les-Jferald srgeet Circulation Of Any (xpti In Harney County. BAY. AUGUST l. IfllS .ocal News. lyals Rheumatic Remedy. Laythe is up from his r Harnman. y rotter maav an atuo- run to Canyon City last I home made lard 17c at fs meat market tf Zella and Myrtle Irving guests of friends in this iRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS THE BANK THAT MAKES $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS llna Terrill who visited sister, Mrs. John Cald- San Diego, Cal.. and ith friends at Med ford, home last week. Clemens sawmill is its new location and is to fill any order with I dressed lumber, also fir buck teeth and any order given prompt at- 32. Aug. IS Burn flour told at $1.50 per sack Crane of Klamath Falls through town this week Iway home from mspect- ke mining properties in Ipter District the Burns Steam Laundry lieir Wet Wash for fami- mning next Monday. than having it done at Statement Of The Condition Of The First National Bank At Burns, Oregon, August 9th, 1913. v RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $325,535.83 U. S. Bonds ' 41.000.00 Bonds and Securities 50,380.22 Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,965.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8.S04.92 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH 110,980.78 LIABILITIES Capitol Surplus and Undivided Profits . Circulation DEPOSITS $539,015.75 $ 26,000.00 78,720.70 26,000.00 410,895.05 $539,(515.76 Capital and Surplus S 1 00,000. United State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED 1 Ferguson is quite weh nth a very neat stone on his acreage tract jward the river. It will ery comfortable and at boOM when completed. , i Goodman has a 5 horse-' aline engine and 2-inch I amp for sale. 24-tf-1 I J. Johnson was up from this week and was ac-i home by his daugh-1 Uses Emma and Ella, who' visiting in Burns for a i liss fcJmma will teacn at riew this fall. IMcConnell has leased the owned by Miss Nina - , ear tne wm. rarre resi- Ed is having it renovated ired, pending the arrival I Ife and children who will i ike up their residence Woman cook wanted on a! We do job printing, ranch. Inquire at this office. Use Nyals Stonp Root (k)mp Mrs. J. C. Carey is visiting for the kidneys. 10 tf with her parents Mr. and Mrs, James Mahon has been in town Terrill. i for a day or two. Two-inch centrifugal pump for , Try Nyals Family medicine a sale.- Chas. Wilson. , The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf fhey are expected before ie. lanley auto will return lend tomorrow and on C. H. Leonard, Dorman Ike Schwartz and Prof. will leave in it for to attend the Develop- ague meeting. Dorman end his visit to Portland ler points of interest be- lurning to take up his In high school. Mrs. Curtis Smith who has spent some time in Portland and Canyon City returned home1 Monday morning. You will find IT at the Burns Department Store. A. H. Stearns of Catlow Val ley was here this week to con suit a phvsician. Mr. Stearns is suffering from heart disease and ' was advised to seek a lower alti tude. He left for outside points at once. Kodaks at The Welcome Phar-1 macy. Prof. Shaw, expert agriculturist of the Great Northern R. R. Co. , will visit Harney County some time in September and hold a series of meetings and deliver a number of lectures. The definite dates will be arranged for and announced as early as possible. C. A. EHer, of Spokane, has been looking over this section with a view of investing and making his home here. He is more than pleased with the country and says all we need is people to handle this vast lot of agricultural land to make it the greatest producing section in the entire Northwest. ARGAINS Visit our bargain counters, lere you will find the greatest rgains ever offered in Harney lunty. Whether you need the article w or not, it will pay you to look ler tnese counters, iou win id some of these articles shortly Id will never have this chance to such bargains again. ME IN BEFORE THEY IE ALL PICKED OYER SCHWARTZ General Merchandise - latonlc Building, Burns, Oregon Chas. Johnson arrived home from Portland last Monday. Kodak Supplies at the Rexali Drug Store. Baled hay, Bran and all kinds of grains at The Burns Dept. Store. J. R. Gould is building quite an addition to his residence property. Don't give up until you have tried the Bums Department Store - Lunaburg & Co. 29tf John Robinson, who was quite ill last week, is some better and able to be about the streets this week. Use Nyals Cough medicine for baby's cough. 