M '! ' mr LAttST MVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (Prom Our Portland I'orrtspmulcnt) Despite its unlucky final fig ure, the year 1913 promises to Mta high rerord for business and industrial progress. A report just made by a leadinK commer cial agency states that protptctfl for a good year were never bet-, tar throughout the Pacific North- j west territory. Sales ami collec-' tionsare good, manufacture rmfcw going ahead l and. best tfOftft, I t.,ives. The Grants Pass Com the prospects! Tor good mrw-an ' mm.j,,i Club is aiding to mak excellent , the trip pleasant. An indication of the confidence Eugena has another celebration felt in the future is shown in the jn sij,h( Wnen tne Portland, announced expenditure of about j ,,.IW m & Eastern interurban $75,000,000 by the various ,,,,.,., ,jne compietes its road porations in and about Portland during the current year on im provements, extensions and lu-t-terments. Bank clearings show a gain every month over the cor responding months of former years and 1913 looks like a big year for the whole Oregon coun try. Enroute to Portland's Rom Festival, June 9-14, the Royal Oaks, of Oakland. Cal.. will visit many cities of the state on their way north, making their first atop at Ashland. As the Oaks will travel by special train, they will be able to stop as often as seems desirable and will bring message of good fellowship to their northern neighbors. From the interest shown in the O.-W. R. & N. Co. 'scorn contest. it appears that Oregon will be come a big corn producing state. More than 5 tons of selected seed corn, enough to plant 1,000 acres, has been distributed free of charge by the company, while the Southern Pacific has distri buted more than 2 tons addional. This seed will be planted through out the Pacific Northwest and means the corn acreage of this year will be twice as large as last A splendid start has been made by the State Immigration Com mission in the work of attracting immigrants from Northern Ku rope. A German hearing, held recently, was productive of valu able suggestions and many dis tricts will co-operate in bringing aettlers here, as well as in aiding them on their arrival. Swedish. Norwegian, Danish and Dutch conferences along the same line will be held by the Commission. The Battleship Oregon will not be used as a target by the Navy Department if this state can help it Resolutions strongly protest ing against this action have been adopted by many organizations and a petition, as long as the famous battleship itself, has been signed and forwarded to 'resi dent Wilson by school children asking that the Oregon lead the navy parade through the Panama Canal. Practical Baking Lessons Nut BrtaJ SH cups white flour !$ nip sucnr SM level teaspoonfuls K C Hosing I'owdVr M teaspoonful salt 1 rig boat, n liulif K cup nuts (pecans or walnuts shopped rather unc) 1 cup milk m .;r. ...i .i... ,: ..... a baking IE DOwSr sugar and' .alt' add ..... e.uae ll,.. aU- .JJ l. ....II. . . .1 -- IllfW JI'Bli IIIO Flff'. OUU IIMJ lilllsV llijli pi I Best thll eee. add t)i milk unci t.r ln eh. d in.,fi:.n.. ri.i. tu,. i.t, to make a etilT dr..,, but'., r. Grease a small Em. pan. drop tl,., but.,, int., thto, turn n.n rtf .hn a.m ai.a r,,.. ,lw. ,.r. ...... I..L, oos hour. The first half of tlin timo Ir.v the oven very slow, tl.cn ii.fr.iuMi tho beat Thll bread is excellent when euvcrul da; Old. This bread can m baked in any empl cans that have clone-fitting lids. To baki in a can fill the grensid run ball full of tin! batter, put on the lid and shako butt, r toj the side of the can, lay it on itit ejdfl in thi Oven, liakri elowlv tho iir.it half hour, turn' the can to the other nido and bake lost boll hour with a hotter oven. Plain Whltt BrtaJ 4 eupa sifted flour 1 tearpoonful salt 4 level teaspoonfuls K C Halting Powder 2 tablespiMinfuls sugiu- (.1 daejred) 2 cups milk (or w.ii. i . Hilt together, three ttmts. lbs f ..ir, bul ing powder, suit (and BiiKar if used), stir i I erectly same baking diro.tions an for Null Bread, baking in rani or a breud pun. Colonial Loaf 3H cups of flour 1 1 1 : ii.-mf. 1 . H cup chopped nuts 1 . eg 1 cup milk i( i up 3 level teasixxinfulH K O lialdng Powder 3i eup fhoppfd raiflii.,1, . uiiuj.l , or i ill on ; desired. Mix and bake m din otsd for : . ui 11. . i Rye BrtaJ 1 eup of white flour '.' eu S level teuapoouuU I. ( lluLim; i ..led. r 2 teaspoonfuls sugar I tessuoonful i 2 tabtespoonfuU of caraway will i (,f doein 04 t ups of swout milk To mix. nift fin. .r. I.f.l.ii.ir esseW. . .It aeul ZtyShfrZZ ,:;':!,'i::ir.'.,;;l;,n kneads. T lua u . if. 11' nt or uaaiiwicln a, Ciuham-Nul BreaJ lVf nits white flour IU WB4I I'l-.ilii.m floui J I' : '.'