The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 20, 1913, Image 2

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Yes Sir!
We have a hat that will please
You, because our slock is so well as
sorted now that we are almost sure
to have exactly what you want in a
hat that will fit your head, harmonize
with your clothes, and at a price that
will please you.
Our fall stock is now complete.
Come and make your selection now
It's the best time.
You and Big Values are good
friends. So you and this Store
ought to be good friends.
Prices $2.00 to $5.00
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Thr 7imrs-$icrafd
Oa. Vr.r
Six Month.
Thr.e Month.
Advertiser With a Plan
There is as much difference
between an advertiser with a
plan and an advertiser without
a plan m then ii between the
builder of a line residence with
apian and the builder of I re
sidence without a plan. Whi
ther in the building of a build
ing or the building of a luisi-
ness the same rule hold.; true
successor failure Is jusl tin-
difference between planning
before building and building
before planning. In the one
instance the result ii fixed sad
certain while in the other in
stance it is like taking a leap
in the dark.
In all the catalogue of DUii
ness activity the merchant as
a class is operating . ilhntit
definite selling plans, and tin
merchant class is failing at
the rate of '.'a out of ever) LOO.
The average merchant luivs
his goods, hires his clerks,
opens his doors for business
and goes after the money the
natural effect of business ac
tivity. He says by his con
duct: "I'm after the 'mon'."
There is nothing so distasteful
to the trading public as tin-
merchant whose only purpose
is to get their money. Tin-
people want value receiped
and satisfaction for every dol
lar expended, and the mer
chant who embarks in hu li
ness with the determination to
render the public the host ser
vice possible has really ado i-
ed a good selling plan, and is
headed toward the goal of a
permanent and profitable buii-
The selling plan is incom
plete however without a defi
nite advertising plan, it Is Said
that over 7o percent of the
money pent for advertising Is
a waste because of no definite
odvertising plan. And yet, in
the face of thisappalling waste,
the majority of the merchants
go at this great problem of
business building with their
eyes shut. They should open
their eyes to the situation and
become master salesmanship
on paper, The master sales
men are the master DUStneu
ouutiers. if
an active part of discussing all
problems of forest administration
Inch affect their interests. The
result, states the forest service
report, has been the elimination
of misunderstanding regarding
the retuirements of the stock in
terests and an improvement in
methods of range control which
lias won the endorsement and
7x approval of the large majority of
the persons who depend upon the
national forests for the pasturage
of their stock.
I oo
Two of the stockmen's or
ganizations are national in their
scope and one is a state organiza
tion. The remaining 11 are local
organizations. The stockmen
have, it is said, been successful
In securing advisory boards com-
poseu 01 oroauminciea, unseuisn
men of wide practical experience
who have worked for the best
interest! of their industry but at
the same time have given intelli
gent consideration to the need
Prof. Trios. Shaw
Coming For Fair
The Times-Herald is pleased to
annouiuv to the farmers of this
county that Prof. Thos. Shaw,
the Great Northern I '.ail road
Farm Expert, will make a tour
of this county heginning next
Friday at Riley and covering the
entire county during lilt- week
Prof, Shaw is one of the most
quoted soil experts of the West
and he gives some very practical
lectures thai are worth much to
the farmer and his opinion is
sought by many people who are
looking for investments or a
change in location for farming
purposes. 1 1 1 has been here be
fore and has told our pi -pie
what a good country we Live
and his visit this time will be of
greater benefit as he will go out
and spread the gospel of fine
crops throughout the Harney
Prof. Shaw has been route. I liy
the liurns t'oinniercial Club as
follews: Riley school house Sept.
2ti, 7::i) p. in. Boras, Sept. 27,
at Tonawama Theatre at 8 p. in.
This lecture will be accompanied
by industrial moving pictures
that will bring out some good
points and be very beneficial to
all who attend. There will be
no admission charges, the lecture
and pictures being free to the
public. Narrows, Sept. 28, 2 p.
m. Catlow. Sept. 25), 11 a. m.
Wild Horse, Sept. aft 7:30 p. m.
Alberson, Sept. .10, 10:30. a. m.
Princeton, Sept. 30, 2:30 p. m.
Harriinan, Sept. 30, 7:30 p. m.
l.awin. Oct. 1, 1:30 p. rn. Hums,
Oft l, 8. p. m Harney, Oct. 2
10:80 a. m. Drewsey, Oct. 2,
2:80 p. m. Junturs, Oct. 2,8, p. m.
The Money-Maker.
