The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 02, 1913, Image 2

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You know what you want when ordering a
suit and we know HOW TO MAKE IT!
Combined with our knowledge of tailoring i our Co
operative plan of pleasing both maker and wearer
Are not prohibitive and we will be delighted to show
you our Spring and Summer line of Woolens.
Once you've visited our store you'll
be willing to admit the "Record
Smashers" for Fine Tailoring are
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading Clothiers
Dalton has bt en on the
thii week. H is im-
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
Ceo. L. Buchanan was doing
business in Burns this week.
A. Beckley was in town from
Waverly during the week.
Ralph Bain was over from
Harney yesterday evening.
Henry Welcome has moved
his drug store from Drewsey to
J. M.
sick list
Miss Martha llanley has gone
to her homestead to take up htf
Sheriff Richardson spent a few
days of this week in the m uu
tains rusticating.
Chauncy Cummins and wife
have been visiting in this vicinity
for a few days.
.lames Gilbert was in town the
other day from his Tarm home
near Harney.
j. W. Biggs and family Lave
gone to Ontario on a visit with
relatives and friends.
Neil Smith has gone out to
Iron Mountain to look after his
interests in that secton.
W. It. Dawson and wife were
among our visitors from Sunset
the fore part of this week.
Miss Knid Cawltield and her
aunt have gone over to Otis Creek
on a visit to Mrs. Kd. Stallard.
7hr (Ftmrs -ftrrafd
One Year
Six Meatfce
Tar.. Meath, ...
Persistent Advertising
Persistency in advertising is
being constant and steadfast
in carrying out an advertising
campaign. "It is the constant
dropping of the water of pub
licity that wears away the
stone of indifference"
The advertiser should ham
mer home one proposition at a
time, never being afraid of re
petition, for advertising may
be said to be repetition. A
few advertisements may or
may not be profitable -the
chances are they will not.
But regular and judicious ad
vertising is always profitable
as it keeps the merchant's
name before the people all the
time. It is also in the nature
of useful information to the
public, as it educates the pub
lic to look regularly in a cer
tain paper and place for cer
tain business news relative to
a certain store.
The merchant who is per
sistent and masters every de
tail of his business is success
ful. But if he has not studied
advertising and become fami
liar with it he has not master
ed one of the very important
details of his business. The
reason why only about one in
twenty merchants are success
ful (as Dun's and Bradstreet's
statistics show) is because only
about one in twenty merchants
master advertising as it relates
to their business.
Persistent advertising is not
merely to hold business or to
pull business away from com
petitors, but to gain new
customers, and satisfy existing
demands and create new de
mands. A merchant must be
constant, steadfast and regular
to accomplish this desired re
sult. One celebrated retail mer
chant who has a perfect know
ledge of every detail of his
business and reaped a rich re
ward has this to say. "A good
newspaper-good advertising
in that newspaper -persisted
ii-backed up by the right
kind of merchandise and the
right kind of store service
that's a combination that will
spell success for any merchant
who has foresight and under
standing enough to give it a
fair trial." II
Unela Sum Triad Thtm Several Tlmee.
but Without Suooeai.
IVrfonili'il POtM '" MM In tn In tin- I'mIIc.I Hlnti'N, though vnrl
hum tSottl "I"' mails t" poinilnrl.i
It, rm rhi- Bll Inlli'il Hlntia mill
with ii ii.ii'ninli'il iTiitrr wn n gohl
dollar Ihxiii'iI lii IN in wlilrli hnil n
quart "1'' '" "' lll,ll' "f "'"
plani lift n wm Ut foraroaiati ' tin-
K.iM ilullnr InmiiiiI I'.v ttM Wnlt'il HUlti'a
mil, I In IMfl 'II 'I wn ongrnvoil.
nut Hlnick fri'iii dltaV
tin. nasi Daltsd MatM coin with n
I ... i fnnni'il etnttr "mm lHaiiwl from tbo
phlladalphla mint la ikijo and wat of
thr ilciiiiinlnntl f I Nat It waa
nboiil tin1 atas at I1"' brail font now
In iir At Hint (Inn- tin- largo, olit
faahlonld reppar cn irai in faiafal
, in niiitlnii. ii ixi tin' parforatad aata l
,1ml tin' mi f "ling rout." The
dralansr reaaouad Hint bf RM8M of
Hi,, perforation tln east I'liuhl lo ilia
llngulabad i'.v batten (rata tlio tltmo.
a not bar perforated oaol iHRuod tho
aaBM jraar atwwsd two ring in tka
iii i, i with tba words, "Out, onotoutb.