10 tf Dr. Griffith again operated on Mrs. L. M. Hamilton at the hospital Wednesday and the lady is now improving quite satis factorily. Mrs. Sarah Burrage who has been .here for the past month making proof on her desert claim southeast of town, left for Seat tle Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Best came in from their Silver Creek home Wednesday, and Mrs. Best left Thursday morning for a visit with her people in Baker City. G. B. Cozad, wife and daugh ter, of Klamath Falls, who have been visiting friends and rela tives over at Canyon City came in Wednesday evening and after a short visit with the Wm. Miller family returned to their home. Harry Smith, Jr., was driving their auto. Prof. H. D. Scudder, of the Agronomy Department of Ore gon Agricultural College, accom panied by M. M. McCool, soil ex pert of that department, arrived Wednesday evening by way of auto stage from Bend, and are making a tour of the experi mental stations. Miss Helene Swain, who has beta attending the summer nor mal at Monmouth, arrived home Thursday evening. Miss Swain spent an enjoyable period at Newport after the close of the school. She will teach at lauwen again this year. Regina Schwartz came back from Portland with her. - Married- In Corvallis, Satur day, Aug. 9, 1913, Mr. LeRoy Van Winkle and Miss Zoa Irwin. The bride taught the domestic science and art department of the high school in this city last winter and has many friends here. Mr. Van Winkle is manager of the Harney County Abstract Co., having been associated with that concern for Home time. The young couple niiivcd lure Tues day and are at present occupying apartments at the Mrs. Arthur Horton residence. Their many friends are extending best wish es for a happy and prosperous wedded life. Tonawama tonight. Burns Pennants at the Rexali Drug Store. Beginning Aug. IB Burn flour will be gold at $1.80 per sack retail. W. W. Scott, of Denio, one of the big sheep men of the south end of Harney County, was in town this week. Miss Anna Lennon, returned Wednesday from a ten days' trip to Portland, and has gone out to her homestead near Princton. C. E. I.e May. the painter and paper hanger, left Tuesday with his family for Juntura where he has considerable work in hi", line. J. J. Tupker and family left Tuesday for their new home in Kenniwick, Wash, wheie Joe has a good position with a steam laundry concern. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Terrill and Mrs. Clarence Carey left yester day afternoon for the mountains with the latter's little child who is suffering from summer com plaint. Miss Mary Godfrey, a former teacher in the Burns high school arrived Saturday on a visit with Mrs. Simon Lewis and other friends here. She is now teach ing near Los Angeles. Mrs. Frank Davey drove to Canyon City this week where she met her daughter, Miss Lou, who was returning from an ex tended visit to her sister In Baker county. They arrived home yesterday. Mrs. A- P. Elliott, mother of Mrs. L R. Breithaupt and daugh ter who have been visiting at the Experiment station returned to their home in Gresham, Oregon, leaving Ihursday morning via automobile to Bend. Sheriff Richardson and C. H. I -eonard returned Thursday from a trip to Boise and Snake River points. They report all very quiet in that section, and that the many recent water spouts in Malheur County have left the roads in a bad shape. Dr. Griffith removed a finger from the hand of Joe Hardy the other day. Mr. Hardy