.mes-Jkrald Utrf.it CircuUlion Of Any r In Hrn.y County. kTURDAY. JULY M. 113 Local News. lyals Rheumatic Remedy. Cobb was in town this home made lard 17c at I's meat market. tf Marshall was down from near Harney the first of Ik. (you seen Williams Zogl- Slothing Cos., ad in this 1RST NATIONAL BANK OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 'THE BANK THAT MAKES $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS 11 Cecil and son Pat were during the week re- bcquaintancesand attend- Hne business. len Jones w mow mere Butter can be had at chwartz store and Ches. stage office. 33. Egli and little daughter rere in irom the larm Iring the week, guests at ' ke of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McKinnon & Son has made a passenger f$7.00 between here and will also haul freight its on all consignments or over. liTtf. Stinson. Prineville re- Itive of the Oregon & Colonization Co.. has this place for several ring come over to assist jhnson, the local agent, le nd Mrs. Babbidge left lorning for their claim Bt of Lawen in the Valley ict where they expect their summer vacation, . Proves It Your check against your deposit in The First National Bank not only settles a bill as well as gold or cur rency, But it Proves that the bill is paid. It is the part of wisdom to have indisputable evidence of the pay ment of money. Carry a checking account here and have it. First National Bank of Burns CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000.00 United State Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED Burns Pennants at the Rexall Drug Store. Ralph J. Wilson made proof on his homestead this week. L. R. Had ley was here from Portland this week, having come up to look after his land interests. He was detained for a few days here on account of a Bevere attack of lumbago. He has returned to Portland. Woman cook wanted on a ranch. Inquire at this office. Mrs. Ira Mahon came in from her Cow Creek home Thursday accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Wells, who were returning to their home in Port land after a few weeks visit with her. They went out to Bend by auto, Mrs. Mnhon returning home from here. We carry the Florshelm Bhoe Williams Zoglmann Clothing Co. Use Nyals Cough medicine for baby's cough. 10 tf You will find IT at the Burns Department Store. ('has. Wilson has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to visit his friends in town oc casionally. A. 0. Faulkner of the East ern Oregon Engineering Co., presented this office with one of their new pocket maps the other day. It is fully sectionized, cov ering the entire county; and is altogether a very convenient pocket map with some printed information about the country. 'I Kodak time is here. We do job printing. Kodaks at The Welcome Phar-1 Use Nyals Stone Root Com p. macy. fw the kidneys. . 10 tf J. F. Mahon was in town this Isaac Foster was in from Silver week and said he was very busy i Creek a few days this week, in his hay harvest Your 8pring and 8ummer Buit Don't give up until you have ' can be found at Williams Zogl tried the Burns Department Store ' mann Clothing Co'h. . store. Lunaburg & Co. 29tf C. E. Murray return about the 20th j down from Emigrant Creek dur Bt. ing the week. Dr. Griffith was called to Dia- and wife were , mond yesterday evening on a professional trip. We did not learn who he went to see. Clemens sawmill is its new location and is burns. to fill any order with dressed lumber, also fir buck teeth and any rder given prompt at- 32. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS P. Kaletz. of Chicago, has been in this section for several days . Lampshire writes to . o. o ko .k. .nH k aunng tne weex. who went to Eugene )ver the Cascade Moun- iched their destination fa from here without ip. ine inp proveu ksant. ling struck one of the at the electric light Hy Wednesday evening it out of business. Dwyre soon had a sub-. lachine in place and again. This is an in- that we are now getting rithout question. The runs each Wednesday convenience ol nouse- io desire to use electricity purpose. It is a con- appreciated at this time innnnn "TUC DINK THAT MiKFS your f SAFE." accounts ' looking over the territory with a invited. view of bringing in a colony of ih narH .Inhn HVinz and C. ' PPft Hp ,eft tni'' morning for B. Ausmus were among our visi- "tei P". well satisfied with from the Lawen section w,,ttl ,,t: "uu nm" tors here on land business. For Sale Two broke general purpose horses. Chas. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sweek They were Austin Goodman has a 5 horse- lower gasoline engine and 2-inch rotary pump for sale. 24-tf- !..!.. i : ........