eaeeei
alio, la. It, , ,,, I,
llaolt, v M
NOTICE POB IM' a i ion
I ' M I I 1 1 I I I - I t M i . . I 1 1 1 ,
Sara Orenea, annual as, lata i
Noll. . I. Il,i mm lhal Jam, I II II,,
.Irraoii, ot Narruwa, nrraoti alio. mi r.-l, mar)
,t. Iiam mailr lloiofalfail voir). No 0IS7I till
"',-',. -' 'I.I .II 1 . Il II K , am I I. , la II
an. I IJ, if. Una l Townahll, .1 K l:,u.. 41 K ,
Wlllauit-lle Ma rl, liaii. ha III., I 11, ,11, . ,. h.ten
lion to male Hoal III ret, y,iar pr.M.t, to . alal.ll!.
.lam. to tha Ian. 1 above daaoilbad, i'i i:,t
later ami Keoslver, at Suroe, Oregon, on the
.".tu .ia at aaptambi r, lau
ilaiuiant itamas aa a t :.-. .
K'lwlu nrloln, Hnni Mnlwlntrr iliail,- III.
a.ral.l ami Ha 1,1, 11 Klllotl, allot Van. ...
W rasas, ll.'sl.i. .
UNITS!) STATU I.ANImiih. 1 .
liurna, lirt-soa. ingual la, I "I I
Notice In li.-nl.) ami, lhal ma S Ham I loo, .
at bawea, ureaoa, erho on eepl i,i
Holnealcail huliy So aaj.i. furaW',
II, TooaiilD H a., Ilaae.1 -.-", 1. wiliauivin
Mi- rlillan haa III,,, I 11,111, ol Ion, ,1101, ., mak.
Nnal Ihraa i'ar ni,of lo.atal Hal, rlallii In II,,
lanil sla.vr ileeirllaal. !!,, ,,, Itealatrr ami
KovelTer, el Burna, Oregon Ilia .'.n.l ,1m ,,
Me I, lent her I'I
I lalinant iiatuaa aa ltnrae..a
John far, Ml,,,, l.notsv, 1,0th 011 Learnt,
ilifllon. lln.'l.anaii. of ilurliaiiaii, Oraaon,
nana ,-. 01 niitaa. nrrsoll
M 101 lis WOOUMI ... t.11 , 1. ,
" " ' ' '." an , 1,, 11 1 1 1 in lav . 11
1 1 '1 II in Ifi .-,,. Invited
ns will 1 t laaaai
1 . -i.-k', 1
Itta at
Nee a.,n
' i t-ft' rviinoi':
I Physician and
"iieti it-icplioe
I E. HIB 1
'll.l , .r.t .., , .
W. C. BRfJ
Bi ana, in.
' II ,1 II It s... ,,,
Mwta every asooetl ami i,,,,i,
""iii, lu I 1 rankle ,-n ,,,,,, M faori, -, ,, ,,,
.1.1. IIHIH, Ml J.I . K 1 So 1
Mi 1 a art
1 , , ""'
"e.lre I
lit : lit. i.k .s.. 11 ,. , ,
ktaasaever) hwrili i seieSa)
. 11.,, n, ,1
. ,o,,,iaa. 1 1, ik
OFI II I A I. PI tthi 1 mo
USUI I, -r. rn I NP i.KHl Bl
liurna. Urea Miami la. mil ,
Noiles laberabj eJJvea ihsi Frank p Uowan
it ,,,,, , 1, ,..., .. ,. . -.
.,.-..., -"-,-'."" r,,-,.,ouill.T CI. I HIM
aia.lf lloif.,., Kl.lrv. No lane,, lor Ni.NW.
-1. I 1 ami l.oia 1 i, 1 .. a.,, 11,,,, II Toinalii!
;" ha'.Kr.ll I lll,,., "'
ofMalli-lir UkellOl llle, I nntli i-ol llllentloli Io
!'.'.. I ,'11' I V" . -' lr....l. Ior.l.1,11.1,,.,.1,1,
a , , ', "V .,"'"' " ' '"'"' l"-l""
"::;, ;;;,!;;:,;,;!,'v:!7"' """" I"M"'
I'laiainiil uaaii-a aa witiifaa.a
W. a. Ilelojr, of Narrows, lir.-ann, M M J
Mlrtwlnter, .1 Ml.l.i Inler, I, ,11 I,,,.,,,
Oreaou, lira llai.illinn.ol l...,,., ,!,, "'
Wm. Kaaas. HiiKls'er
We do job nrintinjr.
