w WE SUIT EVERYBODY We want to talk to you about your fall auit Every suit is guaranteed to fit Service is what you are looking for U should see the latest It is our desire to please everybody The goods you find here arc high value goods Ever notice the difference between a Tailor made suit and a ready made Value you want Everybody gets that here Right prices and quality you are looking for You'll find our suits give you the service you are looking for Be sure and see our new samples Our purpose is to serve you well whether you buy or not Don't select the first thing you see, look at all of 'em You know that getting more than you expect is one of the most satisfactory things that could happen to you WE SUIT EVERYBODY Williams-Zoglmann Clothing Company Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers I I. O. O. F. Building - Burns, Oregon fflhf 7!itttes-$crafd JULIAN BYRD Manager SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER B. 1913 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oaa Year Si. Monlh. Ttoee Month $2,00 z Advertising Appropriation " A perplexing question for every merchant, whohtu eotM to the point where he sees ;nl vertisinjr is esential to his suc cess, is what amount should be appropriated for the pur pose of advertising. This is B question that confronts every man in business sooner or later. He may drift along with the tide and "grub out an exis tance," but he never can hope to build up a permanent and profitable business without a definite advertising campaign backed up by a definite adver tising appropriation. The appropriation should be large enough to provide for failure at the start. The bt ginner generally finds adver tising discouraging, but it is not a game for the quitter. It is well for the advertiser to move with caution. He it entering a large held. How ever, to mane money you must spend money." Result getting is the definite purpose of every advertising appropri ation. In making an appro priation the results desired and expected should be taken into consideration, and an appro priation made that is reasona ble under all the circumstances. But when the appropriation is once made stick. The adver tising plan may be changed, but caution should be used in cutting the appropriation dur ing progress of the advertising campaign. When a merchant is just em barking in business his adver tising appropriation should of necessity be larger than the es tablished merchant. The retail merchant just starting in busi ness frequently spends about 10 per cent in advertising. The merchant prince of New York City spent 50 percent in advertising when he started in business. The per cent usually spent by retail houses in advertising ranges from 2 to ID per cent dejiending on conditions. Some i i..:i 1 ..-..! . (l... retail Iiousua jcmi inun. in.ni m VVlO per cent in advertising. J the entire county as possible Mr. McConnell will be in the vicinity of the lakes during the coining week. A few have volunteered sub scriptions toward the entertain ment fund during the week but there should be more. The Times-Herald is not going to i oo solicit personally from anyone .75 land the amounts subscribed must I be voluntary. One business man is as much interested as another in this matter and should con tribute toward the entertainment of fair visitors. This is the only way to provide for such a fund. I In addition to the $30 mentioned last week as contributed by The Times-Herald and Tonawama Theatre, the following have been added this week: Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.. $20. t liurns Hardware Co. 20. Harney County News. 10. This fund should be completed ; by next Saturday in order that the fair board have an idea of : the amount and make a program j covering what is subscribed. Fish Killed In Blitzen. F. H. Fawcett, game warden, and Wm. Hanley are both au thority for the statement that a recent heavy water spout at the head of Blitzen River has des troyed many of the fish of the stream, as large numbers have been found floating on the water its entire length, some coming I the entire distance down to the lake. They know of no other cause than the waterspout which occurred the fore part of this week. The stream was very muddy for several days after the severe storm and great rocks were washed into the stream up to ward its source. It is rather un usual that a storm of this charact er would kill fish but evidence is there and there seems no other cause for the dead fish. It has been suggested that some of the salmon fry that are to be brought here next Monday night should be placed in the Blitzen. That is an ideal stream for them and a portion may ht sent over. Exhibits Coming In For Fair C. B. McConnell and his able assistants are still busy with the preparation of exhibits for the fair and they are making a good showing. There should be con siderable more products in from various sections and no doubt the farmers are keeping the fair in mind and will bring in more later. That already brought in is of the best and with additions it will make a very representative showing of the county. People living at a distance are being urged to bring in their grain, grasses and garden pro ducts which should be complied with in order to cover as much of Schools Opened Last Monday The Harney County high school and Public school opened last Monday morning with very good enrollment for the beginning, especially when it is considered that this is rather early for open ing and several families have not yet been able to come in from the ranches. Monday being a holiday there were no classes called, but the children were assigned their studies and secured their books ready for work the following day. In the public school there were 171 enrolled and the high school school opened with 41. Both will have a larger attendance within the month. There were but 7 freshmen entered the high school but the examinations of this week will bring several more in that class; 20 sophomores; 4 juniors, 10 seniors. Mr. Leedy, instructor in agri culture, states the classes have started of harmoniously and with much interest shown. He further states that the agricultural club will not hold a meeting for a ment will be made of the first meeting later. Principal Sutton of the public school has given us the follow ing; Pupils registered, 179, boys 89, girls 90. Between the ages of 0 and 9, 68; between 9 and 12, 01; lieUeen 1L! and 14, 85; be tween H and 20, 20. Pioneer Woman Dies. Mrs. Adam tlcorge passed away at her home near (Vow Camp last Tuesday afternoon surrountlt d by her children and husband, She has been in ill health for several years and for the last three years she had f.iil od rapidly. She was a highly respected pioneer lady who num bered many among her close friends. Mrs. (Jeorge had lived a life of usefulness and has borne many hardships that one strong er phisically would have com plained of. Deceased was born in Mis:.iss ippi April IS, 1858 and moved later witli her parents to Minne sota and to California in 1875 The following year she was mar ried to her husband who survives her and they went to Canada where they resided for four years then returned to California and the family moved to Harney county in 1889 where she had resided since. She was the mother of 11 children, nine