Ufa, p.rri ur una .-.... HHf MMiMaWM f UnST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (Krom Our PortUnil Oirrcionilriit The "Better Baby" show to be held nt the State Fair next fall is already attracting much atten tion and promises to be the Wk jreat thing of its kind over at tempted in the Northwest. Splon did prizes are offered for tho bait j have the biggest and best live youngsters shown. i stock show in Oregon this year. Every Grange, Commercial iu, dates are June 5, 6, 7. The Club and school in the state is ,jtf feature of the show will be urged to hold local shows and ime horses, while the splendid send their best babies to th cattle for which Eastern Oregor State Fair to enter the all-Oregon a famous will also be on exhibi competition. There aro BO Hi try Cm in large numbers. fee, but special blanks must be used for entries. Theso may be Health Factor in s.i. . ... secured without cost from t. M. Flummer. Superintendent twine- t a m'fl success is undoubtedly nioa Department, North Tort- u,aUh (t has been observed land, Ore. (hat a man is seldom Bick when To stimulate interest in grow ,js bowels are regular he is ing corn in this state, the Oregon never well when they are con Agricultural College offer! tan stiputed. For constipation you prizes for the best ears of corn will find nothing quite so gootl as grown by boys and shown at the Chamberlain's Tablets. They State Fair. Entries must be lW only move the bowles but im made not later than September ,)rove the appetite and strength- 22. Trains will be running to Coos sate by all dealers. Bay in 1914, promises Vice-President Calvin of the Southern Boys' Camp School at Pacific. The new road will give q a June 16-27 improved transportation to a dis- trirr lonir without railroads and is certain to add tremendously to the growth of that section of the itate An Oregon lad beat the best record made in England in rais- ing the greatest number of pota - toes from a single tuber. At, English boy raised 220 pounds from 11 potatoes and the English noiuifw- c'lir Uiimi'llnmr in tli it ! crow about An Albany boy winning the state contest among school children last year grew 660 pounds from one potato by transplanting sprouts from the original, which had 13 eyes. Klamath farmers are fattening hogs on their surplus potato crops. Ten carloads of hogs have been shipped into that district from Sacramento and if the potatoes on hand can be utilized profitably in this way, other large shipments will be made. State Game Warden plans a general convention of sportsmen for next fall in Port- land, when he wants to enlist the assistance of hunters and fisher - men throughout Oregon to carry out the work outlined by the State Board of Fish and Game wmmissioners. delegates are j expected from the various sports- men's clubs in all parts of the; state. It is believed that wuh the aid of these organisations, Oregon can be made the greatest hunting and fishing ground in country. i Salem has started something new in the organization of a com- mercial club that will include in Practical B.Kusig Lessons Marble TuJJmg 3 gap dfted piuttry flour S fcrgei teaapoonfulg K C Raking Powder H taagpoonful cinnamon M toaapoonfui ealt ?, cup augur Yolkg of 2 egge, beaten light 4 toblegprjonfule melted butter Haup cold water White of 2 egga, beaten dry IX ounce melted chocolate Sift together, three timeg, tho flour, bak ing powdir, gait and rinuani'in. 'in il,, jroug add the gugar, butter and water, un,! w into the dry ingrrdii iiLt. Add llm white of the egga. DtvkMJ tint rniituro Into two part ana add tho chowlutu to one part. Durpooe the two port i,. n buttered ynold to give a marbled appearance. Btcuw forty-OTe minute. la mixing egg and gugar, unu a rotary egg Ptgr makjrijr a ijlht cri nmv miitiin, i.l wolk and gugar. In at, amiug ptnlding lmv,, low bias under the water for at leaat tlm ant 1A minute, giving the pudding time to aw uwui, . ,x,aii,K. flarve with Vanilla Hauce. Vantila Suuce Boil 1 cup of augur and ' , cup of water gag min i-tea, add 2 tduijxxiiiful of butter utnl tpoouui of vanUlu i-itrui.-t. Chtrty Taidint 3 sup gifted pantry flour 2 lave! teaapoonful K C Baking Powder M taagpoonful (alt M (up butter 3Sg( !i cup milk (scant; tURI Halt or lUrylepoon butter if Sift together threw tiinca. the flnur bale. iogDowdu, and salt and work it. the butter; Dt aggg, add milk to egga utnl mir into tho flour. Bait fill n liKairnr r,an ,.,il. , I,, rri..