The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 19, 1913, Image 3

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    I. Larntt Circulation ui Any
r In Hry County.
Local News.
Nyals Rheumatic Remedy.
IcKenzie was in town this
h home made lard 17c at
n's meat market. tf
Harvev. the IJikeviewN
f buyer, is in this section.
te you seen Williams ZorI-
Clothing Co'8., ad in this
L Wilfong was in from his
near Lawen during the
Davis was amonpr our
ey visitors aunnjr tne
on business.
Ida Huchinson is down
ber home in Washington to
Iproof on the land of her
3 band.
ie oraers ior mint unu
to the Willowmere Cream-
Id your order will be filled
livered promptly. 33.
Sol is becoming quite a
friend these days, but it
the alfalfa and grain grow
sixty and we can stand a
Stoneman, James Pirie
im. Catterson were in me
lesterday, the former to
proof on his homestead,
er ss his witnesses.
ughhred Duroc Jersey
sale Bennett Bros.
i't forget that there is go-
Ibe one of the liveliest fam-
rs ever witnessed at Tona-
tonight in connection with
eture program. Admission
26 cents and it worth
Ithat much.
Sale Two broke genera)
horses. Chas. Wilson.
" -""""ig!g!g
,, .
Report Of The Condition
CM Tho
First National Bank
At Burma, Oregon, June 4th, 1913.
( I
Loans and Discounts .iou,o.i&.ii
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 48,36.74
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1,955.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.!2
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,260.00
LASH liM.iio. n
$57, 044. 11
Capital $ 25.000.1K)
Surplus and Undivided Profits 78,831.90
Circulation 25.000.00
DEPOSITS 447,212.21
Capital and Surplus 8 1 00,000.
1 I I Cl.l.. n i H m
accounts pnnrrED
Loans and Discounts $360,532.31
U. S. Bonds 41,000.00
Bonds and Securities 48,36.74
Premium on U. S. Bonds 1.955.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92
Five uer cent Redemption Fund 1,260. IK)
CASH 124,445.14
Capital $ 26.000.0tl
Surplus and Undivided Profits 78,831.90
Circulation 25.000.00
DEPOSITS 447,212.21
$570,04 1. 11
Capital and Surplus 8 1 00,000.
Kodak time is here.
Kodaks at The Welcome Phar
' Born
To Mr. and Mrs. C.
I Ionard. July 15. a daughter.
Don't give up until you have
I tried the Burns Department Store
! - Lunaburg & Co. 29tf
H. F. Huntly and Geo. Bryn
,ing were visitors from Valley
, View during the week,
' vniio AFF " ACCOUNTS
es Lampshire accompanied ; invited.
P. J. Gallagher and family
' took their departure Sunday for
Juntura where they will make
1 their home.
Two-inch centrifugal pump for
sale. Chas. Wilson.
School Supt. Hamilton has re
, turned from a trip to Salem.
and later started on a trip Portland and other outside points
i Steers Mountains for an in the interest 01 Bcnooj wo.
C. A. Harlan is in the your spring and summer suit
during their absence. They can be found at Williams 7xgl-
absent for several days. mann Clothing Go's., store.
, vi.tri. I.iffhtPo. is hav- ' Miss Bertha Williams is here
big gasoline engine brought on a visit to Mrs. Leila Wiljiams-
bm Bend to install at their , Millar and her many fnenas 01
Burns where she resided during
her girlhood. The young lady is
now a professional nurse and is
off on a vacation. Miss Williams
was a very popular young lady
of this place and quite active in
1 social and musical circles during
mother took his depart
inesday for Eugene going
his auto with the intention
ivinsr the entire distance.
11 join his family at Eugene
end some time visiting be-
etuming to work.
Welcome and wife went
to Juntura the first ol the
plant on the river adjoin-
kwn. This aaauionai power
Ian emergency ana win oe
when the water power is
railable, thus giving contin-
irvice to patrons at all sea-
will be
kf the vear. This
ated by the people of her several years residence in
rho are now receiving Burns and her many friends are
lent service. glad to welcome her here.
Visit our bargain counters,
rhere you will find the greatest
argains ever offered in Harney
Whether you need the article
low or not, it will pay you to look
J. V mill
rer tnese counters. iuu win
leed some of these articles shortly
ind will never have this chance to
ret such bargains again.
- General Merchandise -
flasonlc Building.
Burns, Oregon
We Jo job printing.
Use Nyals Stem.' Root Com p.
for the kidneys. 10 tf
Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred
Nickle, Friday. July 11, a daugh
ter. Horn Wednesday, July 10. to
Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Hibbard, a
Miss EmiM and Ella Johnson
were up from their Lawen home
this week.
Those desiring the service of s
Jersey bull may lint! one at the
J. R. McKinnon barn.
J. M. Dalton and C. F. Mc
Kinney have been up on Immi
grant Creek fishing this week.
