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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1913)
LATEST KVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (rrom 0r PortUnd r.)ri-Mp'"'l'-l ' I That would-be settlers cominx i to Oregon have, in many instances j batu victimized by unscrupulous land speculators and that the state at a whole has been injum) by their operations. meat made at the annual conven- tic .o Oregon 'Jf held a tCorvalhe. and the attend- Intdelegateeexpnecla deter - mmauon ro cw-oi)erif wim mc commercial bodies throughout the state in an effort to put greedy real estate men out of business. The plan does not contemplate the entire elimination of land selling agencies, but does pro t ii,T; TkT i; to annihilate the sharks who pose have been speculating in good Oregon soil, taking it nut of pro duction and holding it for an unreasonable increase in price. It was decided to form an ap- praisement committee in each community to pass on the prices of lands, the committee to con- sist of two members of the local commercial body and one banker. and intending purchasers will be advised to purchase no realestate from any dealer until the value of same has been passed upon by the appraisers and the price asked decided to be a reasonable one. It was stated as a fact that much of the agricultural land in Oregon is held at too high a figure. There is doubtless plenty of good land which can be obtain ed at a fair price, but the new comer, usually unfamiliar with local values and conditions, seldom hears of that land. The committee will see that he gets a square deal. Oregon is likely to become the center of a great fishing industry within the near future of the in vestigations of the Government confirms the report of extensive halibut banks off the eoast of Lincoln County. A large number of launches are now being fitted out at Newport, on Yaquina Hay, for the purpose of exploiting these recently discovered banks, and those which have already started operations are returning to port with capacity loads of splendid fish. The extent of the banks is stated to be sufficient to supply the Pacific Northwest with fish for years to come. Under a joint agreement of the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe railroads, it is announced that a new-railroad will be built along the Oregon coast, construction to begin at the present northern terminus of the Northwestern Pacific line at Sherwood Cat. The road will be built up the coast to Myrtle Point, in Coos County, and will then proceed up ' 4Ua ..nil... . .!--. L,...- T..... "rc v?c,.r,i connecting wun ine 30. rac, main line at Grants Pass. It is stated that work will begin this present Summer. To the Pacific Northwest goes the honor of providing a man to head the American Association of Nurserymen for the coming year. The convention of the asso iation held in Portland last week was the first meeting of the organiza tion ever held west of the Kooky 1 Mountains, and at its final busi-1 ness session, Friday morning, J. B. Pilkington, of Portland, was unaimously elected president. The 1914 meeting will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, and at that time a strong effort will be made to bring the association to San Francisco for its meeting in 1915. Market Report Receipts for last week at the Portland Stock Yards have been; Cattle 1126; Calves 176; Hogs 2667; Sheep 4418; Market steady to stronger this week. Best grass steers sold in bulk $8.00 and $8.25 with an oc cosional good load at $8.50. Out let is somewhat limited but re ceipts have not been large enough to come to a glut. Good cows and heifers were not offering freely, but one bunch of cows brought $7.00, the remainder being poor quality. Prime light veal calves at $9.05 featured. A steady to higher hog trade. Reaction in prices set in early Monday morning. Tops quickly AHUn.l eio Aar Ac ., tin f , 1 1 .01, crT "i" am I finally $8.40. Thursday market firm at $8.40. Continued light receipts would Btrengthen it still further. Sheep house draggy. Prime yearling, failed to sell better than $6.00; Ewe. $4.60 and lambs $6.60 and $6.75. Much thin stuff i. coming in thi. year and buy. nj are not anxious for any but good fatfmutton and lambs. A limited supply of good, clean acclimated alfalfa seed may be had at the Bums Hardware Co's. tore. Now is the time to get it and be ready to sow when the weather and soil are right HOT LAKE HAS CHANGED HANUl) Dr