Boras, OraffOU, Raptambtir II, I.l
N. n Ico lit Imriln iraa iii.i l.l,.,t,.)n hum ii
ul Niiiiiiwa, llri'Hiin, u Im. on AllMllHl j-.i l'i.
iii mil' HoniMtaait Knliy.Marlal No mm, mi N'i
rl '.' , HIM- 1,111a I nn. I .'.-... tlnli I I. I ,m iiIi l, ,,
.iinilii. Italian HI Kimt, tUlliiiili'tln M. rlil
iimiiiiii mhIiii'iii ii.i' t nii'il nolle, hi in
li-tlllim In main III, ,il II in U prtHll In inlnl
Hull I'lalm In llir Imi'l Nlmvi' ili'in ill. ill. Ih'Ihii.
On. Ilnilitrr mill llni-Hint, .1 Hum.
n. i IB 1. Hi ilai "I Oiliilii.i. iiu.i
l litliitant nnnH w Hi". aa.-..
liana it Brown, 01 iiiiini, iiii'kiiii iiniir
llarkliaua. til Nariniva, llirjimi I milk I'
llowali itii'l Inline i t.nainaii l.utli nl Ii
Wm. I-.IIIIK, ll.'ulali't
I'nitiii htatih I Attn Orrii r
Hum., ori'iimi, i .i.'i..i'i'i ti, t
Null. ,' la htrabf itlvt-ti I tint rliarlra A 1 pll i
"I Irlti'raiili, Mull. .n I'u.. ori'lOOI. win', nil
lli-tolii'r 1:1, I III mail.- lii'Ri'it I.hii.I I'.iitiy.
MiTlnl No. WlVlli, (or Nl-',, Mn ; ami W ',M' ,,
Natation a, T.iwnalilii .'.I Hnntli, Hani afl Rul,
III. in. tl. Mi'il.ll.ii, ha- Ml. "I imlli . nl Ini.'i,
Moil 10 ma.n Hunt I'loof, In natalillali rlnltii In
tll lull. I aliulri illt.rrllii'il, linfll.t' Itnulali I nml
llt'ri'lltr, at I III til., OII'Uiiii mi On' Il.lll 'l"l III
Oi lobar, IVI.'I
i i'llintlit mum a "I Knaaaaj
I vru. K I'l.l.r. J Knlvy. Mlllnti I
llli lial.l.iui. Mm. I IllrtliltiUiili, all III I am n.
Wm. Ka. ili'.lalir
Hutu. Of.Kou, Hiittiiul..i .1. I'M I
Noll! I I. In ii-liy Klvim lli.l Amlrtiw l-iiti'tai'ii,
nl l.atii, lire-auii, wlm. nil Jul. .it, 1901 mali
Hn .t.i.ti Rniry, n MM, fur Hie,,
Bacllon u. rowBialp '. , Mania ,'" K nl
aini'ttti Mi.rlilian, turn lllt'il ti.ill... nl liil.'iill..ti
to ni.k.' MiimI tliriui l-muf, ( MtabH.nod
rial to in I hu I ami alKivt- ilt.a. rlhi'il, liofnri. l(. u
I.Iit .ml Kt'i t'tii'i, .1 Horn., ori'K ill tin'
llllll ilar nl lli't.'l" r, IUI
I lalnianl Halm . aa it Itlii'im a
I'll, r i liilali-naru, I Itolllly, liriiri." 1 1. I. II
- N .lot .11 nl l.amll. OrajOB
Wm, Ami., it.-alii-i .
A BUbscrlber write.- in and
asks, why i ; it that we claim
that the hog is the greatest
money-maker of all farm snimslsT
This statement is not 0 ten
questioned. It is acknowledged
by most people who have given
it any consideration.
The hog it; an economical cog
in the farm operation. He is a
eonserver of waste, a tjlcant r in
I tin- fields. A helper of the farm-
er in adding to his bank balance,
Because of his savins tiualii ies.
has been denominated as
UtflfBO HT4TM LkV0UffK I
llilMov urt 1(1.11, AOffOM 10, ttvl I
Nullt Is lnrrl. tiivt'ii II.mi J all AH "..!(.
ul PrVWMV, (r'Kil. wiiii, (ill his h 1 ' .
niHil lluiiti'til.'Hil Kutr) Ni). POO, h riui N
"I ,. fur -',rArt'4, NWJ4HWi en. I HW'.N'tN',
SiTtluti Dl, inw.islil,. ! m , lunv- ' , I A i
Ullirlli- M.-r hllnn, Im BlM tlOlli g Of llih n I h n
(ii ninki' rinal Hv 'r prtmi. tit Mtttllllh
i In ini ii Hit) Unl rtlmv i- ileei rlU .1 t-. t.
