ibe r XVM$- i J CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Best In The West The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon II! MJRNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. AUGUST IS, 1.13 L. XXVI NO. 40 MtMh D IMPROVEMENT IN ALL BUSINESS LINES rtimistic Tone Prevails Demand or Skilled and Unskilled Labor is lcreasing With Wages Growing stter Transportation Chiefs are 'leased With Conditions. IK Dusiness concerns It the country are re- tie immediate future rith unusual optimism. i newspapers are calling Ito these improved con- i leading articles. Local- kve been blessed with and high prices, but development enter- it depend on securing tan the financial centers rorld we should feel hcouraged. from an exhaustive kpeanng in tne Minaay of the 10th: are optimistic, and i a right to he for this production, while not to be a record breaker, 11 within the average. culture is the principal f the nation all other ctivity are favorably A revival of trade and domestic coin- ih the marketing of the I is predicted ell informed. Volume and importance ess, tranportation, in States, ranks second ture. Kaiiroau prcsi- Bteamship officials are They anticipate a lcreased business and lings. With an ex- I operating revenue to anstantly increasing Expenses the railroads It they can make a Ifficiently satisfactory to attract European ! Ixtension and develop- reductions and a decreasing busi ness. This made European capital cautious. War in the minor Nations of Eastern Europe drew heavily upon European coffers. This demand was met by "cash ing in" Amerii an securities and investing the money at home. Now the situation is changing. The money market is becoming easier. Bankers who have been calling in their loans and increas ing their reserves are preparing now to look about for invest ments. Further financial relief is pro- and encouragement to " wage earners T everywhere. The de mand for skilled and , unskilled labor is increasing. Wages are growing better. There is a pro nounced sentiment among em ployers to divide more equitably the profits of their: business with theiremployes This wave of returning pro sperity is"morenoticeable now in the East where the inactivity of the last few months also was more perceptible than in the West. The West will lengthen its for ward "str ides with the sale of the season's crops. Officials of the O.-W. R. & N. Company, who receive regular crop reports from the territory which they serve, are exceed ingly optimistic upon his return. J. H. Young, president of the Hill lines, speaks with a decidedly optimistic tone. He expects all railrrad earnings to show an in crease in the next few months. SCHOOL CHILDRENS INDUSTRIAL FAIR Mr. Maris Writes a Letter to the Boys And Girls Respecting Exhibits for School Fairs That Can be Applied With Profit to Our Own School Fair to be Held in Burns This Fall LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (Itoiii Our I'. ml. iinl ('iMii-siiiiiliiii) Buyers' Week in Portland, Sept 1-6, will be the occasion for entertaining merchants from currency measure, w newer tne currency bill passes at the pre sent session of Congress or not bankers take a hopeful view of the future because of the evident intention of the administration to provide some manner of cur rency reform. Bankers, therefore, join with the farmers and the railroad men in expressing optimistic senti- by men I ments regarding business con ditions. Despite a prospective adverse tariff, manufacturers, too, are optimistic, and not without cause. The greatest manufacturing in stitution in the countrythe Un ited States Steel corporation -has enough orders on its books now to operate all its mills continu ously for the next six months. Its net earnings in the quarter ended June M were $40,000,000. This reflects favorably upon all other manufacturing lines. The big department stores in Portland and elsewhere report increased sales, lheir owners, development in the ' as well as the smaller merchants, tes virtually has been i are optimistic of the future. till in the last year. These favorable reports from ly to wholesale rate the industrial centers give nope THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. mised through the adoption of a mil parts of the Pacific Northwest An elaborate program has been arranged, providing for daily op portunities for merchants to meet each other as well as their- Port land hosts. The jobbers and manufacturers of Portland are behind the movement. Special entertainment is ?to be provided for the members of families of the visiting merchants. Reduced railroad rates for the week wiH'' go into effect on August 28 and.will'be good, go ing until Sept. 3. Return tickets will In- honored until Tuesday, Sept. 9. That the number "13" does not always stand for bad luck is indicated by a recent statement from the Northwest Fruit Ex change that an order for thirteen carloads of Oregon Jonathans has just been received from dealers in Johannesburg, South Africa at a price almost three times that of the average received last year. This order completes a chain linking Euroic, Asia. Africa and South America with the apple districts of the Pacific Northwest The exchange has also received an order for seven carloads, three Jonathan and four Rome Beauty to go to South America. Oregon lumber is also enjoying a season of great popularity in foreign countries, judging from the present brisk demand. In one day the past week five ves sels