Lerald eat Circulation Of Any la Harnay Ceunljr. k.Y. JUNK 14. ISIS ml News. for sale at the Blue Ice. rniore Bpent a tew during the week. am cup and saucer at & Store. 26tf is Walk-Over Shoe at isiactory owns. larsden came over ir Valley ranch the week. ktylo and inside ease. shoes, Brown's Satis- ajrency. Burns Hotel whan where there is a fine ry beat accommoda- tf81. sons of Geo. Younp itions at the hands iBon Tuesday ior nose. aish-American war 111 hold a meeting in ine at at z o'ciock p. It the office of Capt NATIONAL BANK OF fAl. AND SURPLUS IE BANK THAT MAKES $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS land son, Leland have tr to attend the grad- cises of St. FVancis id will bring Misses Ivelyn Fry home with Report Of The Condition o Tli. First National Bank At Burnt, Oregon, June 4th, 1918. T lawflaieam RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $350,632.31 U. S. Bend 41,000.00 Bonds and Securities 48,366.74 Premium on U. S. Bonds 1.956.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,604.92 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250J)0 CASH 124.44IJ.14 $576,044.11 LIABILITIES Capital $ 26,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 78,881.90 Circulation 26,000.00 DEPOSITS 447,212.21 $576,044.11 Oapltal and Surplus $ 1 OO.OOO. United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED for your Deering re K wait until the last fe will get any thing ind have it here on jwn & Sons. Hayes has been from Vale this week. Bted in the Venator He met with a tome from old time supply of good, clean Ifalfa seed may be lams Hardware Co's. is the time to get it y to sow when the soil are right. cil and his son Homer wn Tuesday, miss ras married in Port- Inesday of last week rere down for the lplemenLs will be in iber we dont keep ell them and our car i long, if you ask your mi will hurry ana get (car and be a Deering Brown & Sons. inson made a living ik county the fore week in which he banied by Judge H. Judge Levens pur ine Ked roil duii over iville country and the pw on its way here to Ine nerd oi pure orea Kodak time is here. Mrs. Fred Oakerman was in town this week. Walk-Over Shoes indoors and out-Brown's Satisfactory Store. Dr. Harrison operated on a little child of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hibbard Monday for adinoids. Your spring and summer suit can be found at Williams ZorI- mann Clothing Co's.. store. John Carey and wife and his mother were over from Crane Creek during the week. Root Com p. 10 tf was in town business Mrs. James Lampshire and daughters have gone to Eugene for an extended visit with re latives. They may be joined later by Mr. lampshire. The R J. McKinnon & Son Stage Co.. has made a passenger rate of $7.00 between here and Vale and will also haul freight for 2i cents on all consignments of 50 lbs. , or over. 26tf . Wrn. Stirling and daughter, Miss Nettie, arrived home Mon day evening. Miss Stirling has been attending school atCorvallis and was met in Portland by her father. P. S. Weittenhiller arrived home Wednesday evening from a business trip to Portland. He was a companied on his return by Miss Gertrude Gerstell who made a flying trip to Portland to see her father. Mr. Weitten hiller drove a new Ford run-about back from Bend for Archie Mc Gowan. Use Nyals Stone for the kidneys. Fred Otley Jr. Thursday. Brad Moss was a visitor during the week. Every roll of butter made at the Willowmere Creamery is labelled 'T. Allen Jones." Get one of those beautiful Japanse cups and saucers at the Rexall Drug Store. 26tf. Mrs. S. F. Hutton was over from her Wagontire home this week. Walk-Over Shoes will take you anywhere and back see them at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Thos. Hoswer was among our visitors from Harney the fore part of this week. Austin Goodman has a 5 horse power gasoline engine and 2-inch rotary pump for sale. 24-tf- , T. and Chas. to their real fore part of IES t ur Opportunity Is Now At Hand To Secure Your Choice Of The Latest be Silk, Silk Panama, Silk Pop- cashable Silk Voile, Gaze Mar- rge, Lennox Poplin, Stripea dine, Cambridge Zepher, Pan- Messaline, Silk Ratine, Ver- roile, Striped Taffeta, Windsor Vigeaux Serge, Laurette itung, Rufflings and Trimmings Nifty New Line has just arrived and will ready for your inspection the first of the week. Come early and take your choice while the variety lasts. Nothing later will be shown in Burns this season. SCHWARTZ literal Merchandise - nlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon C. Albritton Rohn made a trip estate holdings the this week. Lost -A ladies' gold watch Elgin works, monogram G. E. P. Finder return to this office and get reward. Dr. Harrison was called to see Mrs. James Pirie over at Cow Creek the fore part of this week and reports the lady quite ill. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR S S S S SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. " C. E. Stedelman, a young man who spent some time here last year, came in Wednesday even ing from Idaho. He was accom panied by W. H. Gess of Boise, who is looking over the country. 