y&f H !! .r in 1 1 ywwrrt-Mf THE tWINIHIRD Never kill a pit for market or coiimmil'tloii until It U ripe for It Ta caua of imt lirlf I j plRS can often bo traced to a nuiiy swill : barrel. Prepare to keep the young plus I grow Ins from tho Hour mey en ter the world. Hon are mnong the moat J cleanly animate If they are glr- en a fair chance. lot of hoga In a hog lot well grown with clover will convey a lot of money to their owner'a pocket He aure that the hog li.nl. I lam or amall. haa an almuilnm-o X of frsao, clean water to drink nil T the time. The hog that la foil ou ono thing all the time makes alow growth and little pork. HMIII-rr- H I I 1 l-l-H-H-H- CONCRETE COOLING VAT. rer Mem.roiada leeleaa Refrigerator Country Use. Many country homea which riinni't have lea must depend ou other Mm for keeping milk, butter Ud turn products cool, aaya the American Cultl vator. Nothing la better nmi .-leaner than a concrete vat auuk In the gTOttPd In the tallk house and fed by I sprint! or with water rem the well on Its way to the atock watering tanks. Tho iba of the rat Is deiendint on BM Tor a farm with n amnll dairy Niilll clent apace Is to be bad In a tank four feat two Inches by seven feet two Inches In tha clear, by twenty -three Inches deep and with live Inch wall and bottom. This vnt will hold SlgM regulation shipping cans spaced six Inches apart In a corner of the milk limine dig the pit for the vat five feet wide, algal feet long and twenty-two Inches deep If the water Is to be fed and removed by Iron pipes, these should be laid at once with their ends provided with craw or sleeve couplings live Inches above the earth bottom of the pit. Build a box form without top or hot torn four feet two Inches wide by eev n fact two Inches long, outside Baal urementa. and twenty-throe Inches deep. Mix the concrete mushy wet of one bag of Portland cement, two cubic feet of aand and four cubic feet of screened gravel or crushed rock, or one part cement to four parts pit irrnv al. Place a cork In tho ends of the pipes and lay the five Inch bottom with a atrip of woven wire fencing lu the concrete within two lnrhea of tho top. Quickly finish the bottom smooth with myyw HUMBMADS COOI.INII VAT. wooden float nnd a steel trowel and at once set the box form In the pit so as to leave a space of live Inches on II aldea. Kill this space with con crate. Around the corners of the tank. r the top and bottom, imbed an old ?. "'!" 'I'" "u,""do ,wulli lo iuii unni u.r....- ii,pi ii-ii-i iij llama, a width of board along the side nnd end. Hound the edges and finish tin top of the walls with a trowel. When the tank Is two days old care fully remove the forms. Hub down the walls with a soft brick nud paint them with a creamy mixture of cement and water. Klve days luter the vat may be uaeil. In the coupling of the vBtlet pipe plare a section of overflow pipe nineteen Inches long, which will draw off the warm water at the top of the tank. The overflow pipe should be t least one-half Inch greater lu illume tmr than (hi. Inlet till,,, no nil In risniiiii all danger of flooding the milk and the ' dairy bouse Make a grating of one Inch slats or gas pipe to place on the bottom of the vat to provide n circula tion of cool water under the milk cans As an aid In lifting the cans fix a band rail at a convenient height above tbe tank Kor this vat there will lie required one and one-half yards of em, hod rock or acreened gravel, three quartan yard of sand and ten bags of cement at a total cost of about u Two men can build It In one duy. Larger cool Ing tanks should have walls six Inches thick. Killed with cool water from the spring or well, such a vat will keep tbe cream sweet and will In many other ways take the place of an Ire refrigerator Hog For ths Dairymsn. One of the best breeds of hogs for the dairyman to raise Is the Hump hire. He Is a good hog unywhere yon put him; but, as he wns originally bred aa a bacon hog, he seems to like plenty of milk In his diet and In mighty willing and able to pay for It Any good hog Is a good hog for a dairy farmer to keep, and tho color of his Hair doesn't matter. Ho select the bread voe Ilk best and stay with It, ad U will stay with you Undsrstsndlng. A well known artist tells of tin amus ing colloijuy In an art gallery where two young women were viewing a copy of Millet's "Oleaners." Oua of the young women wns carried way by her enthusiasm. "Mow beau tiful I How wonderful I What artl" he exclaimed. "Above all, how natu ral!" 