Silver " 'I hi' roviTHO allowed nil ollvo
arraath uonai tba pavfaratiaa and tu
arorda, "TJnltad Btataa of Ataaxtaa,"
Tba mini iintliiiiilli'M iimlertook to
daatga n coin Unit wiiulil iiimwer all
ii'iiiilri'iiil-ntH. inn) tin' piece waro
atrneb with botb pitta ad and perfwl
itera Iii hIIvit. eoppaf, nickel and
composition natal, ati rsrtstlat In nil,
without counting ""' rsiioss nutai,
lint r tin- ttaalfBI wSS fuvorod
bf tat ttTtmtatnl n nt Iturlllo. and
ponaaquantly tfesy irsfs atrat tnt In
"I'lirnit circulation
'I'l ily i.'nlil linlf ilullnr over pro- nt tba Potted Unite mint waa
truck In IfS) It hint ii perforation
In the gtSttfi "inl tin' iilircrau abnwrd
H winy Hrcla around tbt psrforstlon,
with tba Inacrlptlou. "United Htntea of
Anierlru." iininnil tbt bonier Tho ro-
rsrsa was bktab Tks ssti w ei-
lv linlf Hie weight of (lie ilullnr.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in ihia rilv where there is a line
cook and very best accommflda-
tons. tf 31.
tmiTiMTAT i.iKiiOrru
liiirni, iirnKiui, iinv ". .
Nnllir In ln-irliy aUan that A arini Manilla
... .1 i u,. llll. -J'l I'llll DIM.
llumi'ilioil I'.lilry No. iiiihh, tur rtW , Harllmi
al Aariin Ili'ikli'V.
Hih V'i, I'.'lii. mail
II .l.-n.l I'.lilry No. iiiimh, tur HW .. Harllon
m liiwimhlli i 8' NmiK" K , WllUlurlt
.'. ' . . . .. . Ml..., I.... ..I I ....... I I A. ... ,.l
Mrri'linil, " iimu mi, i. " v "i",",i w ...-
Ilniil ttiree year punif, to I'lilalillah ilalin
In ,ii, Ikii'I alKir it rllii"!, Iii'tnrn llriilal'T
unit lliim i.ilruaiiii.iili Hi'' Mhilay
r,l, liil.l't I'M '
I Inlmnnl iiann-a ra w II lu'M.-a
il K I'liiiiaiianii.l'haa. K. Itiiai'iH'rain, II. N.
Miaaiir, l A lliakainan all ol Wavarly
i in-,,nii.
Wh. ra. Hexlatar.
whMi the public In filmlllnr wer t
mi l, f tlie ftllteil Htntea. but wero
mninifni'tnri'il by OsHSSfSat Jewelera.
'I'liere bat ii"t heeii niiy iitti'iiipt t In-
traduct tbt paffotstsd odtn in tbs
ITnltod Stiitis Him.' IMH In Unit yi-ar
two , Iii I'm of the ili'iiiiinliiiitliiiia nf 1
mill A lentH iii, liiiiil nl lbs I'ldhv
dalpbtl mint llnrper'a Weekly
' Hewser and Wm. Mont i""'" '' '" -"Z -v'
' .' ... e lala-rt tlie gnlil lirty rent pleeea with
and who were in nt biij mini
thfJir homes near Harney last
.Judge and Mrs. Wm. Miller
have heeii enjoying an outing
trip to Diamond and other re
sorts in that territory.
Tat Cecil and his sister Iiuise
and Miss Jessie Bibee were over
from the Cecil home on Silver
Creek during the week.
The children will enjoy "Black
Beauty" at the Tonawama to
night and they will also enjoy
"A Box of Monkeys".
Mrs. Dan Varien is report 1 ill
at her home near this city bol is
better at this time ROCOrdin, t"
her physician.