Dr. Griffith was called to
Drewsey yesterduy to see Mrs.
Arlie Acton who is reported quite
Kodak Supplies at the Rexsil
Drug Store.
C. T. Miller was in from the
ranch this week looking after the
orchard and garden at the home
in the city.
The Burns Hardware Co., has
fresh onion sets in any quantity.
24 tf.
J. O. A I person and wife and
J. B. balcomh, the civil engineer,
were in from the Alberson sec
tion during the week on business.
Williams Zoglmann Clothing
Co., make a specialty of cleaning,
pressing and repairing.
Arch Drewett made proof on
his desert before the local land
office Wednesday. He was ac
companied over from Drewsey
by A. I. Johnson and Fred Robert
son as witnesses.
Mrs. J. C, Carrettis here from
her home in Washington to visit
her many relatives and friends
in this section. She and her
daughter, Mrs. P. M. Cheney,
are now on Silver Creek visiting
the R. J. Williams and T. J.
Shields families.
Woman cook wanted on a
ranch. Inquire at this office.
Miss Ellen Campbell, a nurse
in the offices of Drs. Dixon &
Coghlan at Portland, arrived here
Thursday evening and will go
out to the homestead of her sister
near the O O ranch to spend a
short vacation. Miss Campbell
finds many acquaintances in
Burns, former patients of Drs.
Dixon & Coghlan, therefore her
visit here has an added pleasure
other than her hwUt's companionship.
V David Newman has succeeded
J. R. Walkup in the management
of the French Hotel, the trans
fer being made this week. Mr,
Walkup haH made this hotel one
of the best in the interior and
conducted u very satisfactory
hostelry. Mr. Newman is one of
the old time residents of llui ney
County and enjoys a wide ac
quaintance, lie has not hud any
experience in ihe hold business
but has the M'ulity to make
good landloid and will no doubt
make it a popular place. We
wish him success. Mr. Walkup
and family go to Seattle for a
few months but will likely return
here later where he has land interests.
Burns Pennants at the Rexall
Drug Store.
Marlon Horton was in from
Diamond this week.
Baled hay, Bran and all kinds
of grains at The Burns Dept.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Davis, in this city, Sunday, July
13, a son.
Born Monday, July 14, to
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Saffie, a
The Lunaburg Dalton & Co.
Department Store have cut high
pric s nnd long credit. SJ'.Hf
C. W. Lewis was in this week
making proof on his homestead
and also assisting a neighbor lady
to make proof.
Martin Buck is expected up
from his home at Lawen this
week and will assist his brother
Harry in clearing a considerable
portion of his homestead on the
bench west of Burns.
Miss Eliza George, who was
operated on for appendicitis a
short time ago and been cared
for at the Burns Sanatorium, is
able to he out and has returned
to her home.
The (May Clemens sawmill is
now at its new location and is
prepared to fill any order with
rough or dressed lumber, also fir
lumber; buck teeth and any
special order given prompt at
tention. 'XI.
'Married In this city Wednes
day. July 16, H. R. Potter and
Margnret E. Hill, Rev. Beebe of
the Baptist church officiating.
The contracting iwrties are resi
dents of Drewsey. The Times
Herald extends congratulations.
Bart Siler and family have re
turned from Ontario where they
had been since last spring. They
find Harney county more at
tractive than ever Bince being
away. They have again taken
up their residence in Burns.
City Marshal Haines wishes to
call attention of the residents of
Burns to the weed ordinance and
to state that the provisions must
be carried out. Those who are
not familiar with it should ask
him about it. The weeds are
getting to be a nuisance and
should be removed at once.
1'. F. ("handler and wife and
Clean left for their home at
Canyon City yesterday after a
visit extending over a couple of
weeks with relatives and friends
1 in this city. They were sccom
' panied home by their neices,
Misses Lulu and Agnes Miller,
who will spend a few weeks with
them in Canyon.
Austin Coodman has a 5 horse
power gasoline engine and 2-inch
rotary pump for sale. 24-tf-
.1 C. Ieedy, instructor in
agriculture at the Harney county
high school, arrived home Wed
nesday evening in company with
the "Flying Squad" and has
taken up work as assistant sup
erintendent at the Experiment
farm with L. R. Breithaupt.
The two left yesterday for a tour
of the country to visit the sub
stations and to consult end advise
with the farmers. Considerable
work is planned along the line of
extension work and this pair of
"farmers" are there with the
A pearl hand-shaped breastpin
was lost either on the street or
at Tonawama the evening of the
4th. Finder please return to B.