'I hen, after a pauae, ahe sold. "Hut w hat ara those people dolug?" tirawlng nearer to read tbe title, she waa enlightened. "Ob, now," she add ed, "I seel (lleanlng millet! How won derful! How beautiful !"--IOjrlini,ge. A Substitute. Mra. Crabsbaw-Wbeu the woman next door returned after being away a weak her husband was Just contempti ble enough to say that he hadn't miss ed her. Crubshaw-I don't suppose he did. He bad tbe talking machine go ing all the time. Judge. Muaieal Note. Tardy Arrival (at the concert) ITava I missed much? What are they playing now? One of tbe Klect The "Ninth Symphony. " Tardy Arrival Oooduessl Am I as late as that? Harper's liatar. , i DOOM A CAMPAIGN OF ODDITIES. When tha Lag Cabin and Hard Cider Enthusiasts R.Jolo.d. Politic a! enthusiasm haa taken many forms diirliiii the lifetime of this ua Hon 'I he Harrison-Van Iluren presl drill lii I campaign of 1810 waa In aome re ports the must remarkable tha conn ID has ever soon. "l''rom May till No ' vemher," says one historian, "It seamed s If nil nhlobodled cltlsens simply w.nt about In procosslone to attend i muss meetings." the grenl oddity of tha campaign i was tho log cabin, tho coon and the cl idcr barrel. The log cnbld Idea orlgl Innled with nn opposition paper which hud said slightingly that "William Henry Harrison better go back to In ill, ma and stay there In his log cabin ililnklng hard elder." 1'he Iniint was taken up by Hnrrl son's followers Log cabins sprang up I' ill over the union, in every town there was a houno wanning, and the log i-ablfl was thrown open to the public i mid general rejolclug On tha roof u is a live raccoon, and n barrel of . Ider stood before the door, where any ,i,.. u ho iioshvil nilclit drink all he I ,-hose. It wns n campaign of oddities. Some of the aymlHila have never been stir oissed for genuine absurdity. Mnga i no of American lllatory. SIMPLICITY IN THE HOME. There Is Such a Condition aa Having Too Many Furnishings. Many nervous. Irritable, dissatisfied, unhappy women would become calm ' ml contented If they would atorc, give or throw away half of their belong ' liign Some havo abandoned elegant residents ami taken their fnmllles Into hotels or Ixiardlug bouses who I could havo continued to keep up their imuics If. Instead of glvlug up their , houses themselves, they had done away 1 with tho superlluous furnishings. Some one, ofteu the mistress herself, , must clenu mid care for every article of furnishing, no matter how humble its use or how ornamental Its function, mil this round of duties proves many limes to bfl a grievous burden on dell i ate shoulders There Is such n thing possible as hav mg too tunny utenslla nnd tools to work with, so that taking out, rephic j lug and keeping them clean nnd In or ' dor ndd to the dally labor Too much I furniture In a room, so that walking I through It seems a perilous attempt In steer a course without disaster, too many pulmonis to wear, ror tune is consumed In caring for them, nud even in choosing what to put on. Suburban I lfo Magar.lue A Widow's Curious Cap. A very i minus cap forms the "wld ew's weeds" of the Australian alHjrtglne In one part of the groat Island conti nent. Near the northeast bend of the Murray river It Is the custom for wid ows to attend upM the tombs of their departed lords Then after shaving their heads they cover them with pips lay kneaded Into a paste. The head Is first covered with a net to prevent lbs clay from sticking too tightly to he -si. Iii. a misfortune which la imrtly icitid by the amount of grease with a lib h every Australian native Is anoint d A layer of this clay several Inches III thickness Is plastered over the bend uid when dry forms a sort of skullcap '.actly tilting (he head on which II mis molded As It weighs several pounds, the widow's cap cannot lie comfortable Weather Vanes. The best weather vanes are made with the greatest nicety uud precision, so that they balance crfectly and turn with the least possible weur. The vane Is, of .ours.