. BSM .j jgitNpivmrvm iiiiiuhiiiihh ? DAIRY WISDOM, t On reason why the calf that doe not iimkK rontlnuouh growth fall to develop well l became when progress tans once bn retarded It In luipossllile to resume at the old into without n loss. Nothing will change tm'l Bttv tuda relative to Ilia dairy emtio quicker than the evidence p-lveii by the Babcock teat Few peraona now think they know all about feeding COWs, and thoae who know most are the moat anxloua to lonrn. Ths eierclae of good judgment Is most necessary In handling the dairy herd profitably. Good butter la like n erl.sp, new banknote It haa a standard val US everywhere A little troulilo perhaps, but It paya to tako pains. Tb more nervous tho cow the greater her capacity and tho more need for gentle handling. The amount of milk n cow will yield dependa aa much upon the dairyman aa It does on tho cow herself. mill 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I l-r-r ROOTS AS SHEEP FEED. CJIve Oeod Results When Combing With Hsy, Orsln and Pasture. The art of feeding sheep for inulton la Iti highest degree Ih credited to the sheepman of England. All the UapOf tant mutton breeds of sheep In the United Btates today are of llrltlsli orl gin, saya 11. O. Severson of renimylvn nla State college. Should one ask how Englishmen sue ceed In holding their reputation aa au pertor mutton producers the answer would be. "By feeding a Judicious siii ply of roots In combination with grain. hay and pasture." Roots are used primarily In a ra tion to supply succulence Ity a sue culent feed Is meant one nlihh con tains s high percentage of moisture The Importance of ainviilein'e In a ra tlon Is that It stimulates appetite, reg alates the tatwval and tinmen a thrift! mm which produce! high condition and good gains Com silage can Im need to supply succulence in a ration. Botabagas (Swede). This root la n-l tabed most of all by sliecp. Sugar Beets. This root should be fed to fattening sheep only. When beep are fed beets for a long period The Cotswolil Is the oldest breed of shesp of which there I.i any sat isfactory record Its history goes back at least three eentuHa It Is one of the hsrdlest of til) breeds snd Is the next largest sheep to the Lincoln. It Is a good mutton sheep snd has a good fleece of rather coarse wool, valuable for heavy oods. The fleece sometimes grows to s length of twelve tu fourteen Inches and Is sllablly curled The flesh Is not so fine m that of the Down breeds, but la yet excellent for butchers' use when not over fifteen months old, when It fsttens readily. The Cotswold shown was a prise winner lost fall. calculi are furmed in the kidneys and bladder. These calculi or stones are farmed due to the high mineral con tent of augar beets The realdue from agar beets In tlie muiiufacturo uf aug ar la known us "boot pulp" and Is used f extensively with good results In fat tening sheep Dried let pulp la al most aa valuable ns corn for sheep feeding and la worth eight time as much aa wet beet pulp. Mangels Like sugar beets, mangels cauae the formation of calculi In tho kidneys and therefore should not be fad to breeding stock. This root la tho highest yielding of all root crops, Turnlps.-Thls root Is not as popular with sheepmen aa tho rootYdcscrlled above. Other roots satisfactory for sheep are parsnips, carrots nnd itolntoes, hut do to their smaller yields and their relatively blgb market wiluc they are not generally fed to sheep. Itoots should not compose the exclusive ra tion for sheep. The amount should be limited to two pounds per head. In order to make roots easily consumed and highly relished they must be fed to sheep "sliced up" finely Buying a Dairy Bull. If yon buy a yotuig bull you must pay more attention to the pedigree and to the performance of Ids near ances try than to Ills ludhlduallty In the purchase of an oltf hull the record of his offspring urn) gls.. Individuality are tho principal features In co'i Ider, mid the are miichjkaw simple mid more sally undorsbjJjs2(I of greater value to the tmskllhsl jSjrigc of dairy stock. These satisfactory, with the pedigree to show pure breeding, and you elluil natc a large part of tto spcM-iiiuii.ni In tb buying of a dairy sire Hsrd Churning. Difficult churning Is sometimes onus d by the fact that the cream becomes contaminated with limb-nimble bacte ria that pnaicnt the growth of the desir able kind of lactic acid bacteria. There for it Is highly advisable to carefully wash