The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 13, 1913, Image 3

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r-at Circulation Of Any
tr In Harn.y Counly.
,ocl News.
imn tonight
NM at .1. ('. Wt'lo.nio
lyc-nift was in tho city i
om mad lard 17c at,
meat market. tf
Wednesday, Sept. 10, to I
Mrs. M. P. Ren fro, a
Roper and wife were
bm Harney the first of
IHurlburt and family
guests of relatives in
luring the week.
Goodman has a B horse-
jline engine and 2-inch
Imp for sale. iM-tf-'
elah Millar has returned
tland where she went
ber stock of millinery.
jbt. Reed has been in
this week visiting her
Mesdames Smith,
ind Ferguson.
lurt, a special agent of
ll land office with head-
kit Portland, is in this
official business.
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th.
First National Bank
At Barns, Oregon, August 9th. 1913.
Loans and Discounts
U. S. Ronds
Ronds and Securities
Premium on U. S. Ronds
Real Estate, Furniture ami Fixtures
Five per cent Redemption Fund .
Surplus and Undivided Profits
BO, 869.22
1,866. 00
110.980. 78
$ 2f),(KK).00
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
United States Depositary
county is represented Woman cook wanted on a Fun at Tonawamn tonight.
hendleton Roundup by , ranci. Inquire at this office. If it isnt Eastman! it isn't a
icn ana nui amun. iwoj Q A Schapor was jn from Kodak.
Hora nf trip Wnirnnt ir, i . ..... ,
f... . ...- ....... I niomiini illlrnur till' Wet'K. Of I) 1 ...:.
Kill carried off all the ' . , . ""' ,wrK """ wm :irt
the recent wild west1 Two-inch centntugai pump mr iro.n iiwen.
Klamath. I BS- """"'"
We do job printing.
Did you see those auto robes at
.1. ('. Welcome & Son'B?
B. F. Steele was in from his
home near Waverly during the
The Lunaburg Dalton & Co.
Department Store have cut high
prici s and long credit. 181 f
C. E. Murray and wife were
down from their mountain home
during the week.
Those desiring the service of a
.lei-soy bull may find one at the
J. R. McKinnon barn.
Finest alfalfa, timothy and red
top hay baled may be had at the
(ioodman feed barn is south Burns
Mrs. Wm. Hanley returned
home last night from Portland
where she has been for several
A boy attending high school
wishes to work for his board
during the school year. Any one
desiring a young man on these
conditions may inquire at this
office or Principal Shirk of the
high school.
W. E. Reed and his mother, of
Mitchell, were here the first of
this week renewing acquaint
ances, iney lormerly lived here
and have many old time friends.
A brother and son, Artie, lives at
Drewsey and they came in that
way. Willie is now in the
mercantile business at Miichell.
The V. S. Civil Service Com
mission will hold an examina
tion in Burns on Oct. tl for ai-plk-ants
to fill a contemplated
vacancy in Vhe office at
Alborson. The compensation for
this offloe was$l!M last year. A
plicaHofl forms and information
W. W. St urges came over from
Silver Creek Thursday.
J. M. Hofl'edilz and wife were
up from Valley View Wednesday.
Fnstman's Kodaks and East
man ' Kodak supplies at The
Welcome Pharmacy.
Those auto robes at .1. ('.
Welcome & Soii'h are the best
for the money any where.
Mrs. Julia CaWlfleld has bi n ,11
this week suffering from tonsil
itis, but is able to bo out again.
Those knowing themselves in
debted to T, H. Short are kindly
asked to call and settle their
Hen Brown look his departure
the first of the week for Port
land where he went on a flying
business trip.
The R. J. McKinnon & Son
Si ace Co., has made a passenger
rale of $10.00 between here and
Vale and will nlso haul freight
for 2J cents on all consignments
of 60 lbs., or over. 25tf.
Patrons of the A. K. Richard
son general merchandise store
are in luck. The boys have ar
ranged to give away a handsome
7-piece breakfast set to patrons
showing by a coupon that they
have traded to the amount of
$2T. Ask them about' it. 44tf
Supt. Itreithauptof the Experi
ment Station phoned The Times
Herald the other day that he and
his assistants are still busy
threshihg station crops and will
be thus engaged for some, time
yei. as the small plots of various
liost On the sheets of Hums,
a small gold watch. Suitable re
ward if brought to The Times
Herald offloe, i;iif.