...I'll halt 2 tsoaoooutuls sugar i cup ilii.i'i.fi iniu 1,1 1 4 level teuspooufuls K (7 Linking I'ow.li r U j eupa sweet ...ill. To mis, sift wliiu, floor, LakiiiK nejejajeg, salt and eugHr, tlin 1. times, ml I 1 . and nuta. Hur to stiff batter witii ilia mill. and bake as nut bread above. This i. ,.:. sxoelle.it bread for t linen who vuuuui, eat white bread or meats. tJwnrltU mt In jjMj utt. 0 Neat Weeki Paper The Mazamas, a society of mountaineers of Portland, are among the best boosters the state has. They are constantly ex ploring some interesting region and telling about the attractions for the traveler. They are all apostles of the "See Oregon list" movement and their haalthful outdoor activities might w, II bt imitated by many of our ,.,,!,.. This week the Mazamas ,uy yjj,! siting the Josephine County from Corvallis to that point, hats will be thrown in the air and a general jollification will be held. Western Oregon cities have been rather busy of late welcoming new railroads. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. "My sister's husband had an attack of rheumatism inhisarm," writes a well known resident of Newton, Iowa, 'i gave him a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment which he applied to his arm and on the next morning the rheum atism was gone." For chronic muscular rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamber lain's Liniment. Sold by all dealers. Boys Poultry Course Summer Session. The poultry instruction in the hoys' camp school at the Oregon Agricultural College summer ses sion is to be an unusual venture in educational work. It will be thoroughly practical and will deal with many of the subject taken up in adult poultry cours s. but will be entirely from the view point of the boy. Nothing will be taken up that could not be ap plied by a boy on a small farm Mr. A. G, Lunn, who will have charge of the instruction, will give lectures twice a week, and labratory work as often. He will talk to the boys on the different kinds of chickens, their care, chicken feed, the houses and yards, the hatching and raising of chickens. He will put them to work making trapnests and feed hoppers, making sketches of colony houses, hatching and brooding coops. He will show them how to judge fowls, dem onstrating the difference between the egg type and the general purpose type of hen. He will also teach them how to candle eggs to determine their freshness, how to grade them as to size and color, and how to pack them for market. The killing and picking of a chicken will also be taught the boys. BAKING POWDER BREADS Baking Powder Bread! have three thing! In their favor which are making them mora and mora popular. They are an agreeable change from ytaat bread, they are quickly and eaiily made and are eepedally uaeful in emergencies, and they are often prescribed by physicians when yeast bread continue! to ferment in the digestive tract. Baking 1'owdrr Breads may be made In almost endless variety. A few of lbs Dost popular recipes SIS Ctrman Cofftt Cuk ''( fiii.ii ,'ifti'd flour 1 egg 3 lov.i teaspoonful! K C Baking Powdes i level if iwiMMinful salt Milk 2 taMi-spoonfuls butter, melted 2 tablespoonfuls sugar mh 'iry ingrnoiems toe.iiier, neat inn . "0 fl t aaafca Of, "' ' ' "'. -" "- --.-. TT: W """- V"" . , - . . - .,- a .. sea "ivercfla spoon io s sun Deurr. mm into "T'"," I"1" "?, Ti ., V"h i u h top "SLS Tii?"?:. Sf&X '. a."..." uuuawu v.w. w. wun ,u moderate oven. Corn BrtaJ 1 cup wheat flour 2 eupe fellow corn .'! level teaspoonfuls K C Baking Powder 1 egg, beaten light 2 tablespoon fule eugar 'i tonspoonrui salt ly cups milk 2 tal.li AiHMinfule melted butter or lard 8. ft together, three times, the meal, the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. In an- tli.TiJi.li combine the egg, milk and melted batter ntir in the meal anil flour preparsd as above, beating rapidly until the dough Is .i..it h. after which let stand. Bake In mod- ; urate oven. Helpful Hints on Bread Making If. i v.; mutcriula nil at hum! riift turcfl times, flour, salt and baklnfj IKiwikr, mix tLoruugJily. Jinke ulowly enough to allow tho bread o rise LxToro it crusts over, using a oov ' fj paa to 1 j. tho surfaco soft. Ilc 11 mbtv that buking uor.dcr breiula do I f (.'"'titer part of tbo rising iu the oven ml that, linked bread can Dot rise. Let .1 Hue before baking. K C BsJdnf Powder is purtieularly lapted to bni.l baking on account ol Its' lung cast:.':. id attbn. It begins to lino 11,1 lunn iu inointure is added, and under the influenio of a gcntlu huat, it fimtimjfa to give off its leavening gas fof fully hull an hour. You cannot expect (tie h.'uiiij rtisulU from old fualiione.1 .iiiielr. :' - i Wi' o Dak. ing J'owiIit you are assured of a light, 1 -lilt .bin lOaf. Never, never knead baking powdei bread as one does yeast breud. Turn from the mixing bowl into tho baking pan. Follow mixing und baking direction!) carefully. Reuuunber failures are not . imply bud luck, but bad wuys. There id u correct, icientiflo way for building. buk.il finals tl.u lumo as for building houses, und unless those rules uu fullewu1: HMultu cannot bo perfect. Hiak Cook SL Cute for Stomach CHsordere Disorders of the stomrch may be avoided by the use of Chamb erlain's Tablets. Many very re markalilr cures have been effect ed by these tablets. Sold by all dealers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t'NITKl. HTATSKl.ANllOrrHS. ( II. iih, Uri'Kiill, May '.'I. UU I Nstioslibjrsbf firm Ihsl Mlrhnsl jfsejr.vj Princeton, Oregon, who os I' ', n"H mailn Horn, ma, I Kuiri Nn mill, ,1 Sn n.w.7, tnr gNW mnl N'.sw'i,, Mwtliiii in, Townatilp W M .IUlii H K ,w lllmiii'lli. Mnrlillall, Ilea Weil tiullie "I Inteollon in wake lliisl tm year proof, tu i'tlilliili I'lHini ti ilii' laml aliore leeorllietl, belore lii'itietur mi.i Iti-mlver, si llimia, ori'Kiiii.ni -.the ITtli ily nl July, HUH i'l. Imam nam.', ..a wltlinaeia lii'iira" William,, .liiliti IvmiiIii, 'Hummel' Healy.T K. Williams, all of PriMsMS, ore wi i. I uin. Kwlitrr. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION I'M I Kll STACKS I.ANDOKKK'K.I in .in". Oregon, mi si IV18.I No iifs Ik hiTiliy given that Chsrjat W, Lewis. nl si. .inn" Oregon, who on, Mm. i ". nm; sun Hi, ii. inl reepeotlveljr, nimln iiumtra.l Knln No. ."M7 iHerlsl WI7H) suit No. W71 tnr sv,',, SW'.SH',. KlfHK1, "inl NWl,K geetloti ' Towmhlp M B,, Range A K.. NVIIIaiiieti.i ii ii. inn. . liii illeil ni'iiif nl In tentl.m to liliiko fll.nt live veer tn entetillah claim to the land above desonoed. helore Iteg InI.t iiinl ttfi-elver nl lli.rim, Oregon, i.n Die ITU. .In; nl lull, lulil I'lnltniiiit imtni'M hn wltneeRee: llin II. ! I Hill l.flf. II" Kli M TlptOa, KlS.ltoll Tyler, Wllllmii ly. all nl Imrim, Oregon. WHi 1a iiii, tt.'Kleier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKli iTATKs I ANI.OKKII'K. ( Hum-, Oregon, May .'.', Inlll. I Sinn is iii-reiiy given thai Arch it Drewatt, ,,f Urswevr, oreKon, who nu May 4, lvu,i, made iffil.l.nil K.llrv. Nu ulliil lot N ',, Seetluu l'., To.mlili I'' N.. Ilnmii. ;ii K ttlllamelte Meridian, inn. Bled uotlee ul Intention W make llnal peoof, to sstablrsh fUtiii Io the ls.nl bar! deMr.hsd, bsfure liigUler and Kei-elver, at Burns, Oregon mi the ieth day nl July IVKi . iHiniiitii imiiii-M hm nltnsessi Me i Johnson, imi Kobsrtsoa. Joim v' .Hr.i-iiw. Artsy Aoton, nil of DrswstT, Oregon Wm I .iiiii . Henleter. NOTIOB TOR PDBLIOATIOR I'NIIHl ITATM I ANUOKKIIK inn ii Orsflsa, May II. Ids I Kotloe Ii hsrsb) glverj ihat iii.nu II Tsyior. ul lirewssy, uregan, who, on May n. IVU7. in. .If llon.est.iail Knliy, No.rrJfn, lur K'iHKU, eetlastl, ln.inlii l H. Itange MB.. V.T I lamella Meridian Ini. rl l.-.t uotlee ol III. lateu lliill lii make llt.nl II f year ptm,(. to eatal.lllh ,-Im In. In the lam! alhi.e described. Iwln.f I I. liet .le. u B, .'I'liiiiitK.loiier, at till oglce. at Preweef, ' Iregon, no im I7ili day ol June, im.i t'lainmni names M vliaseeSgl II 'until t lli.l-rl.Hi. All., it Mil. ii ami Ueurss lull y all nl H.rwse), Oregon KAsaa, Kegletor NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION I'Mlili 1 4TKH I hlt rtC Miirin, IrfQB, May .'l, ll.:i Nollet inIh'H'Ii. j-n ihM V Mt. hi K Ml.:vlH ol lUrriltinn,' 'i , .ill . uIi.i.imi J 111 V 17 1tf0N,lliaV' lltun.Blfn't r ill t . N. i'lf,l..r Srt '4. Hrt..n Kr, rDW BID I P "' I 'UnKt' SV K W llUnit'llr M Ti'iuti ("tit 11 Nwi notk'sj si intention Io UtftktJ flllial l.irci- i.'gi t rOOl l tl ihllih i-lllii) In 'In- lull 1 BbOVO iIKrtHl. bofOTV HrKUIfr rtli'' Krirhi'f llliniR Ort-kfO't "' Hi" -""I" ai oi .tiuic. 1 ii iiiimnnii ntinot m wUnovooi Kit li.nl J. II. t I'm ".'if ,, ii,iiiiKoii Unit 11 1 v Narrows. irocoo i uhuI uiiL t-iuiu. Kmiu'-w M. ,rniBtronff. bothol PrloootOBi On Ml h Ktiinr, Kt-Kiiti-r NOTICE KoK PUBLICATION. I' Mini ht ati I.ani orrn r ( Itunm, UrtfOO M ftj I'JM I Natin In borobj titynn tlm' Nit kolmi Hi t -r , 111 S.iiruW. OrSMOII NT bO, on .iil III, IV07 Hint I.' . ,111. 1.'. ..I In!,', N,i .a -irTliil So . .'i. lor l..t .. .. I, V (',. HW4NICi BOtHlon l. lowoBblp M N,, ItmiKn .1.' K . ii itmittr i. rldlsn, )ini 111- -1 iioiir.i of IbiodUoq to umlif fliml llvt .-nt pfOBl, to '-lalllli fin I In to Ibi into! ibora ifBBrrlbM, Ixtfort Itngi-itr nihI lift rlvtr, nr lliirim OfBgoa, uiiiliw iOI It dBTOf Jinn-. 191 1 Imi.itiit timiii'K m wituewt'i: A ii'iy uilMiru. fcdwBrd I. J-i-t in.' r lUBtl H U. ill l,f VBrraVB, OrOKoll Itlthinl J Muiii.-- ol W.rt!v, UrtfOB WM LfAMBJ, Kk liter NOTICE POB PUBLICATION. I Mir l. Mam.