r I COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon, Bert In The West CITY OF BURNS The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The State Of Oregon mm- BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JULY 12, Lfttl NO. 35 VOL. XXVI fbe f8 f ryk'm ftf . WivvJv C4JIJU County In The State Of Oregon I rr tzzr.. . 'v iGON & EASTERN TRACK LAYING GOES ON Lmpany Expects to Complete Lines in Various Parts of Oregon & Wash ington This Year, According to a Report From Portland. Complete To Riverside Without Any Delay ere have been rumors for al days that the railroad ; on the Oregon & Eastern en suspended for the pre- t and that the building of the ; anv further is problematical he time being, but the follow linterview of President Far shows there is nothing to the or. He says positively tne mill he laid to Riverside Lout delay, but says nothing ontinuing from mat point. rever. those laminar wan situation are positive that Mine will not be allowed to tin at that point any length Lime and if the road is to be kleted for th.- 1915 fair fch it seems must oe mere be no stopping as they have too much time in wn-cn to fclete it. The Journal says: be forthcoming; budget of the on-Washington Kailroad ligation company will make vision for additions, general erment. maintenance a n l foment and completion this of projects already unuer can not stive vou an approxi- ion of the total amount to lie opriated." says President tell today. "The amount is ry flexible one and not sus- pble to approximation. ke Oregon Eastern line will snleted to Riverside. 80 i west of Vale, as will the air line from the Snake river Ipokane. Surveying for the 111 and ruoi iwck iiwww" he continued, also the sur- lof the line from Centralia to ana barbor. A large appro- tion will also be made to im- the shoos at Albina, Ia ! and intermediate shops. The passenger and freight ter minals at Spokane will also be completed. At Tacoma there will be constructed a freight house, team tracks, yards and a bridge over the city waterway. In the way of new equipment President Farrell Baid that 1000 box cars were on the way. Dur ing the past year 150 miles of track has been relayed with DO pound steel rails at various places in Oregon and Washington. The Rabbit Pert. The following communication was received last week but was overlooked in making up the paper: To the Editer: In your last paper 1 read an editorial about rabbits. Now I ask to be allow ed a few remarks about it You state that W. H. Lytle has in noculared rabbits with disease germs; if he succeeds he can do more than the famous bacter iologist Pasteur who tried to get $25.! '00 reward the Australian government offered for a serum to innoculated the rabbits in that country. Pasteur or any one else has not succeeded so far as 1 know. Further: You state a bounty would not be sufficient and would only bankrupt the county or locality. This has not proven to be the case in Klamath county, as that county has paid a bounty for several years on rabbits; 5 cents was paid at first and since July 1, 1911 or 1912 it has paid 10 cents, as I had a letter from the county clerk about it in November, 1912. Respectfully, Fred Denstedt. THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call mm a Burns Meat Market H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Bolonga, Headcheese and Weinerwort, Etc. Wholesale and Retail StJIT STARTED AGAINST OIL & GAS COMPANY Local Creditors Peel Interests and Brin Soil to Collect Accounts From The Promoting Oil Prospecting. N. A. Dibble is plaintiff in a suit filed Wednesday against the Central Oregon Oil & (Jus Co. in volving over $10,000. This is the promoting company of which J. C. Turney is president and which has spent considerable money and time prospecting for oil in this valley. The corporation was capitalized for $2. 000. 000 and has secured leases on large acreages of land, secured a deep well drill and has done more or less work in the vicinity of Dog Mountain where the machinery is now and where they had sunk a well to considerable depth. The pros pects were flattering but lack of funds has prevented proper work to be prosecuted to an extent to make it more sure. They have struck similar indications as were found in the well sunk by Smith and Swain in the Red S field of the P. L S. Co. but there is not much known as to what experts say of this DrospsCt Mr. Dibble has secured the as signment of numerous bills atrainst the company aggregating over $10,000 and asks judgment. We understand M attachment has been issued against the ma chinery of the company and things will be tied up until the courts can straighten them out. Anions those interested in the suit or have assigned their ac counts to Mr Dibble are: A. K. Richardson, ('. R. Voegtly. Reed Bros., H. .1. Hansen, J. .1. Lamp shire, C A. Haines, Kdward Koenemahn. (!. W. Clevenger, C- Cummins, Rose Kern. (ieo. Cawlfield. .lay Saulzman. Fred Hereth. H. Q. Karris. E. R. Owsley. P. lecher, T. L. Newell. Ray Barron. Frank Shumway. W. J. Baker. Samuel Neill. Wm. Crumbley, A. K. Carey. H. C. Pearson, Jo Corrett. W. F. Roller, J. (J. Ouigley. K. J. Shipman. W. W. Taliaferro. Mrs. Taliaferro, S. J. Midwinter. WRITES IMPRESSIONS OF CENTRAL OREGON Kentukian Writes Interestingly of His Travels in Pacific Northwest to His Home Paper. Gives an Excellent Description of Resources and Vast ness of Central Oregon Country Shipping Harney County