"HllHter" Cuwlfield has been
Qttijte sick for the lew days but
is reported improving. He was
threatened with typhoid foyer,
For Ma Kotir head of a i
milk stock and four pure bred
Poland Chinu board. Che
1 I I . I,:- LatMO i i i i, i , ,
Mirm, ll i t usual ,iii
N .. I. o i- ., i.i.y nl i ii ihul iimv M i in. in
'Ml, I, M Id' on. Oh, u I I .llli. I, I'MH. IllHill'
II inn alvlil Kllll ' . I ii ,,, , ' , I
"W'l.Mfcl,, HOI ; l: , ,WU WI.NI , H '
'' I'1. .', K1 , i 1'i.wmliii. n
.11.11 i" 'I I'. , wlllmiH'Hi. Mil ,M :. i
i "Hi i' hi Inn ml, hi ii, llml ilii.'i. mKi
I I In " i I I' .,. .,. ul..ii' Hi'
.i 1 1 1. ml hffora HfiiI.Iih mill ll.'iriii'i.ii Mm, .
IJllMOU, mi Ihf Iih ill!)' n( HrliiliiT, I'M.I
I ll III Hill MailH'R ", h IIDIIMM
William hiiiil'i,. I. .In Kirk. H I. i , , , rr
name i Mi Urania all ill HIM" Oregon
Wm I'akik, Ii. vlaii t
Illirua i ,.,,. ,.ii, niianal jj, l I.; i
Snili la lirt.'i.) hi .,1, Hun h.iii ii Hoon
ill llllllia, Oll'anll, llu. mi Inn. III. i mm ,
II "rail I ii I r Nn m- ii, f.,r Srt '. mm Imn ;
T,iwntlili.'i . Ilanjii' I I. MliMn i'il Mci
illan, lui. IIIihI imiIIk ill liilihlliili In Sllkl
llnal tliia year proof. In i alal, Mali Halm I,, l,,
lanil alum- ilrairlluil. twfur. lliulalir I
lli'iulvi i, al llnina. ori'Kiin. nn i. ve, ,,
i.l in lobar. IKIS
i lalmaiil iiami.a a. wli Mi-a.i a
Nallianli'l II i, i hiiili'H, In in i-
ili'uil, i iiatli'i ItokUf, nil ni Bursa, Oregon.
' Kauai. Itvalalrr
I'NriKiiM'iAiKi LAHoorrtes.
HuniJ, OregOlt, Miiiual. J7, 1IM.I I
Niilliila im.i,.i,, glv, hi ihaiiliMiiiu ll Nilwn,
ill llllfl, OtrilUM, Him. i. n Mini I, .11 I'll,.
Iliaile II, nn, an nil elltr) Nil llll.T. Mil
l.n'a 1,11, ggUNVVI, ami At'.NM, rll'l'tliltl l,
Inwiialilii .'li I . Italia" 111 h... rtilii,N, .ii,. Mrl
illlll, III! 111,. I Mull,,' ill 11,1, 1, Ii hi o in i, k
llnal llm-f guar prmif. In ", 11,1, ilalin lolbe
lam! ibOTI iIibitI' ."I, borore l(i.lan" ami
Ki'irlTiT. at lliiln. Otugiiii, nn tli" lllti ,!m of
... '..I.. , li:i.
i lalinant ttamvl at wlllinaai'a
uonrgi A.rolllir, HMH'it I H llllama, r rank
e. nn. i, I... Thomai J.lblildJ allnl icili-y. or
Wm Kaiihi. Iti'Klalvt.
It is often remarked that with money
you can make money, and yet only one
American in ten owns a savings pass book.
If cash in hand will enable you to earn
more profits is there any argument against
having a savings acount at the HARNEY
When you make your first deposit your
opportunity looms up as a possibility; it ap
proaches nearer with every deposit you make.