were" .chartered to carry Oregonfirfrom the Columbia River, three UAustraliu.'one to New Zealand and one to Eng land. In order to assist hunters who may'ibecome lost in the woods, Or who might possibly meet with some disabling accident, State Game Warden Finley has arrang ed a code of signals which he wants every hunter to learn be fore entering the forest. If lost or disabled, fire two shots 10 seconds apart; wait 60 seconds, then fire one shot. This is to be recognized as the official signal of distress. Any hunter hearing it will at once fire one shot in answer and lose no time in render ing any possible assistance. Market Report. Receipts for the last week at at the Portland Stock Yards have been: Cattle 1778; Calves 131; Hogs 1686; Sheep 1283; Horses 24. A big run of cattle at the yards for the week. Most of the re ceipts were she stuff of very ordinary quality arid a few cars of choice steers. The top for best steers was from $8.25 to $8.50 with some good ones from $6.50 to $7.50. Prime stuff is in demand. Best dehorned cows and lie iters sold at $6.50 to $6.76 while the horned stuff went at 6.25 to 6.40, and ranged on down with fairly good grades from 5 75 to 6.00 and others 4.00 to 5.60, governed by age and condition. Bulls 4.00 to 4 60 and choice light veal calves 8.75 to !00. The price of cattle has only gone to peices on poor stuff, the better class holding up well. . The hour market shows weak ness with slow demand. Very light receipts with extreme top at the week's close. 9.60 for one load, with bulk of sales 9.10 and 9.26. lambs. Prices about steady with last week's quotations. It rally Located, Good Clean sals, Comfortable Kooms, lean and Sanitary beds Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call rns Meat Market H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor f, Pork, Veal, Mutton, lasuage, Bolonga, Icheese and Weinerworst, Etc. holesale and Retail ipt and Satisfactory Service ir Maironjre uncneu nu . "V !. A J. 2. .. Al.a TS uive'i vuicK itiienuuii 'oThe xall Drug Store Ansco Camera's Films and any thing wanted In the KODAK LINE Reed Bros. Props. Nothing has been said lately about the school fair to be held in Burns this fall. Supt. Hamil ton mailed premium lists just at the close of the schools in May and those who expect to compete for the prizes should be busy. On account of being somewhat isolated it is possible not many of our home boys and girls will participate at the state fair, al though they could and from the observations of the manager of The Times-Herald, who has re cently returned from a trip cov ering portions of Central Oregon, the Columbia River section, as well as the coast points and the vicinity of Portland, Harney county products will compare most favorably. However, re gardless of whether we make an exhibit at the state fair, the fol lowing letter from Mr. Mans applies as well to our own school fair. Mr. Maris writes: I hope you are all having a good time during vacation, play ing some, working some and reading some; and not forgetting to prepare your exhibits for the school fairs. Had you thought about how soon they will be here? Only a few short weeks now, and the time will pass quickly. Pro crastination is said to be the thief of time. Do not let it be the thief of those prizes you have no doubt had your heart set on winning. It is so easy to waste time and get slack in our habits. i especially during vacation. Everyone ought really to set apart certain hours each day for play, for work and for reading. You will be surprised how much more you will accomplish. If you are raising garden stuff to exhibit, do not neglect it The weeds will keep growing these hot days just the same, and if you do not keep them hoed or pulled up they will rob your pumpkins or potatoes of the moisture they need, and they will not grow to be prize winners. If you are raising poultry, do not fail to feed the fowls re gularly and well and handle them carefully so they will be gentle and in good condition. If you expect to exhibit sewing and win that sewing machine, gold watch, or some other at-' tractive prize, you have no time to lose. If you would win in the bread making contest, you can not practice too much. Do not be afraid of soiling your hands with the dough. It is no dis grace to work, and horny hands are honorable. Do not overlook the fact that the railroads will carry your exhibits to and from the State Fair free of charge. The child- of no other state are so rail meet him some day, I hope, I am Bure you will like him; he says he is very much interested in the boys and girls of Oregon, and especially in seeing them learn the practical things of life. He is anxious to see definite re sults from the Industrial De partment. It is up to you to show such results, boys and girls, and I am sure you will do your part N. C. Maris, Field Worker Industrial Fairs. SCHEME TO FENCE OUT RABBITS FINDS FAVOR ScImsm Propwed by Mrs. Gray Cmnkiered j Fible and MmIs With Approval. Referesdn Vole Saffetttd. Dairy and Co-Operative Creamery Wealth Getters Published statistics relative to the dairy business throughout the Central states show what can and will happen in Harney Coun ty when transportation brings the changed conditions so we can take advantage of our natural resources for this industry. In Todd County, northern Min nesota, with long, cold winters, a creamery was established in 1900 with 38 patrons. The first year the total business of the creamery was less