The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 16, 1913, Image 2

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We want to talk to you about your fall suit
Every writ is guaranteed to fit
Service is what you are looking for
U should see the latest
It is our desire to please everybody
The (roods vou find here are high value goods
Ever notice the difference
suit and a ready made
Value you want
KuKrvhndv oreti that here
Right prises and quality you are looking for
You'll find our suits give you the service
looking for
Be sure and see our new samples
Our purpose is to serve you well whether you buy
Don't select the first thing you see, look at all of em
You know that getting more than you expect is one
of the most satisfactory things that could happen
to you
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading; Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building -
f hf (Muws-lUtatd
Oae Yeer
Sia Month
TkH Moult..
I 00
Advertising and
Local Paper
The relation of the local pa
per and the advertiser should
be congenial, as one is more
or less dependent upon the
other. When the advertiser
places advertising in the local
paper he expects results. The
newspaper when it accepts ad
vertising promises in eirect
that the paper 'has a local cir
culation commensurate vith
the rate charged.
Advertising should be given
in good faith as it is accepted
in good faith. It is purely a
business transaction. The
newspaper sells its space or
services, to the advertiser, just
as any one sells any other com
modity. There are three things for
the advertiser, to bear in mind.
First, he should map out a
systematic advertising cam
paign and be persistent in car
rying it out Second, he should
prepare his advertisements so
they are attractive, interesting
and convincing. Third, he
must back up his advertising
campaign with good service,
or he cannot expect to hold
his trade and get the best re
sults out of his advertising.
The advertiser must realize
that all responsibility for the
preparation of the advertise
ments are with himself. If
the advertisements have no
merit no results should be cx
pecten. It is rediculous to
blame the newspaper when
neither the advertisements nor
conditions warrant results.
There is no one more inter
ested in seeing advertisements
profitable than the newspaper,
as the advertising in the paper
s what makes the publication
of the paper possible, thus aid
ing in the dissemination of lo
cal news, the creation of local
interest, and the building of
the local community all of
which is necessary to the suc
cess of local business.
On the other hand tin iv
should be no one stronger in
his friendship for the local pa
per than the local advertiser.
The local newspaper is the
best friend the local advertiser
has. Hence the local paper
should not be treated as an
enemy, but rather as a friend
and semi-partner in the task of
business getting. J)
There is an undertone of senti
ment that crops out occasionally
against a private concern figur
ing on or putting in the irrigation
and drainage systems for the
necessary development of the
Harney Valley. There is a sort
of vague idea in some quarters
that State or Federal aid should
be sought. Under any method
we cannot get away from the
proposition that the land directly
benefited must stand the cost of
the service you are
- Bums, Oregon
the improvement It is very
doubtful whether the U. S. Fed
eral Reclamation service would
ever undertake the construction
of a system of irrigation to cover
privately owned lands, as are all
the lands included in the Silvies
River project. In any event the
enterprise would be long delay ed
as the service is short of funds
between a Tailor
75 1 even tor the completion 01 pro
jects already commenced. The
state, considering itself morally
bound under a Carey Act agree
ment has undertaken to fulfill its
obligation by advancing the funds
for the completion of the Colum
bia Southern Project, and that is
all it will be able to do for the
next two or three years. The
state certainly will never be able
to make a direct appropriation
for the development of privately
owned lands. An act as passed
by the last legislature providing
for the co-operation of the state
and federal service in making
preliminary investigations of the
water resources for irrigation
and power purposes. That simply
means a survey, estimates and
secunne data, and the money so
exended becomes a lien upon
the proposed project which must
be paid back before construction
is undertaken. This preliminary
work pertaining to the Harney
projects has all been done by
private parties, the greater part
of which has become matter of
public record and available for
u (. Should they fail in final
Were local conditions more
favorable the Irrigation District
plan provided by our state law
could be worked out This would
require an expensive election and
techincal and rotune court pro
ceedings bound around with red
tape and involves long delays.
This seems almost impossible on
account of conflicting interests.
After these matters have been
settled the district must then do
just what the private corporation
proposes to do, that is thrash out
the water right questions and
proceed to secure reservoir sites,
undoubtedly by condemnation.
The district must dispose of its
bonds for construction money,
and if such secureties could be
marketed at all it would be at a
discount which, at present would
more than equal the prospective
profits of a private concern.
State Leader Of Ag
riculture Appointed
Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Ore., Aug. 11. -The
appointment of H. T. French as
state agricultural leader, to have
direct charge of farm demonstra
tion and supervise the work of
the county agriculturists, has
been announcedby R. D. Hetzel,
director of the Extension division.
