The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 14, 1913, Image 2

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    M Together
1t '"'a' '- 3
You know what you want when ordering a
suit and we know HOW TO MAKE IT!
Combined with our knowledge of tailoring is our Co
operative plan of pleating both maker and wearer
Are not prohibitive and we will be delighted to show
you our Spring and Summer line of Woolen
Once you've visited our store you'll
be willing to admit the "Record
Smashers" for Fine Tailoring are
Clothing Company
Merchant Tailors and Leading; Clothiers
I. O. O. F. Building
- Burns, Oregon
f hf fftmes-lUraCd
siou of this industry the country
i will he benefitted to a more or
loss extent and the profits will
go to the farmers wbe ft be
longs. Other kindred iadnstrios
will follow the installation of this
ereamwy and mtfre money will
lu' kept at home.
Oa. Y.r
Six Month.
Three Mealha
Business Boomers
The difference between a
dead town and a live town is
the difference between dead
merchants and live merchants.
Some merchants are so dead
or free from enterprise that it
takes sizzling hot thrusts to
awaken enough life in them to
even penetrate the outermost
rim of business progress. They
will sit around endeavoring to
catch trade that comes to town
without offering inducements
to draw business. They tell
the public that they do not
advertise in the newspapers
but give their trade the benefit
of the little money they might
spend in advertising by giving
them more for their money
than the advertiser -which
they know is a falsehood. The
advertiser always gives more
and better goods for the money
than the merchant who doesn't
advertise, for the advertiser's
goods are turned quicker and
are always new and up-to-date.
Besides the advertiser is the
town boomer, while the non-
advertiser is the town sponger.
The advertiser, through the
medium of his ads, is reaching
out and bringing new people
to town to trade and is thus
both directly and indirectly
advertising the town. There
is a way in which every per
son trading in this town can
help the town and that is to
encourage' enterprise by pat
ronizing the merchant who
does advertise. That's one
f to boom a town that should
tiac uui aujllll clliuil.
Agency for Walk-Over Shoes
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
After The Holstein Cows
The Parker boys leave this
morning for Prairie City where
they go to bring in the Holstein
dairy stock recently purchased
by the Harney County National
Bank for distribution among the
farmers of this county. There
are It head of stock and they
will be received here next week.
Sam Bickley goes out with the
boys as cook.
' Considerable inquiry has been
had respecting these cattle and
there is very little doubt but
they will meet with ready sale
and will be a source of revenue
to the owners at once.
Every roll of butter made at
the Willowmere Creamery is
labelled "T. Allen Jones."
will be set up and taken to
Burns under its own power.
With it will go a carload of gang
plows and n car of gasoline.
It is estimated that it will require
six days to move the machinery
from Bend to Burns.
When in operation, the cater
pillar machine will plow 18 fur
rows at once. 1 1 can turn over
30 acres a day, but I ho owners
intend to run it day and night,
making its capacity GO acres.
Strong headlights have been pro
vided to make night work
Baldwin and Halloway will
sow their own land to wheat,
Try Alma
Perfume at
Zada The Hygrade
the Rexall Drug
Ml f.
Those desiring the service of a
Jersey bull may find one at the
J, R. McKinnon barn.
Dr. Griffith removed adenoids
and tonsils from two children of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Golden this
Ir. Hibbard wishes to thank
those who favor him for school
director but it will be impossible
for him to serve in that place.
Mrs. W. 0. White and her
children loft this morning for
and beside; doing plowing under California where they will join
make their
contract for their neighbors, will
cultivate their 2500 acres in
systematic manner -Oregon ian.
Hnvogpu seen Williams 7.ogl
mann Clothing Co's., ad in this
Baseball This Afternoon.
I P. S. Weittenhiller left yester
Three nuto loads of Canyon City morning for Prairie City
Mr. White and will
home in that state.
'D. H. Smyth, "Rye", came in
last night from Corvallis where
he has been attending the 0. A. C.