Open an account; build a fund for profit
Harney County National Bank
"Your Home Institution"
Hnriia. orrguti, Annual "' I'M
Noil.-n l tWfObr nlvrn dial John I HsrMl
Maliini'l nl I. in Ina V,. Hut, I, "II. aia.a I
I. aura Itli liar. la. ii, I ilntli iai r nl Jai..t, Hill
may be secured at thi Alberson producU must be kept entirely liMl'lolm ''""'!,'" a,,V.'i-r "-.'". '.T.'.' u'"v'. ".?.
posi llllll'C.
Oant Relshnw was over with
L-k.. A.n f. l tk'orce James was down irom iruu mis weeK.
pi 11, nil, noauuniiiiuiii, - ,
kilt Creek liome Wedr'Hsraey Thoredajr. .Ih Wintermeier was down
liule Miller and wife made u
rtrip to Egli tho otherday return-
inK home Thursday. The Juduo
says he never saw the roads in
worse condition but he found
crops lookinK fine in that tem
per an engine which I8 Alva Springer ana son imi irom Mivies (luring the week. wry. ine iamuy nau iresn
power for his new saw , Were in town this week. Haled hav Rran and alhkimhi tniwberrus for breakfast Thurs-
brettinp in readiness to, v - . vrr ,l( rh HlIpnM ,lf trrililw 5l( Tlw, .,,., ,,. day morning at thchd ErIi home
his timber claim. He
out several onkrs of
krney county board of
)n has been in session '
lis week Dut no com-
You will find IT at the Rums of Rrains at The Cuius Dept,
.1. M. Dalton went out to st e
if he could round up a dt or this
Lots of coined) at the picture
shows tomirht and tomorrow
W. II. Hollopeter left this
separate and tho cleaning of the
machine after euch causes the
work to progress rather slow.
The Fair Premium Lists
Have Been Printed
Department Store.
Bring your quilts and blankets
to the Burns Steam Laundry.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Walters at the Experiment farm.
, ,
the assessment have wpt. uauirnier.
ktered by resident tax- W. Byrd Page, of Philadelphia,
Jut two have been filed was here this week looking after
nere non-resident, tim-! the interests of the Philadelphia morning for Portland on a short
holders. !Townsite Co. in which he is in- vacation trip.
Griffith arrived home Z T'U' "" " M DWl ive up until you have
lay evening from his ,l 1UI1 ' ,rlt,(l tl'' BUrne Department Stole
trip to Klamath ami Mrs. a. i. lucnarusun aim uunsnurs; s vo. -.u
lmer resorts in that daughter. Miss Viola lelt last The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
the state. Dr. Griffith, Sunday for Salt Lake where me wi, ,, wit M , M ., .
trood health and re- young lady will take a special ;, Wednes.lev :ifrnuin
Ing had a most enjoy- course in music, this winter. Mrs.
Richardson will spend several
i months visiting in that state be
fore returning home.
H. C. Levens left this morn
ing for Portland where he goesj
to join Mrs. Levene for an in
definite stay in the metropolis
ami re.vort a fine lot of blooms on
i the vines at present with more
btiltlee coming on. That isn't so
bad for Harney county.
The list of premiums on pro
ducts to Ik exhibited at the com
ing fair was printed this week
t MTKIi HTaTIa I.ANI, oril. I
lliirna. OtOgOU. SSf ml'i't , I III
..ll, . la l.l.r.l., ...... 'I ... V ill...... I' IXmn
thev art. ncinu (Iistributea f re,,f "' ,.,r,"'.i"f,,n. bo '" uri. i. i
.. . iutlr IhMfn-'ii'Hil KiDry, Ni i.e. Mlil N
MUtlllt u. Ill t SImh Id, IjDll.fl
I . .". H . It. ;" V. , NIMl 1 ta II Rl.'l 1 ' -. t
V(M. K. ;il V.. W M '-uitih ftUihfin Ubeu
Hrrlal No. 0AWIO.
Any mimI all MtMii . iNiiiihig, nlt-ir l i lit
lamia t-riltrt-l, or ! lt Illy to fjUvCt brriUW
..( tin in iiifml r Ii atari, r of Ihf Isno.ol (' ani
other n-aatiti, to thr iaiual in anpUcant,
auittild iiu- ihtlr aflldaviu ' pruti in thi
oMh-t'.HM nr lit-l.iri- the JMh la ol OrtOlM i Ittt
Wll, Karnr, K.-ttltir
rnai MbllenllfHi -, pi.-inL-T II ffl
I nil I'libllcallnii i)rloMt k 9g,
High School Notes.
ill over me country, lhe list
covers agriculture, horticulture,
garden and dairy, as well as
needlework by the ladies, flowers,
domestic science, etc.