Hivili , (' H. roiiitiitssititi(ir, ei (.! rtflov, mi
I i re M Si's , OrtflOttt n" IM HUl dnpi'l'l iBlfl
Win loQM, W.J m, J R, I'lcwiti. Jollli
k lint ii-, all ol DrawtM, Ortgoa
Wm KAhhr, IUk slrr
I'NITMi -iT.IKa I ANI Ottti K
IHllli.. Or. Hill, , Annual ft), I 'I .
.Null,.' la hnreliy nlvvn Hi. I Hiram It. Ora.ll
,,IH.v.r!i, nrtl WBO, 'Ml An.nal
inaili' llmiiia ia.1 Knlry So uion.1 Inr HK1.
, , li ii i. I ..-.. nali Ii ... m . liana.' In
!i. ini'llt. M.'llill.ll, haa llli 1 lliilli i' i.f lllti'titlol
in maki. llnal 1 1. .-- j . ar (iIihiI, I., ...lalillal.
. la I ill In llli' I, it. 4 alm-.i ilia, Hi, ml. Ii.fot. I:.
laicr ami Hi-ii'lu-r at Itnrtia, OrafOO lit"
J.itb itay nl M'.i.'inl., r. I 'l i
I lalliianl tlanii'B aa a Itmaa.-a :
orln ' n i rant. Aari.n
lliit-kl.)', LaoBBrtl nl'iinlnltl all nl WaiiTlv,
all r.HUl
Niiln i It In i. lit iiiiii Iml i Iii
I. nml Mi mii 1 1 ul tin- : . t j 1 1 1 -il On i u ill
iii'h. Mated miill 10:00 n'clocli
A. M , Ootobti ". ISIS, i"i iin Follow
IngrlMcrlbfd Ikiiiln, lu ii
Hcc in nml U6, T. 38 S K. :'i B
H.-ili.iim HI mnl ,'IH, I U I I I.
Snii.MM Hi iiiiiI in, I . 3H H, R. M V..
.. i I IM nml 86, r. '2H S. It. '.'7 V..
Bcetlom in mnl BS, T. 2D s. It. .. I.
Stotioni Iii .i-i.l HO, I 38 s I- 18 i
Station! in mni BS, i . "i 8. K. '-'7 B.
' .ni Mi nml IS, T BOB l W B.
:. . iii mnl 80, 1 . 38 B, i.' 18 i
HiriiiiiiN iii mnl 80, i 20 s. n. :."r . ,
Soil a Mil, T, 80 s. i:
Btotioni n; .,i,,i ge, T. :' B. R 01
Si-iiiHiii Iii mnl an, T. SOB. If. 86 B,
-.. ii.'im in mni :ai. T. :io s n. a7 8),
Si-, ii.nia in i so, Ti 80 if. W K.
Btetiom H! mnl 86, i . 80 R If. -".i B,
Btetloat 16 and 16, i 0 R, 89! I
Si'i-iloti an, T, in s. R,
S.i'1 .... I 30.1 s R .-, I B.
-,. ii'.ni Hi mnl 88, P, '! R :o B.
Btatlom 16 ami 86, r. HI 8, R, 81 i.
SiiiiiiiiH in mni 86, P, 81 S. It. aL", B,
s. iin. n in T. 81 I R, B8 i;
Btftioni 16 mni go, T, 81 s. K. B4 B
Bn lloai 16 mnl :ii!, T. 83 s. R, 80 I
Btetiom in mni i -s k. 81 B.
s. 1 1 i..iim ii. Mi.i an, i 83 u
BtcUon 16 i B8 8 R 88 I.
All liiiU imi'l lie mi i liv
rrniilnilv . xi . in. 'I ii ii ion ii, inr-
!i - 'ml fin i I. hi i : i i Itntt on.
llli v nl lln mimiinl nf till l.,
'I'lif righl iiiiii 'I. ..ii. I ill bldt i-i
liaii v. .1
AiillriH.ins ,in,l bids ihould Ik- lid-
ilri'isi .1 I., i . i,. Brown, CWrl
I. nml I, on il, SmIiih. i In iron. Bnd
ilifiiii'in .ml I,., I in in i . inikf
School Suits for Be
At Greatly
Mi.ii ; i i
itBtf IiiihU
RANGE Of AGES 5 to 15 YE
We are over stocked on I ' bove
sizes and offer any suit in this
lot at a very low price
$2.50 and up for the entire
The Quality Store
0 '. Brown,
I I. i I I .'iml lln mil.
t'NiT8cirHrrc. hMH.uiH.
Hutu., i Mivon. Ml(f iibI l.