G. W. Tape, lis Ftmer Mutfe., (jje jn UnJon of fayorlte of Rn, renowned fW the healin qualities of it. MCenUy chMlgod ni ment A 8yndicat0 . ... nrt ,,, MUIK II Vl'llllVfl Wit llllimiliii we-aee mt h. and Dr. G. W. Tape, who was formerly in charge, again assumes the position of manager. Sinoo leaving Hot Lake in 1904, he has hnd charge of Arrowhead Spring, in Southern California, ' . , , . .. but was induced to return to Oregon. The entire institution will be renovated, necessary alterations iniuliv and panecial attention naid to thoge who deaire toavan them. Uea o the e Their modicinai vaiue has been thoroughly esteblished. Thojje who are not afflj,, with ailment, but who simply de- gire to rest and enjoy the freedom of y lifef wiu nn(j the hote, n desirable place. The rooms are larKe wlth aH modern convenience8, the grill supplied wjth the be8t in the market There is ft large ,obby wide glasa enc08ed porches, billiard ., tah,.. . ,,, ftnd a large dancing hall. No bar is maintained and no liquor sold on the premises. Hot Lake is situated directly on the main line of the O-W R. & N., in Union County. It is easy of access and in addition to the excellence of the waters and I the comforts of the hotel, offer. such sports as hunting and fish ing to those who care to go afield or follow a stream. Under the new management. Hot lake will at once become as j popular as formerly with the people who need treatment for ' some ailment and with those who 'simply want a place to rest from their duties. business or household Veterinarian Recommend. Arsenic For Heave. Care in exercise and feeding together with arsenic acid is the treatment for heaves recom mended by Dr. B. W. Hollis of the veterinary science depart ment of the Oregon Agricultural College in a recent reply to an inquiry from a McMinville man. He says: '"There is no absolute cure for heaves. True heaves is due to tin nnatnmipal phanml in tii.i -ta of,f t k. I IV . WUVbUlV- V u,v tissue that cannot be replaced The Jittle partitions which separ ate the air cells in the lung have been broken down and there is nothing which will cause these to be replaced. "Heaves may be palliated to a certain extent, however, by pro per feeding and careful exercise, together with a long course of arsenic acid. You are correct in your assumption that, in feeding. hay should be reduced and grain increased. You should feed about 1 lb., of hay for each 100 lba, of live weight of the horse daily. The reason for not feeding very much hay lies in the fact that hay, being bulky, will over-load the stomach and press forward on the lungs and cause more or less difficulty in breathing. The arsenic acid should be given in the form of Fowler's Solution, 1 oz, every third day. This con tains arsenic and should be given wfth care. "In exercising the animal, watch the breathing and if he seems to have very much trouble with breathing, he should either be stopped or allowed to move with a very slow gait Six months to a year's treatment along this line will bring about a temporary recovery usually. The trouble will return however, if the horse is put to hard work and fed improperly." Shako Off Your Rh.umaliarn Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty five cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly unr .hm.meiii. .(. rii.o.,,.. Sold by all dealers. Notice of Appointment. In I lie mutter of the rotate of Andrew Stone, deceatMMJ. Notice ie hereby given that the uuiler- hijiiii-iI haa Urn Una day duly appointed liy tbe County Court ol Harney County, I, trie inlininiitratrix of the uliov no -illumed cetute, and ha qualified. All percon liariOK claim against gaid estate arc required to prcgent tbeni ne by law required witbin m month, from dale to auiit administratrix ut bcrrcal urar Andrew., Oregon, or at the oilier ol (,. A. kemliold, lier attorney, at Bums, Oregon. Iiilel this 7th, day of May 1.18. i.i.sHoK Kruob, Administratrli. Petition (or Liquor LIcmn. Wc tlir anifcrMfntd 1k1 voter of iiinm. H,a Precinct, rtaracj, Cotnrtj Htui nf Orrjrou, rwpWnUiypttltlon thi Count Court "I lliitiiey County, State of Oregon, to (front n lii-eiiae to Hotel liininiinil.Siilney OotMgjrt, Prop., lo Mil Kpiiitiion innll mill Vinous Liquor in ln iiimititin limn one gallon in llotrt Piiinioml, Pimimiiil rreeinct Harney County, Slnte ol OUgqUi for tlir IVHimI of 8lx Month, nl in tint v lionitil we will ever prut Namki: Willimn Daman, K. H. Urown, C. S. Skinnei, I'. I.. Aiulrrsoii, 