-, longer on one side of the socket than ou the other or It j would not turn with the wind, but Its weight Is the same on both aldos. If it Is a narrow vane, for In.tance. the weight of tho solid bead Is easily made i-ipial to that of the longer, pro Jectlng but thinner feather end, and all vanes, whatever they may lie, nro bill amed as to weight and so adjusted that they turn easily and with the least possible friction. Son-Well. I've married her, dad, and that's all there Is to It! I'alher Vmi mean that Is the beginning of all there Is to It. Huston (J lobe. Why H. Laughed. "My son, I'm surprised. You ought not to laugh because that old gentle man full down." "I didn't, pop. I was laughing because bo couldn't get up." New York World. Some Picture. Ai II ,i Tiuil Is a very rare picture. Art Critic-Yes; I notice It U not well ilone. Ht l.ouls Globe-Democrat s Get one of thoie Duitleii Brooms at the Rexall Drug Store. A Good Investment DISSOLUTION NOTICE. We hereby irivi notice that the partnership heretofore existing between W. T. lister and J. D. McNeil doing business as "Inland Empire Realty Co.", is hereby dissolved. J. I). McN il retiring from business turning all busi ness over to W. T. Lester, who will continue the business at the nlil stand. W. T. IBter .1. I). McNeil I -I. i MA, sin! sl HKXTOHATION Tip KNTIIY OK l.ANIi I IN NATIONAL KOKKSIS Notice in hereto 111 veil llmt lln- IhhiIs ilenei Ibeil LelOW, enilirsi'lns '.WO arm. within tin- Mai hint Nstlnnsl Komi, Oregon, will li iiii.Jsii In Ht III. colli I cull) 'itnlci llic IIHIVl I. Mid ,il Hi, bomsitasrl imm .a lln I'nlliil Htstee sml Hie ncliit June II, Mill Ml Kim.. '.ml, St I lie riiiirii Bletsi iiiini erticc st num.. orguu,uii HentsmserM, lll Ar letusi whewsssr nmlly sml In Komi (sllli elslmlni sny nt lit liml. (ni iitiliiiltiiial purposes iirliir lujnuii io i, iw:, nmi inm not sbandoBsa sams, iss iireletenre ilulil to ineka s Inimi-itaail citlry ini iht isiuis situii)i eeeaplea suiii lands in ic In-1 c I i; no i Hi. Hlilli nlliillRof I lie n-1 t ini-iitiiiiu a i ii . it lie lisve h rtderem- IslH mdili'CI lu the ITlur rliihl nt slly lll'h lllrr iirm lilcil Kin It "illili or nilli'fttn II ipis Iflsil In inn kc liiiliii-nfi'iol inilry Hlnl I In- retro In i rljllit Is sasrStSSd prlul In HeiiteMtHir 'H I'.illl. on 1 1 1 1 li ilnle 1 lie IhiiiU will l.c subject to llrnsol sml ctiiiy by sny iiusllllml j-t- sen I In l.n.l. o- H lull. ill. I'lic NW'. i.l NI , el NI. '.. llii'Si.iil NRUotNKWol NKU, Mec.ll, n,li, nt NW i, .( NWU, I lie gljOtHW',..! NW'.iil NW',, lli. sK'.olNW.ol NW',,lb NH.i. nt NW'. III. ', i( NWi, of SK, Hu ll,.' fcl.ol Kl, ..I sK', ill NWi,. (lis K',ol Wi, nl SK', nt NW'.. Ho- VV'.ot NWi, nf SK'.lil NW',. Hie I',..! M.', of SWU. I he Kl.nl i, ( NK',.,r -w, . il,., N', nt NK'.. ertlU nl SWVi-i'c W,T. I'JH. II, ."i K . W l , idi.i-ioi. tarsi, i'i'iicin'n nt w n Hun, nl ii.hu.. ori-inui. Lists "l The sK'-ol NK,'-, s , Hie SWI, ol NW',, On. si, ot Vtot NWli, Hur. Ill I .IIS., II. II h. , I.l' sella, Hl'l'llcllnii ..I thulium Vsn .aiull, of lliirnn. ll...ll, LUI VIS ,iiriiMil Jul) 11, I'lKI.C M Hill i K AMlHtsul riinuiitMloiit-r nt tbe iipin-rtl I n.l Offlcr. Hums I. Ill No SU NOTIOI rOR PUBLIOATfON 1NI1KIIHT.VTKM lANIIorKHKl iiiirm, Oraato, July II, ivia.i Holies m li.-n in k l veil tiiHi lb.' Norlhtrn Peclaa iuiiuri i onrpaay, stiuse isni untev lilr.'Ni ) si 1'atil Mliilu'Rnin, Iim tbtl lllh ilay nl Jill) I'U I. Hie I III Hill ..nil-,. In. .1.1. II. ill, ,u lo ii'le.t uiuliT ilu- i.l... Iilnai of tha art ol Ceagfsn iipruii'.l July I, ihhs Muisist. WI7, fl'Sij I Latfwdl -.,-, ii, ,s, ..in w. nt ;so i i m .1 NK'.nl NK', I NW'.i.l NK', :, SWi, nl NK', S SK'. nl NK', 7 NW', nl si', n HK'4 01 -I1, II NK'.nl UK'. U. " " 40 00 v, " woo n. ' mis n, " aioo J7, ' " 1IIUU T, " " nine aiou l, ' aiiiu H, " " It'ini Ill Lull .' .1, I, slnl ; n, UK W) rial No. usaM Any nmi ill i.iT.nn. i liimliif iilveiiely lbs iiints ili'irnis .1, oi deslrlaa i" ubjeet is-riim- nl I he ni lllrr 1 1 rhurii tcr of Hie lilul, ir for III) nthcr rSSBOBj lo the iIInh,ii1 In ii,lli'llil, biuii.t nie in. ii ai.inin,ii ,, .,..,. ii, this Ion las .1,'i.isi nl -i-ii-i tlsir, KlSSS. K'l Her lint PUBLICATION. UvtTMftwTATett LaNiiOrrli k HiiMii, i tfrgun, .itily 7, i -ii iM'N-i.jr glx.ii i list ihtiinii 1. inn linimn, lir. gun I..., nn Mrll II ItlO iitfl- IImmi. iliid KnU) NilUll'Ifnr "l , i tl,.n I I. .tt hhl .' - , KHfiKi .IK VVH MiMi'tUi M-'f i-liMii. han it), .i ii.. i t ol istii ..ii inulit final 'tn ' . I'., ..I. t.( i pi. .tin. i lulni ti.iti.' Uiil ibuvi tin rlbvtl, !! Ki-k lult'i himI KntlVi r, hI Mti r Ilia. Oivnuii, -- t In 1Mb its. tit ut(iii'. I 1 I U I in mil iiHinra Wit HI i I stttrr Itiifli ImiiiI, Jhlt Klrhttvr, Jubli l I '"f KhImtI lr tnu nil i( hurliniiiiti, Oi.gm. H FiHNit h-KI t'i NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION I'MTIIiMlllta I.ANt'OrriiK I Hnrita. ori'Kull July ", I'M 1 NoUMll It rt t.y .iv. n Ih.l Jnlin M ! . i Of Ili'Mln, tirt'KOH Wbo, "ll M) , IV10 in If UomO-lMil I li. Nn i.l'. 