AL fu al 6 CITY OF BURNS COUNTY Y OF HARNEY County In The State j KKil . The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon The Biggest Of Oregon, Best In The West BRUV She fpMje-fief i'k M,otimJ ! M.i,l timii 8J, nic la. find Sun at UV lluriu, EMBOL Jregon. tin. lei T LAW Eukg IVYER 01 .rt l I 4 I lit -LAI i L'.w-n tal I'--' it OM HI I '. i'ii i. He 1 IMiOS. ;owan Y-A r-LAfl I I nitedl n.icuce ' ,'ii ofthl n. I DAVE? NoUiyl I .... ,, Urn aOH.r.Pracll ' ' efon t. V. .. & DODGE rauhc water sui Wai.-r Poa li so OJIKGON i.O.N "! Mj -r df I Hy fin I nf i'm ipany OtllUN Orijjm iLC0l n.'i. A. I . K. I VilNEH Final trie Pp ral Work k A ipccill!- i . .aeial ' .mi 1(11 ORl OBINK laroey llulHl H:i IM.ISfl. HBBfl&jj 1 "oil, fM in1 SdrnJ 1 Oregm ft VOL. XXVI BURNS, HAIINKY COUNTY OREGON, BEPTEMBBR 18, i. NO. 44 INVINCING PROOF OF lUR FRUIT POSSIBILITIES Preparing Vege tables For Fair. MORE GAME BIRDS AND fnificent Orchard of "Uncle Bob" McKinnon Worth Seeing. Every Tree is Loaded and Some Have Broken Down Under The Weight of Fruit. A Picnic Party Raids it is one of the real attractive places of interest in this neighborhood and the fine crop of fruit this teaaon is worm going to see. Great trees have broken down C E. Berry and I under the load of mm and Ins Emma Peterson, i small fruits grew just as luxuri- ISunday C. B. MeConiicll picnic party to visit ' the tic water gauge up above rester place. The others nartv were M. V. Dodge lily, Mis ira Swain and The Times- antly. Mr. McKinnon will give his orchard more rare from this time on as it has come to be of considerable commercial value. A few varieties are. to be cut down and a more profitable fruit grafted on. His Wealthy applet seem the most prolific, yet several other varieties are full crops this year. His pears, crabapples, auge is a very interest-1 "runes and plums are fine. Mr. of machinery and works I iwciMimiMi m mu www ho courteous to his company and is always ready to go out in the arbon and register paper ! orchard and show them around. He has a tine stream oi water r three interesting events j $ ?h f ' S gariH'll aim III biiui i. un m have one of the finest and most man. it proved a most day, rather hot. but this I the fish to bite better ts were caught during the lay, although Mr. Beery le steel rod with an ex- reel that was supposed )t all the trout in Si I vies it on the bank "Young gardeners entiling vegetables for premiums at agri cultural, school, county and rata. fairs must exercise special CBN in the entries If they would re ceive favorable notice from the judges and win, the valuable pre miums offered," eaya Profeeeor Bouquet of the Agriculluial College. "Heretofore too many fans have been exhibitions of vee table monstrosities while com mercial specimens of money value have been conspicuous by their absence. I he boya and girls of Oregon must see thai the vegetables thai the) exhibit are clean, smooth, unilonn in size, the game preeerva up the river. The territory "L aside for the mm a m -- li siii preserve must li protected and SALMON ARE RECEIVED ; , ; v liberated should be allOWrd ab . , solute quiet until they get ao customed to ih'ir surronndingi Shipment of Several Crates of Birds and md begin to increase. ioi a Mr. Telfonl waa aaltad by a re oix Hundred Chinook Salmon Ac- porter wapecting the ahooting off ii . . . 'fire arms from a public highway cornpamea ov leirora ana jeweu.,! iMimoKimtiii" matter up Attaches of Game Commission and Government. But Few Fish Lost Harry Telford, game bird (lis- toe local Club as it has shown a tribute in connection with the disposition to work harmoniously State Game Warden's office, and. Wit ""' Commission. While 8 Clewed, in charge of scienli-'aome of the local people are, in- i I -l ,. ... lie mvoslhriitiim ,,f criifrw. fr,r Ihi.lclllleil to COmplalll llhoUt the coioi ami snape, anu line 10 iypc " - - - ...! :.... a ,i.: eovernmem. arrive.! in Itnrns present game laws they are not II I r I V . J I 1 1 ' I V . Tl 1 I I L I I P I 1 I I I I I 7M ' w " -..-. .