Products Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patrone Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention Messrs. Welcome and Jones on Thursday shipped a dozen fat porkers to Bend by the auto trucks. It is encouraging to find Homey county products being in demand and the means at hand to ship them to an ad vantage. The Willowmere Cream ery, also conducted by Mr. Jones, has begun shipping butter to Portland market by the same route. The shipment of hog ia one that will be watched with interest as we are raising a large number of porkers and the local demand will not nearly consume the supply. With an ouisiue market within reach and the abundant crop of grain now coming on local growers may thus dispose of their products to a good advantage. The hogs shipped averaged better than 250 pounds each and with the market as now quoted it should prove a profitable venture. With the bringing in of more dairy slock and possibility of another creamery started, the additional dairy stock having stimulated such an investment, Harney county will be bringing in a revenue that has heretofore been going out of the county. Local farmers and stock men should feel encouraged by this new venture and no doubt will find it to their advantage logo into the hog raising and dairy business more extensively. To The Rexall Drug Store For Ansco Camera's Films and any thing wanted In the KODAK LINE Reed Bros. Props. J. W. A. Myers, of West Point Kentucky, who spent some time in this section investigating the possibilities and opportunities for real estate investments, wrote a very interesting descriptive let ter of his travels which was pub lished in a recent issue of his home paper. Mr. Myers covered a wide area of the Northwest in his letter, some of which would be of little interest to our readers but his description and impres sions of Central Oregon are so good that we publish that Hr tion. Mr. Myres writes: Harney county adjoins Crook on the Mast and Iake County lies to the north. The combined area of these counties is over 10,000, 000 and the population only 18, 000. Some of the land is rocky and mountainous, but a vast amount of it is level and fertile, ll is an immense table land, hedg ed in and crossed by mountain ranges, forming large valleys of practically level land, the average elevation of the valley being 4, 000 feet, or about nine times the elevation of the Lincoln Bridge over Salt River at West Point The soil is a volcanic ash. varying somewhat in color and fertility, and or great depth. In its wild state it is covered by thick sage brush and bunch grass, and it is more easily cleared and seeded than any land I know of. Owing to the lack of transportation faci lities heretofore, water for irri gation purposes has not been de veloped away from Crook county, although there are two large pro jects on foot now one at Burns to use Silvies River and one at Riley to use Silver Creek. Water is found in nearly all places at a fair depth. I know of wells as shallow as six feet and others at slightly over one hundred, af fording plenty of water. The prevailing method of culti vation is dry farming. I have seen at Burns and Bend, and on ranches in different parts of this county, as fine wheat, barley, oats, rye and potatoes grown by this method as I have seen any where. One rancher told me he raised 136 bushels of barley to the acre last year, but the yield in all the small grains runs fully twice as much as in Kentucky, and without fertilizer of any kind. One rancher wanted to sell us a piece of land with a guarantee that it would produce two tons of rye hay to the acre. I saw the new crop coming on this year and the stubble from last year. There seems to be plenty of moisture. I was told by many persons that this spring was the latest and dryest they had had in this section, yet on the 16th of May 1 was able to find moiBture any place within half an inch of the surface and soil an inch or two lower that would stick together when press ed in my hand. This is not hard to understand when tt is remem bered that this is a volcanic ash soil, even rained upon for a long time w New Library Books. There have been added to the 1-Adies Library this week the following boeks: Natural Iiaw in The Spiritual World, Drummond. One Week Afloat. Stanley. As gifts und by purchase: Mrs. Red Pepper. Richmond. George Washington Jones, Stuart Doctor Luke of the Iabrador Duncan. Elisabeth Ellis, Librarian. T. Allen Jones' Willowmere Creamery Butter can be had at the I. Schwartz store and Chea. Carter's stage office. 38. city of 1,500 people, which, by the way, supports a graded school with 14 teachers and a high school, with domestic science and agricultural departments, employing, if I remember right. 