The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 20, 1913, Image 1

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LThe Bigg,
Of Orogf
The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Host In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
NO ir,
Methods of Railroad Building is a
W Harney Country. Big Crops on
land and no Way to Transport to
larket. Enterprises Held Back
The eountrv e.iniiot advance
without some amet urajremenl
iind therefor.' we m;i' expt d to
remain undeveloped to a certain
extent until sued lime M wo
may have some wu ol transport-
j inR our produota in and out.
! The immense fields of alfalfa
i nnd wild hnv demonstrate the
rious Handicap to Advancement .ssii.iH,.....:,, :,....,.. iiri,..M.
'I,uui' -w r men. he adi h ion of
the bog Crop even of this year
which could he Inereaaed loan
'almost incalculable quantity, is
; another argUISenl in faver of im
mediate action on the pari of the
railroad people. A.1 least the
home builders of llarne county
should have some definite infor
mation lliat Could he den 1.0 (I
upon from the railroad i ople to
make the future a little mora
Market Report.
jntrallv Located, Good Clean
Leals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
rst Class bar In Connection, (iive Me A Call
lurns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
leef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
leadcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Wholesale and Retail
rompt and Satisfactory Service
, . tt . a i -. A
Our Mat rouge joiicimju onu
rders Qlven Quick Attention
To The
Rexall Drug Store
r Ansco Camera's Films
and any thing wanted In the
Reed Bros. Props.
:i....i ;u pnmnleted with- is nrotita'ole to feed Krnm to heel
II V'C MP WMiMwr i -
Eai of Juntura and thai and drive them during the wmt.r
Is making preparations season, as the hard drive causes
for the forwarding ot mucn siinnuago ana anucn uw
to this territory. The profit Off. It is possible to fatten
being put in (rood hogs during the fall and kill and
H everv inducement will ship aunng com weawwr, i
then the producer has to take a
chance on markets being right
when he geta them to the rail-
point, a matter that is an
unknown quantity.
Even should the present plan
of purchasing the (lour mill" and
adding a packing plant to the
eiiiiipinent not go inomrn n woum
seem the farmers should at least
form a company to put upa pack-
ln plant In order to care for the
We have a large number
of holts and use an inmien e
quantity of cured meats, there
fore in would seem a business
the producer if he la proposition to make some move
id to haul the stuff to toward relieving me summon
toad. The heavy gram and thus create a market ior me
grain. I he mill cannot take .hi
the grain raised and it is very
that we make such
provision as we can for its die-
i,. The plan of feeding it
to hogs is an economic, one and
that would mean a vast
amount of money left right at
The slow movement of the rail
building also works a hard
shin in another direction. We
allowed during thi 'll Mi enterprises thai
ths do not tool '' i" 1,u i -
railroad coming at once. The
rrigatron schemes to cover
different portions of thia interior
country held hack through lack
of transportation facilities. The
drainage of the lake which would
bring an immense body of land
lively few cattle to feed under cultivation is handicapped
k. u.lni,.r BMiinn. be- bv the railroad not pusinng into
Is a question wheth r il the country as fast aa it should.
d to have freighl n
that place.
this brines the road
us the hulk of freight
Bom Portland and ship-
entirely around the
back into Burns eeems
:r way oi nanuimg ir,
nay tie cneaper ior uie
This does nol offer
lief or encouragement to
developnv nl of Harney
however, as we !:.;
quantity of products on
tht now that could be
out but not witn any
last year was nol all
of and now with an-
Imper crop ot nana u is
iscouraging to the farm-
railroad was
mulcted to Juntura July
It was confidently expect-
ve it almost in nam.;
fe-e this, at least by the
he coming year. It may
id on with more spied
eason hut the dill
1 hundred acn of new
been broken up during
ion anu is reaoy iui u", ,
It inducement is lucre tor
per to seed ii under pre-
tcunistancesV I here are
Re ii ip it the V.
bet n Cat I i 8; Calvi i
Hogs 8471; ah
A large Increase in both cattle
and swine receipts ha been notl
Writer in The Country Gentleman Telh ceabie the laai Few daj i ,u
sheep liquidation waa much
How to Get Ahead or The Meat lighter, with the i ,i oi
fk " sizeable quantities of Hvei
Famine. Formei Herds in North- the market became active and
mien sting. Monoa) s cattle re
ceipt was oi of the larp.
the year and contained a lol of
good beef. The gfl 00 BteOI tOP
was not disturbed and a few
choice lots brought 8. in, 8.15 and
!'l. ,!,, ,.f .vii.ln,, T.-,v,t h U fl h h entile held on the free !,llk "' :,l"': 7.80
of cattle on the free and open open rs practically over, ":' -7"- Cow stqff never at-
ranges of the Northwest lias JThe-day .of the small cattle herd '"""''I " mark but a lot oi
I, Cattle kings, tempted ! on the farm Is just begtanini." 1 ones Id r5 and6.8B
by high prices of beef, have Mr. Howard then takes up, as Calves Steady 8.60 to 9.00 and
"cashed in," leaving this section an example, the history of the bulls 6.00 to 6.80 Beel outlook
..,- ., .....:.. .i ij-j . .. i :...i., .,.,.;.. ii... v.. .il,. is belter and ab erbeil e'.