-. - . . w v. ... . ......... be exhibited thai will catch the Tuetdaj evening. These gentle eye of the judge. Nothing is of men came with the shipment of mm imiun-iiince tl.iii. ihat the fame birds and Salmon sent in and distribution by the reuest of the local I tod and (iun ('tub. unraaaonable and willing to abide by such laws where there is no partiality shown. Messrs. Telford and Jewell came light through with the shipmont making connections at Bend where a truck had been in structed by' the Club to be in readiness. The trip from Port it was found the l,iw M prohibit! flriug al "game" bird: from a public road. He i . of M opinion thai the shooting of rab bits and such birds us are really pests is not prohibited. It i the habit of many to hoot rabbits from their conveyances along the roads and (heir is little question but it will be permitted at all times where caution i, observed not to shoot iii the direction of merchant siock pastured along tiie neida adjoining the roads. PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN ENTERTAIN BUYERS Buyers' Week, Plonned by Jobbers and Manufacturers, a Success. Plans Being Perfecting by Commission for Panama-Pacific Exposition in 1915. Other Industrial Notes of Interest !,. lay are worthy of record I MmmmA a f n-tii,.Vi f ri'if ,,,. llltaUl WIII.II V1IV mvoi a.t-s l.'xil.. 1 .. : ..II L'.,l the newspaper part of p"" "W",TT Inch" was the excellent' " v"r"" kr picnic dinner at the ing and shade on the ire mere was refreshments of this He is just complet ing a very commodious barn and intends to use the natural advan tages to beautify the place. The picnickers stopped on his specimen should be clean show great care in preparation previous to exhibition. Knorm There were 72 pair of China ous specimens ol hoots, radishes pheasants and the birds came carrots and squash are to be dis- through In fine shape and were1 eouraced. but the contestant Bt once distributed to the dif-i should mal;e it .1 iioint in select- ferenl sections where they had ' 'illM' ' Burns was imr i,w nMlnum mi it... ii..iii tn been assigned. Twelve nair were hours and the condition choose (hem for the (tialities liberated at Prank Dibble's place J BsUne birds and fish upon their which have 1 n named above, ".i Silver Creek, the same number arrival proves that Ibis season of Aim for quality, not fgj quantity, al the E. P. Sylvester place, the year is the best for such Children must be encouraged to aama up at Mace's mountain ahlpmenta. exhibit vegetables that are of ranch, a like number at Foley's, The same truck that brought the highest market value. all of these on game preserve set in the shipment took back 17 "Root vegetables should be apart for such purpose. J. F. young ducks, four species in all, clean of moderate sixe. smooth Mahon was given 12 pair to take for th' state game farm at Cor- ' Offer Liberal Special Premiums For Fair A telegram from Wm. Me.M ar ray, General Passenger agent of and had been crowding the head the O-W. It. & N. Co., received quartern from early morning un Our Portland OomspofldtaU lhe 8tate for ,.xlli)it,s of ocal i order to ronunii a oUwr i.nw1n.fL. I.,, ,. t, -.- -- ...,.., wvsvw "'ii inn tu uuint' tuuiiiy community of Interest between exhibits at the Fair; to use the the jobbers and manufacturers beat and most representative ex- m Portland on one hand and the bibita, not in the Oregon build- s and buvers from the ino- Imi In ,(,.. k,,;ia;. .. -:j ,MBI "v hi mv. iniiiuiii:H' smies of Oregon, Washing- for special purposes, where the Ion and Idaho on the other, over state's products will come into SOO merchant! traveled to Port- competition with those of other land and registered at Buyers' states and other countries; to Week llead.iuarters. The van- present as much life and anima- guaud ol buyers began showing tlon in the Oregon building ex- up before the day of regiatratioa bibita as possible, and to offer moving picture exhibits of the various industries of the state. made In 85 1 bere Wedneaday, announced thai til.theend of the w'eeV which so that visitors to the Fair may 1 JiL.idkiuiMu ...:n -IV mimm I.H...1 .liL I : ,li ... . of tin wun nusiness and he .,.,; ..niininoii planned hy the recep- there: to serve eonfrnnnnalv licrht ' - . 