The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 13, 1913, Image 2

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We want to talk to you about your fall suit
Every suit is guaranteed to fit
Service ia what you are looking for
U should see the latest
It is our desire to please everybody
The goods you find here ore high value goods
Ever notice the difference between a Tailor made
suit and a ready made
Value you want
Everybody gets that here
Right priaes and quality you are looking for
You'll find our suits give you the service you are
looking for
Be sure and see our new samples
Our purpose is to serve you well whether you buy
or not
Don't select the first thing you see, look at all of 'em
You know that getting more than you expect is one
of the most satisfactory things that could happen
to you
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building
- Burns, Oregon
ffhr (Ttuif0-!Rftafd
On Yaar
Sis Month
Thrrr Month
ami scltU-ment will also bt con
sidersd In KrantinR reductions.
I 'resident Wilson made no niis
takfl in HacinK a Western man
111 this position in his cabinet and
it has done much to making his
administration popular in this
Who Pays For The Ad
It is common to hear BOn
advertisinR merchant sav that
he doesn.t believe in advertis
ing, but tfives the customer
the benefit of the money be
saves by "not advertising- LBl
us examine this statement and
see how much truth it contains.
Judicious advertising sells more
goods for the merchant, turns
his stock quicker and makes it
possible, by increasing the
volume of business, to buy in
bisrger quantities and obtain a
bigger discount. Increasing
the volume of business de
creases the selling cost. A
merchant will sell cheaper, if
possible, because he will thus
gain customers from his com
petitors, and also increase the
demand as lowering the price
of an article places it within
the reach of a larger per cent
of the peonle and is thus a
stimulant to trade.
The price of a commodity is
lowered and the quality is
bettered through the medium
of advertising. Take the
automobile as illustration. Ad
vertising has made the auto
mobile business. It overcome
the prejudice that existed
against the machine and creat
ed a demand that enabled the
factories to increase output
and cut the selling price to less
than 50 per cent of what it was
a few years ago.
It ia- readily seen that the
teonsumer uoes not pay lor
advertising, as the advertiser
sells cheaper than the non
advertiser. If the consumer does not pay
for the advertising who does
pay? It cannot be the adver
tiser as advertising increases
his sales, decreases his selling
cost and increases his profits.
The advertiser doesn't pay be
cause advertising pays him.
Then who pays for the ad
vertising? The non-ad vertiser
pays for the advertising done
by his advertising competitor.
All business that he loses to
his advertising competitor is
part of the price he pays. The
non-advertiser and the poor
advertiser, each in proportion,
nnv for the uds of the Brood
The tariff bill has passed the
U. S. Senate and has been re
turned to the house as several
amendment! were made to it in
the senate. It will pas? the j
lower House witn little uenate is
the prediction of those familiar
with its provisions. It is also
predicted the currency bill will
pass at the extra session with
little opposition. President Wil-!
sou has shown he has the ability
to get legislation through when
lie desires it.
Indications Favorable to
Farmers Taking over Mill
According to those who have
been soliciting stock to take over
the flour mill and add a packing
plant there is little doubt but a
new concern will assume control
in the near future. A meeting is
called for this afternoon and it '
will be definitely settled at that Wild Mustard
and Others approved and ordered
The new survey of the road
from StanclilV bridge through
section was ordered viewed by
the county surveyor and referred
to the road viewers.
Claim of BOM Kern for dama
ges 4o the amount of $1500 caused
by the road supervisor cutting a
culvert and allowing back water
to ilood certain crop I WU denied.
Indian Allotment
Lands to Sell Nov. 1
II. (!. Wilson of the Indian Sr
vice, stationed at Koseburg, will
receive seal' I bids up to Nov. 1,
for the following list of Indian
lands located in Harney Valley:
Big Blind, NW4. See. 12. T. 23.
K. 8& Apprised $H00.
Indian (ieran, et al SWI, Sec.
12. T. 2:1, It. 88. Appraised IBM
Indian Tuy. SWi Sec. 88, T. 28
It. :t2A. Appraised $1(KK).
Jennie Louie, ski. Sec. 14, T.
23, H., 32. Appraised $1500.
Indian Tabby, SWi. Sec. 27,
T. 23, R, 32. Appraised $1'.(K).
Indian Tuy. NWJ. Sec. 27. T.
23. K. 32. Appraised $100.
Nannie Tabby, SKI, Sec. 27. T.
23. R. 32. Appraised $1000.
Susie Yuba Tom. SWI. Sec. 8.
T. 23, It. 32. Appraised $1000
Indian ( leran, et al. SKI, Sec
28. T. 23. It. 32. Appraised
Indian Jennie Cap, NW1, Sec
10, T. 23, It. 32J. Appraised
Indian Annie, SKI, Sec. 34. T.
23, It. 32. Appraised $1000.
Indian Johny, SSI, Sec. 35, T.
23. It. 32. Appraise! $1000.
Peter Teman. SKI. Sec. 25, T.
23, It. 32. Appraised $1200.
George Washington, NW1, Sec.