- l.ANI. Orfll It I lliinii, UrtflOB, Mnv , lui.i. NbUM ll heii-l.r kjTOn tlmt hin Htuffar.l, of Nbitowi, OrofOB. wbo, on t-'trur) tfe), iw, tiiKile lluinoin. I Kutry No UN, Horiil No. H1, fur Mm i ami ... hV,4NK'a n1 NW,4 M't .-, Hon I tiwDBbliVf H, Afillgn M t , W 1 1 lit tut -tii Mi-ihiUn. Iimi flltxl nutlrti u( Intvii 'Ion to umku flntl Btb-jtbBI 1'rool, (o nHtklOlih ' lliiitiilliflmiil itt.of di'i'f ll.eil. I effort- Keg lalci un I Itt'ielVer. it llurng lirrfoO, oil the :i.t 1U1 I nine, lifla. I llimml liitlliei nu Wlttlellt-M JiiimiH. Ivy. of Nirrowi, UhMBS. Thot. I I'lliin ..ii'l So kolciig f)ler, ImiUi ol Voltnr, OlBflon Ki'lmf.i 1, iuii..a of Wuv.rlj, 0l gull Wm Fahms. KgHter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 1 ni m it rn i.anh officii Hiirm, iiri't.011, May II, lul-I.I Nti'.n e 1. hereh) kIvdU tliHw S liHli lei llU i.t . of liurni, ursffoa. lm im Jul 1.'. ml.'. IiiN-le . iilitiMi.nl Hoinemetp. .titty No i-,.'.U. rl I1 SKU ftliil NU8KU, SftrltnB '.'7i TOWO wtti !--. hinne SI V felllHiitftif Merhllm. hut Mi'.i iiutti- of inienilon 10 mike final lt yt-rir I'roof, lu eimMiih ( Ulm to lliu land kbOTodnrrlbod, btfura Iteirliter and Heoalvvr. nl Mm in, OlBfOH, on the .'Mh Uy ol J mi.'. I'M. lllniMii! name- 111 WltneiM1 ltd WBr4 ' KBglaBiBBj Met! Koder, lailial H. TjW-r, Kay Mairfin all of Mumi iicni M v KAKHk. lUglatcr KOTfCI ITOR PUBLICATION UNITKDtTATRII I.ANlMiKKM'K. Mniiii. Ortgoo, Mi) IV, liu Not I i'Ib iiinlis uUeti tlmt I'eler reter-on, yJJCcJI, OrstfOB, Mrau, on May gift, .r.t. matte iiono -t.iti Bit try, No urtft, ror HW HortloB ft. rottnaUlf lUufa m K WlUaitiett. Me, ll 1HII, h . hit '1 liOM- e t Hie Hull III IlialtC (lion three M'.ir proof to . atn ill-li 1 .aim io llu htn-l ah.ee ilfiifllct befir.' l.itfiiier ami Metelvef, Mt llurilS, UrotfOB, "ii I he j.ih la til I M 114 I 'I I'laiiintnt uhiiii'i . tfltBBftBfl Alvhi Murihiirt, Narrows, Otogna, Wiiian. iiiiimi ti immi Cbsrlvf inm'K)i, H"i'i oi Ksil. Or n ii i.n,. M. Kansla, ..I Narrows, ra gun Wm Kakiik. HfSlator. NOTICE "H PUBLICATION, t'Niiin sTAtrgs I.ANi, Orr.es Inn ii.. Dragon, May In. Inl. 1 ..i. . If Ifti I y kIviiii tlial llert K. CoBrgg, nl Barns, Oregcn, wnouu Kebrtiaiy 24, inua, nia.le Homeeleed I ntr No, ii7u, Herlal No MeU, lor nw, Heat Ion 14. Towmln i'l h Hanan II K, Willamette Meilillall, li nl.-.l null..- nl intention 10 inakn llnal five year I'roof to tsialilUli f talm In Ihe latnl alive tie mi rllii-il, belore ReglSISI imil Iteeelver, at 4.1 r i.e. Oregon, mi the zAIn iluy of June, inn 1 1. 1 1 .... ... t .. .i.n - ... wllneaiei Walter II lloudei Walter (I llmliler, Merll 1. spleer 'i..v Kllen 1 mirail, nil oi iinui.. Oregon W'n I Anna, Itegliler. NOTICE KOU i'llHIJCATION llMlKli -TATKl I, AMI. Ilrrll S, I Burns, un aim, May in. lunl Nollf e In hereliy gfvsn Hint Ttiomaa II lief k. ul Hume. Oregon, n l. Hunt. 18, luiu made a.i.iiiiiii -I Homestead Knfry Nn ottM. for i sW'.-if .'. Tiiwnnlilli '.'fiK.. Hanaelll K, wil.iiiiii'in Meridian, Ion. Illeil uotlee ol Inten llun in inn kn lii.nl Ii vi- year imof tu eltalilllli f aim in tlif land hI.hu iIoh.tI l.e.l before Iteg Inn. 1 unit ii.iiiifi. ut Hums, Oregon, on the 1'ith 'III. ul J .1 ..... ItllS. I Illlll.llUI llllllll . H. V. Illll'.ltl'. Imnil 1 Tyler, inn Kmler, Alla-rt I'orler, gqe;sr4 I'Ka'i .ton, all of Iturna, Oregon. Wm Kassk. Hegelter Notice of Appointment III tin- iilllltir of t In- eatiili' ol Aiidiew Stum', diccnseil. N.ilicr in liir.-liy lliveti tliat 1 In- 11111I11 Hgneyd Iiiin 1 .11 11 lliin dity duly iiiiuiiiUil I, v (In- ('utility ( utiii nl llurucy ('.nii.lv llii'l'iin, tilt-llilllllllial lull i ul tile ilium nu iiliiiii.'d t-Hliilc, und litis iiuulllird. All ih'ISoiih liiiviiiK 1 l.iiiiiK iigulmt mid eat iile air ie(tiiied to ircmnt II11111 11, In law ti'tiiirctl within six uiiiiiths from tltttc In niiiil udininistrHtrix nt her reai tlence huh Andrews, Oregon, 111 at the nllici nl 0. A. kouilnild, lii-r Httiir.tey, lit HiiiiiH, Orsgoa, li.ilf.l this , 1I1, duy ul Muy 101!. i:iKNiit l.'niiiN, AiIiihihnIihIiIa. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION UNITED HTATK" I.AH1) OFFII'K. Burn,, nreiion, April III, HIS. I Noil. 'el, IiithIii glret. thai Jane, 1 laret.ee Mill of Hariltn,.!, Oregon, who. on Mv 10, 1110 ma.le lln.i.eeiva.i utiii y, No. iHn77, lor n'H'i Meetlnn llli, Towimlilii 'i M, ll.nge KH Kail, lllmiielte Mertillmi, lia. flle.1 uotlee of In fli tl.1.1 to male Final Three '-nr Proof, to ee tabil,h elalin to the laml abnve Oeeerltieil, be fore the Weglele- ami llecelvef. at Burns, Ore gon, nn Hie Mh .lav of June, mill I lalmaiil name" a, wltlleMe, II N Kuan, J. II. .Imiii.Tiiian, both of liar rlinnii, Oregon . I. Van lorn, Otsnt Tlioiii.iaiiu. both of A'sverly, Oregon. WM.I'Asai, Heglaler. NOTIC1C KOK I'UllliICATION. IINITKII HI'ATKH I.ANI) OFFKIB, I Barns. Uregon, April tn, lim I NiilieelAheieby given that John M. Hull. "Ill .il isw Origin, elm, '"I August HI, iniu, iiiailiiliiiin-H''l I'.iiin No. iilSHil, lor H',UW!. if I . 