1 .1 1 I r nnnlv a lamer 'meadow uelow tne nouse anu fnder ordinary cireum- ftniabad the generous supply of jut very little of it was provisions that could not De con- back in the original : sumea at tne noon nour anu Mr. Sylvester stopp d i came back to town in tne cool oi on the way up and I the evening, wir. sssoennwi the guns as it is in 'will never be refused an in vita- preserve territory and tion oy mis pariy ioi ihiw manager of this great; such picnic any time ne ckmoih Iweekly with a gun he! the invitation. spose to take any chanc- further called i.eer;, s -rh,. ,uav ; einetis sawmill is to the law respecting now at jts new location and is ithin a certain distance nrcared to fill any order with rough or dressed lumber, also fir way home the party lumber; buck teeth and any the fine orchard ot special order given prompt ai- Bob McKinnon. This tention. :- and the individual pecimena to his Anderson Valley lanch valhs, run hy lene mmpaon. uniform as far aa possible in all where they will be carefully pro- These will be kept in captivity aapecta. Cabbage and lettuce teoted and whara they have an and used for experiments to as and such like vegetables should ideal section to propagate. Six certain whether they will pro be solid and of proper com- pair were sent to Frank Clerf at pagate in captivity. Cene is an . . .... . , i.. .. i . .l . ,. i . ....a.. ;... :.. ii... i:. . . . i' i.Im.i.. nierei.i seye , e.-iu I ower .livoro. anoiner line I ace lor i-iiii"irwi in uiv inn- in noun which is shown should he com- the birds and Archie white and free from Idem- was given six pair for his place trial and it is hoped it will tie u was hllcil pleasure lion and enP rlamment ruin- Iimh-Iii. ,.i a. ,i., ... iwimiwM iiiuui wi vll'lll UIAiUi;i9, mitteea of the Jobbers and and to Mnntmaln Himulmi. ages most likely to induce the pad ishes; the celery well blanched and large. "Furthermore aim to fulfill the requirements specified In each entry. If three melons ate called for. then exhibit only three; if six beets, then only six, and those of the greatest uni- .!.. 1 I i I McCowan and will give the ducks a thorough' "' " "very uriicie i useiui on tne larm tney should bring ... P...L- ' L- success. ,,ul hom'' V.OOU exnilills oi in,- The Salmon were liberated the Messrs. Telford and Jewetl same evening they arrived in the ,mv' K"1' to the Steens Mountain river a short distance above the section to investigate the game mill. Thev are of the Chinook preserve in that territory, try to variety and out of the (MO Hsh et a speciment of MounUiin but 27 died en route by actual Sheep at Sheep's Head and the count. This is one of the most tOUT will cover a large area as his companv will oll'er some verv substantial premiumaal the com ing county fair.. Mr. McMurraj authorized a local representative to make a selection of suitable Manufacturer of Portland prizes and the following havi been effered: A sulky plow for I In- best in oivKiuai exniPil ol farm and gar- t,js den products, A drag harrow wj tor ii. nest individual display ol bales which is valued at $5 000-,1)Il'u' dJepJay ef its prwlucts free alfalfa, and a fanning mill for ihmi. this nl.Mn. f.,,. ', I of chartre. "- -'ivivjii mm " " exhllill o Minomivt nil lhA l,..n J. ...:.... The Xnlpm (', no -i.i:il f'lnh r..' ll IH,1 in uuul u . -.... Uw...... . wu. - tv.. states in the Union, averaging vorth trying about -lo per cent of the total The hop season started lii.-t week with an army of over 10,01)0 people who will gamer the crop plain people to establish their future homes in the state. One of the representatives present. yfar. lhe crop this year KaVl' assurance that Union county amount to about 130.000 ' was willing to furnish a com- the beat individual wheat rhese are prizes THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. nlrallv Located, Good Clean Leals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds It Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call rns Meat Market H. J. MANSION, Proprietor of, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Bolonga, tdcheese and Weinerworst, Etc holesale and Retail mpt and Satisfactory Service ir Patronge Solicited and lers Given Quick Attention To The :exall Drug Store r Ansco Camera's Films and any thing wanted In the KODAK LINE Reed Bros. Props. fortuity and proper size. The. succeaafui and satisfactory ship- 'bey go from that section out rules and regulations should be meats of lish ever brought in. carefully read and then no dis- They have been found to do well appointments will follow in thai Jin interior streams and the local regard. shirts are pleased to get the streams in this section stocked. Market Report. Receipts for the week have been. Cattle 1487; CarfOJ 11H; Hogs 2115; Sheep ,!7l7; and Horses 1. Killers are surfeited on half fat cattle and are shading their bids on such stuff and only tiood steers arc in demand. Mo. t ol the receipts for the week have been of the ordinary variety, so sales have ranged in price from ; $15.T5 to 7.75 with 8c as extreme top for very best grade, feeders are in demand and had good ale. A limited supply of cows and heifers has been received with good demand and prices in line with about a week ago, top grades going at 6.86 to V. 65 and an occasional bunch at b.7.". A better outlet for bubs. Steady prices on prime lit(hl veal. Receipts of boy.