15. Shnel .1, 1, CHflbru I'liKil'v, S-ott Cnltemon, W. J. Jninc, lln.l.len BlUott, llooiy Wise, Chtn' T. Kulil, M A Moilir, Joint Onii-m, Millie I'ulternon, W. II. llmiilllon, S. I'mtemoii, V. B. ('nniier, D. I'. Nutter, Ronmlilo Cove, 0. Wniil, C. at, VM Buren, Prim DrltfO, J. II. Stephens. L. O. Ilnriliatv, I red Kiddle, Henn Morion, Win. Taylor, M- Morton, O .1. Hollo,,, Annie, 0. H Vim Ituren, 0. A. Smyth, .1 ret. MeKtetek, Tho. II. Km I, W (illinium, Kins Dollnrhmc. C. Iloiifilns, H. 15. Smyth, A. V. I'rruler. Notice i liereliy K'ven llml n Well iiemlnv, July . ll)t:i, the uudcmiRiied will npply to I lie Hon. County Court ol llnrncy County, State of Orenon for the licenm; n liereiu nliove rtioned. Siiinrv 0.HMVS, Prop. Piuinond Hotel NOTICE r0B 1'UHI.ICATION IINITKI" HTATKH LAND orfll'lll liiirnn, orcKun, Mar in, li'is.1 N.iIKi' In linreliy Klveii Dial Nalliaulel lln ,y, ,,r nurnA. orvimn, u nt. mi jhiv iiimlo .'liliniiil lliiiiioli'iul entry N .'. . ini ii'.ph'i, ivi ,,, .,, vw t, lilp ...h . uiiiiki' II K Wlllnmuiii. MvrlilUo bi lllil miUf of Inltinlltui i" ntk llm Aveyimr I'ruof. 1.1 eatMlillnli rlulin t.i IIh' Incil lM)vt'ilierllt'il, bafitre Kegltitr nitcl Hvevlver, 1 inn in. ori'Kue.un IhoMli ly uf June. HU 1 IkIiiikiiI iiNtno wlmftl: l.ln.l.l kfnliMlutl, ll.'ll lUxlur, UukI M. Tyler, Hay llnrrun. all f llnrnl Oron. Wm. Kahkx, Kacliur. KOTICE KOU I'UBI.IOATION I'm ' ?-i.ii I, ami. ornre, I lliirna. orairan, Jua au, Itlt) Ratio l li.'reliy (Iran thai Annla M. tie Kemla.ol NarruHa. oruKoii. who. tin June 4Q. I WW mail,. Heaerl I ailil Knir;. SiiKU.MI, lor KV, si.1,, s,-. 11, hi 111, luimiiup x t- , Huiiga ax a. willatni'iie Miilillan. haa llle.l iiollra of luUt lion lo inaae final r,,ol to calabEUh elalm 10 tlii In ii.l above ileacrllxitl txilore KegUUrr anil Koeoiver, ai lliirna, nru.iii, on ilia Mih day of Jaty. I rlaltnant natnra wlltieaafa Walter ii HodiUr, Oeorte HoiMer, atra. Hay Hmllh. Mia Herman Mark all ol Huma, OrtHoo. Wai Hea later N0T1CK FOR PUBLICATION. Onrrca ra Lum nrrna lliirna, Or. Juno 3U, III" Nu'.ii'e la hoieliy Bivti that Jantea Hall ol .'Koii, wli.i, on April '5 hili raa'a lloiaaataa.l Ratrv. No. "MM. lot NWWNKW, Hi.SK.'.aiol M.', ', i. Ton ahlD H N, llaiui z '. MlilaiiKMK M-rl'la haa flli..l ii ill, o of n .I lun (., inaka final 1001 rnutailon aroof. to v-ubiuii riain to ih iand above tteoertbaif, before Ki-Kfier ami itv olvvr Nl lliitii. iiri-anli. i.ll tlift2tti ilayof Jul) IVII i lalmant nninna aa wllneaeoe Karl lloralinan, I harlei Krokaon. J W Wm atrauK, Aftnle leniion a lot t'rlueeloo. tn.on Wm. r,n. Kueitler SOTICE ' K()K Pirm.lCATlON HMTK II MATHS I. AN i OKKI' K.l Huma. Oregon. Jaay w 1 .11. t .. mi t m la in i . k i na , taa " . i , w ,, ol Nareowa, oreeoo. wboou, March tf, tu. and reb. II. lull, rraoarlhrlv. made Ituno .leail Knlry No JBT.7 l rial IUI7.V) and No lViTI. lor Hi,, Hft.Mii,, r.vKi, ann ',', Borlktn 16, Towublf JA H, Kanea '.') fc ttlllaiiiatli- Meridian. Ilea Died notice ol In tentloii lo rnako nual Av rear tat eelahllati elalm tothe taint alHi.i' il.a.rllii-.l, li,foir Kee iatar and Keeelver. al Iturna, oceaon, on the Otbday ol July. lull. I lafmallt namra aa wun HallboM li.i. li.l... Iliiab M. TlntMU. Hlanlun Tykr, William Kay, all ol lliirna, Oregon. W. Kiaae. Kl er. CONTEST NOTICE. 1'HlTRIftTaT I.AUb OrrU j Hump, Orco, June 19, I ;.. To KriuMir. Wm nf unknown ftUdftiM.t'oaU Vousi hriruv ii'tl!l'.l i tint Ulan II Bar- g,r vxhu tlvi Hlirlll, Oregon, M fall POftt- iniiii'it hire, (lit. on Juafl 111b. ItUl, nl In ibli ofttro hi. liiirt'irrfuLorttl -.ftp. Ic lion IV con lest ntct an urvlbv r.tiuullatlon of your 1hpiii--(.. I Knlry HorUI No 0.(70 inndoOotober IMh. IfjfJ, tor KStfW1;. M'HK'-H?.S. HWJiHW, BC. !U, an. I N'faNW',, NW'4S.4 Hftloii ,'JtiWn ahlpnouth. Ititngt wsjui, MllUinaUa Marl dUn. anil hn ironnda for iiin conttint u )( thai anli! Krnoat Vit hua wholly bin(ti(i4 ald land (or more (ban alx month! Uel nul. tiu never erUlod or iraidrdu. or eeKlvnteo Mine You air, therefore, further notified Ihnt the ell alleitalloiiK will l Ufeen at .this ofTlrt- aa having U'cn foiifeaavtS by iov. and yimr aald futry will baeani Ud ilivri.uud.-r without your furthrr right U m hoard (barrio, either (fore ihlaoftlf-i-or oit atal,ir you fall to 01a In thl iiitM-r within tvi'ut data after tbt roritTll Mihlli alion of tin notice, m ibown below, f niif armwi-r, titidt-r oath, Mttet-lflt'ally utfetltitf and rt-itoiinili ng to t he allegation, of coiitael, i.r it Mitll fall u Ithln llial It.,,., In III., la. it. I. tinh'i" inr proof ini j'uii haw aurvoti a copy of ;UIII OilltlTfCT " " i I HID PBI'l 'iirfllll I'Mlkl I IU ueraon or by rtvUttn l wall If tblaaervloa la in a it- h i in- in it v.