The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 09, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon I
NO. 39
- '"",'. ', 77' I ' ' Z2 "
Parties Planning to Provide for
ill Meat and Lard Supply for
me Consumption Will Cut Out
itside Packers and Protect the
me Producers
ition charges, the
of living, and our
hcreaaing noR supply
sblemH that are being
ily and which are
en up for solution by
leading citizens. We
rays hay been heavy
of ham, bacon and
tofore the larger part
ply has come from the
eking plants, bouRht
wholesalers by our
chants for their retail
Mr. Simmons has discussed the
plan of all getting together with
some of the larger feeders and it
is meeting with general favor.
This will necessitate the close co
operation of the hog raiser, who
has a over production to dispose
of, the local merchant who has
and must continue to handle the
selling end of the meat supply,
and the non-producing consumer
who wants a good article at right
Declares he Has Not
Abandoned Central Oregon
This will cut out the outside
! packer, the commissions charged
if Mi.. ar.vlr vnrrin thp whnle-
the pust two years tne , Haler an(j tne transportation
Harney County have j charges on the hogs to market
the product back to the
creased their stock of
hey have been urged
in doing this and
Id conditions here very
for raising good,
inimals. These now
sent to the outside
id must be disposed of
How are they to be
I into cured meats, and
produce to reach the
Simmons has under
work out a co-operative
had a good bunch of
own ranch that must
d of and his farmer
were also well sup-
sent out for an ex-
man to kin ana pro-
ipare nis meat, ne
A. Shenfield of Cal-
has had 18 years
cperience with one of
it packing establisn-
ICanada. During the
Ih they have killed
of hogs averaging
pounds, and the meat
ed or passing through
A small supply of
een placed in several
in Burns.
and on
local merchant. It will keep all
the money and profit involved in
the transaction at home to the
benefit of the entire community.
Mr. Simmons proposes that he
will furnish all the necessary
plant and equipment, at present
to be located down at his ranch
but eventually to be installed in
the proper business center, and
will kill and properly prepare the
product on a commission basis.
With an experienced man in
charge first-class cured meats,
lard and by products can be
turned out and waste reduced to
a minimum.
It has been estimated that
there will lx about 2.000 head of
hogs ready for the market with
in the next six months within the
territory contingent to the Burns
market. That means some 130
to 140 tons of hams, shoulders
and bacon, a mighty big item.
j.ll our citizens are urged to
interest themselves in this pro
position and to investigate and
discuss the matter. All are in
vited to call at the Simmons
ranch and inspect the meat now
on hand and to discuss the plan
for co-operation, and the bacon
can also be found at several of
the stores. Then in a short time
a general meeting will be called
for the purpose of formulating a
definite plan of operation.
jtrally Located, Good Clean
leals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
Class Bar In Connection. Olve Me A Call
rns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Pork, Veal, Mutton,
lasuage, Bolonga,
Icheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
holesale and Retail
ipt and Satisfactory Service
Patronge Solicited and
jrs uive'i iuick mention
to The
gall Drug Store
Ansco Camera's Films
any thing wanted In the
toed Bros. Props.
Both Hill and Harriman
Lines to be Extended
Across the State
A letter of July 25, from Col.
C. E. S. Wood to Mayor A. W.
Trow of Ontario and published
in the Ontario Democrat, contains
an account of two interviews
concerning the railroad situation
as follews:
"I had a talk with Mr. James
J. Hill, which he said need not
be treated confidential, in which
he said he had not abandoned a
siriRle original plan for Oregon,
but he had seen this period of
depression coming and he had
stopped all construction work
accordingly, but as soon as war
ranted his work in Oregon would
be resumed, but at this time he
could give no more definite as
surance than this. 1 was very
glad to learn that he has no
agreements with anybody and
that his original plans are to be
carried out. Of course, you
understand, in such matters as
railroads, no man can positively
promise precisely what can be
done in the future.
"I also saw Mr. Schiti, (Kuhn,
Loob & Co. ) of the executive
board of the Union Pacific
system is really the financial
backer of Harriman. He said,
referring directly to the Oregcto
Eastern, that the apparent dis
continue of work was only part
of a general order applicable
over the whole system for a
temporary shut down'during the
present money stringency, that
they were anxious, if possible,
to have the Oregon-Eastern
opi-rating ul least to connect with
the Deschutes by l'.l... and work
would be pushed on it as soon as
conditions warrant it. 1 might
also say that the right-of-way
people art now upplying to the
Land Grant for right-of-way
Market Report.
Receipts for the last week at
the Portland Stocks Yards have
been; Cattle 1887; Calves 215;
Hogs 2479; Sheep 4862; Horses 7.