8. T. 24, It. 32J. Appraised
George Washington. NK1, Sec.
7. T. 24. It. 88ft. Appraised $1300.
George Washington. Ioits 1. 2,
8 A 4, Bee, 7. T 84 It. 324 Ap
praised $12(H).
Indian ftUdsih, BEft, Bee. 2. T.
24. K. 324. Appraised $1000.
Mods Paddy, et al, NWl, Bee.
27, T. 23, It. 324. Appraised
Mode Paddy, SWI. Sec. 27. T.
28, It. 324. Appraised $1000.
Indian IVdro. NK, Sec. 14. T.
23, It. 324. Appraised $1000
Indian Pedro, SKI. Sec 14, T.
23. It. 324. Appraised $1000.
Indian Pedro, SWI, Sec. 14. T.
88, K. 324. Appraised $1000.
Mattie Jim. et al, SEi, Sec. 4,
T. 24. It. 324. Appraised $900.
Indian Johnny. NKi, Sec. 34,
T. 2."?, It. 32. Appraised $1C00.
Mattie Jim. SEJ. Sec. 34. T.
23. R. 324. Appraised $aoo.
time. However, the stock sub
scriptions have come in well,
quite a number of farmers hav
ing taken un interest in the pro
ject and while the committee does
not report sufficient already
pledged to purchase the mill and
finance, a packing plant, they
feel encouraged from the interest
already shown and the prospects
for more stock being taken this
afternoon when those Interested
gel together and have a better
understanding of the proposition.
County Court Proceedings.
Petition of W. S. Haley and
others for establishment and
abandonment of county road,
Road petition I). V. Wilfong
and others approved and road
directed opened.
Petition of Geo Cawlfield for a
liquor license in Narrows pre
cinct denied as his petition did
not contain a majority of all the
legal voters and a remonstrance
was filed.
Application of W. K. Marshall
for the establishment of a road
I of public eusement, granted.
Reports of road supervisors
Liquor license of Wm, Johnson
St Alberaon revoked as it was
; found from a personal inspection
I by Judge Thompson of the pre
mises disclosed that he had no
hotel as provided by law and the
license was obtained upon false
The warrant for $2000 provid
ing for the agricultural extension
work was ordered drawn. Com
missioner Rain dissenting.
George Dunsmore resigned as
road supervisor of Dist. No. 1
The liberal interpretation of
tbj land laws under the present
administration has given the
home builder new hope and has and Joe Vanderpool wasappoint
shown that the present Secretary led to fill the vacancy,
of the Interior is a man who C. C. Lundy was appointed
understands conditions in the1 County Sealer of weights and
public land states and really de
sires to assist legitimate home
builders in making good. Another
amendment to the homestead
regulations has just been an
nounced which permits a reduc
tion in the area to be cultivated
if it be found the land is not
practical for cultivation. Dis
abilities or misfortune after entry
Bert Stillson appointed janitor
for the court house property to
fill the place of Thos. Howard
who resigned.
Petition of C. W. Drink water
and others for a county road
was approved and viewers order
ed to view out the proposed road.
Road petition of J. T. Raker
Should Be Destroyed.
Two farmers of the Wavt rly
section were talking to The
Times-Herald man early this
week about the spreading of the
weed ests in this Valley land de
ploring the neglect of the farmers
to stop it. There is a law com
pelling the keeping down of wild
mustard and similar weed pests
that should be observed. The
longer it is neglected the harder
it is going to be o get rid of
troublesome weeds in the future,
and this must be done.
Prof. Scudder of the agricul
tural college was recently quoted
as saving that wild mustard was
doing more damage to the fields
of Kastern Oregon than the rab
bits; this seems to have been
overlooked by local farmers and
while they are considering ways
and means to rid themselves of
the rabbits, the weeds should
also have some attention as it is
much easier now than after they
have u start.
Reaps Profit from Hogs.
In our last issue we stated that
one hog, which weighed 55(5
pounds, was sold by Charles
Kangbehn and brought him near
ly $50.00. Mr. Langbehn now
informs us that he sold five hogs
at the time and they averaged
55fi pounds, or a total of 2780.
The price paid was 8 cents and
the five porkers brought him
Mr. Langbehn tgyi with pro
per attention hogs can be made
to pav a better profit than any
other farm commodity, and that
he realizes more than $1 per
bushel on all the rvheat he feeds
Besides the five sold on the
market he has another live prom
ised to the same firm and while
they will not uveruge quite as
much as the first, lot, yet they
will bring him around $200. -
Tekoa (Wash.) Blade, Aug. 8.
Stop at the Hums Hotel when
in this city where there is a fine
cook and very best accommoda
tons. tf31.
10 a. m. Sunday School.
11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. church
tlNITItli ITATM LAND mil' 1 1.
Hit 'tt. Ilri'inll, Ni I'tr in I 'IT f, I'M.'
