The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 19, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest County In The State
-k? CiLllil? (ILtttl 1 JrlCTil 1 0 I
Of Oregon, Boat In The West llll
NO. .
vvuiu w - I ' v V 1 '-v- r i --
nMWHB x - , II- -'
ss-Sectioned to Gray Place this
le of Gap. Nothing Definite has
n Announced to Indicate Work
11 be Discontinued. Meeting this
jk to Outline Plans for Season
cConnell and his en-
s. Cooper & Doom
Johnson, returned to
tday from a trip to
Id Harney lakes and
ne distance through
ar canyon in tneir
work on the pro-
iraining the lake and
he land.
onnell and his party
tilroad engineers had
I cross-sectioning the
as the Gray place
! the gap, in fact the
iplete into Harney
mflee this side of
where it has been
the work on the ex-
uld stop for the pM-
seem from the work
be line is complete to
place and from that
(road may not follow
survey and therefore
It deemed expedient to
he survevors in the
such time as it was
Initely where the line
from that point on to
iseen from thefollow-
from the Portland
t last Monday that we
tie hasty in coming to
i as to the immediate
ion of the railroad
i their extension work.
al says:
at J. D. Farrell, will
officials of the O.-W.
company this week to
ntative plans for inl
and extensions for
ag year, upon mis
ill be based the annual
nd the plans will also
Bed by the amount of
money that is believed available
for the year.
"As was announced a few days
ago in The Journal," President
Farrell stated this morning.
' 'several improvements are plan
ned, but the amount to be ex
pended cannot bo definitely an
nounced yet We will meet
sometime this week to talk the
matter over."
To Eliminate Waste
On All Public Land.
To eliminate all waste in the
handling of public land and
place before the people every
acre of Government property
which can be farmed, Chief
Forester Henry S. Graves came
to Portland today on a tour of
the six districts into which for
est reserves are divided.
The special work of Mr. Graves
now is to visit all the reserves in
this state and others, and pick
out all the little pieces of farm
land here and there so that they
can be opened to settlement
'There is no need of letting
all this tillable land lie there
going to waste," said the Chief
Forester this morning. "In
valleys along small streams, at
the head of canyons and on the
less steep hillsides there are
hundreds of acres which can be
turned into farms and made to
grow and prosper little com
munities. This land is not of the
best generally, but thrifty farm
ers can make homes of it and
that is better than allowing it to
lie idle."
Mr. Graves leaves for the
Siuslaw country early this week.
(I'rom (tin 1'orll.niil OuilNSaHWOt)
The cannery !' the Fruit Grow
ers' Association, at Eugene, is
running to full capacity and 24
marts of loganberries or rasp
berries are being turned out for
every minute of I he working day.
Due to increased acreage and un
usually favorable weather condi
tions the berry crop in the Eugene
district is unusually large this
Writing from 1 .a Grand, N. C.
Maris, a Held worker of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, states
that the citizens of the different
sections oi union louniy are to- .:.. ;.,! ., nmnrlv mk.. r.m of
effort to make M"'"'" " - - , . , "J" .
The Success of Dry Farming Methods is
Proven Beyond a Doubt Through
Demonstrations This Season. The
Crops Advanced Wonderfully by
Favorable Weather and Late Rains
A visit to the Dry Farm Hx- la the number of workmen re-
Locator Van Sant
Escaped Convict. . a a r a j
iiiwii"i t i ii ir in iii
their ronntv fnir iMwd break- of the year reveals many very this big 200 acre farm
. :n vrv ruirnt thin veur , interesting spectacles to one in-'with the superintendent,
They propose to get together an tawiitod in the scientific growing (latter doing very little if any
exhibit at La Grande, October 8- "f plants and the methods applied fu.(l work, does the work with
11, that will convince their own lo tne'r development The un additional man during the
Mtrally Located, Good Clean
als. Comfortable Kooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
It ClaVs Bar In Connection, dive Me A Call
iurns Meat Market
H, J. HANSEN, Proprietor
ef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
mdcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Wholesale and Retail
ompt am1 Satisfactory Service
ir Patron ge Solicited and
-ders Given Quick Attention
To The
Rexall Drug Store
For Ansco Camera's Films
and any thing wanted In the
Reed Bros. Props.
citizens, as well as all visitors, change in tne past lew ween
that Union is second to no other 8'nce the heavy rams would be
county in the state in ngricultu-ii mesumauie vuiue ,.,: ......
ral production. Industrial, agri-, w '8 engaged in the actual
cultural and horticultural exhi-' work of farming on dry land,
bits staged bv the children of the1 That ' is one of the most
count v will be made B prominent ! progressive anu lorwaru nor.
feature of the fair.