1.111I Ni,S ', Meelloll'JV, TilWIlllllplliN , Han, 1' M't, K. , Wlllaiii.nti' Merlfllall, haa flleil uotlee ol luieutliit. to make final Hiieuyear I'ii.iiI. ioritahll.il elalin In Hie laml above .le .11 1 lull, helore the HeKlalera.nl Iteeelver, at liorne.orcguu, nn the 41 Ii .lay of J 11. te, II) I It rlaimant uauiea a. wlineaee,: Arthur Wl.ltii.'i, Ma. I'lalh. Allien lloae, Harry Met'omlia all nf l.aweli, Oregon. WM. I Ann, lleslaler. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. (INITSII HTATSa I.. HI. 1 1 I n , liutna. oi.'giin. Ma III, lli;t I Notice le hereby given, ihat oeorie W Wll Ham,, of IlitriiB, orea.ui. whnun I mini nl Iihji. nia.le iuimeeteail entry, No. ineu, Her a Nu. 11170. lor Wi, nf KW. ill nV!' of N W1,. Mtt'i, ol NWi.0fHKi4.il Nl,. BK,.ilHW4uf NW', . ui r. w . r.'. in .1 . '. ni n n '. . W, ul NW'.nl NVf' Hi'f I'J.T. Ill B, It .11 r: . Wlllaiiiflle Meridian, haa Illeil null, f ol I. Im, Hun to make llnal live veer proof, to eaiablll. lahn iu llin laiul afuvr .1. ai 1 lifl. bflnif Be Klalf r anil Iteeelver, at lll.ru,, lliego.l, un the Hih ilavul July, I'Hii. .Ilatliiai.lt tismea aa all Hi William K. Theliiier. Walter t:ros, Krank J William,, Peter 1 letnena, all u! Burn, Oren.il. w Fauna. Heglaler III. Iliiuia 11 I l.l Nn. '.".. NOTU'K KOK PUBLICATION ITNITKD HI'ATKM I.ANH OFFIl'K, I iinui. ore , April 7, fli I Nuti.e I, luTi'by alien that the Northern I'aeine Hallway npai, wnoae tniai nun ..l.l. ... la HI Paul. Ml.ineaola. baa Hila , II. 'lai o( April i-'i.i, Bled lu ihia onii-.' It, appllealloti I.. ..'If. 1 under 1 be .iruvletulia ul the act of Ton grcaa approved Jul I, la IS) nta. w,,aai, a, eltelideil by the a.'tof tuiigreee appruve.1 Ma. 17. IVAkl tile rt J ul -.I'.'.IH'.' IU. .wp an n.nn H. -ii Kas Any an uerlal No DBMS Any ami all peiauua ilaiuilng adverKlythe ml. df, HI. fd. ur 'leading lu i.lileel lonauae laud, deaerlbe ..I I Im mineral i l.alai Ii f lite mliieial .barai ter of the land, ur for an. 11ll.ur n aaiiti. In tile dlalaftaal to apnllfanl .l.uiil.l tile their afflilaviiauf proleal III Ihla offlee, .111 ur hefnre the .'nd day uf June, I'M 1 W a Kaaaa. Beslater Piililahed In The 1 1. ...a Herald, imanil at lliirua, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. im r. 11 HTaTRa Lamu orrira, 1 Burlia. Oreion, April '.'. IU. I Notice la hereby alien lliut Huriuti M kelia I. alien tlial Huriuti M Kclaay if Hlley.otego. 1, aim, un January II, l'iil,.nade try Nu inja tnr nii'.ya1.. syS'.sWvi.Hee. I.HK',NK',and NK'.aa1,. H.i iionv Town,hl'.'- H . Itauae 'JA g . wlllainein alirl.lli.il. haa liu .1 ....II' - lit I men HUH to make rlual i.uiin-illation .inatt. to eefehlleh ctalu. In the laud geyev! deaf rltHMl. uefote H.-alaler and Iteeelver, at Hurna, oregim. uu I tin lltli day June. Ml i i lalmaiil name. a. ii.iu...i'a William lliir,ni Pel.-. I'eleranii, I lyde lane. I.ibn Miian, all ul HiN y . ore, mi M I...I. H glaler MiTIt K KOK IMMiLICATlON I Mill' SliTKlI.,htiOrFli w MtifiiM. 'M.ef.Mi A.iu a. (via Nultii' In li'-n I'V K'lr-u tlmt I.Ult Juhil, of trawH, dhk"K v. ho H . ! itimlr II.Mi.4Mt KtUr, N aL'.., Svt Nt UsetVial (Uf .'. Mill. Ill 1.', llMtUil.il. Hi H,, Kanitci.aUK. V, HUtiult M.-i l-IUn. . III. -1 nolli't of iuiiMtiUiii i li(kt nunl 'u. r .MHif tO falHlrllF.il I lllll l thr Utlll Hto.f h-ai't UmmI, us-furt- K i. MMtf II n t'imiUilpl iloatr, i i ""I- ! bnwwy, Oiwtan.oM itM UM 0.1 ul m I'l.i ittlnmi'l IIBH "" '' Jullltli f.r.if-tfr, Wllllmii IJMirS, eltBWph kllu Imli. Joint Kliiit.etK nil of UrtWWf ' l(19N Wm. I- mm li KiBtrr K0TI01 K(IK PUBLICATION I SI I KH.H'I ATKM UMKiHiK Hnrii. (ireKuii, Mty :. i o.i N i it U1 ( lirttiv Kttvii that liatld Mvge, o( Btirtitt, On-gun, tDo, on iiTmtttr Ti.lvon, matte hoimaiMtl vufrv No Mm,, N-rlil Nn (UllM, rr rt'aNWivHv.VK11i"l ja-l, haoliuii i. TOWB Imp .'Im, Haoi. -' 1 . VVUUmvlt Mrrhliaii, h" 111 i'il nolle of tiilt'titlou lu make Una) five rafj (iruof. lu ralalkllaltetl lalm lu tin- laml bImivc i-,ril il, lM'lur lU'Kiutrr anO Ki-iflvrr al Muriii, Oregon on th inHlday of June, 1M rialiuanl i.aiiK'it aa utiio I'lat-ton A. M)0-.'""r( 'I Vltm JftOob M Uovr. Kt'l I- i-. .,11. all ol llurus, iirvguii. WM. 11111, .(rttlala r NOTICK KOK IMPLICATION IKII'sATKIi lltti 1 I'l III. M' i.anihalk I'MKIi r-TATBa I.AMIlOrrl' K. I Hurna. orcuii, .iii ). t t N otic la liereltv given that, aa Jlrt't tttl b) tin- ( HinuiU'iloinr nt the Ueiieral l.aiul OflCi under rovllutta of Ant of I'ungreaa a'ruvil Man li ., 1VI.. 37 ritat 771 tVurauani tu lltea, pllratluti of William II Ho want, rterlal No. 0MI7. will oiler at ni.l.lli ial, tu the lilgb t lilOtler, lint a( nut laaa than 1..'