The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 06, 1913, Image 1

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kif 4 V
The Biggest County In The State
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
Of Oregon, Bert In The Went I
NO. 43
lent Among Farmers so Combine
Bant With Hour Mill, Thus Creat-
Greater Market for the Home
roducts. Committee is Soliciting
ibscriptions for Stock in Concern
kturday afternoon sev
ers and stockmen got
Burns and discussed
ntion of starting a paek-
ind also the advisabili
irchasing the Burns
by the same parties.
a decided favorable
shown toward the
and after some of the
are of the mill property
them figures on the
and the advantage of
desire. It is merely a business
proposition that will be of (Treat
benefit to the country and those
taking stock should look upon it
in that light It will be co-operative
in a way, but should the
plant be started in connection
with the mill it must be upon a
business basis.
The taking over of the flour
mill will give the stockholders a
business that works well in con
nection with the packing plant
enterprises being com-'and with sufficient capital it may
discussed it was de-' be a very beneficial influence that
those present to aacer- will be felt throughout tne enure
reneral feeling of the country. With a market estab-
especting such a move Hshed for the milling wheat and
fore a commiuee was a piace 10 care ior me im tuiii.
to solicit stock, the of hogs where grain not other-
not particularly to wise disposed of may be put with
who subscribed, buta profit, it will mean -an immense
find how many are m-
id approve of the pro-
I block of stock was sub-
those present and the
will solicit farmers in
artions of the county
srest has been shown
eting has been called
iy, Sept 13 in Burns
notes and see what
ne toward consummat-
ll. The present stock-
the mill property have
;ry liberal proposition
quite likely the trans-
intention to make the
ers oi tne corporation
tntative of the farming
possible, as it is to
ct advantage, but busi
sum left in the country that has
heretofore gone out to outside
packing plants and the surplus
grain left on the hands of the
farmer. The deal is decidedly
for the benefit of the farmer and
he is quick to realize the advant
ages of it.
The committee, consisting of
H. B. Simmons and Gail Barnes,
are now out with the subscription
lists and it is reported they are
receiving encouragement It is
hoped sufficient stock will have
been pledged by the time of the
meeting on Sept. 13 to justify
the closing of the deal and the
new stockholders begin active
operations. It is not the inten
tion to put up a large packing
plant for the present but of suf
ficient capacity to take care of
BuSTwm takert needs and to add to itas
.- ., ' LUC UJJllllfcJ juuvinvw.
e concern n u is nec
lowever. they will not ;
until the farmers ' The Welcome Pharmacy nas a
an opportunity of tak- fresh supply of vaccine, ue
th of the stock as they i sure and vaccinate your caiveu.
ntrally Located, Good Clean
Leals, Comfortable Kooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
tt Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call J
lurns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
jf, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
adcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Wholesale and Retail
ompt and Satisfactory Service
Patronge Solicited and
ders Given Quick Attention
Policy of Administration Encouraging to
Settlers on Irrigation Projects and
Homesteaders all Rejoice
Franklin K. Lnne, Secretary of
the Interior, has visited Oregon
in his official capacity and has
proceeded on his way to other
sections of his great field where
worries and troubles are as insis
tent as in this state. His stay in
Oregon, brief though it was, has
left hundre i of homesteaders
and settlers with lighter hearts
and a renewed courage to tackle
the obstacles to their future pro
gress which before his coming,
seemed insurmountable.
For the secretary has made it
clear that the Government stands
ready to co-operate with the
state of Oregon in the reclama
tion of its arid lands and has
promised that all honest, bona
fide settlers shall be entitled to
the protection of the Federal
Government whenever their in
terests are menaced by land
sharks or unscrupulous pro
"The policy at Washington in
Supt. Breithaupt of Experiment Farm
Preparing to Mail Out Seed Wheat
With Instructions to Co-Operative
Farmers. Others Not on List May
Secure Seed by Writing to Him
I tremely light. On the basis of
'majority of swine transactions
the prices seem strong at 9.00
and 9.60 and demand firm.
Mutton and lamb buyers fur
jnished the only interesting fea
ture to the otherwise draggy live
stock market. Wether sales at
4.25, ewes at 3.86 and 4 00 and
lambs at 5.26 created an active
trade, Killers are not short on
sheep house supplies, but they
fancy the prime stuff evidently,
which is but a small proportion
of the total receipts. Prices are
considered steady.