All Waa Well.
Hia Only Chance.
Tailor I see that lleniieperli baa de
relopod Into a free thinker of late.
Ol in, -h .1 11 Ves; lili wife bus been
nil from h,, 11,. f,,r u week. I'ack.
W.k X
vtJT n: rrchc!
aw... 1 I i;n fiu.yitih
r,for the liifweat
name of North
laimlhuly 'J'be boarder lo tbe next
room aaya be can't sleep.
Miiali'bin -Ab, It vaa goot bo buf lit
soinnla 1 vaa ufrnlilt mine muale
uiIkIiI dlalurb 1.1 in
.1, ... tea.
f "HighPowsr"Roij f
tin no. 28.
list Price . fO.CO
.i3-.JU- iV:il air I .i J i ,. lers
Uae lli-iil. Auto liTTtlngfllirllltfsa
lUHiriaE NOBatKS l.'IAi'
Itlll.-a nbj. fur- j '
nisb.xf In limy ,'
Kriulca. Uky . i . . 1
Nfiid for hiilul ...
UinB. ,iii,,v j
I'. O. Ilox 6004
Wm Kim ttU'KlBU'i
tlaiTsii srarsa l.aaii iirm k i
iiutni. orafoa Angeal ia, it i
Sollrf la h. If h, i-n ,i, I ,i,,i WiiIim.,, v Btlaaaaaa
of Hllf ., 'itaaon. who ,,n Ma, I:,, loos le
II. .lu. aha. I laliy. So oivill, tot SIAL He,
lion .11. lumiahlti .-. - . Itinn'i. Ml . W 11 atautlf
Mr ll.llali haa llla.l noil, s ol Intention to make
filial tin,,, oat i.roof lo , .lal.ll.l, , I.n,,. n.
Hie Ian, I above '. ill.f.l, I l.,i Keelalor ami
Iter.'lv,'.. al II. una. Ilrcwoi, on il,,. . ,1 , ,.,
-..j.lf ml,, i leas'
i laluianl uanif a aa .. Itm sses
Kre.l Mliiim-a, Wall, i Keteluser, Kl.n.l Kraa
laser, li II II peon, all of Riley, Oreeon
We, i .inn. Resuiar
I'M IH. -Tt I U I.V.SIinlKP I .
Im.iia. tin son, Aasiiai 1 1. IVI i
Noun, is karabr e ivea that llari C Mohan
a..n, o lliiaar , in. a. oi, who oil . .. i
ina, le pfBrl lain. I Knlry, No i, ,..i h.rS1. M
aiulH'.NK' ,.-., i i, r.iwuehlu til . ransea '.
' . "lllai lu M.ih'lau, haa III,-, I mill.. ,1
inlanlloM i ate tiual i i. n, oelahllah
i-lalui n, il,,- Ian. I above deei rli.i, before lies
lateral). I keeelver, ..i Hun a tireeoii ,,, lie
.".'ll.l .lav nl Melile Ulh, i. t
'lalinant iiniai-a aa .. llio ae a
A. I. Jol.lla.lll, Arle.v A, Ion Si. It II llrvwell
Sr.J lifoii-f, ail oi Dreeaey, Dragoa
KtHKk. I
ii a. urofoa, Saptaahai io, imn 1
Te KoUorl h. Htranae.of Henlo, Orruon, i, a
You ere hurrhy uotllleil lhal Ian I.. I
Hale, who in,., pfitin. ilariii. Count) lira
ami, aa lor pnal f a.tilnaa. .ll.l .,,, pill, ,v
Hepluiulier, lul.i, llle In this ,,m, h, r dull
cnrroborale.l ap.liealloa lo ...nleal ami a,, in,.
Iln. laaeelliilniii nl your llniaeali ail Knlrv
Serial Sn in.",, ma, le Mm. It nth lulu I,',, ,,( '
Hee. 6, i' HIM., ItaiiKf M K . W M.ainl I.,, '
anil K'.M', H.a. I. I,,ii(ii iu a., Uniiu,. '',
Keel. Wlllauirll.iMetlillan, ami aaaioumla lor
Inn roul.-at ahe alh-ufrt aal.l 11..1
Mlranse, has v. a,, In sl.aiiUom ,1 aalii tra 1 1 mil
ho ui.vei ealal.llahe.l ,11 aieai I, , ,.
or iilaeail any Impruvemanu iaaravn
'llisl he hua iiUelilil klmlsll ainirtiaiiauil real.lfii. . 1 to- iflinii, ,,,.,.i,. n,.. ,
the entry
you er.-, therefore, further ootllea thai tba
aal.l alleaalloiiN will hu lak. ,. i.w 1 1.1. ..,.,.