He will visit friends here for a
day or two before going on to
his home in Happy Valley.
people came over yesterday in
cluding the team and bast ball
fans to play with the local hoys
this afternoon and tomorrow
afternoon. We have not been
able to get the lineup as the
captain and manager came in lato
and were not on the street this
morning early enough to get it
Tlmv have a good strong team,
however, and we are going to see
two fast games of ball.
The local team will give a dance
at Tonawama tonight right after
the picture program. The pictur
es will bo put on as early as pos
sible and the program will be as
usual the reels being run through
twice, then the seats moved back
and dancing begin at once.
where he goes to meet his child
ren who are coming from Spokane
to make their home here with
him. He will arrive home this
Attorney J. E. Marks and John
Muldrick came over from Canyon
City with the baseball team yes
terday and went over to Drewsey
this morning to look after some
real estate interests of Mr.
Pigs for sale at John Marshall's
Harney, Oregon. 2Gtf.
Mr. and Mrs. P.
in town this week.
Agency for Walk-Over Sho s
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
Albert Oakerman and wift
in the city from Riley.
Use Nyals Cough medicine
for baby's cough. 10 tf
Slant Tyler and wife weiv in
from their home this week.
The Times-Herald is informed
tha,t the aged father of Judge
and Oren Thompson died at his
home in Eugene the fore part of
this week. His sons had gone
down but his death occurred the
day before they arrived. -Deceased
was a highly respected
pioneer of that section.
'A. E. Murphy came over from
Iron Mountain yesterday and will
meet his wife and daughter who
H. Gray were are expected in from Seattle this
evening. Mr. Murphy says he
has been having considerable
trouble with cut worms out at
his place, the pests having de
stroyed a vast amount of crops.
Paradise. Mr. Stinson informs
The Times-Herald that the 'phone
service between here and Prine
ville is in a bad way and has been
the cause of quite a loss to his
company during the past week,
lack of communication having in
terfered with some sales.
The Times-Herald man made a
short tour of the upper part of
the valley by way of the Experi
ment Farm fh campany with
Frank Johnson and family and
Chas Streff of Stayton yesterday
afternoon and found crops look
ing much better than last week
when on a similar trip. The sta
tion crops show a decided im
provement but Supt Breithaupt
has written some very interest
ing notes of the station that will
describe conditions better than
the writer. These notes are up
in type but are crowded out to
day and will appear next issue.
The party visited the soene of
activity on a section near Chas.
McPheeter's place where Mr.
Weittenhiller is having some
plowing done. It gives one an
idea of what this big valley will
be soon when all under cultivation.
ShaU. Off Your Rh.umallam.
Now is the time to get rid of
your rheumatism. Try a' twenty
five cent bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment and see how quickly
your rheumatic pains disappear.
Sold by all dealers.
II' li.l ! Of Hi'- I
oii.IIIIcih of ihe
I 'Bill Hanloy arrived home
I Thursday evening from Portland
I accomiHinied by Col. C. E. S.
Wood and Mr. O'Reilly. The
party left again last evening for
t Duma, hi thelftats nl Orofon, at IB closs of
business, J una 4. I'na.
t.iMiil ami I'lfe'uunln lin.MIW
Overdrafts, i utfil ami unsecured AM 19
I H . Donna 10 secure plreulalloii III.MOOO
I'. H. Hun, l. to secure Postal Having MMOO
Premium on I' H. Honda !MH
.loud". Mil mill, a , l, '-',.146 S4
Nanking houaa. furniture anil Hi I urea Mtt Tf
lua from Nations. Hanks (not rr
aery agents) t4,Mo7t
Due from inruvd reserve scent 40,71
t'liecke and ollur rash Heine P2JKI 07
Notre of other National llanke MM
Predion) paper currency, nlrkela
anl rente 43 M
l irril. Monsv Hjueevk ix ll.