(i lie i oi I o I e i o .1 01 n - .mi i: uvk hi iik ivmr,
west to be Replaced by Small Farm
Stock. Day of Cattle King Passed
cattle famine. Normal conditions
will return only in the end of a
period Of transition when the
Chicago Land Show which farmer, with a small herd scienti-
be belli in that city this tirally raised, will have taken
il-' Oin Portland CorrtspondcntJ
Oregon will be represented at
year from November 20th to the place of the .stockman whose
December 8th, with a complete thousands of cattle reamed the
exhibit diplaying all of the in- ranges and merely grew.
dustries and agricultural re- These are eontentiona advanced
sources of Oregoi Arrange- by Randall R, Howard in the
menta have been madi for s leading article of the Septembci
pace of 100 for a number of The Country Gentle
booth with lecture privi man, entitled "Getting Ahea
where lectures wilt - II B Meal Famine." The BUbcap
daily. The exhibit wfu be In don of the article Is "An Op
charge of the State ii n portunity for the Small St i
Agent. The work of gathering man and Fanner."
exhibits to send to th land how go genres js feeding stock to
Is already under way, and com- ,iay, according to Mr. Howi
munitiee desiring to exhibit ,la, buyers are scouring the
their products are urged to com- Texas Panhandle and the South-
municate wjth the State Immigra- v,.
tion Agenl al o ic I i thai ,, 0j that territori I i
arrangement can ne niaue io uortun t to uui
assemble the ilispla; in ail
of the onenii
that this will boa odver- North western ranchers muj
Using medium for imuni- B profitable opportunity of i
ties, is evident throuuh the the hav they have arown.
access which th
. ' I I I . ,
He tell of its raise and "" lo" "
.i ,i.i. ... ,i..,.i:.. Th,. mvvI The swine Ire!.
ll.'i .vIMMl n i.vvnil'. ... . v. a h.
.villi ill" ' i.tniisnineiii 01
ih Union Stockyards in Port
land, and the subsequent cam
of ducation among farm
ers by agricultural colleges,
rs and the Oregon Stale
I .anker.-. Association. I'VCII the.
i, .1 children were taught the
significance oi the stock raising
revival. Poi Hand livestock and
imported car-
;. ci hogs, distributing
farmers al
Special trains inarmg ex
nt amoin
red a
sudden set back and la In pro
cess of adjusting itself for the
annual fall liquidation, Pi ic
broke a quarter and beat light
hogs sold in bulk H.7.. to 9.00
Receipts were liberal, demand
. hip to Oregon. N a nil
and ; ' d the ho pel of the
rh ' ' kingly ap
parent The receipts at the
arda tell the
Il is no
JullU C. line, lit in rtri'ttit nf it li!
the farmers Iter nreai bis brother, ti u siuvw,
lni lit now In I. in , li.mlm;
tlioriiiiKhlai ii Mttla tor JU8M J. Mill
kKiiik thi, InfOI I
i i ale boi tit. i - in i to Mr
itlii'H herd, i 'in- M-ry fetal win ii can
bo foiiml m n.M U,,. ;iit nn- being
Hi'ii-ii.ii. ihhi th.- question nr price ii
i. mi . no i ,i.i, into th, to any
I'he North-
show, i , t -4 1 1 . .-11111 Moiiiaiiri. mi thai tin- own pork.
nilur t-
ftHr.r, .
are meeting is aptly described by
an interview which Mr. Ho
i omn lilies of the Northwest. He
quote ; the inten lea as follow :
number of inquiri
been received from ! nd
exhibits as have bi
before. Such pro lu
,s ami oiveri itteu crops
always prove to be an attraction
it such shows.