Alfalfa, field cas. hogs and
dairy cows make a line eombina
tion that will make any fanner
indcendenl in Harney cou .ty.
The manager of this great re
ligious weekly will leave tomor
row morning to visit Mrs. I.'vnl
and the "flock" for a few davs.
is asserted that users discrimin
ate, especially those who use the
products in large quantities,
claiming that home cured meat
does not have the keeping quali
ties as that put up by the big
packing houses. This may be
the case in some instances, but
not ail. Local people can put up
meat just as good, if not superior,
to that shipped in and if we have
some that has not been properly
cured it is no reason to condemn
the entire output. On the other
hand, those who do not under
stand curing meats may learn
i how. A letter to the agricul
tural college will bring a recipt
that will put them right if it is
' properly followed out.
The Harney county product
should be given the preference
by local consumers and will be if
the raiser will attend to his part
of it and turn out a product that
appeals to the consumer. This
can be done. We can produce
the nnest porn in tne worm ami ... . i,.rt n tmii. thai rsottTt mi tho
, with abundant alfalfa and field M,8a AK"es Kr."" Mll.r r ,,. .,., Illf,,, ,vn.
...l- l ii u-.iiaKfu cnanre 01 ner picture ai- mneh tnkeu unn the ni-nemo urn u
Willi ll Hi"" mi wen o irno
iery. mr. iicck naving given u
up the first of the month when
Turklih Namaa.
nn our rttlUaaj Mat nra Mm Ilya-
Inlli. Mm Ii'lli. UrS. Aliletree mid
Hn MkIiUiu tit I inn nl"" happy
iiuough in inHeii the ni'iiinliitnnie o!
Mrs HiM.'i'lini'iit. Mr- iiimiml, Mm.
Mr tbongb aoma kimw her na Mother
Ra attaa Maj Hm Uragb sad Mnater
Hi. Wniie.l Thai l'it npiM'llntlou
aosMd i" nn' aa eiirfcti tbai I imiuir-
it Into It in:, I liiriii'il t lut t my j"iniK
uiiitii'iiiMii wsltad to !" bora. TImbs
in- not annatSMa, ytn iiniiemtand,
for no Til rl mint hihIi ii thing To
ill niie Ulatrats lliii'tnlli from nnolh
hi urn mill tin' i'i mi' nf tier iiiuii Am)
In liN past) nil i "ii 'iiii Co Ii to taek on
bit fstbtr! roa sonM tmrdiy ny
Chrlatlsn hi M' II Q lwlght In At-Innll.
Wild Schamaa of Oinocrataa.
The in", I iiiirukiinle DfOPOSSl ever
iniiitii iiImiiiI Mount Atlms unn Unit of
ilio iinlilli-ii I in," iiiIik IIU plan
ail in .nt it ini-' tiio abaajt si n gl
Mniir atstna of ibtsandaf tbs orent,
Bohllns In lha rijftll bSad n elty, In tho
been demonstrated, we can have
nn inrlnatrv thnt. will not onlv
bring the farmer good revenue his lease ex.rr,,l
but also keep an immense amount
of money at home that otherwise
goes to outside people. We have
A. Venator and S. A. Oakley
from Crowley jutssed through
Vale in Mr. Venator's ear. Kun-
a big crop of grain coming on. ; day last enroute for Boise. Vali
The railroad contractors may use , Knterprise.
an immense quantity of it. but
whether they do or not, it may
! be marketed with a good profit
by feeding it to stock.
'Flying Squad"
The hog industry has increased
very materially in Harney county
during the past few years and
now some growers are inclined
to think we have more hogs than
we can profitably care for but
conditions do not bear out the
assertion. We are told consider
able hams, bacon and lard are
still shipped in and consumed
throughout this section and it is
not to the credit of local growers
that this be tolerated longer. It
The Oregonian of July 30 con
tains a report of the recent trip
of the "Flying Squad" through
Central Oregon and the following
is what is said of their visit to
this ceunty:
"The Flving Squad" stopped
at Millican's, Hampton, Brook
ings and Reiley and on another
day stops were made at Harney,
Harriman and Lawen. The Com
mercial Club of Burns sent suffi
cient representatives to make a
party of 17 and a thorough in
vestigation of the grains, grasses
and horticultural products was
made in the territory. A wonder-
I ful improvement waa noted over
last, year throughout Harney
i County. There seemed to be an
I increase of more than 100 per
cent of crop acreage and all of it
looked fine. In the evening the
Burns band played several selec
tions on the street and proceeded
to the Court house, where Dr. E.
