The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 17, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest City In The Biggest
The Biggest County In The State
Of Oregon, Best In The West
County In The State Of Oregon I
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NO. 27
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iator Borah Finds Little Chance of
Relieving Congestion of Cities, as
Persons on Public Domain Suffer
Almost Equally With Those Who
Chafe in the Overcrowded Centers
rhe administration of the puh-
lland laws is scathingly arraign-
I in a letter written by Senator
ih, of Idaho, to Samuel Fried-
?n, chairman oi me iumw iumi
ti-Conge8tion League of Now
rk City. Knowing the Sell
er's interest in developing the
Bt, Mr. Friedman wrote him
ting his co-operation m tne
krk of the League in diverting
western lands thousands of
ople now crowded into the
and congested cities of the
It The Senator, m reply.
lures Mr. Friedman that it is
Bless to take up his plan until
ch time as the theoretical con-
itionsts untie the resources
the West and provide some
and means for the settler to
e a home. Mis letter is as
I am in receipt of your letter
which you describe the condi-
of the congested districts in by procrastination, technical od
York City and ask for as- jections and strained construc-
nce to send these people into
States that they may aid in
veloping the large tracts of
ultivated lands.' I certainly
pathize with these poor peo- for the sole reason the Govern
I have seen enough of their mentof the United States, in-
idition to know how miserable
I am more than willing to
re any aid I can in a practical
to relieve the situation.
'But in dealing with so serious
itter we ought to be practi-
aa well as svmoathetic.
loubt very much whether, un-
present conditions, it would
Iwise to send these poor peo-
into the West to aid in devel-
ig the large tracts of unculti-
The situation in which we
nnrwlvea in the West at the
ksent time does not justify us
transporting poor people to
slic lands. It requires, under
present administration of
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. (live Me A Call
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
Go To
Rexall Drug Store
Where You Get The Best There Is
Reed Bros. Props.
public land laws, men of wealth
to get a home on the public do
main. I do not desire you to un
derstand that 1 am writing this
I am writing this letter in a
spirit of captious levity, but New
York City and other Eastern
cities are arreatly 'congested' with
class of people who have been
actively engaged in tying up the
public lands of the West for the
last 10 years. Thousands and
thousands of acres of agricultural
lands are in the reserves, and as
a practical proposition are not
open to settlement.
"While the la technically
permits settlement, the operation
and administration of the law is
such as wholly to discourage peo-
pie from the attempt. It has
come to ue inai every man wno
undertakes to acquire a piece of
public land is looked on with sus-
picion. impeded and emDarrasseo
tion of the law. Hundreds oi
seiners on our puunc uonmiii are
enduring narusnips aunosi equal
to those of your own people, and
stead of aiding and assisting the
bona fide settler, throws about
him almost every conceivahie
Ihe tiles are lull ot letters
from homesteaders who arc at a
loss to know how they snail ever
be able to acquire title and stand
out against this delay and con-
stant embarrassment.
"Statistics show that at least
100,000 of our people are going
into Canada every year lor no
reason, in my judgement, otner
than the manner in which our
public land laws are auminimereu.
it may be that the East, in her
cangested condition, will see the
common sense and common
and Retail
justice of opening up the public
lands to every bonn fide settler,
every man who goes there in
good faith to ncipiiro and make a
home, and to aid him instead f
retard him in his ell'ort.
"If the new era is sit hand,
then I can say to you that
you can find homes for
thousands of your people upon
lands which will make most de
sirable farms and upon which
families may be roared with :u
companing prosperity and hap
piness. Hut before you send
your friends Wist, mil of mercy
to them I suggest that you join
with some f us in an eftorl to
stop this everlasting hounding of
people who ar.' in good faith trv
ing to settle up the now wocrh
less lands of the VY tl
Water PremiU Issued
During Last Quarter
During the quarter Mldlnfl
March :Ust. L01& the Stuf Kn
gineer has issued several im
portant pirn, its to appropriate
the waters in Harney County.
Thomas and Walter of Chicago,
secured a permit to appropriate
the waters of Trout Creek for the
irrigation of 2,2:50 acres of land.
The water is to be diverted in
Sec. 28, T. 898., K. M K.
Tice Shull of Narrows secured
a permit to construct a reservoir
for the storage of f.2() acre feet
and a secondary permit to irrigate
925 acres with the waters of
Walls Lake and Deep Lake.
