r CITY OF BURNS COUNTY OF HARNEY The Biff eat County In The State The Biff est City In The Biff est Of Oref on, Best In The West I County In The State Of Ore) BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JUNE 21. iUIB ' ',' ,.....!: a l l. NO. 32 VOL. XXVI I County In The State Of Oregon J , ij , . . TBOOKS ADOPTED FOR OREGON SCHOOLS imission Submits Its Report to The State Board of Education. Books Meet Approval of Teachers and Educators of State, list of New And Those Readopted Given State Texbook Commission , Writing Lessons for rTrtmary ompleted its labors and sub- Grades, 16-20. its report to the State The Palmer Method of Business of Education. Fewer Writing. 20-26. i .-j.. .1.:., tea nave oeen nmtif mm than ever before. This will Imoney into we poceis ui i who must furnish the books. new books adopted have rith the approval of teachers lucators in this part of the M W ! 1 1 . . 4 1 j-v n .1 f nn le lonowing net " " books, the books that were looted, together with the lange and retail price: READOPTED. Bmentary Agriculture ior mers, exchange price, 42c; price. 70c. lentary History ox united exchange price. 36c; re price, ouc. hn Physiology, retail price, leelers Graded Primer, 18- leeler's Graded First Kead- iO-25. heeler's Graded Second Read- 16-35. Iieeler's Graded Third Read-ft-45. fcw Educational Music Course Music Reader, 30c. NEW BOOKS ADOPTED. unary Arunmeuc, imk"" itson & White s Aavanceo ametio, 30-60. ice's United States History, i Icks' Champion Speller, 12-28. sysiology. Richie's Primer oi Itation, 23-45. iieeler'sFourth Reader. 20-45. heeler's Fifth Reader, 25-55. 's First Reader. 15-25. 's Second Reader, 18-30. Applied Arts Drawing- Books, No. 41. 9-16. " 42.9-15. " 43, 9-15. " 44, 9-16. " 46, 12-20 Tarr & McMurray's Geography, 139-65. Kimball's Elementary English Book I, 18-36. Kimball's Elementary English. Hook II. 23-46. HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS READOPTED. An Academic Arithmetic. Office Methods and Practical Book-keeping. Elements of Botany. Elementary Study of Chemistry Plane and Solid Geometry. Myers' History. Caesar's Gallic War. A First Course in Physics. NEW BOOKS ADOPTED Wells & Hart Algebra. Forman's Givil Government. Kimball's English Grammar. Books' English Composition. Long's English Literature. Abernathy's American Litera ture. Span hoof d Elementary German Becker & Rhoades Elements of German. Botsford's Ancient World. History of United States. James and Stanford. Essentials of Latin, by Pearson. Bennet's Latin Grammar. Gunnison's & Marley's Cicero. Virgil's Aeneid. Hopkin's Physical Geography. Conn & Budington's Physiology Brown's Satisfactory Store has the agency for Walk-Over Shoes. THE BURNS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Olve Me A Call Burns Meat Market H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasua&e, Bolonga, Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc. Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention CANYON AND BURNS TEAMS PLAY BALL Twa bad Garnet of Baseball Were WitMSMf m the Bonn Duasse Sarardajr and SundayBwii WiMim Beth Cane. The two ball games between Burns and Canyon City played last Saturday and Sunday after noons were very good and were enjoyed by big crowds each day. Burns carried off both games but there was some very good ball played. Canyon lacked teats work as ft seems the team was a pick up and the players were not used to each other. The first game was a hot contest up to the sixth when Burns got down to business ami Ihe final score was 10 to 3 in favor of the home team. J. R. Stinson of Prine- ville acted as umpire in this game and the Canyon boys had Poster as pitcher and Johnson as catch er: The Burns hattery were Gould and Musick. The Sunday game was witness ed by a larger crowd. Harry Crawford acted as umpire the Burns battery being Clifford Reed and Musick. Canyon put McNaught of Baker in the box and Jake Blank catcher. There was some "rag hewing" in this game that does not set well with those who are not "on to" base ball and caused the bleachers to become more or less disgusted. One of the play that gave great est results in this game was by Dorman Leonard, affectionately called "Sandy" by his associates; he is the youngest player in the bunch but ho came to the bat at a very critical time and makinga safe hit brought in two men on the bases and turned the score in favor of his team. Jake Blank sustained an injury to his foot in the seventh inning caused by Sullivan stepping on it while trying for the home plate. The score was ft to 5 for Burns. "onawama band helped to make things lively for the Sunday game by turning out and giving some good music. The Canyon boys were a jolly bunch and mad many friends here. They express appreciation of their royal treatment and will no doub come over again at some future time for a series of games. THE ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING MONDAY Greater Interest Manifested