F. Stillson.
Mrs. Wm. Farre was hostess
at a very pleasant 500 party last
Saturday afternoon, her sister,
Mrs. P. F. Chandler, being the
guest of honor. The rooms were
most beautifn'ly decorated with
roses and other flowers and the
ladies present enjoyed the after
noon very much. The table hon
ors were awarded to Mrs. Horn,
of St. Ijuis, who was a visitor
here during the week, a guest at
the home of C. M. Faplkner, and
Mrs. Ed. Egli- A delightful
luncheon was served following
the hands.
You will find IT at the Burns
Department Store.
V Married Tuesday evening
July 15. at the Catholic church
residence in this city, Wm. R.
Walkup and Miss Asul Clevenger,
Rev. Plus Neirman performing
the ceremony. The bride is the
only duughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Q. W. Clevenger and has lived
in Burns practically all her life.
She has been a student of the
Harney County High School and
has many friends among the
young people of Burns. Mr.
Walkup has been assisting his
father in conducting the French
hotel for the past several years
and is quite well known in this
section. The young people nave
gone to Seattle for their honey
moon trip and may reside there
1. S. Tyler and wife were in
from Sunset during the week.
D. N. Catterson and sou RhIpIi
were in the city the first of this
A. Briltinghum is building
addition to
quite an extensive
his residence.
There will be woii. in the
Third Degree at the Masonic
lodge tonight.
Micheal Healey of Princeton
was in Burns yesterday making
proof on his land.
A. E. Murphy, the Iron Moun
tain farmer, was in the city a
few days this week.
William Wilkins was in from
his home near Princeton yester
day on land business.
Mrs. David Carey and her
daughter. Mrs. James Dillon,
came in yesterday and are the
guests of friends in this city.
II. W. McHose announces he
will open the steam laundry next
Monday. His many friends wish
bin success in his new venture.
The R. J. McKinnon & Son
Stage Co., has made u passenger
rate of $7.00 between here und
Vale and will also haul freight
for 2i cents on all consignments
of GO lbs., or over. 2Ttf.
Try Nyals Family medicine a
The Welome Pharmucy. 10 tf
Mrs. Wm. Hanley took her de
parture yesterday morning for
Portland where she will meet
Mr. Hanley who has just return
ed from a visit to New York and
other eastern points.
Collins W. Elkins, a prominent
merchant of Prineville. with his
wife, were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cault dur
ing the week, having come over
in their car on u vacation trip.
Mrs. Elkins is an old time friend
of the ( Jaults.
Mrs. Jane Mutter, Mrs. LottfM
Carrell. Mrs. Etta Elliott and
the members of the Best family
desire to express their sincere
thanks to the many friends for
their kindness and sympathy
during the last illness and death
of their mother.
Dr. Geary was called to Silver
creek yesterday to attend Bert
Williams who had his leg broken
in a run-away at Foster's ranch.
The Doctor made a temporary
bandaging on account of the leg
being badlv swollen. Later it
will be put in a cast.
J. H. Booth and wife, of Rose-
burg, were registered at the
French hotel Thursday night,
having come over land by way
of likeview in their car. They
left yesterday for Prineville.
Mr. Booth was formerly register!
of the land office at Roseburg.
Dr. Griffith removed a 20-pound I
tumor for Mrs. James Reel last
Monday at the Burns Sanatorium.
It was u very difficult and serious ,
operution but was an entire sue-1
cess, the patient now doing well.
The lady is a resident of the
Buchanan section. It is fortunate
to have such medical skill at
We carry the Florsheim shoe
Williams Zoglmann Clothing Co.
County Clerk Hughet and
Deputy Grover Jameson enjoyed
(?) a fishing trip to Myrtle Park
last Sunday. They made the
trip up in Mr. Hughet's run
about but on starting home they
struck u rock while traveling at
a rapid speed which put the ma
chine on the shelf, Grover walk
ed in that night and us a result
there are sore spots not only on
his feet but otherwise as he was
not in the most amiable frame of
mind and it ir possible the things
he said were accountable to some
extent for the clouds that rose
in that vicinity that evening.
The experience was good for
them no doubt and will be some
thing for them to remember.
Use Nyals Cough medicine
for baby's cough. 10 tf
T. B. Hill was in town the
other day and meeting The
Times-Ierald man away from
the office begun telling him whut
a big crop he had, On being
told that the newspaper man
wus from Missouri Tom went to
the rig and brought some very
line wheat , hog millet and liul
less barley in just to prove his
assertions. Now we will belive
Tom under oath and further
believe he's one of the best
farmers in Oregon, for we know
he ruised the crops on dry land
und he certainly has the goods to
show for it. Mr. Hill stated he
hud started in cutting his rye
hav und that the boys were using
the binder as thus it wus in much
better shape to feed his stock.
We want more Tom Hills in this
country and incidentally more
Jim Hill to carry out what the
other Hills raise on fertile Harney
county soil.
Volney Officer is over from
Grunt county.
Dr. H. Denman and wife are
up from Harriman.