- (i... r..i... itciaiivca ifjHii i i ii. u .i wiui Caldwell and family and his have returned from an extended i mother have come to Portland visit with relatives and friends in Portland and Willamette Val ley points. They report a de lightfu' time. Phone orders for milk and cream to the Willowmere Cream ery and your order will be filled and delivered promptly. 33. Cashier Gault of the First National Bank states he will leave soon after the first of next month for an extended vacation trip. He will visit Spokane, Seattle, Portland, Corvallis and ; lso spend some time at the coast. ARGAINS Visit our bargain counters, ere you will find the greatest rgains ever offered in Harney inty. Whether you need the article or not, it will pay you to look tr tnese counters. iuu wm d some of these articles shortly i . will never have this chance to such bargains again. ..s wife ME IN BEFORE THEY E ALL PICKED OVER SCHWARTZ General Merchandise - inic Building, Burns, Oregon from California. John's health has improved considerably but he is not yet able to work. They may decide to remain in Portland. Ginseng and Gold Seal raising surest way to make Big Money on Little Capital. One acre of Ginseng yields about 5,000 ;J pounds. Sells at $6.00 a pound. We buy all you raise. Write to day for free booklet. Ieo Richt er. Auburn, Wash. Williams Zoglmann Clothing Co., make a specialty of cleaning, pressing and repairing. . ..-. . N Archie Aicuowan leu mursuay morning for Portland where he goes to secure four more Ford cars which have been sold to people in this section. He will be absent but a few days and will drive the cars back from The Dalles, being accompanied home by Miss I .unci Smith and Nollie Reed, each of whom will drive a car. Kodak Supplies at the Rexall Drug Store. Dr. Geo. G. Carl and came over from Canyon City the first of this week to make their home in Burns where Dr. Carl will practice medicine. He is not a stranger in this section as he has a number of acquaintances who speak well of him both pro fessionally and socially. Dr. Carl has his offices in The TimeB Herald building. Two-inch centrifugal pump for sale.- Chas. Wilson. Mr. Wayne, one of the owners of the Intermountain Nursery Company, of Payette, is in town and will solicit business in the city and throughout the county, if you buy from them you will get trees that are home grown on irrigated land, trees that are acclimated, you will buy direct from the company, no commission to pay. The Inermountain Nurs ery Company is an old and reli able company. They keep a record of all varieties fruiting at certain altitudes. Mr. Wayne is a man with a great deal of ex perience in growing fruit and nursery stock in Idaho and Ore gon. Save your order until you see him. He will stop at the Burns Hotel while in town. The usual picture program to morrow n i g n t at Tonawama. Some good comedy. Thos. Cleveland was over from his home near Van this week consulting a physician. He had a yartial paralysis of the face but it is not of a serious nature and he was assured of complete re covery. Mr. ucveiana lives in one of the most prosperous farm ing and fruit communities of this section and reports good yields this season. Packages sent by parcel post to the steam laundry will he re turned prepaid where the bill amounts to $1 or over. I.'.... l. C K.4,M. .....I imltm ......... I l.uin .' i.iim i OIIU n in ' .11111 iii the lirstol the weeK and have since been guests at the Chas. Wilson home. They made the trip in their Overland car coming from Ashland by way of Crater Lake. Klamath Falls, Bend, Red mond, Prineville and then to Rums. They will remain here for a time at least, but are not decided what they will do in the immediate future. A pearl hand-shaped breastpin was lost either on the street or at Tonawama the evening of the 4th. Finder please return to R. F. Stillson. The Times-Herald calls atten tion to the communication of Mrs. Gray on the first page re secting the rabbit pest. This is a matter that is of interest to the entire country and is a problem that we must deal with. The rabbits may disappear as they did several years ago and never .t- a problem again, but we have had three years of annoyance and some practical relief must be devised. The Lunaburg Dalton & Co. Department Store have cut high pricf s and long credit. 