of whom survive her and were pre sent at her bed side when the end came. They are: Julian, William, Elbert, H nry, Walter, Stacy and Lee (leorge; Mrs. Har ry Carey and Hliza Ceorge. The funeral services were held in this city Ihursuay morning from the Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr. Babbidge conducting the service, interment in the Burns cemetery. Many sorrow ing friends were present to pay their last tribute of respect to one who had bssfl such a good friend in life. The bereaved family have the deep sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Mr, ( leorge desires to extend the deep thanks of the family to tin- many friends who helped them to bear their burden with their kind assistance and sympathy Especially is this extended to Mrs. Irving, Mrs. Starr Buck- land and Mrs. lx'in Ixiwe. Game Birds and Salmon Coming. Dr. llibbard, who in the ab sence of President Dr. (Jriliith of the Rod and dun Club, has acted in communicating with the State Came Warden in regard to the game birds to be shipped in this month, has received a tele gram stating that 12 crates of pheasants, 111 birds, and 10 cans of young salmon would be in Bend next Monday evening to be brought here and liberated. Arrangements have been made for their transportation and trucks will be there to start im mediately with them for Burns. Marry Tilford and Mr. Jewett, attaches of the ( lame Commission, will accompany the shipment and look after the details of their proper care and liberation upon their arrival. The local Club has been particu larly fortunate in securing such shipments during the past two seasons and we may expect some rcaj sport later when these game birds and fish are in such num bers as to permit their being hunted and caught. The local sports have been very liberal in nutting up funds to accomplish this and now since the change in the game laws have been effect ed and the federal authorities have charge; it is hoped we will not be deprived of a chance to get some of these that have cost us considerable money. There is a disposition to cut this territory short on open season, as compar ed to other places and the boys are inclined to resent it-and they're justified in their kick. W. H. Robins is in from Crow Camp. ('has. R. Roscncrans and II. N. Measner are up from Waverly on land business. BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. church services. Diarrhoea Quickly lured. "I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Vorks, the merchant here, tiersuaded me to try a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cho lera and Dinrrhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others that 1 gave it to," writes M. K. (!eb hart, Oriole, Pa. That iH not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invaria bly be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. NOTI01 FOR PUBLICATION t'NITKIlNTATr.a I.ANh llrit. K rttirua, oration. Hepietul t :i, lli:i. Nollitl I. hnri'liy given lull Andrew I'el.'ra.ti. Hi la... n. ore..!!, wlm t.tijulv va, raft mail ilmnr.!....! Kut ry. No 3iM, for ("K'v .i iiuii U.TownanlpM h , RaagetrjU K , Will in. Meridian, haa illi'il n.illi nl liilniilliill in make Ilnal .area year I'rtaif, hi I'alal.llftlte.l plain i" ili laii'l alio iloi.rltH.il. before He Ular and Kaealvar, i liurna, r.- hi In mill at "' ori.ii.i ,, nil Claimant nam. an altnoa iviir i hriaUriMB, i iiuilr. -i- n , I jm all .il l.e.'ii. nirimi Wa Kiaai, rl.alitel NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LAND. Notto i linriiv riven Unit tbt Stat I, Mini Board ol I tic ftlnlr of Oregon will wnltd bid until 10:01) o'clock a. i., Ottobgi 7, una, in. the follow itiK clraK'tibfil latmU, (-w it - Nfcttoni 18 and :w. T. vns l in- B, Btcttom in and :i, T, Ml. K. KB- '-.,ii. mi II nn.i M, t. MBi H. n Section III nml :ui, i. as S. It. 27 B, Sfi'timia II nml II, T, 9tt.ft.95B. wtlon lit i ml an. T. '.'lis, i 99 B tattoos iii sad 99, T. MB. u. 