Thai the plain common potato
can be turned into s mom . paj - Where are you going to get feed
ing industry by manufacturing era to use up the hay in the
the surplus crop in alcohol, Northwest thia year?" asked.
starch, trlucost and desiccated "We're sitting on the tack,"
potato, is the i, pIikI (meaning the bank
made by c. CM tunl official). "We can't get fei
hemist in the United States They're being held too high,
Bureau of Chemit ti ' a down in New Mexico and Texs
visitor at the Portland Com- They e i, 162.60 for cows and
mercial club last week. Mr. calves, They want 68 for two
Moore la on a lour ii tion year-old steers that can'l be
hmifclii 1,1 corn ipondl prli i
The ItUei i I that lw Dty-elgbt
1 1 o .. .,.,. .- ... .1 , .. ..I. . i. . I
, .,.,,,, i ,,n i. u i . i , . I .11
' '"' ., i.ut eh.. , Ml. :,n, thai the rrltsi
"bad ' i unpaign iajtuu rtslUd manji leodi before bnyttui
Nonh !"" Kl1"""!",
to nit mil' the in mi. Hi
ouncry. -i :1, ,,,, ,, p,.,, ,,,. u,t,,. , .
ma are neither tea beel herd ol ihorthorna thai
i ing as in !"", '"'" '' :
I I, I I Ull.l 11.11. I '.,..1 ,..i' ,1... ... I.I.....
.... . .........
fs..i I Willi nil omeiiii oi one i , .. innu in, i,i :),-,u
111 and ii
ii r the Ii mt
of necessity ii pro n ing mora "sa a frjraar-otd at that No can
, ,, t' ll iii- itmii purpoi
"" r HriHl. The blak e In
;'. to Mr. How- Knaiiud m lual ahi I
But what are you aoina to do? ard, the practice of selling suar sia 10,000 now iill.l i.l f t... ,,,,.., I
Mr. I be,., a ni writes: ,,',', , , , .
on' heat nf heel iteera. 1 have hm uri-ii
11 .'. in Tilla- tveatj-tva Oxford and twei
in the pre- aaroaaaJr hi ,,. Umi ur. mil hun
. . , , , cabled iii- to get th
mar dairying county oi the ,, , m
North a total oi 10,000 calves -in-n, seotiand, to 1 them."
are 'knocked in the head' every aaiw retaniina, a
,. iiniiand fur the purpoae ol obtaining
11 bard r Holitelaa, ami from
The t I the dairymen is vul 10 to Praace to bur Prench dain
thai it Is cheaper to sell the '''""" " l'""1 llMl" saowa in
.1 . -ii 1 country.
1 ai v proms on iiiuk hiiii Mi s). w
re 1. are 1 bout 90 a year
.'. aa foi mvi ral yew 1
or lu'iiti of Ilia acrlcultural colleen al
the potato production of Oregon handled here for less than (7 eachi realise that much JSSK'jivtJrf
with a view of securing informa- more, ami that won't be worth on a call It would ha necessary , n,. lH 0u.,r ,,r
tion as to whal I beina done noes than 178 after the farmer to feed it for about three years. I worta on gneaitur, many of umk
with the surplus tuber. p- feeds them for four months. So The present conditions in the "Hf" 'i,
proximately 600,000 tons of we're sitting on a tack." Northwesl are described as a jjamea j, um u one of the beai itnot
glucose is consumed in the United "What are the bay ranchers change from i stage or pro- tnahaai aarteuituraiut ta amerioa,
... , .J ,,. . ti ,j i . i-,l T .. ,L. i.l:.-.-','' a. ,.,i,...ll.,.,. ',,,.11, iirlwii,,,,,.
Males a yeat ano 10,000 ions 01 Ul Hie loruiwesi 11 n ( 1 w whiuiw " '"' Mother uf Kiahtrrn CBiM irn
more is the demand oi ine 1 aci-
nc Coast states. Practical there
is no starch or (tlucose factory
on the Coast, Mr. Moore explain
ed, and the .I. pai in, nl is de
sirous of sncoui he Indus
try. 1 hat this is a maiiui
enterprise oi
dividend paying is plainly shown
by Mr. Moore's fi uro 1, that be
tween $600,000 te: 1. 0,000
.,,,... ,r ii,, .,11 ,ii-,, i,.iiiii,i I he inn raisinc nronaimni a has
pinched" already had its effects, as not s "I am the mother of eighteen
The history of cat, le ,..,, in tingle live hoj has been imported childrea and have 'hep:
the West is briefly traced in the Oregon from Nebraska since doing more work than any youna
... 1 iieii,i iui" in l'll M 7H'. woman in my town, writi iMrs,
article, from the time when cat- kUBuar, 11- in i.'ii
1 1 1 , i"nne f rom Nebri-ka retiresetit- C. .1, Martin, Boone Mill, a.