. (irratrr. at IU O'rlwg A M . nn th.-.vh la nf Jmtu I'iI.I at Hil "ito .-. Uu fol'on hiictrai l uf kai.O nk'.nw , - i.'. i tin . k ifti., w. M Ant and all paraottl -lalntlug a0tTnri i In abuVf ilrBirilinl lnuli it Hits lttul (o ftio Ihrlr fiaiiuanrul.jwtloiiKi.il or In-fore the lime du algualeil fur aalr W. Kakhk Cngllater KHAHK llAVR, , Kt'd'lviT N0TI0I KOK PUBLICATION. I'HITRII HTATKN LAM.itlrrl. K, I Burn,. Oregon, May I, Itii i i So. in- la hereby given that HI. 'hard J llaluea. ul Narrow,. Oregon, wll n May 110), mail.- Iluiiu aua.l r n'ri r. i'rv No 1AI77 Keiial No. fW.'4'.. lor M ',.' 7tn. if i . inr nr1...', .n.,i.r.', l.ur, .1 . NW' and 7, Me.'tl.ii. 17. Ti.v. 1. .I.li. jr. H , itanai 1.1 K Willamette Meridian, haa tiled Hull I I. Hen Hun lu ii.Akf llnal III. Mat I'mul. It. 1 .Inlill.l. elllB l.i Hie lend nlmie il.-a.-rlle''l Im fure Reg lelerand Reesiver, el Hiiin., Ilrngou, on ibe .-l.i il.. nl June I l.i 1 laiiuaiit li.lim.Ri wlllieaa.a inline 11 i.i of Narrows. Oregon Nlek.dsu, ' l.lel. Frank luilili. I'llli "I N'ulta,.- BdWSlii 1. Bprlngei Barron s. o.ogug Wm i- ..in. Bagls'ei N0TI0I KOK PUBLICATION. I'HITK.l HT.TSa I.ANH 1 11 Kli ... I lllli II, Oregou, Msy, Ut, 1'iil I Notl.e I, hereby given Ihsl Ktliel H llrsvea.ol I. swell Oregon, who, on July I, rrj le n. .fii 1 1. ml Kniry, :.n 11 '..i, 1..1 1 "i- 1 .... 1 1 Hue Slt.Nlf. NK.i,, and I nl, I. ; ami II, Heellon 14, Tiiwliahlp M H, Han, a 'i K, Wlllainitlf Meridian, ha, (lied iiiiilfn uf luteutluii to make rli.nl Pioot li ealuhliah e lain, lu the land da ai Ml. id, lienire Itealaler and Iteeelver. at Hurna, Oregon, on the'J7tli day of June, i'.u:i I'lnlt.iaiit iianif a aa wltneaeee J. B. Orevee, Jiin Ornwley, of l.aw.-n, Oregon I.. M 1 iniu ni. 1, J. II Hliuyard, oi Hurna, Oregon. Wm. hAUua. Hegleler NOTIOB KOK PUBLICATION. I'NITKli HTATKe I.ANI, lle.l. K , lliirii,. Oregon, May Jn, tin:i Notleo I, l.ureby given that Allred It pars', of Dreweey, Oregon, who, 0.1 Oetober I, linn, made lluinealrad entry No JOIOU, Herlal No OJ070, fur KUHWU,, HWi.HKI,, Hen. I and NW'.NK1,, H.-e'JH fuwiial.lp JIB, Itange Ikl K , Wlllaineile Meridian, ha, m.-.l nollce uf Inliui Hon to make final five year pr.a.f, in cstabilah nlalm in the land shove aesciribed, befor! K I,. Beetle, II. H t'liunnlaaloner. at hi, oBlee. al Dreweey, oreg .11 the ilnl day of July, I'H.i. I'lalmaiii nainea a, wltiteesee 1 oil... A. Hell. Frank J. Ilnttin, John w. Hur die k, Htepl.eu Miller, all of Dreweey, O.egou. Wm. Kaaaa Heglaler Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is lien-liy given that llu- umlcr aiiinrtl tt.liiiiiiiatrutor of the estiilr nl Mary K. Ilitlev, dri-etiseil, hits lileil hia duly vrriflril Hmil ai-uou.it in the O11u.it Court for lluruev ('.unity, Orrifnn, ua by law requited, und that sold C11111 1 hiu Siuiiiited Minitiiiy the Kitli duy nl June 101II nt I he I... 1.1 of 2 o'lloik I'. M at the Court House nl' sahl Cininty in Hurna, Oregon, ai the time nml pliu-e for hearing ol olijectioni to eni.l Iinui account ujid settlement fliciooi'. Anv and ull iHHBona linviiikr ohjection lliirc to must file the aulllf with I lie Oh 1 k 1 I aui.l Court un or iMRM said day nf lir.lllH" W. S. II AI.KV, Ail.iiiiii-1 1 ni 1.1 of estate of Mury I- Haley, deceaaed. llurui, Oregon, May 12th 19111 Nl, nf MK'a .if K', of HWi,, K, ..IHW tl ', afNtfi, MKtlol NWl.ufHW', of NW'.. WI.iiI WI,ofHK1.OfHWI,.F;ivofHW'..ilMlt, K', nl W'.of HWlJof ni,, W', of '. of NK'. ul HW', NW', oIBWU.Beo lWi,ilfW), .il UK'. ,.f Nwi. .t'.nf Nu ill NW'a anil VM nt As I am movltiff my saw mill I have four or Ave old buildings at the old site that I will dispose of at a bargain. Any one need ing such material should see me at once - Clay Clemens. 18tf BOOIBTIBS. IIAKNKY I.OHtIB, ND. 77, I. O O F. Meet, every Bturdey In odd Fellow Hall St 7)10 p in. A. Hum., W W tliiiild. Beerelari If, 0. Degree work aa follow. Hi.l Hetl.rday Inl ilaturi, ,.1.1011.1 Bsturdav Flrai Degree; third Hatuntay, Bneoiid Deir.wi fourth Haturdsy, Tl.ir.i Degree, IIIIBNHI.ODOKNO.I7, A I A M., Meet, every Bret and third ssturday In eseh niuiiHi. I . .osull, W. M Ham Mutlierahead. Heeretsri M HIKHN WOODMHNOK AMKKII'A Meet, every ,111111114 and fuiirtn Friday even ing St III ii F, Hall, all iielri.u.ire Invited New applieanta will reeelve noarteoue treat- mew"V,A..Ur.,,.,k. "A ""V"' BURNS t:HAPTKH Ml. M, O.B.I Meet, every eeeond sud fiiurtl. Monday, , lu Maaunlf Hall. I 'rankle Weleon.... W M Klla Bweek, Heerelary, BVI.VIA HKIIKKAII HKllllKK No. 41 Meet, every lit anil Id Wednesday . 