havlllgie.,ae,,i,l, .auil hy ,011 ,,,,1 y, ,,,
entry w lllhli eaneiil. ,1 Ibiirniiiuler lv Ii In, 11 1 v,,u,
llirlfler rluhl In he heal, I Hi, oil,, either holm,,
Ihla tiflh'i, or oil appeal, II you tall lo ill,, n, no.
oltlio wllhln ivveiily .1.. v h on, 1 n, KOIIIITII
pilhlllallnli III Ihla nnllie, aa ahiiivu I,,!,,,,
youranavYi.r uinler nstli. apoe llhally ,,,, , , i,,,.
anil reip.imlliig lo 1 1,, all., a,.i,,,,, ,,l , 1 ,..
or It you fall wllhln that tlnia 10 Ala lu this
oSlaa due proni n,i y,,,, !,,,, ,,v,.,i ,.,,,,. ,,(
your anawer 011 Ihu auil oouieeUut cllhel In
IHiranu or hy nal.l, n, ...... I II 11, ,, , ,,
mails hy Hie delivery of aoonyofyoui answei
" ,.,,,-b o. 01 ,,f .a. .11, I'lnui ni ami, a, 1
vi,f 111, lat I, .- el tin -1 the ail 1. 1 ,,,1,1,.. ...... .
a.kiiowleiigineai of hla receipt of 11,,, ,.,,,,,
aliowllls Ihu .late Ol lla reeullit, 01 Hie althlavii
of the person hy whom Ihu .fell u 1 y was made
alalliiaiiheli ami uli na oop) waa ,1.11,,., mailu hy lualalete.l laall) 1 ,,, .,,
ervlee miiat eonaiai ol tin- a III, la 1 11 ul llie 111,1
eoa l,y whom the oopy waa iiiuIIi,i,iii,,b
when anil Iftaposloffleata whirl, Ii waa , 1,.,"
anil tills eltlilavll muai hi. arrninpaiil, ,1 hrlhu
pi atuiBBlei a irn-lpl lor Ihu letter.
Vou Bliouhl lisle In vnnr anawtir tlienaaie nl
Ihu ioal ortlec- tn vvhli h v...i drain- im
unlieealo l,r Belli lo you.
We. Kanaa, latlatai
Pate ol llial paallaalloa III llla
Pale 01 a., on, I pulillratloll Keiliimbi'i
jlatuof Ihlr.l puhlliialliiii Heptomhiu ;v.
Hale nl fourth nanlleailnn October 1 1111:1
I' I aeealora
,.I.B'. BBii.f 11
ttlolllf, ,,f,, ,
itovt 1 .,,,
-ffiolai. i tali
Stlpl Piihln liialiur
Siata 1 ' r 1 in t-r
-.iipirnir ladaes
Il I Vllono ,
Uepel) 1, iai va,
iJoBotboe liouri., jr
' I ' I, -10 la, r lain
I. Kill,
1 ' Maorli ,
v i crew tor. I
ii.aal.l , m
... 1 1 on I
...... I II la.
I II M, lineal,
tt h lluiilMav
1 skis
I A lll'llil.le
II liun.fil
i- a Moors
NISIII Ii i, I .
"' ! I hallo,,
tt 11. Hrooke
1 II I .oiiaol
1 In nil 1 ourt 1,0.1a Ho- llial M,,i,.la In
April and Ural Monday lu OotObSI
loiut Seoatei
loim kspreeentativa
I I .iilal.
tt I Itoman
eotiSTY ii.iir.av:
' , ,111,1 v .lu.lKf
, lerk
I Iraalll, r
-no,., n
. Ium.I ,- u,,i , ,
stock 1 iispsetov
1 ntutinaBlon, ra
'.IBM I linn, j, anil
: I lliiahel
It . Mill, 1
I I. llt'fr.
v 1, . in, uardsoo I
J J. P., I, .tall
lUaSUl I M lla, nil,,, 1, I
'. tt 1 If v. lla, -r
loan In, 1, ina,, 1.
1 r . 1 -, lv , an r
1 1 ima ham
I'OIII.I) 1 ,,1111 1,1,. IB Iln 1 VV, I, , ,, I,,
lainiai). Ilarah, Mar, juiv. Meplsrabei ami
Sept. 22nd to 27 th
rickets on Sale
Sept. 24th. 25th & 26th
ftval sV v-
Final Kelorn Limit
September .
