The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 02, 1913, Image 3

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    ! Circulation Or Any
In Hrny County.
)cl News.
Lis Rheumatic Remedy. !
lis is out 111 1110 11101111-,
ing B short outing.
Lme mads lard 17c at
leat market. tf
Mr. and Mrs. ....... HCy,
son, .liny ami. on
8eon Williams .ogi-
mig t os.. an in mis
Proves It
Your check against your deposit
in The First National Bank not only
settles a bill as well as gold or cur-
But it Proves that the bill is paid.
Denman was in from
tat Harrinian luesday
liooss, being a witness
jo r.
ami spoils the Crow
ic mere going t oe
Ipointment among a
sr t)f people.
an Eagle suggests to.
sure it has horns
shoot, in in is way
r-oid killing nion and
are against the law.
MeKinnon & Son
is made a passenger
0 between here and1
PI also haul freight
n all consignments
over. 2Btf.
bey News report) the
infant son of Mr.
D. Smith of thai
23. The little one
luly 6, being twin.
Iby is quite well and
It is the part of wisdom to have
indisputable evidence ot tne pay
ment of money. Carry a checking
account here and have it.
First National Bank
of Burns
United States Depositary
Kodak time is here.
kodaks at The Welcome Phar
macy. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge's little
son is reiHjrted ill today.
Don't give up until you have
Clemens saw null i tried the Hums Department Store
.new i.x-ation ami is l.ima burir & Co. -1tt
fill any order with
gsed lumber, also lir " cuowu,. ..uKm .
I.' . .. . 1 . J . .. I Ih I .iniif 1 .
Ik teeth and any " ,orus ,'"' "' - -
given prompt at- "n Melvln "oan-
1. . I 1.. ..1 . .. nan.. nnnl ! tl tl
I aL'hiiKt'n nrill "J ptaiuv
We do job printing.
Use Nyals Stone Root Comp.
for the kidneys. 10 tf
Your spring and summer suit
can be found at Williams Zogl
ntann Clothing Co's.. store.
J. H. Eichner was among our
visitors during the fore part of
this week.
Remember you are going to get
lots for your money at Tonawama
at timv
, John Cemborling
jMcKinney made a
rs to leave Monday
intains bo as to be
le opening oi ine
They were well
big ganit
Austin Goodman has a 5 horse
liower gasoline engine and 2-inch
rotary pump for sale. 24-tf-
Many local sports went out
after sage hens yesterday, that
being the first day of the open
accounts season.
eed and family reo to tne team launury win vm w
Lek from an extend- turned prepaid where tne mn
I . .. if i i .. ......, t .. l . v 1 ., ,,vr
relatives ami menus umvuuia i" e
' had a nice visit but burns, capital and s U R P l u S
Intel inlh.. weather $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES
Misitlerable and was YOUR
",,v""' Mrs. Hatt has returned from
; B. Cozad passed through her visit to Seattle where she
here this week en route to Grant was summoned on accoundof the
County from Klamath. His wife neaa 0f her mother.
and daughter are visiting in
(Irant county also.
C. Brown and family building. The residence of W
Dr. W.
Painters are at work putting a
vnew coat on the high school
and also
went, to,
kdley, traveling re-
)f Folger A Co., has
. w TU
ty a lew uays. mr. iw
been making this death
are over at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jeff Cawlfield on a visit and
vacation. They will put up a
Muantity of fruit for winter use
while there.
Canyon Eagle reports the
of Mrs. Charles Belshaw
. e ... r .... l..lir ' h
many years ami is oi in. rwinpi -
. i .. i.J -. .....II lnnwn tn mnnv
own. Mo had ine iau wa . n.... .. . j
have his arm brok- old time people of this section,
day at Juntura she and her nusDananavinguveu
his car. The here for a time. Deep sorrow is
cranky" spell and expressed by those of her ac-
his arm quaintance in this city, ane was
a very estimable old pioneer lady.
is carrying
isit our bargain counters,
you will find the greatest
IV 1 I I
lins ever oneieu in namcy
rhether you need the article
i 'l Ml ...... 4-v l,rw.l.r
ir not, a win pay yuuw iuuiy
these c( enters. You will
lome of these articles shortly
ill never have this chance to
eh bargains again.
jneral Merchandise -
lie building,
Burns, Oregon
E. Smith has also been given a
nice new covering of paint.
G. S. Stubhlelield. a civil en
gineer of Portland, was register
ed at the French during the week.