It was the intention to cover
all products of the soil raised in
Harney county so far as possible. ' NOTICK
"I.. Inr KUNK'.aml V.1,-!.', !"' Iloll M, Tn ll
amp a niiiiiii, iiaitKo m r.nal, wilia it,
M.i I'll. li, haa III' .1 uoi I"" 'l loloaUoi In niaai nv,' ".i Proof, In ralahllali iialni to n,,
ami altmo ilva, nl.i .1. I.. I,,,, Itau at. I llnl
Itiicfililr, al llnina. oii-kuii, ll III I Ii'.Imv
i Hi nil.,,. I'M..
I 'lalinant nann a la , tin, aai'a
W.mhI) 1. Hral. IIiii Mnlter, Wihl r Hill,
H'l" i. ii.!., i., allot nil", i ii, i in
Aw K.HHa. H,lhl.r
Every irirl in hiirh school is
taking the Domestic science work ",k1 in connection with the school
lohnson made a trip to
Prineville during the
Iving taken out some
rs who had been look-
bme of the Coloniza-
lands in this section
men were well pleased and other outside points. Thev
rely take several pieces.
will visit the state fair at Salem
again the last of thisanaaiso v.sureiauvesa.iu r..-,.u
L.i,;D ,.,;,. on,l ,ii,i.h. m western uregon. naim ayu
fprinevillehomeforthelthey will return here to spend
r. i the winter.
Visit our bargain counters,
jre you will find the greatest
:ains ever offered in Harney
Whether you need the article
or not, it will pay you to look
these counters. You will
some of these articles shortly
will never have this chance to
such bargains again.
General Merchandise -
ionic Bulldlnk,, - - Burns, Oregon
The only additional voluntary
subscription toward the enter
tainment program at the fair
this week is $.r subscribed by the
Ideal Confectionery.
Mrs. Wm. Stirling and daugh
ter Nettie left this morning, the
latter to resume her studies in
the O. A. C. at Corvallis. Miss
Beatrice Hotchkiss also went out
with them being en route to
Monmouth to enter school again.
3. L. Nickle of Han Francisco,
vice-president of the P. L. S.
Co., is here. Mr. Nickle is on a
tour of the company properties
in company with Supt. (iilcrest.
Mr. Hurlburt, one of the mana
gers of tho company with head
quarters in California, is also
with the party.
Henderson Elliott has again
taken charge of the Star Feed
Barn in South Hums where he
will be pleased to greet Ihh many
friends and former patrons. Mr.
Elliott is an experienced barn man
and has competent help, there
fore there is no danger but stock
will have the paal of tare.
C. B. McConnell and Civil
Engineer Dodge left yesterday
morning for the lakes to makes
an investigation of the heighth
of the water. They went down
by way of Weaver Sprins to do a
little niisMonery work and gather
a tew exhibits for the fair and
will return through Sunset.
Austin (ioodman la ready to
grind grain and has a building
in which it may he stored hy
farmers at any time, lie will
grind one day each week and
farmers may store their grain
any day and get it when con
venient. He is prepared to take
grain as pay for grinding at the
market price. 1 Hi.
Threshing machines ate now
at work all over the country and
tho weather has bean ideal for
the harvest during the entiro
week with indications' lor a con
tinuation for soine time, The
Times-Herald has not gotti n any
definite information as to actual
yields I ruin any of tM larger
acreages, Put u is lounii me
yield has been fully up to expectations.
this year. This week the girls
have been preserving fruits and
making pickles which will he
used in giving luncheons during
the winter term.
The Junior aritl Senior girls of
the Domestic Art Department
have made a skirt draft which
will be used in the cutting. An
old skirt is being ripped, cleaned
and pressed and will be made
into a new one.'
The Seniors regret that Miss
fair will cover the industries of !
the county pretty thoroughly with
the exception of livestock. It ia
hoped there will be a large num.
her of exhibitors and that the
products of every section of tho
country be represented.