is a sheep man of the Steens Mountain section and is suffering from a very unusual and peculiar disease known to the medical profession as Raynand's disease. It affects the blood vessels and had caused a peculiar numbness of the fing ers, in fact the circulation was practically stopped with the re sult that one finger had to be removed. The statement of condition of the Harney County National Bank as rendered to the Com ptroller of Currency and publish ed in this issue, shows its usual splendid condition; that "Your Home Institution" is taking care of its patrons by expanding its loans during the haying and crop moving season, without effecting its well known conservative policy. This bank shows the largest individual deposits and its earned surplus has been in creased to $40,000.00. Zoeth Houser, Ex-United Stat es Marshal of Oregon, arrived here Thursday evening from his home in Umatilla county for the purpose of buying some cattle if he finds the class he desires at what he considers right prices. Mr. Houser has vast alfalfa fields in his home county and each year he comes to this section and buys stock to feed and put in shape for the market He is well known to the stock men of this county where he has operat ed for several years. . If the manager, of this religi ous weekly wasn't such an ex pensive cuss its readers would be better off if he were kept away from home more. The Times Herald was quite a decent sheet last issue and he congratulates the force. He returned, like a bad penny, Thursday evening and is again on the job. He'll tell something of his visit in the next issue. He left Mrs. Byrd and the "flock" quite well, the process of straightening Evelyn's teeth progressing very satis factorily. Wm. Hanley, James Donegan and family and Mrs. Frank Welcome left this morning for Bend being en route to the Development League meeting at Klamath. They will take the train at Bend and go by way of Portland, spending a short time visiting friends and relatives during their absence. Mr. Han ley received a wire from C. C. Chapman yesterday stating that Secy, of Interior Lane would be in Portland and had promised to attend the league meeting at Klamath, therefore Mr. Chap man desired that Mr. Hanley, as president of the league, come by Portland and accompany the cabinet officer on the trip down. Kodak time is here. We do job printing. Get one of those Dustless Brooms at the Rexali Drug S'ore. Finest alfalfa, timothy and red top hay baled may ke had at the Goodman feed barn is south Burns Mm. Chris Lackman and daugh ter, Laura left Monday tor a visit with her daughter in Port land. Stop at the Burns Hotel when in this city where there is a fine cook and very best accommoda tons. tf 31. Joe Barnes who has spent the summer down on Otis Creek has been visiting old friends here for the past week. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, our Court stenographer, at their home in Ontario last week. Packages sent by parcel post to the steam laundry will be re turned prepaid where the bill amounts to $1 or over. Our own Harry Lane, Junior Senator, fills the Who's Who and Why page in this week's Saturday Evening Post. Dr. Minnie Hand came up from I iii wen this morning accompanied by Mrs. Ruh and her young son who is to undergo an operation at the hospital this afternoon. A. H. Kreul of Portland is in the city. He has just closed the contract for a piece of Harney Valley land and will be a perma nent fixture of this growing section. Dr. Grace Parker Osteopathic physician is located at the Bums Hotel. Dr. Parker is a graduate of the American School of Osteo pathy of Kirksville. Mo., and has been connected with the A. T. Still Infirmary of Ed Posd, Texas for three years. Consultation and examination free. M. Gerstel died at his home in Portland last Sunday after an illness covering a period of more than a year. Deceased was a highly respected citizen of Portland and the father of Mrs. Louis Schwartz and Miss Ger trude Gerstel. Both ladies are