8 more teachers. The graded school is of brick and stone, and is a model after which any Blue grass town might well pattern. But, then, Oregon's school sys tem is of the best possible and the school fund is very large. Townsitea are springing up along the right of the railroad now building from Vale toward Bend, among which are Harri man, on Malheur Lake, Anion, near Harney Lake, and Albritton, the last being owed by and locat ed on the homestead of T. 1. Al britton, formerly from Mayfield, and assistant auditor under Gus Coulter. Mr. Albritton insists that Albritton town is not so many miles from Burns, but that all other parts of the globe should be reckoned from Albritton. Children Industrial Fair. Among the first things taken up by Superintendent J. A. Churchill was the work done in the industrial department. In order to get a line on what is being done in the different coun ties, Mr. Churchill called a meet ing of the county superintendents who were in session last week at the State House in the capacity of the State Board of Examiners. Each superintendent reported an increasing interest in the move ment and in most all oases the loca'l exhibits bid fair to be larger and better than last year. The State Fair board was anxi ous to ascertain as nearly as pos sible how many counties would make collective county exhibits and how much space would be required for the juvenile depart ment. According to reports from the superi nienden ts we feel confident of a dozen county exhibits and perhaps twice as many district exhibits which, in connection with the individual exhibits, will make the largest and best display of school children's in dustrial work ever assembled in any state. It was decided at this meeting to waive the rule requiring library tables, made and exhibited by the children at the State Fair, to be of certain dimensions (28x46 in.), and permit the showing of different sized tables. We find some of the children do not understand what is meant by "Best Account" in ''poultry specials." A financial account is what is wanted- a statement of receipts and expenditures, showing as nearly as possible the profit or loss, as the case may be, that the child has made with its (Kjultry business since January 1, 191H. The object is to have the child- soil, even in Kentucky, when ren warn wmpw uoup... .. u A iL 11.1 .41... . h k . a w .i.i, .1 lift I 41 hold their moisture l '1 ol " .. I.. .. t..ll I hui OI ail llieir UUSIIiess irmiaui. nuua. All U mm Ui the Superintendent of the '" uomg mm. Agricultural Experiment Station i uscertain tne .., i i. i. .1,1 i.,,. ii,.,.,.iii,i i-' tion and what serve and store in the ,rr0und most profit on. year after year, so long as the I" connection with this financi- ground is properly cultivated, five , ' account a nicety wnvc. -;nh.B r.. nf mnminr than wan ment regarding methods employ - nee.lerl for th growth of one d and experiences with different they will be able cost of produc they can get the HOME BASE BALL TEAM ARE VICTORS IN GAMES Sanptcr AffregabM Proved Easy for tbe Burin Boys at Baseball Foster Wins Foot Races From Craven. Burns proved to much for the Sumpter ball boys in the series played here during the celebra-, tion. The home team defeated them in both games with little effort. At no time did the visi tors give them even a scare as to final results of the game and they were rather uninteresting to the big crowd as it was a fore-, gone conclusion from the start that Burns had the game. The Sumpter team was really not an aggregation from that, town according to reports but, was msde up of men picked from several towns in that terri tory. They showed they had , not had any expenienoe In team work and some of the players j were rather "ragged" as they resorted to rather questionable! methods in putting men out. The game on Saturday was re Iorted in our last issue. The one on Sunday afternoon was a j more decided victory when they . ran up even a larger score with Will Gould in the box and Mus ick catcher. The usual disputes on decision were again in evi dence at the Sunday game and while it may be base ball it is mighty unsatisfactory and dis gusting to those who go to wit ness the game. No doubt the umpire makes mistakes in deci sion (they all do) but it would be more gentlemanly and cause a much better feeling if the play ers would gracefully submit to the decisions and go right on playing ball. The Sumpter team had a John Day boy in the team that proved a last sprinter and ne won two foot races from a local man. Young Foster was beaten by Craven a few weeks ago when he was over with Canyon boys but during the 4th he won two races from him and some of the local sports who backed Craven are out a few "sheckles". Far-Reaching Land Eecition. Enormous not only in the fact that it involves more than 2,000. 000 acres of Oregon land, located in practically every county in the state, and worth roughly $40,000, 000, but in its legal aspect as one of the most far-reaching decis sions ever rendered by a Federal Judge, is that of Judge Charles Wolverton in the Oregon and California land grant case, says the Telegram. The judgment has just been printed and it occupies a 260 page book. The description of im mense acreage alone covers 250 pages of this, about 10 being given over to a general discus sion by the Judge. Attorneys, Judges, students and every one interested in such matters are being attracted to this wide- reaching judgment. As indicative of its inclusive ness, the railroad forfeits not only every right it held to land retained but to that which it did not retain. In almost every case the railroad reserved in the deed of sale of this government land a right to all minerals, oils, coal and ore, and Judge Wolverton rules now that this title is now in the orovernment. Any one who has purchased lands under this condition from the railroad is subject to the contract to the government, and if coal is dis covered it belongs to the United states. It has been necessary to an nounce that there are no more copies of the decree for distribution. PLEASED WITH DEMON STRATIONS AT FARM Farmers From Distance Express Their Appreciation of What Dry Farm Experiment Station is Doing for