Null. I I l. rrlijr lliel I uiu I. H Of toll
.i i-inw ..f a i tii ii r littii.iH. ii i. ul RurOB, or
ten. wliti.un Mn M, 1B10, V ti 1 II
N.. i I, I-., f..: Ni,NK'., ,'.t .
W. Mc Unit I. lMlihli.
Ubiik H k Willamvtti Meridian, hu in. t
DOt tot ( I lit r II-1. i. Il mite.- tl tin ! I
Proof, in ' i-i" In Itaft land r
-. rtbad, 'iiifr h.-kIbii - ! i iii-n i rat, a I Hurtti
tragun. oh tin- kaui day al - ptambi i ll
iftiniMti! iiNinr us oitnaaaaa
lloorsa i'ii, . re Nl k lunu. 11 m I!
laapai I oopar n at Hnrrtft, (iracua.
W M I .Kill , K
- id Kittty. :
en. I HKNM
a- lias ot-i-iiilt'iioiiiiiKiU'd as I hi
KentU-man that pejra the rent for ,,&0ffl?N"!,'.S
in housi'holiliT; the mortjf igv
lifter for the fanner."
Ill till! Ilfl alt II. U"IU lllillitlil, I,.-
lor forest protection. Bad who the firmers of the corn andhou-
! herefore have directed their re- holt a.s tin- only feasible way of
commendations along construct
ivti lines.
The recent order of Secretary
Houston extending official re
marketing the corn crop. Being
turned into the held and fattei ed,
this was known as "hogging the
corn," thus saving all of thelnhor
of gathering, storing and feed-
cognition to organizations of ing out again
other classes of forest users is ' At times, when the wheat crop
said to have resulted mainly from
the large measure of success won
by the cooperation of the govern
ment with the stockmen.
High School Notes.
A Basket Social will be given,
Friday the 26th of September by
the Senior's, a short program ! by-product of distilleries,
will be followed by dancing. A
four-pises Orchestra will furnish
the music.
The High School Literary
Society was organized Friday
afternoon. It was decided that
our program should consist of
travels to foreign countries. The
first program will be Friday the
.'ird of October.
The Sophmores are glad to
count an extra member in their
class, Miss Clarice Miller from
St. Francis Academy.
Football practice has begun and
lakes place three times during
the school week and on Saturday.
Most of the new books are
hero and the pupils are getting
down to work.
Wanted- Some good beef cat
tle for judging Upper Agricul
ture Class.
The Sophmore boys are taking
Up Dairying.
was an overproduction and the
prices were down below the 50-
oeitt mark at the farm, the hog
was used to market wheat.
He bee done his part in i .in
verting the by 'product of the
dairy and creamery into u mer
chantable article throuKh his
stomach. The feeder of a bunch
of steers follows them with a
drove of hogs that are fattened
on the undigested corn fed the
steers. Hogs take care of the
sugar plants, of the garbage of
the cities and of many other
factories where food products for
human beings are manufactured.
In Texas aud several Southern
States thev inform us that they
can make pork at two cents a
pound on peanuts, and more
pounds per ncre than they can
with a crop of corn, letting the
pigs do their own picking or dig
ging, as you please to call it.
The hogs can convert kaffir corn,
milo maize, cow peas and soy
beans into choice pork that can
be cashed every day in the year.
then, again, lit- is u forager;
he can grow on alfulfaand clover
and several other kinds of past
ures, but especially is he adopted
to converting alfalfa into lean
I Miiii.r.i,' I i.iiiiin, I
Hum. orrt-uli. Annual .1. I i
Villi i' I. hiTi'li) given that Hurt 1'ara. r ol
ii Mai '. 1 aa.. ma. I. II
nal V.i II... a In. -
-.I;1,. Rt.ur:', ami Nh'.aW. -ni..ii mi.
Inn u.lili 1 H., Kalilti. ... lut .Milan.. ''.
M. tli II. ii. li aa Hlr I litill I . .null-'.'
In lliaai' Klual Hvi' l'r..i.l I., lalaulai,
latin In IB. lalul alM'in ili-arrll. i. bvtor.
llm Itculalir ami 111'' t-li nr, al Hull... (it....
.Ml 111. Jtlili ila nl Koi. ilr 1113
i iiaitii'a a. trltBaajaj.
VV W Sliiria. ul llllnjf, llr.'KU'i. I. liar. I
Kail... I Kiill, lir.-coii, A J JOhD , nl Kllfi).
iin-auil ami -I an Inn r I j Irr i.l Hiif na, I in ki.ii
iv a r . aaa, Hi glat.-r
NOTICK Km: I'lKi.lcATloS
1 -' I ii. hi i i, a, I
lluilia. mi k, ni, ', I'li-nili i 1
la 1',-ri'l.l Ilia I ll.aili a I ,. U ..!
