The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 23, 1913, Image 1

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The State f
The Biggest City In The Biggest
The Biggest County
County In The State Of Oregon I
Of Oregon, Best In The West I
NO. 41
Board of Directors of The Harney
County Fair Association Organize
And Active Work Begins. Date is
Set September 30, Same Date as
School Fair Already Provided for
ien who were elected as
of the Harney Countv
ciation got together at
es-Herald office Tuesday
id organized, electing the
Ig emcers: J. M. uaiton,
it; J. C. Welcome Jr.,
lident; J. E. Loggan,
C. B. McConnell, as-
cretary, J. L. dault.
latter of holding a purely
kral fair had been dis-
khe evening before and it
general opinion of all
rould be a mistake to al-
year to pass without a
specially since we have
the best agricultural
the history of the county,
was such a persistent
from the railroads and
people 01 rornanu ior
at the Eastern land
"he gentlemen who have
ken the fair for this fall
or less nanaicappea
is rather late to begin
tiering oi exnioits. yet
per support trom tne
interests of Burns and
jeers of the county they
id will be able to get up
iitable display of pro-
rill be placed in the field
to select and assist the
uid exhibitors in secur
preparing displays. Mr.
Ul has signified his vvill-
Ito devote all his spare
le work and B. F. John-
enting the Oregon &
Colonization Co., has
en at work on gather-
Ibits for his company.
continue and allow the
to be placed in the
at the fair, each in-
display being kept to
itself in order that the grower
may compete for premiums.
Supt. Breithaupt of the Experi
ment Farm has also promised to
fix up a good exhibit of the pro
ducts of the Farm. With these
men all active and the individuals
who have always taken an in
terest in the past we may expect
a fine exhibit.
Supt. Hamilton had already be
gun the plans for an industrial
fair by the public school children
of the county to begin at the
same date as that selected for
the county fair and therefore the
two will be held jointly and thus ,
to the advantage of both. The
Fair Board has taken recogniz
ance of this school fair and have
decided that every school child
of Harney county showing sati
factory evidence from his or her
teacher that they are attending
some public school in the county
will have free admission to the
fair grounds during the fair.
The business men of Burns are
going to be asked to subscribe a
small amount each to provide
amusements and entertainment
for the fair period. It is quite
likely the sportB will be divided
in such a manner as will give the
school children some good prizes
for sports and athletice for the
week. It is rather late to get
up much in horse races but it is
quite likely there will be saddle
horse races, Indian pony races
some wild west "stunts" such as
bronco busting, steer tying, bull
dogging, etc. The amusement
urogram will depend upon the
liberality of the business men to
provide for it, however. It will
not require as much as was sub
scribed for the 4th of July cele
bration to provide an ample
amount for this purpose. The
gate receipts will help to some
extent, but this must be depend
ed upon the care for the expense
of gatherihg and preparing ex
hiibts for the county fair and the
outside shows.
Since the amount available for
premiums is limited and not as
much as in the past it was de
cided by the board to have only
an agricultural fair and dispense
with the stock show for this fall,
as there is not sufficient to pay
premiums on both. It will there
fore be restricted entirely to the
products of the soil. The prem
ium list will be issued just as
soon as. possible, out those who
have been in the habit of making
exhibits will find practically the
same rules governing and may
proceed as the have in the past
in their preparations to participate.
The farmers should not wait
for those active in the work to
come to them for products, but
get to work themselves. The
farmer is the one to take the
lead in this matter and it is to his
advantage to have a good dis
play at the fair. Every product
of the soil should be represented.
No doubt the usual premiums for
needle work, art and domestic
science will be given us in the
past and this added to the ex
hibits of the school children with
the usual display of (lowers will
make quite a representative ex
hibit of the resources of the
country, with the exception of
live stock.
By the late law governing
county fairs in this state it will be
a matter for each county to make
provision in the future. The cut
ting of the usual state appropria
tion this year has given Harney
county but little finances to pro
vide for an exhibition. This will
be taken care of in the future,
however, as the present board
will see that it is recognized by
the county court.