Ii. Hibbard, president of the
Agricultural Club, presided over
the meeting.
The party visited Narrows and
passed a night at "Bill" Hartley's
ranch, inspected some of his
27,000 head of cattle, enjoyed a
meal of 18-inch trout, caught
within 300 feet of the front
porch, and early the following
morning went out into the Cat
low Valley visiting Roaring
Spring Ranch, the Home Creek
Ranch, Rock Creek Ranch, held
a meeting at Plush and passed a
night in Adel in the lower Warn
er Valley.
Chas. Davis was a business
visitor during the week,
R. II. Brown was over from
Diamond during the week,
Roy Vincent, a brother-in-law
to Dr. Standard, arrived here
recently from the east and ex
pects to make his home in this
Miss Helene Swain finished the
summer normal course at Mot -mouth
this week and will go to
the sea shore for a short time be
fore coming home.
Mrs. Ceo. A. Smyth was in
from her home at Diamond dur
ing the week looking after llie
yard at the citv residence and
visiting with friends.
Will Cummins was in from his
sheep camp on a visit with his
family. He was accompanied in
by Tice Schull. Mrs. Cummins
met at him the Narrows with the
mis 1'ii'iiiniiH.i ri'lei till on (lie ground
thai tba nahfbburtitg country arts nt
tortile I'li' to fatal the lilnil'ltiintH
if (lie projaCtsd 'It' Another of IiIiiik-.
mien' plana araa n toiupla to tho wife
r KlnX I'tiileini nf aafypti with nroof
of loadstonaa Unit weald keep an Iron
lutiii- of bar tl'iiitlng In tho nlr
Tha Carth'a Shadow.
Tbt em ih Inn ii mIiiiiIoiv. hut very
fell' eVer ll. ilri'l't 111 lilt pat of
tbt moon, or atat few recognlio It
wlii'ii they ni'.' It NevcrtholoiM many
"f nn hn ve null' nl mi Hive, i ImiillfMN
eii'iilngK In niiininiT Hliortly beforu
mnsat rosy pink arc on tbs hsttnoi
appaatta tbs asm, frith a Muiah gray
aagSJMOl iniilii' It An the Mil n alnka
ilio lire il . until It nttnlim the r.etilth
mid even pimNeM It Tlila la tho alindoiv
of the 1'iirlli
Me llllH bfOagM to Ili'lleVlle hoapltal
with Koine liijnri to the Hkull, mid n ur
I'l'i'ii, linilni; iMiiulniil tin' iimiinl, de
hTinlnii! In kSSP the innii In tho ward
for ii ilny or tim
"Oli, dpCtor," rrli-il tlie imtlent, "do
ion think Unit I'll Ione my head?"
New Vnrk Time
Too Slow.
"Why Iiiih i "in daOffbttf ilniinl her
ho lint n in k at aooaf1
"Hhe foiitiil Nhe'il hnie to utirHO (Miur
I'liilentN for two .whin licfiire thoy In
triiNii'd bar with any nilfflaasliss Ho
aha'a going on the taUJS In a iiiiihIcuI
inni'ili " Knnaaa dtl Journul
Dr. C. C. Buhbidge, I'resbyter-
ian pastor, came up from his al-' utility.
,. ... .- .i a, "f " hut iini' h n tty. uuyivny?" nk
falfa farm where he is spending RD cstolmi
his vacation, last night to attend ( Wall, If tnara la only one out nt it
a meeting of the church building happana to ba long ono it will team
He is going back " """' f,'",n lll,nl I'etiott Ihtt v
m ki ami avua
Uaual Roault.
Hlllh'llN I " inn liill.'ie Unit IWO
mil llli' iin i lii'iiiv hn one? ClulellN
Wi'll 'iiii i Ml ' ,t uinri led I aUPpOSO
the.i iinii.illi tliul hi' v hnve to.