- add bits of butter and pour I, utter over top a. eoaaTMBi, unu unae nn.wiy l,,r (Iteen nilri- uut, tuen increase neat ami buku until pastry is dune. Turn on a plat witb easrrus upperinrin, erve with liurd huuci oe very awcet cnerry juice, otner fruit suon a appiea, pcachce, bananas inay be used. upricote, Uixriu or Hold Sauct . yOrsam H cup butter witb ) oup augur aad flavor to suit, putting uvur puduiug, puddtiig i aiill wartu. Vrunt Kuchtn 3 sup silted pattry flour 3 taueapoonfula aranulated auger M tsaspoonful eit u cue, butter 3 level teupooiifula K (. Jluknui 1'uwdtr Otauaumn to taate 1 egg H eup milk H ixiund urunca S tsisaepooiJuui melted butter and a tublu- .Spoonfllla eugar for top of Kucban. Hit together, three time, the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder, and work in tlm butter lleat the egg, add tbe unit, and etlr into the dry itigrcdieuta. Turn into u 1 buttered pan and apruuj tuu Uuugb I HeJkeaaaJgje.A. Nest Week-SHORT CAKES its membership farmers and fruit jrrowers of the surreunding: country us well as business men of tlio city. Probably no section of the state is in closer touch with its outside territory and siiih a move is great benefit to both city and country. Union makes the claim it will Tm arK,.at factor contributing en the digestion. They are for A camp of 100 boys 12 to 1(5 years old. each a representative of an Oregon public school, will established at the Oregon Agricultural Colege campus June : to ntim,e, to Ju"e The obJpct 13. to furnish m he aum- mer session some practical in struction in agriculture and manual training for the boys, to I heI' eradicate the old notion that any manual labor is necessarily uninteresting and unintelligent. "The skilled hand must be directed by the highly trained brain, and it must be recognized that only those who can build ideals which will arouse all the energy and ambition of which their natures are capable, can be truly happy in any occupation or i profession. ' ' says Prof. E. D. Ressler, director of the summer session. Although five hours a day will Finleylha iriven to studv. most of the work will be in the fields and orchards, wardens. larns. green- bouses and shops, and the rest of ' the time will be o-iven to athletics -- and other recreation in the swim ming tank, gymnasium, athletic field, camp and in cross country trips, always occompanied by a camp "proctor" from the faculty, Asirnilar couree in homt. t.conomic8 for the will . at the Mme time Gjrls of lfj or more wiH housed in tht, dormitory in charge Qf a SDecjaj matron who will aim to impress them with the dignity. beauty and responsibility of womenhood. The work in cook- ' ' J PUDDINGS In this lecson oyg wll) troot on pudding, both bokod nd (teamed. The oecret ol getting light, paloublo pudding io in not, baking or taoming too goor. The pudding mint have a alow even hoot until It ha become light ond poroua. 11 direction below are followed (allure Ig impossible. luv-tLJUL. tefl. . verity in tho pan. Havo tbe pruno oooked tender and remove the atone. Proa the pruni gkin aidu down, lata) the top of tho dough. Ilruah over with malted butter, dredga with gugar and cinnamon, and bake twenty five minute. Hervo hot, cut Into xiuareoi .will hard auce or gtewed prune, flaking 1 1 dp Rclcct rnatcmlfl with greai cars. Tho ic8t of everything I always tbe oheapeat. Io li.ivi; a perfect ftniahwl product wd fnuat firet havo good material for ouf fiitiiiuutioo. In anlenting materials for bukirig, first get a high graile bakinif kiwiIit, for unless properly lesvenedj fowl is not palatable. A high grade baJcJ ing powder is not neoegaarily a high prioeul one. K C Baiting Powder la medium iti trice, but of the highest quality, made ol i he beat and purest of materials properly) combined to produce the best pogaibls results. For cakes and pastries a soft wheat pustry flour Is preferable. To determino it wift wheat from a bread, or hard wheat flour, press it tightly La the hand: if the flour stays packed in mesa showing the imprints of the fingers, it is a pastry flour; it fajbj through the finger sandy, it I . . .. T. "' ''",Jui "'"" " should be used only with yeast. Hliortouing must bo frash and sweet. Hugur should always ba oane sugar. Water is equally goxl aa milk in all articles where a large amount uf augal u lued, ezoept for aSBBaaa Larger m gases of dough reqjiru longel time for rising and baking. Ileur in mind that baking rules are Mijortuiit us mussuring rules. Do Imka cukes, pudding and such pastri iuj short coke, dumplings and meat roll with a hoi fire at the start. Have a slo oven until the dough doubles tn bulk limn incruusu heat to boko and brown. I IlUouits, out cookies and pie pastrj require a hot oven. Have food thoroughly oooked. Hal cooked pastries are hard to digest ami injurious, bettor to over-bake thau uuiesj and APPLE DUMPUNOS. ing, sewing, basketry and other household arts will be adapted to the students, NOTICE KOU PUIU.IOATION 1-NITKDNTATKHI.ANIMII'riCK. Ilurna nieimii. Mny tl, Kill ( Nellie II herein iilieli Ihll Klinel ll.Tayior, t.