In referring to the new leader
Professor Hetzel said: "The
college is giving the farmers of
Oregon as their chief advison a
man who, for twelve years, was
closely identified with the agri
cultural development of Oregon
and thoroughly understands agri
cultural conditions in every part
of the state. His appointment
is an important step in the de
velopment of the extension ser
vice." The Lunaburg Dal ton & Co.
Department Store have cut high
prices and long credit. t f
A Meeting of Business Men
Called for Monday Night
to Discuss the Matter
While in Portland the manager
of this paper found the ommer-
cinl Club very Mixfottfl to have an
exhibit of the products of this
county to send to the Kastern
land shows and as those in charge
were so insistent ho promised to
see that a creditable exhibit of
agriculture would be gath red
and sent down. He met with
President Donegal and Secretary
liOggan of the Commercial Club
last evening and the matter was
discussed. Sam Mothershead
and Win. Farre, tho latter one of
the old time directors of the Har
ney County Fair association, were
also present and it was found
that there is a decided interest
among the business men of this
place to have a fair Oub fall, es
pecially since it is desirous of
securing a display to send out to
the land shows and after the
matter had been considered for a
time Mr. Donegan suggested a
meeting of the business men,
Commercial Club and stock hold
ers of the Fair Association for
Monday night at 8 o'clock to
get an expression and see if it
were possible to have a purely
agricultural fair in connection
with the school fair which is to
be held in this city beginning
Sept 30.
There is $650 available for fair
purposes, but this is not sufficient
to cover the premium list of for
mer years, therefore it was con
sidered an agricultural fair, leav
ing out the livestock, might be
financed, provided the business
interests of Rums would show a
disposition to help. Should it be
decided to hold a fair it will be
necessary for the stock holders
of the Fair Association to elect a
board of directors who will quali
fy and serve (those elected at the
annual meeting last .January re
fusing to serve. )
It is absolutely necessary that
all that will help this enterprise
be present Monday evening and
show a disixtsition to help or
there will not be any fair that's
a "cinch," as a' few men are
tired of carrying the burdens of
the exhibition without the mp
port of those receiving direct
benefit. It is up to the business
men whether we have a fair or
Business Conditions Good In
Harney County.
That business conditions in
this section are satisfactory is
reflected by the Government re
port of the First National Hank
to the Comptroller of the Cur
rency in resDonse to his official
call for statements at close of
business Aug. Oth. In view of
the fact that July and August
are naturally quiet months in a
business way in this section, the
report of this solid institution is
an excellent one, showing its
affairs to be in splendid Bhape.
The bank reports a capital and
surplus of $100,000.00, a cash
reserve of $110,980.78. while its
resources total $639,615.76.
The First National is recogniz
ed as one of the strongest and
most conservatively managed
country banks in the Northwest
Ever ready to lend its assistance
in a legitimate way towards up
building the business interests
of this section, it has attracted a
large clientele who appreciate
the efficient service rendered, and
the courteous treatment uni
versally accorded all its patrons.
Three Goveruors to Meet
And Talk Good Roads
It is the purpose of a meeting
to be held in Eureka, Cal., Aug.
2(1, to organize a good roads as
sociation which shall embrace
three states, Governor Lister of
Washington, Governor West of
Oregon and Governor Johnson of
California; II is announced, will
be in at tendance, Governor Lister
taking the chair.
Eureka has been chosen as the
meeting place because it is the
largest city in the United States
without a through railroad, ex
cept in the summer months
Eureka is dependent on sea
traffic to keep it in touch with
outside world.
Governor Johnson will meet
the chief executives of the two
other states August 18 at Red
ding, Cal., where luncheon will
be provided by the Chamber of
Commerce. The journey to
Weaverville will be made by
automobile ami on the following
day the trip to Eureka will be
The journey of the Governors
will cover lift miles of picturesqus
mountain scenery.
Rumored Sale of The
Sumpter Valley R. R.
A special dispatch from Baker,
Or., to the Journal says: The
presence here today of David C.
Eccles, son of the late David
Eccles, president and principal
stockholder of the Sumpter Val
ley railway, gave rise to further
rumors concerning the sale of tho
S. V. to the O.-W. R. AN., so
often reported of late, and as
often denied by the officials of
both companies.
Guy L. Anderson, former 0.
