flPTV " ? I m IX UTEST DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES Word has already boon sent out from headquarters of the Oregon Development Louruo urging that ail sections of tin tate etart early to arrange for I exhibits at the Eastern lsinl ' hows next Fall. It is pointed oat it is not too soon to start the work of judicious planting of crops, with exhibits in mint, so that the best products may be tent away in small quantities for this purpose, i t .1 r, A recent example of the ellec- tiveness of this work has just come to light Having become interested in the Clackamas County exhibit at the Minneapolis Lend Show, six families of Min neaplis sent a man to Clackamas County to pick out suitable loca tions where they might settle. Actual demonstration of crops grown on Western lands is the best possible argument for im migration. The harness race program for e State Fair, Sept. BVOet t. the has been completed by the state printer and will be distributed at once. The bin features of the fell racing will be the $5,000 Oregon Futurity, October 1, and the $5,000 Lewis and (Mark purse the following day. Mnv Ifi will 1 llmiii' ('iiminir Day at the Oregon Agricultural ! 1aci,lc Exposition in 1915 the College, the first annual event of ' collection of road models its kind ever held by this institu-lpver 'Waved in any part of tion. Former students and friends,""' w,,rltl- The modon will of the college from all parts of furnish exact duplicates of the state will visit the school at that Koman roads, French roads, rim A hio- mmdmib h)nrlud all of the various tyoes of arranged from Portland. Condon wants to secure the Tri-County Fair permanently. It is expected this event will again be held in Condon next fall and there is a disposition among Condon people to make it an an nual attraction for the Gilliam County capital. This fair has become a prominent feature of agricultural life in Sherman, Morrow and Gilliam. Support for the University of Oregon in the coming referendum fight is coming from all quarten of the state. An organization has been formed to urge support for the State University and it is Nebr., during the National Corn expected by those enlisted in the Exposition; at Knoxville. Tenn., movement that the appropriation during the Southern Appalachian for the institution by the I egiahv Exposition; at Chicago, III.. ture will be approved when the during the National Land and matter is put to vote. Irrigation Exposition; at New Fruit districts of the state York City, during the Travel and might take a tip from Hood Vacation Exposition and the Do River bee keepers, who have niestic Science Exposition; at asked that orchardists do not Atlantic City. N. J., during the spray their trees during the time American Road Congress; at the blossoms are fully open. This Lethhridge, Alberta, during the results in killing large numbers International Dryland Congress; of bees, which are the most at Ruenoa Aires, Argentina, valuable helpers the orchardists during the International Agri have. Their aid is invaluable in 'cultural Exposition; at Turin, spreading pollen from tree to tree. Practical Baking Lessons A great many houaewivra have luvl trouble in making rich, li",)tl, inoiat niulfinn without their ailing, and to overcome tin. they have resorted to making the batter so tiff that when baked, the muffins aro very dry. A muffin can be mudo aJmuet os light and juat aa palatable im a poji-ovpr, but to make a light, moist muffin which It not soggy in the center, a doulilc-nnw baking powder such aa K C must be ul. K C Baking Powder boa two separate and distinct raiaea: one when moisture ia added, and the other when hcut ia applied, o that the raising ia sustained until the muffin is baked through, uml all danger of falling and becoming soggy ia poat. like biacuita, the softer the dough goin Into the oven, the lighter the muffins that I out of it. On-Ett Muffini t cups flour 1 tcaapoonful suit 9 slightly rounded teaapooufula K (J llukiug Powder ; ', cup sugur M. cup melted lurd or butt r 1 '!.'(! 1 rup water or milk Bift dry increlierits toaether three tit.,. . Add to tins th (I Unix-uteri I'Utf. rni-lteil hhorl- euiog and water or milk. Then beat mil together until perfertly smooth. Oil nnifl,,, m M ..... ....I I .1. .:, .1 t ' " " """" "veil oiow unui in, Y t -",. v. .,... ,,.n, m'-i increase the beat to Imkn nml hrown tin muffins. This recipe rnuLi a 11! l.iri.. n.udiim Baiatns or currants inuy be uddeel if desired. Ciaham Afuftni 1 eup graham flour 1 asm pantry flour 2 level tiianixxnifiils K C Jinking 1'owder 1 to SI level tablespoon! ul sugar J$ teaapooriful salt 1 i tg lii cups milk or witter 2 to & tahlcspoonfiila mi In 1 bqMsr Mis and hake aa One-Kgg Muffins, tlrshsiii batter ahoulil alwuyn I.i rojite soft to Insure, lightness and a moist muliui. Com Meal Majfint M eup bill ter 2 egai, well l.nteri : 4 cup lugar I r-un milk or wuter lyi cups i mil mini J ' , r.