'Emmett Reed and family took their departure Sunday for Port land where it was their intention to see the Rose Festival and later go to Corvallis to visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Porter, Mrs. Reed's parents. They wil be absent an indefinite time. Mrs. Tillson Harrison and Mrs. Marray were hostesses to a party of their lady friends Thursday afternoon. Six tablos enjoyed 500" for a time which was fol lowed by dainty refreshments and some music on the Victrolla. Those present report a most de lightful afternoon. The table honors were awarded to Miss Lou Davey, Mrs. J. L. Gault and Miss Gerstell. The annual school meeting is to be held next Monday and every patron should attend the meeting and have a voice in the selection of officers as well as look into conditions of the district in a financial way. There is entirely too much neglect shown in this district and if we are to make our school more Buccenaiul and harmonious we should ul! toko the interest the school deserve!, There is a director to he elected and a clerk Some of those. mentioned far director are .). L. Gault, Dr. I,. E. Hibbard.. Dr. Elizabeth Ellis and I. Schwartz. Let all turn out for the school meeting. Ask for Walk-Over Shoes Brown's Satisfactory Store. Ht We do job printing. Use Nyals Rheumatic Remedy. W. L. Best was in town this week. Two-inch centrifugal pump for sale. -Chas. Wilson. Geo. CobB and wife were up from Valley View Wednesday. "w. H. Morrison has been haul ing wheat over from his farm to the flour mill this week. Don't give up until you have tried the Burns Department Store Lunaburg & Co. 29tf Born Wednesday, June 11, 1013, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oren, a son. Williams Zoglmann Clothing Co., make a specialty of cleaning, pressing and repairing. Fred Gehrung, N. Henney and C. V. Reed were among our Sun set visitors during the week. The Lunaburg Dalton & Co. Department Store have cut high prices and long credit 29tf J. R. Turner of Vale was re gistered at the Burns one day this week. It wouldn't be a bad idea for the residence portion of our city to be decorated on the 4th as well as the business houses. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone. 62. tf There will be a meeting of the Harney County Live Stock Pro tective Association at the Court House in Burns, on June 16th at 2 p. m., important business. Grant Thompson, President Sheriff Richardson left Thurs day morning for the railroad taking Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mickel who are enroute to Fish Haven, Idaho, to make an extended visit with relatives. Mr. Price Cochran writes that Harriman is going to have two days celebration the 4th and 5th. They are preparing for a big time with a big dance on the evening of the 4th the music to be furni shed by Miss Ethel Haines. John Robinson of Harney has started overland for Denver, Colorado, with his wife who is suffering from tuberculosis. He was advised by her physician to seek another altitude and climate as a means of prolonging her life and they have started on the journey. Leo M. Humphreys, of Moscow, Idaho, was here last week and looked over some of the Oregon & Western Colonization lands. He selected a half section out near the Hamilton and Loggan places and has just wired S. F. Johnson to closs the deal up as he is coming with his family. Mr. Humphreys will develop the place at once. , Dr. Harrison removed an ovari on tumor from Miss Agnes Sayer on Tuesday night at the Burns Sanatorium. The operation was successful and the young lady is recovering rapidly. Miss Her bert assisted in the operation and is nursing the case. Miss Sayer is a most estimable young lady and her many friends are pleased to learn she is on the road to recovery. 'Elmer McMannus, who has been with the Welcome Pharmacy for several years, except when in school, has resigned his position and will go to the Bear Valley ranch of By ram Bros., for the vacation period and expects to again take up studies in school in September, taking up medicine and kindred branches, Elmer is a very ambitious young man and will succeed. Kodaks at The Welcome Phar macy. At this season of the year there is always an effort made to get the hunters and fishermen to take out licenses. In this country the sentiment is opposed to the license because all the license money is expended in the western part of the state and the laws are mil such as to better the game and fish conditions here. Recently there was a case in Portland where a deputy got away with several hundred dol lars. The people in Idaho feel about th same way, but they do occasionally get a few trout plant ed. Over there they do not pro secute for anything except not taking out a license, all other offenses are overlooked, which looks, on the face of it, like the license money is the whole thing now and some one wants it bad. All sportsmen believe in the pro tection of game, but are opposed to petty larceny grafts. The whole thing should be taken out of politics. Ontario Argus. 