The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 14, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest City In The Biggest
The Biggest County In The State
County In The State Of Oregon I
Of Oregon, Bert In The Wert I
NO. 31
-v r"sT - (rf vW
metal ii
l v.
tident Young, of Hill Lines, Enthusi
astic Over Future of Inland Empire
Much Impressed With The Harney
County Experiment Farm Amazed
At What Has Been Accomplished
i Portland Telegram says
rhis first tour through Cen-
id Southeastern Oregon,
lent J. H. Young of the
jnes, is nreu wun optimism
je future greatness of this
sloped empire, whose mag-
and possibilities he has
realized until now. More
miles of the expansive
tary of the state were cover-
automobile by the W. L.
irty, which broke up at
Idaho, last night Presi-
Coung, Uhiel engineer A.
ifer. Colonel "Bill" Han-
Burns; W. P. Davidson, of
egon & Western Colon iza-
Mnpany.and F. W. Graham,
krn industrial and immigra-
Bnt of the Great Northern,
in the party that came to
id, while Mr. Hill and the
headed directly for the
tains the farm. Hundreds of
varieties of crops are being rais
ed, and all of them are doing
nicely. There are over 70 varie
ties of field peas being grown.
The farm buildings are substan
tial and attractive; it is equipped
with an electric lighting system,
has a good water system. Sup
erintendent L, R Breithaupt
showed us over the entire tract
and explained what was being
done to attract the interest of
farmers in that part of the coun
try in adopting scientific methods
in agriculture.
The short course given at
Bums last February gave a great
impetus to hundreds of farmers
who attended. Special attention
is being paid to dairying, hog
raising and alfalfa-growing down
mere, tiarney county appropn-1 mwi
nted15,00Otid the state flfctn-trWt number of the Oregon
Oregon Pure Seed Law
Is Beat Ever Enacted
"This Oregon pure seed law is
the latest and probably the beet
of its kind ever enacted, but un
fortunately the legislature, pro
bably through some of its com
mittees unfamilar with the work
of Med examination, cut the ap
propriation required for carrying
on the seed testing work in two,
reducing the fund to such an ex
tent that it will be practically
impossible to carry out the speci
fic provisions of the law itself,"
says Prof. H. D. Scudder of the
Oregon Agricul tural College
omy department in the cur
published by the
in that part of the state. Local
banks shipped inseve-al hundred
was the most valuable edu- hogs and two carloads of Holstem
ktour I have ever taken, " cows, and sold them to the farm-
jident Young this morn-, era at cost and on easy terms.
I'and to say that I am aston-j and these two industries are
it what we saw and heard being developed rapidly and with
.. .. ! i a tt
tting It mildly. We took marKeu success.
I at Bend and went to iteti-1 The party was entertained by
thence to Prineville, over, the Burns Commercial Club and.
irns ana uniario. ana to a big boosting meeting was neiu
fell and Nampa.
e of the most impressive
of the tour was the in-
trip to the new experi-
l farm just outside of Burns j
sy County. Here is a tract
acres set aside for inten-
nd scientific development
(the most up-to-date meth-
be land was selected after
investigation, and after
I of 600 miles through the
l search of the poorest land
one evening, which was attend
ed by practically every citizen of
Burns. They have adopted a
new slogan down there. It runs:
Some say "Corn s King,"
But we say alfalfa's the thing.
Cu'l Kcae It Scrt
The splendid work of Cham
berlain's Tablets is daily becom
ing more widely known. No such
grand remedy for stomach and
en made. It is amazing liver troubles has ever been
has been accomplished known. For sale by all dealers.
'Strange to say, the pure seed
laws of Nebraska, Washington.
and several other states had the
same experience when they were
passed, and while each of these
laws was excellent they could
not be effectively carried out, so
that in each case they were taken
before the legislature a second
time and the appropriation in
creased," he continues.
"However, hereafter as far as
the appropriation will permit, the
state itself will protect the farmer
by permitting the sale of audi
agricultural seeds only as are
pure and of good germination
qualities and fit for the farmers'
use. livery farmer of the state
should read the provisions of this
law in order to aid in its enforce
ment and understand its protec
tion. "The sum total of the work
done by the seed testing labora
tory has resulted in an important
conclusion, that the farmer, with
every means of protection at
hand, will not protect himself.
The laboratory has fully demon
strated in the four years of its
service that it can supply the
farmer and seedsman with ex
actly the information they require
immediately upon being asked,
in other words, give tnem ex
actly the protection they need."