In order to protect the seeds of
incuts ever inaugurated toward
the development and upbuilding
of the big interior Oregon has
Douglas (ir that will be planted e(mv b(J rehVlzed by all wh
during this Summer, a campaign . .,, .:- , v,Hrv,.
of ex terminal inn will be waged
against Held mice and other ro
dents in the burned over sections '
of Tillamook County, and poison-1
ed grain will be liberally scatter-
tbe results of the various experi
ments. There is positively no
excuse for failures in this coun
try with such examples as are
..I...... l.r Clint Nt-.tit lint It it 111 llii'
ed over a tract of about 2,000 . . , .. , , ,
, A larm and a considerable acreage
acres to be reforested. As soon . . . . . , .
,. a . is devoted to unknown rops and
as the poison crew finishes its , . . , ... Dri, ,
failure, just to demonstrate to
the farmer and convince him of
the utter uselessncHS of trying
such crops.
On the other hand there are
crons that were uncertain and
have been tried as an experi-
Visitors to the world's fair at ment with remarkable results
San Francisco in 1'JIG will be re- some have proven well adapted
minded by the Southern Pacific1 to this section while others have
that Oregon li "one of the sights ; hailed. Bv following the exjier-
work, a force of men will be
sent to do the seeding, a task
which will require about three;
months. In addition to the 2,000
acres to be seeded, an additional
1.000 acres will be planted with
young trees.
you can't afford to miss." Asa
result of n series of conferences
ience of these tests there need be
no further failures or mistakes
recently held between the offi-1 ;n the future
cials of that line, the "Shasta
Route." the line between Port
land and Sacramento, will be
widely exploited. Crater l,ake.
the great fruit orchards of South
ern Oregon, the Willamette Val
ley, the grand scenery of the
Cascades and the varied indus
tries of Western Oregon will be
made the subjects of pictures
and stories to induce tourists to
include a trip through Oregon in
their exposition plans.
Market Report
Receipts for the last week at
Portland Union Stock, Yards
have been: Cattle 1026; Calves
232; Hogs 2125; Sheep 4171
An accurate record is kept of
every plat devoted to crops on
the farm by the superintendent
and the seed from the various
tests will be distributed over the
county that it may be further
tested and the best varieties in
creased so that in a short time
the farmer may have seed that
is known to be the best and may
calculate on success from the
time it goes into the ground.
The field peas and alfalfa are
going to be the most profitable
and most extensive crops of the
immediate future of this country
and with more hogs and a better
class of cattle together with the
dairy industry which is being
developed our farmers may soon
Cattle market steady to strong- " much f"ter P an,i
er at the close of the week's
business. Prime grass steers
offering on Thursday and Friday
be sure of their incomes where in
the past it has been more or less
speculative except on irrigated
. a... mm .,, pjt li lontu
sola at ifw.zti (0 .iu in sman i -
quantities. The demand for this The writer went over practi-
. . i . ,...., llu Mm entire fnrm one dav this
c ass ol sluil is line, oui ior -. - - ,.,t f,,r feed haH lest lit tl or none
J:... ...... u..i -. ...;...:.. 'week n company with Supt. Ior raw nM ton iron or non
ineuium aim imi. ..n - - .., , ,,, these fertility nrm
Hreithaupt anusome inenus, aiiiii - -.....-..-, ..
although he doesn't let many
days elapse between his visits to
the farm he was most agrecahly
seeding time. Don't get the idea
that this method of farming is
expensive. dditional help will
be required during the harvest
ing season just as it is necessary
to every farmer.
The Times-Herald hopes to see
this farm the center of attrac
tion to the farmersof this county
where thev are welcome and
where they are going to solve
the problem of the future of
Harney county agriculturally.