I'llll. 1. 1. I, Iii . I,' ,1
if n i tiii, is ,iii,i, anil patstbts to
(tin n. ih, pin Ii iitin'mihl,' l iv ll Mar-
I UN llli'llil'
Relinitiishiiient Kit) acres near
Arden and Wellington. Mrs.
R. Barron, Burns.
By using the
Tha Klactrlc Way la CouUr, tlulrkar mill hraprr
We will run Wednesdays until noon
Call Hood Broa. Drug fitoro for Free Trial
nmrBD STATia LAND iiKrtea, i
iiiiiiin. Oraten. Auinat I, iwnt.l
Hptiftlaaarakyflfaa thai wilitam wiiiina.
nt ItIiii ' i"n, Ofagoa, wliu, iiii May 1. IV07,
I....I.I II. ,iiii, al., ail kinrv Nu ;i07n Hrrlal. No
IMU, I'" NK'.NK', , Hr. Ill K',HK',, Ml," .laii'l
Mil ' is ', rwi'llli'i .', liiwnaiii t " , ivmiih'i
K, Wlllalliutte Morl'llatl, liaa llli'il iielli,- "I
liiiinlliin in make tlnal flvii riar I'mnt. In
i'alnlillli ilalin lii Hi" Unit aliovnileai'rllii'il,
I,, i iim ItdilaliT ami Koealvar, at llurna.
iir.von. lit' Ilii-atli ilay ut H4'jilffiiitur, llltlt
rialinaiitiiaiiii'aaa ivltnuaaaa:
iillu Nritrom, A l Jarkaon, Karl lloial
maim. I'liuiuaa Hii't'tiaaa. all l I'tlmetun,
('"""" wn laaa. Kaalauii.
I'mtrii BTITti I .a hi, OrtlOBj (
llutiia, nri'K'iii, inly --J, ml i I
-...nil' r ii.-ni.y lifan thai A'llllam M.
lawart. "t liiuna Ulraon, mini, a Mav n,
I'.nm llui'li' ti.inu'fc'i at , n"l N'll "-I'l Hrrlal Nn
atti.lll.tnr KJKW',. t ' , S t ' , anil MWi.M". ,
v,., in, n ;n . TiiwiibIiIi. .'- Haimi' ill K , Will
amvlta Marldian, baa tileit uuin " "t liitnntlnti
nt inaki' dual iivi- year I'riH.r. to aalnlillaliad
, liilm In lha Ian, I almva ili-n illw.l. Iifl.ri- Hell
lai.r ami linilvrr, at llurna, (irxun. nn lha
llll -lay ill hi iti'iii,iit lull.
I Inllnanl nalnra aa wllmiaaea
I l,,,",aa llnk.T. I i.nk IMilllm. Jiihil HiaiA
ami I- rank Maker all nl Uiiina, Oreaoil
Wh Kiaaa. K.ilaier
t'MITsTII HTATatR l.A. Om at
Ihirii.. 'irc.tih. July KV, iwU
S.illrn li Imrcl.y gltOB that JHr I mh . !