He has gone out to the Hanley
Ask The Bums Steam Laundry
about their Wet Wash for fami
lies, beginning next Monday.
Cheaper than having it done at
Ginseng and Gold Seal raising
surest way to make Big Money
on Little Capital. One acre of
Ginseng yields about 5,000
pounds. Sells at $f.00 a pound.
We buy all you raise. Write to
day for free booklet. lx;o Richt
er, Auburn, Wash.
C. E. Denning of Medtord has
been looking over this section for
several days with a view of
making some real estate invest
ments. He considers there is a
bright future for the Big Harney
Country and is inclined favorably
to purchasing land. Adam George
has been showinghim the country.
Archie McGowan, Miss Louel
Smith and Nollic Reed came in
Thursday evening, the two latter
returning from a vacation trip
to Portland and coast points,
Archie returning from a business
trip to Portland where he re
ceived some more Ford cars for
his local buyers. Both Miss
Smith and -Nollie drove cars in
from Bend. They experienced
no trouble and report a tine trip.
Mr. Wayne, one of the owners
of the Intermountain Nursery
Company, of Payette, is in town
and will solicit business in the
city and throughout the county,
if you buy from them you will
get trees that are home grown
on irrigated land, trees that are
acclimated, you will buy direct
from the company, no commission
to pay. The Inermountain Nurs
ery Company is an old and reli
able company. They keep a
record of all varieties fruiting at
certain altitudes. Mr. Wayne is
a man with a great deal of ex
perience in growing fruit and
nursery slock in Idaho and Ore
gon. Save your order until you
see him. He will stop at the
Burns Hotel while in town.
Burns Pennants at the H -xall
Drug Store.
Mrs. D. A. Brakeman was up
from Waverly Thursday.
Woman cook wanted on a
ranch. Inquire at this office.
C. A. Demaris was among our
visitors from Harney during the
The usual picture program to
morrow night at lonawama.
Some good comedy.
Alva Springer and son Ed,
accompanied by their wives, were
in the city Tuesday.
The Lunaburg Dalton & Co.
Department Store have cut high
prici s and long credit. 29tf
Mrs. Mary Griffin and son
Edwin were in the city Tuesday
on land business.
Williams Zoglmann Clothing
Co., make a specialty of cleaning,
pressing and repairing.
Scott Haley was in town
Tuesday, having brought up a
load of his neighbors.
Mrs. Wm. Hanley contemplates
leaving the coming week for
Portland and other outside points
for a short vacation.
'C. V. Reed was up from Sun
set Tuesday securing supplies
and binding twine with which to
begin his harvest.
Wanted - Riding and buggy
pony, weighing about ten hund
red. Must not be more than
five years old. C. Beebe, Burns.
Karl Horatmann was a visitor
Monday, having come in to assist
his neighbor, James Hall, in
making proof on his homestead.
Mrs. C. E. Beery, wife of the
county surveyor, has been quite
ill at Phil Smith's farm near this
city. Her physician reports her
some better at this time.
Billy Poren has been taking a
short layoff from his job as stage
driver on the Canyon line. He
has been on the job for some
time and deserved a rest.
Grover Jameson, Ernest
Musick, Fred Williams, Clifford
Reed and Harry Danley left
Thursday morning for an outing
in the mountains. They expect
to be absent a couple of WMka.
Mrs. M. L. Hamilton is quite
ill at her home in the country.
Dr. Carl was in constant attend
ance for a few days the fore part
of this week and Miss Herbert,
a trained nurse, was taken out
Wednesday to care for her.
Glenn and Thos. Garrett came
over from Silver Creek Tuesday
accompanied by their wives.
Glenn had to come in to have a
bad wound on his head dressed
by a physician. He had come
in contact with a stick of wood
which was thrown up while he
was chopping wood.
Robt. Gassney was brought
over from Harney yesterday to
the hospital for medical treat
ment, he having cut a gash in
his leg and almost bled to death
before it could be stoped. He
was triming the horses tail when
the knife slipped and buried it
self in his leg the full depth of
the blade. Dr. Carl attended
him and he is feeling fine this
We carry the Florsheim shoe
Williams Zoglmann Clothing Co.
Jim Mahon was in town Thurs
day. Use Nyals Cough medicine
for baby's cough. b tf
' Fred Haines was down from
llirney Thursday on business.
Two-inch Mntrifugal pump for
Hale. Chat. Wilson.
'0. E. Thompson and daughter,
Miss Ethel, were up from l heir
bom the first of this wan) .