The sooner they take advantage
of it the better for their own
finances and the material reduc
tion in high coat of living now
occupying attention of econo
mists of the nation.
High Fertilizer Value
of Spoiled Hay.
"Kvcry acre of the spoiled hay.
then, that is applied to the land
will permit the raising of three
UO-bushel wheat crops, or live 40
bushel oat crops or three 200
bushel potato crops, or three 600
bushel apple crops, without any
depreciation in the fertility of
the soil," is the astounding state
ment made by Professor H. I).
Scudder, agronomist of the Ore
gon Agricultural College in dis
cussing the farmers' most press
ing problem of the best disposi
tion to make of spoiled hay.
Professor Scudder continues the
discussion as follews:
"A ton of clover hay contains
40 lbs. of nitrogen, five pounds
of phosphorus and 30 pounds of
potassium. If this amount of
plant food was to be purchased
on the market as fertilizer, it
would cost not less than $8.50
and probably closer to $10.60,
deluding upon the form of fer
tilizer. Since a goou average
field of vetch and clover would
yield for the first cutting this
year about three tons per acre,
the actual fertility value at the
lowest market price for these
three plant foods alone, contain
ed in the spoiled hay on the ave
rage acre of clover land is $21.60
Clover hay that has become spoil-
It was reported in Hums last
week that a homestead locator
named Van Sant had been arrest
ed at Lakeview as he was an es
caped convict wanted in Califor
nia. The man had been active
in the locating business in Cat
low and made frequent trips to
Burns. From the following it
i appears he was arrested in Bend.
The report that he attempted to
secure his gun seems to have
been a mistake as the Bulletin
Because an auto got stuck in
the mud and because a man with
a "record" and a man with a
memory happened to be eating
dinner at the same time at the
Mountain View Hotel on Monday,
a Spokane realty firm lost its re
presentative here and the prison
officials at San Quentin, Cal.,
will gain a new boarder.
Sheriff W. B. Snider of Uke
view was the man with the mem-
Representatives of Oregon Agricultural
College, Portland Commercial Club
And Hill and Harriman Railroads
Tour Valley and Express Surprise
at Wonderful Advancement Made
prices are no higher than they
have been for the put t wo weeks.
The steer Lop on bulk sales 8.00
toH.2fj Light offerings 01 cows
and heifers has strengthened the! surprised to find the growth
made in a snort interval suae
his nrevioua visit. These farms
market somewhat, especially in
choice gradcH. Cows $7.00 to
7.25 heifers 7.26 to 7.60, bulls
6.00 to 0.25 and calves 0.00 are
top quotation! On the various
Buying demand in the hog
pens increased materially me
should be in every county in the
hence everv ton of it that can be
returned to the land is worth not
less than $10 to $15 and every
acre with three tons of this
spoiled hay carries a value of
$H() to $45 if properly utilized.
The folly of letting this hay lie
state and every county that takes or burning it up can be seen at a
glance. It should be hauled to
the barnyard and thrown in deep
piles just as is the manure. In
other words, it should be compost
ed, or allowed to rot. If it in-
advantage of the legislation pass
ed by the last legislature to fur
ther the extension work of agri
culture is going to reap a great
u ,.ifii,.. ...,. ! (,...u U,.U iene il li me money is iiuii-uy
in bulk at 'MX) lo 9.16 with a I expended. The education of the clines to 'firefang' it should be
few loadi at 9.90 and 0.25. The I farmer is far the most important wet down a little When the fall
market is steady to strong on a known at this time and with a rain comes it will rot down and
basis of 9, 16, Cood demand for scientific knowledge of his bus.- be ready to spread on the land m
ih Ixavy hogs. ' ness there is not tne sngniesi wio louovwng wi.uer. in many
doubt of success in Central ure-, cases mis nay can oe nauieu on
the meadow and spread at once
smooth ami roinh heavy
Receipts have been fuirly liberal
..,...!,!, .-;.,.. i ,.. c. .,..., I, ,. i lie iron.
""'"" ' "' "" "' . ." ....... . I 41 t. .1.1.1.. ..I J t-
Mr Hreii. haunt, the supenn-."" l'" """ '"-'" y"Hui
tendent at the farm was aske 1 mat is to be plowed this fall.
year and liquidation will doubt
less dei nase during tho next
two months.