-ups Hour M teaapiKiiifui ault level UiuspTMiufuls K C linking Powder Cream the butter; add the sugar and eggs. Blft together, three times, tlin iiiiuJ, flour, salt and baking powder. Ail. I this to Iho first mixture ulternatelv with I Iim (oil' Daks about twenty hn- minutes, baking u littls slowly to start, then iucieaso boat to UMWU. Bacon MuJiiu 2 eups flour 1 tnaspoonful salt t level teaepoonfuls K 0 ilukiug 1'owder M eup sugar (if desired) ri cup nieltcil lard or butter m or o slicos of ht-coi, fried erisp and broken Into small bite 1 cup milk or water Mis and buku as Oiui-Kgg Muliiua ubova. it I ,,, Is .fiinuae ttt. Oi. Neiat Week's Ixaaooni Molalla has formed a Com mercial Club and is determined to et on the development map. Ttvt way to accomplish bin things is to get ready for them. BnterpriM has formed an auto- mobile club, which is evidence of t.u prosperity of that dlitriit Mo ,.,, ,,,,, ,nH Effectual Cur for Bd Colds. When you have a bad cold you want si remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt tunl permanent cure, a remedy ' . . . o M . ; ' . . . ... - . ,,,' I IIIUIIWIMHIIB VUUK" wlllv-v.T meets all these requirements, it acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and restores the system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale and use, and can always be depended upon. Sold by all dealers. p Exhibition of Road Model. Arrangements are to be made by the United States Department of Agriculture, through Logan Waller Page. Director of the Ofltce of Public Roads, to place on exhibition at the Panama- modern roads, together with miniature models of road machin ery operated by electricity. The Office of Public Roads made an exhibit of road models for the first time at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. The aim was to put on view such striking examples in miniature of road models that visitors would not only appreciate the beneficent effects of improved highways. but would, at the same time, be able to understand the methods of their construction. Since the Alaska-Yukon-Paci- lic Exposition closed, the exhibit has been displayed at Omaha. Italy, during the International Exposition; and at various other MUFFINS When properly mads, that ia nothing more appear ing for breakfast or tea than muffins, or gems, as i! I are sometimes called. With honey, preserves cr mar malade, they readily make the chief feature of the mr.il, and there are so many ways to vary them, that on- .., , have a different kind about as often aa shs likes. Bel . I glvs a few choice and successful recipes. ?u. (Bp. DuU Muffim H rup hut , r i cup sugar M up milk or water 1 egg U cups pastry flour M teaspoon! ul n ' '. 3 level tesanoonfula K C Baking Powdi r Scant H pound dates Cream the butter, add tlio sucnr an I tl i tat. Iioaten licht. blft together threi tii i, ihu flour, baking; powder and salt; a,M th' i to the first mixture, alternately with tl. i milk; beat thoroughly and add the dates, toned and cut in pieces. Ilakn rutin slowly to start, increasing beat to brows, Some Helpful Suggestions Muffina would bo served on many not i breakfast tables if this meal were n '. .prepared so hurriedly that there Is no '. th i enough to stir up muffles and bake lb ; . With K C double-raise baking powdi , , th i batter may be stirred up the night I fora inni u Hi-i in a oooi piace, it win i , ,ui in a partially leavened condition all night, and the raising will be completed when pub in the oven in the morning. No diffi NBAS. will bo noticed between muffins mixed tl. i i.irlit before and those mixed (ssssilatsJv i,.r..,,. 1...M.... iri.1. ..i . , i . . t ,. j , "T. , , , 'itleuipti'd however, with any of tin) old t I a ., n. .. i.uinioniKi single-acting baking imwilern. '1 1; old fashioned way was to bakJ muffina in a hot oven, but this makes it tlliek heavv crust suuf a aoerrrv i-i-nli-r1 which ia unpalatable and hard to digest. w -- .