quite well known here, the latter making her hprne here and is employed as book-keeper at the I. Schwartz store. The sympa thy of their many friends is ex tended to them. H. Barth, a capitalist and real estate dealer of Richmond, Cal., accompanied by Geo. W. Seay, a realty dealer of Los Angeles, are touring tne country in tne former's automobile. They went over the route of the new survey for the Western Pacific branch line from Winnemucca, Nevada to Boise, and came from Boise to Burns via Vale. They are well pleased with the Harney Valley and predict a great future for this entire section. Allen Biggs left this morning for Ontario to see his mother and other relatives. His mother ex pects to leave soon for the East and he desired to pay her a visit before she went. NOTICK KOK I'UHUCATION ItaJITetl 'T4TK I. AN). till t t i hum, u egull, Am-tmi I MM I Notlii. l Iiiii'Ih given (hat, Km i J M II, i.tina ( l-rli un.llregiitl .Him. mi A lirll 10, IWI7. Kelt. HI I'll.' ami ll.i il. I'll' iriiii'. null i. ml I' lii.ii.i... i u i i i, n,.- n i -, i, mi ,N !.'.. UT The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON Unit.d 1t fl.poallarr Peetal Saving Depositary Fe The Stale ef Oragea M " vMei, i Hi i. IUI nfc 'i I Sh ijinii NK quarter r-K oimi l ii Sim N W qgaftel ' 1 til quarter anil HK iiuartiT NW iiuml.t Hull K, luwnllli 17 M . liana'. ,ilK, lllkntatla Mr, I'llan,, Baa llli-'l null..' il Intention III mill. i dual Mm. year I'l-nof. In . atalillall ilnlni In the Inml ah iff. ilia ill ml. In Into lli'KI.HT ami llr i-i-lvur, at Hum., iirrgiui, on Ilia M)i ilay nl Viiii-rnlier. lull claimant tiaiuva ai l lice. ; Thintiaa H. Hmvmia, Matt liavl. Wllilam vtll.li. , Henri M. hit ml nl rrlm cituii, in n. WM. KAa. Itr.fl.r llilrna l.tal No. mi NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'NITKDNTATKHI.ANIlOKril'Kt Iliirna, Oregon, July II, lull) I Nntii'i' ta hereby iiivini that Hi" Northern 1'aclflr Itallwav i nni.Htiy. w Iiobi1 luiat n.il... aililri'aa la Ml fan I. M In mint a. linn ihla Mill Hay nl July mill, lllail In ihla nttli n I ai.i.ll, atl.ui to eelerl iiinler Hi, ,mlalona of the art nl I'ongreie epprovnl Ji Iv I ikon ,t0Htal MI7, imi 1 I.oluaoil7 Hec II, V.'M, HHK W. H All I It, " " 27 H7. " M HKU ol NKU il, " " NW1, ol Hfe J7 Kk ol "K ., NKt.olHICi; :it ' ii Lola J a, a, and 7 lift, " " EXPLANATION OF FIGURES SHOWING OUR CONDITION AUG. 9h, 1913 THE FIGURES WHAT THEY MEAN Capital Stock $ 26,000.00 1 . Surplu. and Profit. 4 1 ,660.85 1 ,ny,mn '" " Circulation Deposits AJIe NK'.ol NK",, NWf.nl Nit', BW, si nk; 711 W) I'M" mm touu 40 00 III Kl UI! nii 40 1)0 li.n mi WOW Berlel No oumiu Any ami all ueraona claiming adveraHy the lamia ileariltwil or deilrliin to object l- ol thainlonral rliaraiii-r.il the land, or lor am other reaann to the ttlllxieal to ajiplliaiit. ahould (lie their affidavits ol promt In Ihla offlfa.on or before the nd day of Hapteintier, Wm Kanaa. k(let.r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DaTrfSB HTATea i.ani orrira. t liurim. Orafjon, July 11, 11)1.1 I Notice la hereby given, that Walter I k , .. hirer, ol ItlU-y, Oregon, who on Januan p. 19(0, Bade booieairao entry, No. (Mini, lur HK1. W)4JUiS)iandNlt!.iHC!4, bertlon IR Inwu hip a if, Range l It vYlllauirttc Merliileli.haa filed notice of Inioniton to tuaao final tlini icar prnol, to catabllgh claim titthc land above daacrlbed, before Heglaiir and Ho elver, at Hurna, Oregon, on the IHIh day nl Augual llll.l, Claimant namea aa wlineeaea liana C. IMIilile, William W. Mm, . William Mower, Ployd J. Keerlngcr. all of Hi ley. Oregon Wa.rAiiae. Heglater. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'NITKIl il ATKH l.ANlMIKKIlK.f Minna, liregun, July 14, lllla. I Notice la hereby given that frank Adolph Horn ut l.avten Oregon, who.on lui.e 1 1, I'.l.' tnade llomeeleed Kntry, No. onivi, fur K'vsv', iiill.it, :i ami 4. Hectlnn rt, Tovinahlli H, I Kanga VJ K Willamette Meridian, haa Died notice of Intention to make final c. .iiiiiiuii.il..!, I'reof to ealahllah claim to tin. land above de a rlbed, before Keglaler and Net elver, al Hurna. Oregon, on the lath day of AiiKUal, 191s. I'lalinaut iiamceaa v,ltnraaea llarivll Keech. Hherman N In v . .i... . . w Dean, Pete i hrlateneen, all ol urn Oregon Wm. I hu. Kettle er bur ha l.lat No. - ' NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION I'MTIIiSiaHi I.AHUOrrM Hurttl. orpKuii, July .' 