Nullre le hnrdir given thai l.lnwrllyn linnm
ol Narrnwe, iirr-goii, nlin.nti AiiuHat J-Jn.l. IMa
ma. I.. Iloiin'nra.l Kiilry.Narlal No nvm. fur N',
..1 1 , , .... ..., 1 U...II...I I, '!-.... !. I., t.
HI-. , Will I .1.1 , HII'I i n,r, ,,,,, ,,, iiinii.iiiM .'
Mouth. Ilangi' ill Kant, tvillaliti'llu Merlillnii
K. nli, if Mnih.-itt I all" liaa IHnl milli-a of hi
tantlon lo ittrtki- final lire leal prOOl to ratat--Itah
lllloi In Un- I'l'i'l aliuvi' iii'Hi'iii.i-il, baton
III lli'glati'r mi'! Ittn'i'lvt.r, allium., Dragon,
mi tin' mill ilai olflotobor, 1(1 I
l laltuatil iiantia iim wtitifiaai-a
Viallk II. Iltunii, of llnina, (Iti'K'itl. hoi I, a, nl Nartona, llnunn I rank I'
flOWan anil Julio 11, i ivnamali both Of lluiiia,
Wm. I'AHHit, Iti'dlilrr
llNITin STafla I n 01 1 ii i
lliirna, iiti-Kiiil, Mviiltiiiiliar II, IVllt.
Nnlli ,-la lu-rrhjr m t van that I'lia ilia A. -1 I y .
nl JrlTuraiili, Marluli Co.. Oreapa, who, on
i II, 1109 iim'l" Ueeerl I. ami Kuirjr,
Mortal No. 0II7M, fur Nl',, Hit 7 ami W'.NW'.,
.i i Hon a, Tpwaeblp Mulh, Haniraari i..;,
w ilhinii in, Mi-il.lini, ha- llli-il until i' ol Inlt'ii
Hon In inakr llnal I'tonf. iii r.'al.llall rlalm In
tin- lallil ahova ilrOl'il, lirforn llrwlalrr ami
It. , i Wit. Ol Hit ma, oil-loll, on I hi. ilaf of
ii. lojn.
t'luli I i. aim a aa wllnraar"
I will t. Klilnf, lalllr J Kpler, Milton I
Itl.liar.lii.ii, Mm. I. Illi hut. lami, all ol I .a art it
i regno.
IV. fAHag. rlrglal.-i
Ihtrna. tirr-uou, Hrplrinbai :i, Vi
Nollrn la Inn by Ural Amlrrw I'atrraun,
nl l.aniTi. oi..,'.in. bn. on JnU III, IMI mailr
II at.a.l Knlrr, No u:lta, for MK'i.
N. , On ii II, Townlblp v.. I , lianui' I '! I 0111
ii tti- Mi-rliliau. haa llli-.l nolloa nl hihinll.iii
maki lliinl tin..' ii'Hr, In
l.ilm lo lb" lamt ahoyi itri illn !. Ii.-lun- lira
lain ami II Ivar, ol lliirna. un-gini on Ibr
nub .lav ol mini., r, IMI
t 'laliiiiint iiain, a aa lliira.i a
Petal i liilatrnarii. K I:., nil). i.mrge llraf,
h. N. Joy all nl Lawi'ii, lirrgmi
VV Ctaaa, .
I'NITkli MITM UMilllll'i .
limn, ilrigtui. Augtl.l .'. I II I
Noll. la bOfob) ttVOO thai Julian A Qaorga,
of lirrwar), OragoO, Who. on hrr In. IOOT,
luaila llomaalvail Kulrv No. SWO, H, rlnl No
oj.'., for K',H',. Ntt'.W, an.l HVM'.Nrt',,
laelloBH, Towukolp i'i". Haunr ;ii', K.u.l
lamalta Matl.llall. haa llliit null, i ol tot, nil I. .11
t.i makr final rlva irar proot. to iatal.11.1.
. Ultu to Ilia Ian. I abovr .Icairll'i-.l l.rloro N, I
it.,. .It- I I, 1 oiiimlaaloiiar, al hi. nrnrr, at
Uioarooy, OrofoD, 00 Hi.- ..n. .ijr s...i llll
1 laltuaiil naniraaa wllnraera
Win J.iliea, W.I rar, J II lrri II, John
k inii i... aii of in, !) . Orooon
H 1 am . lire alar
lM!TKI.HTAlfc." I.AHI. Oil ( t j
Htirti. OroflM, Annuel .ti, I i
lltotl IMinin l. ' '-Ik,
Notice i lierebj ui en I hnl i h II otc
1,11ml liiniiil nl iIh- si 11 1 ui Orrgon will
rcCclVC arnlril hill'. Illllll OlflO ll'l loCa
A. M., lifltili'T .', 191 B, Lii lln- follow
infill attibril lomla, In oil
St.iii.iia ill mill an, T. a S R, I I B.
nee i in mni et, t. see. . tsB-
, . i,.. 1, a III ninl :ii;, f. 2H H. I! M I.
Sri 'I'n.ita I'I mnl .'III, T. 2H S. U. 27 Ii.