Those desiring the .service of a
Jersey bull may find one at ihe
J. R. MeKinnon barn.
Born At the Harney Valley
Hospital, Sunday. July 27, to Mr.
anu mrs. I,, v,. rorter, a
Tom Hutton and his mother
and Link Hutton and family were
in from their homes at Wagon
tire during the week.
Miss Mary Hendricks did not
accompany her parents to Taooma
but remained in Burns where
she will finish her high school
course the coming year.
The streets of Bums present a
rather deserted appearance these
days with all who can got away
either out on vacations or in the
hay fields.
Kemp Hardisty and Walter
Cross were down from their
Trout Creek homes the fore part
of this week securing supplies in
preparation to beginning their
hay harvest.
Mrs. Julia Smith has recently
returned from a visit with rela
tives and friends in Yakima.
Wash. She is now at the ranch
and states she had a most delight
ful time during her absence.
Some of the farmers of the
vicinity of Canyon City have
lietitioned to organize an Irriga
tion district in that section to
cover quite an area of land.
C. M. Faulkner and family
took their departure the first of
this week for Ijiko comity where
Mr. Faulkner has some bo I
to attend to and Mrs. Faulkner
will visit during Ihe time with
relatives and friends.
Robt. 11. Harris and wife, who. During tbe dull season when
formerly taught in the public all your friends are out Of) vae:
school of this city, were visitor-" I lions and JTOU have nothing else
to Burns last Monday. Thaj t do j.r t all the diversion you
taught the past winter over on can. The most fun you can find
the coast and have returned to j tonight is at Tonawama where
their farm near Waverly. you may witness a fine picture
ChasRohn expects to go out to Program and MC "A Baa oi
his farm near Alhrittmi tomorrow! Monkeys." It's worth twice
to remain several days during ' price of admission,
which time he will put up his I Mrs. Wm. Fane and little
crop. I,oe Caldwell will have daughter Kathrine and Mrs. H
charge of his barber shop during! ('.. Levens will leave tomorrow
his absence. j morning for Portland and other
outside points. Mrs. Farre will
extend her trip to Ix'bauon and
Corvallis where she will visit
with relatives and friends for a
few weeks, perhaps going to the
sea shore and stopping for a
short time in Portland with
friends. Mrs. livens will be
absent several weeks spending
Tonawama tonight.
Have Miller i , in town today.
Ralph Beery was in the city
You will lind IT ll the Itiinr:
Department store.
It. I-. Haas was registered at
the Hum:- Thursdfl
Kodak Supplies at the Rexall
llni"' St'ne.
A. E. Murphy was In from
his Iron Mountain home this
'Born Thdndaj of last week,
July '1, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Schenk, a son.
Will French Is again In this
territory looking after the wants
of merchants in the lines he
r Chaa, Johnson and his daught
ers, Misses Emma and Ella, and
Wm Berg, earns up from Lawen
Tuesday, The young ladies re
mained in town.
' liw Thoraburg and wife and
little daughter were down from
their mountain homo this week'
visiting with relatives and
friends. They had to go back
and begin hay harvest.
Oi 0. Hendricks and family
have gone to Tacoma to remain
for an indefinite time, The y
have leased their farms here and
moved there with hope it will
prove beneficial to Mrs Hendricks
The electric plant runs two
forenoons of each week for the
convenience of the house wives
who wish to do their ironing. It
is certainly appreciated these
warm days.
'Piatt Randall and Family are
preparing to make a trip over
the Cascade mountains by team
to spend some time visiting with
reladvn and friends. Mr. Ran
dall's mother lives in the Wil
lamtteo. .1. T. Barnes was over from
Otis (.'reek the fore part of this
week renewing acquaintances.
He was accompanied by his son
In-law, the husband of 'iertrnde,
who with .his wife is visiting
relatives for a time.
which the Harney County National receives on
This Bank does not fix an absolute limit
for deposits, but relies largely upon the fact that
once an account is started its owner strives to
keep his balance growing.
Suppose you open an account and deter
mine that your balance shall never go below a
certain amount. That sum will always be an
"anchor to windward"
Harney County
National Bank
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
J. E. Johnson it Son. who have
a contract with the Urewsey Re
clamation Co. to put in a large
irrigation system, are working a
large crew of men on the oroject
and can use more according to
an ad in the Drewsey News.
