The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 05, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
The WifttfM County In The State
Of Oregon, Ben In The W.t
NO. 34
3 Bje Ipm-llefdit
I Parade One of the Finest Ever
ritnessed in Burns. Large Line
f Decorated Automobiles Headed
y Tonawama Band a Very Pretty
Hght. Sports Other Attractions
! of the week extending
to Thursday morning
celebration seem, rather
k that is the success of
le and outside sports -
srduy morning turned
pretty and the parade
very interesting specta
re were some thirty
parade and some of
at handsomely decorated
artistic being Dr. Grif-
which was decorated
en by uuriy toner.
cars decorated and
Mrs. Archie Mcuowan
ry omitn were aiso very
le. Among me oiner
i were the I. H. Holland.
liller, C. F. McKinney
Richardson in fact al-
ry car in line was nicely
with some colors and
The first prize for best
car was awarded to1
been polled by the ram had they
been put in place before yester
day morning and as there was
suchtm immense crowd In town
and every employe in the stores
were rushed they had no time to
decorate. Thus it will be Been
it was not from lack of patriot
ism, but lack of time.
The literary and musical pro
gram at the court house was most
entertaining and much appreciat
ed. The Tonawama Band came
in for much praise and the selec
tion of "Star Spangled Banner"
OregN Sewrtsaen Have Three Mtatai le
Reel Preaeted Geveraaenl Guae
Pretectiea C for Btrdi
Oregon sportsmen have three
months in which to study the
proposed government game pro
tection code for migratory birds,
enabled under the Weeks-McLean
act, pasaed by congress last
winter, says the Journal. The
code, whatever it will ultimately
be. will go into effect October 1.
flprnave The biologies survey of the de
partment of agriculture has
drawn up such a tentative code
which is now being sent out
broadcast over the country for
sportsmen to study and criticise.
Later hearings are to be held in
all the states at which the sports
men will be asked to be present
or communicate with the com
mittoeman who presides at the
hearing and to suggest changes.
William L. binley, state game
warden, has been chosen com
missionorof Oregon and Wash
ington. He will hold meetings
Supt. Breithaupt Gives Information of
Much Value to Local Farmers. A
Frost Experienced Last Month That
Showed the Class of Products Best
Adapted to Frost Resistance Here
the big chorus being accompanied ' next week, probably a number in
by Mrs. Dodge's childs orchestra
was generously applauded.
Judge Grant Thompson was
president of the day, Rev. Cor
nelius Beebe chaplain. Capt A.
W. Gowan officer of the day, as
sisted by Harry Crawford and C.
C. Lundy; Mrs. Pearl Fisk lead
the equestrian column, there be-
Potter. second to Judge jn quite a number of ladies and
d third to Harry Smith. ,rentlemen on handsome and spir-
irade formed on the cor
le Times-Herald building
the Tonawama Hand
the boys all in uniform;
Sh was down the west
Iain street to the Hagey
then east one block to
ital. north one block on
et. back to main and
lin to The Times-Herald
west on B. Street to the
the P. U . Co. resi-
en soutn to tne courc
one of the prettiest par-
fcr witnessed in Burns and
its along the line of
rere lined witn people.
rationg of the buildings
up to former years but
occasioned by the un-
weather preceeding '
i'.ed hordes. Several cameras
were in use during the parade
and some good pictures secured.
Hon. Claude C. McColloch, of
Baker, delivered tlie oration. He
did not reach town until after
the parade, the recent rains hav
ing made the roads between here
and Canyon City very bad. This
caused a short wait at the court
house yard where the exercises
were held. In his opening re
marks Mr. McColloch apologised
to the big crowd for causing a
delay in the program and said
after his experience in reaching
Burns he could sympathize with
both the Hill and Han iman rail
road systems in their efforts to
tap Harney county with roads if
they were having the trouble his
(Continued on page 2)
jntrally Located, Good Clean
leals, Comfortable Kpoms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
rst Class Bar In Connection. Olve Me A Call
iurns Meat Market
HANSEN, Proprietor
H. J.
teef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
eadcheese and Weinerworst, Etc
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
r- & IS 2 .v J A J
our Kaironge oiicueu uuu
rders Given Quick Attention
Rexall Drug Store
Where You Get The Beet There Is
Reed Bros. Props.
all parts of his territory, and
sportsmen are being let know
that they are expected to attend
this meeting. The department
wants to get a statu te that will
give general satisfaction, for it
is going to last a long time.
The Weeks-McLean law is the
biggest thing for bird conserva
tion that has ever been done in
this country. Ry it, the country
is divided into two immense zones.