"I I I'l" ' . . 'I itiril a 1910
ina.l,. Iiiil.n l. a'l t III, i , ,, ,, ii I,,, . I'
.. I ' . " ' '. 1 1., I, .-.
I'm iiahl). .-.. - Ilai ,'. I , Mill i-iti Mrrl
"a III. "I ii.'th , .- ini, nl .". ',. til. In'
" iBl Urn . teat I- I. I.. r.laMlah . lalm l.
I. i ami
M i .i i ' ilaj-ul
I 'la I ma ii I iim a, alt ,
lldliai'l ' Hu ' -
'I aa t Hi ,ii. linn, a tn, ,.!,,, a.lll't
nl i
' .LUT
UtiToa, it-. , iwi.i 1
I Hlvartilite, ' Hiv-,, ,, i M ., ., i . .
Hlft'.ff I" -sril I Mi. -I I ntM
S S , .
Wlllein- , in, ,.- (l
int. -nil. -it t.i in nk- - - , Btahllfth
rlattn iiiiii'1 land ftbovs dtti r 11 -t in fura it-
IkttT Mini lliM'lnr o hu llli
.'Isl .1 i.l ". '
lalm an l n i
Itaaa ' " n Miid n-m
men, (lra4 I ! . l,r(- I
m!i i. oi n .-I 1: :. ' f . gun
ii ti
i II -.'.!. . i--,-..ii. ,, hn ...
-ml. Momi-ftti . ,,, H i
1 I ftfaatl
Mt ii-lieii i. na i i. i not - mi t. make
Una) tin.. .. . t iim to
'' land "' Hn ltai and
l:e. . u. - ul
Of Ii.Ih I 1 I
i laltaaai i i
I N I'Misrn ftUil i Hi ..( Khi'i
fide, i -i. . -!. u, .
puato i-ttii ..' ii
Don't miHH the picture pn
rr.'uns at Tonawama.
lliiilil. ilM-Kmi, -c.. hiIh r 17, Vv
NollCft l h.-ri-l Blrn that iillu Njfstr.ti.i. Of
prlncatoD. Offtjoni wba on Met I. i ". ini-i
Ortobai '1. 1BI0, neftparitvfli nada llomr'itaad
KnlrJrs Sn . I J. f..r hl'-MW ', . . it1,
I I ..'- I ! t, H',Nr',
ti1 NW, I , t to tenth In -.. IUiik
UN V .-!( Harldlan. baftltad Kotlranl
IdUh niftke final fivi r"f v-t ".-
labllah lUit.i in iha land abova daaertbad. 10
fura iii H flii t en 1 Ltaralvar, et Nuraa, on
OB Otl ih" ilm ..f I ii t.i'. i. I'. 1. 1
1 lalmftni namaaaa prltHoaip
Tbomii K Haalf, Ken J W. HoraUoarn.
1 BOtaftJ h HU Vrn nimI I Ml. in XM'hilis All (
I'flH''. lull, Iff. V-..
N M. 1- SHftR. Ili-Xleirr
IKPpiii r Sti 1 I'm n .-vi Ul .So le.'.t .
KD I I I I S' nil U I
hu 1 1., Oragw, Haaambaf U4, Ifta.
.- : y rfivrn the KoOMj C -i '
. ilUlftll irli Ol iii' . BtaU of 1 ,
IliVft. liV ' . K Unnlti.ii. HlollH-i ii. I 1 l
ftddfvai "i fttturna) In v I. w U
RnMdlna:, Portland, (raaia iit.Rii.i-a htddai
, : lad in 11. I ntlM : f i"
I ii iit.i inpi-ini und r ihft i'tn . uf iba
. t-l-r . . 1 I rln irv i l
1 .
null, In. loi, 1 an, I in. ,
Miulh It a.'1. Kaal M
Ini an, I all baraoni 'lauuii.ii
ail . . r
I -I
Il II,.-
Jati.l. ,1. ai 1 II. ,1. ill ilialrliitt lu nl'li.i I U 1 allai-
i.l tin- mi 1,1 lal 1 liarai Irt III I tip la I 'I. ol luT al.)
"IIk-. r. aa.M 'i II," 1la".al lual'I'lli ant aliuulil
llli III. h alt. .lai lla .11 I'.uli al H. Oil- ..IT,. . ,
I l.i fur. II.. .7 li .lay uf r I II
I1M1 It. Kial.-r
In tho Circuit Court oftht Stun, nl On;.
nil lm the i ultlilv 'it ll.ilnrv.