Vl: j
Hneclo K4.1I7M
Ugal Tender Notee r.Mio 24,71? M
Kedemptliiu fund with r M I raaenrar,
( 11 i Ml of .Inula! hill) (71 00
New dress goods just arrived
including latest fabrics shown
Embroideries and Insertions
New Attractive Spring Shoes
King Tailored Waists Stylish
And Very Popular At
Hume. Oregon, Mar 33 111.1
Nolle ! hereby given that Charles M laels.
of Narrows, Oregon, who on, March It, ieo7 and
Ken II, 1911. respectively, made Homestead
Kntry No ttft7 irlal tuttt) and No. ufcffl. for
HWU, HWi.NtvV K'VtFfij and NvV'iHK'.,,
nwrllon (,, Tnvrnahii. 21 H , Range ft K ,
Willamette Meridian, has filed nolle el In
lentlon to make Anal five year ! establish
Calm to the land above daerrlhed, before Keg
later anil Receiver, at Rums, Oregon, n tho
17th day of July, lllll
claimant nameaas witnesses:
BartboM Niche), Hugh M. Tipton, Nianton
Tyler. William Kay, all of Hume, uregoa.
Wm. Kik. Il.-Kle er
The famous Walk-Over Shots at .Juntura and other points to the
The attack of Mr. Hill and
others on the methods of the U.
8. Reclamation Service, while a
little late, may result in some
good at least. This notion should
have been taken long before as
then it would have been possible
to find projects where a more or
less amount of vacant land could
have been served and the money
applied to great benefit without
any question arising as to the
provisions of the law. Now it is
impossible to find vacant land of
sufficient quantity to justify, yet
uje money migni De used on
lands already taken and thus
bring results.
Fresh home made lard
Hansen's meat market.
17c at
The proposed co-operative
creamery by the Farmers' Union
is a move in the right direction
i wm vne introuucuon or more
dairy cows in the county under
taken by the Harney County
National Bank makes it possible.
There is very little danger of an
over production in this line of
business at present -and should
there be the possibility of trans
porting it to the railroad is not
uch an item as would tffecl
other products. With an erteti
"Caterpillar" and Gang
Plows to come to Burns
Caterpillar engines and gang
plows now will rescue the fertile
acres of Central Oregon from
the sagebrush and the bunch
grass. The first such machinery now
is on its way to the Harney Val
ley. It will be operated by Leo
nard M. Baldwin and Ed Hallo-
way, experienced farmers, who
bought it in San Francisco last
They will plow 2600 acres of
their own land, which they re
cently bought from the Oregon
& Western Colonization Company,
and have contracted to plow
large acres for neighboring far
mers. The Oregon & Western
Colonization Company has ar
ranged to have a whole section
640 acres plowed under and
sowed to wheat, preparatory to
breaking it up into tracts of '10
and 80 acres each, and disposing
of these tracts to individual far
mers. "Bill" Hanley will plow a sec
tion of his land in the same man
ner, merely by way of experi
ment and to encourage the enter
prising farmers who have in
troduced the .caterpillar mach
"It is the best thing that has
happened for Central Oregon in
ft long time said Mr. Hanley
yesterday. "The country is too
big to be plowed by the ordinary
method with horses.
' 'I hope that this caterpillar is
only the first. We can use scores
of them. There is a lot of money
in it for every fellow who in
troduces the caterpillar plows.
It will make Central Oregon a
wheat-growing country. That's
what we need there now -more
diversification of crops and p o-
The land secured by Baldwin
and Halloway is near the experi
mental station recently establish
ed by the State Agricultural
College at Burns, and within
four miles from the village of
The machinery will be shipped
to Bend by rail. There the,engfn
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
For Sale Two broke general
purpose horses. Chas. Wilson.
Harmony Arbutus Complet-lion
Cream at the Rexall Drug Store.
Oscar Breithaupt and wife
were up from their homestead ern Colonization Co. . arrived here
durmg this week. yesterday evening accompanied
Walk-Over Shoes for comfort by his wife, J. A. Miller, of Spo
and service Browns Satisfactory kane, a brother-in-law to P. S.