( )rw(7, Urniotl, lie, on May n. iyn. ii. ml,, ll, m..'.! h.i l-.iiuy. No OWM, lor KSHRU, Per i Inn gn, TnwiKhlii i i, Hangr HeK, Wll 1 ii.- m.-.i.iIki, li ill.'. I nolle ol hii Inii'ii MOB to inaka Mnal file year iriwl, lo ralat.llali claim In I In' land iivii .leariU'eil lietnrc K. I.. Ml'rill'. I' H ('..llltlllMMOlIlT, HI till llttlCC ft! hri.iMi'y. Oregon, on tha 17i Ii lm ol Jimii-. 111! t'lalinatit namca mi i lliiraaea' W. II s.iuili W. A. Iloberia.ni, Albert Allium ml i. .'in i Itili-y nil ol I'uv. m.i, Oregon. Wm , Heglaler. NOTICE Koit PUIUOATION 1'Nll.ll 8IATH l.1H Otrll II Ilurna, iiri'K.ni, Maf -I. I'll Ni.lli i' l..-i. In Hlwll llml Anion r.Mli').lIU Ol llm i i.iinii '. .'Mull. iin.iiii July 17 lUOH.iue'e ll....'. ml Kllln, Nil. 0)1I, III! H',, K.'i'llllll JO. In . 1 1. 1 1' i! M, llauge M !: Wlilnnii.ll. Meridian I... Mli. I iti.llie ol IlllKollon In make final tin. . year proof I ublUh claim In llic lull. 1 HI Il H.'lll.f.l, iMPfora Ml'RlilOl an, i II l.ri ni nnii,i, incgnii. on tag rein ,I ol June. I'll. I. i iHtniHiil tianm. 01 gtlteetSM Illchar.lJ IUIllc,i.t "mveily.iircitni, .lattice II Ivi. Mamma, linn I miianl Xuiderdulii, Koran M, Arinatrmig, IhiIIiiiI I'rlnreti.n. lire Mi y m 1- mar. (teenier NOTICE K() l'llliLIHATION Unitkh hrtmii l.aNO iirru Hum.. Omo May i. i"i ' t Holies In liiiel.) tvoa Dial Nlcknlaua Hater, ol Narrows, DroMon, who, on April lo, iwn mail.- lli.liiotee.Y I in, Nn :;a,( Seilal No OWII I, lor I ol it. r-ec ..I, h'.NW',. s',HK'. taction i, rnwoihlp .11 S . Range :rj K . Wll Ihi.i, it.- Mi'itillan, linn nil -I nolti'it ol IntiMitluii In niaki' ho a I II vi year proof, toiiatabllr.il rlalln lollii. lanil alioii' itt'Mi iIIkmI, Ih'Io. Iti.glalii Hi.,1 k,,i...i. hi Itiirioi. origoti, on ill 'iiHti ilarolJiiiw, 1'iU. elaimanl limn aa ileannca: yinly iinlHiro. K'I.ihi.i I, Kpriogor, .lamia H lyv, all of Nairn', Oregon HT-liaril J llalotta, ni rYovorly, urogon Wm I iiii.e 11.,-ki. i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKIi SfATKM I ,M. IMIIH. I limn-, iirkim M i. Ivi:t. NnllfK la li.-ifl.)' itlvrll tlmt KlflrtNffnrl, t Ns.rriun, OftflOtt, Vlw, cm FtbrVM -, 1WH, iiiicli- limn. Mr m I hniry Nn fliWl, HrUl No W1474, fnr l.oli V inl :i, SW'.Nr,'. ami N S -4 BKh -.-. nun , ti'iui.hi . S,, llatiKv ;t: K . w tlmim ttt UtrldltD. hits ill. "I nullcv ut intnn io.ot. 14 iiKie (timl Qv vi-nr I'mmW. lu ciHtnlilliti tilaim tti t ht taiitt nlott (U'crllwil, iH'furr Hti la(r Hti't l:.-r.-ii'T. nl Itiirm '., g. n, on tin' llaldl) of June, to i rlHimmtl ttftltN an wllhia Jatm-a H. Ivy. if Nrrmi, UfCiB. Tlioa. T iMimi ami Nictlolaui ()lr, U.Ui of Vnliaii, Ortfon l;iliMi-t J RaJati ol Mawrly.oia g,.n V Kahkk. KvMiairr. NOTICB TOR PUBLICATION ini 1 1 1- rr.TM i si ofwwut Muni. UffjfMi M) I ', Ul.. Nutii In h.-ii'lijf Blwi. tlmt Slliaiil.'l Han nr. nl Huriti, OrfOM, wlm mi Juli II tVll. nia.sn -l.f it ioii.il iimnt ai-M'i i-ntrjr N tnjO, lorli'uNK'j Mini S',sK',. vctiiiR .: Town hip .'-'?, haiitfr II V lilamll Mirlil4ii, ba hlr.l BOtiM uf int.nti.Mi make nual flvv Jtar I'riKiI, to .i-il.l l-l. l .,1m (.. tin lain) abov li ai'rilMMl, trf.irr Itiimifi a Mclvr, at Humib, Uri'gon, un the .tli tlay uf Jum I'l.l ( Ulniant mtino m wmio-sami K-laril i rSfflfl Hf)0 K'Hli r, lainal H, I Irr. May Hrrun. a1 1 Of llnm Ofrg-.n V u I- akhk. Krglairr NOTICE TOR I'lltl.lCATION I'SITI n T.MK" I.AMillKFlrlC, I lllirna. Ili.goll, May It, ItU.1 Kolloo la borobl aiirn thai 1'i-lrr I'.-trraoii ol Kgll, Oregon, liti, un May go, IVU0. madr iii,iiitfai,'H'i Miiri , no un.1... lor s1,, niH'llon 1. loarnablp . - Kang,. i', K. wilUmrlir oorldloo, bu ftlod noil. ! nl iniautlun in make final thrii. root priMif to -pllilili malm lo tht laml aini i ooorrllod. i i,,n- Kiginar anil K,H'ivar, hi linriiB. Oroguo. on tt.i- .i.ih ilm ol luiit'. Ivt. i I'lalmanl nani.'i aa OlloOtgOg Alvln Hurll.ori, Norrovo, Uiogoo. Wil'lam lloig.li ami l liailiy COIOOgyi, II, ,11, nl fgll Oriigim vlil'iani l. ' .nil. . .,1 Nair.ma. iia BSS Wm Kaa. rUgiaiar. NOTICE rOK PUBLICATION, I "mill. KTATEa l.AHI OrKK i mil , MM'tfon, May 10, HIS. Nulicv ! Ii.-n-l.y givm tl.ai Hi rt V. oiiram i-f lluriia. Ortftsl, who on Y l.mary M, l. m'l ilouii ntral Kutr No, J.i7w, Mrlal No r.'..., for S ' . hVillon II. lortustun Jt H, ItaiiK .H K. Wlllamriit- Mml'tlnn. has hlal not I i- tit iDlOftllon to niakn dual flvf yrai ITtM.r t .. stttt'llsti i lalm to the land altova da ii rlbo4 btfon kisut ami Itrcelyt'r.at iinms. nn-gon.on tin- :iU day of June, I'iVi. ( Ulniant iniinf a aa wlttiraaM Ualln H ll.oliln Wallrr .. Ilixldrr. Mnrll iplcofl Mi. ijr r.lifti i oiirad, all of burtia, f tf.gmi Wm LfotaSatj Iti-itisii-r NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION I'MTKliKTitka I.AniiOrri, a, l llnrna. Oregon, May lu. total .Null, ,' la I,, rily Klvru inat Time. II Herk.ul llnrna. (ir,K,,. .,(,,, ,, v.