lie were not raised, hut grew, ' aim ll mia.ka, upasiti
.,..., irto aboiil III tier cent of a the I Buffered for llV
wnen ine siocKinen m , , , , 1 1 ,, 1 ,,1,1 ,,,.1
considerable list ,,.lV when ,1,,. ,,., I over the scales, stomach trouble and could no
, , . ''"M n'l' vw" " ' .1 .; ,,1 uui,' 1 aa a hiueu without
crouiei and cattle and ' e eampaiKii ui . uue.uion amooK ..-..
sheepmen were at
war, when 'I"
farmers will also restore the suffering. I have taken three
.1 ... Ik- I, ..til.... . . I I ' ,-, Ii . ,.. -1 1 t l L! 'lhittc
it. w.l, . .., ...nmo.1 ,..,,, 1, ,,l ,,r cattle uidusiry to a normal nasi,. '""' '"
. II.. ;..,. ll !...:, f,... ., '! ..' ,- vr I , ll,.. '-:,,, llnv,... I ;,.,:,r.U.r t, ant! am now a well womaiiaiiil
aniuuiiiy inm ure vin n Hiousands ol acres 01 isauonai ,x v '" . .
this product. poroBts, and the comingofthe Mr. Howard, who concludes his wlh 168 pounds, l can sal
, ., , u ,,i riiele aa follow :.n lleni' I wan! lo. and as much
Or. stohavea o build- riganage, when the catUe- ...... - - Miwantand feel better than!
ing to bouse itaexh.bil atthe man was ., .,,, ,nli furthei Th wnea miner la beina . . . ,
,. , iv. : :. .. ll.. Iini 'U I. week L-rnzilie and lor il IUKIH 10.11 "is .siim-.,i ni.ii it-i . ..
lanuma-i acnit i. .posoinii. , -- o m m . r
.,. ..:............ i.,:.i.i;.. I., I slock All these' stages of do- and his largest proht are secured '"
iU'IV.11 I1" ,i" i'uihimi-. it.i "
(elected by the Oregon Commie- velopmeot were merely steps to- ' kl1'i'": '"': l","lut' ,'.uui
. ii... . u ..... i ... l.i .,,..1,.... , . i i : it i i ill i: , i iiiim'iiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1
lor the Or. .en bnildiii). warn me iwhw ;; ; ' .---.- .. - .
the cattle king, and the coming ' ' "an ipoi tame mean pruwNH.
which will be pan of the Fair
lo any one in Boone Mill m
icinity and they will vouch for
what I say." Chamberlain's
Ih all 1m'-
ing wiui a ii on i ii 1 1 i. ..I iiiitio " i
demand. Inasmuch aa Northwestern lands has broughl :'"' '" "', "'l ,"" WW
gun Francisco in 1915. Tentative ol the tune when cattle in tne
plans prepared by th architects West must be raised aa they are
how a huge log building of novel in the Bast la aomparativelj
tie. ign, the building beina; SO eon- small herd., by the farm, r, Quot-
tructad iii accord th the ing from Mr. Howard'i article,
wishes of the t'omml ion and the'natural reaulta of the ii
in keeping with a pro d ol tiers and development of
the exposition tseli will not about the tarnation period ol ine
give space to a separate forestry West, and Mr. Howard describes
display, ii ia believed that Ore- Its effect M follows;
gon can. attract much attention "fkt cattle kings have been
in i his novel and striking manner largely forced out oi thebui mess.
io .me of Its chief industries. The small stockmen havs been
This log house will be character drifting under pressure of
islie. and a truh magnificent creasing range and Die recenl
structure such a could bo ob
The many open-range stockmen ' r
v. ho base 'cashed in' their herd..
and movt d to Lov n oroitydurina
the pasl Mt years are being re-
i bj mpre contented unall
id I'arniers. The
the I'acilic Noiihwest
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in this city where there is a line
cook and very best eocommoda-
tons. 1 1 :''l-
We do Job printing.
with high-grade cattle and hoga,
And perbap not least, science
ing injected into the stock-
I .aiiilil n Had Cold.
. inter my sou caught a
bad cold and the
tailied With
eil: i i
And the Northwesl m:. turn
Pgtroni 'i
son general nun tore
uro in Incl . 'I be In ai-
rangad to give away a hand ome about and recover its lost live
7.pieee I to patrons stock p tigs If Itistopul to hu a eon ithatthev the highest economic use it. -I dry-
(baVS traded to the amount of farming gram fields uml ll
$25. Ask them about it. lilt ngated annua lanus. ine. tmy
I,, innij, ,,.,,,. ..- .... i . ,
. . . i i . i ii .p. ui vv.-i i Koinel Imif dronil-
lllgll prices nave per.aiai ; u m i -
of them to 'cash in.' Yn the llil." writ Sarah E. Dun-
orchard land boomer;, to the con-'"" of TiotOO, Iowa. "We
Irary notwithstanding the thought BUM he was going into
Northwest is primarily and ma umption. v7e bought just
,,.,i .il,- ., (,. i,.,-:, I ;ii, .i-i'iiiinii'v. one bottle ol Chamberlain's
I III l 11 I , l, ... . .'". !. ---,.