It is not know at present how
many days the fair will hold as
the business men of Burns have
not been very prompt in financ
ing the entertainment program.
We must have something more
than the exhibits in the pavilion
Mary Hendricks was called to to attract the visitors, otherwise
join her jmrents in Washington, j they will have no desire to come
The literary society has not j ' While the pavilion display
yet been organized. It has. how-1 will be interesting and worth
ever, been considered and will
no doubt meet soon.
The first class meeting of this
term was held by the Seniors in
the assembly room. Tuesday
afternoon. The main subject
under discussion was the selec
tion of class rings.
The girls in Domestic Art have
been progressing quite rapidly,
under the directions of Miss
Cowgill, and are now ready to
begin dress making.
Miss Cowgill has made prepara
tions for the boys who wish to
take Domestic Science.
The Senior Agriculture Class
is starting in with the general
study of horses.
Many of the High School books
have not yet arrived; because of
this, some of the classes are get
ting behind in their work.
The High School boys with the
assistance of Professor Shirk
have organized a foot ball team
Beware of the Biology class as
tiny gre looking for specimens.
Mulhar of Eighlun Children.
"I am the mother of eighteen
children and have the praise of
doing more work than any young
woman in my town," writes Mrs.
C. .1. Martin, Boone Mill. Va.
"I Buffered for five years with
stomach trouble and could not
at as much as a biscuit without
sulVering. I have taken three
bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets
and am now a well woman and
weigh 168 pounds. I can eat
anything I want to, and as much
as I want and feel better than 1
have at any time in ten years. I
refer to any one in Boone Mill or
vicinity and they will vouch for
what 1 say." Chamberlain's
Tablets are for sale by all Dea'
while, the people expect some
thing more in the line of sports
and entertainment which should
be given attention.
Presbyterian Church Tomorrow.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80
p. m.
Morning Theme "Decay of
the Creat Convictions. "
Subject for evening "Bight
toads. "
(Jospel preaching Congrega
sional preaching.
Appointment of Administrator.
Ill llli' llllllti'l III I III' intuit' nf
Mliiy A QsOfSJg, iltM't'imtiil.
Nut in' in lii'ii'liy tfiviin Hint the umlir
Mii'in .1 wii duly appoints) thr ailiiiiniri
Iralni nt I In- ilinvi' ei'liilti liy the County
JinU;.' nl Mariitiv County, Oregon, mid
oritur ti lliul ifftii't iuih in. nl" unit fliitur
i'il mi l-riNiiiilmr I, IUIH, mil lie tin
iilalllW'il hi liv In i' .ri)v.l.. All ,Mr
ma liming I'liiima nuinM aaiil eititti'
ii ! mi ui mil In (ni'ii'iil ill, in, with pro
i r viiiirhi'i'H, wiilnii all inomliH Irom
tin tii nf I liia untu't', io nn nl nl mi uia tint or,
it liia iiihli'iii i. nt I iii'w- nv, Oiegi.n, or
st tint iillii IS nl Ihh iltiiiiiny, C, A. Ki-iii
bold, ii tim i n, Oragaa,
Piitiil Sepl Iirr 10, till
If ian A. i teuton,
AiliuiulatrHlor of I lit' eitiloof
Mary A. Ueorge, droritaiMl.
Feed Barn
II. I I. I'rop.
Horses Boarded by the
Day, Week or Month
(ood Feed and
Reasonable prices
South Main St.. Ilurni
I MTIIIH1ATII l.arlll Urrtl K. t
tttiriia. Oregoa, Haptimbii i nts
Niiiio' Is bsrabf irn tlin alBart H iMilat
1)1 Mm OR. On If wliu nn Annual 'Ii I 'In
maiti- a. i. on i ii. .in. hi.'..) Ratry, No.owi
for hKi,hi,, Hi,i.fci, ! an. 1 MjSh'i
rtoiv 17. Tovrjablu -' south, Raagti
Wiiiaiin-it.' Mariotan bai Slid nun. ..1
liiii' in inaat' final ilir,.,. yrar I' f to
uaUMIatl I taint tu tin- Illlll IDOTI !''.. ilW'il.
before the't ami Hicilvir, at Bum,
1 iri-Ki.ii. .... tin' 1 lib tli) uf October, 1118
Claimant litioa aa wllti, ".em
K e kiiilealoii I .- Iil.-r. t I' Ilia, kint'i
H II Hlihl, all nt Itlirua, tlrei'tn
Vj Kalll. Iteilatir
rarTBOBTATtt I . N i , uini i .