-, 'I In- proper and healthful way to bul.n mulliiui is to start the oven at a In. t.eiuM:raiure, just aa for baking cakesj When the inumns come up to the top of t !i i ji hi, the heat should bo raised, and they lioulil be baked until a crisp crust Is formed. Thlt crust will be thin, and the. centers will be found light and fluffy, but thoroughly baked. Always sift the flour and baking powder1 together at least three times, no mattcrl what kind of pastry la to be made. This will insure Its rising evenly and tho (lour. is lightened by having air sifted into It.1 lather water or milk may be used foq mulling. Milk will make the richer mulliir mid brown better, but water will answer. the purpose very tUooly when uiuk is nol to be had. A moat excellent "staread" for mufflnaj hot biscuits and hot cakes In made by, creaming together about euual parts 0f butter and honey either atralned or lo the comb. If the butter Is solid it will work uitj to about the consistency uf bard sauve and) If lag IllflllllU i (a I i.iiitii. ia siuiitly delicious. PUDDINOS expositions and fairs. Since that time the collection has been greatly augmented, until every single type of road is now re presented, and every known de- vico used in the making of roads has been reproduced in miniature. The models have also been dis played on road trains at all im- IKirtant places along the route of the Pennsylvania Railroad in the State of Pcnnvj l.ania, the entire system of the Southern Railway, the Frisco Lines, the Atlantic ("oast Line, and the I n.1s,vj,, Chnttanooint & St i ,H.nv "V, nniuinooga ar Louis Railway. As a result of the instruction furnished by these road models many farmers have joined forces to improve their own highways, and the road building movement has had a great impetus. When application for expert advice con oerning any special road problem is made to the Department, the Oll'ico of Public Roads furnishes it without exacting any fees Country Butter. A now ruling to be issued shortly by the Food and Dairy Commission, is that requiring all country butter to be labeled. In the past there has been no means of identifying the butter that was short weight or bad quality, except through the merchant. Hereafter each roll will have to state weight, either "full M ounces" or "full .'12 ounces" and it must be wrapped and bear the name of the manufacturer. This will be no hardship to the pro- ducei of a good grade of butter but on the contrary will serve as an advertisement for his wares, and in case of the market of poor butter and one who is given to short weight, it will brand him and require him to keep to the standard Mine lit Eagle NOTICE lilila will lr I Clone' I liy llir IHrrctura ul Hchoftl liliu-l I, IImiiKv LotlUUr Unci. ii, lur 7& v s Cords if III . pi in-.avin.il ol Hit futility to bt i nt iim Ida '. dhmUi at Jam, Tin MUM I" bt ilvfiw'iril mill ruiilril ill tbf li. Mil linusr ill Hiii in iii.i later than Brptcmbof I, 1013. The Itnjinl reserve llr li.;rli torCJtCl .iiu anil all liiill. N Imli fii'f i ril alli'i 'J n'lliM'k iK in, ol MyY 18th W. I. III.II1T, Clrik 2k. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION l I stiff a r iraa ItiiiiirriiR n ii ri). oraaoa, m .:. ma. s.iii. i i, h.t. i.i Kin n tin,) ami,, i, rjUMatlu i( llrrliiiii,i'ri-i.iii, whiiou Jul 17 I'joa iua-'s II. urn Hi. a. I Kutri.Nn. Ilil-i. I,,,' H I. riei I,, . lowtihl . -, Hang. XI K WTllarinii, Mi.rl.llmi , DIM lintlin i( Intent Inn t,, ni.k.-nimi three war proof i.. .'.i.i.im, . 1. 1,1, I.I Hi. lull. I above ,1, ,, Hl-.l. ticforr. Hrgl.ter All, I lltiri'llri Ml Hurns, tircgnu. on II,,. ,niu, la) o Jmiti, I'iI.I. I .MltllMlll tINIIlUg M. Hltll EtlebardJ. Halnes,ol Mtarsrly,Orssja Jsmes II Ivy. Narrovs, Oregon I e.u,sr,i uhlentulu a's UArinslriina, Unit ul l'ili,crl.-i, Hie' gun wa. faaaa, it.i,i,-r NOTICK KOH PUBLICATION, i MTiiiMiTmLimiiirmi i llurna. lireguii Msril. I'u .. la 1,, n l,i gtren tlisl Nlekolsus llsler "I N ii mi-null. Mine on Ai.rll Id lu,1 made ii lead Iniiy S,. nui4 Hsrlal No ir.'.-.'l. I,,r .,t (i. See J, b'-hWi,, i.sK' Section ci. Tnwnihlp :, h , Itsngi. .,.' K , yil lain, tic M. iMi.n, l,n II,, .1 u,,l, ,,( iiil.-iillou lo make linsi hi.i proof, meaishllsli i Uliu tolas Uml abote dearrltaM, Utuie llegiairr mi Maeslrei m llurna Oregon, on His nh llBVof J II III . 1UI.I. i isiiiiniii Dames wiUtgasssi And Osborn, K,snl I. H,rlug.r, Jsuua II ly, nil ,,! Narrows, lli-,,u ll,l,a,, J llslina. ut VSNierl,, OrsfOg WW. KKSS It.-KHI.r NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION, i'mtkm i"riiw l.aNii iirru s i Bursa, lirvfun. May .1, lvl.1. I Notice la h.iel.y glreu lllsl Kill. Mia furil, ill NarniMS, Uregoli, i, M Keluusry W 0H luaile II, ,iinai, a, Knlry No :iei Merisl Nil' " ,.. nil Liu, .