'tf B, tatlon hi Mini IS, T wx k. 2h B tatlOCM II BSd M, T. 21) H. K. 211 ft, tattoo III nml Mil, T 99 S. II. 21'a B. tattoss M,T. 19 H. K. 99148, tattoo HI "nil BS, f. ME H '-'n B. tattoo II sod Mi Ti M I. K. M ft tattoo in nml II, T. no S. II. U7 I'. tattoos ic mii.i :nt, T. M I Bi M B. tattoo in nml iin, T. B0 s. B. M B, tattoo II sod 'in, T. M B. !' MM Bi Sr.-lioii HI, T. MO S. K. MM B tattoo 99, T, ao' s. i .11 1;. Section in mnl .'in, T, 91 I. ft M ft tattoo 10 mnl M, T. 91 9. It. 91 1: tattoo II mnl HB, T, 'II S. H. 194 i: tatlon in I ;:i ft ic, II 1: Scclimm 111 nml Mi T- 91 S. K. M i; tattoo II nod :), T. 19 s b. M i: -. 1 1., iin 111 mnl :iii, T. 19 9. ft 91 iNttofl iii mnl M, T. IIB. It. 99ft B ta i T. :ia s. R. n B. All hiila iniiat In- inroni inictl by u ri",iilitrlv ISOBOtcd niilirnt inn to par" rimer OOdttOteli Of limit tul ill lemil ulit till v nl the iiiinnint ni ill.- Iml, Tile iikIiI ( it'i'''t any mnl nil bide m rrarrvt'il. Application mnl bid tnoald b ml ilrr.fu-il In li. 0, Brawn, (Ink Stall I. nml Board, Snliin, Oroijoa, and marked "Spliostloa nml Iml to purcagg Hal.- load '. Q li. Ill own, I'l.-il. State I. nml II. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NITI HT.TM l.ANI.OrrilK. inn..- in.tC'li. AUIIIt " 1(1 I Ni.ll. .. I l..r. I.i !'.,.., that Julian A.Uaolfa, if lirftwiv. Or.'fti.n. wlm. ull lire In. It"'.' mad l!"iii."i. 1 Kill r "it.'. .... M, ll. il Ni. !, lur K'iHWU, S',M', ami HW'.NW',. ,t :i I. .wml. II. IUM . UnlliTM', R . WM Iftiin n. Marldlaa, Ima nlcl notn l iutnil..n li i....k. Ilnal lit jiiar pru.il. to NUbllak i lalnii.i iho laml iMm dtrlbad. brdra S. I. It, ,.,!.. f I Cotaallaatoaer, at bll i.fflir. ni Prwtr, Oreaao, oa iii'jf.Oi i y m-p' iam. i tfttinatil uantrftaa wUtirwica Win JniUft, W.J t...iir. J It llritwtll. John Klt.it li, nil "t In. i. ft. ) Of i'li Wv KAaaa, Hi'i'atai NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'NITKi. Sita l.n llrrna i ttttti.p. Ori'Kun. Augilftt JO. 1ul t Null,.!' Ii hejahf alvrn ilial lllraui D. Craig, ..IWinrli. iH.tt wlm, iin AUfllll 1 1 IV iiia.lo lli.iiirftli'ait Kulrr. No IMW. Itif i-K', i.,ti..n I.Townahlp h Kann R, i' lm..tl.. MviKllau. I"" ni. I h.illt'.' nl It, I. int. i.i make Inal ibraa raai aroal, to Mtaiiiink . Iftltii In in., lulnl hIoh. dvfti ill.il. bafOf HfK Iwtr-r pii.l Hn-.-lv.-r nl llnriip. OrOa, .mi ttir .'..ill .Uy nl H.l.'iii.. r. I'.l ' I lallualit Uftiu. aa wltliaMaa: orlii rii..ni.nti. Ilobart n uiat.i. Aaron ll.'.klr), I ...ni.l ul.l. r.liiln all ul Watirl) Oil-foil. Wa Ktaaa, I1kIi. t NOTICE FOR PUBLIBATION. taiTfti. ST4Ta I. iin iini.i. Itttrni. oreaon. Aiianftt i N.ill. ! lirrabv ttivBii lltat t.ulu IV HortoB. w i. low i.i Mil. ii. Il.iinni, .In '.I. ill lliiiiin. on ..n. who, on Mar 01, Inn, atdi A.i.fi II a trail r.ntrr. No ur.tu. lor NljNK1,, HW'.NI.., ami HK'N1,. Hriimu II. lowhhl. r- i . Ualma : K. Wlllain.lli- M'll.tiaii. haa III.. I iti.tl.,. i.i liilaiitli.n 10 mafto Aaal Dva aal Ir.i.tf. lo fill a I, I lh In 1 in In I h.- la n. I aire da ftcrlli,l, l'li.i.' Haalfttoi anil Katativar, al Ititritft. iir,.ft..ii, i.n On. -Oi 'tftjr nl H(itai..h. r fits i Iftlinant namra aa wtlnvaaaa i,...lr. Ii.iii.in..r,. Slrk llarlh. II M Horlon, laiM-r I ,m...-i all ..I llurn, orannn. Wa ruaaa. It.-ri... r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'aiTai. HTATaft I.ANt. orm a, i It.iri.ft ..t..t.. Annual II, I'M I Ni.tln. ! h. r.