1 'It ivaji NO. MM. Hcporl ul the condition of the HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ol BURNS at Hurna, in the Mule of Oregon, at the eloee of l.ilalncaa. Aug. V, HIS aaaoeai aa. iiiaiiaainl inacoiiuia IH.7W to Overdralta. eecuied and uueec ured 410 40 II H lunula to uirum circulation lv.suuno t; H omnia to MM foetal Havlnge &.SU000 Premium on r.K Monde Honda, eccurlttca, etc . . . .. Hanking huuae, furniture eud flilurr Due from National Hauka (not re aerve affeuta) Due iiuiii approved reeerve egeuta rliecka and oihvr raeb item Not., ol other National BeBka fractional paper curreacy, ukckeli and u'lili I'twrt'l. MoNgv Hgagavg m Hana. VII Hpe.-lc ,'JO.Mrl'Jo j-gal Tender Nolea 40 00 JO.IUM Jt Ite.li uiptloii fund with I'.K Ireaaurar (6 percent ul clrculetlou) MM W.elil W i.tiwr? I,I4 78 n.t'j H u:e I Vflp U0 V76 0H lolal H.',.11.7 7l IIABIItTlaa i al.llal -loek paid III I'je.OUUOU Hurplua Fund.. 40.1100 uu Undivided proflta, leak eipeuree aud taleapald I.IKWM National Hank notea outetandlng lu.aoooo Individual deooalle luliject to check JI,WM07 llemaud certltlcatca of depoalt Time I'Kittflcatae of depoalt feahler'e ohecka oulalendlng I'oatal Havlnge Depuelte loot) 'illi'.l to 4,faMI. Man eWajaftn Total HI AIK 111- IIHUION, I i iiuiity ol llamvy, m' I, I r,,u M llrown, Taahler ol the above nemed bank, doaoleinnty avruer that the above talemeut la Hue to the heel of my knowledge a, il Ih-IU'I. I. COM M. HaowM, lalhlir Hulia lllie.l aildiworu to before inethla 14th day ol Aug., IVI.i. A. W. (lunik .Meal) Notary fublle. I'orrect Alleeti r. r. MoKiaitgy tl. A KeMiui.D J. M nation Ulreolora Kemrrkable Curo kf Dlaentery. "I was attacked with dysentery about July 15th, and used the doctor's medicine and other re medies with no relief, only getting- worse all the time. I was unable to do anything and my weight dropped from 146 to 126 pounds. I suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles or it and it gave me permanent relief , " writes B. W. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For sale oy uu (icuierri. Pacini- Hallway umpany'. wlioee poalofllic a, l area last rant. Mtuucaola. haa till .'lh la or jiny mia. nird in Ihla office Ha appu anon to aelecl ubder the provision ol the act ol i on greaa approved July I, lata) (SOHtal :ni7. ir.i HK', of NW',, Mac. ;4 MM 3.. W M 40 on Henal No OSVJU Any and all pereoue claiming advenely the lauda d,ai lii.il. ur deelrliig to otijeel U-caii.e of the mineral character of the laml, 111 lor any other reaeou to thedlapoanl to applicant ahould nivOielrarndailta.il nroleat In ttili. ,,rtl,,. ,,n or belore the 1Mb dey ol NcptcmtH-t y Wm f.aaa H'-elater NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'miin "TATaa I.ANIi OvrM lluitu . Oregon, Augtiat ,. 9 Notice I hereby given that Allen H Uraliem of Harrlitien, Oregen, who on April ff, Iwlc made llomreteed Kntry No 01 ... : for W', He. I Ion 17. Townahlp 'JAM. IlimrUI. Willamette Merldlen. hea filed nullcc of Inten tlon to make flnel three-year Proof, toeatatillah claim to the land above decrlUHl, liefore Keg later and Met elver at Hurna Oregon, on the 1Mb day ol Heplem In 1 . 19M. claimant natiu-a ea wllneagea Thotnae Houtley, Mary A Oard, John Oenl, all of lwen, Oregon. T 1' Albrltton of Burne, Oregon. Wm Farm. Itegiaicr NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Chit, it HtaTIn LfcNB On h I Hurui, ort'iiun, AiikurI m, I9ia. Sotii U hrrrlijr fflvvn that t'lUi1t (' Davli. ut Ml Juliift, Orafon. who uu May H I'M lurrt I niti Kiitry No 0M7I. tor WU. Hcrlluii K, TuwiiBhli it H . Rn0 Xi r , Wlllanu-tl, Mm Ia1in.ii. tm. lllci, iiotlf of tutt'iiltui. lo make dnal proof, to vatabteah clahn to the laud ahove dfat'i'ttHMl, bfuri- Htg later and Iteralvvr. at Hurua.Oraion, on the 17th dajr of hfiitem bar, 1VU. Claliiiant nauira aa wltiiraeea Irs I. Hltaper, Howard N. Koaa Uilh of lUrrluan. on gun tlleu I. lala, of M Jnbna, Orrgou. John W. Hlenbery, ol hurnf. 