J. Bt Balcomb of Alberson has
3ecured permits to construct two
reservoirs to be tiled with the
waters of McCoy, Castle Rock,
Bobcat, Mosquito, Willow and
Buena Vista Creeks, and also
has a secondary permit to apply
the stored water to the irrigation
of 348 aires. The water to be
diverted in Sec. 7. T. 82 S.. R.
35 E. W. M.
Other permits have been issued
as follows :-
Adolf SchulU of Held, has a
permit to construct a reservoir
for the storage of 240 acre feet
and also a secondary permit to
apply the stored water to be ir
rigation of 110 acres, in Sec. 6,
T. 25 S., R. 33 K.; A. R. Rochin
of Oroville, from Little Willow
Creok, for the irrigation of 40
acres, in Sec. 27. T. 3'J S.. It. 34
E. ; Katie Parker of Burns,
from Silvies River, for the irriga
tion of 25 acres, in Sec. 9, T. 22
S., R. 30 E.; A. & C. Gibbons
of Riley, from North Fork of
Chickahominy Creek for the ir
rigation of 265 acres, also includes
domestic use, in Sec. 2, T. 23 S.,
R. 25 E. ; Perry Lowe of Beck
ley, from Echart Creek and
springs for the irrigation of 50
acres, in Sec. 20. T. 3G S., R. 32
E. ; Agnes M. Tudor of Alber
son, from Juniper Lake Ditch,
for the irrigation of 200 acres in
Sec. 2, T. 318., R. 35 E.; J. E.
Rousevelle of Denio, from Trout
Creek, for the irrigation of 240
acres on Sec. 80, T. 3'J S., R. 36
E. ; R. R. (irant of Alberson,
has a permit to construct a re
servoir for the storage of 420
acre feet and also a secondary
permit to apply the stored water
for the irrigation of 70 acres in
Sec. 9, T. 33 S., 34 E. W. M.
Moit Prompt and Effactual Cura fo
Bad Coldt.
When you have a bad cold you
want a remedy that will not only
give relief, but effect a promot
and permanent cure, a remedy
that is pleasant to take, a remedy
that contains nothing injurious.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
meets all these requirements. It
acts on nature's plan, relieves
the lungs, aide expectoration, !
opens the secretions and restores
the system to a heult hy condition.
This remedy has a world wide
sale and use, and can always be
depended upon. Sold by all
1 " '; -. ,
BaL t 'MMKHHaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaaatakaaaaCHBBaaV , Rl L I & S S ",
wOL Jk warn .m i U
New York, March 20th, 1918. Broad
way was treated to aa Indian daiin
ycetenlay when Bin Top and ten Rlitok
I rit Indiana, hero to see thn aJKhta In oon
iicotionwith the Hooond Annual Tran-l
and Vacation Kbow, performed in honor
of the 'women along the "Gay WhiU
Way." Tojmuaic of toro-toina they
dnncvd for eevernl minutes in front of the
ntlioes of the Great Northern Haslwuy
which fnrniiihed them a aiioci! ear from
Glacier National Park reservation, Mon
tana. The above picture shows the
Market Report.
Receipts for the week at the
Union Stock Yards, Portlantl
have been; Cattle 17811; Calves
25; Hogs 2432; Sheep 458T;
Horses 2.
A higher steer market has
marked the week's business in
the cattle division. Monday
showed a big run and biddiiiK
was keen and Idaho and Montana
stuft brought 98.40 to $8.50
Thin sduy, with several loads
from Stan field and cho going at
$8.75 off the cars. The cattle
supply throughout the country is
limited and a steady market is
looked for. There was a fine
butcher trade, but demand ex
ceeded the supply of heifers,
bulls and calves, so cows sold up
to $7.40 and heifers $7.75 and
bulls $0.00 and $5.25, showing
the strengh of the market.
Hogs continue strong, while
Eastern markets are lower. De
mand is bo keen that buyers con
tinue to pay $9.06 for the best
light hogs. This firmness may
not last long but exists for the
week's close.
A better sheep house prevailed.
Plenty of mutton and lambs to
supply the trade with strictly
prime wool wethers bringing
$7.50 to $7.75. ewes at $6.50 to
$6.75 and spring lambs $8.75, the
early part of the week, but Uot
ed lower toward the close of the
week's business.