Store. Weittenhiller; and Wm. Date, of
east and will likely return to
Portland by rail. We had no op
portunity to interview Mr. Hanley
but from the pictures in the
Portland papers he has been hav
ing a lovely time.
J. R, Stinson, Prineville repre
sentative of the Oregon & West-
Walk-Over Shoes season's dain-1
tiest designs, correct, refined, ;
tasteful, at Brown's Satisfactory j
4, 5 and 6
Early Morning Salute.
Grand Parade Horseback.
Carriages and Autos Cash
Prizes for Best Decorations
Overture Mrs. Dodge' Orchestra
Opening Address . President Grant Thompson
Chorus .... Several Voices
Oration . Hon. Claude C. McCullock. of Baker
Chorus Orchestra Accompaniment
Closing Remarks
Chorus "America" Audience Joining
Baseball between two best Harney county teams
outside Burns; Horse Racing at Fair Grounds;
Juvenile Sports on Main St.; Fireworks at the
Baseball Park.
JULY 5 Baseball between Burns and Sumpter
Horse Baclng.
JULY O Trap Shooting forenoon; Baseball,
Burns vs. Sumpter; Horse Racing.,
i-.l.llal stock pai.i In tt.OOOQO
Hurplila Kun.1 . 4U.O0OW
1 udlvlded profile, lees cinrnre ami
tales 1.41.1 lt 04
Saftwual haul, notes utsismllne m .40)00
Individual deposits subject to cheek 5.M It
Time lertirU'eteeol deposit . .VJ.0BJ0
lir.lCI,., k. .... 164 00
' lil.r a riirrke imlaland.lig 1,04411
I'.tttal ntlHKla.o.ll 17667
Intel 1966,736 66
ttTATK or llUKiiU'.'
i mum nl Hams', m
1, I etui l union. Cashier ..I ihe
named bank, -'. eoleinnly swear that the above
ststeoient Is true l Ihe liesl uf my knowledge
a Ml belief
I, son M. Haowa, Cashier
obstrlhed sud iwoni to Iwkirs ins this Itlh
ilar of June, 11:1
A. W iluw.M
.leal) Notary fablle.
Correct A Keel
('. r. M. KlNNSt
U. A lire a,, li.
Ill tin- Ciuinty ('mm of I lie State uf
OflgOfi. lor lluriicv ("riunty.
In tho Mattel of the I'e'nto ol George
Onciil, elevens' I
Noliii- i. hrn-liy ".iu-n Unit the final
.ii-i'oiini nl the excviitui of the cftnte of
l.iurwi' lineal, ilrrenaeil, lint 'well rtml
.it'll l , iiiurt hr atit lli'inrnt. and
tint M'.mlnv the 7th titty of July, 11113, metlt
l ten o clock it. in., him lieeil (Inly ap
pointed liy said court for the AeUtlement
thereof, nt which time any person in
tercntctl in said estate may appear and
lite his exceptions, in writing, to said
MMtjejt anil contest (lie same.
Hal. I this 7th day of June l'.M.'l
Oi V i Dbinkwatu,
It levator
Notice is hereby iriven that the
County Superintendent of Harney
County will hold the regular ex
amination for applicants for State
and county papers at Burns,
Oregon as follews:
Commencing Wednesday, June
18. 1913. at 9 o'clock a. m.. and
continuing until Saturday, June
21, 1913, at 4 p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon - Writ
ing, II. S. History, Physiology.
Wednesday Afternoon- Physi
cal Geography, Reading, Com-
ition. Methods in Reading,
ethod in Arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon A r i t . h -metic.
History of Education, j
Psychology. Methods in Geo
Thursday Afternoon- tram
mer, Geography. American Lit
erature, Physics, Methods in
Language. Thesis for Primary
Friday Forenoon Theory and
Practice. Orthography, English
Literature, Chemistry.