S,, 11. ma HI mnl Btj T. '.'II S. II. IS I
Section! Ill mnl Be, T. B9 S. I '. I
ItotioM Hi mnl Be, I B0 B, I-: 11 1
Bactlont hi sad Be, i BB, i 'Jh R,
flection! in mnl Be, T, 90 i, B BO I
ftd 10 an. I BO, T B0 B. I!. BOj I
Sri-iiniii :n;, T, Bfl s. It
Btotloai in mnl BO, I. Ml,
s,i ii.iiM in n, i :ic, T. :ios. u, u B,
Btctiona in mnl :ic t. B0 s. n. W7 B,
, 10 mnl 'in, T. BO B, I!, UN B,
BtetioMi in mnl BO, T. -in It. 90 B,
Htcttoni in mnl 18, T, 30 B, It. 90! B. :ui, T B0 B, R. '!'", B,
Itctlon .'in, T. BOj . s K .ii B.
Bcetiotu in tad BO, T, B1 B. R. B0 K.
fm I I 10 mnl .'Hi, T. "! B. It. 'II B.
Saiiiiina in mnl BS, T, :u s. It. BS4 B.
Section in T, B1 B. It. BB B.
BcetioM 10 mnl Mi r. :u B. K. B4 Ii
Be tloni in iin.l B0, T. BB s. u. BO B.
Section! ui mnl -'in, T. BBB. R. .'H tv
Srilniiin liimnl B0, T, 838. H. 'I-", I.
Siviinii Hi T. SB s. k. BB B.
All liiila ituiat la' nccornpnnied bj
tij-tllilt lv ixi't' itiilli'.'il iimi to nll-
I'linac mnl I'lni I. 01 .1. .11 foi nl len-i
till v ol' tin mnuiinl nl lln- I. ill,
Tin- right in rejeol tiny find nil bida in
ll'S.'t vrd.
ApfallcOtloni nn.l hnl -I Ill la- nil'
iin-aarii to '. i. Brown. ' Itrli Btste
I. mnl Board, BsJetn. Oregon, mnl
marked "Apllcol los nnrl I Id to pan h;.-.
ItSt! I .mil '.
i.i- Brawn,
i Ink stiiu I. .in. I Board
-,.i" inn r lull I n nl lh .artii-a In lliin anil
In tlio I'liinil ( ..lit 1 nl II. ii --lain . I mnl nt. h anl nvi-ry MM lliorinl Ul I In'
iir.'Kiin, 1'ir llarinv I'miiilv. itlrr of 'Irnnl Cri'i-k ami ila I'lhnlor-
I.iIhiii II. Hill, I liiirl.Ho K. Sinru.'iili, ; li' ui brtwiH'ii Ibfinoolvoa nml eooh oml
Knar K. Hi un. Mt'Mn I'ooii. Jului ' evi-ry MM Ibi-rool to lln' wati-m ol Trout
1 (
Noi h le iH-mliy Btlifi'i
ol HlVl-rh i llrBTiitl. Willi, nil A UK I.'
. ., , - .. ....r
i. mill- IC'IM" H'. . Miirv. I'ri. . iui ' ,
pell mi 1, 'luMnelilti art H. ItmiKi M I . v 1
iNiiMttr Mt-rdllun. hep flli'l Htin- Of iDlvillloii
In ineki' lliml Hi(r.-)rr pfOol, '" rotoilillea
t U im a ih- l.iiil bevej a rlbM, 14 foi Ki -
iiii-i mnl Kr.Thrr. Ht hitniB, uri'KtMi, ni itir
. r(h U nf srpt. ml. i, ItU
i isihiiAiii ttiiiKi u wiiiivewbb:
i ii In Tlioliieiiii. Kitlmrl w Uffttll, tViruB
c. . ki.-v. I . .iutfl iihli'flnln nil uf Men.fl).
Wm. Kahrk, It.-iiUt. j
I'MTHf fr .TB" UMOmCl. '
IliiriiM. "(rt'Kiili. u(iio,t i. Ml I
Moili ' ' '" r"l, nivi'ii ttii l ulii r Hortun,
hTldOW i.f Arlhiif Hoii-.n, ! i '-t. ..( HurDI ""
lea Brno, oa Mi . i . tuuli Atlil'l llotuej
.;.. KtitrV. s.i bri, ftF N'l',, w
ft-lii! HK'iNW'a, Hertinil li, liiwtielil .' ' H,
UaiipfO :i K. AUtouiuU.- ylliUlt, hU Mint
n.. Mn ol Uiiviiiliiu ui nine-' Muni tlvn or
Proof, in i-tti1tl i l Kirn in lh lui'l be); itt
trlUM, l-ffi'Tr HfglBloi Alul Urn ITwi, Rl Miiriie.
(roa, on iitp : ili tiny i mmbbiboi i I.
I let! m lt I Hoi III I' WllDi'fMMMI
(ieoorer Uuni re. Klcketattb. M, v llri,
'!).. r i no . i nil -ii Runw. oraojoa.