Sheep house prices liuve suf
fered to some extent during the
last six days, due to the slow
demand on the part of the killers.
Good fat mutton is not finding a
very broad outlet, while lamb
values have decreand 88 to 50c
fince July 1st. Prime yearlings
6.26 U) 600 Wi at 4.00, old
wethers at iOH I" 1 25 and lambs
at 6.00 rejiriMiiit extfvii." quotations.
many questions respecting vari
ous crops and also the success of
this or that particular variety
and a straightforward answer
always followed that would cer
tainly be beneficial to any farmer.
Before plowing it should be
thoroughly disked so that it will
be chopped up and mixed with
the sin face soil,
"Kvery ton of It contains as
much plant food as Is taken away
Early this week announcement calling on a number of home
came to the Commercial club and steaders and rancers in the
business men of Burns of the Hampton and Silver Valleys
proposed itinerary of a delegation enroute.
touring Central Oregon in behalf j Thursday morning a number
of the Central Oregon Develop- of our local business men joined
,ment Convention. The purposes the guests in an automobile trip
; being fully set forth in the ' around the northern half of Har
announcment from Portland as ney Valley. The party lead by
follews: I J. J, Donegan, President of Com-
The "Flying Squad" will tour mercial Club, was composed of
ory. On his way to The Dalles jrooK. narney, Lake and Klam-wve namea gentlemen, Ben
he had stopped at the Mountain ath Counties to create interest in. Brown, Dr. L. E. Hibbard, P. S.
View for his dinner. There he 'tne Ann"al Convention of the Whittenhiller, Archie McGowan,
noticed a young man who hasiCentral Oregon Development J- E. Doggan, Roy Van Winkle,
been known locally as B. Q, Van Laifu. secure the appoint- C A. Byrd, and C. B. McConnell.
Sant but whom he thought he ment of delegates thereto; toj A short stop was made at Har-
remembered as Bernard Sitz,
wanted in California as an es
caped convict. He informed the
local authorities of his suspicions
and Van Sant was arrested and
confessed his identity. later in
the afternoon Sheriff Snider pro
ceeded on his way to The Dalles
in an auto, taking his prisoner
along, well shackled.
Sheriff Snider was going to
The Dalles to get an auto and
was due to reach Bend from
lakeview Sunday night. How
ever, the auto which was carry
ing him and other passengers got
stuck in the mud at :'. p. m. and
remained stalled until 8 that
evening, and as a result did not
get here until Monday Boon.
Had such an untoward thing not
occured. Van Sant would no
doubt still be free.
Van Sant, or Sitz, came to
Bend about three months ago
with a big VVinion automobile
and engaged in the business of
locating settlers in the country
to the southeast. He was not in
business for himself, however,
being in the employ, it is under
stood, of the Spokane Orchard
Development Company. He had
just returned from a trip to
Burns when Sheriff Snider found
It was stated that a year and
a half ago Sitr. was convicted in
California of obtaining money
under false pretenses and given
a five year sentence. While be
ing taken to prison he escaped
and has since been at large.
Here in Bend Sitz had passed a
number of worthless checks and
it may be that when California
is through with him he will be
given an opportunity to observe
the changes that have taken
place in this town in the interval.
This will surely be so if the de
sire for reparation in those whom
he has "stung" is as long as
Sheriff Snider's memory.
Stop at the Burns Hotel when
in this city where there is a tine
cook and very best aeeommoda
tons. tf 81.
meet the homesteaders, farmers, ney and while the business men
ranchers and business men of interviewed had made no arrange
Central Oregon, to obtain infor- ment for delegates to the Klama
mation as to the opportunities J th convention they promised, to
and needs of the different dis-' take the matter up and be repre
IricU visited; and to ascertain sented if possible. The party
wherein the Oregon Agricultural continued to follow the route
College and the Portland Com- along the northern and eastern
mercial Club may be of service edges of the valley and arrived
to Central Oregon. j at Crow camp ranch just in time
Owing to the short notice given to toke on a delicious cherry
and the fact that this is the lunch as an appetizer for the din
busiest season of the year fonner they knew ws in ttore for
the Harney County farmers and tnem a HttN farther on the way.