-j.t .. mm inaile A. I. HII., ii al II. alia.l Kntri No VtIA. lor W'.. ',, ,i .- r,,wnililp :!.., Hangvll K , Wlllamrlte Mirlillan, l,a III,, I n.illi o of Intro lion lo inako final tin-yi-nr proof in .-aialillah I'lalin null, lan.l al,, .Irai rll.l 1,,'fnr" Hog lalt'i aini Itori'lyiT. at lllirna, , in g on ilia I'lli ,l. of June, Ml i I'lalmaot namra aa wlagaag lamul I Tylir, Beg Kn.ler, AlLi-ti I'orler, Klar,l Kggl, aion, ol Hurna. oregnn. Wm 'OH ICngraii-r Notice of Final SettUmrnl. Nolle, t- hereby gives ilmt the umlcr- iiKM' I rt'litit tlist i ulur ul the calnlc nl Mary R, Uajsy, iIchmhiiI, linn filed liia duly vrriflcil final uivuuiit in llic CuiuHt tiiutl lui lliiini-v County, (Irrgon, na by law required, ami Hint MlstCoejti liaa appoinlc I M,,n,.iv the 1 0th ilav nl .lain- 1918 at the boar of 3 iYln'k P. M. lit llic Cowl IIOUM ul aaitl futility ill Barns, Oregon, m tic time ami puce fur lirai iik "I objeStiOaM lu aaul final itci'oiini aini Millcinciit lltcivui. Any ami all prrsoaa harlog objectloii thsjaa, in ititisi tile the "aim' wiili the Clerk aiinl (.'nun un in before x'ti'l day ul licnrtiie; w s IIai.sv, administratoi uf estate ol Mary K Haley, deceased Borna, pregoaj, May IL'lll 1013, IN TUB COUNTY COURT 0l Till; STATU OP ORROOM H)ft THK COUNT. OP RARMRV NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT in the Mattel nl tin- Batata of Daniel w Vodei , I leccaaed, Nuiiic ig hereby riven Ui nil arhoiall in. iv in nn. ii thai llic ailniiiiiHtriili.i of Un- above entitled estate bavtag iilcd hie imiil a. i ..mil , the Court li.t- tiictl Mmi- il.il- I lie 9S th liny nf May I 111. 'I III 111 o'clock ti. in ill lln- Court llotiru; in Barns, Oregon c na tin- time sad ptaei Ibe hearing ullJectiuOS ii any Ut miiil linnl aeoouni ami th atttleaaral tht assat, Tbia notice la publisned by order el tbe County Iti'lejc ol Haute,- County, once a .mi I. I'ii i.aii sttcatsalvc Mfceke iH-u,iuuinu; tin aotfa ilav oi April, I'M -'i JAMliS L. IIAI'I.T, Atliiiiniatnitor. Notice of Appointment. In tlic matter of the estate of A in I lev Moiic, ilcccaaetl. Notice in hereby gifaa thai the aader signed lias Ik in ilii.. day duly appointed by llic Conn I v Coin I ol liar ley County , iirn.ia, iiif .'iiiiiiiin.i i in i u ol llic uliovc aicnlioacil cataic, ami liaa iiialilicil. All IciaollH bavlag i-l'iitiiK iignliiMt suitl estate arc icijtiitc.l lo picacnl llirni na by I iw rci u i ret I within mi months from ilm. lo naitl utiiiiiniatrutrix nt bet resi lience ticai Andrews, Oregon, or at tat olhcc ol (1. A Kouiliohl, Ini attorney, lit Jim us, Oregon, llateil Ihla 7th, day of May IU1:. Ivisnoii Hkhon, A.lniiuiil mli l. NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION 1'NITKIiKTATRHI.ANIIorril'K. I lllirna, otagoll, April III, Iflrl. Nolli'r It hi-ri'ln Irmi that .lamra t'larrncf Mill ol lla'riliiiati, in... on, who, en Mai III, mill mailr llomialail Knlrr. No. IHH77, lor yv.l ', Hi'iiiim :i-., ii.w ni,i. w n , uanga r.aal, y Niiii.ii'tii. Mirioint. naN nirn noui-a or in no lion lo niaki' Final rhrno Ynar I'rool, lo i-ii lab lull I'lalm lolha land above ilrrrrllnnl. I fori tha Rrglaln anil Koi'iUvar. ai llnrna, Ore i'iiii nn lhn Olti ilav ol Jnna, lfflH I'lalmanl nainia aa ivlinaaoag II N In,,. J. II. 'llnin.TMiail, lio III Ol llai rlinan, Origoi. II. I Van Dorn, Urgnt Tluioii ami, tiol It of VVaviHly, llragoli. WM.FAgRg. Ki'glalor. ROTtOl KOU PUBLICATION. UNITKII MTATKH I. AND IIFrilll, I lliiuiH, Oregon. April tl, IVIII I Nutii i. la liruiliv glvi-ii lliat Job M HoOMIU, of l.iiwiii, uri'Kon. who, on Allgltat HI, ItaKi, niaillloin..li.K.i Knlrv No. IWOUI, for HIHWl4. nl. ami N',y ', HiH'llull 11, To mil I i VI H llaugf M'ji,, K , Wlllaiiiilli Mrrlillan, liaa flh-il noiii'i. of hiirnilnii to maku final litre, ynar I'rool, lo ealatillHtt claim io Ilia lanil al.,,y, .1, erlbod, t'loi,' the Heglaler ami Iteoelver, al Rurna, Oregon, on Hie Ithila) of Juno, ltll.1 t lalinant itanii'a aa wllni'aaeei Arllnir Wlillni'v. M I'lalli Allmrl Noae, IIhuv Mil onilia, all ol l.awi'li, Oregon. wm, Finag Itoglalei. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKII I '. I l LAND i il I n I . . llllniH Ori.g April a, ItlD. Nolliu lalioraliy glvi.nlliai l..ater I. Illakely, of liuina, orogon, wtm, on April in, i hi,, mn.l. Ilomesli'ail entry Nn tuial Ki'rlal No l" li W'.xV.'