W. official and present head of
the Sumpter Valley as general
manager, and other officials, as
usual, deny the visit had any
significance in the reported deal
and local people are beginning to
believe the oft-repeated tale of a
sale is made of whole cloth. On
the other hand, those who be
lieve in the deal point out that
O.-W. R. & N. agents have ac
quired property at Sumpter and
other places, of no use to the
company otherwise. The S. V.
has acquired another big bunch
of timber land adjacent to its
terminal at Prairie City, in Grant
Carrol Cecil and son Pat
motored in from their Silver
Creek ranch Thursday.
Mrs. G. W. Clevenger and son
Geary left Sunday for their an
nual visit and outing over at
Prairie City.
Miss Laura Dawson was in the
city this week, her first visit
since her trip to the East in com
pany with Phil Bates and party.
The Misses Lulu and Agnes
Miller have returned home from
an extended visit with relatives
and friends over at Canyon City.
Mrs. Gardner of Cutmeat S.
D. arrived last week and will
remain some time in making final
proof on her desert claim south
east of town.
Dr. Minnie Hand reports the
birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred West'at Iawen on Aug. 1
and a son to Mr. and Mrs Fushug
at Harriman on Aug. 8.
Harry Danley, Ernest Musick,
Clifford Reed and Grover Jameson
returned this week from a vaca
tion trip to the mountains. They
had a fine time, succeeded in
bagging some deer and lots of
Dr. Griffith expects to leave
tomorrow morning for Klamath
where he will take in the Develop
ment League meeting and extend
his visit to Crater Lake and other
points of interest before return
ing home. He will be absent a
couple of weeks. "Curly" Pot
ter will drive his machine.
n... mm.
ii. r ..I. ui i ii. i. ii. ..i ..I ii
In lb male ' Oreg.ia. l Ik do "' liul
MM, Aug. jiii, !'!
H ' R
ll.eueell.l 1)11 lllllll .
.f. .Mill
overJralta. Hrmul ami ulleaeureu
I' K linn.' tueeiitre ilrcitlelloa
I' H III, ml. 1 i.r.. II M DepOalta
IS.0U000, to MM l'otl Having
I .goo oo
lilher benilllu keeur I1 a Kapoalle
;l.iee. tire roelelsa. nig. II, '"""J
Premium on II H. Hen, la
Hand. Heurlllr. "'
Hanking bullae, furniture ami nature
Other Heal Keiato. owued
liu. from Natloual Haiti (aot re
are agertta)
title front malt- ami Private
and Bankr. Yruat ('uniiaulra.
Having Sauk
boa Hum approved rerv ageul
('back anil other rau Ileal
Noim nl utlier National Bank
..', 00
w. .-.'
III. 4
10 on
eo.u:i7 74
',1,16 H
1,070 00
rraetloual faner currency, nickel,
and cant. t
Lawful kluNv Hav in IIk
llpacle tai.waUf.
I f al Tender nut mo ou S'i.tno
Kdnipiloi. will. H I Treaaur
r (5 ,.'i rein of i tit .. 11 Inn i LJM ou
Total lAan.iii:, 7.',
t epltel al.ira OeW III IJu.OUU UO
Hlirplu ....,
Undivided proltte lua aiuanaea aud
lazaa paid MS) '"
Nailutial Bank Note Outstanding Jft.laJUUO
liuntoiither Nail. Dial Banka .,...... If.
I in,, to approved Heaerve Agaut 1M 40
Individual depuell aiilijarl to check iVi.tnit It
lieuiaud rertlBcatea ol dauoall
Time OartlBcatea ul dapoall.
raahlar'ai-bM'k i,
United llata Uepoalta
(alal Having Depuall
J,40V ou
ii.'wi Hj
1.0.11 ',
Mil .1:
tum.tu, 7A
i.u'hTvur HaaNav.l
I, J.I, (latill, fealiliu ol Hie alaive neioed
bauk, do auluiiitily avvt-ar that t tie above atala
mei.t la true to tbo liealot my huowledgu and
J, I.. UalU.T, I 'aal.l.'i
I'orreet Attaat:
I'. A llataa
Hubaorlbed aud awuru to before ina Ibla IMS
day ul Aug. ii:i
hh MoTiigaiiiaau,
(Heal) N. larr I'ubllo for Oregon
Coallr TrMlaaanl.
"I was troubled with constipa
tion and indigestion and spttnt
hundreds of dollars for medicine
and treatment," writes C. II.
Hines, of Whitlow, Ark. "I
went to a St. Louis hospital, also
to a hospital in New Orleans, but
no curewas effected. On return
ing home I began taking Cham
berlains Tablets, and worked
right along. 1 used them for
rigni utt'iiif. i utiou iiieiti tor
FTrs"TyiSRnriKht'All the news in The
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Church service at 11 a. m.