The Times-Herald hopes that
every farmer will take an active
interest in the fair and attend
with his products. Don't get the
notion that you and your products
are not needed as the more who
take part in the exhibition the
greater the benefits.
Publicist of New York Writes of Trip
This Territory and Tells of Bigness
Of the Harney Country. Railroad
Now Building Will Develop Great
Area of Surpassing Resources
rirn LAVE aiuu
Market Report.
nt rally Located, Good Clean
Leals, Comfortable Kooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
it Class Bar In Connection. Olve Me A Call
urns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
ef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
ideheese and Weinerworst, Etc
holesale and Retail
mpt and Satisfactory Service
ir Patronjre Solicited and
Given Quick Attention
To The
lexall Drug Store
r Ansco Camera's Films
and any thing wanted In the
Reed Bros. Props.
Receipts for the lust week at
the Portland Stock yards have
been; Cattle 2171; Calves 18;
Hogs 2020; Sheep 0503: Horses
Fairly heavy run of cattle for
the week, both native and South
ern stuff. Few extra choice
steers in the run, prices remain
ing steady for top grades, but
going lower on medium class, es
pecially cows and heifers. Fancy
native steers sold from $8.25 to
8. 35. Lower grades 7. 50 to 8. 00.
Choice cows and heifers selling
around 6.25 to 6.50, with lower
grades 5.75 to 6.00. A wide
range of prices between choice
and ordinary stuff.
A big decline in the hog mar
ket, with tups going from $8.25
to $8.60, with a general weak
undertone. Light liquidation at
week's close.
The sheep market strengthen
ed a little for the six day period.
Heavy receipts the first of the
week and holding up fairly well
to Thursday. Some lambs com
ing forward with slow outlet at
steady prices. Prime yearling
wethers selling R00 to 4.35
choice ewes $3.50 to $3.85. Best
lambs 5.00 to 5.50.
Join to Aid Farmer.
The United Statut Department
of Agricultural through the di
vision of farm management, will
cooperate with the Oregon Agri
cultural CollegS as soon as the
i i . , :., i.i- ,.
Jt!UcIUI Uf VI hum in in miir u'
mi.1,,. hJ n, ,,,,i,NimKn!H. every aide by mountains,
This imuortarit step was te finite
A. O'Farrelt, publicist, of
York recently spent a
week in touring central Oregon.
His companions were President
Farrell, Vice President O'Brien
and other officials of the O.-W.
R. & N The party proceeded
from Portland, up the Deschutes,
across to Bums, through the
Harney and Malheur valleys and
into Vale. Mr. O'Farrel saw
with the eyes of an impartial
observer. His wide travel and
experience give additional weight
to his opinion of the country he
passed through, which is set
forth in the accompanying article:
O'Farrell describes or .-ather
writes of this trip in the Sunday
Journal and while he doesn't
speak particularly of crop con
ditions, he gives some valuable
information of the country. He
says of this particular section
after writing of primitive times
and what Lewis and Clark feund:
The first half of the nineteenth
century the Oregon country was
sacred to savages, fur traders,
and trappers. Some Jesuit mis
sionaries and a few American
missionaries knew better, but
even they had no conception of
its wealth of soil and mine and
clime and forest Then steam
and railroads and the great gold
discoveries of California and
Australia changed the face of
the world, and in a little while
Montana and Oregon and Idaho
and Washington and British
Columbia were carved out of the
Oregon country, and the glorious
Oregon river was called the
The diplomats who divided
Oregon between Britain and the
United States marked the 49th
parallel of latitude as the bound
ary. It is said they flipped a
coin or shook dice as to which
most territory should go. Neither
had the remotest wish to burden
their respe. tive governments
with such worthless territory,
and so the boundary lines was
settled by the rattle of a dice
box or some other such device.
Such was the wisdom and know
ledge of statesmen in the hey
day of such as Pell and Mel
bourne and Disraeli and Palmers-'
ton and Gladstone and of Bucha
nan and Douglas and Lincoln.