Burns, ortion, wbo, nn ot'ttititr ri, imh niiiir
.imi--...t Milry.N'o u.I.-l. NNU4. HW
N W'4.rrr 1 1 iDd NK'4SK'i fivcliuii H.Towit
M. .". hMiitli, MaiiKr . Xa-t, V I llaniftli
Mil lit In it, haa Ii1"l DOW "I Jiil.Mlllon to in Hit r
Itlitti UtrtM' inr I'rtHif, in ralabllali rlaltit la that
land atiMivu i1iarrli4a(1( iMtftiri Itt-; t r ttml
R i.r, at HlirA I, nri'Koii. till tit Ml. la
tit Nr.ti'lllllt, 191
ruhiiMiit imiiH nn Mlliitir
(IPtirutj iMitisinoif, I1nrii. UrMMfl "' M
( .,. ittu and OrUihlO Mmi, Ih.Hi of l-awiii,
i tfCffOl rflrt Harlh, i( Httnii, UftftN
Wh. Kamhr, Kthitar
t'niTKu ntath- I. ami DfrU
llurna. OrfM July N. ''l
. l.ilin l liAouf tillkliDHii atlilrt-aa. i 'iiili
I.m, ar.- UvrmUy iHMilUul thai Ufa J. NulPin
Mho ulim .tntim. utt'tititi. aa Ills MM .tHrc al
'In -a. tll in Jul) lattlVU, flla In lltla offlid Iiii
!iiU t iirtottiiai-'l aiiilri.llun lo ioOlrl snd
... ..... il.- ...... .Itaal '.... .if v...,r II..III..I. a.t
fair Ii ; nn I ml hf allM.M Mial aai-l John ( V
hah VBuJl ahatnluurU Mid lan-l fuf iih-m lhait
III niniiMia laal nasi lia llrVir aril Inl tir It
hl'-il nn, of nKlvali-4 aim'
lunar.. tlM'n lor. luriliwr utHtOtxl thai tht
aM alWntlMiia will Im tas.-n at ihir..i)i U
liiilii, l.n . iitifraM'.l ty uu,aut ).iu all
fOtff Mill tn't atiifituit llirrtuii'li f w llhnilt ) mil
fin I Lit i U lit In L" In arl ih-ri-ln, illhar laalorr
ihlauaTlrfJor mi at'ial. If you fall to fll In thla
.il i - w llhin twanf) laia atlrr tba r"ol Kill
niM Htlnlt of t Ii i s nolHM), aa alinwii Im-Idw,
r it ' anawar. under oath, m i int-ally MaajCttaa
i ! itaiinll'ikj in I liau allirat!tit ' ""' '
,t ll rati .ail i. Mlilnthal llim- lu lilt lulMi
.ifflt-a tim- in k( llmt 1 1 mi Itavt' tn-r . ! tOOO Ol
Hhii'i nil IB aal't t"HhsUm I'Mliri In
licratui Of tf r.'ttlfeM i il mall If I hi hi U t la
modsi , lha loll vary of " l 'r auaaar
t, ihf lotiti-uiii in (H'taon, rut nf auih Nf
rloa atttlll Ml HI hoi UM ll Miitralant s mi Ii
.. i .. ... i .. I. ! i a.i . .i at...
r u
and I
Call During the Next Two Weeks j
and See the Fine Bargains We I
Have on Display Get Our Prices 1
It-ii a kimw Ir.lafittiM-ht a f till r" f ltd ut Ih
ttjn, hhtiM ifi; I In- itati-of Itarwrlol, orifaa
afnQOVll ui thr iN-ratiii ljr a imiu thr dull vary
Maatiiattt- DintttiK whrii anl whirathi vuiiv
waa rtclt.t tf.l, If i.iailt- i.s rif latorftl mall,
proof ol tin h i . ii a must naiat nf the afTVIa
iii nl t hi in rt.m . m hiiin lha t .in waa mail. I
tatlna . In n aut tht- j.tti ..flhtlo t. hi. (ill
aotilavit mnal t- arcuii.
ttaa niailfl ami lh'
natin ! h Hit m..i maa't'i faoaltH lor tin It lli
. oil almuhl Mfala Hi "Ur IMWtf thr naiiit nf
Ihr (Hat,,f1l( i- tn lilt Ii nu lU'iltc fllliiri lint It i p
m Kaaaa
J ill J IV. ll
tOlrV "ini tn
It. vl. r
Matt nl oral nufilnalion Jul IV. IVU
I'alf nl p.. - mi. I imhlii attmi July M, I'll
I'a.1. .if ihlrd puhllt alhnt Atliual J, IVIa.
Matt nf (nun h puhlli ation A iiatnat I, I '1
Rants, oriK.iii. inly, at, mt.i I
,,li, , ,- in i, 1,1 nl'., ii llial I harlaa K ItOaan-
in,,,.,. I ll-Viili. nrev I, liu. Ull Marctl 1".