-hj i..u that Hurt I'arktr. nl full "i' "". who. i.n Mat II, rata, ina.l.' It. .in.' au-a.l Kult, No. l.'A Htnlal No ojm., n.mWi, NK' .N','l'', ami NI.'.xW, Heclloll Ml, Toatiihln B it. Itaniv 01 Kal, Ilia Me M.'ll.llaii, haa I'l.'.l Uottee of tnl. lit 1..I1 In inaki' Vina! lit. Y.ar I'i.k.i. lo ratal.. t-l. .laltn to ll..' laml abovo ma 1 1 bad, I.I.... Hi.. ll.Klftiri an. I Hi'ialvar, at Hurt. a. OraeOI on tnr'jaili day ol t-r.lr . i.n 113 i lalinai.i iifti.i.a aa wltlii)aft W W Nliirai-a. nl lllley. in. ... ll.atl Kill, i.i Kail, Orcion A J Johuioii, nl Mil). oriun and Maul. hi r I lar ol Hiirnft. Orafoa a. faaaa. Kralilar SUMMONS In lint l to nil ( i.nrl nl lllr Slnlo ..I I In- boh tin ilu Donate ol llaroet BtrVido Muriuv, I'lntntld, VI. Tlitiiniia Cecil Murray, iH'Irntlniit To Thoiua I'cH'il Murrnv, ltonil.iiii In tin. noao of ah State ot Ongooi Ynu arr hereby rciiuirnl to nnpcnr in the above nttitl.'il Court Oil or laifore Monday tltr aixth ilav of October 1919 nml answer 'I'' eomplaJol nlel again) you in the nlmvr iniiilleil enuae, ami il urn fail to an .it. in-. o ami auawrr with in the aanl turn-, for want llti'ii-ol iho I.I .ini ill will apply to the above entitled court lor tlio rebel OeOMOtlad in her uinplmnt, to wit: I'or il deer nbanlnty divnieiiiK the ilailltifl lluill you nod lorever diaatOlTiO the liiiinls ol matrimony heretofore anil now oiatiiiK between you ami th plain till mnl for a iinlf.nii in tor hnr c it mid illaliiirw iit.iita herein. Thia iiiitininti ia aei veil upon you liy publilliinx the aiiuir once a week for am couaccutive weeka in tlie Time I ln.il. I a weekly newspaper of general I inulution in Harney County, State of Oregon, iM.iiii.ittt to mi order of Hon. tiraiit Tbompeon, County Jadgoot'soid County ol Harney, Slate of Oregon, uta.lt mnl cntercil on the Kith day of Atlguit I'.il.i The ilate ol the liiat iitililicatn.n ni tin -.iiiiiiiii.il-. Im-Iiil' AuuuNt -'.1, HlKlainl the laal publication bi'injj Oclolajr -It Ii 1911, WU. Mill KM, Attorney for Ihr Plaintiff School Suits for Bo; ' At Greatly I REDUCED PRICES RANGE of AGES 5 to 15 YEAH We are over stocked on the above sizes and offer any suit in this lot at a very low price $2.50 and up for the entire Ik BROWNS SATISFACTORY STOtj The Quality Store SUMMONS. i ol the Hun i r ii ii 1 Tliiiiiipann. Count .III. It;e ..fllati.fi Ci.illity, OragOO, duly iiiiiiiu ami en tared on 9ptOa0aWW . iim:i, dirootlag iho pobliootipn Uidrooi for ni MrClatn, r-'reil Allun. K J. Callow, . OOOSOOOtl VO VOW 10 1 DO Inmaiii-raiu K M. SrhriMHlur, Have DOBlotWIOgh, I a nawppr pobllbed lo I'.urna, On-K'in 11. 1). Ii.nnli.iiit(li, l.iv.ia li-l.-i,l.auKh. . ,, ,t,. ,,( rl i.ul.lit nl i Si-pt . l I inn , In tlin Circuit Court ol th Slate OfOfOfli lor llarni-y Comity. Bdoln H. Hill, (liarli.tln B, 8lurgtti.it, Itiiati B, lit an, Mi'lvin I'i.uii, John a Oll't and III., .lull ..( I. tit iiiiblii-allou .inpmn, I (j ,.',,,., M ,H:t I VV. I'm. o .V li A. IUmiuiiii, .Wi'.n.uya lur I'laintlffa. Atlliti I 'el.-nl. aiili, I-1 hi. I .lout lliiitty, and Carl A. TI ruuniHM, VI The Ann-ritaii I. anil A LtfOStOOl Oo. a rtirpnratii.il, C. I. TbotDM, and Wall.'t". a i.artniirnhip dnini- Im-m. -aa Th. uii.iM ami Wnl i,'i, H. .1 Ilan- lorJ.A V. (iuinry, Harab K. Win- ,,.,, i,.,., i,.,i, ,,, i. hnil nl t ho Miiiiini.i vv.hi.im. jon-nii Km-" '" -' . rrr J. iw-att.r. (rtiiiiliiiaii In-iiiiarn issuutn nurns ( nrntiiua I ItnaH, llirry IihiIi, tiii-at rhriatuphitraiiii, S. Watartail, Wiiii.un.i. k -uh.-.i , Lydla K. Fryer, I lur liri Wvitlmlf, I". I. Carlton. K. A. II. .una, Hporiott CI Bale, Hi ding Huleu, liuorge H. Millet, linauin O. Bohrolbor, !'