- sii.i .1 hi ski , NW. I '. srllon . tiwslil7 B, flanaii . K v lllamelta Merhllan, i,. Hied Irs "I luisii- lliui in Bake Anal rue year I'r.iol. tu .--1.1,11. 1, elsini iii th, isii'l above deerlbefl, lielure Kus laler li I II v,.r, l llu, ,, IlirgiiO, nil tile .lai ,i nt June, i 'i i'ImiiiihIiI liniiiea na Willi, aac James Ii. I ,,ii Narrows, Orsgos. 'It,,,. ' llllllll ami N i. kola, 1 ler. hi, ill ill Vellatfli (Irrg.in llliiia it J llslnea ol Wavsrlr. Oie' g... WW hiss. Hi,, .or. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION i-ii-nii ttmw lawi. Ofttea, r Haras, or.-K-uii, m -i, en. i i N.li.i ., I,, ul., Ill ,, n tli.l Jsuie. II , l , , n.i ..... lirinon ,.!,, on Mew. S. nsrj n,.,te Horn,-.,, , .1 i i, u v s,, ,1,, -ciial No. u'.1". lei i oia ', in. 1 1. i, mi . , ,.i, i ,,i. i ami lit :: sail Lot I, Heetlou 27, Towuablp ii.a, Hauge :i-.' K. rvniaiuilt. M.i, .lu -null, Malieur l.skei I- - Bll -I "I inii utlos in make Ural live leai proof :... aiuiniah elslm liiliiii laud shove Ileal ilU-d, Ihioii lleglstei all, I I:,.. He, . llurna, Oreg n lbs -lal day n Jims. Ill i I laliiisiii nan i-s aa Hrltiiossei It. J ll.ii.c-. Wsierlv. Ores. n Ml, i.i.Im. Oaler. Voltnc- HI Woll Ivlwaid I., nnrli,.,.. ... '-...... . . . ..'' o,...,,,,,,., iii'k'iii r raua luinn, ol Villi -lags, Oregon. w. Iniiir.. Itoglster NOTICK H'Olt I'UBLICATION. I .ICIi.HrKLM.liliK f Hit' nt, Oregon, Mitjr ;i, iwi.i ( Snlni In htrtJiJj HiVM llni Hli Lttnl J HhIim . "I NnitiirtM, tui'MOK. uliu, nn Mny i, IIW7, i h Ii IIi.it. t-Mfi-ttil hnlrv ISo. Ii77 Htirlil Mo o i, hn M.'4M', NWJsifaBU IsoIb a, 4 mnl ', Hrii inn 17, Towntbln eB.1., iUiik' :i K VMIle.ii,. IH M -l liliHII. liHN 111. . j ,,.,11, ,. ol I III till Mt nk Hum! i- rr PfDO. lo fl HhlUll i'UIiii io ihu land iit-nvti tk-NcrllMnl, liufnn- K( liUiruti.i iUi'fliTur, nl Kiirm, lrKtui, on tin s.'lI iIh nl J iiim'. I I !. I iHlllllUlt li'ilin UN Wll fll-K( ' JhiiihC Ivy.ul Nrirmm. orfMini Nli-knlaiii 'im.'i I'luiih i mi i. ii, r r voittagti. faOwaro I.. IfprUiiwr, Niirrtiwt-, OrafH WM. Kahhk Kt-Kliilii IN THB ioiini v 0OURT OP TUB BTATK n OBBQON IOK Tllh C'OIINI . OF IIAKNIiY NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In i in- iii tci ,,i tin Bttat ui Dllliiil W inlii, llivilimil, Notice i In ii b linn In nil H Iiiiiu it lll.'IV C'lKCMI lli.il till' lllllllillial llllni' i, llir .1 In vi' inl il It'll i -lull liami); lili-il his til,;.) acciiiinl tin-i "n;i li.iH IimiI Mon thly tlic -'lull day of May mi-'i m io o'l'lock ii. iii. iii I lie Court lluuac in llurna, OrsfOBi M tin; tunc ami iliuc lur Item i UK iiliji'i'Iiuim il any tu naiil llual arcaiiil mill Iln-ail llinii'iit ul tin' aittiir. Tliia nuliiT is 1'illilinluil hy in ilci ul the Oouaty JihIk1' of Harnsy Cuuatjr, oaaj v,,, I lur Iim i BfJOMsalff wi-fks iH-KiiuiiiiK iii, Mtk day ol April, ttiKi. JAMBS L GAI'l.T, Ailiiiiuialiiitor. sValfti 1 1.. .i,l iiK (to NOTICK VOH PUBLICATION. IINITIll STATU bANIlomiK, Hums, iireguu, April al, itm. I Notice ll hereby given that James clarence llnl ut lUiilinaii, Oregon, who. on Ma in, into .,,. ile llnmealeaif Knlry No. tw77, hit W',e.', h.,, Hun :i'i, limiilil,i Jn H., Hangs mi Kasl. lllainelte Merhllan, ha. Ilh'il until e ul In n Hon tu make final Three Year Prool, to as O.I, lah claim lo the land above deenrllmil. be fore the Heglste' ami Iteeelver. at llurna, lire gon on ttie in 'i day ol June, IUIH rlslinaiit iiainea at wltnesaee II. N. Kihm, J. II. unui Tinan. iii.i li el liar iliii.n, Oregon II. I, Van born, lli.m I In, mi sun, Instil nl Waverly, Oregon. Ww r'.aas. Itel. I. i. NOTICK KOIl I'UBLICATION. It N ll'KII HI ATKM I. AND OKflltg, I llurna, Oregon. April II, I'll:: Noli' c l Inn i-h, given I hat John M ReflMIII of l.awi'0, iiii'koii, who. no August HI, Man. msile ilome.ieail Knlry No. OWUI, furH'tWW,, cc I. ami NtNVt, Meet Ion tl, Tnwiiahlpu-( H ItsiiK'' fJ' , b . Willamette Meridian, has flleii ion ii" of iiiieniii.il lo make Dual three. year Proof, to establish llnl in In the lanil above de ai rltii-il, bsfors the Itesl.ter and Iteeelver, at lliitiia.orwgot Hie lib day nl June, llil.i rial in a nl usiin-a sa wltneaaes: Arthur Whlinev. M,i I'lath Albert Hoes, Hairy Mrcouilis, all ol l,awsn, Oregon. Ww Koias. Heglsler. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'M II' n (TATH i.anii iikkhk, i llurna Oregon. April a, im.i.t Notice la lu-iclii l ven thai healer I. Illakeli, ul burns, oresnti, who, on April I.i, l-.i,, maue llouiealesd eni'V No anti Herlal No. VTOt lor W'MW'i.. HK'.NW'.. Modioli 17. Townalili, "IH Itaugetl'.n, K . W I iUuu-tle Merl.llau, haa llle.l mil lee of inieiiiiun tu make final live year moo' lu i-alst'llali i-lsiiu to the land above described, before Keglateratid Iteeelver, at Burns, Oregon, Oil Oltl i"li nil 111 U.l , Ul.l. i lalmaiil ttames as witnesses '. John t.'lark, ol Hum.. Oregon. Kdwsr.l nil, ton, Jesse Vlekers, Hisr Miualand, all ot liar tier Oregon. Ww. Kaaa. Heglsler. NOTICK KOH PUBLICATION. florin htatss I.awn iirru llurna, oregun, April 10,111.1. Nolhe is hereby given that Oeolge W .slinmona.of 'iaimwa. ores. in. who. mi April '' I'l'i made llomeateail Eittrv, No. (H4A9 for hots v, and 10. and riW'.SK',, .if.'.itK1,, -iiIIiiii HI. Towiiahlii H.. llsnle :ll K.. Wll lauielle Meridian, has tiled notice of luti iitlou lu make I lual 1 Inc.- Year I'riHif, to eatsbllall claim In it,,- Ian, I at.ive deserlhed. tieloie ttie it, ciah-i and Iteeelver. at Hurua, oregun un tin - .in n usy nt Mny.ivii i laluiBiit iiameaas witnesses: UeorgeW I awlfleld, AllunO. Hhaler, Andrew J. oraves, Jese i, .. -.. all ol Narrow, ore gon Ww mm Heglaler. Ml Hm i.i , . I .in Nu. NOTICI r0 PUBLICATION rNITKIi HTATKH I.ANttorrirK, I Miirlii. un- , A.fli ;. I .1 i 1 Vol lot i- liiTi-lijr Kifn 'Lit Hi Nnreliwrn run fir Kitllttnt (nllistuv, whUfn f"l nfltcr wili.rwM ll Ht I'nul. MliuifiHiU, Lu (LI Till Uk l)( Alirll IUIH. ftlH III (lila Dili. III H i I I' sm I l.sli t.i sjt-lffi utnlir tliv iiio, In ion nl Hi i' ft-t uf 1'utl grviK nmirnvwd Jwl I. 1WI (80 Mttt ftWTRWi m Mtoatfaq by ilutiotni .hi.- i.,i"m.i Uhy I., 11"'.. Ill- A "a. i.r NK'a rc IV, I W efVmiliin K JftKut. M -rtl Nu OMtW Any ami nil triia liuiinj( 1 vnrntly thw IsttnJ i1i-m-!Im-), of 'irilrllliilq ttb)l IrrrMUkt) Hit' tnnHTHi . iiarritr ol th- Isstio. nt- lor any l In-r r-a)on, l. tin- ()Iiiki lo ftMllratll hnulil lllr thilr .ii1lviii ..I pruUal 111 Un olt.1'", on or tWlOfV llioiQt) ! nt Juiir, IUl.1. Wm I. Kvfl1ltr I'lll. tllrl III the I Itlir Htralil, loi'lli"! al Hum, Orvflon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'Nirrt, HTaria l.tNiiorni s, i burn. Oregon. April lu, lull I Notice Is hereto given thai Vt llllam II. Moore, -.1 nil, y. OiSMoa, who ii May i-V Itsjs, aud Mao-h i, IV1U, respecllvelr leads Momeslea.t Kiltrles. No. utrnMMItirj, for ESN't, NK'. "er. 71. WUNWu. Heel loll rl. Township .'ft H flange IA r. , W illaieett.. Marhllan. has filed notice .-I intention 10 make flnsl tliree-year proof, lo eataiillsli i laiui to the land above losi-rliied, he ore Heglaler and llucelver, at Hume, Oregon, on lbs I -in day l May, Ilia llsloialil names ss Witnesses. U ill W. Muigea. II. II, llioiiioaon "in llurgi-it. r. ten Peterson, sll ol Hlley, Oregun. Wm. Kaaas. Heg.alei NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION r ft IT I HTTMl.ANiornca, I llnnia, Orritun, yt H t, ru.! Suite I hofw'by given thai A Win llurlburl. uf Narrow, OrOfJUft, who uU H4M. "i, tVUV alnl N"v 17, 1WW, laM rlivcl) ina.tr lmnrlal Kiltrh , No inniv ami atvi', fur SW.K'4, MY 4, rv- . NH',NWU.H"r. ". WUSK anj .' , S M ' , -.-I dun h, ToHliihii M , Kaiig t Y , VN lUanitltc Mtirhltnti, ba Dlawi nutlc ol lu i -nt i. it. lu tnak final litre trtr UiewUbllah lalm lu iln- land iIhjvi' iiM'rllJ, befu Un latar ttinl KurrUer. ai huru. oregun, nil lite J-llh ilay of Ma, Ivi.'i i laimanl uaiio a m wltiiraara : Uiyiutni W llnrllitirt. Nirint-. Iirc.iiii UlllUsB Q. Hai.lw. II. JiiIiih rtlmii-lti. W A Urkeuife, sll of Hnrn. Uregup MM.hitii, lt-ginr NOTICK rOtt PUBLICATION. 'MUM- HT4TII I.4M. OrrMR Mm if, orugutt, Mart Ii :-. yi;i Nulir li hi-t.l.jf given lhal (Jvorge Mat I. Ol I'lllHr-tnn Orrifnii, wbu, nu fieul. 11, 1WIH ami Man h U, 1910 r -i 1 1 r lual ratra.) fiilry No oir4 ainl No. 0-rwn,f.r M',-.',, Hrr ."i V. V' at. 1 NW'j, )Hrlluii ft. tiwnbli 17 H. Hauge A K . WllUutrlle Meridian. h til. I mill- ' nl ii, h ntiuii Ui laoke flt.al tbreuyvftr 1'riHff lu labllh (lalm In Ih latnl aluve tie crllff1. before Heglaler and Kerelvrr, ( Hurtii, ni.'Kim, un t!.c lutli day uf May, i ( iaiitiant iiutna aa wiiueaaoa lif.lM J'll.ri, Larl.-a l.iluiirinr, bulb of Wairrh, iiri-guii. John II Kalkraiad, of htulib. Oregon, Jainei K. Mgbuo, uf Trlnretun, Oregon Wh rK. ftvglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'HITSli htatrs I.awn orriri, I Hurua, Oregon, April 76, I 'l.c t Nnlteelahereh) given that llnrton M Kelssy. of Hlley, Oregon. who January II. I'lil.uiaib- llomeslead enlry So IkVJH, fur HWi.NW1. NWi-HWit.Hec l.MK'.SK'.aiiil N K V . He? linn 1 'I H ii. ice --. ii , Hauge .