Captain Louey Reminiscent.
Capt. Louey, the old Piute In
dian, was calling on the writer
the other morning and asked the
cause of the great flood and
storms that recently devastated
such a big tx-rritory in the middle
west. He talked of the old In
dian story of conditions in this
territory long before the white
man ever ventured this far west.
He says the Indian story is to the
effect that Harney Valley was
once a vast lake and nothing but
the high mountains were visible.
The earth got mad and a great
upheavel was the result and in
this manner the lake was drained
the grass begun to grow and
finally it becamo tho home of his
people. It is said that once after j
the Indians were here the snow '
fell to tho depth of eight feet in
Insure your Dwelling, liarn or other property with us in the Best Companies. Guar
anteed Government I .and Script of all kinds handled by us. What have you sell?
Legal Land Matter Attended To Promptly
We have sev rul t-plcndid ranches in California and Washington 157 acres well im
proved home, large amount of fruit, level land and hog tight, G miles from Thayer,
Mo. Any of these fine properties can be traded for a good stock and hay ranch in
Harney County. Write or call on us, We can give you the very best of bargains.
I aaflBaH HPS'I , , n
m , Bs i
.fliVafc ' tvrcti i sd
WlilRaVis., '9
Tribs Performs In Honor of Women Along Street
Indiana camped on the roof of the Hotel
Mi Aliiin, living in tepees and cooking
tliiir fni i, in ikiIh, loaned them by Mana
ger Boomer, who is entertaining them.
The Indians urn In charge of Big Jim"
Shoemaker of Montana. They arrived
in Jersey City Sunday and where Drought
to New York on the ferrv. At the iiret
sight of the skyscrapers Chief Three
HearH. who ih SO venra old offered iiravem.
The hand wuh uno-atricken.
Cbiss Big Top, the tribe orator, was
asked what bin tribe thought of the city.
! the valley and when it thawed
! there was nothing seen of land'
here other than the top of Saddle tered our mystic Circle and taken
Butte, from us our esteemed and worthy
Louey says he would not be neighbor Del nora Keslorson there
surprised that in years to come fore be it
this will again be a lake as he Resolved; That we bow in
does not understand about the humble submission to the dis
lloods of the middle states and pensation of Him who rules the
the cyclones, for he feels the Celestial Circle above trusting in
Creator has had some cause for the wisdom of one who doeth all
such wrath in the elements. The things well,
old Indian is a very interesting Reselved: That we extend to
man when he is in the mood to the husband and family our heart
talk anil he has been the means felt sympathy in their bereave
of the late Doctor Marsden secur- ment and pray that in the hour
ing many of the Indian myths
and legends which will some day
be published and given to the
Resolutions of Condolence.
To the officers and members of
Tule Circle No 165 Burns. Ore.
We your committee appointed to
prepare a resolurion of condolence
on the death of our neighbor
Delnora Kesterson submit the
Meats, Flour, Salt, Sugar, Gasoline,
Landplaster, Blacksmith Coal,
Auto Oils and Greases
- WE PAY -
Hides and Pelts
Thou. W. Stephens, Agt., Burns, Ore.
Finest Hog Conditioner On Earth
All Orders Given Us Will Receive
Prompt And Careful Attention
What Have You To Offer In Exchange?
At nllX
He likened the high buildings to inniin
taiiut in Olarier Park.
Those in the band are. Big Ton, leader
Three Beam, Mcdieme Owl and squaw,
White Cnlf ami aquaw, lying-Time-Mi-i-i),
Kish Wolf Kobe, l.azv liny and Ceoilo
(niiiiid, K years old, tne daughter of A
Carlisle School rrtiident.
The band will bo in New York for ten
days in connection with the Second
Annual Travel and Vacution Show ut tho
Grand Central Palace, New York CAT
Whereas, death has again en-
oi trial they may be comforted,
Resolved; That the Charter
be draped in morning for thirty
days. That a page be set apart
in the records of the Circle for
the memorial.
That these resolutions be pub
lished in the papers ai d a copy
lie sent to the family of the de
parted neighbor.
Mamie Winters,
Ella lxiggan,
Maud Horton.