11, (..I hr"'4Nr ,,', NK1., in' . ' ttti'l i A ' K'., rVclluil At 'Inn ii -.ilp Dfl , UaiiKr H K , .Mil aunt li- Mvrl.llstu hN (llcl DOllM of ItilflitliHi til tllMlr alllOl tlirt" VOOI MOof, to t'sitiil.lUli cUiin to tltr iHli'l Bl "' 'It'll Itf't'il. 1.,'fnff M J. ifTminur, c h. i omnlMlonor, t hi oHeo. i I't-nm, Oroffon, on tin- 1Mb ! nf Augu.t, i-m :. ' iMl lltn hi llrtl.it at MS Wlltll'MMVM w iMiniii Nbarbnro, rrMlick HolUiway, Ha' rlaoti 'in, i. i i.IiiiiiI.iim ".rovf all o! I'fnio, i in ton Ww. Kahbr. I(rilk tr NOTICE POB PUBLICATION. I'MTIIi ST4VKS l.AHHOrril-K, t llurim. Oregon, July II, . i 1 N. In n li hiri'l.y Klvcii. Ihll Wilier K Ken Inasr, of sUlsjf, iiii-Knii, wbo on Jsuusry TV, lain, nmli- I ili.nl i-iilrjr, No. imimi, lor SKI, MW',. s',.SK',inl NK',SK',, Seellon l, hull hl. .1 s .II.i.Ki- .'i. K , wlllaiui Hi- Msriiilsll.bu nit, I in, lie nl liil.iilli.li I,, milk,, tlml three lesr t.t.inl, to ell ml lib c III III tolhe linil sbovr deaenbed, brfora Haststir mil lire. li.r. si iiiniii. Orsfon, on itu. i si i, ii,i uf auiuii tela, l.i I i.i ii li 1 iiiiiii-, u wltlleliei lunk i . ,i,i, i., wiiiinn, w Sliirii-ii, Wllllllil lloi.iT, H..1.I J. ki'l , all ol Hlb-lr, llrt'Ki'ii. Wh.Pass. K.-kI.i.'I NOTIOI fOB PUBLICATION IN I I Kli V A IKS I ANIIOKKH K,l Hum., union, July II, l ,l:i.( Motles i. hereto gives thai Ki.nk Aitoiuh H'irii. ut I .ni'li OrsgOa, wbo. on Jluie II, Ivl'J until. Ili.i.n-.i. a. I Knlry, Nn MM, for KUSWU ami lot. :i anil I, Secll.m II, 'IohuiIiIii ',. it, ItitiSi' II r.., Wllliiiiillu Mrilill.n haa Rli'.j nnlli e nl liileiilii.ii to tnakt. Mini . ,,,. n. ..i.l lm I'tuul in . tni.li.h claim In I h, lain! alsiic .1 .' rlhi-il. I. Inn lit -a-laliir anil Kei elver, al Itiirltl, lilt'K.'ll, mi II. i ISIb .In) uf AiikiiiI, mil I Islliinil iiameasa wllai'iaea- lliriv ll Kin h, shnriiian N Jur, l Ill-ill, Pets i 'brlatniifun. all nl I...., loot S w I iri'iiiui l, K.SSS ll.-K'l NOTIOI POB PUBLICATION "MTfr TTS I I an flMIJIl. I Burns, orin July ...,, -. . 4 i '",'!,"'.', 'n l""'1'1 "lv"" "' " N'ulln.i. laellle llallai i t.miiany, hoae poaloltl. , a.l ilraisHHI I'.iul. HlDBSSMS, ha. Ihll .' m, .1, i of July 'I III. i.l, . I lo ihl., .in. ..' , i , ,- , - --------.,..,,,.. . , .,, , -a in ""'''t r the luuvllloiii of lb sill til Inn MK'.of NW',, See. .1 ma ;uk yf. M 40.OU Vitini No mat Any am all .er..n. ilalmln, silvsrwlv Hie lailrt. ili.ellhiil or ileilrlua a oGsOl aim t Ibe mlneril eliirii'ter of ills In.. I. r for any ll .,"ou.';"""',' I"'!!" "'l"'"sllos..lli.snt ibou'il mutlel, anitlai li of i.role.lli, ibla osfee, on or before III. I .1 la ,ly l ,- ,,i., fjj W x fa sill lli'slilrr Jnio g a m n UUNTKEfl' .. in .;( i.'j'.cu ...., .,. . ,. - i rr. r r. . . j i. i . . . .. , rJj.l"! . r.V I', n "I 'T CI''"" .ll" :'' ' v An vlca. STEVrF ' "HlriiPoAer"Kot,c-is Rifle No. 42. Uit Pries . :,, .oo .Z5-.30-30-.32 atlfl .?. ubbcrs Um Item. Auto -Lorn! ling (Sltll li;i tUBEIIBI NOSAIJ'.I MJC. Our "High Fowl'' i& V. Ililli ii ulho fur- C -, j Dallied iii fuiu y i trruilo. fUk sour Ceilai. i Bend for lniudaoii i. HlUeCaUlog. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY I'. O. ll.ix 5004 CHIC0PEE FAILS, MASSACMUilllS esses, mi ol nn, i. NOTIOI Nnlli, l VI. k... ol mf 1 -i W)k i jb. .BK-.- -.am K-TlsWaw. Jtf lilmjl NOTICK KOK PUBLICATION I'sirm Mtatss lasii iiifln Burns, Orsinn, July f, lu. Nulla Is bfraliy slvsn Ibst Thoinsi I, Vltki'Tl, lailslii'c nl Kriltk I' lllukllllil, nl Mm l.aiian. OisRon, wliu on Rplmhr IS, 11.17. insilr Dsssrl l.altil Knlry No lots Herlsl, No 07(10, for KiNKi, Haeilon ll, Townihlii an S , HSIISI HB K., Wlllaiiiellt. Mi rl, hall, III! (Hail n'.illee of lllli'lllhin III liiska flnil 1'rOOf, III clilillih claim In Ihi. I.inl abova itricrllMil, is.fttia lii'aiiti't 111. 1 llaerlvwr, si Mtirni, Oisgon on the Ills ilsy of Aii(ust, lfl. 1 1. 1. .....I nsnia. si wltni-Mel: Ntsrr lluckliiiil. jiiIiii llchncr, John ll lavh.r iinliiTi lrvlnall ill Huehsnin, Oreittit. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION UrllTIlD HTATM LAND plTfOB, I liurm Orraon, July M, 111 I Nnllrs Is hursbv ah en that Flora A Osrdnsr, of I'slliiiat, S011II1 llskolu. wbo. on Annul! x,, IW7, 111. .In liesert Land Knlry, No Ml, lur MK'aNW'., NK'.sWi, S'NK' NW'.HK',, Ki.it. 'i anil NWI4NW1,, Huttllllli to, Tliwmbtp JT, M llanse III I., W lllaiiinlln Merldlsa. bM tile. I noil! en! Illl.-lillull in mike llllal pruut, I.l . lahllib I'lslm to the Iinil abois iIkii'i Ibe.l, ha lor Kaslller snd Hsirlvrr. St Burn, Ori-imi. mi Ibe USA ds "' AllSUlt, 11 1 Isliiianluainassi wllueiiei Arelils Mcllowsn. W U. Ilislilir, Waller ll.i.l.l.u slid A. W. Ilowsil, ill of II111111. 