Beginning Aug. IS Burnt flour
will be sold at $1.50 per sack
Notice In licrrliy K'vrn ibnl tlie Slate
i, i Beard "i th si mi- ofOngM will
,,,,,,, Mftkd M4l until 10:00 oVIiK-k
A. Ifl., OttolHi 7, IH1M, I'nr Hie iiillnw
lagdtwrtbad leads, to-wlt:-
iMtioai m nd M, T. 88 K- U-
Section I" sad 88, T, whs. k. as R-
S,. liotie Id uml 88, T. !iHH. K. aOR'
scctioiia m sad 88, 1. as 8. it. a7 u.
Strti 10 mid Mil, T. StB. K. 26 R.
Section 10 and !10, T. 29 8. K. 20 It.
Section 10 unci 88, T. atlK. K.27 K.
Seeming 10 uml 36, T, HUNK
Sr.iio.rn HI rind 88, T. 20 H. R. 20 K.
Bcctionn 10 nnd MO, T. 2I S. R. 2UW It.
Section! :m,T. 2! H. R. 80 R.
BtcUOM 10 nnd 88, T. Mt.1 26 K.
Sol. on.. 10 nnd 86, T. MO S. K. 20 K
Bwtluni 10 nnd MO. T MO S. R 27 K-
Section HI nn.l Mi T, 80S, R. 88 K.
s..ii. i. to mid 88, T, 80S. H 88 K.
BtttioM 18 nnd 86, T. 86 H. It. 29V.K
Section .'IS, T. 30 8. R. 20 E.
Section 86, T M0'uH R. 3 R.
BMttoM 16 (few 88, T. .'II H. R. 30 K.
ScliomlO mid 30, T. :tl H. R. 31 R.
Section 10 nnd 16, T. 81 S. K. 32 H
MUM) 10 T. 31 H. R. 33 R.
Section 10 and !0, T. 31 8. R. 34 R
Section 16 mid 30, T. .12 H. R 80 B.
SWtfaei 10 and 30, T. 328. R. 31 E.
IMUOM 10 and 66, T. 82 8. II. 32 B.
Section 10 T. 32 S. R. 33 B.
All l.iiln nnit I accompanied by a
regularly ceciilcd application to pur-
cliae nnd check or tlrrtft for nt lnt one-
fifty of the amount of tlie I...I,
Ths riht to ici.vt tiny nnd all bidi ii
Application mid bid liould he ad
drcMcd to ti. 0. Urown, Clerk Htate
Land Itonrd, Salmi, t)reon, and
marked "Apl.cation nnd bid to iuubrie
tale bind ".
I'.. Q, Hi own,
t'lcik State Land Hoard.
I mtu Hravaa Land orrica,
Vale), Oregon, Annual 8, 113
Notice la bi'ti'tiy a... a Ileal Krneal I.. Ill'l'
lua. ul llallln, Oregon, l.u, ..n Annual 4lh.
I'JlS, inadi- llniBMIVtl etttri. No OMOO, tor
'.), ',. 'i ',. ( e I". ai.dN'jNK1,.
section SI. Toaniahlp ! " Kange J7 K , Wll
lattialli. Meridian liaa Med until e ill Intention
to mil, final II vi fear rr.Mil, to ealabllal.
rlel.n to III., land above de rlln-.t, before
M J. O'l onuur. I' H r inleatoner, at iH-t.ln.
i.reg...., ot. tin. loth .lay M, 1011.
i laliuanl .ia.ii.-i aa wrltueaee III M, Ii.ia.i. of nrotlll. "irego.i.
-...anna Itefenbauah. J.irepb J. fallow,
i barlia f ll.illowaf all of lirnl... i.regou.
Mairelt Kanaa. Itagltler
Sumpter Valley Railway Co.
Arrival and Drpariurt? Of Trains
No. 2, Prairie 10:15A.M.
Sumpter 2:35 P. M.
Arrives Baker 4:00 P. M.
No. 1, Baker 8:30 A.M.
Sumpter 10:05 A. M.
Arrives Prairie 2:10 P. M.
No. 1 Makes kxx1 connection
with O.-W. U. & N. No. 6 leav
ing Portlaml 6:40 1. M. and No.
17 trom tasl sriivinn Baker B:1A
A. M.
No 2 Connects with La Grande
local, and No 5 arriving in Port
land 11:40 A. M. Also with No.
is for points Hast.
" rm
Have arrived and we are now ready to
supply you with your requirements.....
have been added and all goods will be
The Burns Department Store
I In- only up to dale Hotel la Harnajr County
Hot ad rold water, bathy, toilets, wide screened in
porches; nice shany lawn. Ashing and hunting near.