Supt. Breithaupt of the Exper-; least in the spring about the time
iment Station is sending out some drying weather begins and the
Turkey Red seed wheat to the plants have began growing well
several co-operative farmers who
are listed at the station. He is
prepared to furnish more seed of
the same variety to a limited
number of other.! as he has more
than sufficient to supply his list
Mr. Breithaupt would like to
hear from any farmer who de
sires some of this seed.
The following instructions ac
company each packape of seed
sent eut:
This is undoubtedly the best
variety of winter wheat for this
! section. It combines high quality,
Set the harrow teeth so as to
slant back in order that the plant
will not be torn out and yet give
the land a light mulching. A re
port will be expected next fall.
Supt. Harney Co. Ex. Station
Market Report.
Receipts for last week at the
Portland Stock Yards have been:
Cattle 2064; Calves 91; Hogs 820;
Sheep 4096; and Horses 1.
The cattle market has suffered
the past has been to let anyone large yield and hardiness as do; decline sinse last Saturday and
have the country that wanted it," few other wheats. This seed while not severe, it amounted to
said Mr. Lane in the course of . was grown on the Experiment a quarter. Buyers could not be
address to the settlers of the 'Station of the best acclimated1 induced to bid over $8.00 for any
Redmond country. "Now our j seed obtainable and will furnish quantity of choice steers. A few
problem is to make life easier for ' you with a start of clean, unmix- picked from the lot sold at higher
the greatest possible number of Jed seed such as is very hard to prices but the bulk was a $7.60
people on the land. If it can be! obtain. Where this wheat can ' to 7.75 affair. Half fat and poor
irrigated at reasonable cost, you be grown, it should be made the ly finished beef is a drug on the
will see this great district covered lader. The greatest objection market, unless of feeder quality,
with irrigation projects within to growing it is the danger in Desirable feeders are selling free-
some places of having the head ly $6.00 to (.60. Butcher stock
killed by late frosts. This will has been uneven and prices rang
not occur over a considerable ed wide. Good cows at 7.00 and
area of the County, however. i steers at 8.00. Bulls at 5.00 and
Plant about half of this seed calves at 9.00 are literal quota-
bctween the first and 16th
September, and the other half in
' February or March. By planting
, early in the fail the wheat will
i get a good start that will enable
it to withstand the winter. By
planting in the very early spring,
the plants will not head as early
as the fall planting, hence are
less liable to be killed by late
the next few years.
At Klamath Falls last week
was held the fourth annual con
vention of the Central Oregon
Development league, the most
important and i.itcresting meet
ing in the history of the. organiza
tion. Delegates were in attend
ance from all sections of Eastern,
Central and Southern Oregon as
well as a numln-r of prominent
Portlanders who are interested
in the development of the state.
After several sessions which
filled the assembly room of the i
high school building to capacity, i
the meeting adjourned to meet a.
year hence at Henti. ine toi-
fowing officers for the coming
year were electeu: President.
William Hanley; vice presidents,
Wm. S. Worden. of Klamath; e
W. F. King of Crook and Fred I
Cronemiller, of Iiake County.
Nearly 100 manufacturing und
jobbing forms of Portland are
represented on the committee
which is erfecting the details of
the entertainment for out of-town
merchants who are to visit Port
land during "Buyers' Excursion
week," September 1-6. Ar
rangements have been made
whereby special rates will be
made on all lines leading into
Portland and the committee has
further arranged to refund the
railroad fares to all merchants
who place orders with manu
facturers or jobbers for goods to
the amount of $500 or more.
Tickets for the excursion will be
on sale from August 28 to Sept.
ofitions in the cattle market.
A UIIIICUII nog miirKei u juuk
One short car sold Thursday for
9.60 and one car of contracted
stuff oame into the yards Friday,
but these were the only two at
the unloading chutes on these
days. Monday '8 top sales were
9.30 and one load Tuesday "Off
Cars" at 9.70. What the market
frosts. Quite often there is an ' would do in the event of area
opportunity to plant in February ' sonable liquidation occurred and
or March. Never plant later i buyers had a respectable hog
than March 15. Do not drill spread is hard to conjecture.
more than thirty pounds per acre Monday had the only receipts of
and be sure to harrow a part at the week and the total was ex-
To The
Rexall Drug Store
wr Ansco Camera's Films
and any thing wanted In the
Reed Bros. Props.
Oregon products spell pros
perity this vear, for they were
never worth so much money as
the present season. Tt is estimat
ed that the grand total for the
state this year will be $245,979,
000, more that $20,000,000 in ex
cess of the returns of last year.