and .scald the milk utensils after using tb in. Modern Msthods. "I believe I'll give thnt poor stray est a piece of meat." "What, and pauperize tho cntt Al ways belp i lie poor to help themselves. Scatter some crumbs on the sidewalk. They may attract a bird for the cat to grab." IxiulNvllle Courier-Journal. Exaotly So. "Kiubrolderlnir letters on uaiidker clilefa I a very iioniiruKresHlve bual- "How ao?" "Bceauae It Initial atage " never get beyond Rio llaltlroore Auerlcan. The Soul of Honor. "Do you think as a physician that Iin is vary conscientious'" "Wonderfully ao. Vur example, be BMksf a rule uever to pay a visit after It has been demonstrated that the pa ttest caunot get well." Life. The As el Conteats. "How many time have you been nr rwlsd?" naked tbe court. "I'm sorry, Judge," replied 1'loddlng Pt. "but I've lost count. Der ain't anybody offerln' n prize, U Uv.ru" Washington HUr BUT HE WAS NO ANGEL BOY. SID JOHNBON ain't a kid I like. Hs has toe muoh to say. Mr thinks hs knows most all thsrs Is. An' sometime he's too gay. Mr brags about what hs kin do, lie's ."! n heap of gall. Hut there is on pises where hs shines Mo sure kin play bsssbslll si.l Johnson sln't no angsl boy. Mr don't learn fast in sohool. II s IsaebST thinks ha don't know much, iiik HM nln't no one's fool. You eiiglil to see him knock a ny When wo play two-old-eat. RM sometime wnre a little, but That kid knows how to bstl si.l Johnson's homollor than sin: Ills ears lisna out In spsco; Ills nose Is turned up quite s lot! Thr'S freckles on Ids fsos. But When tM thumps a hsll you hot Wo know tho annio la won. An' when hs scoots from ba In boss Yon ought to sea him runl Sid Johnson ho smokes rlsarette. I guess that's why he's slim. My folks won't hsvs him over here Thoy K"t no use for htm. Hut ho kin stand an' pitch a ball An hour at a etrotch. llo ain't so much In sohool; but. gee. You ought to see him kstehl Sid Johnson's bad In lots o' ways. llo nln't no model kid, Hut thoro's no boy on all this strest Can piny baaotiall llko Hid llo does things that nobody llkos Home say he'a a tough ease. Hut Jlm-intii-nee, he Is a peach When ho la on first basol -bo Angolas Eiprsas. Two Qreen Cooks. The cook led. and Mrs. Keen, who was a bride, hired a green girl. Tb young mistress had never had any ex perience In the kitchen, but wheu sv i.inl irnesta came unexpectedly for din ner one evening nnd the green maid became very nervous over preparing a meal for ho many people Mrs. Keen undertook to be of some assistance Descending to the kitchen, she found the girl struggling with a coffee ma chine and asked what ahe might do to I relieve the sltuatlun. -Well, mum." confessed the girl. "I hive forgot to wnah tho lettuce, an y might do Hint." Very well. IHdtit." said Mrs Keen , i!oaHiiiitly. "iJon't get ao excited. ! I'ake things-cooler, and I will help on You go right on with the coffee, ami I'll wash tho lettuce Where do you keep the eoapr"-Harpor' Mnga- 1 zlne. So, Therel Mr. Fltilbtiah -So you want to vote, ! ilo you? Mrs. Klatbiiab-Yea; I do. "Want to have your own way, I aup pose V" I certainly do." "Hut If you had a vote you couldn't always Imve your own way. you know." Then I wouldn't vote." Yonkers Statesman A Young Cynic Tom - They say that every woman la beautiful III some one' eyes Do you believe It? Jack--Certainly If you Include her own Philadelphia I'ress Synonymous. It Tm Springer's afternoon off, and he thought lie would take the children for n little outing "My dear," he srtld. approaching tils sift, "suppose we take the children to the iwo today." "Why, Will, you promised to take I belli to mother's." "All right. If It's all thu aame to tho children ."-IMtuhiirgh Tress. Jinks lies regular cabbage head, l-.nl be' Winks Ob mi. a cabluigu bond Is worth 10 cents, and lie Isn't I "Weren't you aurprlsexl that tbe ens tiitiiH Inspector didn't Mini Ihoao things you aiiiugglud In'" "(ih, no; my wife towed them away. Sim run pack things In a trunk where alio can't even find (bem lieraelf." A Plea of Guilty. y The Accused -Wby, your honor, I raised them cblckeua myself. Ills Honor-Just so. The complaint auya you lifted tbem. I see no conflict In II... evidence New York lilube loo rUoh Praia. An Expert. s-sl . assassksnssi Get one of those DustlesB RrooiBB at the Rexall Drupe Store. A Good Investment, W. I). Majrli. o well known merchant of Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Chamberlain's medicine ho as to be able to sup ply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to him than the cost of his entire stock of these medicines. For sale by all dealers. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. We hereby give notice that the partnership heretofore existing between W. T. lister and J. D. McNeil doing business as "Inland Empire Realty Co.", is hereby dissolved. J. D. McNeil retiring from business turning all busi ness over to W. T. lister, who will continue the business at the old stand. W. T. Lester J. D. McNeil l.lm II si,'., sad Via KKSTOIUTION Td K.N1HY OK l.ANHH IN NATIONAL KIIHK1TM Notice la hereby given thai the lands denr-rllied teiow, etiilirai-ltis M seres, within tbe Mai hour National Forest, iireguii, will ls sublet! toseltli'liit'iit ami entry under Hie lirovtaliius el iin- iiotiomeail laws ul Hie l'ulie.1 stales sml Hie set ol June II. Ins. Klst . .Mill, al the I'ulleil Slates land vtlh-e al burns, Oregon, on September 114. llll ABf settler w ho S" ac tually and In rood Isllli i-lalmlng soy ul said lauds for agricultural nunmses iirlor to Janu arv 1. nasi, and lias not abandoned same, lias a nrefereim' rlutlt to make S ll..ln..li'a.l enln fur the lauds actually occupied. Held lands were Hated upon the aiiplli'Blionaof tbe iiersom iiiriitiniir.it below, who nave a irelreni-e risni .ul.ji-et lo the prior right of any such settler, nroi Ided am ll ei'llldr or applh-aul Is 'liiaHfled to make homestead entry and the preference right t enerelsed prior to Hetitesatier .'I Ivll, on which date Die lands will Is- subject tussi-ii.-iiient and entry by any qualities! person The lsndl are as follows i In- S '. l NK'. ul NKV, llieNlatif NKlsOl NF'.nl NK', Hep. SI, smlNU of NH ij ol SW't, llie Klsof M',ol NW',ut NW' the SF.'.ol NW',ol NWi,,itae llirr,..-. ol nn-.ui rie.' ree, sppl.rsll.ill ol W II Hull, o I lliin.a. Oregon, l.lsl r. son. rue se.',r MR', see s Ho- SSL of NWi.. the si of N'jof N' . see. 10. T aiH.. It. l F. , l.si sens, appllratton ol llinuiss Van an. It, ul burns, loi-gon, l.lsl i. -b. Al.nrovid lul II. bU.l'. Hill I F. vssUtant liimtni.sl r ul the i.eneral lAlid oftlre. Iiurni I. HI No , NOTICE K()K PURhlOATIOM IMIFIihl l I l M. fin I r I litirtis, on gun. inly II, I i.i 1 Notlre la hereby slven tlist llln I'ai lib' Usllwsv I ouiMUy, w lioee siblress Is St I'sul Mlnneauls. Ii Hi ul July P.H1I, filed III this i.ltl.r I s s la srlrrl under lb l.r.o uliiiin of cenfrssi approved Juir i. isw i.sihii i I "t slid 7 -re II. M, CJI ' .' f st H. ' " Norl'ierll KSlt M. Is lliii day lll'lll stloU the eel Of ii. .'., awl M 70W won I" I.I i .-s..4ui rec . .-, t w.oi NK'. r. in im IIIUU c ,. Sh' 7, sa. sh', ol St.'. NWI, ill Nh', fl'. ul SF.1, NKC ol SKi. HI 111 1X1 III US at. SMS' twuu J :i Isils t .1, 1,, end 7 H, Serial Nil Ounn Any snd all I Bill liraillil f Isl in I lid aliveraelv I its Ittmlp 'itirritevil, nr lflrltiK to ohjirt It-. mt tn i h' in mm-ml rhnrBrlrr uf Ih- I ml, or for hh wllirr rMMMI, l thr i1IhhimI to iM ant, tthotihl Ilia il.it piThlitviii ol .r.itfit In tuli oflltf.oti or rn-fort' tht .'ml 1 of rVbUnilrr, IMS. Wm r'AttRK. H?k stcr NOTICE POB PUBLICATION. I'lllTKh HTATstlt l.Hi l.r!i K, ( Burnt, oroifon, July 7,1 u. 1 Noiirt- ii horcby nlvvi Uii 'IbotnM I. VI- ii is, t. Mm liHiikii, or. iron, wild, on April ll, ltflO, inifti- Ih. in. lts'l :t..r- .NiiniMlnr HKW, Hvrllnti H. Tow mttti. X( H . Hmiic .Ll K V Mlnmettt' M ri.limi, Iim lii,.,i notice of tntsii l ..ii louisskn II n ! i href i-sir Vrttot, to MUbllit. linn it. tin Untl above ilttMrlbctI, ImIom Ki-h liiermut Utiwr, .t Iturni, oriioti, on UM l:nii'Ui ul iikftisit, tvlfl. I UtllletUl tmnifw WltInM-(i Hlnrr Mm-kldm,, John Klrliuer, John i It. lor, MWIi U ItiK nil ol MuthaiiHii, On con. Wm. I iriii HkiiI. i NOTICE POB PUBUOATIOM I NiTSI. HTATKt I. A Nli OrtlCI f liurnt. oroguu July 7, 1919. 1 Notlcu ! hi'n hy glv-on that John M. M. Coy of lu-nlo, OruKUit, who, on May 4. i-iiu m. u ll. nntsic.il Kutr) No. wr.41. for Hh'4N .' ..V,1. NK'i, ( -"' hikI rtitviK's, H.-.-ilon jli Town hip 40 H . HanK .v. K . Wlllfmcltr Mtrhllau. haa fllad notlre of intention to make rinal thrti ye.ir Pftof, to eatabllph claim to the laiol atiova (laa-rjla1, In'fore M J. O'Connor, (' h ' oiNiiiiHHioniT, at lilt- orticc, m inlo, OtWOn, on Hit. Il.lh ilny of AUtfllisl, ItlJ, Claimani uamt aa wlliivaaen William Hherhurn, Kn1rii'k II ol low jr. Ifa- rlaon drovi-, i olumhua lirove all uf In mo, OMgoa M b'4MI. ItrtfUt.