Accommodations for 60 guests everything for com
fort and enjoyment, only white help, home cooking.
Peel Room and Flrat-CUuw Bar In Connection
Special Rates Given to Fishing and Hunting Parties
SIDNEY COME6YS, Proprietor
Old and Nkw Patronh Will Find the Best Brands Here
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main 8treet Burns, Oregon
Call During the Next Two Weeks
and See the Fine- Bargains We
Have on
Picture program
Three Reels
A mighty fanny Funny tonight
After the Show
A Social Dance
Sunday Pictures
Tonawama ha installed two
electric fans for the comfort
of it patrons Keep cool
I itu TaT Lean urei. a
llurua. iireeuu. Jalr m ll '
Notice la berr.., given Ibar Jaaper I l
Hume. nregn. abo, on OJ,,lr W, laio loade
i, abo, ii CKI.,ler tl. lalou.ade
t rv.. No uil.ii. lor NlS.llw,
aud NKNK'a II. Town
ll. Kalige 30 beat, nulauielt
llumeewaJl Kmrj.
UWU Im 1-1 and
abii. Kob
I u-.i
Meridian, baa tiled noil, a ot luteuiluu i
Auallbree rear Proof, loeetablleb v.alm to
lead aoova aeaenoeo, ieio riiw.. ..
Keralvar. at Harm, nragon, lb 4ib daj
ulKealeaiUr. mil.
CleJmaal name a wlmeeaet
Oaori llunemui. Burn, Oregon. I e U
.arieiiier and Orlaud l.t.per, Urfb ot l-awe...
Dragon. Nit I Barlb, ot Burn. Oraguu
Kaaaa. Raglaiar
Times - Herald for $2.00'
Display-Get Our Prices I
Trousers, Dress Shirts, Worl.
Shirts, Ties, Shoes and Hose
Spring and Summer
Underwear For The
Men and Women
Full new line of Ginghams
Percals, Lawns Etc.
A. K. Richardsoi
General Merchandise
Burns, Harney Co. Oregon
Through Between
Beffinnlng Sunday, June 22nd, 191
.ewSl'-laiS In Mgga4Aaftea aa ill
The train leaving Kend
Redmond 9:10 P. M.. Terrebonne 9:24 P. M., Culver 10
Metoliusl0.20P. M., Mudras
12:410 A. M.-. Sherar 1:80 A. M..
Leave Portland 7:00 P. M..
3:26 A. M., Mecca :18 A. M . Madras 6:00 A. M.. Metoliisl
M.. Culver 6:28 A. M.. Terrebonne 7:08 A M.. Redmond!
M., Deschutes 7:48 A. M., Bend 8:00 A. M.
Connections are made in
ley and Puget Sound Points.
Fares and schedules ami
tion or by letter.
Aeet.Gen'l Pa. Agent, Portland, Ore.
W. C WILKES. Ag.t. Gen'l
Catholic Church.
On Siituluvx uml Ilnlv
-e.- wwiaw-J " "" w-.
of obligation Holy Mass with
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 7 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
AH invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Rev. Pius Niermann, O. F. M.
Pastor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
Always ready for job printing
HM) A. M., Deschutes. 8:1
10:30 P. M., Mecca 11:08 P. M.,
Arrive Portland 8:10 A. I
Arrive Sherar 3:03 A. M., I
Portland to and from Willitn
details will be furnished onl
J. H. Corbett,
Bend, Ore.
Freight & Pass. Agent, Portl
llurua, lire.;, u
rliivu ' ...:" W'" u ' "' ' "
aetii. n, ll "Y'I
V. III,.,, .. I,., I
i . i, hi ii- ii. iii, ii, , i J,,,,,.
Nil, I'M, 1,11 SKIe.bW .1
,.,,.. ... r ... intuitu tu. alriiil
tiutll . ,,t 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 i , t,, mag,. IM
'. ,. ". "I'''"!"! '-laiiii to ike I
...., ... , i, i , Ki'ulali.r and
llurua, Oiegiiii i,,. , u, .i.vjl
t laliiiatil naiueaaa wlluuaaea
u. lh.,ii, -,,m N weMi.W.I
. ".a,, i , , ,,,., , ,j , Wm,,
Vim h ah
Dit ect connection null
A. H.CURRY, Pro.
leaver Harriman Monday aa 1
and arrive Wednesday ui
oach week, connecting will '
lino to Demo. Wmiierau,.a.r
Relintiuishment HW 88
Arilen and Wellinxtoo.1
. Marion, Burns.