French Canadians had hunted
the Snake to its source and had
fiver and past Malheur lake and
on to Eugene and Coos Bay.
This will give the Union Pacific
another seaport, and the line will
connect with the Deschutes
branch to Portland and with the
Southern Pacific to San Francisco.
This new line from the Snake
river valley to Coos Bay across
the rich plateau of Central Ore
gon will develop an immense
country with agricultural and
timber resources surpassing those
of New York and New England
Harney county is larger than
Rhode Island and Massachusetts,
yet Burns, the county seat, is
150 miles from the rails. It is a
thriving, bustling, booming town
with good stores, hotels, banks,
churches and two newspapers.
At the southern end of the
Harney valley is Bill Hanky's
great ranch of 150,000 acres.
Bill Hanley is one of Oregon's
most poDular institutions. He
lords it over the finest stock rais
ing valley in America, for his
are the cattle on a hundred hills,
and flocks and herds galore that
fatten on the richest pastures.
One has not lived in vain in
this day and generation who is
privileged to meet the Hanley's
in their own home in the lovely
valley of Harney county, Oregon.
New Cars to Move Crops.
One thousand new freight cars
ordered by the O-W. R. & N.
Co., in anticipation of a heavy
demand for cars to move the
large crops this fall, are now be
ing turned out by the car build
ers and are arriving at the vari
ous reserve stations of that Com
pany in Oregon and Washington
at the rate of 50 cars a day. The
delivery began on August 1 and
the entire 1000 cars will probably
be ready for use before the har
vest. "With this order of 1000 new
cars," says Mr. F. W. Robinson,
Assistant Traffic Manager, "and
an additional 2000 just delivered
to the Union Pacific, we are con
fident that we will have plenty
of rolling stock for all emergen
cies this year.
' 'The greatest need for cars in
crop-moving time is about the
middle of October. As delivery
of all the new rolling stock will
ll'rom O.I I'nrilfiiiil ('orrmimiulrnt)
The state authorities have re
cently launched a movement de
signed to assist in the extermina
tion of jackrabbits which have
been on the increuse in Central
and Eastern Oregon for years
past. So serious has the rabbit
pest become that Governor West
some time ago appointed a com
mittee to take charge of the mat
ter and if possible devise meuns
for the relief of farmers in the
afflicted counties. The meeting
was attended by State Game
Warden Finley, State Veternar
ian W. H. Lytle, L. A. Lewis
and Prof H. W. Henshaw, of
Washington D. C, chief of the
biological survey of the depart
ment of agriculture.
Mr. Henshaw has made a life
study of animals and has given
particular attention to the rabbit
pest in Australia. He gave it as
his opinion that the theory of!
inoculation has little, if any,
practical value. Game Warden !
Finley stated that the value of '
the rabbit drive has been demon-
strated in Eastern Oregon, be
tween 16,000 and 18,000 having!
been killed in three drives. Iti
is said that the great increase in
the number of rabbits is due to
the killing off of the coyotes.
As the coyote force diminishes
that of the rabbit increases and
at the present lime they are
causing immense damage to crops
and gardens.
For Buyers' Week, promoted
by the Portland Commercial Club
and the Chamber of Commerce,
an organization has been perfect
ed among Portland manufactur
ers and jobbers for the purpose
of making things enjoyable for
the visitors during the week of
September 1-6. More thun 100
firms are included in the mem
bership, and within a few days
25,000 invitations will be sent
out to prospective buyers in this
state, Washington. Iduho. Mont
ana and Northern California.
President Nathan Strauss, of the
association, states there will be
no lack of entertainment during
the week.