1 Hyr.lin HaltoK. N. 0. Mail,.. Leonard. Ree Heo'v. II'I.KI'IHI'I.K No. UA, W.ol W. Meet, every fourth lliura.lay. Maud tin, lun ,4. M. Hi an 11 Oo.Hln.an. t.'lerk. lirriCIAI. UIHBCTOHV STAT! uaguoni 1 Jonathan Buurusjr, lOeo. B. 1 liamUrleln W H Bills I ' W llawley A. M.Crawford ltau.al.1 Waal tl . I Inn I iiUHii'MUIetl Attorney Oeuursl . ...... :,,.,. ii 11 ia. 1 ol male F W Heason treasurer "'I'l lublle lintriiei.'on Hlale Printer T.H.Kay I.. K Aldermsu ...W B Dunlway . Uu!,. oak 1 11 1 I A Mfllrlde . , Oeo 11 lluruetl -11(1111111 Judges K. H. Bean If. A. Moor NINTH JIIDII IAI. UIBTBIUT. in. nu 1 jiiu.,. Dslton see Dlatrlit Att.iruey W.H.Hruoke I'.l'.ni luai All) (J H IOnStd Iriuit tutirt meets the Orat Moadsy In April and Brat Moiidsr In October. lol ut Henstor N.liii Kepreeentstl.e 0 W l.rrlab w. 1 Human I'llUTt NIUli: nn Judge If Ik .Iran. '. bioutMau, K T lllisbet K ' Miller 1 reset, rwt ... rve.ur -lu nrl 1 B. Meery A. K. K.i bardeoli i J I,......., lebool Bapsrlstsndeni 1 "lunn. ...K-k liiit.eflu' 1 onitiiiaalonera 1. M Haiuiltou o. W. t'levenger Joun iti.iiinaon la. P. Bylveaier 1 1 nue ..en. 1 "ii 11 0011 hi, .'a Ibe fliai Wedueeday In Jsuiisi). Il.ili May. Jul., -.'pteiaher and Niiveiitli... nanh.v . e ..as., urm.'s: teniatoi wm Fsrre Frank Davey l TV ei'SHB' "" -am Mulhenbeed " le. . A. M Hyr.l aai.n 1 Maun, W Inlet, Ni.i'.i . It I.. Halnee I II J. ll.ll.rU mi 'A.I Welcome I Jaiui a I euiiielilre I 11 I Mi KI11111111 Mect.tiga ul the 1 ..um-ll every Heeotid end Fourth Weiluee.1 ....:.:.:m:::r.ti.::ii:::::mi:..:.t.m::.:.:i: Mrs. tiracc It. Mel lose II ACIIIK Voice and Piano Methods U-etl In Cisciaoatti CesttrYiltrj of Mask teldencc Studio J..d,doir west I'rcinyteriati Church 5umpter Valley Railway Co. IIMI TAItl.K NO. (1 IN JDMI M, 1U0H. KKHIT W.-Ht iio.lllil Nil ' I I'UHH Kset It.. und '.' I'HHa i Hi No. 'I. .1 l.v linker On v Ar ft: 0 l.v I UN " 0:00 " 4:56 ' 4:B " 4:lft ' 4:40 "4:2 -until I'm I. ui -inital.l.i j I., .kliurtt "TliDHiliaont Sludilioii .luiiilliiiit Wuter Tankt lloSI.'s Slilir j MilCwi'lit JUNt TIONt Sum pter MUNOTlONt Summit' () I, CuiiipJ U I.'.M 10 (M III (17 10.17 10 r.' " 10 :'.' " 10:11 " 10:56 " 11:10 " 11:1ft " 11:40 " NOON H M J'. M. 11 'jft " il.W " 1:10 Ar 1 " 4:10 4:06 .VI :06 WI.iliii.yJ " 00 lll'TONt " 2:40 Austin ' 3:10 stiii. mi aigual' only. t.N.i sgetit Tit'kota issuml only (or stali.ii.l wliere traim aro aolitxli 1I01I to inakn rngular itopi. I'assinigiir. must purnl.sHe link- iIh when- llgl'lllH i'- "I Inl Uf fiitetlllg truliiH or .'.'. r.'iile II. dditiuii 1.1 the re gular fare will li ilmrgud. JOSKCH A. WKHT, Hlipt. OKANTOKDDKH. Aset. Hopt. $1500 Reward! 'nu llu. ul. a ml Nevada 1 I vi Hiuk I'rolei (ton Association of which the uuder alaued le meiulwr, will give 11,000 liu reward lor eft deune leading to the arrest end con vlclion of any pa,. ty or uartlea ale. I lug bones, oat 11. or iiiul.e belonging to any uf lit ueui ben. In .'Lin.", iu Uu- above, the undersigned niters the asms condition IdW.OO fur sll horse, branded liorte shod liar on both or eilbe. Jaw. In. ud ruoorded In eight rouutlee Hange il.iui'y, Lake and t'rook nouotlas. Horses vented when sold. None but grown horses amd sud only In arge liuiiiliea. W W HHllWN File, Oregon. vl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tlNITBD straTeM LAND Offfl W. Hiirni. OrtKOn, May X, ll Meitlna la linratiV srlvrn thai .laini- II Iw. nf Nsrruws, Otmon. whu. un Nov li, Iini7 titaili HomtaUad Kntry No. KIM, Hrlal No um",. foi liOII V, iu, 11, i.nur, tn, irfiin 1 ami nrf, . ami IOt I. Haotloli 77. Tuwin.ili W H . KariKa Wi. K ., UI..I......I. Ua.i.ll.a .U .,.ll. If nil. a..,. I 1 . . JflllBlllflltr inglllllBII, inillllll I'IBIIH-ih l'ae hM (llad notice of Inltntlon to inakn flnitl flvit )tr I'roof, to vatatiitah rial in to the land almv 'IHBtT liHtil, urioir nrnmiri pii'i i.-4 e-i i -p , nn Hairim, Orfnii,on thi 'ilat (Uy of Juna, 101:1, (Mai ma it nan oa wlttmaoee: II I Hainan Wivarlv iFaari.li Nlrlinlaa OMfjr, VollavM 'nrfifiiii. K'lwarl I.. Bpr.t.nr, of Ntrrowo, umgon Frank Dunn, of vi.ltaK". rag-on. W M. I 4HJ1K. Kl'irlMl'T MAY 28 TO SEPTEMBER 30 YOU CAN GET LOW FARE ROUND TRIP TICKETS FROM ALL 0.-W. R. & N. STATIONS TO Principal Cities In the East VIA m FINAL RETURN Chicago 9 72.50 New York 108.50 Philadelphia 108.50 St. PhuI 60.00 Equally low Round Trip Farea to prurtlrally all other points East LET ME HELP OUTLINE YOUR TRIP J. H. CORBETT, Agt., O.-W. B. St N. Bend, Ore. H. BAKOVL, Agl. O.