29tf This section has experienced some of the hardest rain storms for this season of the year in its history. The precipitation for the week is in excess of an inch and a half, and almost two inches for the month. It begun raining on Monday of this week and a heavy shower was experenced on that evening and again on Wed nesday night it began raining and the next morning the mea surement showed almost an inch. It has interfered with the hay harvesy and considerable was ruined that will never go into the stack. It has caused heavy grain to fall, but with warm sun shine this will likely raise up again, so that at least most of it can be cut by the binder. Raled hay, Rran and all kinds of grains at The Rums Dept. Store. The preparations are well un der way for the big picnic at W. H. Robins' Crow Camp farm on Sunday, Aug. ii. Archie Mc Gowan and J. M. Dalton, of the Rod & Gun Club are looking after the arrangements and they are preparing for one of the largest gatherings ever assembled in Harney county outside of Rurns. Mr. Robins has extended an in vitation to all his neighbors and they're all going to be there from long distances. The Gun Clob will sent over the traps and have a shoot and there will also be a literary and musical program. A refreshment stand will be arrang ed in the grove for the pleasure of those present and no intoxicat ing beverages will be permitted on the premises. A truck has been chartered to take things over, alBO others for the convey ance of those whohave no other way of getting there. A special mte of $2 for the round trip has been secured and several autos will take passengers at the same rate. Those who desire to go should register with either Mr. Dalton or Mr. McGowan us they want to ascertain how many want to go and arrange transportation in accordance. Mr. Robins fur nishes free pasture, hay and camping grounds to those who como by team and wish to spend one or more nights there. Water Permits Filed With State Engineer. Tonawama tonight. Several of our town people are making preparations to go camp ing next week. J. W. Sayer and daughter Miss Helen have returned from a visit with relatives at Canyon City. Mi'bs Hazel Cozad entertained a number of young friends at her home Wednesday evening in hon or of her sister, Mrs. Curtis Smith of Rurns, who is visiting here. -Blue Mt. Eagle. The program at Tonawama to night promises to be one of the most interesting and entertain ing put on for some time. The pictures are good and the comedy with five in the cast is full of energy and fun. Usual prices. i a report of in the State The following the water filings Engineer's effice: During the quarter ending June 30, 1913, twenty-one per mits have been issued by the State Engineer for the storage and appropriation of water in Harney County. Among these are the permits of C. B. McCon nell and Leonard and Emory Cole, covering water rights for a large irrigation project in the vicinity of Riley and Burns. It is contemplated to construct two or three reservoirs on Silvies River where there are some ex cellent sites. What is known as the Lower Reservoir on Silvies River will impound 90,000 acre feet, while the upper reservoir will impound 106,000 acre feet and the proposed reservoir on Emigrant Creek will store 67.5G0 acre feet In addition to these reservoirs for the Silvies River unit, it is proposed to store 2,380 acre feet of the waters of Poison Creek. The Silver Creek unit will be supplied with water from the Silver and Nichols Creeks reservoirs which will have im IKHinding capacities of 97,700 acre feet and 2,215 acre feet, resectively. The Silvies River unit of the project includes the irrigation of about 27,592 acres and the Silver Creek unite 26.701 acres. Thomas and Walters of Chicago have secured a permit for the irrigation of 663 acres of land with the waters of Colony and Van Horn Creeks. In addi tion to the foregoing, the follow ing permits have been issued: Tice Shull of Narrows, for the irrigation of 160 acres of land with the waters of Hole Canyon. This land has been partially ir rigated. Nena Haarstrach of Waverly, for the irrigation of 1(50 acres of land with the waters of Jim Creek, to be diverted in Sec. 3. Tp. 29 S., R. 34 E. Adele H, Paul of Smith, for the irriga tion of 320 acres of land with the waters of Jim Creek which are to be diverted in Sec. 3, Tp. 29 S., R. 34 E. Chas. Books of Harney, for the irrigation of 160 acres with the waters from Rock Creek, in Sec. 32. Tp. 22 S. . R. 33 E. Eastern Oregon Engineer ing Company of Bums, for the irrigation of 160 acres with the waters of CurtiB Creek, in Sec. 6. 23 S., R 34 E. Lizzie Books of Harney, for the irrigation of 120 acres of land with the waters of Rock Creek, being diverted in Sec. 28, Tp. 22 S-, R. 33 E. T. L. Vickers of Buchanan, for the irrigation of 70 acres with the waters of Curtis Creek in Sec. 13. Tp. 23 S.. R, 33 E. C. S. Ollgard of Andrews, for the irrigation of 10 acres, with the waters of a spring in Sec. 7, Tp. 37 S.. R. 35 E. J. R. Jenkins of Princeton, for the storage of 368 acre feet of water in Wild Horse Creek and to apply the water to the generation of theoretical horsepower. Wm. Bennett of Seneca, for storage of 100 acre feet in Bridge Creek, which is diverted in Sec. 32, Tp. 17 S.. R. 32 E. Peter Clemens of Brns for the irrigation of 80 acres with the waters of Poison Creek in Sec. 22, Tp. 22 S., R. 31 ft Making Berry Juice BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Church service 11 a. m. No evening service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WE ISSUE Travellers' Cheques and Letters of Credit Harney County National Bank 'Your Home Institution Sunday school all during mer at usual hour 10 a. m. sum- The following simple and ef fective way of bottling berry juices was employed by Professor C. I. Lewis in the laboratory of the Oregon Agricultural College, and is a sure way of saving loganberries at a good profty on the rainy day: Heat the berries to as nearly the boiling point as possible and strain out the juice. Mix juice with one-third its measure of sugar, heat as before pour into sterilized soft drink bottles, shove the cork about two inches within the neck of the bottle, and pour melted parafine to the top. This process preser ves the flavors and aromas and keeps the product indefinitely. Diluted with four times its mea surement of water it is a delicisus drink. LATEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES iFriun Our I'urtlnnil Correspondent) That the policy of the Portland Commercial Club to continue the campaign of farm development throughout the state is in high favor with the business interests of the city is evidenced by the fact that the present campaign has met with more prompt and favorable support among property owners of Portland than any movement of like nature that has been conducted in the past. A few week ago the Commer cial Club set out to raise a fund of $160,000 to be expended in development work throughout Oregon during the next three years and so successful has been the effort that at the present time the fund is well above the $100,000 mark and it is believed bv those having the campaign in charge the full sum will be pledg ed within the next month. In the list of those who have given definite sums are 160 firms and individuals representing virtually every branch of business activity in the city. The fact that onions from Texas, potatoes from California and eggs and poultry from points outside of Oregon are being re ceived in Portland in carload lots while the farmers in the im mediate vicinity of the city, as well as those tributary to the railroads leading to this market, cannot find a market for their produce at any price has led the Portland Realty Board to actively take up the question of establish ing public markets where gard eners and farmers may dispose of their products direct to the consumer with great benefit to both. It is stated thai the fact that farmers cannot sell their own crops in Portland without a license, and the further fact that the commission men will not buy from him except at their own prices, is causing many farmers to allow fruits and vegetables to go to waste rather that dispose of them at a lost That the dairy business in the coast counties has been establish ed on a paying basis is evidenced by the fact that the Clatsop County Co-operative Cheese As sociation has recently been pay ing 7c more per pound for butter fat than the market price. The average amount of milk now being received is nearly 6,000 pounds per day with a prospect of greatly increased supplies in the near future. An ice manu facturing plant will be installed before the adv nt of hot weather next season. Attention has recently been called, by the Oregon Agricultur al College, to the fact that many farmers who are so unfortunate as to have hay injurtd or spoiled bv rain are making the mistake of either burning it in the field or allowing it to rot in piles. It is stated that spoiled clover or alfalfa hay is worth $8.60 to $10.00 per ton as fertilizer it' evenly spread over the fields and plowed under, and that every ton of hay so worked into the soil is approximately worth four tons of fresh manure. A ton of clover hay contains 40 pounds of nitro gen, 6 pounds of phosphorus and 30 pounds of potash, which, if purchased in the open market would cost the farmer about $10.60, and as clover and vetch is yielding about 24 tons per acre this season, the plowing under of the spoiled hay adds a fer tilizer value of not less than $25 to each acre. If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing HAYING TIME I (jjBruJQ' BCnOMii-Z GEO. O. CARL, M. D. Physician an Hnra;eou onto In Tmwnn alMlaa nrna . Oniu Mowers. Rakes. Bucks and all kinds of Haying Tools Machine Extras on hand All kinds of imple ments for the farm gas engines, pumps wagons, shelf hard ware, etc.. fishing tackle, guns, am munition, campers supplies, etc., etc. v i II JHHnKnTnvf JKJ tmVHftannw" " OnLciMinVnnv V MjZ I land1 iJL 1 ifl Get In Your Order for Binder Twine We handle the right kind of goods at prices that will appeal to your purse. We are receiving many consignments-more coming, so ask for what you don't see. BURNS HARDWARECO. NEIL SMITH, Manager