than 1,000. For 1912 it amounted to $131,300. or an average of more than $10,000 per month. The success of this one brought other cream eries into existence so that 19 are now operating in that county and the butter sold last year amounted to over one million dollars. M. K. Yates who is making a trip through central and eastern Oregon in the interest of the Cattle Growers' Association takes a pessimistic view of the beef cattle business in that section and says that some system of credit will have to be instituted in order that herds of range cat tle may be built up throughout that vast territory, for at the present rate of decrease in the number of beef cattle in pro portion to the population, he said; "We will live to see the day when we will only see cattle in parks or zoological gardens, as we now ii buffalo. The shipment of beef from Australia will then be looked upon as a great accom modation instead of a menace to the American growers and know ing that a large per cent of the area of Oregon is adapted to stock raising and stock raising only, and stopping to figure the amount of revenue lost by not having cattle to graze upon this land, it is clear that one of the principal resources of Oregon is not being utilized" A couple of weeks ago the Times-Herald published an arti cle by Mrs. Wm. Gray, of Lawen, relative to the manner of handl ing the jack rabbit situation in Harney County. The article Bet out the advantages and argu ments in favor of the county, by bond issue or loan, advancing the funds to provide for the fence material, and permit the settler to pay for it in install ments. This is along the lines which have been successfully employed by the government in West Australia. In a communication received from Mrs. Gray since the publica tion that Society had debated the question and the fence scheme won an easy victory over all other pro posed methods. She also states that they have secured legal ad vice and are satisfied that the county could undertake this work if the people so decided at a re ferendum vote. In response for the request for an expression of opinion from the citizens of the county, Mrs. Gray received cards from 18 land owners endorsing the fence method. She would be glad to receive an endorsement from all those in favor and all such ad dress a card to Mrs. Gray, Lawen. HARVESTING AT THE EXPERIMENT STATION Farmers are Urged to Secure a Set of Lifters to Raise the Fallen Grain Thus Saving Considerable That Otherwise be Left on The Ground. Prof. Scudder Visiting The Station By L. R. B.-thaupt. to gomethj from the8e Mr. C. R. Ball of the Office of gentlemen will have an opportuni- Cereal Investigations at Wash- ty in this or a later issue. ington D. C. was a visitor at the ,,. , mL ,. .-- ai w n m ... I The manager of The Times station recently. Mr. Ball like Herald hopes local farmers will Mr. Cardon, expressed himself take advantage of the suggestion as very agreeably surprised at respecting the "lifters" for fal- of the article, she states I ine yieiaa ana general quality of len gram. During the severe the Harriman Literary tne crop8 Krowinr on the Station storms of July a considerable ana seems or tne opinion that amount of grain was knocked there is a great future for Harney down and by using these "lift County along agricultural lines, era" a vast saving may be made. It is likely Cattle Malady u Named. ren generously treated by the roads, so far as we know. not fail to read the rules and regulations in the State Fair List which tells you what you have to do in order to get the free rate. Some boy or girl who reads this may say "I have to work An outbreak of disease which has appeared among Lewis Coun ty cattle has been diagnosed by q0 veterinarians from the state col lege as hemorrhagic septicaemia. It was at first thought that the trouble might be anthrax. While the disease does not appear to be as virulent as usual, about 20 head of cattle have been lost Efforts are being made to pre vent the disease from spreading. It is not known how the hard all the time and never have v,.tion and do not have time , " not Known how the germ to prepare anything for the fair." jwaa introduced into the locality, I hope very few of you are en tirely deprived of a vacation, but as to having to work hard, you really ought to be thankful for that Hard work does not hurt you if you do not chafe and worry about it Our best and greatest people have had to work hard. Surmounting difficulties brings out the best that is in you, and develops strength of charac ter. The best exhibits at the school fairs last year were generally Those desiring the service of a Jersey bull may find one at the J. R. McKinnon barn. Good Rmm for hi EatauaWm. When a man has suffered for several days with colic, diarrhoea or other form of bowel complaint and is then cured sound and well by one or two doses of Chamber lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Reme- made by children who dy, as is often the case, it is but had to work hard. Loafers do natural that he should be enthu not win prizes at fairs nor in the ' mastic in his praise of the remedy, battles of life. J and especially is this the case of Perhaps you are not yet ac- a severe attack when life is quaintod with Mr. Churchill, our threatened. Try it when in need new State Superintendent, but of such a remedy. It never fails, you will have an opportunity to Sold by all dealers. Inoculation of Rabbits Declared a Failure Owing to complaints