BEGINS hi forty-Will lehool yeu.
bll'IIMUil . Ill '
DEGREE courses "i Bianj phaaaani
joMica. Minin.1 FoaearaY. com
Millet. Pharmacy
AMTa FOIU llli. (.OMli. Ii t.PHMcl
u um Iture, ilouiaatle hIcii.
itiul in .
Remedy.and that one hot- sJUlie. taeittdii lag, tan
Liu stopped his cough and cured
Chief Counsel of Reclamation Service
Says No Better Prospects for Pro
jects in U. S. Than in Harney and
Malheur Counties. People Should
Take Initiative. He Will Lend Aid
el of the Reclame- believe the! J d King will aid
tion Service will R. King spei l In evt ry ws
a few days in Ontarioend vicinity P60?'6 "r (i "-
1 Incidentally heap- '"'sl ,1'" '"' ' ' ' m
peared as p te of the attoi ' l"1 :- '
for the il. fenae al the Dn li;c' UP! v;
do nave ale,, miiiioi
in Malheur and Ha
tati .
through tunn I
Utah acd ol
Judge i
months in o(i.
and will be joii.
on his -' tut 1 1 1 i
Ontario I), r I C
rl in the Horn va.
Davit and Had!, y rs. Col
in both of which hi i clients pre
vailed. Judge King left Washington
Aug. 1 1, on a tour of in ipection
of Irrigation projects, calling
upon only BUCh ; rejects as were
not visited bj
lni-i ii r Lai e. 'I he projects viail
Scott's Bluffs,
Nebri in Color do,
rnia. lb
attt tided a conference of the pro
the Secretary
of the Ii l. ;. 'i
inia, from Sept I to '.. i
elusive, comii
Sheriff Makes Arrests
I p .n the infori
W. W. Brow n 1 of
the Pi i
W. B. Snid
to vVarni r
Phil O'Conm ram
n the ci:
belonf .
he iring Tu d
Lair '1 ir the
Att i nting the
Jamt 0 s re
leased from custody while Phil
O'Conm r was placed undi i bail
in the sum .
i. Examiner.
Dinrrhoa Quickly Cured.
"1 was taken w
and Mr. Sforl
here, per
tie of Cuamb. rlaii
icra ana uiarrao .. u mcuy.
After taking one dose of it I
cured. It also cured others that
,. , , ., l rave it to, write.-. ..;. E. Geb-
()gd 'ii lo tti nci the la is and ,,,,, , . ,
hart, Oriole. Pa. 1 hat. is not at
' ''' all unusual. An ordini
Jud tht re are no ,,f diarrhoea t
is for projects in bly lie cured bj
the United States than in Malheur of this remedy, : y ail
and Barney counties, but that dealers.
the people inlisl take tile initia
tive. We have ever reason to Tonawama tonight.
Will I
King, Chief Counarl for the'
Kc Inmntion Servicr.
Strictly l:ii5t ClikSs. Splendid
ervlce, Fine Accomodations,
mmc re i 1 Headquarters
.1 nple Room In Connection, keaaonabl
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie Vit
U w i m;i;i i
ll.uiis ii ii m l'anuii Cil
...I i ; . 7l in I'me i.' ( It)
I'niii ic In v 2..M p in
I :m mi '. II ) 7 . Ill Hums
Farv, Hunu-PrairU City, - 8.00
Round Trip, .... n.oo
Expreks Rate 2 (-'.' (cuts, Prairie to Burn
-v . o.kiT5
cold completely,"
all dealer;;.
Por Hale
Always " adj for job printing.
Illsll mill Ml', mill v., Uf l ull.l.r.
"Thk Umi o aeaAi i i
nit i Ai'Ai.oi.eit will l.i- U .1 i
on implication
Aililiri" It. M 'I'ltNNANi', Ufjinlrui,
(lw l 15 (u v I) Cm vulllt. Oienuu.
That you vaccinate your calves for Black Leg
early, as the loss of one calf will more than
pay for vaccination of the whole hard. We
have fresh vaccine on hand. Phone ord. rs to