1 ii iii ! Hun, i .u al full) Nu, 'JVT7, Hrllai
".'I l, l.i Ml, -..inn, :l, luwliahll' HI ..
ll, .i,,- i . (u i.i. 1 1, Marl'llaii baa nle.l
ln-ll" ,' ill Hili'lilliiti In make tinal nir i-at
foaf. In KlalillBh elalln Id Ihe laml al-n.
aaaalilaadi l-iture ttealaler ainl Ki-ri'lii'i. al
MiiniB, 111. t'.li, nil llie Hill .lav ,il Haiitelntirr.
rlaliiianl iiamea aa w!tmiaa
il I I In, till Bull. II N MeBBIier. Iienrfc-r Ual
llllBk). I M Hn lnl all ..t ttaieilr. "r.mii
Wm. rn, KoxtBitr
Picture program
Three Reels
Comedy- Industrial-Dramatic
With Two Act Coacdr Sketch
'A Box of Monkey'
Five is Cast Playing One Hoor
Siera is a live western girl,
sent east to separate her
from an undesirable lover,
but the persistent fellow fol
lows and is mistaken for the
new butler. Siera delights
in shocking her aunt and in
teaching a young English
lady slang. The partner of
Siera's lover, who is in love
with the English ladv and is
also very bashful, comes on
and makes an ass of himself
by his blunders. All these,
go to make some interesting
AdtJlta SOr . Children 30c.
How tha Trouble Start..
Constipation is liu- BaOat Of
many ailmt-nts and disorders" that
mako life miserable. Take Cham
berlain's Tablets, keep your
bowels 'regular and you will avoid
these diseases. I'or sale by all
Have arrived and we are now ready to
supply you with your requirements
have been added and all goods will be
The Burns Department Store
Trousers, Dress Shirts, Work
Shirts, Ties, Shoes and Hose
Spring and Summer I
Underwear For The
Men and Women
Full new line of Ginghams
Percals, Lawns Etc.
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Burns, Harney Co. Oregon
Wheat Potatoe
Through Between
Beginning Sunday, June 22nd, 1913.
QregonTrunk R
Tha only up lo data Hotal In Harnay County
Hot and cold water, bathy, toilets, wide acreened in
pore bra; nice shany lawn, fishing and hunting near.
Accommodationa for 60 guests everything for com
fort and enjoyment, only white help, home cooking.
Peel Room and Firat-Claaa Bar In Connection
Special Rates Given to Fishing and Hunting Parties
The train leaving Bend 8:30 A. M., Deschutes. 8:48 PI
lti'rimonri 9:10 P. M.. Terrebonne 9:24 P. M., Culver 10:o2Pi
Mi-toliuB 10.20 P.M., Madras 10:30 P. M.( Mecca 11:08 P. M., Mai
IS40 A. M ., Sherar 1:80 A. If., Arrive Portland 8:10 A. jTl
Lt a ve Portland 7:00 P. M.. Arrive Sherar 3:03 A. M., Ma
::2(. A. M., Mecca :18 A. M., Madras 6:00 A. M.. Metoliu-6:l
M., Culver :28 A. M., Terrebonne 7:08 A M., Redmond Ii
M., Deschutes 7:4,H A. M.. Bend 8:00 A. M.
Connections are made in Portland to and from Willamette'
ley and Puget Sound Points.
Fares and schedules and details wfll be furnished on
tion or by letter.
R. H. CROZIER, J. H. Corbett, Ai
Ab.i. ln I faaa. Afenl, forlUnd, Ora. Bend, Ore.
W. C. WILKES. Aaat. GenM Freight & Paaa. Agent, PortlantiC
Oi.pand Nkw Patkonb Will Kind tho Bkht Bkands Here -
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass with
si'rmon at 10 a. m.
2. Un week days Holy Mass
at 7 a. in.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to the
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
al anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Rev. I'ius Niermann, O. F. M. !
Pastor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
AH the nCWS in The Times-Herald for $2.00 j Always ready for job printing
Tha Baal Medicine in the W
"My little girl had bloody
sentery very bad. I thou
would die. Chamberlain'
Cholera and Diarrhoea
cured her and I can tru
say that I think it is
medicine in the world.
Mrs. William Orvis, Clare,
For sale by all dealers.
Direct connectlona aoutl, vie
A. It. CUHKV, Prop
l.eavaa Harriman Monday and
and arrivea Wedneaday and
eaih weak, connecting with
Una to Denio. Winneniucca.
Relinquishment for sale I
Lawen, inquire at this office.