-r NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. .Tamil it its 1 1 an films, t limns llr.-gi.n, .mil 11, lull t Notlre Is hereby given. Ihsl Waller K Kiss Ins-cr, of KlleV, Olesoii, wliu on Jiiullsri 1' C-to, msde lio . e.tesd entry, No oibsj. lor HK', MH',.h',MKl. snd NK'.SKC, reetlou IS l,,u -III I .liiniki- M F. .vVlllsiin-lli- Meibilsli.hss lib -I until uf Intention to liiuln- tlllsl Hire i ear i roof, t,, eslsbllsli i liiim tiiilu lend sbove din rllieil, before Iteglstir snd II eelur si Haras, On g a lb Istk da; ol auxusi isis l In I iiihii l lis lues sn wltuiisses I mnk I till. I, I, ., Wllll.m W -tills ss. Wlllbnii Itimor, Floyd J Kmsinget, all of Kilty Oregon. WM FASSK. Hegl.ler Niil'ICK POB PUBLIC AT! OH I . I I I I. I I I - I A Mi ill I 1 1 l, burin, Oregon, Jul 14, pii:t. Niiili-s Is lieieby given thai Frank Adolnh Hum ul 1. swell Oregon, who, on June 11, X'JVl, msilu noun -i.-iui F.nlry, No unifsl, for K'.MW1. and I ut. I slid 4, HiiClloll III, TuwnsblpM, H , Itsngv Hit K., Wlllsuieiie Meildlsu, has tied in. lb r of Intention to tnalto final commutation I iiml o r.lnlill.b claim to the land slsivi dr a rlbed, In lore Kigliliir slid Iteielver, at llllrns, Oregon, nil tho IStii dny of August, lets. i 'Is I maul names ai wlin.-saeg: llsrrv II Kesen, Mboruisn N Jor. iieoigu w I'Saa, I'elei lirlsliiiavu nil of I alien. Oregtiu Wh. KUHI, Itrglt sr TH1 rlOST ACCURATE .22 CAUOER Repeating Rifle in tho WORLD. rniK.i! in two uiiuiei it i,na tut .'JJ iSluiit It. !'. isr- ti-lilgra tliu iillu r lor ,!M Iaiiiit It llln ll. V. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Iilllillus Id ,M LIST PHICE a.oo Mini I mid it .M long rifts lull i blues. snd lor liiinilsoinelv il.lnilnl Kill., I !., Iir-uiuI "How lo Shoot Will". Onli r Stave Httes Pltlals wmJ lactases fi.iiu your Ui-iil, i. STKVKNS AFtMS & TOOL COMPANY, I. O. So a BOO, CJIIUII-gg ITAUM, MASS. llie ot F., ol PK' of Ml,, the K, ol i. olHK'4.,f Sit1,, llie ".'.nf SVll, ol MK'.ol NW',,lhe l.l, of Nh.',of ., llie K, of WU of NsMofawu, tbs ns of slew, m fi-.', ol SW'.He.- av.T Uf. H.-.m K . W l . I0 sens. .. . ... - .. . .. NaJ&M M .' atTm i nil. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UaiTie Htatss l,an Orrits urns, oreeon, Jslf 7 , Itia. Notlre Is hersbv slven Ihsl I linuis. Vlt'ksrs. ssslanes uf Frsnk ( tun .Ian. I. niirhsnan, Oreson. who on saptemner is. Iii7, made Detsri l.aud Kuir No lois Herlal, No orao. for K),NKi Seellnn 14, Township V8 . llanos M K., WllTsmeils Meridian, bos Sled niitlee of Intention to mske final I'roof, In .'.inl.ll.li I'lsltn in lbs land slsive tloicrlbed, Isfure Heelstersiid Hsi.elver, al Hums, Oreson on Ihe llln day of August, Mil. ilsbiiani names as wllnsasei: Mtarr liueklsnd, John Klehner, John l laylur, Robert irvlnf all ol Huohanan, Oreson. NOTION FOR PUBLICATION tlNITKIIHTATKHI.ANIMIFFICIt. burns Oregon, July '.'I, I OKI I si. .11. . i. i....,.l,v slven that Flora A tlardner. nf t iitnieal, Houlli llakoto. who, on Auil ....... - ,- ... . - .,---- , . ,, ll IIS.olU, WHO, Oil ZlUgllSl ,-i, lisn, made tiiKsrt land l.niry. no , KK'.NWb. NK'.sWU HNK'i, NWl,HF.'.,Ben. .isnd HeVliNW',, Herllou 10, Tnwnslilp ) " ll.ngr HI R . Wlllsiiiuiti! Meridian, has filed notice of inleutlon to niskn final primf, to es Isbllsh i Islui Ui Ihe laud above described, lie tore Heslitsr and Receiver, st llllrns, Oregon, mi thr .Vdii ilar of Aiignst, I'.ibi Islnianl nsmes s witnesses: Arehle Metlowail. W tl. Ilodder Walter llodiler snd A. W. tlowan, all of Hurm, Oregon Wn. Fassb. Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION liaivaiiHVAvasl.AsnOrnta, Hums, Oregon. Jul; I", ll Notlre hereby given thsl Oenrge W Fast cell, ot Narrows, Oregon, who on Rov ll, luw, ins.l.i iiomestead Kuiry No. 'Jfirsl, Herlal No i,i,i.iH f... bill H..r :l and lns'.. .1 and 4. Keellun V, Township J7 N , Range w K Wlllanstte Uen.llsii. has nled n olios ol intention to mske llnsl five year I'rool. lo estai.nsii eisun m mi i. ...i .i.v .t.,.rlhi1 lietiire Reslsler and lleealvar, at Rums. Oregon, on the Mill dsjr of August, HIS Claimant names as wllncsser James K HUemnre, August W. IlllllUtirl Hush M Tlidnn, Heth H Hiiilth. sll of Narrows Oregon. W. Fsaas. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'sivkn Htivasl.ssnorriea, Hums, Oregon, JlllV 1!4, ISI.I I Notice Ii heruby gtveu thai Augusts nsaa lilrb, of ll IH. i lull. . or son, w.io oiillelober is. 1 1. 1 ...