I'.lfiiiln, Mm 1. 1-., rliiinlill,
rhoniBi 1 Veil Mm 1. tv. I'liitiiliiii
1 n I Imiiiii ( i . il Minruv, I 'i li'iul.iiii
111 tin- inline tl tin-Stat.-nl Oti'uii
Villi lilt- lliirliv !ritlirvil In .li)H-:ll ill
tin- abort i-tiiitl'il I'niiii 1111 ur before
Mniiil.iv tin- aivtli (lav nl UctObci I'M:
atlil ttliavvcl- till' riiliiptniut lllril BgBllial
run III tin' ill.. 1 v.- i-nlit la-il r.uiM, .iml il
,1,11 fllll In .1) Utllar.-ir Itllil Jlllavvri mil
ill lln- until Iiiiii-, (or want linn ul ilm
..iinliil will Bpplt to tliralinvii unlitliil
cmitt lot ill- rilul .liiiiaiiilr.l In lur
1 uiiiiij mil , to w it :
l:or ft OB0PM aliaiilnty dlfOtdaU I In-
il'inilill liuiii you anil l.iri'vi-t iliaanlv lli;
llir liotllU of in tltlllllillv lli-lt-liilulr ami
now cxiatlllK' la-tut'i'li V'.ll ami tlii-ilaiu
HIT nml lor BJudgrjaeni fof liur c ala mi. I
illaliiimruu-nta litriiu.
Thia .tiintnoii. ia aervi'il Upon TOH I . v
pnlili.liiiiK tin- aiitni- otirr a vvi'rlt for alx
I'Ditaet'Utivi-wi'cka in llir 'runt'-. Hi 1,1!, I a
airklv iir'mia-i nl m ncral t in ulnt ion
in llatiu v ('iniiiiv, stnto ol Oregon,
piir.uant lu tin oolur of II .nit
1 In imp. tut, Count I iiiiii' of Haul Count
of Hhiiu'v, Mali- ol Oftson, tntailf iiiiiI
i-ntrml mi lln Unli ilitv"! Aiiuu-I "J I I
Tin-ilalr ..I 1I1. Iul pulilicntion nl tin-.
auiiiiiinna Ik-ink AiinHt '-' '. IBIS Bad thi
la.t piiiiiii'.iiu.ii in iin- u-i.iiii-i on i'u 1
Wm. Mil. i. km,
Atl i-v for llir riainlill
I - I I I I. 111! ''Ill
Hut 1,-
NoMr. Il , , , I II. .,1,,
nl I i .17 ami
1 1"". I'-. I'l" r. a. .!ii. II, , ,..,...I
I iiltlra. S-, , , I i I 1
! S I 1 , - VV I
Appoinlrnrnl of Executor.
In tin- nniltir nf fill' --! Ill a- nf
v nnllrl Ifnttfli, iI.t.'mm- .
Sot lot ia Imfi'fiv tfivpli llial tin- llnil.'i-
aliiiii-il wita ilnlv n.-.lliti..l liv tlii'l'min
lv Court nf llarni-v t ninitv OlBBOti, on
Hmta I". I'-'li. till- IXI-i lllur nf tin- lnt
will 1111.I Ii.pI itiirni ami nf I li.-i-lul.' of
S11111111I Uimoli, BtWMMd Bti'l Ima iUHli
Iii. I All ra.iiiM liiiviii ilniiiia a,., in. I
mill an- icllil.-.l In pr.-a. nt lln'in
'I'll rUWItllllll I ,.. I WlllaaM Ulll, I.l , I'l ill.- Il r a nill.l,. .la ....... It.-
. to. M.'ll.ll..', I,a. M , .I 1 1 lntiniltl IO ,. 1 , , ., ,
...... 1 ...' fli I In r.tatill.h rlaln '""" ,l"'" "' "" n-'O"'. '" IM utul.-i -
IvV'V' '.".';!'' ' ;;; ",,....1 ,. 1,.. r...,.i.-,..-.. ,., mu.,.. vii,.v.
lar.illl. t..l'i 1. ,1 ,, . ,'tli,- ulllia .lit, l,,..v, tl
I la 11 "nil litti,,, a I .....
Karl j. w lloratui. .' - i, ,,.,,. . Il."i.l...l.l. it I llitniH, Oi.-L.-ni
And BO ia my full line- of
Allover Lace, Embroidery, Flannel
Woolen Hose, Lined Glove?, Woo
derwear at
Ti i Mm f
14 vin
orlc and
For MEN, v
and CHI
I also pack one of the Hest &.
of Graeortefl fo be had an:
a. iv. menarasfl
General Merchandise
Potatoes Cafc
X '
"' "r i-iinn
mi. or.K.,11
II 1 . i:- lal.'r
I iii il Una Unli .I., v ,. -
l I KU t ROI
j.i . in i . 1 i-t: 1
-. I -.. 1 tor.