Wm t-'emir IUHit'rr
i m t i. i , no. I.Axn o.t i- i
Itnri.a lirrawt.. AltKUal .'1.1 'I I
N..1I., la In-n b aOrli that Hurl t'ararr.ol
K H 1 1 . . ii.fc-..t., ulio, on Mai '.'. 1100, iuah- llntna
atia.l Bnlri So. ... .-.lial N.i OiOM, for-M',
NSi ',-r1, ami M-.'.-U1. Oaallufl Ml,
loHi.ahl. .'1 a., Hank',- v - laal. v illannlti
M.rl.llai.. baa llh-l nnll.c of liilrnt loll
lo (take Final I'll.' TWI I'mol. lo ralab lab
. lahn In Ilia latnl abnir iha -rilK-.l. bateei
ti... h.-i-iairr ainl Havelvar, at miroa, in,,-.i
on On- .'.in ilajr of Haplr abor, IVIU.
i lahnant iianira aa Mllnracra
W W Sltirara. of llllor. ori'iiou. K.Uar.l
Kll, Ol Kail. un,. A J Jobtiann. ul Kllay,
nrvaon anil -lanloi. 1 I ilrr ol lluina, Orrfotl
raaoa, Ki'Olalrr
In lln I Hi-nil Court ill lln- Sllitt' nl lln--
(41111 lot 111.' UodOtj nl ll.llllrv.
I lhtilit Mltlltv, I'lniniill.
riniiniia t'rcil Mnriay, lirliiiilinii
To Thomaa Cecil Murrnv, IWIriiilmii
in lit.' iniiiir of llic StHti- ol Orrxoir
Yon or hereby required to nppr.ii in
llir nhove rnnili-il Court on srboon
Miinilny llir aivtli ilny of Oetolarr IUIM
mil i.nawer the I'oinpl.iitit Dleil ii(iiiiil
you in (lie alnivr n.litlr.l eniiae, mnl il
VOu fnil tn an iiiarnr mnl iinawer nilh-
in the aniil tinm, for wunl tln'trnl i lit.
.l liniiil ni apply to llir a In. m. OB titled
four I Im th i relirl il. iiiniuli .1 111 her
r.iniplnint, to wil:
I'or n ilecree (inaomiy uiviircinu, ine
pi.'oitiiii d .un yon mnl foreror dioooKlno
llir hoiiila nl tn iiinnoiiv lur 1 1 . .1. i . nil
now oiatinx Irclwerti vn mnl tlieplmn
ulf mnl for 0 jIldglMnl tot lu'i c ai ninl
illahiirrenieiita herein.
TIlia auiiiniona ia act veil upon y. u by
piihlieluii", the aiiuie oner week Im ill
eoiinri'titivri weeka 111 lite l imea iirlinii u
weekly uewaiiii'i ofgeneroJ rircubilinii
ii Harney touiily, Mnto ol ureifnn,
iiiiaumit lo mi milrr ' Hon (
rhoiiipaoii, Count JodgO ol hi. nl Counly
of Homey, Sliite of Cweaon, innilr mnl
entereil oil the lllth iluv of Annual 1018
The ilulr nl the liral tin"
SUIIIIIIOIIH la-mtr Anniiai J I, H.H.'I mnl tin
Inal piiblienlinii botiiK (Icliihei til. 1018.
, Wm Mill HH,
All. . iii. v tin the ri.tintill
l lliinl Cllllrl ol llir
Nliilr nl
In Hi.
Oregon lor II. nun i minlv
l.iiiirn lliiney, I'linnllH, 1
VI J- BttMltlMM
I t rink 1 1 1 1 un. i licleiiilunl )
To I in nU D, rlSBfJ , the' nmni'il
III till' MUM nl llir. Ktnle nl llrrynll,
you me hereby reiiinril In nptirNt mnl
mtawei In I ho eiiiiiphunt lileil Bgoinil
vou in the nbovt i ulilleil luit, on in Ik
lore tin) lid ilnv of thu time pnocribed
in tin ..i. In ol piiblieiit ion nl t hia aniil
mono to-wtt; on 01 nbout lln II ii il. t
nl October, 1018, isid data belns the
expiration of ai weeka Iron tM Brtl
piibliriition of thia Nitiiiinona, mnl il roll
fnil to tinawet , for wunl thrtrnl, I'biiu
oil will apply to tin ('..mi lot thu relief
il.'llillllilril ill I hr I -oillphllllt lo-wll
i-.ii n iiri'ii'i' ol thia Court dial ItImj
the biinda Of innliiuiony now llilting
hiiwrrn I'laiutilf ami llefeitilmit, mill
t lint rhiinlitl hnvr n tlreier nl .lii,,,, ,
iibai ilulii In mi Hrli inlnnl.
Tht Plaintiff hnvo llin I'llle, illalnilv
nml eontrol of TtroSOl Hiiuey; Hniii-I
ll.tllev Itml LoVoB lliuii v, mill. ii child'
len of I'loiiitill ninl Helrliiliiiil, mnl h.i
,'iiala mnl tllabiiiaeiiienta liurt'in.