-.HB'aHW',, MiMllon 17 TowualilpxiH Han,',.J, K , Wlllam, In Mi'ilillan. liaa Mli'.l nnili'i- ol iiiti'Ohnn lu mako llnal llvi- yi-ar proof to ralHlllHli i-laini lo I In Ian. I nl,oi ,1, , rll,.-l. Iielore lt.glaler ami llefolver.at Itnrna.Ort.gon, on i In' I.Mii itayof " .i. i-'l.i. claimant nam, a al wltiivaaoa John t'lark, of llnrni. Oregon K,l war. I ,.ll, on, Jr-aae Vlcki'l". Mlar llm klainl, all ol Hat ney Oregon. A Filar, heglaler. NOTICK KOU PUHLICATION. I'Niian Ktirg l.iNtiilrin a llnrna. Oregon, April In, Inn Notice la hurchy given that (leotg V .otnmoiia.of Narrowa, Oregon, win., nn April it, Ivln. ii.h.Ic lli.niraleail ruin No n,4i fur Lola v ", ami III. anil sW).SK'(, -I. ',-', Hcllnn :.o, lownihlp -Hang.' II K, VVil laiiiilic Mcrlillan. Ima lllcl nnlli-i- nl lull nlmn lo niaki. final llin-i- y car Pnaif, lu cktabPali .-lalm lo the lanil almvc .lea. iiIh.iI, liolore lln Heglaler ami llci-clvcr, at llnrna, Oregon nil Hi. inli .lay nl May.lul.l Clalutatil natucaaa wlllleaaea; li.-ingi- W raw I drill, Alton il. hhaler. Amliaw J. ..in,,. Jea-e v ,....1. .., . ell of Narrow, ore (on. Wo. r.aaa Krglater 141.'. ii,.. i, H l.lal No. uuaia ItOTfCI KOU PUBLICATION UNITKII HTATKK I. ANIIOrril'g, I Hurna, ore.. April 7. 113 I Nniiic ii In i.l.) given Ibgt tbe Northern Pacific Hallway r.iinMltiy, w Itoac i.nai ufltcc a.l.h. la "t Paul. Mlnneeota, haa Ibla vtb day of Vinll lltlll, filed In Ihla oltlci' Ha applli atlnli toaelei I nn.t. i lln- pruvlatung ol the eel ul l 'on grata apprnvril July I HnmiWHIgt Ml". , l.Jtl) . aa atlemle,) l.y the actof i migreae approvvil Mai 17, HUM the A U ol NtCU '. 10. Two. Koulh. R. JtiKaal, W. m aerial Nn ogee Any ami all prreiine claiatlug atlieraelytbe Ull.1i .Icacill.c.l, nl ttealrlUglO nl.Jc t t-iail,r ol ibe mineral rharactrrof lite laml. or foreoy other rvaeon, t.. the Ulanuael lu applicant, hum, I die their attlilavlta ul proleal I Ihla office, on or Iwlore Hi. .'ml .lay of June, IVISI. n. faaaa. Heglaler I'ul, lhe! lu I he Tllilra lleralil, imali-l at llnrna. Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I iiti. MTaTta l.aguorricg. I Hurna. iiregnti. April lo. i i i Sutler 1 her rh) go, 11 that VII 1 1 lain II. Moore, uf ICIlcy, oreguti, who on ylay 3.'. IWMt, ami wan h -",. l.tlo. rcalHHllvi'lr made llntii.-.i. a, I Knlrlaa. No ur.'.i. m.iirj, fnr KINW,. BU1,, iV.MI'i, Hoillun li. Tuwualilp JAH Hangr " K. NVlllainelte Mrrhllan, haa Died notice nl intcntliii! to wake dual throe year oruof, to eetehliah laitn to the lend above lei. rll-., he ore It.-Mlaler an. I Hecelver, al Hurna, Oragoti Ibe luth day ol May. !! i claimant nam, -a aa wltneeaea "in W. Mlurgee. II. II. I 'horn neon, Vt in A Horgcll, p. tor Prlrraon, all ol Hliey, Oregon Wm. i.iii Hegteler. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION I MTIII ifef TM ,4li UfrilK, f MfM, Of k"m prll V. i-l .i Nolirc m liarvhy kUvii thfil Alvlu Hurlburi, ul Natrrowi, uraKuii, win. iu Mf it .', IUiw bimI Nu. 17. I . lra(. ilv. i III If Ht'lDPfllttyi. Kllti !' NO WfUtsttnl Vti&, fur SW'.MK1,, h'.HVY' . H-- t . (ion h, luvf uiiitt w h , Katnct . IT, i..lamii. MrrhllMii. tia flU.l i....l.r of in Irnll.iti to rtinku (liial lhrciitr ti i tnMis.i i-lalin tit I lie lea.il) ktHivr lii rl.M-il, hrturm Hr lltatf all, Kt't-elvtT, etl It 11 riiss, OWfOWi HllUll Mth tUjf Ol Ms. I'l Ittlmmil iiayittri wtltirtsite: 4ujualiia W Miirltttirt, .Smrruvn, tt no tWllla.li. lUr-Iwrlt. Inhnf Alt-salt. I. r. A Hi Kruslr, all i.l lltiriia. Urafnii Wat, Pahmi, Hoailior NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. l mtii, TTa l.ixi, iirri, a. Hurna. Oregon, April M, II1 Sutlielaloreby alien Dial llnrlou M. Kvlaai. f hllef .Uncoil ii I... ,,, Jaonarv II. I 'to tiia.le llomralrail entry So. UKM'J, lor H',SV,' SW',Hi,ta I.HK'.NK'.ai.'l NK .ml,, H,e tiou 2 1.,Hlialili,'x7 H . Itange .'.. K , n lllaiue.i. aterlillao, liaa nle.i pott ol Inlenilon lotnakr final i onur ntatlon nrool. lo calat.llali claim to tlte IhiuI t,.ii.- ili laerllMMl, tjefore Keglalrr and Keculver. at Btirna, uregon, aa te I III, ilay Jnue li;i t lalinant nainea aa t, lln, aa, a . William llnrgrll I'atrr I'ateraon, i ly.la I me. John H'liart. all uf Icilry, (yregoo Wi.Piiu, KiglMrr. NOTIU1 KOU PUBUOATIOM I'H.Tan Man l.m. Ilrrli a. Hurna, Oregon, A,rll .'.'., ii:i Notice la I.. ,. l.y given lliat utnta Joueg, ol lirewaay, Orogon, li,. n Mai , liaxi tna.lr Hum. in al Klilry No Km. herlal Nu .r.1,-t.l for HK, He, Hull It, loallalilp Jo a. tauge .'.o( r... iiiaiii.ii, Hriuiaii, liaa lllcl n. .la i or na, i.i inn in make final live year .ruof In eilalilltli , lalm til the lain! al...ve 'Iracrll.e.l. I . mi. I . Il.eile T. h tiiiiinila .Inner, al l.li ..tit. e. . I III en Be v. Hi. ji, mi Hi Slat Hay nt Ms) lata Utslataul iianie- aa ellsesMg Julian f(,,rei William l. curat-, Joseph Klin call. John Klmi.ail all ul brewery Uragot I H. linn. Itegolt r NOTICE Holt I'lUH.lCATKlN IINITKIIHTATKK I.A Nil UKKll K Hurna, i in gnu, May n, ItU I Nntiee la liarcliy ghen lliat liav lil Havage, of HurtlN, Or. goo, it In., ..I. I ..