Heavy receipts of cattle for the
week, and the fact that the best
stuff was not offering has caused
the market to decline from 26c
to 50c. Good choice stuff is in
demand and would still bring a
good price, but there is no de
mand for poor quality, which
just demoralizes the market.
The dehorning of cattle is
strongly urged, as in many in
stances shippers receive from
25c to 40c less on account of the
bruised condition of the stuff
offered. $8.25 is the top on
steers when good ones are in
evidence. One extra choice lot
of cows brought 7.50, but good
cows are selling around 0.75 and
7.00. Fancy heifers would bring
a good price but there is a wide
range in the class offered, as in
the case with steers. Calves
steady and bulls a shade lower.
The hog market has dropped
from ten cents to $9.70 for best
light swine, and will probably
go lower, as packers needs are
temporarily supplied.
The sheep house was slyw and
draggy, probably due to the hot
weather. Not many receipts.
Good ewes would bring 3.50, top
wethers 3.75 to 4.00, and top last
of the mountain lambs 5.50 to
5.75 but a general apathy exists
in the sheen trade.
Between 450 and 500 People Spend an
Enjoyable and Profitable Day at
The Robins Home on the East Side
of the Valley Many People From
Burns Attend
Sometime ago W. H. Robins,
the ever hospitable owner of the
Crow ("amp Ranch in the eastern
part of Harney Valley, gave the
public an invitation to come over
to his grove and enjoy an outing.
The Burns Rod and Gun Club
arranged for a shooting tourna
ment and picnic, the people
caught the idea and spirit and
the occasion developed into a
dwelt upon the spirit of friendly
intercourse which had brought so
many together from such great
distances and from all walks of
life and the good which would
naturally result from such com
mingling. He very gracefully
thanked Mr. Robins for his
hospitality and voiced the senti
ments of the entire crowd when
he suggested that the occasion
Prineville to Have
Railroad Connecton.
A- contract has been closed
with H. J, tehee! of Tenlne,
Wash., for the consruction of a
standard gauge steam or electric
railroad fcom Metolius to Prine
ville. According to the news,
brought direct from Prineville,
construction wiI commence as
soon as.righta-of-way are secured
and preliminaries disposed of,
That community is entitled to
this development and we sincere
ly trust that the matter will be
speedily Rnd satisfactorily taken
care of,
Puckagcs sent by parcel post
to the steam laundry will be re
turned prepaid where tne Din
amounts to $1 or over.
great big celebration lost Sunday should be repeated each season,
participated in and enjoyed hyi Dr. Denman as a representative
450 to 500 people. 0f the Harriman section boosted
The weather was ideal; auto- the country as he ever does, and
mobiles, trucks and rigs were spoke encouragingly of its future;
available for nil; the ride through he also dwelt upon the splendid
the waving grain fields, the! work of the various experiment
fragrant wild hay meadows and (stations.
across the wide expanse of l. v. i.aruen, who was visit-
promising sage brush valley was ing the county as representative
exhilarating, impressive and in- of the U. S. Agricultural De
structive; the grove was at its partment, inspecting the various
best and furnished ample shade experiment stations, paid this
and room; the scence carried us section u glowing tribute and
back to other groves and other guve his impressions gleaned
picnics; the gray haired pioneer from what he had seen here along
was there with his reminiscences, the lines more fully expressed in
the matron with her chubby, sun- un interview found in another
burned little "tenderfoot;" the column. Farm talks have becom8
009 maiden and bashful swain very popular here and this corn
without whom there could be no ing from an expert and an out-
picnic, side man was most pleasing.
The Tonawama Hand Boys Wm Hanley took the crowd
thoir .riroU onHiWith him on a breezy trip to
added much to the enjoyment of ' l om'v 'slant! ; he urged participa-
the occasion by u number 0flllonin "w Agricultural College
good si lections during the duy. extension work, und also pre-
A short impromptu program dieted that Harney Valley would
was arranged; the qpsell mak- hwre a railroad within the next
ing being opened by Frank Davey vt'ar or two.
in his usual happy style. He (Continued on Page twoj
Work On New Church
To Begin at Once
Burns To Have $12,000
Presbyterian Church
Contract is Let
A contract has been closed for
the construction of the Presby
terian church. Geo. W. Ray
craft is to be Superintendent of
construction, and all materials
are to be selected and purchas
ed direct by the building Com
mittee. The building will be of
stone and brick, with full base
ment and all modern church con
veniences. The foundation and
basement story is to be completed
this fall, the brick for the entire
building to be burned, and stone
and other materials assembled
before winter; the building to be
ready for occupancy by July 15.
Representative of United States Depart
ment of Agriculture Visits Harney
Valley and Sees its Wonderful Pos
sibilitiesRecommends "Get To
gether" Spirit
Experiment Station Notes.