from Eastern Oregon regarding the rapid increase of jackrabbits Governor West recently appoint ed a commission consisting of State Game Warden Fin ley, Professor Beckwith and W. H. Lytle to investigate these mat ters. As Mr. Henshaw, Chief of Biological Department, was in Portland he met with Mr. Lytle and Mr. Finley. In-as-much as the Biological survey has worked along these lines a good deal in the past, it will furnish special assistance to this commission. Mr. Henshaw says that a great many experiments have been carried on concerning the in oculation of rabbits to try to de crease the numbers, but in each case theiM have been a failure. There is little or no difficulty in inoculating certain rabbits, but the difficulty lies in a disease spreading to other members of the same family. The cause for the rapid in crease of rabbiU is on account of the killing off of the coyotes, which are their natural enemies. During the last few years there has been a great deal paid out in bounty in killing coyotes, and as a natural result the rabbits havo increased, For many rea sons experts consider the bounty system unsatisfactory, said Mr. Henshaw. One of the most effective methods of diminishing rabbit in Eastern Oregon has been the organization . of rabbit drives. In three drives held in Harney county last winter there were between 16,000 and 18,000 jack rabbits killed. Mrs. Al. Weatherly, of Drew sey who has been stopping with her sister, Mrs. Harry Thompson during the severe illness of Mr. Thompson returned to her home Tuesday. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS l forty fifth school yaai tPTiMiin I, . DEGREE COURSES l uiaayphaaeaol AumcuiTUM. INUINllRINU. HOMI ECONOMIC MININO. f.RITRV. COM- MIRCt. PHARMACY TWO-YEAR COURSES In aoricul TUR(. HOMI economic Miomanic ART. rRCTRV. COMMKRCt. PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES maaual training, Agriculture, domestic aclaucr ad Art. MUSIC, laclaalag piano, atriag, band iastrumrata and vole culluic. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tbb Kmrichmknt o Rural li" aad a CaTALOOUM will be mailed free r application AdJi.M M. at. Trhmamt, RegUlrar, w-nuteM) CwvallU. Orajtoa. that the U. S. De partment of Agriculture will take a greater interest in the Harney country because of the visits of these gentlemen. The crops are now being har vested at the station. The win ter grains are entirely ripe as well as several good early ma turing varieties of the spring grainB. Several of the earlier peas are also ripe. The cutting of these peas is rather difficult and can beat be accomplished by use of the mower or self rake reaper. To the cutter-bar should be attached a set of the lifters which extend out in front and lift the vines so that the knives can cut them. These lifters can be attached to the mower, reaper or binder and are very useful in lifting fallen grain when binding as well as the peas, alfalfa, etc., These lifters can be secured at the present time from the R. M. Wade Co. of Portland at about $5 00 per set they would make a very profitable investment for any farmer having lodged grain to cut Prof. H. D. Scudder and Dr. M. M. McCool are visitors at the Experiment Station at the time of this writing. Both are of the Department of Agronomy of the Oregon Agricultural College and have but recently arrived, so that they cannot be quoted at present as to their ideas of the showing the crops have made this year. However, there is little doubt that any one wishing The manager finds they may be secured on short notice by wiring for them through the local hard ware dealers and have them shipped by way of Bend and brought over by the auto trucks. Farmers who haven't hogs to turn on the stubble to clean up the fallen grain will find a set of "lifters" profitable investment.) News of the State and Nation It. A. Harris, former state printing expert, has been ap pointed by Governor West as state printer to succeed the late Willis Duniway. Petitions are being circulated in Crook County to call an elec tion for a $200,000 bond issue for permanent road construction. The main thoroughfare proposed is a main north and south line about 100 milea in length from Wasco County to Klamath County, where the citizens of Klamath propose to connect and extend the road to state line. There will be a special ex cursion train from Seattle to Bend over the Oregon Trunk August 17. From advance re ports it is expected that fully 200 visitors will join. The R. J. McKinnon & Son Stage Co., has made a passenger rate of $10.00 between here and Vale and will also haul freight for 2J cents on all consignments of 50 lbs., or over. 25tf. THE FRENCH HOTEL DAVID NEWMAN, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City SCHEDULE: LKAVK liurna Sam Canyon City 7am rralrle City J:3Q p m Canyon City 7pm Burn 12 noon Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - - $6.00 Round Trip, - - - . u.oo Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WAY L. WOIPENBSRC, Prop. ARRIVE Canyon City . . 6:M p m Prairie City 10 am THE WELCOME PHARMACY Qffsrs You The Very Best Of Facilities sssMssmsKsmsMtssjssMSMMsmmsmmmsmsMmstsmmsmsmmssmwsmssmsjsswmsmmm For filling prescription. We have a large and well asaorted stock of prescription drug- and competent Pharmacist to compound them. JMaWM the agency for the well known line ofZNyal Family Medicines, Eaatman Kodak and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time. J. C. Welcome. Jr. Prop. i