M. A. I(
".e, t,lK,
C. A. RESVii
i i"l, sK -TI
Ruoros ..
Baaaei uae arm
Jeetstae vv, !,,,
''.'lvei I,,,,,.
I I V lll'HMB'
Seyor. tarn btolhi teheed
urdai . a. M in 1,1
1 reaanrai Ma v Inlets
Maial.ul, .1: 1 , Haln.i
11 I Hani n
' . 1 tt. n ,,n,,
I I BI,lBll 1
, o.uoll
Heel niaa .-' ". 1 of) I a u tt villi a I
t::;... .. ..- : :.:.
j Mrs. (Iracc li. fVUtaOM
11 ACiiik
Voice and Piano
Mctlititls I'sctl In
Ciiiiainualii CuiiHTvalur)' of Music
Uf.iil.-ii.-.' Sliitllo Hid door tveat
I'reabjteriaii Cliurili
A Spectacular Reproduction of
Pioneer Days
Emigrant Trains, Stage Coaches, Indians, Cowboys
Cowgirls, Racing roping and Broncho Busting
Full particulars on application cf any Agent ol the
O-W. R. & N.
w a
f t 4
You can buy no better gun
lor target work and a:
small game up to
200 yard.
change ot
niedianum it
handles .12 ili.nt.
long or long-iinc eaitridai I
perfectly. The deen Ba!!.u.I
rifling develops maximum power and
accuracy and add veari lo the Lie of i
Tv..lK.eapa,.;af,,,J.4v. ,,, ,,.,,, .
saml...brinsta'..irila,.k. ll,a .,,1-.,.. ...a ea.ta lala.vr.i.
N-.ibaedeadall..w.oU,.l.iKc.iieler.i-l.l i. VI ,,
.V.wn .oortni.', ,al4a a.naaranu. U.I -o J ar -'-' Holla-
uui. tru and aaarnl le ilran. A at'l .a.alimi nllr AA .,y Bun .1. aka.
TU 111 rata Btarfif ralalai
III kale raaaV.laa h.l.,11,
a..t lain ,.ui I. J. ,, J. . I ,!,,,,
Saaal ) Uaaaaa (at II loj.r.
tt Willow Street Neat Hawse Conn.
'lia.-. II. .,
t'lir.-i'u; iitt.iiii
ii'".- mi II,'.,!
i-ire ill n ,,f.
Notary Pi bliel
A. Y. (,(-V.
ATTORN i;v T-l
state Courts ami i
J-iinl Office 1
Three doors .-
uarnej County N.iti
tuiiii.-.. i m
Alloin.v ..i
' .
'a. .1, IIhi .
llutna. . .
$1500 Reward!
V 111 ' '
7 !! I
1 1 ML
. i iraaoai 1. 1
i. ,. im, mi, I Nevada
li... i.,i k I -i
llllll I lull. ill nl
rules. Ihu mi. I,. i
" fi slan.'.l la in.'ial.i-i.
Ci " m SJu S i .ihi im
l.ll.lll fill III
. , , inn, ,- on. ,ll. a
-. ,, rata..) i ! arresl ami sou
I'J elation ..I .ar
.1 mil I ii'b a .'U
I Ins horses, rail!,
ni Iss balonglna
ii iiuy u. ua iiiiiii
iii aMiiniii iniin. ni,,,.,., in,, nnilaialiuad
atari laa saau aaadiiuui asM.M for an boraaa
liralnlt'il In. rat. alt. 1. 1 l.m ua tinlli in ,.llui Jbw.
Iliaml nrunkal In ulslit rnlinllva Italian
lli i,,,, Lake ami r ,, ,iiull. a. Ilnra.-l
liiil. a wliuu l.'l. I.
Nnau i. iii iiava Sanaa aald aad sail in
ifaa iniui'ii'-B,
W W. Illtll-VN I il.', niuKiiu
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
Civil ,,n j HydrauJ c
" ' I'.'Uli'l!, ,i! t!
Sewerasre, Water 1
1 ' I'll i uao
i.uMcrn Mrctron 1 111
OWl a.mj iKkinAliiA
Bubs, 0
' .. tot, .1 M -.. , . , , ,,,
taSIl ,1 ,y ,
hvdraulk: i m
Ditches, Reservoirs, tt
Work, II.mIi.
'' & Dtp, lUneral
Cuurt Wmi A Sped
lingagwl In liutli i ,,,.iu
Uovt'lllllll III
Al HIRS1IN - .