ranchers, who are in the con-1 Mr- Robbins was in the hay field
mencement of the hay harvest, j Dut his we,l known hospitality
no general meetings could be I waa e" advantage of and the
arranged for throughout this.Party Quickly scattered among
section. I the fine shade and fruit trees
The delegation was composed and enjoyed a rare treat Several
of Professor A. B. Cordley. Dean I varieUe8 of cherries were sam
of Agriculture. O. A. C. Philip I pled and Pronounced by the visi
S. Bates, representing Portland tors to equal or excdl any they
Commercial Club and Central i had 8een in the Willamette Valley
Oreiron Develonment I.eacrm- th,s season. While the apple,
u iv.,ior i:noiD.0oo.!Pnne and
AMBt SlK.kane PnrHnnrf .nH ' are nt SO heavily
Seattle Railroad A "Hill" Line
and L M. Foes.
Oregon - Washington - Railroad &
Navigation Comnanv Th "Hm-.
rimn" i;,. tk -- , I also taken in the fine,ni,l h .1 r ijatti , 125 hogs pasturing in the orchard
who returns to spend some time !
other varieties of
trees are not so heavily laden
with fruit as last season this or-
representing I chd D" a Kd (iufll'ty
iu win ue 01 tne oesi quality
and size. Great interest was
also taken in the fine drove of
Cautat of StooMuJi Troublei.
Sedentary habits, lack of out
door exercise, insufficient mastica
tion of food, constipation, a tor
pid liver, worry and anxiety,
overeating, partaking of food
and drink not suited to your age
and occupation. Correct your
habits and take Chamberlain's
Tablets and you will soon be well
again. For sale by all dealers.
'I' All,... i ...,.u' Milliu,mer
4. rtliu.l ou.n-o ,,...w..... .Ult. .
Creamery Bull ei can be had at Hotuteiy prevent w ...- ....
i.L.. o-L i.. . ..-.I ruu destroying me cropB. miomer
'SZTJS: i ';. wou,d wot M
Another matter incidental to thisj from the barn In 30 bushels of
farm is that a rabbit tight tenre
has been placed around it that II
effective-not a rabbit has been
seen inside the enclosure since it
was fenced and it haB not cost to
exceed $1 a rod. Make a cal
culation on this aid sec' ,low
much crop it would take to ah
wheat, or 66 bushels of oats, or
200 bushels of potatoes, or 600
bushels of apples, or in one ton
of fat hogs, or four tons of milk,
or ten tons of butter."
Send in for your Deering re
pairs do not wait until the last
moment. We will get any thing
you want and have it here on
time. N. Brown & Sons.
BEGIN " i'itv-iiiili ii'liool ye
C(MMI" 1, mi.
Aaa.eui.Tuiu ENaiNicniNa. mom.
MtHci Pharmacy
liuiln, Agriculture, doniaitlc icUncr
ad ail.
MUSIC, including plauo, string, Im.hI
iaalrumtati nd voice culture.
"Tmb Knkii'IIMKN i' 0 auBAL Urn"
and A CaTALOOUK will be mailed free
oa application
jddie. H. at. Tknhamt, Hegiit.i,
aw 7-m t Ml CorraUia Orin.
at the Harney County Experi
ment Station.
The party arrived on scheduled
time Wednesday evening after a
pleasant day's run from Bend,
and the railroad men at once be
gan to figure on how they were to
be got to the market, but the pro
blem was not solved, or at least
the result was not announced.
(Continued on page two)
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
.-ample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
liurna 6m Canyon City 6 :.'!) p m
Canyon City 7am Prairie City IS a m
I'rairle City 2:30 p m
Canyon City 7pm Burna 12 noon
Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - - $6.00
Round Trip, - - - - n.oo
Exprean Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns
W Offera You The Very Beat Of Facilities
For filling prescription. We have a Urge and
well assorted stock of prescription drugs and
competent Pharmacist to compound them.
Welhave the agency for the well known line
ofJNyal Family Medklnes, Eastman Kodaks
and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time.
J C. Welcome, Jr. Prop.
. i