-1 . or a iiiiy of your a newer toihi' roiiii-Maiii in imriwHi, i.riroi oi mien ear rice inuat either the aald oontaatant a writ tan a knot, ii-dgrmi nl of hla rare lot of tbc ojiy, howiuit tho date of Itaretelrd. or the affidavit of ihr )Hratiii by whom the delivery hii niniii' Niaiuig worn ami WMffl IB! VJ waa dfJIrerad; If made by roflilored mall, proof of urn h 1 ! in nut , iii it of tboanlda. lt of (he prraon (. whom tin i nj.y waa mallM stating wbi'ti and the iioal oltlpfl to whtob It waa mailed, and thfa affidavit must be an oiu paiih-'l by Hi.' r".tmaaer'arei:elut lor the lvltr on ihouhl alale In your antwer the iiameof tho poetnlTli'u to which you deaire future lODOMDI to Wm. PAaai. Keglaur hate of flr.l publlcntlou Juno 31, IV 13 Hate of mu ond puhllcatloii June an, I'M" Hal. of third publlratlon Joly !, Hi. Date of fourth oubllcatlon July la, HIS. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Dnitku htath I.ahii urnue i liuina. Oregon, Juno. U To Anna o Mlnliell ol unknown addreal, Obb'ssI You aro hereby uoilfiml thai i aniline A Van Valkuul'in ah whogtvee lllloy, oreaoo, aa her pint oritur aildreaa. did on May PJ. 1113, til,- in itiiii 011)111 Hit duly corroborated ap plication to initial ami arrure thicauoellatluu uf your beer r 1 luud, Knlry No ,11 Hirlal No twla made April luth. IM.I, lor lots 1, 1, II and i and Hi, M-.i, I Hi, NWi, Heetloll I, Townblp '' " lunge Hi Ka.l, Willamette Meridian, and aa grolniilii lor lier eonleet ahr alleaaa thai .aid Anna 11 Mltehrll hue not, w 1 1 1. 1 11 lour yeaig tlnr inatliia entry, now within any lime in wbli li aald pi Mud lies beau exteiide'l, expeniled three dollara per erre In lrrleetii.ii. rceUbiellon or 1 ultlvi.tloii of aald land, aa M-i 11 In-, by law: nor line .he Irrigated, lei lalnii'il or inn I niti-il ..I'l land or any part lllUISlllbllt baa wholh lnili-,1 mi I,, ill,, ami haa fir nmr- Ih n .la iiiuiilh. laat naal. wtmli.' aliaiiiloni-'l 1 In iminu, ami la now a 11011 realdebl ill ine man ei oreuon. You are. Iheolnn till Iher notified that Ilia aaldnllegetloii. wl'l I lakeu hy Ihia ollluu ae having beei 1 ail b) i.u, and your aald entry will lie canenluil ihuieuiider without your further right lo hr heard therein, either before tli Im offli u or mi appeal, 11 mi fail lo file In thl. nrHee within Iwiiuty da. alter the Poll 111 II j. hi, ih ail, ,11 vl ihia nollee, a. aliown below, your Miinwiir under oath, eitueitioally meeting and reeionillug to Ihime nf rouioat, nrllyOB fall m lll.lli that tllmt to llleju Ihia 1, litre doe prool that you have arrved a i,, ,,l loor an. hit on the .aid eouleatant ulthnr In peraon or hy restelered mail. II thla eervlce la matte by thu delivery of a nOiy of your au.wur in thi- ooDlaatanl In parson, proof of aueh aer vlreuiuiit IiouIIIutIIhi natdeiiiiUiatant'fe written arkmmli ilaniini of hla reteliituf 1I10 oupy. aliowluk thu iluO of lie mi nltit, or the affidavit of the peraon by whom th. delivery waa uiadr elatliig wln.11 ami where tho copy waadellver 1.1 11 maue hy legieteied wall, proof 0 euob aervli e 111 net rniialal or Ihe stotlavll 1, Ihe p aou l,y wliiiut Ihe I'ttuy aa' mailed, eta when ami tin i,.,r 1 m'h 11 In vvhlili It waa mal I'melleo.atallna null ii It waa mailed. anil Ho. alllilavll tnu.t Im artumpeiilril I.y the poalmaetera rereii Her. You .liuul'l stale In o.ur ankwrr the name uf 1 In, post uftli 1 )i,n drill, fniare iiuili'i. In beaitii ii' Wh. Passs, ktsglater. Hatiiiif Ural publli alltm June 21, till. Han nl leesst puhllt allun June., HIS. Ilatf iiiiiii July 6. It , 111 pale nl luiitln i.iiiillt alluii July 11, 1ms. LADIKS HOSPITAL, Private and comfortable care, Mrs. W. T. lister, Burns, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'HITMn TTM I.AJIB OWlei, Hiirm, Orrenn, Mar M, IM Notice la herehi elvea lhal llvalr, pi I'rlui'aian.ureion.ahiiiiii Jwirl, IW mane MoiMMead tntrr No Ml, inl no. owoi. lor UNW',aiul NVaBWi, H,., llmi M, Townihl iat M K..V lllanetin Meridian, liaa Hle ." tntenlloii to make dual five-year Srooi, to eamian oiann iu i ov eaorlbeo.nKrore Regileler ad Reoelver, el Hiirne. Onion, on the 17th ilay nl July, till Claimant nauea aa rlliie.a (leorae Wllllama, John Temple, Thomae K. Ilealv, f. K., ail ol Prlnceliin, Ore gon Wat. Faaae, Reeieini. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IINITKD HTATKH LAND OrFIOK, Buriia, llrefun, '. '' I Nuliiulaliereliyilvnn that William Wllklna. nl rrliii'.ilmi, nrioii. whu, on Mar I. Itr7, mail,' lliim,.lrail Knlry No. mm Herlal, No, mail,' ll.iim-lrail Kiitrv No. MI7 aerial, u4t, lor N KN K, Hen, lOi KOUCU, leo. xwuwu, Hei'llnn -1, TiiwnehlnW., MB K., Wlllamelt MarHliau, hea lllril nail i. n anu in,. nollrn ol Inlanllnn 111 liiakt dual ltvg-yT 1'riNll. tO valalillah claim lo Ilia lanil above deeorieoa. before the Remater ton naceiver, ai naroa, uraeun. on Ilia Mill tay ouiiiy, iui.i I'laimaniliamraaa wuuaavaa: il. II. Wllllama. I.. K vvilllami. MlkJ Haalr. Ilo Nralriim. all ol I'rluoeton, Oreaou. WM Kaa, Hocliter. NOTICK KOK l'UBLlCATION. UNITKDHTATKNI.ANIIorrillK. I noma, iirain, Mar, W, 11 I Notlre Ithernbjr (Iwulhal darland A. stone man, ol llarnny, Oivon, who. oo June I. IMo, mailr llouietd Knlry, No. Mo, Nerlal, No. iroil. lor FUNK',, nWUkIIX nd WjiNBU Hevllon IT, Tnwnehln H., Manee M., Wil aatetleUarldlau.haa nia.1 nollre ol Intention to inakn final riie-Year Proof, to eaUWIeh I'lalm to the land above deanrllwd, before the Heeleler and Hecelver, at Itnriia, OreKOii on the lath day ol July. Ittl. i lalmant nainaa ae wlinaaaee: luiia Poiijadr, Jamaa Plrle. rharloa lajejan all of Harney, firegon. William Oalieraon, al Ilucheuen, truirou. Wm PAeer.. Regltler. NOTIUB FOR PUBLICATION DNITKII HTATKH I. ANIIOPPIIF, I lliirna. Ore., June 'J, Win t Nollee le hereby given thel Ma Hun bin an. wide and lirlr ol havid Hulehluaun. deeaaaed, ol Hedro Wwilloy, Waabluglon. who, on Mari-h e, ivun, made llotnvelead Kutry No. JMII, NetleJ, No. ir.sai), lor HW'4. Heeihi I, Townablp W H. Range u K , Wllrametle Merl.llau, haa filed notloe ol intention U make final Ave year Proof, lo eeulilleh claim lo the lead above deeerlbed, before Hegleter and Keeelver. at Rurne, Oregon, on Ihe ivth day ol Jul), IBIS claimant namee aa wltoeaaee' Charlie W. I.ew! Narrow., Oregon Hugh M. Tipton, William Fay, Rarlbold Hurhele, all ol iliiina iirrgnii. Waj. Faaaa. RetwWr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I'.N 1TKII HTATKH LAND OFFICII Huma, Oregon, June u. III. I Notlre la lieieby given that aarab D. Her ridge, aaalguee of Maeauel Aa Rwetieeoa, of nurue. Oregon, woo. oo oei oa, laa ... Ireerl l.aml Kalry, No. . naaul r... yvi. Mwilnn lorHK' aeeiion r, Townablp It H. Range MM ... Willamette 41, ,,mi,,,. -, " nw.,, al..i(1lao. baa fllnd noil Hi', i iiiiriiiiiMi io oiaaa iinai proof, to eelabllab claim I Ike laud above deaeribad, belore Iteglater aud Reoelver, at Hurav, Oregon, ou tbe JBrtf day of JeJ? I h i . i lalmant namee aa wllnraeoa Howard N. Poaa. Ira U Hleeper, Pie.1 r Ilium. Ilelpb J Wllaon. all ol Or, WM. Paaai. Ilrglatrr. NOTICE FOR PUBIJCATION. I'NiTKD Hvraa l.ani, (irrirr, I Iturna. Oregon, May I. Ill I Ration la hereby given, that (lenrge W Wll uaina, ol Horna oragou, whou Ih wlmr al. I'JOI. mailr homi-elrad eutry, No. IMM, Hor al iirt. f HatVi a; ol , oi no , hi i. w',. n-, ui oi n r... ol KWW, NWIl uIj,W',.m. l:Wi,uli., ol NK',..l NwL, KUDI NWI ol NWU aa.l Kbol WUof NWI40I NW'ee. I'J, T JlH , K. dl R., wHlainriie Meridian, haa HUM uotlii- ol in laoitton 10 make final five year prout, to. auniib 1 laint 10 the laud above deerrlbed, belura He Kleterend Keeelver, ai Iturna, or-g,m. on the inh dav of July, leu. I'lalmani namee aa wllneeee.- William P. Th.lmer, Waller croee. Prank J Willlama. Petal 1 laniene, all ol huma Oregon We Ftaar, ngater NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. Iinirab HTuraa Laau ortnot, 1 Rurne, Oregon, June D, I9U. I Notlre lebrreby glvoo that J WlhwR. 01 lawea, Oregon, who. on May n, III made Homeetead entry No. UM7. lor NKU. HVrlton si Townablp U H, Range WH .. wlliameite Merlillao, haa filed notice ol Initmllon to make Aaal three yeer pmol. lo reteblleh elalm to Ibe land above deerrlbed, before Krelaler and Receiver, at buroa, Oregon, on the Wnd day July III. claimant name, aa wltueeaea: 0. R. Auamua, J. A. Herd, P. c. Tlmm and B Joy, all of to wan, Oregon. Wa.Paakg. Regieter. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IMran WTAVaa Uaniiiirrii a Buiue. oregoa. May M. 11 Nutli'a la hereby alven that Alfred B. Carey. of HreWaey, Oregon, who. no October I. IM. orcg Head Lyunv in- iioinretoaii miry No 'JBev, Heriel No 0J07O. lor K',xtvi .. HWi,Ki4, Bee. 