. I.. Wbnlplv, Mart. I. Wtilateiu. rVllllam Ki-nl, Wllllnm T BtylW, laifiuti V. Clark, K Ii Keppar, Arnold i:. Archi bald, I. won.- (lark, V.-i.-.l , M. u'1 Ilk, IHntnli l.vutlall, B. Ilonry lilU, VV. B, Bi Mandi-villi-, S'l.riiian .1. Finest all'all'ii, tiu.Dlhy and red NOtlCE P0R J'UHMCATION. i mi 1 1. -rATi i .ai, nrricit, t Itiii no. en , mi. ItOlMaltef t, li'13. ). Il.-fl'l. i-n file.'. l.f.ifK.- W fill! It X 11111. A J, llfsTC V J .Minn. Knll M OIIB. .'I IHl'h ffi'K.H. ll". "I" l-rll . IWIU. nir ..i -. rtrn t I lit l. Nil "I.V., for I.trta .', I B.lo-1 I" '' '. " 1 - ., STtloll Ml, I hi , - Rmift 1 rtilloinctti !,,..,. i,.. a h 1 I...M Ol ili'.-i,tt"l. BHAM I . I' f lo .-'t.Mlnli . iMhil ' i H . i. Ih-i.i'i Krglvtoi ... .... .... ... 1. lit. I. . . , , 111 .tl 11 I I ."! II' '! I'l , Oil Nl II ' MfgMOl . OM ' "1 I'" m oy I ilia I S II '(iiltifl Si'i if I I Ir-fli liMallll - " ' " ' M'l III I In. n tin.- ..I Ihr S in In uf MfiHtt.li. ( ' Ulnmi.! nnimo a," :ti .ti iiixi mi' ii ni you nri' itrrruv n-qmr ,, .... uiMlllllk ml tt, am,, u, ,.,..,, ih tn aitpmr ntl iiihmit llto NMOdod ' Pilll Itmui i i iiiiijiluitit lilril hrr.'iii gAlOBtyOVi hi -ii ilm rxnimthm of nix Wtekl fiom tht , ..... .,.ra... (.,.l.l,.,tiono( Um Sum.mmrhon.il. io- NOTICE FOR I'UKLICATION. wit, I -..i.i. i.n I .siioirlta t tin i.r la.font tiitnlipr IB, 1919 aid if limn., Oragea .aaual 11,111.1 tint ,. in-id you fail to a., uaeaf Netloe II herabj uvea ilial lu-l -iurra. ..I or ippaor th.' I I ml UN taiil apply to tin I .iirt l-.r tin. ri-lirl pr.iy.d for in n I aiiit-lt.ii. I i ..ttipl.iiiil, lian.i It . 1 I - . Ilia. It- I or lint iii'iiiuttn . id tin' t.ut lairary injuui'ltun hi-ri'ti.forc ianiird aainat llmtl.-li ii.l.int J. B. BoBOjOOtrOtt. 'i. I r .tit i-an.ti . . nl tin. t.-miaiiitt Ittl.-, Oil-anil Hit... 1.11 N lioin.ai.-N.i ,,tf. , n..i. s-., t..i M',, aeetloa l l....l.l.l. .': a, Katu-.. H r- lllami-llr M. ll-Ilan, haa 111. 11..II1. ul Int. till. .11 I., ina.i Una) Ho. .- t.-ar I'r.H.l.t.. t-.tal.tlali . lalm lu Dm laml abovi .i.-a. OI..-.I, belura Reenter lad In . !.. 1 at llllfna. or,-. ..II. .-I. Hi.- .III. .la . ..t I ft. 11.1 . I lain. at. 1 Haiti. a. Mini...... ' , WtllialaVI M.ira.a. rtl.y.l M-taiUKn. 11 111. I , I liijiliirlii.il ucaiital tint di'li'tidant .I..I111 kr ... 1, 1 . .1 all ul Hilar, orriue I .ilaudrr, iiijinniiiK and rnatraliiiiig Itini " i.aa.. urti.t iltiiniK tint pi'ttilaii. v 1 I linn auit Iroiu In any way or OOaOOOf lotorforiog "ill. 1I1.1 ii.ih of vtnifia oi 'irnut Croat or it trlhutirii'a ami (rout in ny way dlvort' ttiu tin- MUM or any part taOTOOf. I Kor a diiri'n iletiTinininir the ni- al.H..il ItL'l.tM I.I II... I...I l.t'a ti. tin,, anil and a.,'1, an I .ear, , tteroof to th. .SSiiT V" ,' iVVidhi.TSSiJ watitra of I rout C reck and It tubular- Ualli.-nr l.ak. I.a. nit-. 1 1101i1.nl nn.iitliin 1.. iita m betvtm-it tlu-inwdvea ami naoli and make Seal 0,1., ., at 1.1....1. t...aiai,liain laim .,,,,,. ,.,,,. l, ,,.,, I 1,, 11, ,,,.. ,,l 'r. ,, I" "i. ia.il al ll, In-fur l:.'Ilat..r every oni'lliuraol lo Ilu. walnra ol I cut n ,, , ,, at Hun.., ori-,.,it, n th. ..I I reck ami ita tril.utnm - aa DOlWOMI day id - 1 I hiillia.. Vt.H and l't It and i-Vi-rv int.. ' launai.t nanx-a aa H it..' .a. t'll-ltxif t. l-nr 11 .l.-i-it-n t.-,.uriuir ritfli OO .1 th planititf to In- theowner ami SO 11 I.- I I.i 1 In. OM nl th" aalera to the e 1. nl aa l.v Hi. in Hid each unil OVOfJIOO ol lluill illogad in laid allien. Iml tniit plaint. S. I ..r the .1". hi' dt'trriiiiniii.