Thia aiiiiiiiioiiM il publialieil livniilrr
nl linn, f.ninl Thtiinpeoii', mn,r ntihr
(.'oiinty Court of llnriiov I'ounty, iiiuile
anil t lit) U'Jiitl duv of Annual,
llll.l mnl lln' ilutti nl lln' Dial publico,
Im. i il Ihia auiuiuotiH ia Annual 'J.lnl,
J. J. I'aitoiimiin,
Attorney fur I'luint iff.
Diract i aouth via
A. H. CURRY, Prop.
Loovaa Harrimon Monday and Tlmraday
and arrivoa Wodnoodoy and Saturday
each weak, connecting with toutharn
lina tn Oanlo, Winnamucca, ale.
School Suits for Bo
At Greatly
RANGE of AGES 5 to 15 YE Alt!
We are over stocked on the above
sizes and offer any suit in this
lot at a very low price
$2.50 and up for the entire lift
The Quality Store 1
m.i imii, liml mi. ii l: .1. Cello
I-;. M. Bchfooduf, i '. tv.- 1 1. 1. 'ui. nnii,
H II.,ii)ili, I owll I ii I. I.' hiikIi,
Ailoui Itofonbough, frank tdrbjto,
.lo in Hi iitlv, ami I ,irl A I linitiparii,
Tin' Aiiii'ii.'ini I. ami A l.lvo "" k ('
piliy, ii in i pnriilii'ii, (' I I hmniia
m.i 'niinr. u partncroblp doloi
buainraa aa Thninna .'. Wnlli-r, John
1'i.lalnlrr, ('. S AligOrd, I'M' III. I im
stoek Ciiiiipmiv, corporation, II. .1, A. W Unlm v, .1 I It.. .tn
arvellr, urtili K. yVleglni, Mnhorl J.
V.Mla, .Inaipli Krolll. IU'ImIio I. vn
l.tll. I. J. il.-uii, I . III II r I Inla, W.
B, l.aioii, Ooroaltu Maoduvllla, N..r
mail J. Una. Ilimv Hlongh, Dacar
i irBtopharon,rl. Wotorfoll, William
Kennedy, Lyda l Krjror, llurbert
ill nil. ,11, I" I . Cull.- n I II
Il.-itri.-ll.i C Italia, llll. Inn I:-.. I. n,
t in- 1 1 . l ui.-. ' .. i ,i. . ii
dor, I I. M,.I I-. Irtarj -I V nl. trill,
William Krni. William i siylea,
t'liiii-in-.' I', i i ii i , I I IVppor,
Ariinlil I , nliiliM, l.iuirii...
t lark . V'.'l.ila l. It,.,', mil Koberl
Bcott, I i.-f.-ii -
I'n Tbo Ann i i ! I umliV l.ivo-l.i. I, ( n.
0 C I, TboHWO, mnl ' '
IValtora, a tiailnorahip doing hmlnaai
.ia 'lln nml VValtara, Il i llan
i n.i. a w Qnlnei . Bail lb i win
j ii", Mo I..... I U ,.l- Juarrdl Km
llk, lllnnil. I vi.ilall I . I'. '.in, 0.
Ilunry (iii v H I Irfl, t'ornulioa
Maiulrv ill. . Viinnmi .1. Itoaa, Harry
Bkmgh, Uarai I l.riMi. ,,,,,., a. in . S.
WoterfaJI, Wlllii I Koanmlr, Lydla
1 liver llnili-il i Itboff, I'. I .
Carlton, I. A llomon, llanrlotta i
liatoa, Hi ding itiilrti, Uaorga II.
Miiloi. lin-uv,' n Heliroibar. r, I-.
Wholply, Mary -I Wulottdn. William
Knit, William i nil'., i iiui'ino I-'
I'liirk, I- B. I'i t Ann.;. I I . t.ln-
bold, I.iih mni- Clark, v. iriiii m.
Ileal lllld llnlmrl Hi,, It, at.nvn II Hind
Drlomlaiita :
In Iho iiiiiii.- nl tin- Mil,- nl Oregon,
you nml earb ol vmi urr I In i.ipnr
rd to aiiprar ami auaurt tin- mm-ii'lnl
.i.iiipiuiiit nli .1 herein ngainal you, n.n
the mpiratii.ii nt ill eraoki Iron Um
piil.lii.itii.n nl llin Sun, m. ui- lii-mii. I
flu or la-. to i ii ...I. t s, 1011 that
I'tiiu H- in-1 day ol tin- Ii me piverriln d
In i .1 tir I ..( tho pub
i .in ..ii i.t tin puniinoai and if yuu
nr any mir "I ymi fail lo an an-rr
01 opt ' ai tlio I in. till, atul apply to tho
Conn lor tho relief prayed lor in .. i. riitnpliuiil, iikinely :
1 I ,.r tho I'.iiiliiiiimir.' nl the twin -porary
Injunction heretofore laioed
llgoitllt (In 'il. (in. I, ml .1. lv IC im-, . ,'ll.'