Interesting Scenes in Harney County
Seen by Thousands and Thus Bring
Attention to Our Development and
Possibilities. Cattle Round-up and
Other Attractive Features Added
The following waa taken from W Mr. Hanley had his "buck
the Sunday issue of the Journal aroos round up 2000 head of
lh"hJnatTL 'tr'" cattle to give the world some
idea of the cattle industry of cen
tral Oregon. Clear lake was ael
some tine views of the Hanlev
holdings as well as the big herd
of cattle he had gathered up to
make the moving picture which
was given mention in these
columns a week or so ago. Mr.
Hanley believes the moving pic
ture will bring wide publicity to
the Central Oregon country and
therefore took particular pains to
give the machine the very b at
chance possible. It will result
in wide publicity to this sectien:
William Hanley, of Burn, one
of the men foremost in the devel
opment of Oregon and the Ameri-'
can nortnwest in genera . waa
New Laws That Want Into
Effect This Month.
Many new laws went inte:
effect in Oregon the first of this
The full crew law is one of
them, requiring three brakemen
on all main line freight trains.
The new gun license law be
comes effective too, but this law
does not effect citizens. Aliens,
those who hav not declared their
intentions, those who cannot be
come citizens, must first secure a
gun license costing $26 from the
state game warden and can then
apply for hunting and fishing
licenses. It is a misdemeanor
This May be a Burning Question With
American People as World's Supply
Steadily Diminishing. Banker Ex
horts Aid in Restoring Cattle by
Banks Helping to Restock Farms
ected for the scene since it gave
an idea of the extentof the coun
try and offered an excellent place
for the branding scenes. To
reach the roundup required a trip
of half a day over the old immi
grant trails and lake beds, but it
gave the operator an opportunity
to secure more cattle in one herd
than has ever been used before
in the making of industrial scen
es in this country.
During the week the Pathe re
presentative spent in central
In after years the burning
rorsucn persons to apply for the question for the American people
uniiiiiK license wunout nrst nav-1 may j.
inn 'iuumiiuu me gun license.
asked this question a few days 0reon ne secured several thou-
jntrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
Irst Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call
urns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
teef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
adcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Wholesale and Retail
ompt and Satisfactory Service
ur Kaironge zoiicuea anu
ders Given Quick Attention
xall Drug Store
Market Report
Receipts for last week at the
Portland Stock yards have been;
Cattle 1676; Calves 49; Hog 5189;
Sheep 6827.
The cattle market is very slow.
A combination of circumstances
has beared prices and there is
not as strong demand for beef as
the previous week. Extreme
high water has caused many cat
tle in the vicinity of Portland to
be liquidated before the usual
time. Heavy shipments from
California and Utah has Oiled
the yards. Best steers are sell
ing at $7.25 to $7.60; cows $6.26
to $6.60; bulls $5.60 and calves
$8.00 to $9.00.
The Hog trade held strong un
til Friday. Receipts have been
very liberal and the market is
from 5c to 10c lower. Best light
swine steady at $8.40.
An uneven sheep market ruled
for the six day period ending
Saturday. There is a fair de
mand for fat mutton, which is
very scarce. The bul k of recei pts
contained nothing but poor sheep
and lambs: which are slow to
move. Yearlings are quoted at
$5.60 to $5.75; two year olds
$6.50; Ewes $4. 75 and best spring
lambs are steady at $6.60 to
Long Auto Trip
H. Arnold and wife and Wm.
Cordon urrived here Tuesday
from San IVancisco in little Ford
cars, having made the entire
distance with gocd success.
These people an- artists and are
"What, in your opinion, is the
greatest thing we can do to ad
vance Oregon the next twelve
months?" His answer was; "Leg
islation and moving pictures."
"The motion picture is the uni
versal language." declared Han-!