The excellent condition of
crops in this section will have a: most of her time in Portland and
beneficial effect uM)ii the speed 'at the coast,
with which the railroad work A meeting of the building corn
will be prosecuted. President mittee 0f tnt flnt Presbyterian
Farrell has seen what the possi- cnurcn wus bald last night and
bilities are and we may rest at- tht. l)id 0f (;. W. Ray craft for
sured he will do all he can to gat , jn.ouo was accepted and as soon
Mrs. Bruss Byrd and little sons I un l,""n'" s l" tunusnes t lie necessary
returned from Juntura Sundsyj President Farrell of the O.-W. hond the contract will be let
afternoon in company with Wm. R. & N. returned to Portland This bid calls for the new church
Hanley. The youngest am hismuch impressed with the big building complete with heating
hnn ttiifferinor with summer . (..,;.. ,f tliiu uImIo mil with i plant, etc. There has been con-
.-- ----. -. IIILVIIWl V .! -- - ........
determination to push the eon- siderable delay m getting started
struetion work on the railroad lmj m'w building but now
into this territory. Well, we 'there seems to be nothing to piv
have the business to keep his vent the work going forward to
trains busy once they are near completion. It is to be of stone
enough for us to reach them with illl(1 brick ml one of tlu' lilu'st
cnurcn duuuiiiks in me west.
complaint and Mrs. Byrd thought
best to be near her physician.
Bruss and Mr, Gallagher had not
yet started to work on their
newspaper as they had not been
able to get a building. However,
they expected to begin the first
of this week to place their
machinery in position.
P. V. Cardon an attache of
the Department of Agriculture
at Washingtin, D. C, is here in
specting the Experiment Station
which is jointly conducted by
the National Government and
this state. Mr. Cardon is very
enthusiastic and complimentry
respecting the work at the sta
tion and is well pleased with the
demonstrations made. He cov
ers the entire Northwest in his
work and when he says this is
one of the best conducted and
equipped stations in the entire
country jt is with authority.
A letter from Charles 11. Davis,
president of the National High
ways Association announces that
A. L. Westgard, a vice-president
of the same organization, will
shortly pass through Burns on
his 17,000 milo trip by motor-car,
The gentleman is a good roads
enthusiast and it is hoped he may
stop here long enough to discuss
road building with our people,
as we need advice on this subject.
Mr. Westgard has been well re
ceived throughout the territory
he has already traversed and his
trip will result in much benefit
toward better highways.
our products.
Editor M. N. Keglly of the
Jordan Valley Express, has re
contly been appointed Cily Re
corder of his own town. Since
the ollke carries with it the
duties and powers of police mag
istrate, the delinquent subscrib
ers of the Express must now
face the possible dilemma of a
trip to the skookuni house If they
don't come acress with the nia
zuma. Vale Enter prise.
Everything points to a line
day and a big crowd at the picnic
at Crow Camp tomorrow arrang
ed by the Kod and Gun Club.
Curt Eundy left this morniiu'
with the traps, ammunition and
some of the necessaries for the
tefreshment stand and tomorrow
morning all who can lind a mode
of conveyance will "hike" for
Mr. Robins hospitable home
where they will be suro of a
hearty welcome and a pleasant
day in the grove, The Tonawama
band is going to go and give the
people some music and the trap
shooting, together with literary
and musical program arranged
will be a genuine treat to all.
The only apparent drawback is
going to be a lack of autos and
truck to transport all who wish
to go from Burns.
The Prineville Journal boasts
of a long strawberry season en
joyed by the people of that town,
it covering a period from April
until this month. They have
none the best of Harney county
people who are still enjoying
home grown berries and those
raised in the mountain portions
are still coming on the market.
We have the best of most of
our neighbors in almost every
respect ss wa produce best of
evering., our only drawback be
ing a train service and Mr. Par
rail Is doing his best tg give us
Sunday School at 10 a. HI,
Church service ;it 1 1 a. m.
A Hat top oak venered desk
will be sold at our nlace of busi
ness on Aug. IB, 1918 to pay
storage and freight charges.
Hums Hardware Co.
Physician and Surgeon
OIBc In Tunawama BuUdlna
aural ..... OniM
Mowers. Rakes, Bucks and
all kinds of Haying Tools
Machine Extras on hand
All kinds of imple
ments for the farm
gas engines, pumps
wagons, shelf hard
ware, etc., fishing
tackle, guns, am
munition, campers
supplies, etc., etc.
111 ""IBBBBJMBBBB . . BjBlaSajWfcSHHJjSfi' "
Get in Your Order for Binder Twine
We handle the right kind of
goods at prices that will appeal
to your purse. We are receiving
many consignments-more coming,
so ask for what you don't see.