in School Affairs Signified by the Attendance. Clerk's Report Show s Cost of New Building. Gault Elected Director, Blott Clerk. Tax Levy of 10 Mills The annual school mooting held laat Monday was attended by a greater number of voter and patrons than for several years, showing a decided increase in interest in the schools. The re port of the clerk brought out considerable discussion and ques tions which gave those present a chance to see how the affairs of the district had been cared for and the cost of the new school building which is the pride of this city. Some were under the impression that it had cost more money than it did and that the ' Difference between to- district was in debt to a much DISBUR8MENTS. Paid for teachers wages 6,100 00 Paid for gasoline and containers 906 20 Paid for fuel 606 90 Paid for janitor work 990 00 Paid for new school houses and sites 80,292 96 Paid on principal and in terest on bonds and warrants 7,276 21 Paid for insurance 619 80 Paid for clerks salary 860 00 Total disbursements 60,668 88 To THE FOUNTAIN AT THE Rexall Drug Store Where You Get The Heart There Is Reed Bros. Props. Tunnel Now Ready For Rails The big iunnel was completed Thursday, ready for the rails. The Utah Construction Co., have had a hard contract and have worked under many difficulties. Power, for drivinn the drills, was generated from coal hauled by teams from Vale for nearly a year prior to tne completion oi the road to Harper and beyond. Contrary to expectations water in large quantities was encount ered, compelling men to work with rubbers in the wet constant ly, which decreased their effici ency and made the work much more expensive. Rail laying will now be pushed to Riverside, and Junctura will soon be on the map as a com mercial and banking center. It is confidently expected that the July distribution of funds will pesmit the immediate rushing of the construction on to Odell, the contract for which has been let to the Utah Construction Co. Vale Enterprise. Tak. Plenty of Tim to Eat. There is a saying that "Rapid ealinji is low suicide." If you have formed the habit of eating too rapidly you un most iiKeiy suffering from indigestion or constipation, which will - result eventually in serious illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth. Food should be thoroughly mosticated and in salivated. Then when you have a fullness of the stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many severe cases of stomach trouble and constipation have been cured by the use of these tablets. They '"'-' easy to take and moat agreeable In effect For sale by all dealers. Send in for your Deering re pairs do nut wait until the last moment. We will get any thing you want and have it here on time. N. Brown & Sons.. greater amount than was sup posed. This, however, did not prove true. One matter that may have not been entirely understood was the warrant to G. W. Clevenger, one of the directors for a considerable amount It seems the school law does not permit a director to draw warrants but in this case the bills on file show it was de cidedly to the advantage of the district to have Mr. Clevenger order a portion of the furniture, as he is in the business and placed the furniture in the building at a ' very great saving to the district Several names were presented for director for three years, J. C. Foley, Simon Lewis, Frank Davey, J. L. Gault and J. W. Biggs. All declined except Mr. Gault who was elected without opposition. For clerk W. L. Blott and Frank Davey were placed in nomination with the result as follews: Blott 49, Davey 34. A special tax of 10 mills was levied for school purposes for the coming year. Following is the report of the clerk and also a table showing the cost of the of the new school building: total 9.476 36 to tal receipts and disbursements Amount of bonded debtedness 86,000 00 Amount of outstanding warrants 11,002 06 CRNSUS Number of persons between four and 20 years of age residing in district Novem ber 26, 1912 842 TBACHJDB8 Number of teachers employ ed during the year 8 Number holding life certifi cates or diplomas Number holding five year, one year, conuty end city certificates -, Number holding certificates of institute attendance dur ing the past year Number of school rooms in operation during the past school year MISCELLANEOUS Number of school houses in district Number pf school houses built during the year Number of months public school taught during the year Number of legal voters for school purposes in district at time of making this re iKrt Nov. 1912 Total number of library books loaned to public library FINANCIAL STATEMENT Cash on hand at time of making last annual re port June 1912 - RECEIPTS. 