Hv I.. K. Hum i Mai I-1
The crops of most importance,
the early maturing varieties of
oats, wheat, peas, barley, all the
winter grains and the flax are
all ripening rapidly. Some are
already ripe, such as the Sixty
Day oats, Turkey and Golgalos
wheats, several kinds of peas etc.
Harvesting will begin very soon,
a binder and self-rake reaper
having been obtained recently
for that purpose.
A number of people have ex
pressed an intention of visiting
the Station before harvest. No
time should be lost in coming.
The things of most importance
are the ones that will be harvest
ed first. Kindly bear this in
mind and inform any others
whom you know to be intending
to make the Station a visit.
Mr. P. V. Cardon who is with
the U. S. Department of Agri
cultural with headquarters at
Washington D. C. was a visitor
at the Experiment Station the
first few days in August. Mr.
Cardon expressed himself as
agreeably surprised at the yields
which are promised from the var
ious crops now growing on the
Station. He was especially
pleased with the field peas which
he Baid were better than any he
hud seen on his tour among the
Experiment Stations West of the
There are ovl-r thirty acres of
these peas on the station, most
of these will be threshed for seed.
Harney County should lose no
time in getting into the field pea
business. They are a hardy crop
requiring small amount of
moisture to make a crop that,
with proper handling will return
more per acre on the dry lands
than any grain crop that could
be grown. At the same time
they will put the only element
lacking in most of our soils into
the ground. This element is
Nitrogen. Peas, like the other
legumes, have the power of tuk
ing the Nitrogen from the air and
storing it in the soil. The roots
and straw left after the crop is
hogged off contain quantities of
Nitrogen and, in addition, are
very beneficial because of the or
ganic matter or humus they put
into the land,
sure to result
other legumes
tion with the
Better crops are
when peas and
are used in rota
cereals. No far
mer can afford not to learn how
to grow and market this crop.
Every farmer should grow a
patch next year.
Oregon Eastern to Reach
Riverside by November 1
I f no serious delays are en
countered, the Oregon Eastern
line of the O.-W. R. & N.. com
pany will be completed to River
side within IK) days. The road
is being built from Vale and the
distance to Riverside, through
the Malheur canyon and valley,
is about 80 miles.
General Manager and Vice
President J. P. O'Brien, of the
O.-W. R. & N., company, went
over the line about a week ago
and inspected the progress of
the work, and yesterday he ex
pressed the belief that trains
will be in operation between the
two points by November if work
progresses in accordance with
The line will tap a large body
of land that is to be thrown open
to settlement this month, land
t hat some years ago was reserv
ed by the government Some of
this lund is mountainous and
rough, but there are also stretches
of considerable area that are
splendidly udupted for dry farm
ing. Oregon Journal.
A flat top ouk venered desk
will be sold at our place of busi
ness on Aug. 15, 1913 to pay
storage und freight charges.
Burns Hardware Co.
Good Keaaon for hi Enthutiam,
When u man has suffered for
several days with colic, diarrhoea
or other form of bowel complaint
and is then cured sound and well
by one or two doses of Chamber
lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Reme
dy, as is often the case, it is but
natural that he should be enthu
siastic in his praise of the remedy,
und especially is this the case of
a severe attack when life is
threatened. Try it when in need
of such a remedy. It never fails.
Sold by all dealers.
A Sad Accident.
The following clipping from
the Douglas Tribune published
in Douglas, Kansas, was sent to
us the first of this week. Mrs.
Williams was formerly Miss
Edith Gorham who taught for a
number of years in the schools
or mis county and has many
friends who will be shocked and
grieved to learn of the death of
her little son.
Little Lynn Williams, only son
of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Williams
of Rock was missed on Thursday
evening of last week at supper
time. The family, friends and
neighbors became alarmed and
instituted a diligent search all
over the vicinity of the home,
down to the river and up in the
Osborn pasture on Muddy creek.
Between nine and ten oclock
the little fellow was found lying
unconscious under the gasoline
tank near the Williams store.
He remained unconscious until
the next day when he seemed to
be recovering from the ellYets
of the fumes, but the skin over
a great part of the body had
been blistered by the gasoline
that had run over his clothing,
and from that cause he died
Friday afternoon.
The gasoline tank which Mr.
Williams had used in his mer
cantile business, was located in a
pit, an old well that had been
filled up to within a few feet of
the surface. It was necessary
to go down into this pit to draw
gasoline. Little Lynn had gone
down there and turned the faucet
the fumes of the gasoline had
rendered him unconscious and he
had fallen over backwards, the
gaseous fluid running over his
clothing. For about six hours
he lay there the fumes poisoning
his lungs and the fluid soaking
into his clothing, blistering the
skin on about one half of his
Dr. Wilson was called from
Douglass and another physician
from Winfield. A trained nurse
was also called from the latter
city. They worked hard to save
the life of the boy, but the in
juries were so severe that death
came in about 24 hours from the
time he had fallen unconscious
from the stupifying fumes.