The estimate of items is as fol fel fol
eows: Livestock. $107,914,000;
grain. $.'18,145,000; vegetables,
$22, 115,000; fruit, $8,143,000;
miscellaneous, 188,648,000,
Mollirr of Eighteen Children.
"I am the mother of eighteen
children und have the praise of
doing more work than any young
woman in my town," writes Mrs.
C. J. Martin, Boone Mill. Va.
"I suffered for five years with
stomach trouble arid could not
eat us much as a biscuit without
suffering. I have taken three
bottles of Chamberlain's Tubleta
and am now a well woman and
weigh 168 pounds. I can eat
anything I want to, und as much
as I want und feel better than I
have at any time in ten years. I
refer to any one in Boone Mill or
vicinity and th-y will vouch for
what 1 say." Chamberlain's
Tablets are for sale by all Dealers.
The Malheur county Fair, with dates of September 16th
to 20th, is to be a winner, as an agricultural, horticultural
and stock show and the amusement features will be even
better than heretofore. From one to five o'clock every day
there will be a continuous program without intermission;
Trotting pacing and running races; Roman races; bucking
contests; wild horse races; boy' wild mule race; gentleman's
driving races; novelty races; farmer's wagon races; pony and
saddle horse races; relay races; motorcycle and automobile
races; and automobile roping contests; the management
guarantees a continuous show, and something doing every
minute. Delay and jockeying will not be tolerated.
Educational Features and Sports
The forenoon will be devoted to educational features that
no farmer or farmer's family can afford to miss. Many of
the prizes will be awarded in front of the grandstand. The
Judges, with the animals and products of the farm and or
chard before them, will point out the different characteristics
that entitles them to the awards that they receive.
A silo is to be erected on the grounds and filled with silage
during the fair. Cows will be milked by machinery. Several
acres of farm machinery will be on exhibition. Labor saving
devices will be shown. The best farmers and agricultural
experts will be in attendance to assist in making this feuture
of the fair a crowning success.
The stock pens and poultry coops will be full of the best.
The Agricultural and Horticultural hall packed to the roof.
The School and Young Folks department will be a credit, to
the youth of this country and the fine Art Household and
Woman's department has been remodeled and brought up to
date and will interest the most fastidious.
The Pet Stock show will be full of rare birds, dogs and
rabbits imported from the four corners of the earth. This
exhibit will be a delight to every child or lover of pet animals.
General Patch's exhibit of birds and pet animals in itself will
be worth going miles to see.
People from a distancejare welcome to bring their camp
ing outfits to camp on the grounds during the fair.
to be given away in Premiums and Purses
Write Harry B. Grnuel, Secy.. Ontario. Oregon
for premium book and further Information.
Ridding Alfalfa of
The Dodder Pest.
"In small patches dodder may
be eradicated by mowing with a
scythe before it ripens its seed
and when the mowings are dry
covering the infested spots with
straw and burning them off,"
says Prof. Scudder, agronomist
at the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. "The spots may then be
hoed and reseeded to alfalfa. In
case the dodder has already start
ed to seed it may be singed off
with a torch made by placing
some rags saturated with kero
sene in a can to which a handle
is attached.
"When the entire field has lie-
come so badly infested that it is
not practicable to burn the in
fested spots, the best thing to do
is to clip the alfalfa before the
dodder seeds begin to ripen. The
land should then be plowed and
put into a cultivated crop such as
corn, potatoes, or roots. This
can be followed with grain. At
the end of three .years, if the
ground has ben kept free of
dodder, it may be put back in
"Dodder is a leafless, slender
vine, whitish yellow in color,
bearing clusters of white blossoms
which ripen into abundant seed,
sometimes as many as three or
four crops in a season. Although
of parasitic habits the seed ger
minates in the soil sending up
little tendrils which attach them
selves to the alfalfa or clover
stocks, winding about the stem
and living upon its sap until the
alfalfa turns yellow and dies.
The portion of the dodder plunt
which is in the ground then dies
while the vine begins to spread
from one plant to the next, ripen
ing and scattering the seed as it
goes. It continues to bear flow
ers and seed until killed by tin
frost. Seeds retain their vitality
from four to six years, germina
ting only when brought near the
surface of the ground.
"Dodder is thus seen to be a
very dangerous (test which should
either be shunned entirely or
eradicated upon its first appear
ance. Clover or alfalfa seed
should not be purchased or sown
without being first examined for
dodder seed. About 60 percent
of all alfalfa samples examined
by the college many hundreds
contain dodder seed. It is not
easily separated from the alfalfa
and a few seeds to the pound are
enough to infest the field.