1 11. (on Wm. K.bss. Iteflilir NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'NiTsiiSi.isiLANiiOrrics, iiiini". iiii'snu July IS, Kill. Nolle Is brrby slysii Hist Ueorg W. raw l'i, eitll. of Nsrruwi, ()rsttn. who on Nov msd lioinralesd Kutry Nn ulry No, -js-.i, sarisi mi IMVtlS, fill Lot I, Set II slid lol. !,;l lllil I Heel Inn .' iitiiiiii.li, j; s. Kama tv a., wiiisniane Mei nllaii, lii. Illi'.l iiullen of intontlnii lo make llnal Ave year I'rool, lo eilahllah elsllu lo ll.. !.il Rl,...e ,1. , llieil l.i-flire Hell. Ii'l Slut Hecilvat. sl llnri.i, nii'iuii, mi IhovSlb day nl Aiistiat. Illl 1 lalitillll itailli'laa witnesses .latin . K. Hlieniiili'. A usual W II111II.1111 HiiKh M 1 ttt'i'ii,. Illilon, Helb H. rim nun, s II Ol Nltnii.. WN. KASSS, Keg I Iter NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'SlTIh STATMl.ASDOrricS, I Hiiiiii. Oreaoti, July M. 11:1 I Nolle i kanaka atfaa tkai IJM Hass Irleb, of I'llm-lloU, Oresoll. v. 10 ollOlolr Is. 11117, mails llnliialtesd Kill r V bo :1V7I, Herlll No.Wrj'.t, lor NK1, H',, SW'.NK', sntlMlt NK', Seotlmi , Tosiiiblp J7 H , Hangs 14 K , willain. lie Miti'liit,. In- tiled 11. .in.- on In tuBlion lo aiak llnil Hi real (.roof 10 ,. 1. 1, IHI. 1 I. Iii. to lb lllld als.lt' 'I... lll.nl. Iielu.e Hi.al.lll .ml lleenlvar, sl lltlllil, Orssull on lit .Till ds of AllfUll I'U 1 ...llnattl itaitii'. aa v. llil.-ale. Ksrl lluritmsun, Ibomss k. Hiavsni, Nlua n.a.tilch, sll ul I'riiiei'ioii. Oregon. 11 K. Tbsiiiiswn. Wsrl. oron Wh Kasss. Hs.ali-t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CsiTsn htatss I.anii orrics. ( II, mil tin nun, July IV, 111 I Null.' I b.'i.'lu irn n that Bub) Tallstll. ol II,,,, In, ... ori's.ui, wbo, oil Julf IV, l'w. uisil" llumrslasd Knlr) No OSM. lor MCI,. Hr.llon li Towmblp J-'i M.. Itsnga U K.. Hlllsoii'tl" M, 11,11.,,, Ita. 111.! 110 lie ol liii.-iilluii 10 make Final Hum Vest I'rool, lo nstsbtl.li .-latin lo lbs land sboya dsserllssl, bstors lb llelll. r itcl Kpesllar, SI llliri... Illri-utl on lh i'.lb dy of Austin III. . 1. ll... nl name, as wllnaM W ma), II. 1 trench. Kills ll. lurry, Man L. I roiloll. ill of llirrllitan, Origuli r.sss. ki.i. t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'sitsii sr.rss I.asi. orncs 11.1 in., orsgou, Junr'JA, 11. I Nolle ll lurel.i alien thai J. Karl Mlbrrli gobal.of llucbstisn, tiragou, wbo.nii Novemls-r ;-i, lull, msd iloin.'.tiaii Knlry, No. Uli7l. lor K'sSW, ami W',SK' seellon i. Tunslili J! .', Hsng ll K , ill. 1, ,, II,- M.-illl.ii. has ltld untie of llllelttlotl lo mike ft till eoiSIIIUtstl.ill ,,uu I 0, . .1.111.1, lain, l.i tin laml alsne.le .' ills'.l .1.. lure Hi a I.l. 1 anil Ureal, .-r, a' Hums OieaSB. oa las .Mbdayof Auguii, Ivli. 1 lalmsiil iiiiiur. aa wlliiaaios I o Hi I'h. II. I i lallui Uilhul ll.lchau.ti OrsflOB J t ll.iyi'i. ol liurm. orsen. K K -, h,,n.,hit, Ilu, ha. .an. ilrsou We FlSS. Hl.lr NOTIOI FB PUBLICATION, t t I ! I ! I ,4 HI, Ihi' 11 , 'in ih.ii. i' -. I-IK Snti'-ay u hnrrl. f lvan dial I mi ll Ntobai Klla, OrfMtt, wIim..i Juur II 1MB, M)OOl Hfimratoa'1 Kolrv Ni. MVt.lblfUl No O40M fm NVi', -r.ll.n 1 liiMltllitp H . liU' r. K W iliMiiii-tiv M.rMlan. haa nil nutlrr of Intau Ion to mak. 'inMi Ira (roof I'mol. lu cRtahllali rliiiii luth' lauil iImiii darrllMMl. i-i..f Has iff h'l l:.. Hit it lltiriia 'trrgt.ti, ..nllii itnlayuf intuit. I'll v I UlIIIMhl IINIIHR R .IIh'Mf Num. K.iat.r Womilti I.. Hral, WIMIain Jnhti mi, CiBjr I. 1 1 fin I fir, all HI lay, I'rtrguu WM rABBl. Haitlati-r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I si nn Hraraa I. ash orrics, I tiitrin. nrcson, Jtiiti-.s,, tvi 1 I Nuilie la brby given Ibst t'lan ini- K. Hebn-ngobii of lltiebatisu, Oregon, who, on S01e111t.1t -'-' lull, rna.l,, h.iinraleal Kutry N..,nv,l. tor W'.sWi,. her . and Kl,SKf Sisitloll i7, lowmblprf. S , K XI K . Wlllsiuril Mi-rhllan. bal fll.nl nolle uf llilenlluti III mike llnal t ouutiulalluii prtaif to eal.lill.h eialiti lo lbs lain! alHi.e ,lra, ill i-l In lur. - Beglldr .ml lleealvrr. at llur 11.. i ireaull. on lbs Mb itai ul Mieu.t, I'd 1 I laltiiaiil lialnos .. wllneaara I. II. M, I 'hall J . liilor. hull, ol Iim In so, Dragon , J 0 J. C schretigohil, llofer, of Hums, Oro t llui-hatiau, Ongoll. Ws. F.ais. Kglllr NOTICK FOB I'UBLIUATION I SIIH' HTATRH LAND I'lH'M Itlirm, Dragon. July , 111.1 Notliel. Iicrrbv (IVSII Ibsl Klllals-th Mid lletini, of liar llluaii, Olcjgllll. Who. On Ssiil ill. r-'. msd in-.i'ii land I uuy. No osAsti, for W' HK'.iuil K'.HW1,, Hoitloli AS, Tuwnablli i. s . king UK. Wlllsmnllr Urrl.llsn, hil fflrtl nnlli e ul liiti-iilliin In link final lirutil, Ul es III, lllh I - In 1 III In tin- llIU I "IhiII- ,e.clll. ,1 l,e I'.i Ki'Kl.lt r anil Heeelver, St linn,, i u. .nn on tbe 1Mb ilay of Ailtfiul. IUI. ' lalmanl