the Country. More Farmers Benefitted If Visits Were More Frequent year s crop. The remote parts of this sec tion will not long be isolated. Several railroads are projected and one is now building. It is too vast and too rich in possibili ties to be lunger neglected now that two railroads have broken into it. Transportation is now had from Bend to Burns- 1C0 miles -by automobiles for passengers and auto-trucks'for freight, three of the latter being keyt busy carry ing freight to supply the latter Messrs. W. S. Laythe, Wm. Gray and A. H. Curry, all farm ers of the Harriman neighbor hood, were visitors at the Dry Farm Experiment Station Thurs day afternoon and were lavish in their praise of what is being done there by Supt. Breithaupt for the benefit of the farmers of Harney county and were surpris ed to find that so few farmers took advantage of the opportuni ty to visit the station and discuss matters with those in charge. The many crops demonstrated together with the available in formation and statistics as to time of planting, the varieties of seed and their adaptability were matters that interested them very much and they now realize the importance of the station and what it stands for in the de velopment of the country. They appreciate the value it is to the farmer and what it may save them in time, labor and money if they but take advantage of the opportunity afforded them to visit the station and witness the demonstrations being carried on as it is certainly to their interest and advantage to do so. The farm is for that purpose and an exchange of ideas are always good on faming. Some of our producers may have some good notions and Mr. Breithaupt is al ways open to suggestions while giving them to those who desire information. Since the recent rains prducts on the farm have made wonder ful growth and it is worth while to visit the place. One of the visitors at the station the other day found the field peas in his neighborhood was more prolific, or rather had made a greater growth than those at the station fa-m. A discussion of the mat ter followed and all present were benefited by the discussion. The field pea demonstration is one of the best to observe as it is going to be one of the main crops of Harney county in the immediate future, therefore farmers should learn all they can about the dif ferent varieties of seed and what is making the most satisfactory growth. Alfalfa is another crop that has received . particular at tention and one that should have consideration. These are not the only crops that are being grown by any means, but they are very important. The Times-Herald would urge upon the farmers the necessity of visiting the station for their own good. It will prove of great benefit to them and bring Harney county more rapidiy into cultiva tion and development. These gentlemen from Harriman are very enthusiastic over the results so far obtained and they have only to talk to them to fully ap preciate what the station means toward the future of Harney county. STATEMENT of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., of The Timen Herald, published weekly at Burns, Oregon, required by the Act of August 24, 1912. Namee of editor, managing editor, business manager and publisher, Julian Byrd. post of fice address. Burns, Oregon. Owner, Julian Byrd, Burns, Oregon. Known bondholders, mort gagees, and other security hold ers, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities: None. Julian Byrd. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of July, 1913. Sam Mothershead, Notary Public. Stop at the Burns Hotel when in this city where there is a fine cook and very best accommoda tons. tf 31. THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates f BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City SCHEDULE: details of the business will add to its value. We hope to have a large numb er of children competing for ths nice prizes offered for "Best Account" as it will be good ex perience for them. N. C. Maris. Field Worker Industrial Fairs. Send in for your Deering re pairs do not wait until the last moment. We will get any thing you want and have it here on time. N. Brown & Sons. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE COINS " forty-BAh echool yeai fPTlMBIfl is. ISIS. DEGREE COURSES iBBianyphaeeaof AQBICUITOHI SNaiNKRINO. MOM CCONOMICS IIHIHO FB.S.TRT. COM MIRCK. PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES Aohicul runs. Home icoNOMict Msohanic ARTS roMSTRV. COMMIRCI. PHARMACY TEACHER COURSES Id owbuaI training, Agriculture, donieatic science ml Ail MUSIC, Including piauo, etrlag, bamt IsatrumtBte sad voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tms Bhu'huht u Hum. Lin" aad a Catai.ooum wilt be mailed tree ea application. Addraai H. St. Tsmmamt, Registrar, ti 141 to M) CorvslUs. OrscoB . Hum Canyon ( ity Prairie City Canyon City LKAVI AHRIVK ..(am Canyon City .... 7am 1'rairle City 2:30 p m 7pm Burns 6:30 p in 10 a m . 12 noon I tare. Hums-frame City, $ 6.00 Round Trip, - - . . 11.00 Exprenn Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WAY L. WOLPENBERC, Prop. THE WELCOME PHARMACY ' Offer You The Very Best Of Facilities For filling prescription. We have a large and well assorted stock of prescription drugs and competent Pharmacist to compound them. We' have the agency for the well known' line of Nyal Family Medicines, Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time. J. C. Welcome, Jr. Prop.