-.I- it. .ma. trail stun no 311. rerisi No.'oiBmi. for nk'4 hw mw'nki uiIhu NKta Hecllon s, Township J7 H , Hangs 14 K. Willamette Meridian, has died notlre on In lentlm, to make dual dye year proof, lo .slat. II, h claim to Ihe land above desi rllsd, before Hegisler suit Receiver, at Hums, Oregon on tbe .Mb day ul Angus! Illls t'lslmant tisuiei ss wllnessss Karl llorstmann, Ibomas K Stevens. Nina llaaslrlrh, sll ol I'rlncslou, Oregon. O. K. ThemsHiii. Waverlr. Oregon. WM F.sss Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. HsiTsiiHvstss MsuOrrit's. burns. Oregon, July l, ! f Nnllee Is hereby given thai Ruby Tslbott. Of llsrilmaii. Oregon, who, on Jolr I, ll"Vn,',". Ilomsslesd Knlry No u4. fur HR',, It, Township Jft H. Ilsnge U F. Willsiiielte Meridian, has fllrsl liotlee of Inlelllloll lo make Final I'hroo Year Fnsil, lo sslso.l.b claim lo His land above deaerllied. before the Heslsier and It.nilier. si Hums. Oreson on the -'.ih day of August. tl. i Islnianl names as witnesses W k ilrsy II French, Kllsa Ii. rurry. Vary I, truston. all ol llarrlman, Oregon Am Fsaas. Reglsur NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'MrsiiMT.vss I ash iirsu s. Hums. Oleguli, June .'I, l'l I "-'-- la ksBOSBS. slven Ihst Annie M Me Kemle.ol Nsrrows. Oregon, who on Jul) , ran. made besirl I slid Fiilrv. Nui4M.nl, for K!, Mi h. -ill.. ii III, Township .'II s . Ilsnge xi a JL llla',,.,.lt. M, ,1'tlall llSS lllld llotll. Of IlllCC iti to make nnsl Posil to eslsbll.li claim to ihe land almve deserll-d Isfore Hegisler sn.l II. . river, si lliirus. oteg on Ihe ."'I ll dsl ol July, ISO t'lslmant names s witnesses Waller o llmlder. insirge llnd.ler. Mrs Ksi nillb. Mrs Hern. su Mail, all ol llilltis Oregon, Wm Ftsks. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i miiii stives l.si. orMis Iturns, Oregon. Jinn' .i Id I. Notice Is herein glien ihsl Janus Hall ol I'iIiii elou Oregon, who, on April JS. I'd ' ina-'e llomeslead Fnlr,. No UB0UI. for NWNK.. si.NF.'.and NK',NWi, Seetlon . Tuwnthln Tl Range xi h Wlllamelte Meridian haa iibd notlre of Intelillon lo make dual com mutation proof, m establish i lain, lo ibn land slnue desrrlhe.1. lfore Register and Receiver si Hums. ore. a. ob tho 2Mb day of July lH I IsllllSl.l llSlUeSSS Witlll'SSrS Ksrl lloratuian, tiharles Krekson, J. W. Arm siroug, Annie I.i i s 1 of Prlnrebui. Oregon. Wm Fsssb. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'sitsu Mtatbs l.sHUOrrt' s i lliirus, Oregon. June'JS, rn i I Notieei. hereby given thai t. F.arl Hebien gulisl. of llurlisiisii, uregiin, who, on NovcBiU-r JA.Isll. made llouie.tesd Kntry, No nr.7b. tor K'.sWi, slid W'.sF1,. seillon JS, Township .'l 4 . iisngsxi F , willaiiuiie Meridian, has ni.-.i notice of intention to make dual eoniniutallou I'roof lo establish claim lo Ihe land alnnc de scribed, before Reslsler and Receiver, al lliirus Oregon, on the .'.tii dsy of August, lsl.1 ( Istinsnt tisines as witnesses I. ll. Mcl'hall, J ll.Taylor. both of Hui hansu, Orcgiili, J 1 buyer, ol lliirus, Oregon . I. F Helirengldi.t. Hurlisnsll, Oregon Wm Fabbb, Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Uhivbh svatbs I.asd Drricg Ruin .Oregon, June ', IIS. Notice IS hereby given that l.ule II Hrehm. of Riley, nregi.il, who on June II, Is, msde llorsrstead r.ulry nu :s. -.'.serial no irsneo uir NW4 Hecllon lit Township IU n . Range an K H illauietle Meridian liss tiled notbe uf Inlen ilon lo mske dual Ive year I'iooI In eslsbllsli rlslm to the land alnnc del rllieil, brliurir.g later snd Receiver, si burns Oregon, on I hi lb 'lav ol August, I'd I I Isiuisut llnliiis sa wlllieseea lasse Foster. Wisidle I . Heat, William I. dm .uii.iiii) I. II bris, all Kll"y. Oregon WM FABBB. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i'hitbii htatbs I isii orrits, lllirna, niesun. June M. IVbl Noll Notice Is hereby given hrengohsl of bio Tm iim.ii Hint I lai.r.r K Bob. I of bio Iniuaii. orcBoll. who. on SovcmlMir 'ft. lull, msde homeslesd Kill rr Vo.llft7IS, for W'aXWi,, M,.,. .ii .ml K'.HK1,. .. II..I. -.-v. lowiialilp.'.i. H , ll .13 F Willamette Meridian, has died notice ol Inleutlon Ul make lluai coiiiuiiilslbiii proof lii establish claim to Ihe land above deacrlled betnrs lleglaler ami Iteielver. st Hum., Oleguli. oh the Mb lis) ol iiisust, ism i Is. Iiiiant n m in. ss wlluesses II. Mel'hsil. I Ii 'laylur. both ol bin bsu an, ori.guii, J t' Hoyi-r. of Huma, Oreitou. J, 0, HObrenguhll, of llurhslisn. Oregon Wm. Kausb. Hegisler NOTICK FOR 1'U HUOATION UNITKI) HTATKH LAND OKKHKl Hums, Oregon, July u, lull. I Notice Is licrSv a I van that KIIssIhIIi Mid dleloii, uf llarrlman, tlragon. who on Haul '.' I. I'.sni. made Insert Isti.l Knliy, Nu tsnJij. for W'.HKifSiul K'.sw1,, Hectluu :l-1, Tiiwiishlii .! H , Ilsnge Ml S.. Wlllatuelle Meridian, haa filed . .hi I. e nf 1 n i .