Brings Suit Against Water Commission
er Cochran For Repayment of Fees
Exacted For Filing Water Claims
In Adjudication of Rights on Silvies
River Pending Before State Board
A news dispatch from La in some feature of the farm's
Grande to the Telegram of last activity. Encourage the boy
Friday says: George T. Coch-, early to study papers, have him
ran, superintendent of water send for bulletins which are fur
division No. 2, composed of East- nished free by the agricultual
em Oregon has been made de- colleges and the United States
fendant in an action in the Union Department of agriculture. Give
County Circuit Court by the Pa- him a piece of ground to cultivate
cific Livestock Company, a Cali-' for himself, let him feel the joy
fomia corporation, for the recov-' of possession and achievement
ery of over $4000 paid by the I and it will turn dull tasks into
corporation as fees to Cochran P'ay.
before he would file its claim cov-j Let him raise certain animals
ering many hundred acres of to be all his own. Many a boy
land in connection with the de-' has met with first discourage
terminatioi: of the rights of all 'ment when he finds that his calf
parties of Silvies River to water! has become his father's cow.
by the State Water Board. (The boy will enter the oxpcii-
It is claimed that the payment ment and the opportunity should
was made under protest and was! not be denied him bv the father
trapped beaver in the Salt Lake ' be made by September 1, we ex
valley and in the Yellowstone be- ,,ect to be ready for any contin
forc the upostleship of Brigham ency.
Young, utnerfrencn canauians
hunted along what is now the
Malheur river, and crossed the
divide leading into that lovely
mountain plateau now called the
Harney valley. From the sum
mit of the divide they beheld this
beautiful valley sleepidg in the
autumn sunlight and almost in
its midst two lakes whose waters
looked enchantingly lovely lit by
the golden rays of the setting
sun. It 'was late in the fall, and
believing these lakes the source
of the river whose course they
had followed, they resolved to
"The new boxcars are all 40
feet long and of 100,000 pounds
capacity, This is the standard
size adopted by the company.
"The Pacific Fruit Express has
also ordered 2000 additional re
frigerator cars, which will bring
its total number to 13,000. This
will greatly facilitate the moving
of the fruit crop."
A most favorable omen in con
nection with the important pro
blem of car supply is the better
understanding that now prevails
among shippers in general in the
matter of capacity loading and
winter by tne snores oi me lanes. ; redUction to minimum of lost time
Further exploration revealed jn loading and unloading.
i the fact that the valley was
ly decided upon ot a recent con
ference held at the Oregon Agri
cultural College between Presi
dent W. J. Kerr and R. D. Het
zel, Director of Extension, re
presenting the college, and C. B.
Smith and Byron Hunter, acting
for the federal government.
The new arrangement culls for
co-operative overhead supervis
ion of field und farm demonstra
tion work by the federal and
departments. When put into
operation t h plan will have the
ud vantage not only or lurnismng
financial aid from the federal
government, but of bringing the
help of the great federal organi
zations and the information in
its possession directly to the far
mers of Oregon. Mr. H. T.
French, will have immediate sup
ervision of this department of
the extensive work.
that while reservoirs for all the
streams and rivulets flowing
through the valley the lakes had
no outlet, and their waters were
bitter as the sea.
Great was their diuappoint
ment, and it is for ever com
memorated in the names of the
To bring this about a most per
sistent and far reaching propa
ganda has been conducted throu
ghout the year, not only by rail
road traffic departments in the
way of direct instructions to
agents, but by traffic bureaus in
all large commercial centers, and
by the Bureau of Railway Econ
omics at the National capital, till
lake and the county and the river it is fairly safe to Bay that every
called Malheur, which in the
habitant dialect is the equivalent
for "Cursed Luck." It is curi
ous that a great new railroad is
now being built along the beauti
ful valley through which the
French Canadians journeyed
when they discovered Malheur
lake in what is now Harney val
ley. The Union Pacific system
is running out a railroad through
Central Oregon up the Malheur
shipper and agent in the land is
alive to its importance. It is be
lieved that the indifference and
thoughtlessness of past seasons
will be supplanted this year and
in future by hearty co-operation,
and that car shortage, ex
cept on extraordinary occasions,
will be largely obviated.
Try Nyals Family medicine at
The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf
The Oregon pears are meeting
with an enthusiastic welcome in
Eastern markets is indicated by
the sale of 15 curs of Rogue
River Bartlctts at the best price
received since iy09-$2 per box
F. O. B. Medford. Probably the
highest price ever received for
pears in quantity was that paid
to a Medford grower in 1910.
when a carload of Anjoy pears
brought a total of $2,228.20 to
the grower, being 5 cents each
for all the pears in the car.