L. P. Williams has long been
postmaster at Rock. He is a
brother of George Williams,
deceased, the founder of the
town. The father has been in
very bad health for the past six
months. The parents and all the
family have great symputhy
from all who know them.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in this city where there is a fine
cook and very best accommoda
tions, tf 31.
That Harney Valley is wonder- in many instances, they give
fully well adapted for the pro- promise of being of great im
duction of cereal crops and that portance in this section. The
ii k'vch promise oi some aay spring oats ana Daney plats are
being one of the most important excellent, as good as I have seen
agricultural areas in the north- this year, and the emmer is
west, is the opinion of Mr. P. V. showing up very nicely. I think
Cardon, Assistant Agronomist in it would be difficult to find any
the Bureau of Plant Industry, better pea crops in any section
'J. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Mr. of the semiarid west. This is
Cardon has spent several dayB in one of the most promising crops
the valley, visiting the experi- in the Harney Valley and will be
ment station and a number of one of value in the cropping
the farms in the vicinity of , systems of the future.
Burns, and he is free in express- "While all of the experiments
ing a very favorable opinion of being conducted on the station
this country. ! are based on principles immedi-
"lt is surprising that railroads ately practical in this locality,
have kept out of this vallev there are some which are of the
for so long", said Mr. Cardon j greatest importance at this time,
when interviewed. "Certainly i Mr. Breithaupt is conducting ex
the valley will prove a valuable! periments designed to determine
feeder to any railroad, especially J the best crops for this section
those leading to the larger cities , and also the best varieties of
on the coast, which practically each of the crops. Then he is
could be supplied' with cereals trying to determine the best
and cereal products from this methods of cultivation, the treat
section. It is very encouraging, ment of the soil and of the crop
however, to leatn that a railroad after it is ulnntec! the nlflpp of
is being built in this direction
and that it will reach into the
Harney Valley within the next
few months. With the coming
of the railroad, this valley will
take on un agricultural develop
ment which will equal in ex
tensiveness any which has taken
place in the northwest".
Mr. Cardon is officially inter
ested in the experimental side of
agriculture and he was very
enthusiastic about the work
being conducted on the local ex-
perimeni station. ror a new
station." said Mr. Cardon, "I
have never Been any that sur
passed this one at Burns; in fact,
it will compare with most of the
older stations over the United
Slates. Some of the crops grow
ing this year are far better than
I expected to see, even surpass
ing my most generous expecta
tions. The winter wheat crops
are very good and although they
do not surpass the spring wheats
the various crops in the cropping
systems, etc. The results ac
cruing from these experiments
will be of the greatest value to
the farmers who care to keep in
touch with the most recent and
progressive methods in agricul
ture. "The work which Mr. Breit
haupt is doing in cooperation
with farmers in the valley is
worthy of commendation, for he
is by this method carrying the
experiment station to the people,
who after all are most vitally in
terested in it. In this work Mr.
Breithaupt is showing himself
worthy of the support of every
farmer in Harney County; there
is no work in which the "get
together" spirit should be more
strongly in evidence.
"It is a pleasure to visit a
country of this kind, where one
cannot help seeing its wonderful
possibilities; and it is pure joy to
find in the heart of such a coun
try, an experiment station doing
such worthy work as is the local
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
.Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
BEGINS '! forty-fifth school yeai
DEGREE COURSES lu manyptaaseaof
teacher's Courses i manual
tratniinj, agriculture, dowmtic aaumct
nl Art.
MUSIC, Including piano, airing, ban.l
InEtruweuta inl voice culture.
"Thk Hnkioimknt oir KURAI. 1,1 Kh"
and CaTalouuk will be mailed free
ou application
Addraai H. U. TimmanT, Kegl.trai ,
u ill ta ) CorvalUs, Ortgos.
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
mi on (ily ...
I'riric CU)
Canyon ( ily
Fare, Burns-Prairie
Round Trip,
Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns
...lam Canyon City -M p m
7 a in Prairie City 10 a in
2:30 p m
7pm llurna .12 noon
irie City, - - $ 6.00
" Offers You The Very Best Of Facilities "ten
For filling prescription. We have a Urge and
well assorted stock of prescription drafts and
competent Pharmacist to coimuBafflMRw
Welhave the agency for the well known line
of.Nal Family Medicines, Eastman Kodaks
and Supplier Come and. visit us at any time.
J. C Welcome, Jr. Prop.