-lull. tier .-J.liaal. ntaile huiaueu.it entry Me .'ntwi. NerUi No. ansa, for ','. M',.mi ',M' an. 1 1 ul ', Hrillon ;, Tn lni -4 h . Itange Ju K , Hlllaluelle Mrrlilt.n, inn. Ilii il i.nli-i- ill inn i, th. i, ti, make final five tear pfto!, 10 i alal.ll.ltcil claim In Ihc laml ateive ilt'Ni ul.e.l. belor Heglilei atal Hnil'lie nt lltiriia, lliegtin. in. lite llilh ila) uf Julie 1(11 tJlalUISIll lialnia ua Mlllleaaca I'. a -ni. . III. I.. tee II. Vllaa Jaeiil. M Uuvc, fro. I K ni ..il, ail nl Hi,, in. Oregon Wm. K(t. Heglaler NOTICK POR I'UIII.ICATION IHO'.AI Kit 1 KAl I fU II 1,11) LAN II HA IK I'm tan ' niu I ini. I. in, a. Hurna, Oregon, April at, llllil.i Nuiice Ig lieruhv given that, aa illiuuleit h tin-i ...ntiila.iliiiier .a tile tleuatal l.an.1 tlfflce miller pruvlalotia of Act of I'nngreia aueruvi.tl Hares St, I u i WI mil v;i luireuaui lothaap I'llealluli ol V'llllatll II lluwanl, Herlal Nil ' . I.' ,ie II III nltei al itllillc aalc, In llic hU-li (al l.l.l.lur, l.ul al nut leia llian fl ... peratite. in if. In. k I M . on IbsMtk .lay ,,l June i'.i.i. at Ihla i. ill. e. i In- I..II...1 li.g trail uf laml NKNW;, Hcc I J, T. tlH , II. X, K.. W. M An) ami all tieraiiua elaltiiliig atlveraely Ihc all v.- .leaeril.e.l lamia ure ,.-!. 1. .1 lo Mli I lien claltiK lir olijeclluiia nn in l.elure the time tie algnaleil fot aale u riaea. Heglaler !'(. a lltvgt. Hecelver, NOTICK KOIl PUBLICATION. UltlTgliHTATga LANIillrril K. I Hutua, Oregutt, Uuy II, Ivi.i I Nullee la hereby given thai Hit hard J llalut'l. ol Sarttiwa. llregun, alio, mi May -J, 1WT, inii'le lluinialiatl Ko ti No, IW77 Serial Nn. em., lur NHI4MW1, NvVi.HKti Lola . 4 and 7, Neciliiu n. TuMuahlii Wrl,, ilangu iu K , Willamette Mcililian, haa flirt! notice ul Inteu lion lu Ul.kit llual tv( (ear I'rtiol, lu arlahllah elalitt in ihc laml aieiie tlcaiiilbeil, before II. a later atu I Hecelver, al Hurna, Orsguu, uli the 71.1 nay ul June, ruin. claimant iiauieaaa wllueiaca Jauiea H. Ivy, uf Narruwv, Oregon Nlckulaua llaf.r, Krguk Iniiin. hmli of Vuflage. Kilwaril I. H.rlitgri. Narrowa, Ort.guu WM. KAggg Heglaler NOTICK KOK I'UUI.ICATION. USITgll HTATga I.4NII iirril'R, ( Hurna, iirrguit, May, la, lull I Nutlet, la hereby given that Klhel a Uravea. uf l.awuii. Oreguti, who, on July , r.tou, ui.de hera. Iiulerl laml Klilry, No uoivx, fur 1.01a 1 .11,1 1, Hen Wi.NU NK',. and I ula I, i utnl II. Hocllun II liiwnslil. a H, llauge S'J K, Wlllalui lie Merhllaii, baa illuil tin' lee of Inlenllou to make llnal TriHif. In lauihllah claim lu tbe land un a. 1 1 1, eil befi.ie Itcglaiwr.iiil lliic.li.r, .1 lluiua. iirrguit, uu lln a7ili day uf June, Him. I'l.li,,.,,! ti.iiu a aa wltneaaea J. k uravea, 'II111 1 -row Icy, uf l.aweii, lire,. n. I, M Caiueuter, J. II Muuyard, ul Ilurna, 0rU' Wg. PiSSg, Heglaler As I sm moving my saw mill I have four or Ave old buildings st the old site that I will dispose of at a bargain. Any one need ing such material tthould see me at once -Clay Clemens. 18tf MMKRTISB. HAKNKY l.lllllie, Nt) 77, 1. O O t. Ml( arery Miunla) In Odd Fallow Hall t7:Mii in. A. Hunn, W W Huiilil. Necreian M, O. Iiegrce work (a lolluwr- Ural Halunlay 1 1. 1 Malory, aerom! Halur.lav riral Hrgrar, llilr.l Maturilay, Meroud IXgreel furlh Halnrday. Ilill-I ll.-Kl.e. Itt'KNH l.illlttK NO. (7, A r k M., Mrela, i, m fnal ami llili.l -lalnrilay In raeli monili I . Haull. W M Ham Molltrraltcgil. Heerelar, M IHKIIN WOOHMRNOKAMRall.'A Meala every (rcoiiri ami fuorti, Kmlar even lug at I n. It r. Mail, .H lielri,u,rt n.rltr.l Nrw aia.llcanta will receive ookrteoua Iroat "t""" M. A olggi, V 0. W. T, i., i. , rli rt HtlUNrt rllAfl'KIt NO. 40, O. g. I Mrela every ecrnml ami f.iurlh faolldgya Id Maaoolc Half. Kianltle Welron,. W al Hln Hvrcek, M.i relaty HVI.VIA HXNKKAII ItrilHKK No 41 ieiavery Id ami ad Wednesday . , . llmllr Hall, . i . N il. Madge l.euliar.l. II, c Hefl'r. TlM.KliBI.'l.g No let.. W. uf W. n., la run fun, 1 1, llnira.lay. Maml Murine Healer llo.liiian. t l.-rk orriCIAL DIKBCTOBY stAta oasoos : II h Heualora I Jolialhan Sourna Jr. I K. ibalnberlaiii W HKIHa I'nugr J W llawl.y Alt. no,.) in i, rial inivcrtiui trcretary ul ritale Ireaaurer aunt I'ul.llc Inalrai ., HUlr I'.ii.i., A. M. Crawford Hawaii! Weil . .. rw lnsse T.D.K., I.. M Allarraan . W Hl.unlway i Hut,. Kaalo I T A ,i. b.l.l.. "inin. Ju.l,... OouHartl a. S. Seen. . A. Moore NINTH JUDIt.lAI. UIBTaiOT. Ulalrlrl Judge HalUMl ggg Ulglrli-t Atloruey w 11 1 Mroofe "'"'" CMLeoo.Tr. in un luurt meet Ibe gral Musd.y lu April and grat M lav in October. lolul Hrnalur lull. i lli.na'ulallve 0 W larrlali W. r. Ilnniati WHISTT- i,it: . iiumy Juilge i.'lerk I n aanr. i Hurvejior -I" .if) Aaaa,,r Sclwul H.e.rlDl.ndent t'nruaer .tn.