- M , Wlllsiueti. Merldlau. has filed nolhe M Intention lomske linsi i iiiiiu -litsllon proof to es'alillali elslm to tin- land alMiie ilesi-ritied. DSfori Itcglslei and llncslvar, si llu r ns. oieguu. on On- ill. rial June. I 'I.I llaltiisi'l ii Mine, aa H Itm sees I William Hingi-lt I'eler I'eterann, I iy.lv l...n, John Moan, sll ill nu. y. Orsaoa Wm Kaaas, Krglsle, NOTli K KOIl PUBLICATION 1'Niraii Statu bswoorrn s, Hurua, Oregon. April 'J6, lllll Nolh.- Is hereby glvrll that Ouda Jom-a. ol iireasey, Oregon, who. on llu as, IWjs luailu llumeaieal Knlry No il,'ac Herlal Nu oo,t:i lor Mb1, Hectlmi 17, luuiirl.lp jo a., Hangs...'.!,. Wlllamelle Meridian, has file,! notice i.i Intention to tasks iinal Bveyeai proof lo oial.llali claim lo the laud a'...,. 'Ii-scrlhe'l. I lore h i. Heeds II M rolulnla luucr. ai niHudii e, , i lirewaey, Oreaou.oo the lllsl day ol Ma, in. I.'lslmaul BSSSSS as witnesses Julian Oeorge, wiiiism oeorgu, Jussph Kin ball, John K linhsll sli ul Urswss) . i Ireguu WM.rsaag. Heglilsr NOTICK FOR I'UBLICATION UNITKI) HTATKH I.ANH OKKHK I Hurua Oregon, Ms I, Ilia 1 Nolhe la heroh) given that Klmer It. 'lay no. of lirewaey. oregun, who, on May 1. itai7 msde llouiesiesil Knlry, iai;. lor K'tHK', Heclloll 7fl, 'lowuihlp IH H, Itsnge :i.. K, Mil lauielle Meridian has filed liollce ot lila fulfil th, n to nisi final five year proof, loesiahlish claim lo the land auuve described, bslore Hcg later end Itncutver st Hiiriia, Oregun, on the I7lh dsy of June. Ill I, i lal in am liaiui-B aa wlluessus. W.ll houlli.W A Kukertsoli. Albert Alluuw and Ueorgu Hlluy sll ol lirewaey, Oregon. Wa Kagaa, Heglsler NOTICK KOH PUBLICATION It NITKII HTATKH I.ANll OKKICKl Hia ns. Dreguti, May I, mil.) Notice Is Ihu l.v glveu tliat Uaviil Havags, nl llurna, uiegiiii, wlni, uu I lei'uiiilrtir 22, 1 tsjri, resile tnanestssil i-iilir Nu '.'aim, Herlal No ll.'ljii, lor M'1NW',.HW1,M'I.,U,.I l.,,t 2. Hm Mini 2. I'uwil alil, .'IH. KaiigeWK, Wlllanii-lla Merlilialt, hss nli-,1 nut Ice of Intention to make th, a! five year iiroof, lo eaialilialiim claim in the lautl above ilescrlbeil, tisfore lteglster and Itrwelver at Hurua, Oregon, on Iln- llltli ilay of June, Ilia risliiiaut names ss vvlllicaaca I'i-siiiiIi A. Ill'le, IiiiiiIKI- II. Vila! Jscnl' M il. .vi-, In-. I ! i.i nil. sll ol llurna. Oregun. WM. I ... Itcglstel NOTICK KOK I'll III. ICATION inil.A TKII TltAI T I't'lll.lC I.AMU HAl.K tlNiTsn riarsi l.aaiiOeriis, t llurna. Oregon, Ailll W, I'JI.l Notice Is hereby given that, as itlt-euteil i-. Hie I 'uiiiuiianlniier 1,1 lliu lleuersl l.sn-l lilllcr iiuili'i l,r,,vlrluna of Art of t'ougri-sa aiiruveil March lit, fill ;w Hlat 771 purauatil In thsei llnallou of Willlatii II. ilosraul, aerial No a,l. ,, win iillur al nubile sail), lu the Mull rial lii-liler, hut si nut less than fl.'ia jut aim,. ai in ii . In. s A. i . uu lbs Mill dar uf June. I.'l. I. al fits onn Hie lollowlllglrsulnf la ml Nie'.N'',,. shiii. li, T. W H . ir afi K., w . M Any aiil all iitirsoiis i-lsltulug adversely thu ab vi, ,1, ., i il,cil lainta are ailvlluil to file llielr claims in il'Jeelloui nu or helure the time tie signaled foi sale WM. fakes. Heglsler. KaaNa llsrgr, Receiver, Ai I am moving my iaw mill I have four or five old building! at the old site that I will diepoie of at a bargain, Any one need ing Mich material should see me at once -Clay Clemens. 18tf wH'irrisit IIAHNKY I.OIIIIK, NO. 77, I. II O 9. Meets every Hlardsy In odd Fellow Hall at 7:1m p in A. Dunn, ia, lar ,,....1.1 u-. ........ aa ,. n. ... .....,,... .i vm . a, ia. degree work as followa first Hal unlay Inl tlslorv: second Malurdai Klial Hegree; third nsiurusy, roeoiui iegrev: iriuritt esturnsy, Thud Hegree. IIUHNHUIIHIK NO. 17. A P A M., Meela every tint ami third Haiurday In each "i"o o r ... oaun, w . at Ham Mi.lli.-i.liia.l u.-erelsri M HiKHN WoollMttNUKAMHHll'A Meets every seeond and luurtu Friday even ItIK at I.O.O F. Hall: all ,, .,!.,. ,... i'.Ii New applicants will receive niikrtaooi treat W 1. I eater. I lett HIIHNH I'HACTKH Ml. 0.O. N l Mwli every aeooiid aud loarth tsoudays, lu Msaonlc llsll. Frank - Welcome, w' it. l-:ila Hwcea, Hectrlary. SYLVIA HRHKKAII DKllHKK No.ll Meelaevery let and Id Wednesday . . Hyrdle liallna, N, (I. Madge Leonard, Hen. Men'v. TIM.KI IHI.'L Nu. li.',, W.ol W. Meets every foil rlh loiedsy. Maud Hun. ,ii. ii. M. Ilnslcr llihelman. clerk. orriciAi, niKioToRV ststs uaguea: Un..iial.irs . I Juusthsu Houme Jr )Oso. K. I'baubsrlala IW R Kills I.: W llawley i'iiiireaeien Attorney Uensral iioveruur M-ereisry ol HUte I'.