Mrs. Byron Terrill and child
ren are on a visit to her daugh
ter, Mrs. Clarence Carey, oti
Crane Creek.
A man civ nig, tin n.iiin of
George llein. was brought over
from Drewsey yesterday to he
examined us to his sanity. He
was lodged in Jail und will likely
be examined this afternoon.
G. (). Hendricks was in the
city during the week. We are
informed Mr. Hendricks and
fumily contemplute moving to
Tacoma, Washington where I
son resides.
A match race between "Teddy
Roosevelt" and "Maine" is to be
pulled off at Drewsey toduy. C.
A. Bedell of this place is backing
"Teddy" und severul of our local
horse men have gone over to
witness the contest. "Mnine"
has many buckers over ut Drew
sey and as both are very fleet
horses there will ho a fine race.
W. It. Glasscock, Walter Ken
nedy and I. N. Walker all of
Montana, were here a few days
this week, having come in by
way of Ontario in company with
Mr. Pinney, agent of the Oregon
& Western Colonisation Co., of
that place. Thev spent several
days looking over tho country
with Frank Johnson, local agent
Of the eompuny.
Tillman Renter, the man who
made the Deschutes section fam
ous by carrying off many dry
furm products prizes at the big
land shows, wus a visitor to this
Bection during the week, lie
was just traveling around looking
over the country and was most
favorably impressed with Harney
Valley as a dry farming section.
However. fte shall have water
available for the entire Valley at
no distant date and the dry farm
ing will then be 'confined entirely
to the bench lands.
Harry Witter telephoned in
yesterday to the sheriff that a
party had torn his fence down and
turned his horses in on his grain.
He was udvised to swear out a
wurrant und the sheriff went out
nnd made uu arrest Upon in
vestigntion it was found the
family was going through to
Roseburg. there being a large
number of little children, one
with a broken arm, unother with
its arm in u sliiiK from Basse
accident, a third with a bad eye
with its head all banduged up.
The team wuh very poor und Hu
man hud but $( all of which he
Offered to Mr. Witter for the
damage done but considering the
circumstances Mr. Witter refus
ed to prosecute and insisted on
the man being turned loose,
Archie McGowun accompanied
the "Flying Squad" on their tour
of the Valley Thursday and the ,
visited the home of W- H Rob
ins at Crow Camp on the trip.
There;is now in course of per
fection rrrangements for a big
picnic at Crow Camp to be held
on Sunday, Aug. 8 which prom
ises to be one of the biggest
gatherings ever held in Harney
county outside of Burns. The
plan was first started by members
of the Rod & Gun Club to go
over and visit Mr. Robins, taking
the traps und some blue rocks
along for sport, but the plan has
grown until it is going to include
the whole country. The Rod &
Gun Club will be there and also
many hundred other people who
are extended a cordial invitation
by Mr. Robins who offers tree
pasture for horses and also camp
ing grounds to those who come
by team und wish to arrive the
day before. Details of this big
picnic will he given in our next
B. W. Johnson, post master at
Corvallis, and J. F. Porter, a son-in-law
of A. J. Johnson, the
banker, who is one of the direct
ors and a stock holder in the
First National Bank of this place,
and also president of the Benton
County National Bank of Corval
lis, arrived her' Thursday even
ing accompanied by their wives
and little "Bill" Johnson They
are out for pleasure and go in mi
Ivre to the P Ranch und return
home by wny of Klamath, Crater
Lake and Medford. Mi, John
son Is a former newspaper man
and has several mutual acquaint
ance among the craft with whom
the manager of this great religi
ous weekly used to "travel."
The party will spend the next
few weeks In the interior, visit
ing points of interest, fishing and
tuking a genuine rest. They
found severul acquaintance-, in
Burns among former (). A. ('.,
students therefore their visit
here waa quite pleasant. They
were most ugreeably surprised
at finding so (urge and well built
town as Burns bo far in the inferior.
A Good, big fact, teeming with benefits for
the customer is beck of Harney County
National service.
That fact is PERSONAL service by officers
and the entire organization in the bank.
Every employe of the Harney County
National has the spirit of personal aid to pa
trons, and will welcome the opportunity to ex
tend to you a broad, help-giving service, made
up from our experience in studying the needs
and dealings with the financial problems of
our customers.
Harney County National Bank
Burns, Oregon
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Best Job Printing
Mt sfvtfvla dr i
I auRH ndPldE rssfjar i 7
Mowers, Rakes, Bucks and
all kinds of Haying Tools
Machine Extras on hand
All kinds of imple
ments for the farm
gas engines, pumps
wagons, shelf hard
ware, etc., fishing
tackle, guns, am
munition, campers
supplies, etc., etc.
Get In Your Order for Binder Twine
We handle the right kind of
goods at prices that will appeal
to your purse. We are receiving
many consignments-more coming,
so ask for what you don't see.