32,200 00 4.176 94 22,000 00 160 00 72 86 FROM BURNS TO PORT LAND IN 24 HOURS Nsw Railroad Schedule From Pertland ts Bess Oregon Trunk to Pal en Night Train Service Beginning Ssasay, Jsse 22od. According to an announcement in their Ad in this paper it will be possible for people of Burns to reach Portland in 24 hours after tomorrow when the Oregon Trunk will put on a night train service. This was urged upon President Young and his party during their recent visit to this place and will be a great convenience to the people of the interior of the state as time has always been a great drawback to trips out Now one may leave Burns one morning and be in Portland the following morning without inconvenience as they may take a sleeper at Bend and be rested and refresh ed upon reaching their destina tion. In fact one could spend an entire day in Portland and only be absent from Burns three days. This change in train schedule by the Oregon Trunk will prove very popular and no doubt beneficial in a financial way to the line. Received from county treasurer from district tax 6,8025H Received from county treasurer from county school fund 8,14120 Received from county treasurer from state Total 46,002 06 GENERAL' Number acres in school ground 2 $ 2,200 00 Estimated value of school house and grounds Estimated value of i scnooi iurniture ana apparatus . Amount of insurance on school houses and other property Average monthly sala ry of male teachers Average monthly sala ry of female teachers NEW SCHOOL HOUSE AND EQUIPMENT Contract price of new school house $28600.00 PaidBayles & McDon nald in excess of con tract price because of change in plans and specification Total paid Bayles ft Mc-Donnald Advertising notice to contractors ... Geer & Cummins, hard ware and well casing Smith & Swain, drilling well. C. A. Sweek, attorney in matter of bonding . Harney Valley Lumber Company Arthur Elliott architect J and supervisor. Eastern Oregon Engine ering Co. surveying Moore & Klopser, extra contract on stone work I rt g.u. w. uievenger, ior money adv., to W. ElectCo 283.81 A. Beckley & Son for concrete work G. W. Clevenger, money adv. for seats and supplies J. K Marshall for plumb ing tools G. W. Clevenger for supplies as per bills . on file 2478.99 G. W. Clevenger fox electric supplies . A. Dunn for moving gas engine T. H. Short, blacksmith work J. J. Lampshire for machine work H. Theis, carpenter work C. I eMay for painting 6. W. Clevenosr for supplies per hills, or I file C. H. Voegtly. hardware YY. M. autton, money adv. for dictionaries and maps , A. W. Gowan use of gas engine 340 8 18 1792.96 30292.96 30.00 108.64 269.60 60.00 846.78 1000.00 42.10 876.00 66.20 667.40 280.00 ats 3.00 12.60 11.26 460 68.00 201.63 48.70 136.66 40.00 CROPS LOOK GOOD IN SPITE OF DRY WEATHER Light Seeding of Grain Shows Best Results Two or Three Spring Har rowing Will Destroy Several Crops of Weeds. Day Spent at Experiment Station A Good Investment. school fund 676 62 Received from sale of bonds and warrants 28,600 00 Received from transfer . of bond money 390 21 Received from sale of school house and brick 8,168 19 Totul received 41,182 98 General labor, setting seats etc Total cost 887084.98 Cabbage and Radish Maggots Make Trouble Cabbage and reddish maggots are making trouble in every pat I of the state where these crops are grown. A. L Lovett assist ant entomologist at the Oregon Agricultural College, has made a special study of the pest, and ad vises prevention and cultural measures as more effective than remedial measures. As the maggot is under ground while at work, it is hard to con trol. It is advised that as soon as the best of the crop is harvest ed, all refused tops, roots and stumps all wild mustard and similar weeds about the field, be collected and destroyed, and the land plowed deep. Frequent hoeing about the plants exposes many young maggots and eggs to the sun. It is well, of course, to avoid planting on infested soil, and to establish a crop rotation there until the maggots are clear out. Tarred felt discs of one-ply tarred felt paper 24 in. across, slit from one side to the center and slipped on the plant and then pressed close to the stem against the ground, is the most success ful way of preventing the fly from depositing her eggs against the plant root. Lime slacked and diluted to a thin cream, with three pints of it to a gallon of water and u tablespoon of crude carbolic acid thoroughly stirred and applied with a sprinkler and a spray pump will form a slight crust on the surface of the soil about the plants and thus protect them pretty well. A small handful of kerosene and sand, mixed in the propor tion of a pint of kerosene to four Kallons of sand, placed about each plant is good, as is also air slaked lime with white hellebore powder, mixed ten parts lime to one of the powder, and dusted about the plants. Any of these must be renewed often to be of great assistance. Crude carbolic acid emulsion has In some cases given fair results. A pound of whale oil or laundry soap is disolved in a gallon of boiling water, and after taking from the fire a pint of the acid added. After a perfect emul sion is made by pumping the mixture together, this stock sol ution is diluted