-n t ton to make final prisif, toss lubllali clnlui lo Ho- land slsive di-errllicil. In fore Heslsier and Kccelver. at Hums. Oreson. on the IMh day ol Annual, Hill. t lalinant names as witnesses II J Jusl.ili, r. M. Miller, ii. J rule, J J liriii, sll uf llarrlman, Oregon. Wm. ITABBB, lleglaler NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'NI'lBli S'ltTBB I.AHniirsii a, I Hums, oregou, July :t, una. I Niiiicu la hereby glveu that, Tliumas p Muli'orinli k, of Huilth, otnson. who, nu April , I'm made Homestead Knlry No MS, Herlal Nu irmn. I.u HKW1, and HUhK',, Hec ibinyj.'luwiiBblii JHH., Hause nu K , Wlllaiiiatlc Merldlsn, has Hied notice of lutein Inn to mssc llusl flvc-yiisr I'roof, luestablish clslin tu llie land slsive ileserlliiut, before Hciilai.t and Itrn ivcr, st lliirna, Oregon, on ths nth day of Annual, lkll. I'lslinsul names aa wlluesses: lialla Turner, Waller Andeisun. Alan Mc lain, Frank Hswlfleld all ul Smith. Oragoii Wm. Fassb, Heglstsr. NOTICK FOR I'l'HMOAT.ON. IINITKII HTATKH LAND OKKIt'K, I ' Hurus. OreguD, July 7, lull' I Nutliis Is hereby given that Kdwlu W Hour uf Urswaey, Orugoa, wlm mi Jan U4J, bar. made llomsaisai. Kiiiry no. win serial, No IrJII'J, fur W'.vj NK',. Hec U slid HUkatU, Seu Hon IS, Tuwnahin ll) n itauge raw a., nil lamelte Meridian, bus filed untitle ul fiitelilluu to make final llvu-ysar Proof, to estahllah claim lo tbe land above described, bsluru Hrglatsr and llirilver, st llllllia, Oregon, on the Htli dar of August, mill. I lalin.nl nemo, sa wllne.... Hsurga Huws, llary Hsrnaa, Sain Wllllama, will Oeurge all or nrnwaay, uraguu. WN. riass, Hegllilar A limited supply of Reed, clean acclimated alfalfa need may bo had at the Burns Hardware Co'a. store. Now is the time to get it and be ready to bow when the weather and soil are right. aooiiTiai. HARMkY 1.01UC, NO, 77, I. O O f. Meota every Hlurday In odd Fellow Hall st i :ni . in. A. Dunn, W. W tbinlil. Hecrelarl H. II. Hear.... iviua SB flilillWI lliat Hstlinlsy llll llslory. second Hsllirdai First I'agree , third Hsttirdsy, Second lies-ma,: loiirtn saunas) Third liegree HIIRNHI.OIltlK No 117, A F A M., Meets every firs! and third Saturday In each iion.lb. I . Usui!, W M Ham Moiherslicail Heerstsrv M HiFRN WoollMKN OF AMKkll'A Meets every senoud snd fourth Friday even lug st I. o o F, Hall, all nelrhnora Invited. new sppitcants will receive I'obrtssins treat men',. M. A alggs, V 0. W T. Is-aler. I'lelk RtlRNH t'llAI-TKR NO. 40, 0. I Meets ever ) second Slid fimrtll Moil. Ian second Slid fourth Mason I Hall. r rankle Wclcoibe. W. M KllaHwnek, secretary SYLVIA HKHRKAII IIFIIKFF No, 4! steels avsry 1st Slid Id Wednesds) llyrillc lislloi . N Madge l.euust.l. Her Hse'v. i 11'l.F i lltil K No. u . ., W. of W. Meet every Ion rib Thursday. Maud Hoi Ion lleelsr iloudiiisn. Clerk. il. M. Orril'IAl, III RRI TORY ST4TB o SB. ien: II H Heiistnra iJoii.il.au bourne Jr. loco K I liambarlalli IW R Bills I 'Wllawley 1'iilisreasntell A ii.one) t leueral loivertuir iecrotsry ol Hlsis lirssurcr -upl Public Inatisi ion. SUIe Printer A. M. t rawford oswaldWsst f W Hanson T.S.Kay I. K A I. lets. as . . W h Honlwsy i Robi Kakln T. A. MeRrlde Oeon Hurnetl supreme Jadgas R. M. Bean F A. Moore NINTH JllUlt IAI. HIHTRIt.T. sine, j.,,r DallOU ggS jilairiet Attorney w 11 Hrojfs Isjpuly Wat Ally c H Leoaard Irrull 1 ourt msvels tbe drat Muudsy la sprn sun nrsl Holiday In October. bo 1. 1 Senator b.ln i Representative 0 w i .r.i.i. W. F llomsn ootiarv n.ssav: oiiiii i Judge lurk I ii sain, i ihsrirr Assessor 4i hind Superintendent I'uroner ii. i fc hiSn-cl,ir 1 on .slonsrs ''ul Ibeuueoit HI llugl.rl il A Hill .'. k. Meery A K. Riehsrdaou J J. nouegan I. M Hauillloh '. W I Irveliger J on n Ho bin miii IS., F -ylveslet t i uwe iisiii l oil lily on it miii. iin- in.. Wetlneisla) In laiiuar), vuli May. Jul) , pt.iuber end NoveiMber MASS,) I I, i -. i "in. i legi.il i tei elver Wm Fair. Irani llevsy IIIV. mas. am Mulbeishesd A. M H)td Mamie M luisra :.'. ol-lei. I H Mlliii I. .1.1 I I. Halm a I II J. Il.i .. n A. I . b "no I Janu I smpabli t H.J Ml hlnooll ....... 