'Jl and NWWNKU.BoeW. Wlllameile Merldl luwuauio xi a.. Kanaa an, haa died nollee ol inlen Hon 10 make final Sve-year proof, to eatabtlgh vitin iw ion (anu anova ueeenooo, oeroru a. I. Beoda, U. Cosmlaaloaer. al blasBos, at Drewesy, Oregon, on ihe Ird day of July, lull. lalmant uaweaaa wiiueesee: Otbo A. Hall Prank J. IImob. John W. Bur. Hi 1, ntei.ln.11 Miller, allot Prawsey, Oregon Wo. Kegtater NDTICK KOR PUBLICATION I ' N ITKII BTATKB I. A ND OPPICB. I Barna Oregon, June IS, III I Notice II hereby given that I'earl I. Kllla. aaatgnee ol Florence M. Parnum, of Bum., oragou, who. ou July an, I'jwi.made lieeen Ijnul Kntry, No. imaoe fur WUNWI;, Bertlon 10. Township 23 H . Kaiige Kl If. Wlltamrlte Mi rl dian, has tiled nollee ol Intention to make dual proof, In i-alatiltah elalm lo the laud above described, layforp Kegtater aud Keeelver, at Bnrue, Oregon, ou the 2Mb dey ol July, III Claimant ualuea aa irllneeaea William Stork. Tlmmea J. I'ollnpy, Kriieat It Wllllama. Prank A. Kllla, all of Burns, Oregon. Wm. Passs. Hegeeter NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. UBiTgp sravaa Usi, ornug, i Huma. Oregiiii, Juue 1, till I Nutlee il hereby glvea that Preil Mni'islli, til I'rlurelon, tiregon. who, on Peliroary a. Illli, t'uaile II.iiiimU.iI knlry. No. OMIlt, lor ewi, Hertlun J7, TnwnahlpM H., Mange M ... Wlllaiiiolli Merltllau, bas lllril em I, a ol Iu trillion In make final i uiuuiutatlou prool. so i'lalm lo Die lead above tlrarrlU J, lielnrr Keglseer and Hot elver, al Huma, Oreguu mi Ibe anil day nl July Ills t'lalinaiit uaina. a. wltneesce: llavld Wllllama, limine. H Hill. Brnuet Klerher, James M. IJlrklii.un. all uf IMm , tun Oregon. Wh Paass. Heglaler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITBII HTATKH I AND OKPIt'K, t Hutu, oregoa, Hay.rj, liil.i.i Notice la lnirehy glvvu that Arrlt it. pram II, f lirew.ry, tiruwuii. wliu fin May 4, llao, mailr Uusert.liaail Kniri, No until for NWU, Hen Ion ;. Ttiwnalilp iv ti.. Kaiige M H , Wlllainene Uusert.liaail Kmri, Nn uiuil In niHriiiiaii. naa lllril nuilre nl llilriillnii It, makr filial i, tti uMalilralt rlalin In Hi., I.l drarrlluifl. ttefoie Heglaler and llerelviir, al tttirna. Oreguu, nu the loth day uf Jul, l:il V oiaiinani namee as wioteaar. Aes I Jiihti.un. Preil Itnlwrleun, John H Karrsne, Arlry Ailiili. all nl Hrewaev, Orrgou Wm. Pigg, Regleler, Notice) al Pinal Settlement Notice is hereby given that the under aiKncil administrator of I lie estate of Mary IS. Hairy, deceased, bas filed his duly verified final account in the County Court for Harnev County. Oregon, a by law required, and that said Court has appointed Monday the 101b day of June 10i:i ut t lie liuui tif3 o'clock I'. M. al the Court House of said t'uuniy iu Burns, Oregon, a tic time mul ptasf for hearing of objections lo said final account ami settlement thereof. Any aud all persons buying objection there to must file the saute with the Clerk of gold Court on or Ik lore aaid day of UritriitK W. S. HaUT, Administrator of estate of Mary K H.I.0170. lor W'.. it MW'ul SHU ol NW',,HVa I Hlj oIHK'a.iI NWla.HK'iolKWi.nfNWte;, ', ill M.', of '., ill MV, KUolHVV, of '. nf Stt'l, KRi. .,1 NWt.uM), of NW'i. IVI..,IU rl. iilnWi. Rio. .1 MM'. li. llulry, deceased. Hunts, Oregon, May 13th 1918. We do job printing. BSBBBBBgBBBaBBBBHBBBBfllaBMIBSSSI Cwi't Koop It aret. The aplndid work of Cham ber lain' b Tablet. 1. daily beoon intr more widely known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver trouble, ha. ever been known. For .ale by all dealer.. wH'rrriM. maknky I.OIKIK, nil , i. ti o r. Meet every Itwrday In tldd Fellow Hall aiTiDtipin. A. Dunn, W. W ilould. Menretan N. 0. Degree work aa follow' Pint Hatorday lol ilalory; aui'Oinl Kaliiidai Klrel lree( third gaturtlay, pmhoiiii txieriH.: inurui aaiarai lay, Third Ifegree. MKKNMMI1MIKNU 7, A. a 1 M., Meet every Orel and third -almday Iu earh iniitith. I , uaull, W. M MaM Moiherahnad. Hncrelarv M XlKHN WOllllMKNOPAMIkltlA allele every aeoond and tourtu Friday even Ing at 1.0.0. P. Hall; all uelfhaorp Invited New apiillraiila will rernlve rokrlooua Heel- mw'V..Ur....,k. --.V0. HIIKN.1 ( H A ITKR NO, , O. R. Meete every aeoond and fourth bomlaya, In Hell. Prenkle Welrnme. W. M Klla week, aoraurjr. HYI.VIA RRHKKAII DKURKK Meete every tel and Id Wedoeaday . , Myr.lU IMIbrK. M. U. Madge l.aonanl. Rati. Heo'v. TUI.K CIRIII.R No. IU, W. of W Meat every lourib ll.iir.ilay Maud II orii.n. .t. M. neater uooilman. fieri OFFICIAL 0IMKVTOHV NATR ORROORI UH.RenaUira . 