Hurna. ore . St i.t'-tnt.' t .. si l i
S..tlrt' la hereliy liven Dial ria'.I I' Ilia, k
liit'l. iiMlimia. tin .'.ii. win., on lift t inl.t-r I.'
run. niailf Viiililintial lltiittfalvtl Kniiy. St.
ii.i'i i.ii-tt',-K', tt I. NWUSK',an.l SK1,
W4 aet'tlon I Towiialnii j.' -J . Itai.t.-. 1 I
H ll'a'.iiiu. Mi-rl'ilai. Ina llli. I iii.l.t i nl Inlen
i hut iii in all e nnalilireeyear I'r.iol, loeitibUib
r ami 1.. i in-lauil iiboio denii.t t, befon tteg
inter intl tteevlver, at liurna Oragnn, ontln
I lilt .la of o. lohrr, I'M
I Unman! n.iiii.'a a. Willi
I T, lei A. It I'orltr. K I' KKtilialtni ami
N In tnii'y all of Itnota, QjregOD.
M Klalta. Kt'iilaler.
THITfit TATM I.AM' Ovioi
llii'h . tnejuiii. -- (:- nt I r , I'M
Soli'-,' tu hrui'lty KiM'ii tlia'i hail a I-. hill
man Narrtim Orrjct h, who nn May a I 1 '.
ma-1. llnmcalcail ruin No "in I fni M',-. ' .
Sl' NA, H4NK't Rill! SVS'.SK ., MM Hull
14, Townahtf . uttUij ttaug !l I I '. W
iHinetU- MorMlan, haa llicl n,,iii-t ol Inhnil-.i,
in malt i' com in illation t'rm'. In KtnLlUli
lalin to tin laml ftburt d-Mrrilniil. tiofoifj
i if i k
n tin laituiar ( ot im.t i, i.i i
rial in ant uaiiici HUH ItiH'Hiri
VMiiiii-i.i -t itairv. i harli-a Hn Wnn Karl M
OH I man, AlexHiiit-i UeKvtiilH ul Narmwi
Wm Kahh. Kfllat4l
I'm in htatk- iJsHoOrricB.
Hllllll, UrfflOB l-fili'inlM-i I, MM I l
SOU i' la lii-ri'li) a; I v imi that I lu-ptf r f. Toll 111.
n( Hllthi OMfOO. WhO Oil Jill) I.', I'l.', ni'i'li
HoinoalMd Knlry . No 08'ilT. Uu KUHWWauil
W ' .K'4, Hi'rllmi IV, Towtlitlilp 'I , rtailKU i '
K, wlllaiiKltt M.Tl.ilaii, lii ll ..I notli of i .
i niion tu in ike tatial ruminutftlloa i r -of in
futnl.l ph claim io tim land nbn'va di'i rlbadi
ta'fori' Iti'ttlah rami Itrr-cU i i , a: liuiiia, tlru Ii
on i in .11111 day ii Oi lobar lm
t. lal in him nann aa m Ithiastta
Ctirlaltan Horn, uf Hurna, Or(0U, Win Iuik
ami John J Hiai'y, iiih of Laitao, ' ittfun
in Bloooor.o, BuroOrocon
Wu Iahrk. Huglnoi
I Mil l tSl'ATKi I. i Mm in i. i
llnina. (ni'unii, Boil0Bboi in m
li l , liatl( ,"f hoill'i, l) i-,;..!!, i rjntM
I, ...