'J. laaggnoi ol tbo lamporarf aa'iiini't II.. ili-lnmUiit John
I'iiIhiiiI.i, rii. mini,; nn.l reatraiiuug hill
nillliiK llir i. 'ii inn i
(reek and lla tribulariea aa betWOOO
tluiiiieelvca ami rarb and every MM
4. I'or a linn Irrliirlng euel. IM
..I tin. plitllilllN to la' lln .iv.lir. Hllli in
tiilexl lo I Im uae of Ilia watrra lo the e
lenl a by thrill and rnrli rv. ryone
ol tin in tllOBad in aanl iiuiendnl .
:,. r..r tin- di-i r.-r .ii lormlnlng IM
r.-luliir ti.lita i. ml printitn. in mnl in
llin water, of Trout link mnl lla tri
linl i rani rlirll Hint rviri MM ol the
.inn. a in II. I. .nil.
ii. Kor in b ollni and Inrlber relief
aa to thia Court and to Bqalli uniy .it in
projn-r and oat and m-reaaary in the
7. ffir jii'l'iiirril iiuum.l tin rjelel,
danta ,.r iiliniitiffa r. ala and .li-lnn..
llii'lil. In-relll.
Till. MumtBOnO pllblialinl lit onl. r
ol ihe it. .-i lirant Thompaon, County
Jul. i I'ouiiti, Oregon, dnli
m.i.ln ami on HaalafatMi '' IBI8
iliiertinjj ibe publiriiii ii IboreOl lur ai
OonoBGOtlva oeaikl tn Tb" Tinte. Ileiald
a m map. .nor pnUl-ln.l III llil'l.-. I recoil
ami Hie .lii'e nl llrat publiiiitimi ia Sepi
fl, llll.l, nii'1 IM dalr nl Uai i nli kr. t
will be Out. is, iui:t
J. W. fltaooj Aii A. lii Miimn.
Atlmi.ria lor I'.aiuHlla
I MYH BfAVW I ! ' ' M t
Mnttie, Ure-Ob, Wp i mln r 1 'I : t
N..lli. lilKtel.i Klvrn te hff V
muni .f until i ui- n mi. Im, mi A (-M I I'' I ii.
HieMi' HumeojilaiH Knirv. No mi", l.u UHa I
en. I Ii), H'.sK, niitl hK',1,. rtttr. "
.iMlioilil. i. ,, HHtt 1 1 . WllUinrtl.
Mi 1 1 ( lull, hn ninl BotlCi Ol I li' nl Mm me, ki
ll lift 1 Ihr. . )gir j.rixil ej itji'alilleh 1 eel en
t.i ir itt'l ftfeoira lfTil' !. U'ftiri' KeflBlei
nml Ki 'tvr.t Kurii. r Ptfi.ti.. in I hi imli ln
i h tohftl I '1
Ut tit Mill n inn re e w llniuri .
Julii II .Mutll, A J iirnvie. W J luiiiii
Jii" WiU'ilim k ollni Stwiti... OrMOU
WM. r'aMl 111 "illMl. I
I'.m I. HrTW I.AHU M M( B I
lluriie. Mr.-K-.M ffjft4 )'. ivt.H.i
St.Mi i- l liarvt Kivt N (hat ml HlurgrH, til
Itlli-. (iriii, w Im. un No. J I ''. Miatilr
ItnliienlfeJ Knirv, NoWH, l.u svv1,, Mcttun
in MiMiihit. .' . M , Hmtui- .' I. WilteiMi'llr
Mrri. tun. beta 0.14 noUro ' lulemnon to mk
flllnl IllMl ' I'MMlf, III ,a.'l'lBll I Illllll In It. t
loth I ttMv 'lt Mlil, Im kor. I.' uiM.i aid Id". Hi liUlh. orBl'm. .i'i IM -I I'i' i ",
Mpb mtaff IfM
l laltueiKl iiBtni "
Ml II lam W fiurHia. (m aaJugrr. ..U- i
Kruflniirr. HtMMly lliel Bill ! ItU. ., "i. n.ui.
H I IkHI . Id k'lM I
t sn ID BTA1 KI l.Nli iil-'H. I
liurna, Oragoo, AUeuat 1" Ilia. I
Natioo lo in-re In li rii iliat Kiank P. tlowaq,
ul llnrua. iirraon. aim. mi'ttiilH'i v.'. I'.aai
ma. it- llomaataad gotry, n ta.-a . inr s1 ,. vv t.
Hac I.i ami Iota I all I .'.... I I.e. II. Tuniial.ll,
'.., H, Itallgn 11 K Wlllamrlt- Mil l.tlall, nnrl Ii
nl I.akr liaa III.. I inillirol Int.-tiii.-n In
And so it my full line of
Allover Lace, Embroidery, Flannel 8
Woolen Hose, Lined Gloves, Wootaelj
derwear and Ihe
Work and
For MEN, WQj
I also pack one of the Rest Stodefc
of Groceries to be had anywhcrl
A. K. Richardsoi
General Merchandise
Potatoes Cab
o ".