-B lliai.ri tm .ii.iililaalnli.-ra '.ram l bare nauu K.I llugh.l a A Miller (.'. K. Beery A K. Kieliarilann J. J. Liuuegan I. M lltmlltara 'I lie v. tiger Julili HuUBaoe IK. I' rirlteeur i lima Hal i i.in.lX luurl rnitta Hie Brar We,liia.lar I January, March Mar. July. Meuteaauer ami Nuvealavr. UAKtiar i'. . .an i. nrricg; K..I.I. i SaseJtt r Wm farr Frank liaray citr .tana laror. i . ...i. . . 1'iveaiirer aaral.al. "am MuUierakeail . A. M. MyrU Mamie a latere ..M. I . Hal lira I II I. Ilaaaeu ' . Weleetae I l. nn. Launeinr It I V. klun.il. 'nun llreeli Meeiiuga ul the I'uaurll et.ry Kmirll, Wrilnee.1 mttmtnmmntranmtunttmnmttnnn. Mrs. (irate B. Mdlose TRACHER Voice and Piano Methods Uaetl In Ciscissslli Csisenslorjf of Mask "evidence Studio Jnd.door west IVcibytcrlan Churxh HMIIIItllttT Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMIi TAill.K Nt). (I IN rVRCR JUNK 14, IVJJH. Wast II. m in I. Kast It. 11 ml. Nn I I'shh. a in. Nn. s Haa a, m il; I l.v Hakir City Ar 5: H Sit " South It lor l.v 6:86 marl ' 'tllltsBB'lt " ft:00 III III " l..a'kharll 4:56 10 U7 " lhoiiiHtont " 4:61 10:17 " MI.IUul .luiii'lioiil "4:46 lOttj ' 'ttalcr Tank I " 4:40 10 if " 'I lean 'a Hour I "4:1 lll:!l " Mi liwrnl ' 4:16 ii' ... " lI'MTIii.M " 4:10 11:10 " Similiter " 4:06 11:16 " MUNtTlONI " :60 11 :40 " Hiiiniiiltt :o N(H)N 18:00 ' ll I. Caiiit " :06 P. M. U rfi " Whiiiiey " 00 i.':IO " TH'I'ONt " S:4A 1:10 Ar Auatlu 8:10 Stiip mi Hittiittli only. jNuaKitit. Tit ItuU iHMUttl only lur hU'Ihiin whore irniiiM un: mi -fifilnltMl to iiiuko rulftr h4)ih. l'MNaiMiK'r- n.u-t (Miroli o tlfk oU wliuru itgonla nvi-l nfaVw ' ntering irftiiM or .iTi mlN lit tldltloti It. tho rt giiUr fan Will ho th.tryotl. JOftini A. WKHT, Huut. tiKANTUKDDKN. Akft. Sunt. $1500 Reward! A i in. Oregon, la I Ifnrnls.utl.Nevatla Ure Stuck frui.e Una Aaauclallnii uf which Hie under algnetl la la. in I. ... will give l,ueo U0 ie nan! for eel ilenti loading to the street and oon vlelluu nl any par lynr uaitlaa ileal lug horee. e.lUa in iniilea belonging tu any of Us mem . m't U X In a.i.litini. to the aknve, the uuderdtued ..tli.ra the aaute e.ilnl II Ion gUHI.UU lor sll huraea I, ramie. I liiirte ahod bar ou both or either Jsw. Brand tet'imlwl In eight coualt llauge Harney, lake (lid trunk counties. Horee vented wlum aold. None but grown liuiaea (Old anil only In erg i. mi. i.e. w w . iihiiwn rue Orgea. ' ,.' rfi i.. wW' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION liniTgo SraTsa 1-antt (irnca, i Ittirni, Oregon, May I. 1111 I Nutlrr la linrrhy given tbgt Jatnrr It lr. pi Narrow, Oregon, who. on Nov II, nr; ma Ir lluineairail Kntry No. IBM, Hrrlal No. iwaigi, Isr l.ota II, 10, n, 4, Hec. sis, Lot( I and t Her. irj ami Ixtt 1, Hei'llon 'J7, Towoihlp M H . H.nge m a., Wlll.(tlc Marldlau. (Hnuth Malheur Uk liai Hied notice nf Intention to make fit al five year Proof, tuaalalilllh claim to tin- I. ml al.uvr daeeribed, before Heglaler .nd llecelvrr. .1 llnrna, Oregon , on the lliat .lav of June, ivln. ciataaant nan ra aa wltneaaei I, t H.lnu W....I. fkaaan .. v.-n. ,...! ... Wt a.H.l.w, T.n.w.., ...,.,, ,,,,:i....hp Oaler, Voltage Oregon. Kdw.rd I . Hnrlnger, llirln Volt or narrowa, urrgon rrana lainn, ol Or ego. IfSi Wm. Kiga. Heglaler MAY 28 TO SEPTEMBER 30 YOU CAN GET LOW FARE ROUND TRIP TICKETS FROM ALL O.-W. R. & N. STATIONS TO Principal Cities In the East VIA m illlile FINAL RETURN Chicago $ 72.SO New York 108.SO Philadelphia 108.50 St. Petal 60.00 Filially low Hound Trip Farra lo prarllrally all other points East LET HE HELP OUTLINE YOUR TRIP J. H. CORBETT. Aft., O.-W. R. & Pi. Bend, Ore. H. BAHOUL. Ar1 . O.-W. R. & N. Redmond. Ore. BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON Sl 8AYFR, Props Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring. Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. 'Cood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls.' . J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. WHY NOT MAKE $200.. A MONTH - - That's 60.00 a Week, almost S10.00 a Day a HrllliiK Vieuif Haf.'g aud llrv iroof boxrt to ma rrha.nl a, (ltxlora, lawjir. JrnttntM k ltd Wfll lu tlo fannrrH.atl of wttom rt-allM-1 lir lire.! of ft aavff, but do nut know htway Utatoown on. eeValoainan tlrotara tur arttfKsilln oia of tha nail, ciniicut money Ilr rir rtM-flvii IlltOUl J-r. im.a) pij euee YOU ean tluplloale n.le.ti llh.l to r. preallt! tlur li.lulaoini.lx llli.niraleil gut ..i a will enable yuu to iir.