4 Walk-Over Shoes at Brown's Satisfactory Store. H. F. Huntley was In town this week. Violet Dulcs Vanishing Cream at the Rexall Drug Store, 26tf. . C Volmer was registered at the French on Wednesday. Try Nyals Family medicine a The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf 'Jesse Vickers was down from his home Thursday. Baled hay, Bran and all kinds of grains at The Burns Dept Store. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Garrett, Thursday, June 12 1918, a daughter. Relinquishment for sale near Lawen, inquire at this office. 26-88. The Burns Hardware Co., has fresh onion sets in any quantity. 24 tf. JOHNSON-DALTON Every roll of butter made at the Willowmere Creamery is labelled "T. Allen Jones." Wanted to buy a second hand mower and rake. Ed Maher, Princeton, Ore. E. M. Garber, of the Indian sen-ice, who has been here for several weeks, has returned to headiuarters at Roseburg. 'Leonard Locher arrived home Thursday evening from Corvallis where he had been attending the O. A. C. the past winter. Get our prices on Studebaker wagons and buggies. We will positively make you prices that will get the business and we guarantee to sell you a Stude baker wagon or buggie at rail road price or less. N. Brown & Sons. T. M. Allen and family, who have been visiting at the home of Dr. Hibbard's for several weeks left last Wednesday for Echo, where they expect to live in the future. Mrs. Allen is a sister to Mrs. Hibbard. 'Relatives and friends have re ceived invitations to the graduat ing exercises of the Monmouth Normal school from the Harney county graduates. There are four young ladies of this county in the class this year. Misses Lenore Sizemore, Enid Cawlfield, Emma Johnson and BessieSwain. On the 4th instant the Com ptroller of the Currency for the third time this year, called on all national banks for a statement of condition. The Harney County National Bank statement pub lished in this issue shows the splendid condition of "Your Home Institution," with an in crease of business over the last call. 'The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dalton of this city was the scene of a very pretty wedding last Wednesday evening, June 11, when their daughter, Miss Ruby, became the bride of Ludwig M. Johnson, Rev. Dr. Babbidgf of the First Prctioytenaii church performing the ceremony in the presence of the relatives and a few invited friends. These young people are among the most popular of this section and they have a wide circle of friends. The bride was one of the graduates of this year's high school class and is a very sweet and accomplished young lady. She is a particular favorite in Burns having endeared herself to her acquaintances by her charming character. Mr. John son is connected with the Harney County National Bank holding a very responsible position and is a young man of high character. He has been prominent in social and lodge circles since coming to Burns and has been most active in the line of music, being a fine tenor singer and also manager of the Tonawama Band. He is highly esteemed by all his ac quaintances for his happy dis position and business qualities. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Helene Dalton, and E, Music was best man. An elaborate wedding supper followed the ceremony and dur ing the evening the "Treble Cleff Club" a vocal musical organiza tion of which the bride is a mem ber, and the Tonawama Band, of which Mr, 'Johnson is manager, serenaded them. There was also an impromptu serenading party went to the residence after at tending the picture performance at Tonawama. The invitations state Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home to their friends after July 1st The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON 0-3& United Stetei Dwaliu, Portal Sarbtai For e,of Or EXPLANATION OF FIGURES SHOWING OUR CONDITION JUNE 4th, 1S13 THE FIGURES WHAT THEY MEAN Capital Stock Surplus and Profit. Circulation 26,000.001 40,146.04 InTaeraaeat f slockhold.ri 1 a SUM! ftn i'"' wlta sar S8Slea ll in the hands Twweww i Deposits Total Loans 281,090.31 366,736.35 $ 178. 103.40 of the people. (Proof thai hundrode of Men and Women f I approve our standing and method,. safely placed for active circula tion In Harney County. U. S. Bonds & Pram. 25. 025.84 - Municipal Bonds A County Warrants 55, 145.84 j Hith Grade inreatm.nt. Furniture A Fixtures 3,852.77 Cash and Exchange 104,608.40 Total . 