- lite relative linliia ami primitica to and in the water of Trout Cirx-k ami n- tri linl.nii'H ul each and every one ol tin partien to thia auit. tl. rnr ninlt utlini and lurllter reltel KOTIGK K(iK PUBLICATION 1 num. stats 1 mo unit ti liurna. Orevon, nwtiat la, it.is.i Ni.IIip I. hrrrl.t alien Dial Kian. 1' UowaO, ..f Hill in. Oienii atiii. on iiiiIiiiImii -'.'. liaa. inal.-III. Iiir.t.-al l.lllir, .. irJtl.. lor ',.-', f L llal.v. ol N,i..M .,... 111. 11-a I J Midwinter, - ' Midwinter. 1...1I1 ..1 itnina ! 01. .-.ill, ora Hal... t 1 a ...-It, llii-a.. v tr .aa, it.-.1! it NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I si it t -I tits I ASI.iiKKH'K.I Hint!., . in-a-mi. .MiKH.1 I". till I Nolle i iit'it-1- given thai ora , It a ml It on. nf l.awen, oreaoti who, on . t-i 1, t-.r., ma.le Ill lalt a.l l.liliv S I I... s ' ,. Sei-itnli li, rownantplH Itauav :'", K, Anlatnetir Ml'O.llati liaft II l.-.l II.. I:., ill I nl.tll t.in ti. niakr NEW I SPRING I SUITS I Trousers, Dress Shirts, Work J Shirts, Ties, Shoes and Hose! Spring and Summer Underwear For The Men and Women Full new line of Ginghams I Percale, Lawns Etc. A. K. Richardsoi . General Merchandise j Burns, Harney Co. Oregon 1 Wheat Potato a I., tl.l., I '....at ....I I.. I.-..ii..u ....... Maai lltial ihl.-i ..-! .r.H. to .'.la I.I !. . lallU I.i III.' ...',"' V ""'' '.".," laml .Iml. .I...rll-. I. I e f. I. . Il.-l.ter and irowr ami uai ami neteaaary in uie iu, ,,.,,., ., ,,,,, ,. ,,,,.K,, plemiMea. I a..l. lillan I I 7 I , ,r : ... I ........ I ...a.., at ll,. ,1 - I " I maul lialiieft aft ll n.-ft..-. I. I I..' .'. . .la. .If III..' ,.a . : . jb . . . . j.inii'a.i.ii.M-ii. , i-.u a.-, mini ...i i tiania lor pi.llliliua , ala ami tlialiurae - , ,,.. l.li,,,, ,,l llililianati, Onaoa, llteniH iii-n-lii Thia Siiuiliiona ia puhlilhcil b) mdrr J. .I.n I'art Krank i.f Unlit". I reK.'li M I amii. I;. ,:.!. I Thinks This Great Country Ini IdtiRt), who hus resided in Portland for 18 yi'urs. is a visitor to this si'ctioii with the idea of investing in land and becoming a farmer. Mr. Lingo says he has worked for wages long enough 0 rrali.e (hat lie could continue for the rent of his natural life and not have uny more than he has now and lias decided the best way is to strike out for himself. He is delighted with the Harney country and was most agreeably surprised to find such a big level Bection so productive. One of his surprises waH the big yields on what is termed dry land. He wus also struck with the sub stantial business blocks of Burns and the neat ami attractive stores. Mr. Lingo is a gueBt of P. S. Weittenhiller and will likely be- 9UMMONS lu the Circuit Court ol the Ni.itr id i iii'noit lor Harney County. I. aura llanry, I'linnlill', . j . t Kunnuoua PraVOOD. Ilaiiey, Hcleiulnut ) To I i. nil. I. Iliinev, the ubim- naineil defendant In iin1 uii nit-ol the St.itr ..I i it. i , you arr ht-rriiy rriuired to apnear nml auiwer to the complaint tiled nninat you in the ubovi- tiltllleil auit, mi or lie lore the laal duy id the linii- pTOaOI'Uml in tin- onlei ol publication id I Ida aum iiinna in wit, on oi about the 4lh tlay of Ootobair, I'.M.'I, mid dull- lieinK Hie I'lpiratiou ol ait weeka lr.nn the tiral publientiou ol thia auiuuiona, nml il you fail to answer, for want thereol, I'linn lill will apply to Hie t mnl tot Um it-he! il.uiiiiid.il in the coiupliiint to-wit I'nr a tleeriHi of thia Court ilia. I ring the lunula of matrimony now c.iatinu bet wean I'lmiitill ami Delritilioit, unil that I'liiinliil have a ilecieu of divorce nlmoluta from Hefcmlaat. That Hiiimil! have the cute, euatody nml ciiitiol nl Terence lliiuey. Dorr) ll.niey mnl l.oVnli lluliey, minor child tin of I'lainlill and Dclendallt , unil Iin coiti and illaliuraeiiii-nta