with thirty purls uf water for use and applied with a pump to the roots after the earth has been pulled back. In ten days the application should be repeated. In the same manner helebore decoction may be applied. It is made by steeping two ounces of white hellebore powder in a quart of boiling water half an hour and diluting with a gallon of water. In general, all the crops are this spring are beginning to grow looking well. This has been a nicely. very dry spring at the Station. For the convenience of visitors with practically no rainfall. Un-' the Station has been covered less the rain comes soon, whatever with signs showing where ever is harvested will be because everything is and what every of the cultivation given the land both this year and last Already it takes no practiced eye to see that the lighter seed ing of grain is going to make the heavier yield. To illustrate this point, both Winter and Spring grains have been sown at various rates. The dryland farmer must take care not to sow too thickly lest the plants exhaust all the moisture stored up in the soil in growing the leaves and straw, leaving none with which to de velop the grain. The winter rye sown last fall is all headed out and is running a race with the moisture supply in the soil to get the grain matured before the moisture is gone. It is going to be a close race as is easily seen by boring into the soil with an augur. Winter wheats, barleys, and emmers are just beginning to head. The field peas are begin ning to bloom. Some few varie ties in the variety test have pods two or three inches long. Potatoes, corn and millets are well up. Also the alfalfa is just up enough to show that there is going to be a good stand. Alfalfa is a warm weather plant and should not be planted until the ,; round is warm. In this way it makes a good stand, does not get a backset to hold it back all summer and in addition gives the farmer a chance to get his land in the very best condition physi cally. Also the two or three haiTowinga given during the spring will destroy two or three crops of young weeds which, with early planting of alfalfa, come up in the crop to cause much damage and trouble. The young fruit trees set out one of the four hundred and fifty different experiments and testa are. A day is a short time for anyone really interested in the future of this country to spend in going over the Station. Mr. Dry Farmer, and Mr. Wet Far mer too, a days work on the Experiment Station will pay vou a thousand dollars in the next five years, if you come with a mind to study the mistakes and successes that are being made there. Let the Experiment Stat ion make some of the successes and ALL the failures. Some of the Co-operators and Sub-Stations on the sandy lands report trouble with the wind blowing out and cutting off the crops. This has happened before and will happen again. The solution lies largely in getting away from crops that are easily destroyed in this way and into something that is hard to destroy. For this purpose, nothing is bet ter than alfalfa. Once this crop is started no wind will effect it. And when alfalfa is planted at the time it should be, the last of May or the first of June, there will be little trouble with the wind. The windy season here comes in the late fall and the spring. A good many of the people of Harney County have taken ad vantage of correspondence with the Experiment Station to get information on various subjects of interest to them. Many of these would have been of in terest to others as well. Every one should feel free to write at any time. I propose that we establish a question box depart ment in the local papers. From this time on, answers to questions submitted to me will be given in this paper, unless the questioner wishes only a personal reply. All questiong to be of agricultural. importance. THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters .Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rales BLUE MT. STAGE CO. Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City 8CHEDULE: LKAVK Hi-1 ii Canyon ( ity 1'rairia City t 'anynn City ARRIVE Sam Canyon City . 7am Prairfe City 2:30 p at 7pm Burn 6:110 p I 10 a ii. m City, 12 noun $ 6.00 11.00 841.76 Stop at the Burns Hotel when in this city where there is a fine cook and very best accommoda tions, tf 81. Shall Off Your Rhaumatiun. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty five cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. Mil i Fare, Hums-Prairie Round Trip, Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns PLEASANT, SCENIC ROUTE ALL THE WAi L. WOLDENBERC. Prop. THE- M WELCOME PHARMACY Offers You The Very Best Of Facilities -ii For filling prescription. We have a large and well assorted stock of prescription drugs--and competent Pharmacist to compound them. We have the agency for the well known . line of Nyal Family Medicines, Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time. J. C. Welcome, Jr. Prop.