iiimi'l urn a line.... II J Joklub, F. M Millar. II J I nil, J J Hales, sll of llnirlaiili, OlsgaBi Wh. FASSS Heglsler NOTICK FOK I'UIILIOATION I'siisii 'T.tsi LAsnorrn s. i Hi) rui, Oregon, July n, iwii. i Notlt's I. hereby alien Ibst, Thorns. I' I I ,u ml, I , .,1 null,, i ni',,,ui who, OU April i, lisn. ma.ie iiiniii .!., I Katry No. !.; -cill Nu llrtl. fnrSi.SWt, snd SUNK',, See 'h.ii -l. I, ,,.,,. I, i, m I., Italia Illl K , w lllsiiielle MiTi.llali, ha. 111. I null. of liitrlillon lo make Ileal fly year Froof, loaa'shllab i latin to lb land ahuie dsierllH-d, twfore Healeler Slid lo i tier, sl llnrita Oregon, on tin lllh dsy of .usual, mil USUI rlaluiaiil naiiiei aa wllne Italia I in mi Welter Alidsisou. Ale. M. linn, Frsuk I'awltleld all nt Hmlih Dieson Wu FASSS, U( III it Burns LIU No. SI KOK PUBLICATION NOTICK IINITKI MTATKH LAND OKKK'K, iiniiia. Ora., July :", IVIH j Not. rati haraliy ulvan thai tha Nortliurn NtMf Hallway OpnpU) . WBOM Hal iitBi'i- aiIraa la Ht lauf. Mliuicaiita. lian ihll iftth day uf July I'liafllail In IhlKifllrv Iti appllcatluu lo atUt t 1. 1 i'h i tha iirovlnti.nl of tha act of CuiigraM provad July 1, ihim ;t Mini tv.7 avttii. Hw'4 of sk'4. H.t .- -f.H IHK W. M loi. i Sarlal No.OMVlu Any ami all paraoua ialiiiluM aitvaraoly tha laudl tlcBfi ii.. .1, or doalrtua to ohloi'l DMMDM nf i In' mliiaritl chararliT of the lainl, or for any ulln r ri'arii.n.t., llir ln.taalloaiil.llraiil,ahonlil Illu thiilr aflldavlla of urolval in Ihia oltlro, mi or hafora tha IMIi day ut Hoilau.hr, I '. I : . Wu rHiu. htk.iki.1 NOTICE FOR PUBlelCATION. IINITKI. H A IK t I, AND OFFII'K, ( Burns orsgou, July 'At, IUIH.I iitllt e I. h. ri'hT given that Killlb I' Muuu of Burns, orsgou. who. ou liecember H iisw, mads llonioitesd I t.n r No iiinul tor HWv.sg', .F.i.. Hee m. N'.NK1. suit IH.'.NItl,. Bei'llitu Jl liiWIIBllli . USIISU V0 I',, Vtlllaiiieltii Mel dtsn, bsa lllel nollen of lull uiilou to mske Una) till el pioof, to establish ulalui to the Isud above dssurlbed, lufors Haglslar sua Iteculver, st Burns, Oregon, on the Ml, dsy of Heiiteuiliar, lull. I leluisiil iisinnisl wllnusses' Inhll ('. AlelBioler, Many B. I.uiihlllt Allg ui. W. Ilurlburl, allol Narrows, oraguu. Win. tl. Ilsrdwall, ol Hums, Oregon. Wh Fassb, K.ii. ii notick KOit PUILI0ATIOM' IINITKI) HTATKS I. ANIIOKKH K, I ' Burns, oii-gou, July 7, mi., I Notlus I hereby given that Kdwlu W Howe of l)rawey. Orusuu, who. ou Jsn VI. I1107, uisds lluiiia.lasir Knlry No. JVIn Kurlsl, No irjU'J. fur W!t NK',, Hue. il Slid HUMK',, Hue Hon la, Towmblii 1.1 K Itauge lf. It., Wil lamette Murldlsii, In. II lt.il unties of fiileutluu tu mske final 'I e year Proof, to eilsbllib claim to ths laud above described, before Register Slid Hncel vat. st llio na, Oregon, nil Ibe lllh day ol August, 11, t'lsiiiiaui uainei ss witnesses Usurge Hows, Harry Barnes, Ham Williams, Will Oeorge sll ol llrewsey , Oisgou. Wm K.bii Ksflliter A limited supply of good, clean acclimated alfalfa seed may be had at the Burns Hardware Co's. store. Now is the time to get it and be rettdy to sow when the weather and soil are right. BOOIKT1CII. IIAHNKY I.OIIIIK, NO. 77, I. D O F. Marts svsrr Htur.lsy In Odd Fallow Hall 17:"0p m. A. Dunn, W. W Ooiild, Heen-lSM M. 0. tlegrit work si follow. 1 1 i.l Hal unlay Ini llatnrt: lei-oiol Hatilrttsi Klril lgroa third Halurilsf, Haiiond liagrnel fourth Hsturdsy, Third iHigree. HHHNH I.OIHIF Nil. 117. A A St., Maats every Aral snd third Saturday lu seh II. J .llsull, W M M.itt "luth.-t.hi'ail Seeratan M HlKKN WDODMKNOF AMKHll'A M. i. mt'iy .'-, d and fiiiirln Friday avail lug Sl I. on F. Mill; sll llrlfliDorl It, .lie, I New slilll'SlltS Will receive ciilarleoltl trest ""' M. A slggs, V 0. W T I e.lei. . lurk IIIIHNS rllAI-1'KH NO. 40, O. g. . Meela vrv seeiiud ami (mull, atiuula,. EW M nan r.aoaie neieon. KIIS sweltl, Hecielar) . HYI.VIA KKHKKAII ltKi.llKK Ho.sl Mostssvory 1st snd Id Wdnda in "li" Iuii.. i Ma.lse l.i on. i, I Hi , s v Tlll.at I IHII.K No. It..'., W ol W. Meets every fourth ritill..ay. Maud Million. Hosier iloodma. I.'lsrk. .1. M. OFFICIAL DIRa.ITo.jY STATS ossuos II HKeualora iJniisibsu Bourna Jr. loao. R. I'tasnibsrlsln W R Rills I 'Wllawli't A.M. Crawford Oswald Wsai ID Hassou T.M.Ksy .. i. k. Aldtnssa w s i.uulwsy i Rebi Kskln ' uniieaainrii Attorney Oansrst '.ulell.n, Se.ralsry ol HUla li.aaiiier supi. I'm. ll, instruction HlalS I'lllile, T. a Moaria Use il Burnett R. B. Ssti . F. A. Moore "Il.rrlii JsdgSS NINTH JUDICIAL lllMTXIOT. !'"" 'I''.' lisllou tl.iil. I Ml , W. II. Brook '".""I "in in. I'll l.