lieiein. Till iiiiniuoiiH i publiahctl byoidei nl Hon. lirunt Thniiipauii, Jodg oftltr County Court of Harnev County, mnili and entered mi the -'.'ml dm of Auuuil, 1919, nml tint dale ol the flint publien tiou nl I Ilia aiinnnona i Annual 9ard, 1919, J. J. l'ATTBIIION, Attorney for I'laintiff, OUR NEW GOODS Have arrived and we are now ready to supply you with your requirements...., MANY NEW LINES have been added and all goods will be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES CALL OR SEND YOUR ORDERS The Burns Department Store THROUGH NIGHT TRAIN DA Between CENTRAL OREGOS and PORTLAND REGONTRUNK CENTRAL OREGON LM. while owing to the busy season come the owner of some land be- of farmers and that announce- fore he returns to Portland. Direct connections aouth via HARR1MAN-ANDREWS Stago A. H.CURRY. Prop. Leavea Harrimen Monday and Thuraday and arrival Wednesday and Saturday each week, connecting with oulhern line lo Denio. Wtnnemucca, ale. DR. HOWARD H. CUSTIS Veterinarian OradlMlO of llnlvt-rally of I'riuiay IvumIh JOHN WAV. ORKUON Troata dlaooaoa of Horaea. Callle and all other Anlmala TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND Ftt CLASS COACHES From Centml Oregon F9J Lmvj Btnd o DtfaOhlltaM Kedmond s1- Terrebonne ' Culver m Metolius !.' Madiii.s Arrive Portland I '" Connections for Willamette Valley, Puget Sound. Sfl Montana, and all Eastern points. Details and folders si dfj by mail. R. H. CROZIER. J. H. Corbett, J Aaat.Gen'l Paaa. Aganl, Portland, Ore. Bend, Or W. C. WILKES. A..t. Genl Freight & Pa... Agent. Portia.:. To Central Oregon Points Leave Portland 7:00 I'M Arrives Madras 0:00 AM " Metolius 6:15 AM Culver 0:28 AM " Terrebonne 7:08 AM " Redmond 7:23 AM Deschutes 7:43 AM " Bend 8:00 AM NOTICK POS PUBLICATION llll j UNITKIitrTAIha tM, ,,,(. CK, I Burna Origon, DepUuibel Nolli'i. I. lu-u'liy tu ,u, Mail,,. nutu ol liurna. Oregon, wtin, on li. ,.. ml,, t 7, it ...a,,., i.'ft.'ri 1 ami Milr.v Nil lllu.i, (r s K .............. ..,, ,,.ii,i ., . Italia,. :lll K ia 1 it- in- ii.'r .ilan i.a .iim.1 - .. ... ..... 11 iiiaae Ilnal pruul. In aalabll.lt ilanii tu it,, land above da ad, belure Heglataraud itv oeklaaV.Mat!WI,a' "'"""' "" '''0 ""' ,l""' I l.lniant naliir. aa wllllaaaM; Cltarl.a Wlloou, Theater ti nil. Laid luith 01 Huriii, Oregon, t'tierl.. Neeilhaiu, Hum lltua. r lailli Narrow., Orvgou ...... We. raaaa. 9gtgii i Sumpter Valley Mm Arrival and Departure Ot m IWUa, if Depart No. 2, Prairie Sumpter Arrive Baker 10:15' 2:35 ( 1:00' The Burns Hospital MRS. ETTA CUMMINS. Prop. Bent Surgical Room and Equipment In the State Outside of Portland. Nice Rooms, Good Care and Com fort for Patients-Reasonable Terms Graduated Nurse In Charge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'NITBU HTATIal.ANIiOrrlr, I liurna. Oreimti, oeeterebat a, mis I N.illl-.lalior.l.) at VI II, at Alma I. nii.ii, ,, Irluiieliui lir,.ou. 1, It,,. , . Anrllali, . 1.', ,a,l,. Il.iueal.-ad gnlry No. U6UU-.. or agi. ,.,.. , M ..""" 1'" ''Si M.' ""', S'; K" vVlHeiiiell.. with () M.-rldlau I.a. I...I 11,11 ,,..,1 1, i,.,i III! V7 Ilnal 1-011111111ta.il..., .,,.. I 1.... .1. ... " ' ',!'"'::' lr"..'''.---' '!"' """ rW.rn3 Depart No. 1, Baker 8301 Sumpter 10:06 J Arrives Prairie 2:10 P, XNO. 1 MUKes jttKM coi W. K. & N. No, : r ii . . .-.. .. ni roi'iiaiiii d:-.u r. m a i ;:';;:,',:.," ,.,'.. w est.; . n fnm 9Mt umvimr bm A. M. No 2 Connects with la " Kail. HeaUiet. local, and No R nrrlvin.r in . . , I 'and 11:40 A. M. Also w We do job printing-. , 18 for pointu Ktwt. Maintain naiii.'a aa aUitua.ea l barlei aielaoii. Jam... W. Anu.trtin. Aiiiuwaiilllord, Katl Mo,.iu..n.,..ll,,i TVii,.. Iml Itwuiin