Generally speaking, the northern
states all the way across the coun
try from the Atlantic to the
Pacific are in zone 1. The south
ern half of the country, latitudj
nally, is the second zone. The
statute creates laws for eaeh
zone. The birds hatch in the
northern zone and they are to be
protected absolutely throughout
the rce'ng reason. They
winte. in the south and limited
seasons for shooting only are
allowed. The main idea that
stands out in the whole statute,
however, is the fact that spring
and summer shooting is not to
be allowed anywhere in the
country of birds that migrate
from state to state. Shooting
is allowed in the fall and winter
when the birds are in the best
condition and there are no young
to suffer through the death of
parent birds.
The proposed law is contained
in a circular issued by the bureau
of biological survey. It is known
as circular 92. There are things
in the present statute that are
not going to satisfy Oregon gun
ners and the government is giv
ing them this opportunity to
straighten it out before it ia too
On the night of June 19th the
Experiment Station was visited
by a heavy frost which froze
potatoes, corn and millet down
to the ground. Considerable
damage was also done to some
varieties of the field peas and to
the winter grains that had head
ed. The alfalfa, flax, artichokes,
rape, and many varieties of field
peas, the Spring grains and those
Winter grains which have not
headed encaged without Injury.
The exact amount of damage
done each separate variety of all
crops has been recorded for re
ference in the years to come.
Those things which have proven
to be unable to stand frosting at
this time of the year will be
dropped from the trials except
where there is some good reason
for continuing, while those that
prove to be good frost resisting
varieties with be tried out against
each other to determine their
respective drought resistance etc
until one or two are picked from
all the rest as the most liable to
meet all the conditions and give
a good yield.
The principal damage done the
field peas was with the early
maturing varieties which had
made most of the pods before the
frost The medium and late
varieties suffered less although
there was considerable variation
in these as to frost resistance.
Those that are left look so fine
that it leaves little doubt as to
the value of field peas as one of
the great crops for Harney'
Countv. -
very liable to be
when weighed at
advantage are
found wanting
harvesi time.
Kubanka is a spring wheat
which will not be found wanting
when weighed. It is a durum
wheat and has proven itself the
best of them under dry land cul
ture, generally speaking, in many
tests. It usually outyields all
other varieties under dry condi
tions. It is a vigorous grower
and matures very quickly. About
the only thing that can be said
against it as a spring wheat is
that most mills cannot grind it
on account of its hardness. This
hardness, however, indicates a
quality that cannot be discrimi
nated against always. For many
years the durum wheats have
been sold at a discount This
discrimination has been gradullay
overcome as the years pass by
until in 1811 it sold at about the
same price as other wheats on
the great wheat markets. In
1912 it sold at an advance over
the other wheat
At the time of this writing,
operations on the Experiment
Station are taking the form of
swift work to conserve the mois
ture which came in the recent
rains. Every bit of the farm
that can be worked is being har
rowed or cultivated in a hurry.
We had a fine rain that wet the
ground dewn about five inch and
is going to do things considera
ble good, if it is made to do so by
mulching the top to prevent
It took a week for the rain to
fall but, as anyone can see for
himself by examining the soil
where not cultivated, it will not
take a week for it to get away
The rye suffered " in1'8 not " "
.i.. s ..n u. a surface of the ground is not
loosened, so as to form a mulch
of loose dry soil, this moisture
will go and take a .considerable
more with it. Once the top soil,
gets wet and compacted, capillary
action is strengthened and all the
moisture in the soil can be drawn
up to the surface. The only
thing a dry farmer can do is to
get busy scratching the top of
the soil wherever he can get on
Market Report
Receiptt for the last week at
the Portland Stock Yards have
been; Cattle 1625; Calves 278;
Hogs 2786; Sheep 4896; Horses 23.
Cattle market steady to strong
all week. The general run of
steers has been above the average
in quality, the bulk selling $7.75
to $8.25. Several loads of Cali
fornia grass cattle sold at higher
prices. The steers in this ship
ment brought $8.75, the heifers
$8.00 and the calves $9.00. Out
let has been very good and the
market seems to be on very sound
basis. There is a poor demand
for stockerH and feeders on ac
count of the high water, which
condition will be eliminated in
the near future.
The hog trade surpusscd all
records since 1910 for a single
week. Prices made u shear grin
of 80c In seven days; Market
opened strong. Monday at $8.60,
which was a 20c gain over the
previous week, and by Friday
top quality light swine was selling
strong at $9.00. Receipts have
been very liberal but buying has
been on a large scale and the
supply wns quickly absorbed.
Transactions in the sheep house
have been very few due to the
light receipts and slow demand
for mutton. Extra choice yearl
inors are worth $4.75 to 5c and
ewes $4.50. The lamb trade is
in very fair shape and prime fat
spring stock has had a good out
let, "prices ranging from $6.00
to $6.75.