-OIISld lieuli court meiia Hi Stat Monday In April ud Ural Mondsr In o.lolier "I. senslor c sy .,ttlb ....u, a.trejillliutl w, F. Ilulnili Cl BTV HlSSSt : I oiiiit) Judge Clerk treasurer nt lei.,1 sll. riff Asseawoi sebisil Miirrlei,.iil,-iii ' I'l.iii.i Stork litast tnr 1'uniiiiiasloueri Oram 1 bewusou HI llusbel R A. Miller I', R. Beery A. K. Klrbarilaoii i. J. Uoasgaa I. M llamlhuu n W I lvt liter John Kohlueoii IK. F. j.ii.t. , l I bos Haln l iiumy l oun not a the Slit Wednesday In January, Mir. r, May. July, Hepiember snd Novesibar HASS.i I'. , line times: leglalei l...lv.-r Was Fsrr Frank iavy ITV BIBS. lam. am il. .lit. i.l.r.,1 . A. M. Iiii.l I. It H Int. II II I . Hi- ,.' . I l I II.!.., 'II ' A . t Well miti Jaiiu a I siti..l,i e I b, J Me tillilii.il Il.e.uol"! , 'ea.lli. . I...I ., Ill I'll,, Kuillll. We. II . i r .-. ii.i.l i imim;:i.iii:i::itn :i::.-:iii:::::::i:ii::i..t .- s . l Mrs urate n. mcniisc TBACHER Voice and Piano Methods Used In Ciacisaalli Ceatcrvaltry of k.'.lili-ini- studlii jnd ilisor waat I'raabylarian Church Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMi: TAIU.K NO. ii IN JUNK 14, 1U0H. KKUCT West It. .1111. 1 I-sit lloiiml. No I I'uan a. ui. No. :' I'ass p. in BlO l.v llaker Oily Ar 6: 0 llii " Month Baker l.v :.o :,riH '- Ssll.liui)! 8:00 10;IM " l-Hklirtt " 4:5B III 07 " I'liiniipsoiit " 4:64 10:17 " "MoiIiIhiiI Juiiitlonl "4:4ft lOia. " 'Water Taiikt " 4:40 10 r. " Ib'sti' Hi.ii. 1 "4:8 Hi 1 " McKwrnl " 4:s6 lOW. " .IIIMTIONI " 4:10 11 HI " Stiuipter 4:06 11 :1ft " JUNOTIONI " :60 11:40" Sumnillt :o NOON I'.'iOO ' () I. t'umpj ":llf, I". M. IJ ift " Wlilliieyl " -00 1:40 " TII'TONt " 2:40 I ill Ar Austin S:10 Slop 011 signal' only JNo agent. Ticket. IbhiioiI only lor stations where trains are scliislnlail to make regular stops. I'ltHeeimei. must purclisi-r tick els where agents elt Imf.ire enUtrliig trill ns or 'J.'. ci-iitH in ilililion In I he re gnlar fare will he chargeil. JOSKl'll A. VVKHT, Hupt. till ANT OKHKKH. Asst. Hopt. $1500 Reward! 1 hit Oiusotl, l'a I lluililsauil Nuvatls live stook I'lulic Hun Assoclsllonol wblob tbe under .lait.it It umiiil.i'c will give li.uoo ui reward tor evi dence leading to the arrest sud con viction ul any par ti or parlies lleil lug bursal, csltli or iiiulaabalonglng Ui auy ol Its mam bars lu addition 10 tho above, lbs uudsrslgiisd nit. 'II the ..1101 , 1, 1, ,111 lull leaHI.UU (or all bu.MS brsuiluil buns aboil bar ou both er olther Jaw, Brsud rooonled lu eight oouslles Hangs Harusy, l.sks sud crook counties. Horses veulsd wben sold. Nuns but grown burses sold sud ouly In ergs luiui'liea, W w bbown Fits, Oregon vjfr I l.l.t N. IV NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lISIVSPSTATSsLASIIiirFIOS. Burnt, Oregon, July IA, 111. I Notlne It hereby 1 that lb" Ni.-ibsrii I'selfle Ksllwsy 1 uinpsiiy, whole pnal i-mc SddlsMlBHI I'.nl, Mllililittlii hss Hits Ifi'lsy ol July, lIS, flli'l In Ibtl nltlca 'is spplli'silon to seleet under the provisions of Hie srt of congress approved Juulj I, stis,)Btsl. M.7 tiwil lA)t I, ler. 81, T m H . H. I K W. M Hsrlsl No. OAtsil Any sad all parsons rlsltnlng adversely lb isuui aasurican ileilllllK to olijBi'l liaeaill of IherslD.ril , han, ler ot lb laud, or tcr sny other resiuti. to lb ill. j,, ml In sppllesitl, Should III ill. It lin.lBVlll of protelt I.l Hill oftle. oil 111 l.efuic the lib 'lay of He.tciiih"i, Mil. WH. FlSSr. Ileglsl.-l North Beach NOW IN FULL BLAST Why not plan your Summer Vacation at this wonderful retort, reached by rail to Portland via A TRIP down mi COLUMBIA Steamer Trip down RAN. Steamers "Hassalo", daily except Sunday. Surf Bathing, Fishing -Tents and cottages for rent -Good hotel accommodations Excellent restaurant service on boats INFORMATION FURNISHED ON APPLICATION TO J. H. CORBETT, 4t., O.-W. R. A N. Bend, Ore. B. BAKOUL, Agt, O.-W. B. A N. Redmond Ore. WHY NOT MAKE $200.. A MONTH - - That's 60.00 a Week, almost WO Doy Belling Vletnr Bsfes In in. r.l.aiit.. doeluri. vrrll In ilu IfcimrrMII Ol Btiii'ii ir.nw u.r ,..-.-.. uf a Bale, lull ilu llol BIH'W li.iw I si 1 1 tl loown one. Beleailiaii tlralsre our rusall.'ii una of the ueai, clean nil int.iiey luaklng ...oorliinl- lln f.r. W''lli"l '' ee YOl' ran .tuollasta .11 il'.il.llr.te Our liaiiil.uitirly lllualrslea sou .oge eaialog rill enable VOO lo ir'a tutiirra In ss Inurrstiitg you war plloUm tham ihroujth our faoiory. . y . ...I I,, nllnnt lur ooii.iiieiiiKU.lgliigp.nnia srhleh ll is iiupoesil.le for a prosjaH-ilve ruiiomrr to tfc-ny hy oV.u. ' VOU be'iie fTr.i to spplr troai jour vleliiltv tarlora aoiu.onaalscgals the terrttoryt We asa favor out ea salesmen out of oeeb looalii. mm sbibi bbi.w. wu . Thia.ili nnlvrraarr of our Wi Mow Msasa. CMSStsg f 0.000 Ssres r.arr. WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. Ttlarlin REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no better lor target work and all small game up to aW yards. Ss'fi: ttt. far Saalav - -,it.: i . e',nii 2c1m& at P?Il' 2A Rr3Wa asirtai, ass! oaaa. iBaiWiiTir . . ..