Friday - Afternoon School I aw
Botany, Algebra, Civil Govern-
Trousers, Dress Shirts, Work
Shirts, Ties, Shoes and Hose
Spring nd"summer
Underwear For The
Men and Women
Full new line of Ginghams
Percals, Lawns Etc.
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Burns, Harney Co. Oregon
Wheat Potatoes
Saturday Forenoon Geometry,
Saturday Afternoon -General
History, Bookkeeping.
L. it Alderman,
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
University of Oregon
June 23 to Aug. 1, 1913
Twenty-five Instructors, Fifty Courses.
Distinguished Eastern Educators Added Regular
Faculty. University Dormitories Open. Board and
RoonVat $3.50 per week. Reduced Railroad Rates.
For Complete Illustrated Catalog, Address
The Registrars University of Oregon, Eugene
Return Limit October 31
OregonTrunk Rv
Have arrived and we are now ready to
supply you with your requirements
have been added and all goods will be
The Burns Department Store
Baltimore $107 50
Boston 110 00
Buffalo 92 00
Chicago 72 50
Colorado Springs 55 00
Denver 55 00
DesMoines 65 70
Detroit 88 50
Duluth QO 00
Indianapolis 79 90
Kansas City 60 00
Milwaukee $ 72 50
Mineapolis 60 00
New York 108 50
Omaha 60 00
Philadelphia 108 50
Pittsburgh 91 50
St. Louis 70 00
St. Paul 60 00
Toronto 92 00
Washington 107 50
Winnipeg 60 00
The train leaving Bend 6:45 A. M., Redmond 7:24 A. M Tais
ElnTu:M A- M-,rrefA- MetoliusaaOA. M., MadrJ
8.40 A. M.Maupin 10,48 A. M., makes direct connection at Fall
bridge with limited train But via Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry
iTHn schedules and other details will ho furnished of rmi,it i
AirffftlYA phcnvat eteti uWntim. am.. i .,
-.---,- -..w. ,""? t""M wr ucrummouauons
Baggage checked and Bleeping
through to destination if desired.
R. H. CROZIER. i h rv-iaa a..
Aiil.Gtn'IPau A..r.i Pt.-.l n,. f . .-7
..,., -...., --.,,. oend. Ore
W. C WILKES, Awt. Gen'l Freight & Pa... Agent. Portland, Or
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and J tol.v days
of obligation Holy Mass with
, sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
ut 7 a. in.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
Direct connectiona south via
A. H. CURRY, Prop.
Uavos Harnman Monday and Thuradsf
tie. arrives Wednesday and Saturday
sch week, connecting with southern
line to Denlo. Winiiemucca, etc.
Sums Mel No. 7s
Evening of the 4th
One Round of Good Time 3 Days
The only up to date Hotel in Harney County
Hot and cold water, bathy, toilets, wide crened in
porches; nice ehany lawn, fiaaing and hunting near.
Accommodation, for 60 guests everything for com
fort and enjoyment, only white help, home cooking.
Peel Room and Firat-Cla Bar In Connection
Special Rate. Given to Fishing and Hunting Partie.
All Invited and welcome to the N0TICE FOR PUBLICATION.
divinejservices. Oam. !.,. owe.
Sick-calls promptly answered .XXuS' ??
waey ei ..vii(iuun miulMHl-
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Rev. Pius Niermann. O. P. M.
Pastor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
Always ready for joh printing
IJaree. . , ..V "!"". .. ".""". , V"
ol lbs it ' 'l
l i.ligruse. epi.i ,.,,! lUi, lyiM.liaI Jef i Si
Nouihaaai qnste. " Jisrie o
hoiiih i Rsanthlri) ittl. Kfitaa i oi'h'h
Inmetle frhii'Tiia. Merlillaa MataTiV ,. ,,
o.ialulu(orl 4U aires ' ' l,r,SUB'
eresly lite
Uueral &Z&EJr8T&
lAHUi !' Il'fsous ulaliiitiia uu
lauds dsaotTbed or u, .,,
,' "! lb. imb Uaol Jussietl!
" rth" "--"-