1 1 men Meetings of Ihe Fourth We. In. ad oiiiicll every Heroud sud twruiitt:ni::im:i:ii:ui!:i Mrs. Grace B. Mcliose TEACHER Voice and Piano Methods UstHl In CiKiPBilli CeaMTTilirv of Mssic HeslileiK: Sluillo j.id.door waatt I'rsabytertan Church IllllllllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllU Sum pier Valley Railway Co. TIMH TABIal Nil. J (INK 14, i. IN IU0H. r'KIJCT Weal It I Nil I I'iihs a in. Nn. 0tO l.v Ilakir i'liv M.ulli Maker Mllli.llllMt I M'kliarll I I. p-iilll '1: Ul.'.H I0IM 10 07 10:17 St. ul ll .1 lb. Ill 10:'.".' ' 10 '.' " 10:11 " I0:cn " 11 10 " 11:11) " 11:40 " NtKIN tflatt ' l. M. I J jA " U:,0 " 1:10 Ar Wntir Taiiltl I mall's Sunt I li Kwellt JUNCTION! in. i-t.-i JUNCTION! nil I 0 I. Campi I Wltiini-vl " 00 I'll'TONt 3:40 Austin :0 Sinp iill aignsli nllly INn aKi'lil. Tlckela iasuml tinly lur alailnng where train are srhialnleil tu make regular stops. 1'aaaeiigera must uiirohaee tick la where iiiiiih e'l.t Iwlors entering trains or 1!6 renin In ilillliou tu the re gular Fare will be fharueil. JOHKI'll A. WKHT, Hupt. (iltANT liKUDKH. Asst. Hont. $1500 Reward! I Im llleanu, Hal ll.niileaiiii Ni ivbiIs Live eloek Prolan, lluu Asa.K-latl.iii of whluli ths uuder algusd la mars bar, will give i,UM lit) toward lor avl denoe leading as lb i arraal and eon vletluu ol any par ty or parlies aleal lug nuraea. eatlli or males belonging in any ol Ha lueia- bera. In addition lo the aoove, lbs uudaralgued ofTara the same i.iii.IIi lou 6UU OU for all horaea branded linrae ahod bar on both or either Jaw. Brand leeoidml in eight i-ouullea Hangs llamay, Lake sml irunk nouullss, lioraes vested when sold. Nous but grown horses sold and only la arga buurhea, W w.iiiiiiwn rile. Oragoa, : .jS I l.lsl No. 7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'Hirrn htatbs I. "n orrn . Barns, Oregon, July in, lain I NiiHre ll hsraby (Ivsn lhal Ihe Northern PaslSa Sal I road i.ad t'orapaiiy, wnoae post omce Paul, Mltinaaota. lias tills l.'iilsv addiess ! of July. llll. filed In Hill nrrne Ha applb alloii lo selsel anoer the iirovlalona of the act uf Congress arp rovad Juair I. lavs isontat. n7 S'jn) bat I, SM. II, T. at H , R J4 W. M Herlal No. OflvOt An an all tietaoui claiming sdmraely Ihe Isndi4sarlcecl. ul dealrlng Ui oblanl beeauae ol lbs HUssral charanter of lha land, or fnr any olkar rsSBfjn. to Iks disposal, to applicant, should flla melt aftlilarlla ot protest In Mil. oMea, nn et before lha alb dar of September, ivia, Wn. Pases. Reglitrr North Beach wow iwTpll Bis a s t Why not plan your Summer Vacation at this wonderful resort, reached by rail to Portland via ATRIP DOWN THE COLUMBIA AND Steamer Trip down the Columbia via O-W. R. & N. Steamers "J. T. Potter" or "Havssalo", daily except Sunday. Surf Bathing, Fishing Tents and cottages for rent Good hotel accommodations Excellent restaurant service on boats INFORMATION FURNISHED ON APPLICATION TO J. H. CORBETT, Ag t ., O.-W. R. & N. Rend, Ore. H. BAKOUL, Agt , O.-W. R. N. Redmond, Ore. Tltarlin REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no better gun lor target work and all mall game up to 200 yards. ejfeafn. jfibZtf K liaiaaaTssd Sf?tK 4aakaasa1 v JgtjBr WHITE LIVERY NEW RIQS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. k. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. WHY NOT MAKE S200.. A MONTH - - That's S60.00 a Weak, almost S10.00 a Day Belling Victor Hsles and fire uriinf boses In merehsnta, doouira, lawrers, deiitlsts suit well I.i .in fsrmrra.all nf li-'lil resllre I he ineil ol s aste, i.u I ilo tin! k liner li is BSSI lllalo.wn ODe. BaiMltietl ileplare i.ur ir..... lll.ii oil. ol the beat, oleau eul in-.n. y iin.kii.i: uuporlual tie ever rr...li.'l Wltlioul r. i Inn. ri i.-rl-ue. VasJ oaii duDlleste llie aueeesa ul others, llur llBlldaomeiv llln. I rate. 1 SW .sge eslsliiK will eusble you to present the aut.Jeet lo one tinners In as Interesting . uistineras tliuusU rB siiu wars piloting tliam llimugti our faelory. ..i..n...MM.n.ailvlM emt lnslruelliius for euiiruselsg talking polnla which 11 la Inipoaelhle for a prospective ruatomer to deny, why jua'l VOW be Ilia tret lo apply from your slcli.liy balurs aouieune elae gels the territory! We eon tevor only sa galaian out ot mcIi looailty. Kssl 1 1.. u nil t'Vr'Sjjl:'':::l ' l' I'sas H. in lis&sSBSmStBSKSSIISsillii'' Ar A: aVJlilisWaffiBTgB l.v 6:2ft SjlSKw!miX'- " ' '"' '"gsW-ffH " 4:66 l-lsSPatiaSrSas i :.. IjaMfilSLwffl " :4A nsSfflffflafflBSSJ rMargHffisBs6mSaaWs "4:2 sSgMBseTilBr1!ftlB 1:06 ssssssSsssssssaaaasssaaasaaBSasaaaaaBasaassaBBsa .'si taa Nw Kern OggiiBsy 10,000 SM AaasuaMy. " :0 " ll" , I Jt ni t -gj at .a i i i a. til I- - 'asBBBBVT . J WRITE TOR SPECIAL I THE A.H.AVERI SPOKANE. WASH.