When dodder infested hay is
fed to livestock, care should be
taken not to spread the manure
on the fields where alfalfa or
clover is to be grown."
Wonderful Yields on Dry as Well as
Irrigated Lands Astonish Those not
Familiar With Rapid Growth of all
Vegitation and Productiveness of
Soil. Splendid Yields Everywhere
To those who have not resided
in this section very long and to
strangers the extraordinary
yields of this season in Harnev
county have been a wonder. In
the early part of June, before the
heavy rains, it did not look very
promising and those who had
viewed some of the fields and
taking their experience in other
places as a criterian, said the
crops would be practically a fail
ure, even with all kinds of mois
ture, were most agreeably sur
prised a few weeks later when
! they viewed the same fields
j again. Even then it was not
realized the yield would in any
way come up tc what is now
! proving since the harvest season
is on.
Comparatively little grain has
been damaged from frosts and
while the severe rain storms dur
ing the haying season has caused
some loss or rather damage to
that crop by discoloring it
and making it unsalable, it is
nevertheless very good feed as a
whole und will prove so when
the feeding season begins. The
great trouble will be in finding a
ready market for the hay since
so many cattle have been sold
and comparatively few are fed
here. The wild hay meadow is
doomed, however, and most of
them are being plowed up and
seeded either to grain or alfalfa,
which yields a greater return
und has a market over the wild
With the active interest shown
by the agricultural college in ad
vancing the interests of those en
gaged in tilling the soil and the
scientific instructions given in
demonstration and extension
work of the institution, it has
stimulated farming throughout
this country and attracting more
people to the farm. With prac
tical knowledge of such work and
the proper conservation of the
moisture irrigation is not consid
ered so essential as in former
years. The present season has
shown that profitable crops may
be raised on sage brush land in
Harney county and while irriga
tion would increase this yield
very materially it is not prohibit
ing the man from developing his
place and getting good returns
while waiting for the big irriga
tion system that will finally cov
er the entire Harney Valley.
The success of this year is not
an exception but the result of a
better understanding of how to
work the land and bring about
results that pay. It is no longer
an experiment with the farmer
who observes conditions and
takes advantage of the opportun
ity. The demonstration farm
has been a great factor in thus
making success surer and will be
looked to for more information in
the future. The exhibit of dry
farm products at the fair in a few
weeks will show what the farm
has done toward the develop
ment of the country better than
any words can describe. The ir
rigated product will have to be
exceptionally good to show bet
ter than the dry farm products.
The yields of this season and
the coming of the railroad to
open a market for the products
will do much toward a greater
effort next season. The catter
piller plow has turned over a vast
amount of new land and many
individual farmers have also
broken up more virgin soil that
will aOd to the amount seeded
next season. The adaptability
of the country to the raising of
hogs, the dairy industry now in
its infancy and the practicability
of feeding grain to beef stock,
all brings a wider field for the
farmer that will have a benefi
cial influence toward more grain
next season.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in this city where there is a fine
cook and very best accommoda
tons. tf 31.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates hi Bad Cold.
"Last winter my son caught a
very bad cold and the way he
coughed wus something dread
ful," writes Mrs. Sarah E. Dun
can, of Tipton, Iowa. "We
thought sure he wus going into
consumption. We bought just
one bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and thut one bot
tle stopped his cough and cured
his cold completely. " For sale
by all dealers.
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
10 a in
12 mum
Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - $ 6.00
Round Trip, - - - - 11.00
Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hums
IturiiH tain Canyon City
Cnnyon City 7am Prairie City .
Prairie City ....Ml P
Canyon City 7 pm Burna
BEGINS t foity fifth school yea.
SPTtMBIR It. mil
DEGREE COURSES I" mny phssesol
mirci. Pharmacy.
teacher's Courses Is nuwal
training, agriouUara, ilouimlir scienri
and art.
MUSIC, including plafeo, string , html
lustiiuutula slid voice culture.
"Thk Knkkhmkn r or Kuuai, Line"
and a will lie moiled irrr
oa apvliciiiK ii
Addreaa 11. II. Tknnant, Registrar,
Ii w M to ) Corvallla. Orecou.
That you vaccinate your calves for Black Leg
early, as the loss of one calf will more than
pay for vaccination of the whole herd. We
have fresh vaccine on hand. Phone orders to