ley. "It's the message that all
nations understand," he continu
ed, "and if we conduct a cam
paign to set Oregon and the en
tire northwest in motion all over
the civilized globe it will not only
give a correct idea of the
country, but will show all our
industries on the move, farming
conditions as they actually exist
and best se: ve to show the mass
es the wonderful opportunities
awaiting homseekers, investors,
manufacturers and business men
in general in Oregon and other
states of the northwest"
Accepting Hanley's invitation
to visit his famous ranches of
the central Oregon country, Lloyd
McDowell, of the publicity bu
reau of the Hill lines, had in his
party Ralph Earle, northwest
representative of Pathe's weekly,
a motion picture record of events
of international interest and a
film that is seen each week by
more than 20,000.000 people of
the United States and foreign
When the nurty reached Burns
Hanley became director of the
tour and piloted his guests over
more than 700 miles of the cen
tral Oregon country, gave the
operator a view of Harney and
Rlitzen valleys, staged a cattle
roundup with 2000 head of fine
stock and explained to what use
he expected to put the big irriga
tion ditch through the Blitzen
After 16 years of labor Hanley
has completed what is easily the
Erie canal of Oregon through the
heart of the Blitzen valley. This
great ditch, formed by using the
waters of the Blitzen river and
straightening the csnnal in many
places, now gives a waterway 40
miles long. 80 ft wide and 10
feet deep, draining 100,000 acres
of land. The swamp lands of
the valley have been reclaimed
and Mr. Hanley says there is
now room lor 20,000- people in
this valley without rubbing el
bows. The canal crosses the
pii-Hcnt survey of the Oregon
Trunk railroad and empties into
traveling over the country paint- Harney lake.
ing pictures and viewing the , Following the canal for the er-
sand feet of film which will serve
to exploit Oregon in a moat favor
able manner all over the world.
Besides the scenery of the country
panoramas of the great valleys,
cattle scenes and farm life, the
operator made pictures of the
hogs snd sheep, and street scenes,
in order to give a connection
motion picture store of the
Near Burns several home
steaders had just reached the
country from the middle west
and the motion pictures will show
the families preparing their new
homes In central Oregon. Immi
grant trains were also secured
and through Hanley's coopera
tion and knowledge of the country
motion pictures have been secured
that will serve to give the best
idea possible by th. use of pict
ures of opportunities on the lands
of central Oregon and especially
the free lands which Uncle Sam
offers to homeseekers under the
new three year homestead act
Louis W. Hill, chairman of the
board of directors of the Great
Northern railway, is a great be
liever in the motion picture to
exploit a new country and through
his cooperation the larger con
cerns have been enable to secure
many valuable subjects in Oregon,
Washington, Montana and North
Dakota the last year.
"The presence of representa
tives of big motion picture con
cerns like the Pathe company in
Oregon will result in world wide
publicity for the state." said Mr.
Hill at Burns on his recent trip
and many industrial and scenic
subjects secured the last few
months have been suggested by !
oar. nui 10 in into the campaign
he is making to bring the Ameri
can northwest to the attention of
the world.
Such foreign-born unnaturaliz
ed citizens cannot have in their
possession firearms of any de
scription in any tent car or camp,
nor in the fields or forests.
Other laws that became effect
ive are:
The inheritance law is changed
bo that in the event a person dies
leaving neither husband nor wife
nor lineal descendent. his nro-
perty descends in equal shares to
his father and mother. Hereto
fore the father has been the heir
to the exclusion of the mother.
The salary of circuit judges of
the state is increased from $3000
to $4000 per year.
Hereafter any person who shall
sell intoxicating liquors to habit
ual drunkards, or intoxicated
persons, shall be liable to the
wife, husband, parent or child of
such intoxicated person for all
damages resulting in whole or in
part therefrom, and the act of
any agent, employe, bartender
or servant is deemed the act of
his principal.
It is made a misdemeanor to
sell adulterated ice cream, and
that commodity is declared to be
a product made from pure, whole
some, sweet cream and sugar,
'Where are we to get
our beef?" We have been dis
cussing this question spasmodi
cally for some years, but have
comforted ourselves with the
Mr. Traylor exhorts bankers to
aid restoration of our cattle sup
ply by financing the stocking of
farms in the corn belt with cat
tle and by stopping the slaughter
of calves, which last year totalled
8,000.000 head. Development of
the small herd to take the place
thought that we could import it. of range cattle is his remedy for
Then we have turned to talk of 1 the evil and in its favor he cites
trusts, tariff, Bull Moose Dartv "e advantages of livestock farm-
woman suffrage, while our butch-
i t.,11
er h 0111 ran up.
ing as expressed
1 does not name:
by a writer he
with or without flavoring, with
the adidtion of not to exceed one
per cent by weight of milk fat,
and the acidity shall not exceed
3-10 of 1 per cent; and sweet
cream in this connection is de
fined to be the pure, wholesome
pioduct of cow's milk.
Hereafter no county clerk can
issue a marriage license unless
the applicant shall file a certificate
from a physician, duly authorized
to practice medicine within the
state, made under oath within
ten days from the date of filing
the same, showing that the male
person thus seeking to enter the
marriage relation is free from
contagious or infectious venereal
Neglect on the part of a hus
band to support his wife or child
ren is made a felony and such
neglect may be punished by con
finement in the state prison for
not less than one year nor more
than three years, or by imprison
ment in the county jail for not
less than 30 days nor more than
one year.