Stockmen Recognized.
During the past ILstal yc;u, ac
cording to a report of tbs U. S.
fort?st H;rvici .'!1 local orgeniSaV
tiortB of Btockgrowsra using
national forest rsngSfl liavt- ap
plied for and secured tin- offleial
recognition of their advisory
boards by the forest service.
This brings the number of as
sociations officially reeognlzed by
the forest service to a tote of 115.
Through the medium of tbSBB
advisatory boards several thou
Bfjnd stockmen who gnUM stock
upon the national forests now take
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. church
Kvening tepic: A Fool Farmer,
a drama in five scenes. Special
pork and when balanced properly
makes one of the idea! feeds for
pork production at the cheaiH-st
possible cost.
Then, Sgsitl, while the sheep,
cows and burses will increase
from 00 to IIM) per cent annually,
the hog will increase from 500
to 2000 per cent annually. Ho
can be turned Into the market as
iinck as a crop of grain.
These are 80096 of the reasons
why we claim that the ho; is the
greatest money-maker of the
farm animals. American Swineherd.
Presbyterian Church Tomorrow.
Sunday school at 10 a. rn.
'reaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.
Morning theme "Clogged
hannels. "
Evening subject "A poor
The Past Matrons and Past
Patrons of the Eastern Stars in
this city will entertain the Chap
ter Monday evening. Refresh
ments will be served.
ini in. "ATM i.anii orricK
iiiiiiia.iiii-iinii, isptoabtf m, in i
N.illii-la In li-li, mini I li.. I An lull- Knrklli,
uf lllliiy. tlri-a-nii, who, Oil April Ua, I'.IUM inaili.
lluiiiiiali.a.l Klilrv, Nil II...I.', hurlul -.'. . n
-I',. N i IMII J. !'!,, , .MM, It HB., VV 1 1
liiiiiilti- II. I nllali, liaa llli-, I tlOllo. uf luttuillon
lu milk.,- Jh, i, I flvi- nr proof, lu .-atH I.l j alt i-lalm
Iii Hu- imi'l I'l'in" ill airlln il, l,il,ii,i lli'ulali'i
ki.,1 Itl'i .ill.. , at llllll. a, Oli'iiull, nil lln- . ',
lm nf lliilli,. I, I'll. I
I Iiii imiiiii naiuii. aa
I, inn- l-iial. r, W.iii.ll.- I.'.uy U II, u.
bum mil i lyli- , llili,, n all uf lllli.) , iiiiKnii
. KAima, lluil.l.r.
liuriia, in, .,", ,i, .., I., i ia, iniii
Notio.ll li.r.liy Hiirn ihai lluiiiiu H r.ill,
nl lllliiy, Or.nuti. l ii ilny 1 iihm mailo
II. .ii, i aii-ail Kmry No .i,.i' . hnial Nu, fur
N'.,SK'., NK'.raW. ami I, Ha. lluu III.
-riiwo.liltt H lt.i,K' ' K , Ulliauii'tln Mm
lilluu, liaa ill,, I imlli ii uf liiiautlnii tu make
llnal llvo mar I'mof, lu lalnl.llili rlalm lo Ilm
lainl abuvi. .1. a. i II . .1 I., tun' Hi !-,. i, i anil li,.
r.'ln-i, at liuiii.- . iiiil'.ui, in, il,,, .ml, ,y ,,f
in lobar, I 'I.-
t'lalniaul iiaiima ua w il ni-aai-a
W. I.. Na. W. U Heal. II I Mlittar, W A
t'eill.alliif llll.-y, ll,aii
W I am, Ili-Hlali-i.
III tin- tin ml I mnl nl thi- Si. Hi i.l
Oregon lm iimiiry Count,
I. mil. i llllllry, I'lailltill, 1
Vi i- Siiiiimiiiii-.
I'liink 1 1 Hum i , Hrlt'iiiliini
To l-'riitik II. Il.iiii-i , lln- nl.. in- mi I
Iii tin. ii.-i .in- ul i lm Si ii i c uf Oregon,
you arc lit-rdiy rritiut-il tu iiiiit-ni ami
iiii.wcr tu llm ciiiiiiilaiiii hlril Bgajnil
you in the nlmvi- i iitiilnl anil, on Ol be
lulu tint luai ilnv ni ilm inn.' preaerilietl
in iiii uriicr in ni ii i lm i inn hi una hiiiii
lluilia inwil. on or about lln- llli ilnv
ul Oetobtr, iui.i, auui sstt bring thi
ixinriitiiiii of six ivteka Iriitn tin- In-i-ulilirittiiiii
nl lliia Hiiniiiiiina, mill roil
lull to nnavvri, Ini u.-int lluu,, I, Plain.