Winter grains suffered very
little on account of not being
quite far enough advanced to be
easily frosted
most, beinir nearly in full head
a few neaas oi tne wneai anu
barleys Bhow frosting, but these
were mostly in the boot at the '
time of the frost There is con
siderable boubt about winter bar
ley, emmer and oats being prac
ticable on account of winter kill
ing, in fact no one snouiu
plant them in the fall until try
ing them .experimentally for a
year or two. Then too, they
share the same risk as the win-,
ter wheat and rye, that of being
caught while in head by a late
frost This is the only drawback
on the better lands of the county
for not growing winter wheat.
Winter wheat almost invariably,
where grown successfully against
a successful spring wheat Rives
a higher yield. This is probably
due to the fact that the winter
wheat has a longer time in which
to grow, consequently making a
much deeper and more extensive
root system. Also, the crop ma
tures earlier, thus taking better
advantage of the moisture supply,
by heading off the evaporation
lossss. However, a little caution
should be practiced in planting
winter wheat. Do not plant it
too extensively until you know
that it will miss being frosted by
the late frosts often enough to
justify taking the chance. And
don't stake all the chances on
one crop. Turkey Red wheat
has no superior for a fall sown
wheat for this country.
All the spring grains are look
ing fine. Some are heading nice
ly. Burt oats and Beldi barley
Dst. if Africsitve U Sissy ProUm ef
Mvkcbsf ef Perisluble Product!
Per Ofcc ef Markets.
It is announced that the De
partment of Agriculture, through
its Office of Markets, will shortly
begin a through study of what
happens to produce from the
time it leaves the producer until
it reaches the consumer. A
specialist on marketing perish
able produce will investigate
prices received by producers, cost
of transportation and storage,
change of ownership, accumulat
ed charges, profits, and other
elements. This specialist will
then study conditions in various
sections to determine the feasi
bility of a market news service
dealing with perishable products,
and also the best method of mak
ing statistics of supply and de
mand useful to the farmer or
truck gardener.
Other specialists will give at
tention to studying cooperative
organizations of producers and
consumers, including cooperative
marketing associations of farmers
and buyers, cooperative stores.
etc. They will make intensive
studies of typical communities
dealing with special products,
and will assist in the formation
of new cooperative enterprises.
An expert in cooperative account
ing will assist such organizations
to keep their books and records
effectively, establish cost systems
and follow up methods of handl
ing goods en route and on sale.
Some Suggestions For
taining Clean Milk
on the Farm.
I. Is there more than one
kind of rye? I planted rye this
spring and It is just stoollng out
on the ground.
Ans. There are several kinds
of rye. There are both winter
and spring ryes as of other
grains. You have made the same
mistake as nearly every man in
the county did, who planted rye
this spring. You used winter
rye, had yoy planted this very
early, it would have been better,
but of course not as satisfactory
as the spring grain. A pateh of
grain like this can generally be
pastured off and left to make
something of a crop next year.
Any true winter grain can be de
tected by its tendency to stool
very heavily regardless of the
II. Is there any advantage in
plowing this fall for land that is
to be cropped next spring?
Ans. There certainly is. Land
that is plowed this fall will, by
leaving it lay rough through the
winter, catch more moisture
began heading a month from the during the winter than that
day they came up. Kubanka which is not plowed and will be
wheat began heading in about 85 ' in better shape in the spring for
days from the time it came up. ' early ane effective moisture con
It is a very interesting thing to serving treatment Besides this,
watch the progress of all the dif- it becomes packer, or suffer from
Keep your cows clean, prevent
ing them from wading and living
in filth.
By all means, stop the detest
able practice called "wetting the
teats," by which is meant the
drawing of a little milk into the
hands with which to wet the
teats before and during the milk
ing, leaving the excess of dirty
milk to drop from the hands
and teats into the pail.
Wash utensils used for milk
ing purposes by using lukewarm
water first; then wash in warm
water; then rinse in boiling
water plenty of it too; then
finally expose to direct sunlight,
the great sterilizer.
Use milk pails, cans and other
milk utensils only for holding
milk; do not utilize them for
other purposes.
Keep out of your utensils all
sour or tainted mux, even alter
they have been used for the day.
Using them for this purpose at
any time iniecu mem so oaaiy
that no amount of washing is
likely to clean them. Bacteria
are invisibe. Bear in mind that
multitudes can reside in the thin
moisture film that remains after
dishes are, to all appearances,
Brush down the cobwebs.
Keep your cow barn free from
dust and trash. Clean up the
manure daily rather than weekly.
Be sure to whitewash the barn
at least once a year.