An experiment in the long dis
tance shipment of perishable
fruit about to be tried within a
few days. An entire carload of
peaches is to be dispatched to
Europe from the Yakima coun
try, and in this shipment only
the finest selected ElberUis will
be used. While the regulation
boxes will be used, the layers of
fruit will be separated by a cush
ion of wood fibre as a protection
against rough handling and pos
sible damage. If this trial ship
ment proves a success, it is pro
bable that an extensive business
in peaches will be developed by
Pacific Northwest fruit exchanges
It is likely that the opening of
the Panama Canal will result in
increased movement of the softer
varieties of fruit, as thev can
then be shipped direct with a
consequent saving in time.
The R. J. McKinnon & Son
Stage Co. , has made a pussenger
rate of $10.00 between here and
Vale and will also haul freight
for 24 cents on all consignments
of 50 lbB., or over. 25tf.
made only in order to protect the
company's rights. The corpora
tion claims that the collection of
the fee, which is the regular fee
established by the State Water
Board, was illegal and extortion
ate, depriving itof the equal pro
tection of the laws and of its
property without due process of
law, und deprived it of a right to
have its rights adjudicated with
out paying an exorbitant sum.
The charging of a fee is attacked
as illegal, in addition to the claim
that the amount charged was not
a proper fee or any fee. Action
is brought to collect the fee
against Cochran personally.
Suerinlendent Cochran is in
Central Oregon on official busi
ness, but attaches of the office of
the Water Board here state that
the fee is regulated by the num
ber of acres in a claim just as
charges are made for recording
instruments by the number of
words. The State Water Board
is expected to make vigorous
who "knows that the experiment
won't work." It will be worth
all it costs in the education of
the boy.
Let the girl have flowers, a
garden plot, an interest in the
poultry and a berry patch so that
she may earn money for her per
sonal use. It will make her
happy, enthusiastic, more con
tented and far less liable to leave
home to seek her future in a city
office or store. She will be sweet
er and better as a girl, a lovelier
type of woman for a wife and
for motherhood.
Don't wait until you are dead
before giving your children an
interest in what you have. -Rural
Partnership With Children.
BEGINS forty-fifth school yci . .
DEGREE COURSES I" "'"y uhasesof
AunicuLTuiu jNOiNimiNO. Mom
Two-year Courses aobicul.
auto. ronisTnv. commerce, pharmacy
training, gr i. uHuk-. iloiueMlir scienrt
and ait.
MUSIC, including pitas, string, baml
Instruments and voice culture.
"The Bmkkhmunt ur Rueai. Lipk"
and a will bs mailed fur
on application
Addic.i II. M Tennant, Registrar,
iiaMiionti Corvallia. Orsjron.
No plan has been discovered to
interest the boys and girls in the
farm which equals that of taking
them into a limited partnership
Costly Treatment.
"I was troubled with constipa
tion and indigestion and spent
hundreds of dollars for medicine
and treatment," writes C. H.
Hines, of Whitlow, Ark. "I
went to a St Louis hospital, also
to a hospital in New Orleans, bu
no curewas effected. On return
ing home I began taking Cham
berlains Tablets, and worked
right along. I used them for
some time and am now all right. ' '
Forsale by all dealers.
We do job printing.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
.Sample Room in Connection, Reasonable Rates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
I I l
Canyon City
Prairie City
Canyon City
Fare, Hums-Prairie
Round Trip,
Express Rates 2 1 '2 Cents, Prairie to Hums
6am Canyon City S:3(I p m
. 7 a in Prairie City 10 a in
2:30 p m
..7pm Burns 12 noon
irie City, - $6.00
Offers You The Very Best Of Facilities
For filling prescription.
We have a large and
well assorted stock of prescription drugs and
competent Pharmacist to compound them.
We'have the agency for the well known' line
of,'Nyal Family Medicines, Eastman Kodaks
and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time.
J. C. Welcome, Jr. Prop.