Experiment Station Superintendent Dis
tributes all Available Seed in Order
That Greater Quantity of Particu
lar Varieties May be on Hand Next
Season. General Notes of Interest
Field peas and spring wheats
are well up and locking good. On
OIM of the "slick" land, the
inter wheats an n t doing very
(ll on account of the hardness
of the soil prev. t tit g tillering,
Whi i ever ll. els nd is good, winter
r eand wheat is making progress,
1 he winter emmers and
were practically all vi iterkilKd
The oats and emmers are be
ginning to come up. The barleys
will soon be up. Flax sowing is
done. Xevi nil v:irii.ti,iu ..f il,o
crop are being tested out for
I seed productien: Flax should do
I well on ih" new sod lands and
perhaps will prove to be of value
JK 1, miMimOl I i'l.v. AMW, JMi ,1...
" ' " -'"' "" ""
dry lands when grown in rows
and cultivated, In this way a
crop can be harvested, as in the
S . I "l field tieas in rows, and a
en ,1 I ereentiiir. nf tho tvtia,,..A
held in the soil for the use of a
grain crop the following year.
1'iitatiii'S :iric )uilr,.v fii... anA
, ............. .afn.
..n for stover are other crops
that should bt? grown for
same purpose.
After all the sub-stations, co-
operators and the Experiment
Station had been a'lowed seed,
there remained small quantities
of several varieties of oats and
barley and some emmer, enough
in all to plant ten or fifteen acres.
This seed has been placed with
Dr. Hibbard and will be sown on
his farm just north of Burns.
Dr. Hibbard agrees to sell the
crop to the Experiment Station
for ordinary prices for grain this
fall after harvest. In this way
considerable seed of these known
to be good varieties will be avail
able for sale to those of Harney
County's farmers who wish to
avail themselves of the oppor
tunity to get a start of them.
Also, this planting will give those
farmers who pre located on the
wet lands an opportunity to judge
of the respective merits of the
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Commercial headquarters
.-ample Room In Connection, Reasonable Kates
Daily Line, Burns and Prairie City
UrAVI aurivi:
ti a in
2:30 p in
t'snyon ( ity .
Prairie ('ity
Canyon City
Fare, Hums-Prairie City,
Hound Trip, - -
Express Rates 2 1-2 Cents, Prairie to Hums
H Offera You The Very Best Of Facilities i
' ' ' ' IS IH -' '- ii ai .. p n i iiii-i.i ill i in -. i
For filling prescription. We have a large and
well assorted stock of prescription drugs and
competent Pharmacist to compound them.
We have the agency for the well known line
of Nyal Family Medicines, Eastman Kodaks
and Supplies. Come and visit us at any time.
J. C. Welcome, Jr. Prop.
(various varieties grown on Dr.
Bibbard's MprtMntatiVe soil.
About ISO packages of rape
and barley have been mailed out
to all parts of the county. Th s,
together with sample pac
of oats, wheat, emmer, flax, fl Id
peas and alfalfa, which have
been planted on all sorts of land
under all sorts of conditions over
the county, when reported up n
by those co-operating, will add
materially to the knowledge of
both those planting the set d and
those reading the reports as to
J TS?' be"ted
' '" each ,0?a,,,V ? pknt?MI th"H"
crops. nana tor Beca, jfrown
in rows, will be tryed oat in a
way that will prove b.yond
A...t, ...u,..l :. .,
"T uwr " "i""
uuu r leiu peas, nax ami rape
will demonstrate their aae as
summer fallow 'substitute crops.
The Swanneck barley, Kubanka
wheat. Sixty Day oats and Em-
nier are an vaiuame crops iorsui,
! whether on the dry or wet lands.
i -. ... .::... .. ,1
V lt
are being planted this year on
the Experiment Station for the
purpose of multiplying the seed
quantity sufficient to enable the
people of the county who wish to
get started right, to obtain some
of these seeds next year at a
moderate price. Even from the
small samples sent out, if care is
taken, a good start can be had
for next year.
Rheumatism Quickly I'm, i
"My sister's husband had an
attack of rheumatism in his arm,"
writes a well known resident of
Newton, Iowa. "I gave him a
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment
which he applied to his arm and
on the next morning the rheum
atism was gone." For chronic
muscular rheumatism you will
find nothing better than Chambt r
lain's Liniment. Sold by all
Kodak time is here.
fun win City
Prairie City in
III I i..
12 noon
- - $ 6.00
- - 11.00