Impress upon your employes
the great necessity of observing
cleanliness in the dairy . at all
times. Geo. Chandler in Rural
was i
A Portland dispatch says: Ar
rangements have been perfected
for the completion of the Oregon
eastern, and all the idle talk re
garding the cessation of work
will soon be calmed.
Track laying will be pushed as
far ss Riverside, to which point
the grade has been completed,
and operations will be pushed
from that point as rapidly as
economy will permit.
There is material in the Vale
yards and elsewhere along the
line sufficient for completion of
track laving to mile post 60, and
the remaining 20 miles will be
rushed in and the tract finished
to Riverside by Christmas.
This will be good news to the
people of Juncture and all in
terior points, as it means bettor
facilities for getting supplies and
shipment of wool and stock.
It is said that the railroad com
pany will hereafter pay $2.50 per
day for all labor on their work
instead of $2.25.
There is no question as to the
economy or this change, as the
company has been handicapped
by paying less wages than the
contractors, and consequently
has been at heavy expense in
transportation of men who would
work only a few days and quit
The company also had to take
the men less capable of perform
ing the work.
The engineering force has been
increased and is pushing the
completion of the surveys well
into Harney county.
Altogether, this news coming
at a time when there was a pes
simistic feeling as to the financial
situation, on account of tariff
tinkering, will do much to restore
confidence in this section and
add its mite to restoration of
good feeling all over the country.
Must be'
A new law enacted at the last
legislature of especial interest
and importance to this section of
the state and which became
effective June 3 was the change
made in the recording of brands.
The amendment as according to
the 1913 session laws, reads as
Sec. 5526. When a brand has
been recorded in any county, no
other person, company or corpora
tion can record the same brand
or brand similar thereto, except
with the written consent of the
owner of the brand so recorded,
which written consent shall be
recorded with the county clerk;
and it shall be the duty of all
persons, firms or corporations
now having brands upon record
to renew the same by oral or
written request of the owner of
record of said brand to the
county clerk within one year
from the passage of this amend
ment The county Clerk shall
make a memorandum of said re
newal with the date thereof on
the margin of the record of said
brand. AH brands, the record of
which shall not be renewed as
above provided, shall be can
celled and may be appropriated
and recorded by the person first
applying therefor.
Til B..I IsMtsSSB. in the World.
"My little girl had bloody dy
sentery very bed. I thought she
would die. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured her and I can truthfully
say that I think it is the best
medicine in the world, " writes
Mrs. William Orvis, Clare, Mich.
For sale by all dealers.
A. Venator came in from Crow
ley Friday and reports much rain
in that section. Mr. Venator has
completed his evidence before
the land offices of Burns and Vale
and is now patiently awaiting the
decision of the department
Vale Enterprire.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
dample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
Canyon City 6:30 p m
Prairie City 10 a ni
ferent varieties. No two have
exactly the same way accom
plishing their purpose. All go
about it in the way their ances
tors did. Those which inherited
tendencies which harmonize with
toe conditions under which they
labor, are very likely to succeed,
while those who hsve not this
the soil drying out. The man
who plows in the fall will always
wear the smile.
Send in for your Deering re
pairs do not wait until the last
moment. We will get any thing
you want and have it here on
time. N. Brown & Sons.
The "holdup" of Prof. C. S.
DeLong, the magnetic healer,
and his chaffeur near Arcadia,
Wednesday night of last week,
in which he alledged he lost $198
did not occur. As soon as th
news reached the sheriff's office,
Sheriff Kerfoot took the matter
in hand and went in search of
the "bandits" with the gray auto.
After tracking the car to Cald
well and finding no definite in
formation, he worked back to
Parma and found the professor
and a woman companion enjoy
ing themselves in that town. The
magnetic healer still protested
that he was robbed, but Ross,
the chauffeur made a complete
confession and said the holdup
was a hoax. The magnetic heal
er is now in the county jail pond
ering over his imagination, being
held on a charge of white
slavery. Ontario Democrat
Burn Sam
Canyon City 7am
Prairie City t-M p m
Canyon City 7pm Burns 12 noon
Fare, Burns-Prairie City, - - $6.00
Round Trip, .... u.00
Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns
XT Offers You The Very Beat Of Facilities "fa
For filling prescription. We have a large and
well assorted stock of proscription drugs and
competent Pharmacist to compound them.
We have the agency for the well known line
of Nyal Family Medicine, Eastman Kodaks
and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time.
J. C. Welcome, Jr. Prop.
Track Laying to be Pushed to Riverside
The Grade Being Completed to
That Point. Idle Talk of Cessation
of Work Thus Dispelled. Engi
neers Are Now in Harney County