0.rgou W. Kaaaa. HelaUr (.lata ts-afi... Bit.) yii. KKs'liiKATItiN TO 1.N1KY OK I.ANI'H IN NATIONAL holtr.-l Nutlca la harahr glveu that tin lai da dfi rril.. d talow, emhraelng JMO at-rea. .lOiln tin Mill haul National Koiead oregou, will ba suit). I toaattlatnant aud entrf under (ha roUlona of the boiuaataad law nf tltu t'uluxl sulea an.) theat'tol June 11. IVU. M hUt , Hi, at Ihi 'lilted H talcs laud olTli't) at Huruu, oig(iiit uu Kvileuibfr :i, IW1H Any aeltler whoaam lually and In good faith claiming any ..( auta landi lor agricultural .urKa-i prior lojann arjr 1, 1WM, and haa not abandoned saint1, lta a I preference right to uiake a hornvsti-Hd ui.ir 1 for the landa a luatly (MMOwd uld Ii.ii.i- were lilted uptui the aiplii alloimof ttif uri(ii hu'iiiIiiiumI eow, who have prsfaratii hkIh aubjarl to the prior right of any auch aeltler. firovldad aurh aeltler or applit ant li ijH.tliftr.1 o make homaataad auirjr and the preferam v right la nerciaed prim to KptenilMr .1 t"l i, on which date the laudi will w Rulgei I to ueineo. ami miry u any ., 011.1.., aafollewa: The NW'.of NK'4 .d lnlm.l. The landa ar aafollewa: The s w l . ..I N I- . , NK , IheH'-of NHU Ol NK'4 of NK4. M-e U, sudNUol NWtaof NW1,, the h'tu7 KV4 ol NW4 0i NWU.Oie HK4of NW4o. NW"., the NKUotNW'g'llifHttnl NW'aol NK' lite lha W't id KU nf HK',, of NW, th K' ol , ofiKof NC'4, the WUof SW4 of HK'4 01 NW, the KUol NK4o. HW4. Ihe K' of W of NSW of HW, the NS of NK'4 of aKU ..1 HWl4, Bao 87, T. IVH . K.W K , W M . ItiUacrot.. acro, aupllcallou of w H. Mull, of Hum, Oregon; l.lat ft No... The sh'4 of NK't .. t., theHWU of NW.theH'of Nof N rt ' . Hue, 10. T iOH., it xi h , litt gerea a plloatlo- of Thomaa van ainh.ul Hurna. oicgon. lit ' ypi Approved July 11, HUH. r M urn 1 1. Aaalitaut roniuilNaloiu r of the incal 1 ofllctJ iAMJsA. y&rzM THI .10ST ACCURATE .22 CALIBER Repsatbig Rif Is In ths WORLD Maiin lii two iiuitlcli- one for '.'.' Short It. T. ntr- ti iili s 1 In- other fur .&! Lotur Itlllo It K. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Ilaittllug 15 . SI 11 ut Mud 19 .- ImiK rlllo i-'irtriilm .1. -ml for I. uuUiiii.i'ly llliihtml.il Ii tilt- I'.ilu lo;- hlul "How to Shoot Wm". Order litgvon. Wftes -Plltols anJ Shuli-o.i-j rtiiin yuill ll.-uli-r J. STliVKNS ARMS A TOOL COMPANY. I. O. ate S0O4. CUICOftCB fAUJi. MAH 1. LIST rmuK m $8.00 Xs f(' Jf 1 nt Total Loans 19,500.00 L 272,236.86 J 359,397.71 Money with our name on it in the hand of the people. Proof that hundred, of Men and Women approve our .tending and method.. $ 186.160.36 Monev aefely placed for active circula ' tion in Harney County. 25,025.94 ssss . Ceh. U. S. Bonds A Prem. Municipal Bend & County Warrants 52, 976.22 j "s Ossis Inye.tment.. Furniture A Fixtures Cash and Exchange Total Pleeeant, convenient accommodation, for 3 852 77 ' cu.tomer.. Securitie. and facilities for ' prompt dispatch of bu.ine... Reserve fund available to meet need, of 91,382.42 depositors. Amount on hand 33 per cent law requires 15 percent; remaining IS per cant ie extra margin of aecurity. 359,397.71 If Yon Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Rest Job Printing i HAYING TIME leluflg mm'1- n Mowers. Rakes. Rucks and all kinds of Haying Tools Machine Extras on hand All kinds of Imple ments for the farm gas engines, pumps wagons, shelf hard ware, etc., fishing tackle, guns, am- I munition, campers supplies, etc.. etc. A Sa. gegggggVVaW "I -aTie;...M r Get In Your Order for Binder Twine We handle the right kind of goods at prices that will appeal to your purse. We are receiving many consignments-more coming, so ask for what you don't see. BURNS HARDWARE CO. NEIL SMITH. Manager