366,736.35 PUaaant, convenient accommodation for cuato u. Securities and facilities for prrar.pt diepatch of business. Raeatrra fond available to moot needa of dapoeltora. Amount on hand 37 par cent law require, IS par cant) remaining 22 par cant b eatra margin of security. The Celebration. Brown's Satisfactory Store has the agency for Walk-Over shoes. We carry the Florsheim shoe Williams Zoglmann Clothing Co. Testimony in the Venator con test case was taken here this week before M. A. Biggs as Bpecial referee with Mrs. W. L. Blott acting as stenographer. The government agents at Vale stated they had some important testimony to be taken in this county and Mr. Venator went to the expense of bringing several of his witnesses and his attorney, Geo. W. Hayes, here with the result that the government did not put a witness on the stand. This contest has cost Mr. Venator considerable money and other wise work to his detriment. It would appear that some of the field men in the land service are pretty active in causing trouble to men who are trying to secure land. There has been complaints respecting the activity of these special agents for a long time and it might be a good plan for the head of the department to do a little weeding out. You will find IT at the Burns Department Store. James Lampshire has just re ceived his first Indian Mote Cycle and considers himself fortunate in securing the agency for this famous machine, beiieving it to be the last word in motor cycle construction. With its cradle spring suspension, its silent powerful motor, its convenient and flexible control, its refine ment of detail and the highest possible grade of construction makes the Indian supreme. The cities have taken so kindly to the motor cycle that they now have not only a big field in the in dustrial world but are rivaling the automobile as a pleasure con veyance. The small cost for a high grade machine the great saving in time even over the automobile, the economy of both operation and maintenance the exhileration and pleasure afforded in riding, in creating a pheonemal demand for there machines, write for catalogue to Lampshires Garage, Burns, Oregon. The various committees have about completed arrangements for the big 4th of July celebra tion to be held in Burns. There are going to be three daysof fun, beginning the day of the 4th and covering over Sunday. Baseball games, horse racing, sports on the streets aed fireworks. There will be many people in from the surrounding country to celebrate with us and it is the intention to give visitors the best time they have ever had in this place at a celebration. Ses display ad for the program. Baptist Church. 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Church service. 8 p. m. Union service at Presbyterian Church. If Yon Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & HICKS, Props. -- Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon Presbyterian Church Tomorrow. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Union service in the evening. Cornelius Beebe will deliver the sermon. Special music by the "Treble Cleff Club" at both services. Walk-Over Shoes at Brown's Satisfactory Store. No. 2M Ktitorl of tlm ciintlltlim of lh FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP BURNS. la the mine of Oragun, at Ike iloee ol dual urea, June Uh tola. aaeouati. loena and Dlsoouuts. imam) M Overdraft, eocured and uuaec ured b.'AH uy V. a. Buaea to Mcure circulation Jn.uu) IX) U. . Boada taaeenr U. H. Urnualla 16.0110 00; n aerllre I'oetel Havlnga I.0U0 00 HI.INWUO other bonds to aerure ll H. Iiepotll I .Uiaeriirel'oalIHvlul,iMK) I.00UUU Premiums ou (! . Hvuda 1.SM00 Boada, aeeurlUaa, elo 47.HM 74 Hanking bouaa.furnllure and flsturve 7.SM Vi Other Keal Katate, owned Sol 00 Da trow National Banka (nut re eerr agent) U.IMi.M Due from male ud I'nvete Banka and Bankers, True' Contpaniua. aud Having Bank WSJ Due from approved reserve agents 7a,nul aft Cheek aad oilier naah ItenS w as Mole of other National Bauka I.1MIM Fractional neper ourreni), ulikeU. and oent. ' o l.twrui Mumv mn in Hank MSI H,.ecli. WV 7J.1 Ml Legal Trnder unto ft 00 aTPJH Hednttlun fund with D. H Treaeur r (ft par oant of alrouuttloa) 1.3M 00 Total Y.i..iiii ll busuittss. Uapllal alook paid In Surplus Undivided profile Ui-a gpin and uaeauald tt.mil tsi National Batik Note tiuletamlluK :'ft,tKi tat liuotoultter Natloual Banka 7,417 .'.-. Iiidlvtdualdpollauhjeol to shook -'I6,7U i.,UOU ul 7Ii,000 UO tJOOl 17 UN ft i 1)04 mi J.'.'ltO ,. it 'in .". I'JK.IN H ..mi ii tlMIIU'il Demand urtldratea of depoall Time Cerllnoata of depoalt. ifiliil.il thoi-ka I'eahlei aohaoka outstanding United State IxpotiM 1'oalal Havings DSDoatt Total BTATKOrOKKUON.f . t'otiNTY or Hahv, ' I.J.I, (lauli. tiaahlur of the ibov bauk. do eolmuuly swuar thai tin1 abovu stain liient Is true lolhe titiat of on Itnotvli'ilge and belief J. I. Uaim i. raalin -i Correct -Atleat: Q, A. lUlNg 11 A.HHVTII II VI HokTON Directors Subscribed audaworntu before me this (Olh day of June. 11. FHt 1UVIV, iHc.n Nclarr Public for Oreguii. Ask for Walk-Over Shoes Brown's Satisfactory Store. ut itPrSPHvaaaafJ SSB' '' . vy:TBrffeaTMfSBiaBaaaMB Bats I ii .Tiu ,1. CvreMeieAwovraa2!Tj9eB - Trr r ff ithBHT ' ' "SSkS " 5 ' Get In Your Order for Binder Twine Mowers, Rakes, Bucks and all kinds of Haying Tools Prepared to fill your Orders All kinds of Implements for the farm, wagons, engines, j pumps, shelf hardware, etc. I We handle the right kind of goods at prices that will appeal to your purse. We are receiving many consignments-more coming, so ask for what you don't see. Burns Hdw'e Company NEIL SMITH, Manager All the news in The Times-Herald for $2.00