-..-nt the .ul. Our Ikavntlaomoty lIU.MlraUii Vkx) iatf catalog tower. In .a Inter. -.liiig .. ..it were piloting litem thruugn our faetory avirttuian raoa.va advlra amt litutruftloim for i-..n viuelns talking solo t wlileli It la luipoaatlile luu'l YOU be lu. nrat to appiy ironi your viriniiy i Mr. ean laror only en sal man out of eaeh looallty. tuu'l YOU ba lb flrat to apply from your - ' iT,- . ---. . ' ra Hew Here. QseegNt 10,000 Setae Annu.llv- r i t iti WRITE FOR .SPECIAL CATALOG AMD PRICES THE AitAVERILL MACHINERY 0. 3 S POKAHt. WASH.-PORT! aaaaa...aa.aaaaeaeeeeee a - : LONE : : star : . RESTAURANT UI.OWII. I (ION Mi up. Meala At All Hours. Short a Orders and Prompt Service a With Reasonable ltuteti Give Me A Call a . aaaaaai Tlgua-aaraM laa a e Il . K.HTAHUAgli, Hltalg V. "IMIIIkl,, A, M , B. l. " I' -,0ill I flrntral I'ra n- Or. "tail" SaeeUHst lir. Kre, N ami Thiaal DRS. STAPeiaARD Will Aaewer all Calb Prampllv Day or Nlahl Ofne In C. W. Voting BM'e Pkonr. Will EalataUeh The llawney County Heapllal at niiRNS. ORROON Dr. I.. C. HOLLAND Physician and Surgeon Burns, Oregon Telrpho-ir ConnectlOBS UNIT OCT. 31 Denver $ 5S.OO Omaha 80.00 Boston 110.00 Minneapolis GO.OO FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS lunLiiir: t'liorinni- ie exiM-rl- Hie eureeaa uf ntli.ra. r-tiitjtfi io cua- a in. title r aa tli.iugli Mm BiNlntrtl in arltlttif aafra, tlnti for a proapectin- euatomer to deny ny vicinity t-afora aomtuua viae geta Ibe urritoryT Tbe ttth annlTaraary of ou r company' wan crletiratad l eracttng tbr moat itiolarn aafa factory In tbr world. WMa- anrsvko aaaa who rrootTcd our prclal ael It hk huhuMinrnt, randarrd Ituecraaary todtiubla onr output. ara wpatuitntf many thotiKitnl" of dllara rit- larKinaoiir aal a untanliAllon, put to tram all pariU'ulrtrt. Ill e. irl yen null Hi urli-. a po.t.1 ear.l. Ask for Catalogua 161. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. riariaaiTt nuin """ " 3 , strlHir5 ' IllSKU dOILILS HjHlOHORAOfl MACHINERY AND. ORt.- JAN JOSE tAL.T, Turn ......... j ;HUt?NS SANATORIUM: a I Mr. Wm. i umiiiliik, I'r ( . e Best of fart' for patients a Well liiinislit'tl rooma Matt CaMM und comrortable. No lontaifioua fust's takin. Wales Reasonable 0$ntf0 BBS. aBaaaaaarai ' sHSrWt1 .a.....eet PROKKHHIONAL 0ARD8 CARL C. GRIFFITH I'll, eii inn an. I Kurgeritl RUMIf, ottROOX. TILLSON HAMISON M. B., M. I. Office Sen, nil floor Tlmes-Hersld Mais' Kntranre nn Main Street Ilurna, - Oreg-ort J. Ul. CBARY I'liyaii'lan ami Htir(eon. Iliirii", - - (iii'n. OffloS i" li'W lui I Id I rig south of Welc liariN'g mIihi, Main St. 'I'liniie Main Wi. It. E. HIBBflRD DE1TTI8T j Ollici. first tliMir i'HhI pbotO nailery Hunts. 0SBn. W. C. KROVVN, DEHTIST. IIUBMS, IIHKnuM. Ollici' minus H ami MsHonic Haildikj, DEiNMAM & DENrMAM, Phys. clans and Surgeons ('niif aiiNwcr.'i Brtaaptlf r,jrlitaea)a1 'I'lmiii! 1 1 nt rt ma 11 . Harriman, Oregon Dr Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon' I'ii ii t I elephonc Connectioa La wen. Ore. '''aafJaWBBpBiBjTjBjBjBaBBaBj M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law Voefftly Hlrlir.. Rurna, lreo C. A. REMBOLD Altorney-at-F.aw, Burns, Oregon. Mints' ft CHEZEM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Burns, dragon. Ili-nii ii and 7 Masonic Building Kerin luans uukkly tn.ds at reaannable rata CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - . Oregon I'rsrtiree In the Slate Court and be for tin' I, fl. Laud Office. 7hns. II. Ixxmnrd. Attornky- at-i.a w, Careful attention given to Colltf lions and Real Ketabs ni.tttern. Fire insurance. Notary Public Burns. Orroon. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State CourLs and United Stata! Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oretron. It Ii. OMfM at, ah. boc.i;. a H.V. Oooot aaao.al. ah. aoc. COOPER & LX5LXiE Civil and Hydraulic Engineer. Irrigation, Water Supply Sewerajre, Water Power. Siirv.tya, M,,W K.tnnaies, Hoperyi,ioti BURNS, OREGON r. ' hii.i.akii lurinerli ami i rjgtaaag In r. g ! Imii. ,, s,r I ' e. -A. . KI'LKN(( fnrmer i hlel lf g 1 1101 of uulnr Teerere Ky. BlEaslernOrejrtuiingioeerini P-a Uli,l,iiny UV" IKttlliATlvN INGINtHS m.tn ,,..,... JCAr UAK I BAL.COMB I'lltR. u AH (. a. ... MKM A, A. . 4 All. M. AH. I. K. K. HVDRAULIC ENGINEER Ditclit's, Ivtst rvoirs, rinal Proof Work, llydni-Kloctric Power V. S. Dap. Mineral Work Cusrl Work A Specially Dntiueni in ii.ni, Prleaia Anj iiivi'iiittiiint Slnaui i;gginK ALBLRSON - - ORKUON JOHN ROBINSON Stuck Isspector, llarscv Caul. II. inn. A l,li, urue. Or Mill (. KM II Kit I.l N(J, --'i " .lowolor. (jpUoitui and lniri'ttvoi'. Fine Watch Kepairinij A Sp cialty. liajsaaBjia k