1 Jonathan Bourne Jr. Iiiro K. 1 liainberlaln I W R title llougreeamen I J W Hawley Allorney (Jetieral Ooveruor werutary ol BUM rreaaurer Mint Publle Inatruruou Blate Printer A.M. Crawford oewaldWeet ' .V ' .WB? I. R. Aldermaa ..W aliualwey Robi KaklB T.A. Meflriae OeoM Haraetl . H. .aa. F. A. Moore aupreme JBdgea RIRTM JltlllclAI. DUTaiOT. IMaiiiri Judge dallon gaa tilBiiiri Attorney W. II Brooke Deputy Dial Ally CRUeMMfi 1 Irculi Curt meet lb Brat Monday Is April and brat Monday In October. Joint Henator o W Parilah lolni Repreaaniatlve w. F. Human OOtlBTT BIARRRI I county Judge t.ierk liruurer Oraul Tbanapaoa a t. Hue bat K A Mlllrr earvevur Iberia. . . AaeeoBor eboulMaperlnlan'deM n.riMia' TtiMk InaiHirlor ri.nir ...liiiii.ra c. B. Beery A. K. Riebatceaw JJ. loaegea I.M llamiltoa U. W.clevaager ionn Kobiuaou I a. P. eylveeter 1 Time heln 1 .lomy 1 ..uii BkejMB tbv Biai Wedlnngay In January. Mail, May. Jul. gavpMBBM ead November. "i r. . keen erriug: trgielei I. roll af Wm Farre Prank lievey ei'aaa- 'I'", lam Molker.eaed uerorder. .... . a. M. Byrd loaauni Maml Wlntere Marabel, . 11 1 . Haines I II I. Il.uean,, iniiau a , Weleeme I Jeiure Lasspsblrs I K. J.MrKlunon Meetings of the 1 nam II every Haemid sad Pourth ttrrdiiatel guraiumtmrnmiirintu Mrs. Grace B. Mclioae TEACHER Voica and Piano Method. Uaed In Ciaciaaalli Cien.ltry of Mtdc HesidetK-e Studio PresJytertan Church Sumpter Valley Railway Co. ii mi; t.uu.k no. e IN JUNK H, tOOM. FKBOT Weat lltiunil N.i I IHub) U:0 l.v 9:S " 8:68 ' 10:04 " 10:07 " Kat Hound No. 3 I'ass p. m. Haker Olty Ar : 0 Hotith Halter Haliabaryt lnkliartt Tlioiiipsont SUmIiUiiI Juntlloiil 'Water Tankt I loan' Hpurt MnKwwit J U NOTION t Huaipter juNtrriONt Nllllllllilt u I. ('an 1 p Whltnnyt TII'IONt A uli 11 I.y 1:86 " 5 tOO " 4:6ft " Il 10:17 " ' 10:83 " io d ' 10:0 " 10:rM " 11:10 " 11:16 ' 11:40 " NOON 13:00 ' P.M., li j6 " J:40 I lit Ar " 4 :46 " 4:40 " 4: 3 " 4:80 " 4:10 " 4:06 " iM " :0 "lOA " -00 " 3:40 " 2:10 Hlup nn eiBual' hiiIv JN avi ut. i'liknt. lasaesl ,iilj tot am lone where trains am irhoduli'd to inakn mgular stops. Iltseeugur inual itiieb ne tick et whern UK11111-tii 1 Ultra I'titrrlng train, or 36 i It, .Mlllun to the re gular fare Will be iharMt'tl. JOHICI'H A. VVKHT, Httpt. IHIANTOKHDKH. As-t. Hopt. $1500 Reward! Tho Ores , Oal I luraui sad Nevada live stock Pretse. Iloa Aaeoelstliin of Whlflh the Hilda.. oiob IBs under aigoes is maaaaar, .- Hive reward Par evl tell noa tssoii Bg I las arrest deep. vlullouolaay Pllaf; a"W iytir parlies SUeJ. Ing Borsse. eaiua Ma. sail or inaiss bsleoflng .'.nyul Hi ben. u atldmou to tbe above, lbs uuderllguad orTeri the asms euudltloa pMo.wo lor all horses branded bursa ebod bar on both er sltbsr Jaw. Brand luooidod In eight couutlei Bauge Ilaruey, Lake aud Orook roomies, Horses vented wbse sold. Hon bt grown bureee sold sad only la ergs hunt hea. W W liHttWN Kile, Oreguu. I NCrt'lUK FOR PUBLICATION IiRiTD.raTl'AHD0pri . Bnrne, Oregon, Jon t, IMi. Notlre le hereby glvea that Lelloy llailh . of rorliand. Oregon, wfco, on May II, III" ma I" ino Kniry, no. verie, lor Ml raNWM, ec. SO, r an a , K. m (IU Bertlon I. Towuahlii H., OR.. Willamette arerinien, norin 01 r Lake baa mad notlre ol lotah Bolprool. ItiealetillBhrlelm to Ihe irica1 before Heglaler and Reoelver an. aeerlba . before Heelalel al tmrni. Oiegou, on the mil day ol July, III (JMmaot iiamea ae wllueeeee : libarlee Neadliam aid Moae Mlnerr both Ol Hierowi, Oregon Oharlea WTleon and Mettle Wjleon ImiIIi of Hiiriia. Oregon W. Faaaa, Rngiater BEACH THOUGHTS Are In Season And with them come The suggestion of a trip to DEUGHTFUL NORTH BEACH By The Pacific Reached Via Spend Summer To Portland O-W. R. & N. Columbia River Steamers Beyond Yeas will always be glad pent .pent wavei aad tree combine to add your ploasmwIt us loll you about il. J. H. CORBETT, Agt., O.-W. R. AN. Bendy Ore. H. B AKOUL, Act , 0.-W. R. & rV. Redmond, Ore. Tttarlm REPEATING RIFLE You cn buy ao better for target work and .11 atnaugeuneup to 200 yard. pjneaiaaay. WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS Wm&mm Teieaalep jOSa XSttSZSZZLi, jBd aJWHaWaw. asses 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr. Proprietor. a iT an 11 11I "iSangaBBgaHaHaBai aoeeaeaaeeeiiiiiiiieiaii aaiaw eniaan .nal WRITE TOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND Pt?ICtS . THE A.H.AVERILLMACHINErY a.' 3POKAHE.WA5M.-P0rTTlAND.0Rt.- fAN J0SECAL WHY NOT MAKE $200.. A MONTH - - That's 0.