-..... gasor Misw, I af V" f i "it asaBiaifcaBaiHB'i'isTla ? WRITE TOR SPECIAL CATALOG AMD PRICES ' THE A-ltAVIRILLMACHINERyCO. 5 POKAMt. WASH.- PORT! AN D. OR t.- IAN J0SF. CAI . I eoeeaaeaaeaeeeeaaoaaaaaaa -: uuiNb : - RE8TAURANT aUOKUB HOON fiop. Meals At All Houra. Short Orders and Prompt. Barvtoi With Heasonablu ltult.s (live Me A Call X X a Oavsvaalla Tlsaaa-SlaraM BulMlaa a a .......i.ttii, D.a.STASDAaH, BUSIS V.BTANDASU, A.M..M. I. "0l,b " Ornsr.l Prsctlce W 'Snsl"-ajH.Hsll'l Ksr. Kr, Noso slid Tli rnst DRS. STANDARD Will Answer sll Cslls Proesptlr Dsv or Nlshl Offlss Is O. W. Yoees BU's rtumf. Will ealsbUsh Th.lHsrnsvlVsll.r llespiul .. BURN"., OREGON .II.I.SON HARRISON M. B . M. D. Offlre Heeond flmir Tlmes-llersld IIM. Kntrsnre on Main Hlreel Burna. - Oregon A REST BY THE OCEAN AND the Columbia via O-VV. "J. T. Potter' or stiit nrrl.ru.it la.t. Ml- lasryri. l. nll.ii til llllBll , Illl lll.olll in-V lolia r I la II- the Hirers, uj i,i 1,1 r. Hie surrrn ooll ' 1'Sge ut,jei - nl ll.r .ul.irel to t-ita i tnaiini-r aa though Men apuolnOtl aa .are.1. 1 naff u f. st ul.lt'if eonuanr was celaurateJ It ersetlng Hie moal nittdani eafe farlorj In the world. WI4s awaka SB) st ho rrc-lveit our sperlsl selling Inilueemrnt, ranrlerrd 1 1 nerreas rjr tiiileubls our output. Wa are Slteinlli.g Cany llioQsamls of dolisrs an rglng our sates organisation, buftoleara all partleulars. II alii eo-i vim on!) lbs prto ol postal card. IttlsrCstsbiMlfiT. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK GO. CIICIII1TI. OHIO FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS Model 20 Without change oi oiechanum il handles .22 short. long or long-rifle cartridges perfectly. The deep Ballard rifling develops maximum power and accuracy and add yean lo the life oi rifle. Tss Slid fess U pffaaaataa f aeat cWacsve c.ttnJsa, SBSSSjaj pewdei in J aa. Baal boms laUtra bacl. TU, ail. mm Mns leei Meres) ihaDi aaBlraUaJMdaleB.,uyKk. acoMaki raoeal eW WiuSamiJauli.- oasaevaaa) acSaai aaiu, aal nan, af oaf .11-ih ih. ifelns Aswstvs.il.srJa. Atk aay ou. daajac. 7 fllttrit irrarms (a 41 Willow Str..l New Hevea. Co js-sVu.".-' u-. . ... r BUSStU EN0I BOILtRS HJilQH GRADE MACHINERY ' I -.." eeeeeeeeeeee.aaaa...a ;I.U?NS SANATORIUM: ; Mrs. Wm. Cummins, I'rop. e i i J Best of care for putionts a Well furnisliftl nuims, naitl Iran antl foiiifoitnhlt'. No ! a ; eoiuauioiis t-asos taken Mates Moaaoiial.li- PROFEI8I0NAL CA CARL C. GRIFFf I'hyslcla.i sin I Hiir(,, BURNS. OHK'ION. J. CJU. GBflrY. I'hvslrimi ami "-ii.ge.ai ; Burns, - - - Ora t.fice in new build ing sy.ini, ,A lis rues shop, Mam I Thone Main Hf,. Ii. E. HIBBARD IDE33rXl! Olllce first ilMir east photoj Dorns. Oriuon w. c. Mkow DB2MTI HuBMs, OaaaoB, Office rooms H and 1. Maeoi, DEHMBN & DEMVU Phys clans ,md Sur I'alls nnswcretl promptly 'I'liiinii llurriiiikii Harriman, Orego Dr- Minnie Hi Physician and St Direct Telephone Conn La wen. Ore M. A. BIGGi Attorney at Iwf Voeglly Hid., Hums. 1 C. A. RE MB AtUjrney-at-I. HI Burns, Oregon WM. ATTORNEY Hums, Oregon. Itix.ins and 7 Masunir 1 arm in.ua null kl) mails al CHARLES W. LAWYER Burns, riai'iin. in ttie f late 0ui due tin- 1' S I jin. utli,,. 'Imr-. II. Atii'mx. -lit ' 'uri-liii ti.ti.- llttciltll.il .11.1 It.' li.r In- Notary Boast A. W. GOWil ATfORNEY-AT-l State Courts and Unii Ijind Office Prac Three doors South til Harney County Natio Burns. Onv FRANK DAVH Attorney al Law N Con.ev.xaaa. Mo.., Laanuaalsfl Aba.rato-U. S. Load Office NsS I'ltl. e I.. ,,,, aMl, , liiuni) an, I Land Offlre. Burns, - Or K ll ('.. ess ' M. Akt.BOC. COOPER & D0D Civil and Hydraulic Ei Irrigation. Water Si Sewerage, Water R Surveys, Map". rMuiint.-e. S BURNS. ORKOO! K. 0, I'M i ki. 1 t t rll Ami 1 BoSBaae 0.1 K..I I'll'. II. ' laittHli.'ii -, , glnsH . if. astern Oregon f j Umpdii) UVIL AMU IkKlliAllO.N ODflS, Urrjr.nl JKAN HART BAI.C AHMn, H, HYDRAULIC ENUI1 Ditches, Keservoirs, VI.'. -I. II. 1 . vvore., riydro-r.iectrK I'. S. Den. Minendl Court Work A Sptc IvIlk'U.l'.i III llotl, l',n ski QeifjraaM m itisaai i ALBhKSON - . o JOHN ROBH Sloci laspcvior, Uaracr lltillii' Aililiti.e JOHN l.KMHKKI.l Aa Jawalar l)lliiali a lOiitxi'avor. Fine Wauli KopBiiiiij,' I daily.