Von H horab) liollAoil t hut Caitie I
Huh' thO glVM I'l'iit", l(iirin I tiiiuu, i m
hi. ii na her poal o(tl aildrcan. hl on huh r)a)
wptaoibar mi, nin in ihia oitm. in r oni
. uriuhoiali'il ailicailini u i uutcul itml iuU m
I ha caui'ullatloii ol ymir Homaaload, Run)
-trial No. D4VW1 noi.lf Mai' ii IIH I'M), i.n ,oi D
0.0 I' 40 H ItiiMMi ..! K , W M H d lot I
and HUNKSt' Bar I. I'owugblp HI - ttanii
Kaal, Wtllanii'iti' Mriniian, aiol in , uuiula lui
hci POD tMl ahi alliKi'N thai mimI Kohiii
HlraiiH'. .ma WBoJh Bbandnnod BlldH ml 1 1 u
! iii-vi-r i il a hll In l u in ii i ii in i nt I a it nl It t
or nlati'il any Iiiiiu,iii tlill Ibi nt n
Hial h Iiaa bavntod III HI Oil itmli 'iituTil
ltd riiilUi'tM u ihfiiiniin gvai alooi nn o
Yon an', iboroforoi futlht Uflodtbjil Ibi
ahl allegallniii will takiui by una inlin- a
bovini boon ooiilfiaod by)ou, anil your mii-i
en try w 111 In' I'anccli d Ibirauildvi Mil bout yoai
lui Hi t-r iii' hi lulu1 lii'unl the re in. rtl ha bofon
ihia otiii a or on api'tai U you fa'l to (lb Ii
iilllci wliliin iticiiiy daya allul thv K I'Klll
puhlli atitiii (f thiH hoilrc, uu ahouii baloa
your iiUawiir UinU r oath, hiicci rltui i muihbj
ami ti-apoiniiitK to lhaaa alia all on t
or If yOU (all ullhln ihal I nn- io III, In Una
ollh a du proof llui' you Imn a. ni'il h . op i ol
iMir anawiT nn tin- khI'I oontaaiaiil altbi i Li
(laiaou or by ragtatafod umll, ll thu mi t, a fa
in at In hy thu 0 HI Vim of h rOn ol yoilr Bill 101
to llu i.M tt'H'alil in I'l'ianii, i m nf nn j- i
V lei- imi-t hn oil Ium Iht Bilil t'lMiit niiiti 't. w 1 1 ti n
afkimwIrilKiiu'iit "1 IHa ifitipi of i ni
lltOWlnH Mo .lui. of it , ri't rlnl. in tin in. I. iv t
of ibo porvon b) whom Lbailalivai) wia nia.ii
aiaitiiK In u aiol Iiimc i In- . i' v ttaailnllvoi
id U uiatiu in ogUtorrd mall pronHil lutli
arvlrn mimi DOOabll of I ha alihlav ll of i in- m r
hou 1 whom l ho con) a mn umiI'i ,i, in ling
wliun antl lllf l-oal ii tu en Io hi. hn tin. mn I Ifil
Hllll (Ilia llHlllltVll htUll be HCCOilpH:t It'tl li lilt
poetnaaiar'a rui-flni fur ilia latiar,
Vnu alinuhl ataii- In ion auawai IbaitBino ol
tba ioal i tli ii to vt h Itli you dualra in ura
IKil Iff it to he at nl In lull
Wm. KaH'ik. M Off I ah i
Half tit llnl inibllialhin Hcptf nihil I.i I i i
Hate ol iff uini iiuhllt niluii st'itit inbi i .i i.i
liatitol ihlrtl .iil.lha(ioo Haptamboi .'V, cm -I'aif
of lutiiin (.m.lii ftili.h Or tubal I, I'M:
The only up to date Hotel in Harney County
Hot and cold water, bathy, toilets, wide screened in
porches; nice shany lawn, fishing and hunting near.
Accommodations for 60 guests everything for com
fort and enjoyment, only white help, home cooking.
Peel Room and First-Class Bar In Connection
Special Rates Given to Fishing and Hunting Parties
Old and Nkw Patrons Will Find the Bbst Bbak
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service. Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns. Orejro
mm ll lV v tw
I f, raf i
Mowers, Rakes, Bucks and
all kinds of Haying Tools
Machine Extras on hand
All kinds of imple
ments for the farm
gas engines, piimps
wagons, shelf hard
ware, etc., fishing
tackle, guns, am
munition, campers
supplies, etc., etc.
AaU HLt-J ilir-BaaaaaaaaVlaal
Get in Your Order for Binder Twine
We handle the right kind oi'
goods at prices that will appeal
to your purse. We are receiving
many consignments-more coming,
so ask for what you don't m e.