-aauier , Uil. Public liislracl'luri! Hiale Primer A.M. Crawford Oswald West . .. F W Hsaaua T. H Kay I. K. Al.lerssan ...W m Huulway Huhi Kahlii I A . McBrlds uprsuie Judges Ueo II Hurncll K. . Bean r. A. Moors NINTH JUDICIAL DIsTKICT. Dlslrlcl Allorusy w II HroiTK ,,') i ".' in, t: II l.-uini,l i In nil i nun in..,,, ii- drat Moaday In aprii sun nrsi Monday lu October folnl Heuator . . lul in Hepreeeulallve i W I aril. I, w. F Hosssn oodsty aaaaaf : oonii Judge Clerk I'reasurer surveyor Oraut Ihoiupeoii K. l Hugbel I A Miller C. B. Beery A. K. HUbardsoo J. J. booegan I. M llaasllion II. W. t'lsveuger lohii Mohlusoii IK. P. riilveeter I" oii HehoolHupeilnUndeot i oroner HUark lliaj-, , I. I ''omnitssloners 1 1 1, us Bala loiiiity t'ouri aiei s Hie Srsi Wedneadsy In jsnusry. March. May, July, Heptessber sod Novesibi-r. saasr i' g. i.awn errin: Kegister Ker-elvsr Wm Parrs l-rsnlliavsy 'ITV niac weyoi II. I ol.lel . I'reasurci Marabal. ..Q. W.CIeveuger . a. . nyrd J.c WelsosssJr. .K I.. Hal nee , II J II A. I'. I Preui t I'tiliniTtuieii Welcome l Davev I H.J McKIn lion Meeiiuga of ike i uuucll every a.-.-i,.i and Fourth Helinii tuunmuHuirmntnutiiHtmimnuitun Mrs. ( jracc B. Mcilose TEACHER Voice and Piano Methods li! la Ciactaaalti Uiservalirjr of Ink VetlJcrtcc Studio Jnd.tloor west I'resbyUrtan CtHirch 5umpter Valley Railway Co. IIMI TAHI.K NO. II IN JUNK It, IU0H. rTBOT Wusl It, Hill. I. No I I'ass I l l.v ii:1. " t-.W, ' 10:04 " 10.07 " Kssl lli.unil a in. Nu. X I llaker Oily Sdiitli llaker ,Sllslitii)t '"rtHm Tlioiiikiont III 1, -.!... I. lul. I ,llli,.-ll., nl 10 :'.'- " 10 :-' " 10:11 " 10 M ' 11:10 " 11:1ft " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 ' V. M. U jA " ti-,40 " 1:10 Ar Water Tankt 'Hush's Bptirt Mi'Kwent JUNCTIONt Suoipter JUNCTIONI Nununitt O I. Campt :0ft Wlillltiyl M 00 TllTONt " t:40 Austin " 2:10 Stop on slfjiiale only. IN" agent. Tn-ki'ls lasuial uuly lur gtaliiini where triiinn are eiliuilulial tu make regular stopg. 1'aasi iikim must purehaaa tick ets where agents ell Imlore entering trains or 'ih rents io ddiliou lo the re gular fare will be charged. JOSKl'll A. WF.HT, Bupt. flltAN'I'tlKllDKH. Asst. Hqpt. $1500 Reward! Tho Oregon, t a I IfurnlsaujNevatls l.lverltock Proiec Una Associailoii ol which lbs uniier slsllsil II uieiulnir, will glvs It.OOO ui rewaro lor oil ilenee leading iiiii sr real suit oun vli-tloii uf any par ty ur parlies ileal lug hones, eattls or malax hclaoglug to say wa us uieui beri. In s'liliiiun luilie alnjva, lbs uuderalgued olTera the sains "oinlltluu looo.ou (ur all horses liramled born shod bar uu both or either Jew. brand records! lu eight couatlss Hauge Hartley, Lags aud Crook oouallsa. Horses veuled wbeu sold. Nouo imi growu horses sold and ouly In srgu bunches, W W.UMOWN rile, Oregon m NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IIwitidFtstsi I.awn orrn . I Burni, Oregon, March 'JI, If III Notice li hereby given that Fred I'elera, ol Waverly, Oregon, wliooti Jiiml, luori and April I. IIIO, rsspedlvely, made Homrstesd entiy No. WWI, Serial irjaia and No IMP)", for hk4, HtUntU, Use. Ut WUHW'. and awi.,NW!J. Heetlos 17, Township a., Mange 4 K . Wll Ismette Meridian, haa filed milieu of Intention to make final thaee fear I'roof, to eitahllsh elala lo the land above described, liefore Iteg later and Receiver, at Hums, Oregon, oh the 10th iay ot Mar, lull. clsimiat names as wlln siaea Oeorge Halt, of Prluceton orngnu, John FalkSUd, of Smith, Oregon i harlea latmrence and ftlwood Kennef Imfh ol Waverly Oregon Wm. rasas, Heglilsr MAY 28 TO SEPTEMBER 30 YOU CAN GET LOW FARE ROUND TRIP TICKETS FROM ALL O.-W. R. & N. STATIONS TO Principal Cities In the East VIA FINAL RETURN Chicago f 72.SO Denver 9 55.00 New York 108.50 Omaha 60.00 Philadelphia 108.50 Boston 1 10.00 St. Paul 60.00 Minneapolis ttO.OO Basjaallj low Round Trip Fares to prarllrally (ill other point Eaat a, LET ME HELP OUTLINE YOUR TRIP J. H. CORBETT, Agt ., O.-W. R. 4k N. Rend, Ore. H. RAKOUL, Act, O.-W. R. & N. Redmond, Ore. BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON &. 