- W k, almoat g10. a Day to Bierahanle, dootors, lawyrrs, cfrnll.ta and well lu do farmery, all olwliotu, nt or aaale. mil uo nui snuw iioweaajlilatoowu one. Baleauisn deslare our proBnetiion one of lbs beet, oleaii out niouajfinaklng opportuni ties ever resolved Without prevtoue etprrl- soes yajaj eau Uuulloate 11 ABlleale the enec AllualrairU IMO Our handsomely Illustrated ensure ere In a ii.iiiarB in kb , ., , resting fastury. ans for you wars piloting theai through our aaieameo rsoeive aoviee and lu.truotlen. a win .aauti poo ee prveau. vne euujeec Ul eus- eott vinoing vaising poinie wnien 11 ie imposeioie ror a prospeei ituu't VWJ be the Bret to apply from your vicinity barore soi Ws esa favor only on sl.lia out ol eaoh loosiliy. a Msess, OaasiMp B0.000 Safes AnaasBj. a : : : M)NE : eSTAJFI. ! RESTAURANT j t QBORUB POON Piop. a. , a flfeala At All Houra. Short Order and Prompt Service j With Reaaonable itatea Give Me A Call w e a D. K.TWI4li, itlV.TAUAeii, . MR. f. 0,li. 11. General Practice IM "Hoile"-lpeclalll Par. P.)', Ni.mi a nd Throat DBS. STANDARD Will Anewer all CaHe Peewiwily Day or NIM Offtee an O. W. Yeeaag BM'g fhee... Will EetabHeb Tke' Harney VatUy Heaplle' el BlIKN. ORTGON TILLSON HARRISON H. I., M. . Offic INeiMid fliior Tlmea-llerIH Hid. Kntrnr on Mln Street UurnN. Oregon By The Sea your aumraer at this splendid reeort, where Model 20 Without change ol tr.edtiaoam it handle .22 hort, leaf of long-fine cartridge perfectly. The deep Ballard riflinp develop maximum poww and ccuTacr and add year lo the lie ol rifle. ieeaaewlpeMilBvc Mildew iavi.Bpewe)aaed 'datasr gun Sm!BSS& ifr twTnBglta rWnt ?T fthitw tpt4Mlaaaaaattacaaaa. A afaT4viiilni nio. Auk aay gaaciaala. .SjiS 7"" Alarms Gx roTL?la.o FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS ttUSSEU ENGINE5, BOILERS bpH GRADE MACHINERY eneri-aa olotnrre. W-lian attain a maaaer as t hough Msa spuolated as aalltaar eaiwa. alvln live ettatoairr lo deny, soateoae elss geia the territory aweae msa who received our pselsl selling todueeaent, rendered ttnsoesssry to double our output. We are enetidlng mauy Ihoosaiiila of dollars en la rslng our aalea orgaulaatloa. but to learn all partirttlara, II will ooat you only the prloe ol a posul card. UkCiliiaMllT. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CIbCIbbATI. OHIO iM e .BURNS SANATORIUM! Mr. Wm. Cummins, Hrop S Beat of care for patient Well furnished rooms, neatj ; ilian and comfortable. Nu contagioua caaea taken. Kate Reatonabl "W ff Why "" aBa.a PR0FK8SI0NAL CARj CARL C. GRIFFITH riiythrlRn ami Hurgta,,, nUBNR, OKROON. d. UJ. CBARV Pliyslclan ami Burgeon. Barn., - - - 0rg iilfien ill new tin i III Inp; float iiol 1 baroea shop, Main Hi. 'Phone MaloU. li. E. HIBBflRO 3DEJ3KTTH Olficei flrgt iloor -ast photo 1 Barn. Oregon. W. C. BROWN, 3DE3SrTIS1 Udbh, Obbooh. Ofllee room. N and 9 Masonie DEflJHflN & DEfiMfll Physicians and Surg ('all answered pminptly nip; IMioiie Ihirrlmtn H.rrlman, Oregon Dr- Minnie liai Physician and St iXrect Telephone Connca La wen. Ore. ' M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law Voegtly ItWg., Hums, G. A. REMB AUorney-at-Law, Burns, Oregon. WM. ATTOHNEV AT LAW? Burn, Orngon. Hi mm a and 7 Maionir Patni loans iiii.-bly mails at rean CHARuES W. EtitilS LAWYER Burns, I'rartirw in lli HlaUt Oourtai lore the I.' S. Ijind Office. ' 'ii.-u-t. il. Im)i,. Attoknkv- ' anfii! attention given 1 tiotiH and Real KbUIi i Pire Ineuranne. Notary Public Burks. Oaaeop, A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAI State Courts and UnittJI Land Office Practi Three doors South oft Harney County National) Burns. Oreoron. FRANK DAI Ik.. Attorney at Law No v I aaolai. I Akeraea-U. S. Leave) Otce Prad Ofttee betwesn Ilaruey i uunly Nag ana inii OfHce. Bums, - . Orsgpoa K. II. t'lairea aaao m. aa.soc, eg.. COOPER & DOI Qvil and Hydraulic En Irrigation, Water 8a Sewerage, Water Po oiirveys. mapa, KjHimatea. hii BURNS. OREGON P. C. Dili.ahii A. rorm.rty Aest. Kuglueer Porsaerlft iv,,o roH-iaiuaiiuit Srr- gin, rUM- Wei Eastern Oregon Enf ii Company CIVIL ANU IRK-lhATION tmno, Omraa JEAN BART BALCC AM B. K. I AKItil. M. HYDRAULIC ENGINE Ditches, Keservoim. Unall Work, Hydro-Eloctrk: Po U. S. Den. MiiiemlWn loan mk aSpetiiiij- liiiHUiil III It. .11, ',Xilt, "nivrinnt, lit Miiain t i,.il AI.UhKSON . . okt JOHN ROB N. Slue laspcttar, liara.v lluiuu A.lilinru J0HNUKMHKKLIN6. .l.wolot". Optloitui Knuriitvor. r Fine Watch Repairing A I eiahy. J