-W. K. & N. Redmond, Ore. Ttlarlm REPEATING RIFLE You can buy no better for target work and all small game up to 200 yards. r!un ZxQKWZ&r J&i3jz?' e-mt&JtllZM TWadWox. nam : r. v--k . t, we&r nelMseee JMoWijt eMan, net kaea ' "- nam nn. JSSSr teleeanllelllealentn. Isieel.ain... WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr Proprietor. WHY NOT MAKE $200.; A MONTH - - That's MO." a Weak, almost S10.00 a Day Brlllnji tutor Marra anil llriroof lnjxta to tiirivhaittn dootora, lawycra, ! nti-tn and wall lo i lu tarim-r-. alt of ulmni nuii.i-i lu in t tl of (, but ilo nt Luour linwinajrit I a to own One. Wair'aiiieii "U-ciarr our l' 'H"i Uli'H on of tlia baats olran cut tuoiit-y uiakln ou,rorttihl tlf i-vi-r rotivlviMi. W'ltUout t loua mintI aticf YOU 01. dunltcaia Um aunet-aa of otfirra. Our hftndaou.ctly llluatratftt vuu-pajro eaulox Will enable you to iirihtiil llm aul-Jt't'l tovut- w tomara tu a lntrtaitiiK .tiu ware jillotlitK thatu Uirounb our laotury. .kir.iuiMi rttoaiive advice and Intatructlona lot t.Mi viiu-h.at talking ootiita wlilrli It la iinuoaalbla for a proapeetlve ruatomer to tWnjr. Why Ion t YOU ba tha flrat to apuly from your v.vlulty beforv aouii'uua ulaeiri'U the territory? Wa out fayof oulj quo aaleaman out of ocU looallty. aw New Home. Olaielts (0.000 teles .Je-TaSafaanMBnn-n: .. fj WRITE TOR SPECIAL CATALOG ANO PRICES THE A.H.AVERILLMACHINERYQ.' I 3 POKAHE.WA5M.-PORTLAND. ORt.- 5AN J05t CAL. LONE RE8TAURANT QBORUE FOON Prop. At All Hours. Short? Orders and Prompt Service With Reasonable Katus Give Me A Call O-nneJta Tlatas.Heraia alldlns I) K KTANliaKif, Rtinit V. HTlti4Hn, a. ., M. h. M.n. .('' " OlHHl fltUllM Mr "Hiil" HpnclalHt Im, :yi-, HoM '"1 1 1 ( ----it DRS. STANDARD Will Answer ell Cella Peomell, D.y or Nlhl Office In G. W. Youne IM', Phone. Will l.i.bll... II." Horner v. II. II...,,,. .1 .1 URNS, OKKl.ON Dr. I.. . HOLLAND Phyalclan and Surgeon turns. Oregon Telephone Ctonnectlonn LIMIT OCT. 31 Denver $ 55.00 Omaha 60.00 Boston iio.no Minneapolis 60.00 Model 20 Without change ol mechanism it handles .22 short, long or long-rifle cartridges perfectly. The deep Ballard rifling develops maximum power and ejJLiiaBP accuracy and addi yean to the life of rifles. eVIwen. cartndeae--pn nua poweWesd Tha eoV lie. Sin saw lata nnd ifaaB, Uewafaa.li aaan fee eeea eaa una aunt, aenirate tant eWe rnnemrs'in. aaaasas mm pen..- Uoa. .nun. i.i'.t .I .. Wiih nnpla e raefaaF.s ..nth. Aak tny rue dasnt . esMSeneaieeeeelledaaa. A area! vaeoaae 7He flarin firearms Ca 4J WUUn Street New Hsveo. Ceesa. FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS ft inauurraa thouffh Mrn ai'iKitiitrtl aa arlllntf aafi-a. btIvIubt i ne Atn aitnivrraary oiour comuany waa celabratad by eractluir the moat mo-tarn aafa factory In the world. Wlda walta ma w lio recelTad our a(H-tttl hrllii'k' Induceturut, remlem.1 It uti-t unary todoubla our out nit. Wa are aneiidtiiK many tbouaatnlaof doliara n larKlnpTotiraalt-a oritanlaatlon, but to luarn all partloulara, It will com you only tha prloa of a noatal card. iUk for Catalogue 1ST. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. ClaClaaaTI. OHIO Annually. ftUSSEUL ENGINES. BOILERS SAW MILLS piunuKAUt MACHINERY T s :BUMN5 SANATORIUM' Mrs. Win. Cunimins, I'rop Best of care for patienta Well furnished rooms, neat clean and comfortable. Nt I uontatfious cases taken. Hates Reasonable PP PKOKKHHIONAL CARL C. GRII I'liyeli inn and r-iirj PtIIHNK, DltH;,,, TILLSON HARRISON M. oilin- S.ii.nil Door Tinti Kntranre on Main ! Hurna, U. LU. CEfllj Physirlan ami H.irJ Hurna, - - Office in mm IjiiIIiIiiik onuij liarill-MH aliri), Mi 'rim in- Msin i b. E. HIBBflf 3DB1TT; Officii lirat il.i.ii i .1 I UOMia. ()ri'"';tl W, C. BR0. XDEJTXI llfits-n, f)lin,,. oiii.i' ruoma H and II Mi DEfftMflN & DEK Physicians and Call janiwertxJ prumiil 'I'liotiM llitrrimati. Harciman, Or Minnie I Physician and I Direct Telephone Lawen. M. A. BI( Attorney at Voes-tly Hide., Hur G. A. REM! Attorney-at- Bupns, Ore MILLER & CUE ATTORNEYS at a Hum", Dr.val Kikiiis tl and 7 Maevi I aim lusna ..Ul. klr mall- al I CHARLES W. Ey LAWYI Burns, Practice in lite Sutr I lore ttie U . S. Land I if)in. (Thiwt. II. I, Attohnev-ath Careful attention sira tiona and Real KdUM Ptia ItiMiriii,.. Notary Pub BUKNB. A. W. GOWi ATTORN KY-ATI State Courts and Ua Land Office Three doors Soutl Harney County Na Burns. Or It II I...I-RR ..'ii a ...... r, i .-K.i COOPER & Civil and Hydraulic Irrigation, Water! Sewerage, Water! St.rv.'vs, .Maps, Knin,l BURNS, OKI r. I . I'n i ii.,, i. Knrmerl. ami lactose. N i'i D, I Kim iaiiiall.ui .MM ejl I ''. vi,, Eastern Oregon 1 p Compan. CIVIL AMI IRKltJAllttt Darns, mi JEAN BART HAJ i it ut. m im it. a. r. ASM.I. M. AM. I. I j HYDRAULIC B Ditchi's, Reservoirs, Work, Hydro-El.ct U. S. Dep. Minor Caart Warft AS Itli.-llV'i il In I !, I, B) tioM-.llllli-lit Mrrstul ALBHRSON - JOHN ROB Stock Inspector, ilar 11.1111.' Alllll'UHM J0HNGKMUKI ? .loweior. Optica oSnarrava Fine Watch Repani ctulty. -