8AYER. Propts Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Bums. WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. WHY NOT MAKE $200.1 A MONTH - - That's WO.00 a Week, g' " --" tKllhiK VU'tiir aSali-a ami flm-nroof boari tu uiThanln. ti.h'tnr, Uwyiri, dentlnl and writ t. ilofariii- fi.H ol t In mi rcaiii-. M.' n, .,( 6f a paT., bul ilo Dot know liowtaay 1 1 latoowA on. Hali'antaii ili-clar our prtiiHitli)nii on of th brat, cli-aii out limiirv nitiMiiK i- j.Hn unl tl.i I'lf rttorhtru. Wiitiout jirvluua rita-rt-tnev YOU can i.ujUi?ata Urn mrciM uf othrra. Quf handnoiurly tlluatruUH) IM) iKe eataloR will enalih you to prrarfii the vutiject loctm tumor in aa Inlcrt'tdna a tuanueraa Lhonirh a m wara tilloltn titan tlinmitt. our Jaouirv. ,. ssiuen rsMireaasiee ami man l.iu'l VOUtje iLe Irst to appli i saa Caror only eos salsimsn , aaiuai) nwalva advto anl Inatru.tlona (or t anicn u i iiiipuaaiuie lor a proapectivr c from your oui Q4T nui -ilTCa. WRITC rOff 5PEOAL "' '" TWrHlfiaaWrrJttffnastBr Ar ft: 0 lffjjglWffliJaEuM i.v b :2 ljaSBiHMBBHHW "6:00 JaiISifflliafl ' 4:4ft mSBKmjtSBK " 4A0 tjHffiBSaHiTOjff "4:s WBWffBlnafr i io aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaBBBBBBBBBBaBm " 4 :06 e New Mama. Ossssltg 10.000 Seles Aneuellv. " :80 e2w RU pPir HJIIGHGRADt 1 MACHINERY THE A.1HAVERILLMACHINERVCO. SPOKAHC.WASH.-)irTLAND.0rtr:. 5ANJ05CCAL. Us,JtSi ""P".. " a a s LONK RE8TAURANT OI.OHUK IOON Pi op. s m gafaalt At All llmins. Short Orders and Promnl Sti'vii- With Reasonable Kates Give Me A Call f " z z" OapsalU Tfsaas-H.raK; UU a -" i W- war ....eeee...... I D. K.Wtawiusii, Hl'atr. V, Htawimii,, A.M., w. ii. w.n..0pb. u. Uensral Practice llr. "Hnils"- Hpeclallit Far, Kye, Nose and Thrnit DRS. STANDARD WIN Anewer all CsHs Promptly llav er Ni.hl Orflc. in G. W. Vsons BbJ's Phoea. Will Falahllal, I he Ham., Counlr Hoepllal al URNS. ORRGON Dr. I,. . HOM.ANIk Physician and Surgeon Barns, Oregon Telephone Connection LIMIT OCT. 31 FRONT STABLE AND TEAMS almoat S10.00 a Day i " " " -assasas-..-.. i i attn aoDotaled an aellin bfu, gi.ing fp V possDie lor a proepeetlve customer to denj. Why vlrlulty oefo as someone else gets me lerritori 7 looaiuv. Tha ih annlveraarr of our OOtDimny wait mlabraUd by eraotlng the moat mtKlern eaf factory In the world. w'la Walt BM WllO rrci-lvr.l our ptKlavl arlltiitf ln-lio'.-iii. nt, raodered It ucn-attary ttutuublo our output. Wa ar ajxmuii many thuuaaniU of dollar i-n larittnc our aalt -a oritaitttaiion, bul Ui learn all partloulara, It Will ooatyoo only th price of a puatsU card. Aali far Catabgaa II T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CIICIIIATI. OHIO fiarrat3tf,e-cw-iM S ril'V.,an ... tl Ul. ,ZJ DOILL'.J e CATALO0 AWO PfllCES F ';' v-'r' i aj .BURNS SANATORIUM. Mn. Win. Cuiiiinliia, I'rtip Beat of care for patients Well furnished rooms, mat J Clean and comfortable. No contagious cases taken. Kates keasonablc - a iii. ................. ........; 1 I'ROFKHBIONAL CA CARL C. GRIFFITH i nywii-isii anil nurKewin RtlRlfS, OHKOON. TILLSON HARBISON M. B., U Offlre Herond floor I imes-llersll Knlranre on Main Hlreei HuniN, U. CXJ. GBflRV PliyiHan anil Hurgouti. Burns, - - - Oregtsjj OffiiD in new biiiblinK south of .. Iianiraa hIiiiji, Main Ht. 'I liiinii MaiuHr,. b. E. HIBBARD IDE13iTTIS: Olliiti. firnt iliHir i-ant pliuto ra II ii r hm Orciron. W. C. BROWN, E)E33SrTIS! lll.'HNR, ORKION. Ollire. rooms H ami tl Masonic I DENMBN DENMAfl. Physicians and Sargea t'alln miawi-rii promptly i.iu-li. 'I'l.', mi llarriinaii HirrloMo, Oregon Dr- Minnie llan Physician and Sur Direct Telephone Coanectb La wen. Ore. . SSJ M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law t Vo;ty Bids;.. Burns. OrejV C. A. REMBOl; AUvrm-y ,ii-I.;iH 1 Ba"i, Oregon. MILLER i CHEZEM ATTORNEYS AT Lifl Burn, (iti-icnii. Kooms ami 7 Masonic Bsi- Kaim luans 'tulckly Bail! at n-iia' CHARIaES W. ELLIS LAWYER ' Burns, - - Or,; I'rai-tu-r in tin- state Courts s liro the D . 8. Land Office. (Thais. H. I-aoon.irtl AiTORiif:V.AT,AW a Careful attention giveti to( tionn and Real Estate ina? Fire Insurance. Note'rv Public BUKNS. OREOirlt A. W,. (.WAN i ATTOHNEY-AT-I.A Stttt Courts and Unitiijd Laind Office Practia i Throe doors South of n j Haney County National f Buhvs. Oretron. R. t). cooria M.V lsl Asiga.a.aa. soc. t. a. also. a. .grj COOPER & DODQS Civil and Hydraulic En? Irritration, Water Sunl Sewerage, Water I'oe purvuya, Usimi, K.tluiatee, ,-ub' BURNS, OREGON 4 y '. 1'il.i Miu . KornierlyASli. krjs,luet,t In D, s Kri'lainallau Sir vice. A. ft Fa r-ii'llle i gltieer stl Weale. Eastern Oregon I ng'm Company CIVIL AND IKKIIMIHIN Ji Bins, Oreeoa JEAN BART BALCO UAH. U. AH a. K. t). MtM .f ANMO. M. AH. I. K. fc. I MVORAULIC l-NOINB Ditches, Reservoirs. Finil!? Work, Hydro-Electric PV U. S. l)ei. Mineral Wor- Cearl Horl A Special!' Bapaw in iiutli rMraUal OoM'tiiuifiii Stri'sui I, ,u AI.HIKSON - . OWB- JOHN ROBIN. Slock htspeclsr, nancy la Home Aildrma ;u . JOHNUKMHKKLlNi towolor. (iU,-iai, lOntrfaver. Kine Watch KiMKiuin A i i ei - ClOliy. sR AAA -: