The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 06, 1913, Image 3

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(Ml Circulation Of Any
r In Harney County.
ol News.
Aa tonight.
mk Bbes at J. C. Wolounu
e made lard 17c at
eat market. tf
furphy and family are
from their Iron Moun-
Iman has a 5 horse-
oline engine and 2-inch
IP for sale. 24-tf-
' Hankihs was down
home near Harney
ither has come with
days of September,
i harvest season rather
ir those at work.
It national bank of
px Jackson, of London,
is registered at the
rhe lady is a niece of
lin Roach and is here
ter his estate.
Clemens sawmill is
new location and is
Ito fill any order with
Pressed lumber, also fir
kick teeth and any
ier given prompt at-
Murray has gone to
Mt Springs in Grant
a short vacation. She
there by a young lady
m the east who will
ampany her over to
an indefinite stay.
lonnson left Sunday for
Iwhere he will remain
inite time. Byron is
n:ihU vnunor man who
many friends in this
ihere he has been for
e. They wisn mm
Bhley and wife and lit-
le through Burns yes-
their car being en
im Modesto, cainornia
jrise. They stopped a
ites to visit their friends
Itton of the public school
of the high school.
;rs on tne vioim win ao
irt early to join the spe-
which gives the privi-
practicing under the
guidance in addition to
These pupils will be
iin tne orcnesira eany.
ge, at Cooper & Dodge's
mings until 8:45.
W. Parrish, at one
of the most successful
bf this state, died Thurs-
rnoon at Canyon City.
Hiter. Mrs. Win Gowan,
lace, was called to his
fuesday and Win went
vintr day. Mr. Parrish;
Itive of Oregon and had
cquaintance. Extended
Ml) be given next issue.
ip MM
Statement Of The Condition
Of Th
First National Bank
a a - a ...... .a ...i. n i
.i ourni, ureiii, auh ifihi .
Iroans and Discounts $325,535.83
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 50,389.22
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,955.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00
CASH 110,980.78
Capital $25,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 78,720.70
r! ii.; or tti nn
l II fill. moil a),vw.nj
DEPOSITS 410,895.05
Capital and Surplus 8100,000.
United States Depositary
Woman cook wanted on
ranch. Inquire at this office.
Two-inch centrifugal pump for
sale.- Chas. Wilson.
Alva Springer and son Ed
were in town this week.
You will find IT at the Burns
Department Store.
Bring your quilts and blankets
to the Burns Steam laundry.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smyth
were in for several days this
week visiting relatives and
friends and attending to business
Mrs. A. W. Gowan took her
departure yesterday morning for
Pendleton where she goes for an
extended visit with her daughter,
Mrs. W. C. McKinney.
Usual picture program at Tona
wama tonight and tomorrow
night. Dance until 12 o'clock
after the pictures tonight. Usual
prices both nights.
Archie McGowan and family
returned home Thursday evening
from Crater Lake and other
points of interest, having spent
sveral weeks on pleasure and
Announcement is made that
the U. S. Civil Service Commis
sion will hold an examination in
Burns on Oct 11 for the pur
pose of filling a contemplated
vacancy in the post office at Fife.
The office paid $200 last year.
Application forms and full par
ticulars may be secured from the
postmaster at Fife.
Visit our bargain counters,
lere you will find the greatest
rgains ever offered in Harney
Whether you need the article
or not, it will pay you to look
j 1 --X-,r " 'mi twill
3r tnese counters. "iuu ww
id some of these articles shortly
Id will never have this chance to
It such bargains again.
General Merchandise -
laaonlc Building,
Burns, Oregon
If it isnt Eastman's it isn't
Baled hay, Bran and all kinds
of grains at The Burns Dopt
F. H. Fawcett, game warden
at the lakes, was in town this
week on business.
Don't give up until you have
tried the Burns Department Store
-Lunaburg & Co. 29tf
Carroll Cecil and son Homer
and Isaae Foster were all over
from Silver Creek yesterday.
The Presbyterian Ladies', Aid
will meet with Mrs. J. M. Dal
ton on Wednesday, Sept. 17 at
2 0, clock p. m.
Mrs. Ixu Schwartz arrived
from Portland yesterday to visit
for a time with the Schwartz
family in this city. Mrs. Schwartz
is a sister to Miss Gerstell.
Chester Dalton and wife and
Miss Zella Irving expect to leave
soon for Portland where they
will romain for the winter. They
will go to school a part of the
Dr. Custis, the vetcrnary, has
been over from John Day this
week on professional business.
The doctor expects to make re
gular trips to this section from
time to time and will keep those
interested posted through the
columns of this paper.
C. R. Peterson came in the
fore part of this week, having
brought Mrs. J, W. Biggs and
her children over from Ontario
in his auto. Mr. Peterson went
back to the ranch at once as he
had to get his crops harvested
and threshed.
Mrs. Edith Moon made proof
on her homestead yesterday. The
lady has received word that her
father is in ill health and as soon
as she can arrange her business
she expects to go back to Iowa
to visit her parents, both of
whom are over 80 years of age.
Married- At the home of the
-bride's parents near Princeton,
on Tuesday, Sept. 2, Luther W.
Fitchett and Miss Lura Wiley,
Justice A. H. Curry performing
the ceremony. Both are highly
respected young people of that
section where Mr. Fitchett has
lived for Beveral years. The
Times-Herald wishes them every
happiness and success in life.
W. B. Shelley and wife came
in last Saturday in an auto, ac
companied by Mrs. B. W. Hamil
ton. The latter came over from
her home in Wallowa county t
stay with her son, Supt. Hamil
ton and family for an indefinite
time. Mr. Shelley and wife, the
latter a bride of three weeks,
left again Sunday being en route
to Pendleton where they will take
in the Roundup.
Mervin Horton arrived here
Monday afternoon on hll motor
cycle which he had ridden from
Medford. He came by way of
Portland. The Dalles and I'rino
ville, BtoppinK in route to visit
with old time school friends at
several places. Mervin has had
charge of a drug store in Med
ford for several years and is here
on a visit to his father, II. M.
Horton, and his many friends.
He will remain for several weeks.
We do job printing.
Did you see t hose auto robes at
J. C. Welcome & Son's?
Emory Hill is over from his
home at Alberson to attend court.
The Lunaburg Dalton & Co.
Department Store have cut high
pricf s and long credit. 29tf
Frank Davey and wife have
moved into the Cal ('lemons
Those dosirinsc the service of a
Jersey bull may find one at the
J. R. McKinnon barn.
P. G. Smith has gone to Warn
er to buy some cattle provided he
finds the class he wants at right
Lost - On the streets of Burns,
a small gold watch. Suitable re
ward if brought to The Times
Herald office. 48tf.
Mrs. Aura Clingan will open a
millinery store in the Hissner
building in the near future.
Watch for announcement in these
Walter Cross is down from
Trout Creek. He expects to
move Mrs. Cross and the little
grandchildren down for school
next week.
Roy Dwyer of the Electric
Light & Power Co. , has gone to
outside points. We are inform
ed by friends that he will be ac
companied home by a bride-
Pictures at Tonawama tonight
and a social dance after. The
picture program tonight will be
of particular interest to the school
children some of them being
educational and industrial. Usual
Mrs. Ed. Holloway arrived here
from Portland last evening to
join her husband out at the
"Catterpillar" plow. She came
back with Clyde Weittenhiller
who had taken his sister and
little brother as far as Bend.
Mrs. J. W. Biggs and children
returned the fore part of this
week from Ontario where they
had been visiting with Judge
Biggs and family for a few
weeks. The little son. John B.,
had the misfortune to have his
arm broken while over there by
falling from a chair.
W. T. Lester left the fore part
of this week for Vale taking Mrs.
Lester and their little son that
far on their way to Kentucky
where they will spend the winter
with relatives. Mr. lister will
return here, lie has leased his
residence to L. M. Hamilton for
the winter.
Mrs. M. N. Fegtly, wife of
Editor Fegtly of the Jordan
Valley Express, met with a pain
ful accident by a fall from a
waterwheel at the Fegtly ranch
near Watson one day last week,
fracuring her left arm and
shoulder and dislocating her
thumb. The lady's many friends
in this city hope for her speedy
recovery. - Ontario Democrat.
Miss Clara Weittenhiller and
her brother Leland, daughter and
son of P. S. Weittenhiller, took
their departure Thursday morn
ing for the family home in
Spokane. Clyde took them as
far as Bend in the car but will
return and remain here with his
father. Miss Weittenhiller's
health was not good here and it
was thought best that she seek
another climate.
Andrew J. Irwin and family,
who have been absent since June,
have returned home and the
children have entered school.
Mr. Irwin states they had a most
delightful vacation period, visit
ing relatives and friends in Idaho
and spending some time in Yellow
Stone Park. He states he was
most agreeably surprised to find
such good cr;is here at home.
Mrs. A. A. Cowing, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Griswold, her sister
and husband, expect to leave
next week for Santa Barbara,
California, where they will spend
the winter. Mr. Griswold has
gone into the cattle business in
this section with Mrs. Cowing
but they will spend the winter
down there, returning early in
the spring. The trip will be
made in Mrs. Cowing's auto.
Supt. .Breithaupt of the Ex
periment Station was in the other
day and states he is quite busy
now preparing to thresh the
crops on the station farm. It
requires special care to keep the
varieties separate and the seed
clean, but he says it must be
done. The station has a separa
tor and with the proper power
will be in shape to care for the
crops. One matter that Mr.
Breithaupt spoke of should be
remembered bv the farmers in
threshing their peas for Beed.
lie says to take out the concaveB
and reduce the speed of the
machine at least one half, thus
they will get their peas through
without having them split and
thus not fit for Beed.
F. Crowley was in town this
W. W. Sturges was over from
Silver Creek this week.
('has. H. Davis at Harney has
plentty of fall seed rye for sale.
H, F. Kingvn has returned
from an extendi d sojourn out
side. Eastman's Kodaks and East
man's Kodak supplies at The
Welcome Pharmacy.
Henderson Elliott and wif
have tnkon up their residents in
this city for the winter.
Tim .r auto robes at J. C.
Welcome & Son's are the best
for the money any where.'
Those knowing themselves in
debted to T. II. Short are kindly
asked to call and settle their
A. Egli came over the latter
part of last week bringing in the
family who will remain here for
the winter.
O. E. Thompson is up from his
home nssisting A. Beckley and
C. E. .Rosencrans make proof on
their homesteads.
Mrs. James Brandon and little
son are now domiciled in the city
residence for the winter and the
boy is in school.
1 1 00,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES
C. A. Harlan is over from the
farm assisting at his old post in
the First National Hank.
For Sale -Four head of A-l
milk stock and four pure bred
Poland China boars. Chas.
Fred Allen came over from the
P Ranch thd week and later tixik
his departure for Portland where
he will join his mother. Fred
will attend school there this
All those interested in the pro
pond telephone line up the rivei
by way of Homer Mace's place
to the W. E. Smith ranch are
requested to meet in Burns next
Saturday, Sept. 0 at 2 o'clock p m.
llurm, OlKKDI), lll fl, Mild
Noili , a haraby (Ivan Dial Mm r v II Tlioiun
Oh, (if Ml.' Oragoll, who, on July I, IVI0, innfli
lloinr.lcacl hnlrv, No (Mil a for hK'.hVN'.
HW'(hK',. Boo. i: NK'.NW. vl',NK' anil
Yr. aii-l K'.Hrv. net mm 11, rownalilp i
H , II" nga -I K , VVIIIaincllu Mcii.lUn, haa
nullii. il Intention li. luiikfl Html llircc-vcar
mo..!, to aalalillvh i lalin In th Unit aliovr ili
aurlbed, boforu Hep-later and Receiver, a! llurna,
orrguti, mi I lie CI ll ilav ol Octnlier, Will.
claimant iiaini-aaa win. mar.
William Hturgm, John Kirk, W. I.. Huff,
liaulcl Mi'drauali oil ol Hllov Oragnll.
Wn r.aiia, Kcglalir
Btirna iiiiiiim, Auguat tfl, lulu 1
Nolle li hareliy (Ivan that Kdwaril H. Moon
of Hurua, Oregon, who, on June In, win mailt
lloineateail Kulry No 04 -On for NW'i. Heel Inn ',
Ti.wnalili. 'J H. Range :il (:.. Wlllau ette Mor
Han, baa filed tioth-e of Intention to maki
final three-Year proof, tocatalillah .-latin to t In
land above deacrllied, before Heidalur and
lleielvvr, at Mu.-na, Oregon, uu the 7th lav
of i n lol,..r , I'JI.
Claimant nauiee aa wltneaaea
Nathaniel lleulley, liar lea lice. I, Jalnea
Read, f'barlea Rarktia, all of Hurna, Oregon
a'K I Ann. Itcelater
A large number of old time
friends of the Grow Camp and
Ijiwen neighborhoods were here
Monday to attend the funeral of
the late Mrs. Adam George.
Fret! Clingan and family have
returned from Heppnrr and will
again take up their residence
here. Their many friends are
glad to welcome them back.
Geo. A. Smvth came over from
Diamond Saturday bringing Fred
and Mrs. Smyth who have taken
up their abode in the city resi
dence to remain for the school
The R. J. McKinnon & Son
Stags Co., has made a passenger
rate of $10.00 between here and
Vale and will also haul freight
for 24 cents on all consignments
of SOU, or over. 2Ttf.
Miss Jessie Bardwell has gone
to the Sod House district where
she will teach school during the
winter. She was one of the 1913
graduates of the high school and
her many friends wish her suc
cess in her work.
Mrs. John Gemberling, daugh
ter and Mrs. V. J. Hopkins and
two little sons came in this week,
the former returning from an ex
tended visit to outside points and
the latter on a visit to relatives
and friends.
D. H. Smyth and wife and son
Rye came over from their Happy
Valley home the fore part of the
week and later went out by way
of Bend en route to Portland and
other outside points. Rye is re
turning to school at ( 'or vail is and
his parents go with him for a short
visit there and other places,
They are among the oldest pio
neers of this county.
Mrs. Murray informs The
Times-Herald that Dr. Harrison
and family are expected home to
Burns within the next week or
so. Dr. Harrison had to give up
his special post graduate work in
London on account of his health.
He didn't get to stay as long as
he had contemplated on that ac
count, but feels that he will re
gain soon in this healthful climate
and take up his practice again.
Dr. Elizabeth Ellis and daugh
ter, Miss Georuia, took their de
parture this week for Chicago
where they will spend an indefi
nite time visiting with relatives
and old ime friends. That was
formerly their home and Miss
Ellis has decided not to teach
this year as has been her custom
for several years on this coast
and she and her mother will
spend the winter resting and
Chas. E. Kenyon and Baker
Ball were here from Ontario
during the week looking for cat
tle. Chaa. has severed his con
nections with the First National
Bank of Ontario as cashier, al
though he retains some stock in
the concern, and is now associat
ed with Mr. Ball in buying feed
ing and shipping cattle. He re
newed acquintances with many
old time friends while here and
succeeded in buying some cattle.
Presbyterian Church Tomorrow.
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80
p. in.
Morning Theme "ReBt in
Subject for evening "Killing
Old fashioned gospel preached.
I'NITSIIHTATKH l.tSli m I li I .
llurna, dragon, Auguat, '-'', wi:i I
Nolica la barehy given that George II Nelou
of Hilar. Oregon, who, on Man h vi.. run
mad Homeatead entry No. 04ST7, lor
I.OU 1. J, rSSUNW". and rtWi.NK', Heellnn IK
Towuahlotft m . Hang Ti K., Willamette Men
'Han. baa Alad notlca of Intention to make
final three y.-ar proof, to aatabllah i-laliu to the
laud above deaerlled. Iiefon- lleutaler alp!
Receiver, at Hurna Oregon, on the nth da of
Oilubar m:i
Claimant uameeae wltneaaee
ileorga A 1 oilier, Robert J. Wllllami. r rank
C. nibble, Tbomal T -Ml. 1.1a all of Klley, i ire
W. TAKaa. Reglaler:
Hurna, Oregon, Auguattt. IUI3.
Noili-e la hereby given ibat John I Harper,
aastftnee of l.hilua W. Ilubliell, walgnei ol
I aura Hl liar. laoii. beneffrlar? of Jaroh Hub
bard, dareaaad, haa filed lu tlin office bla ap
Sllcallon to enter under He . 'Hon, Revlaed
tatulei of Iba I 'lilted Hlalea, the Lot I, Mar.
T. jr. H., R, mi T. , and Lota II ami It, tec. ML I
16 . R. SI K. W M mouth Malheur lake.
Serial NoObWUI.
Any and all iwrgopi claiming advotei-ly i tie
lamia 'leacl llie.l, or ilcalrlUK lo ol.W-ct hecauee
ol tba mineral character of the laud, or for an)
oilier raaeou, to the dlepoaal to appllianl.
abould Die their afflilavlta ol proteet In Ihla
ofll. ;-,ui! or tiefore the lath da of Octotier, I'M
Wn. Kiitaa. R-glaler
I aat publication October la im:i.
drat publication Heplember 1.1. IBM
Unitbd htatkh I.asu orru r
Hump. Oregon, Scjiiruilx-r , I'M
Notlrr In ureb given tint, ttlltuui It i
irti ol Inn up, ' hi ii. who, on Mnnli .'I, ;"
matin HumvtvVAd Kutrjr, No 3130, hirUI No
u...ii, fur K'jNK'm. K'.hKV 8.-. liun :ti Tow n
bli Mouth, Kaittftf i'. Kal, M iltnim llf
Mi riilUii, .. illnil of Intention ii make
Miip.1 fl . ' mr Proof, to ciitablltili elm in to thi
Uiul abut a .1. nt. 1. bvfore Hpk mi-r am)
H.-.t '!r, at Hunt, iireRon, is tnu 'ti day
utOctolwr, UU.
claimant nailifl an .ltn
Woo.U I, ILwt, HtfU Multrr, I) C li. !. mi ...-.,,, of Klley, trr(on.
'. Kakhk. KeKtattT
r nit an htatr I.amu orma, f
Uurna, Oregon, August IJt3
Nutite ! berabv given that, Karl J. W.
Ho rt tin ..mi of Princeton, ori'ifon. April
10, 19U7, Kb. H) Ivl'i. ami May II. I'M.', roaiH
itvclv marie holuntteaU enlrtei ' o.i - rial No
o-.JOl Nua UAiA OtrUiv, tut Ph uuartar N K ouar
.... a," a,' .... a. . U li ......a... i..... u V U .nlai.i
It I . ' 'J llaal I I ng. II Ileal in PaVWi . ijUHI !''
NW .juarter, H ball N V uuarti-r, N half HW
iuatter ati'l HK miarter W tiuartar, Bvotlofl
V, .7 H , Range r. , llianiette Mer
Mian., haa filed notice of Intention to make
final five year Proof, to rttahllih claim to t In
land above deecrlle, before IteKlRfer and lu
celvur, at Uurna, Oregon, on the joth day of
Keptember. IVIU.
(lalmant nmnax aa wltneaaee -
'Iboinaa K. HteveDt, Malt la Ip. Uil.iam
W llklua, Henry Miainer all of I'rluietun, Ore
gon Wit. I AKitt. Itegleter
Hume l .11 No. fiU
I'MTfch SJAI-P I. AND OrrK K, '
Hurne. Oregon, July .''. I'l-i
Notice la hereby given that Ihe Northeni
I'ai Hie Hallway t ompauy, u boaa MMjiofT1. ad
dreae la hi I'aul, Mlnnepota. haa tlila iih dn
ul July IVllt, filed in tble office hi annl. alion to
eelert under Ihe provleluiia of the ai-t of Con
great approved July I, 1k cmHiat "7 SS0
UK. ul NW1. Wee. 'H -H :.K W M 40 W
Hrrial No 0BOT0
An) and all itereoue clalmtiiK aderely the
land deac rt bed . or deelrina to object lu'caiiie
of iba mineral cliaracter of the land, of fur any
other reaaon to the dltpoNal to applicant Hhould
file their affldavtta of protaat lo thli o0e on
or before the t.iih ilay ol SeptemUr ph.:
Wn. Kahhr. KcRtiter
Hum , Oregon, Auguat 7, 1UI.L
Notice ti hereby given that Allen H tirahani
of Harrlmau, Oregon, who tin April ga, 1910,
in a d a lluu.ei.tead Kutrv No hi-' ' for
NW1 Heellon 17. TuMtiehip 31ft H . Uhiiki-:ti K
Willauirilc Meildian. haa filed notice of lutfll
ilon to make ft nal thrc.' yeai I 'roof, m ealahllah
claim to the land above deerlhcd. be for Bag
liter and Receiver, at llurna Oregon, on ihe
l.ith day of Heptemhe r, 191 1.
claimant iiaiura aa wllueaaea
Thomaa Koutley , Mar, A Oanl, John onnl,
all of l.aweti, Oregon. T. 0 A I hr Itton of
hurua, Oregon
Wo l-u.tir KegiMcr
I:-1 ill) HTATIH I.ANOOrKH'K ,
Him na, Oregon, Auguat tl, t i
To Kohert I. Hlrange. of t'allforulii, CotitcNi.
Vuii are hetvh notified that Carrie L
Pule, ho givee Deulo, oragou, bafpoa
ofhcu addreaa, did on Augiut 0, iiil:t. tile In
in ihiK office her duly oorrolioraioil
ilon to out. at aud eeeure th cancellation ol
your Homeatead, Kutry Hertal No. 0I.N7 made
March llth.. 1910, for lot?, Kee I, Bj-NK'i,
Hao. I. T 40 I,. ItmiKc U K, id toi 6,
Hc 1.,'Iownahlp H . Itanae iln K , Willamel'i
Meridian, aud ai gruiinda (or bur ronlealrhc
allugea that Kohert I. BtrtOge hna loinlly
abandoned laid I ml for mine than a! x muni ha
that be never did ok tahlmh a rogideuee tharaoui
that he never hullta houae thereon, loath
mii ni before he left ihla pari of iho country,
that he had abandoned tbla laud ; that he net r
mwdo aio tuiproveutenla thereon.
You are, therefore, further notified that the
a ld allegation will be takeu by (fill oAoogg
hat lug been loufeMHcd b) )OU, ami your aald
entry will be OftOMlad thcreitinU-r vlihoiit your
further right to be heard therein, either before
Ihla oltlce or on appeal. If you fa 1 lo UU- In iI1p
oltlce within twenty davi after the KuUltl'll
publlcatlttn of tbla notice, aa gbowu balOW,
vour aiiawer. under oath, Npuclttcatly meeting
and ruRHiiidiug to iheae alletiatl nw ol eotilaati
or If you fail within (hat t nu- to ilh in tbla
oltlce due prool that you hau get fad a 'Op ol
your ailiwer on the aahl conicntani tlihei lu
petaou or by regialeicd mall II Ihla aei h k la
made by (he delivery of a nop) of your atiswgi
lo the contei'ani lu peraou, ptooi of hu h gar
vice m u t he ell berth' aald Ooutagtutl'l will ten
aukuowledgineut of hll leculpl of ihe oooy,
Rhowlng the date of Um receipt, oi I he Hf1lda It
of the peraou by whom the dell, cty wag uiadc
Hating when aud where the oi teggifullvei
edlf made l eglatereil mall pnoi ol am h
ervlco tuuai ccualat of the aftldav II of ito poi
aon by whom tb copy vae mailed, titling
when aud thepoat olllcelo which It ai nialler
aud thin affidavit unui be aci ouipaulcd hy Ilia
poattuaater a receipt for the letter,
You ahould a tale In our aintwer the name ot
Iba poal ofllue to which ou deilre in uie
uotlceito be aeutlo you.
Wat. r AHHK. Heglalel
It U often remarked that with money
you can make money, and yet only one
American in ten owns a saving pass book.
If cash in hand will enable you to earn
more profits is there any argument against
having a savings account at the HARNEY
- When you make your first deposit your
opportunity looms up as a possibility; it ap
proaches nearer with every deposit you make.
Open an account; build a fund for profit
Harney County National Bank
"Vour Home- Instillation"
Hate nl Itral linlllli-allnn Allgual 2rl, IUIH.
late ul Ihh
Dale n( (unrlli imnlli -atl,ni Haiitcuinei lu. lull
Dale Ol leouUd unblli nlliill Allgual UU, lul:'
late ul mini iiuniiealiuti neilemiiar u, nil..
Thai only up lo data Hotel in Harney County
Hot and cold water, bathy, toilets, wide screened in
porches; nice shany lawn, fishing and hunting near.
Accommodations for 60 guests - everything for com
fort and enjoyment, only white help, home cooking.
Peel Room and First-Class Bar In Connection
Special Rates Given to Fishing and Hunting Parties
Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Hero
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burn's, Oregon
IImSh. 'jfeft1'1 in
Mowers, Rakes, Bucks and
all kinds of Haying Tools
Machine Extras on hand
All kinds of Imple
ments for the farm
gas engines, pumps
wagons, shelf hard
ware, etc., fishing
lacKie, guns, am-
l munition, campers
supplies, etc., etc.
r. I
ftjS. l-k
"l TaaTavalFaWavavHe iV
taU I
' " n'-VCV')U yff llifcSeaa.aaaHaBBaaaflEvW'-.
Get lit Your Order for Binder Twine
We handle the right kind of
goods at prices that will appeal
to your purse. We are receiving
many consignments-more coming,
so ask for what you don't see.