lilf will Itliplv In Hie ('null Iiii III.- i,l
ilt'iituiiilcil ii) the complaint to-uii
I ni r. ilciriiti nl tliia ('null dlMolvlna
tin- lunula nf innti jinniiv BOW tslitina
iM'twccn I'laititill ami llelcliilanl, nml
Hint 1 '1 it i ti L i It liavi- ilu'ii'i- of illiinci'
iii "i ilm ii fiuiii I it i. n I , ni
Thai I'liiiiillli linvn I In-i nu-, iiiatmiv
.iiul iiiiii i ul nl leu nri' llniuv, I in nl
ll.iiii--, anil I.iAiiii llancy, inliiui child-n-ii
nl I'l.tiiiill nml lclr miaul , mnl Ini
OOStfl .ill.l ilialiiii.tiiii'iltN lii-n-iii,
Thi. aiiininiiiiK ill piihliahril In milii
nl lion, ('unit riimiipiuiii, mht- ul tin
CiiiiiiIv OoUi Of lliirnuv C'liunty, inuili
anil i-nlcrtlil mi llm L':'iul ilnv ul Atlauiti
1U1.I, and I In. ihili' ul llm dial publii .
tiou ol (hia aiiiniiiniiH ia Annual 88rd.
IIII .1.
. J, I'attkiimiin,
iim in v fur Plaintiff,
llilllui. Iln-uini, Srili:inlii'r IH, I'.iM i
Nullia nl iu. thai Will lam A Watt
ul l.awi'ii, Oreuuli, wliu, uu July 7, liaJli, ma. I. -
II, "in alia, I h n try Nu. tlil.lHI, fur M ' , ,,!,,,,
tl, Tu-inlili-.l H,, Itaiiiiu it.", K,
Mrrl.llau haa lllt-il linllri- ut Inn I,, m.k.
dual th inn ynar prniif lu i-alnlillali rluiu, hi thi
lainl ahuvi' ilnai-rlliiiil, liiifiui. ttealatei ami r, at Iturna, Oragou, tin the 'JUnl ilai uf
ia i.iin'i i'l..
I'lalmalit liaill.... wltuel.ul
Kreil lilatik ami Allatrl Itmu Imlli uf Lalw.D,
Oregon l.loyit I inn, uf lliirua, Hii'kiu
r(. IV . li . 1 1 ial i, uf I. a wen, llii'gnii
WM KaHH., lli'Hl.lei
We hare nonfltwj our htiMinctM entirely to the
While I'ronl wlu-re we tire prepared to care
lor our i us! i inters lietter than ever before
Bailed Hay and (.ruin for Sale at Market
Prices. Good Hay in Stack $4.50 Per Ton.
Delivered in Huron, $6.50 Per Ton
Burns-Vale Stage Line
.lii-llt.ur Schedule from Railroad
CloSB Connt-cliotiM Made With Trains Kaal.
(oforlalile ('oiivt-ynnt'CN for I'rsM'nfrerH.
lare. .Kl. Csrsfol Attention and Prompt
Deliver) of Kxpresa and Freiu;ha KntruNt-i-il
to Our Cars, I reitfhi 2 l-2c. lVr Pound.
R. J. McKinnon & Son
Railroad R,
From Sept 25 to Oct. lO,
To Points On The
Atlanta, lla.
Boston, Mass.
Buffalo. N. Y,
Cairo, III.
ChsrUton, S. c
rhatanootra. T. i
Chicago, III.
Cincinnati, O.
Cleveland, 0
Columbus, (.
Detroit, Mich.
DesMojnes, la
Dulutb, Minn.
ESvansville. InJ
Indianapolis, iml
1.7(1 Kai
i - Louii ( ill .
Sioux City, la
10.10 to.
10.60 St. Paul. Minn
(aiiiduMU- of University of Pennsylvania
Treats dl.-it-aaen uf Horses, Cattle and all other Animals
n 1
v orresponaina r
If you will :i.U '.... iii.. ii , I- i. i.. .
wffl have a represent I
. penoaits in pn
umi tifki-ts delivered al en
For lurtlit-i- informi ; n-
AmLGdii'I Pa... Agent, I1,., i
Sonawama lunii-lit.
The Burns Hospital
Best Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outside of Portland.
Nice Rooms. Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse in Charge
e arrived ami we are now ready to
upply you with your requii
. A s
have been ad.!. - afl goods wii
sold al fee VKRY LOWES! Pir
The Burns Department St
All the news in The Times-Herald