-PORTLAND. ORt.- AN JOSE CAL ... as. .....e.eeeee.eeee - : LONt: RE8TAURANT OliOKUli r-OON Hi op. Meals At All HuurH. Shorts At All Hour. Orders and Prompt Btrvtot With Reasonable ltuteti rsi aT 4 ,ii uive Me a i an S Osseell. Ttaaee-MeraM aillSlws w slss HVSIB V. HTASHAS0, , bollpll b lir. "Music" Hpetdallal Kar. Kys. Knie and Throat DRS. STANDARD Will Answer ell Cake Promnlly Dar et Nlahi Offlee ka Q. W. Vessas BW'a Phene. Will Fel.bllsh Tke', Homey IValler Heeellel al BURNT OREGON TILLSON HARRISON M. B.. HI. P. OIBre Herond floor Tlmes-Herald MM. Kntranre nn Main HI reel Burns, - Oregon A REST BY THE OCEAN Model 20 Wilhoul change of mechanism it 22 ihorl. long ot long-rills cartridge perfectly. The deep Ballard rifling develop maximum power and accuracy and adds yean lo the life of rifle. I). K.r'TArTI'Aail, A. M M ilcueisl Pacllce .gsfjaPsV bandlef aaMssehisBawBylMBBoWiiaiiacaiaiilsei issiasa iiisseWaaJ Tk. -I. c- basaa rfaas laeeisicB. aeeswls resell Aei With esiiss IsW- isesMiawsaai. Isaacemelssr i in.iti akaa. A greal nrsaisi nas. Mi '"n'll'lf i -1'i'r' WUJarw Streel New He.e.. Ce. To Tlae FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS Men sin-. lute. I as aelllus suea. Btvlns 1 a. anil eiiiUTriwerj ... .,i,r esipsny waa eelebrsted by ereetlng the most nirsl.ra aafe lacmry In the world. Wlde Bwak saea who received our BpOOlsl sellliitf lli.luerui.-lit, rendered It m-eeasary to double onroutput. Via are spending many ttinuaattita of dollars m Urging our sslrsorirsnliatlon, bullo lesrn all particulars, II wllleostyou only ths pries ol a poatsl oard. atk tar CilibiM 16 T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CIICIIIaTI. OHIO Russtn ENGINES BOILERS SAW. MILLS nmnuKAUi MACHINERY CATALOG ANO Pf?ICES LL MACHINERY CO,' e...e........... ........ :BUkN.S SANATORIUM; Mrs. Wm. Cummins, Prop s . Bent of care for natieniw Well furnished rooms, neat? clean and comfortable. Nn S tontau-ious cases Uikt'ti. Rates Reasonable aaa ssssssssssss PHOKKRfilONAL CARHH CARL C. GRIFFITH I'livsli isn ami Hurgeon BIIRNH, OHRHON. J. tU. GEARY Pli ysli Ian an( Hiir((Mu. Hums, - - - Oregon. Offlee in new biilltliiij( south of Welc harness shop, Main St. I'hoiie Main HA. Ii. E. HIBBflRD Oflire first door east photo trailer) j llnrii". Oreyron. W. C. BROWN, llnaNB, (lasrios. nilii-i. rooms H biiiI ll Masonic liuigj DEKIIIAIs & DENMAN, Phys. clans ;ird Surgeons falls anawerwl primiptly night rug 'I'lmiie llarrlman. Hsiflman, Oregon Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surge. Direct Telephone Connection '2 La wen. Ore. M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law Voetrtly HldkT.. Iturna. Oregai C. A. REMBOLC Attorney-atr-Law, Burns, Oregon. WM. MILLER ATTOftNBY AT LAW seaWSja, OrSjajasj. RiMims li and 7 Maao.iie llnilggS I'.i in Liens i ii li S I nis.'e si r. .a,ii,ebfcga CHARLES W. I I..UIS LAWYER Hums, . . 4 it si I'tSi'llil-l I fori' tin- I' n the Bfcata t 'units I nil. I Ulll.e (Jim. II. Atimkvki I HllliUll AT-IAW. i-'areful .-iiti-iitinii given to tions and Heal KrUate mat lire liisiirsnre. Notary Public Ht'HNM. Obboon A. W. GOWAN ( ATTORNEY-AT-LAW I State CourtB and United Shi Land Office Practice Three doors South of tk j Harney County National Bt Burns. Oretron. FRA1K DAVEY I Attorney at urn Notary M CosxroKi.,, BSeaer Loading. Resieaal ABBeO.S.LejUOT..Pei.. j OtBre lielwe.0 Harney liiunly Natloadsf and l.an.1 urrn . Burns. - . Oregon ll. I'lSIHBB BSO. N AH. sue. . V. U.DS a. an. COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engi IrriRation, Water Su'iprj iseweratre, Water Pove7. Stirvi-va, !.,,., K-lmmH-s, Su,s BURNS. OREGON r 0. I 1 1 1 . a k i . o .A(1i liinnerl) Bgsi i atrlBsw i Pores ) kal 111. 1 Keilsiiiiiil.ii Ber iln.-.r o' IS ""Si w.si.-n. K. Fasiern Orem Inline Company CIVIL AND Ik-S.IUIION LMiM burss. Urrxta JKAN BART BALCOi-C IIIAM. M AM s. :. r. Ml M. a. a. ASSll. M. AM. NYDKAUUC BWjWEg Ditches, Reservoirs, Pinal PlJ Work, Hydro-KKctrif Pmnr' U, S. Dop. Minora! Work vtisrl Burl A Speciall -1 Kiiwmtiit in nod, i',,vt. ij I liiiviiiiiniiit Strram l.ttgiiat I M.III'KSON - . oki IWO JOHN ROBlNiOJ Slsck lisfrtxi.r, Uarsci Ul, llllllle Alllllfl KiiibO JOHNi.KHHKKLINO. A latfe .lowelor. Optician Kmrmvtn-. Fine Watch Repairinir A Jf cialty.