-, continue to come in bunches. A K""d sized run Monday with ttf.60 top for besl light Stuff. The juice gd to 9.86 by Tuesday and Wed nesday, the same holdinir lor Friday and the hog market can be quoted anywhere between 9.00 and 0.50 with tendency downward. The week started H with a brisk business in the sheep house with a fair supply of both choice; lambs and she p. The strength had declined before the midweek and buyers were hard to And for the few arrivals, on the later stock trains. Sheep and lamb prices iUoted shady with last week. Caught Bad Cold. "Last winter in;, on caught a very bad cold and lhe ay he coughed was something dread ful," writes Mrs. Sarah I', Dun can, of Tiplon, Iowa. "We thought sure he was foinfi Into consumption. We boi i . . i n fit i I . a one bottle oi i iianiiieriaiirs Cough Rami dj and that one bot tle Btoppcd bis OOUgh and aired his cold compli lely." For sale by all dealers. The Welcome- I'harmacy has a fresh supply of Vaccine. Ro sure anil Vaccinate youroalvaa. The State (lame Commission has shown a disoiiition to grunt almost unything asked for by through Callow Valley, on to Warner Mountain, Iikeview and return to Portland by way of Klamath. In connection with this subject of game Warden Mace wishes the local people to know that it is no permitted to (ire guns in BIG DOINGS at ONTARIO SEP. 16-20 The Malheur county Fair, with dates of September Kith to 20th, is to be a winner, as an agricultural, horticultural and stock show and the amusement features will be even batter than heretofore. From one to five o'clock every day there will be a continuous program without intermission; Trotting pacing and mining races; Unman races; hucking oon testa; wild horse races; boy' wild mule race; gentleman's driving races; novelty races; farmer's wagon races; pony and saddle horse races; relay races; motorcycle and automobile races; and automobile roping contests; the management guarantees a continuous show, and something doing every minute. Delays and .jockeying will not be tolerated. Educational Features and Sports The ft letioon will be devoted to educational features (hat no farmer or farmer's family 'an afford to miss. Many of the prizes will be awarded in front of the grandstand. The Judges, with the animals and products of the farm and or chard before them, will point out the different characteristics that entitles them to the awards that they receive. A silo is to be erected on the grounds and filled with silage during the fair. Cows will be milked by machinery. Several acres of farm machinery will be on exhibit ion. Labor saving devices will he shown. The best farmers and agricultural (. ports will be in attendance to assist in making this feature of the fair a crowning success. The stock pens and poultry coops will be full of the best. The Agricultural and Horticultural ball packed to the roof. The School and Young Folks apartment will bo a credit, to the youth of this country and the line Art Household and Woman's department has been remodeled and brought up to date and will interest the most fastidious. The 1'et Stock Bhow will be full of rare birds, dogs and rabbits imported from the four corners of the oarth. This exhibit will be a delight to every child or lover of pet animals. General Patch's exhibit of birds and pot animals in itself will be worth going miles to see. People from adistanccjtre welcome to bring their camp ing outfits to camp on the grounds during the fair. SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to be given away in Premiums and Purses EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Write Harry B. Grauel, Secy., Ontario, Oregon for premium book and further Information. product! mentioned. The rail road people appreciate what the county fair means and are read to help on all occasions. Hao the board gotten lm-y there would have been such