The state board of horticulture
is given authority to declare a
quarantine against the pest
known as the alfalfa weevil, an
insect which is doing great dam
age to alfalfa, clover, vetch and
similar forage plants, especially
in Utah and Idaho.
Yon Get The Best There Is
Reed Bros. Props.
scenery. Mr. Arnold is. a friend
of Fisher, the newspaper artist
who has made "Mutt and Jeff"
From a conversation with them
we find there is a competitive
contest between artists to be de
cided at the fair of 1915 and these
people are gathering material
for the exhibit to be made at
that time. Mr. Arnold says there
were six earn left San Francisco
together but the bigger cars
could not htund the bad roads
and the Fords were the only ones
to reach here.
The party will remain here for
a short time and will then go on
it being their intention to visit
Idaho and Montana before re
turning to San Francisco.
tire distance will be an automo
bile road and construction crews
are now engaged in-building tie
highway. The project was con
ceived by Hanley and he has just
realized his dreams of years ago
to reclaim the Blitzen valley and
develop the thousands of acres of
fine lands on both sides of the
river has its source in Stein moun
tain and the water supply is end
less, offering as it does a natural
irrigation canal 40 miles through
one of the largest valleys in the
The tour covered several hun
dred miles in both the Blitzen
and Harney valleys and included
a trip by automobile to Clear lako,
Meats, Flour, Salt, Sugar, Gasoline,
Landplaster, Blacksmith Coal,
Auto Oils and Greases
Hides and Pelts
Thos. W. Stephens, Aft., Burns, Ore.
Finest Hog Conditioner On Earth
All Orders Given Us Will Receive
Prompt And Careful Attention
But we are warned by M. A.
Traylor, vice-president of the
Stockyards National Bank, that
the cattle supply of the countries
to which we naturally look to
make up pur shortage is also
diminishing, the -number of beef
cattle Nl farms in the United
States decreased from, 52, 000. 000
to 36,000.000 head an? we chang
ed during that time from export
ers to importers of cattle: while
our meat exports diminished 97
per cent. Imports of meat from
Australia have begun, but drou
ght in that country caused a de
crease of 1,000.000 head last year
and the ratio of cattle to popula
tion is decreasing year by year.
Argentina has suffered from
drought for the last three years
and has had an epidemic of foot-
and-mouth disease. There has
been a decrease of about 1,000,000
head in the last year and alarm
is so great that legislation is now
pending to prevent slaughter of
caiveB and all female cattle under
seven years of age and to stop
exports entirely. Even these
extreme measures would not re
store the normal supply for ten
years. Canada has just lost
heavily through drought and has
less than one head of cattle per
capi ta. Mexican herds have been
depleted by civil war and exports
to such a degree that it is dtodos-
ed to offset placing of cattle on
the free list by the United States
with an export duty equal to our
present import duty.
Grain raising reduces the ferti
lity, stock raising increases it;
grain farming reduces the humus
in the soil, stock raising increases
it; grain raising results in the
decreas of yields, stock raising
pays it off.
So with regard to our meat
supply, as well as many of our
other problems, we come back to
scientific farming as the solution.
If we carry on each branch of
farming so that it keeps each
other branch, the consumer will
have enough of everything and
the farmer will become more
prosperous. -Oregonian.
Take Plenty of Time to Eat.
There is a saying that "Rapid
eating is slow suicide." If you
have formed the habit of eating
too rapidly you are most likely
suffering from indigestion or
censtipation. which will result
eventually in serious illness unless
corrected. Digestion begins in
the mouth. Food should be
thoroughly mosticated and in
salivated. Then when you have
a fullness of the stomach or feel
dull and stupid after eating, take
one of Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many severe cases of stomach
trouble and constipation have
been cured by the use of these
tablets. They are easy to take
and most agreeable in effect.
For sale by all dealers.
Brown's Satisfactory Store has
the agency for Walk-Over Shoes.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
Canyon City 6:ao p m
PraJri.City iu , ,
Canyon Cily
1'rairie City
r.n.. I il.
V, .;' p " aurut U noon
rare, isurns-trame City, - . $ 6 00
Round Trip, - . . . t 00
Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Burns
Offers You The Very Bet Of Facilities
For filling prescription. We have 1 Urge and
well assorted stock of prescription drugs and
competent Pharmacist to compound them.
We have the agency for the well known; line
j I F1. M". Eastman Kodaks
and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time.
J. C Welcome, Jr. Prop.