I a I
II 3
X s 'a
I '
4 .
main, tlllat llirrr ear In ralalillali'-.a! in
ttiia hiiii Imiii ' ''' ""' 'ami alaivo iii arrlla-,t. tarfuro Keglalri
l.. ... uu.. :.i ! aim nurrivrr, ai nitrna, inranii. ,.n im in
... .,., -, .,, ..,,.. i.iiei.e,niK ""Il , ,uv , Sr,lilll,. I. I'll.',
lln llnw nl taiitfia nt Iiiiiii tieek or ita i laimaol oootoi Ol vntneaoai .
liiliniiirira iimi Imiii in anv hiiv .livint " "alof, ornorrow!, Oregon, Mr, a j
iiil' lln- an ii mil il ,f Mnlwllilrr, h i Mi, In it. i.i. both nl lliirna,
mil un amiir in mil pari tin lent, urafoo.ora iia..iiit-.n,.ii 1 1, ion, dragon
,1. 1'iir a ui'i'ri'i' ill -ter iii mini; tllO re t a. 1 aua, lli-u'a r
Have arrived and we are now ready to
aupply you with your requirements.....
have been added and all goode will be
The Burns Department Store
To CeotreJ Oregon Poiotj
l,avi' Portland
Arrivee afadrea
" Hfiiil
Prom Central On
7.-00 I'M Leave Bend
AM " Depchuto!
8:16 All " Badmond
6:28 AM ' Terrebonm
7:its.M " Culver
7:li,i AM " Mi'ttilm-
7:48 AM " Medrae
8:00 AM Arrive Portland
Valley, Pugel 801
Detaik and foldei
t.i .iilum. of aJnlvrralty of Pennay Ivanla
Tremla dlaetuiea of Horaea, Cattle and oil other Antmula
('iiiiiH'ctiiiiis for Willamette
Montana, and till Bai 1 rn pointa,
liy mail.
Aeat.Cen'l Paa. Agent, Purl land, Ore.
W. C. WILKES. Aost. Gcn'l Freight & PMS. Agent, l'a
H, CorbHti
II.-ml. lira.
1 Nl 1 1 n 1 in- 1 am. mi it'K ,
lliirna iiii'j,,ii , 1 1 .-,.
Nuiiir la hereby eiveo tlmi Mottle WUaoa,
"i I'm n. ureaou, woo, on I', auibai
inn ilr lua, It I ,i, ,,ti, ,, i,, . , , , , N K ' ,
Modioli IV I .ui until), j., . naiiiir Nl, MI
laraatla Mi-ml inn. i,n. ni,..i , ulnaul liiteuilon
in iiiiil.o lliml .i.,t. i ealalilltb rlalurtotlu
ll'll.l aluivi' il, ai ill, I', I, I Kl elllvl ami Itu
rriiri, ai burnt Hivk.ih, oii ilia iti, ,layol
Octobor. ti'li.
I'lalmaul niinei ai u llnaaaaii
tiliallra Wllaon. t Inalri i, llii,l,a lull, nl
Hiiriia, tirrnnii, rliail,, Nn lliam l:.a Hlugei
I,, "III ul Nai lull a, 1 ireaoti,
n u 1 nao, Itagtati i
The Burns Hospital
Beat Surgical Room and Equipment
In the State Outalde of Portland.
Nice Rooms. Good Care and Com
fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms
Graduated Nurse In Charge
Suinpter Valley Raihl
Arrival and Depailurt VI
No. 2, Prairie 10
Arrivea Baker
No. 1, Baker
Arrivea Prairit
1 si 1 1 ' -.nil, ina, t
Burnt in,
Moltrelahereb) (If on it. at Aim,, i , (
I rliirriiin. uraaou, who, on lurll.1l. l'.. I Knlri ,N ,a
i. lowiiiihli. V ! . Kamti :i r. , Wlllawalle
Muriillaii. Iia lll,.,i norli ,- l i i ,,,,, t .i
ne ooiniuutallmi waajl in aatalillah .laiui In iniI IVirtluiiil I'.' Ill I llll
Hit' Ian. I nl, in,, ,1, , ul,,., i I,,.,., i. v. ,.,... .,., " I H llllllll li. Ill I IUI
II I. ...... . - T" ' "" . -
,,.,,,,,-,.., .iimi,., ,n,,, i, , ,, , ,,, Mli.u,
Im ,
i laliiiiint iianira ua a , A M
t'liarlri Krokaon, Jtmua Annaimair '
Aiiaualai.lllUi.l. Kii,lll,(.,ii,ii,...,ll,,l l-.hi.i Mn 'J (',.,,, ,. ,1.
No. 1 Makes guiaj
with O.-W. H. ,V- .
17 from fast ani
Inn, iiri'Kuii
U KAKIIK. Ilmlalor.
Wt do job printing,
local, and No 5 annin
lunil 11:10 A. M. '!'
IK for points East.