prizes offered by outside people who wish lo stimlat'- com petition along the line of ajrricul ture. Local firma of other counties.! take advantage of the counly fairs to offer special pretniomal that would be found profitable by local dealers. Catholic Church 1 On Sundays and Holy days of obligation Holy Mass with sermon at 10:80 a. m. On week days Holy Mass at 7 a. in. All other services, besides those mentioned' above will be announced in church. All invited and welcome to the divine services. Sick-calls promptly answered at anytime. Religious informa tion and Instructions willi imparted at the Franciscan Residence, Rev. 1'ius Nieriiiann. O F. Pastor of The Church of Holy Family. output of the United States. The crop s of a better quality than for years past, according to pro minent growers. Growers are expecting big prices for their crops this rear, quite a number having contracted their output ' artier i,,r 20 a ate a pound, last weeks $everttl raillS. while liiioiiirnrilv omlior- raaaing the. pickers, greatly benefitted I ho hops in both quality fthe present time in t ana weigni. Each of Oregon's varied in dustries was represented at a meiting of the 1916 Fair Com mission held at the Portland Commercial Club lost Friday. ihe meeting tested all afternoon, and the commissioners secured I much enligbmient upon how to show off the slate to the best ad vantage at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Sentiment expressed o to favor appealing to has appointed a committee to en courage the Rax industry in this state. Simultaneously vfith this announcement conies that of H. A. Brewer, manager of the Port land Linseed Oil Company, that the Willamette Valley flax crop is exceedingly gratifying, and that ii has been proved by actual demonstration that flax can be grown profitably for seed, as well as fir fibre. There are about ;!00 acres of flax grown at Willamette Valley. The farmers in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho, also are beginning to raise flax again. .Agricultural experts are now agreed that the flax crop does not really exhaust the soil as once supposed. The Portland market guarantee.-, the iiax grower $1.25 a bushel, but the farmer will get as much over that price for his crop as current quotations call for. Last year a rortlantl company gave every aech Of tin- several counties of 'boost grower who asked for it a 14 pound sample of flaxseed, and this gave the industry quite a M. the TME FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid 1 ervice, Pine Accomodations, -Litimerciirl Headquarters sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Kates Diarrhoea Quickly lured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cho lera and Diarrhoea U m dj , After taking one dose of it 1 ft as cured. It also cured others ihal 1 gave it to," writes M. K Gab hart, Oriole, Pa. That is not al all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invari i bly lie cured l one or t ivo dosei I this remedy. For sale by all dealers. Always ready for job pi inline OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS lis iixiv liaii icliuul jrtsi arpTiMitn is. iuii DEGREE COURSES hi in on pfctSMOl AOniCUlTUIIl tNUINtlHINO. HOW ECONOMICS Minimi-. Fokistry. Com Miner Pharmacy two yeah Courses i ag: yum Home economics mechanic ARTS FOntaTRV. COM,., LUCE PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES h SWeusI ii uiiiii,.. ii rleulture, Jean anil ml. Music, lne!idl sitae, ttrtsci i"4"'' Inatimiii-iiU an. I vulri-inltnn-. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET emltUM 'Till'. BHftll iimi.n I Of Kckai. l.o ami ii CATAfcOOUU will Us iniilnl li on sppllCStll n Aililrfss 11. M TunnanT, ltcglattui, (tw7ituiU) Curvallia. Oiuou. ITT, BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City AKItlVi: i. urn (ilv I'mita- i It) SCHEDULE: I I V I I. lino. 6 a in snyotl Cll) 7am Prairie t'Ujr ... ; p m i .no i. n i 1 1. 7 i in Iturn Fan; llm ns-l'rairi City, Hound Trip, Exprta Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hum PLEASANT, SCENIC ROITE ALL THE WAY L. WOLDENBERX2, Prop. WKmaammmmammBBmmmmmBaBmmamma p m 10 a in I.' noon $ 6.00 11.00 IT IS IMPORTANT That you vaccinate your calves for Black Leg early, as the loss of one calf will more than pay for vaccination of the whole herd. We have fresh vaccine on hand. Phone orders to THE WELCOME PHARMACY L