The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 10, 1913, Image 2

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Have you seen those New Spring
and Summer Samples at Williams
Zoglmann Clothing Co.'s Store?
Just looking may not interest
you and you may think it doesn t
interest us; but we'll be glad to see
you here even if you just come to
We're so proud of our Spring
and Summer woolen line, that we
are anxious to have everybody see
Mmiv n'v things in fine Imported weaves In
suitings, with Unit iiiv UnequeJed.
We'll Look Out For You. if You Look in To Bee IV
Clothing Company
Leading Clothiers - - High Grade Tailoring
I. O. O. F. Building - - Burns, Oregon
I hr fltmes-ltrrafd
SATURDAY. MAY 10. 1111
Ob Yhi
Sim Moi.ll..
Three Moalka
The meetinp; at the Masonic
hali last night for the purpose of
reorganizing the Commercial flub
was quite well attended and those
present showed a disposition t
help make the organization a !
good live one that will accom-
plish much toward advancing the ,
interests of Burns and Harney
J. J. Donegan was elected pre
sident; Ben Brown, vice presi
dent; J. E. Loggan, secretary;
Geo. Fry, treasurer. 6. VV.
Young, C. F. McKinney and J,
M. Dalton were elected as mem
bers of the executive committee
to serve with the president and
The president appointed 1 Sch
wartz, J. L. Gault, J. C. Welcome
Jr., A. W. Gowan and Julian
Byrd a finance committee.
Several gave good talks that
brought out the necessity of or
ganization and since all realize
this an important time for the
business interests of Hums to
accomplish some good there is no
doubt of the business men com
ing to the support of the club so
long as it works along conserva
tive lines and really works to the
beat interest of the community in
a broad way. Among those who
made good talks were J. W. A.
Myers of West Point, Ky., who
is here looking for a location.
He put forward the necessity of
organization, as did also P. J.
Gallagher, Dr. Standard, Frank
Davey and others.
I. Schwartz suggested that the
club take up the proposition of a
big 4th of July celebration and
acting upon this suggestion the
chair appointed J. M. Dalton,
Dell Dibble and Geo. Fry a com
mittee to see what funds could be
raised and the sentiment of the
business men toward such a cele
bration and they are to report to
the club next Tuesday evening.
The horsemen have already made
preparations for races and it was
reported the base ball boys ex
pect to have an outside team here
to play ball.
The secretary reported having
received a letter stating that
President Farrell of the O. W. R.
& N. Co., would visit this section
in the near future and the club
will make preparations to have
the gentleman meet with the
business men of Burns. The
real motive that prompted the
reorganization of the club at
this time and the desire to put it
in good working order was the
railroad situation. JJurns is go
ing to have a railroad to the town
at the earliest possible moment
and it is therefore going to be M
organized that the business in
terests will be in readiness to
take up the proposition as soon
an it can be ascertained what the
railroad people are going to do.
This is a matter of vital impor
tance, therefore the people of
Burns are going to be found "on
the job" at any time.
The club will hold another
meeting next Tuesday evening
at the Masonic hall at which
time definite policies will be out
lined and the several committees
will take up with the executive
board such matters as will be
moat urgent and important.
To Begin
On Light
James D. Fellows, who with
others started a project on Emi
grant Creek some time ago to
furnish power for electric lights
for Burns, arrived here Thurs-
'toy evening. He has come to
begin operations on tho project
in tho immediate future. He
will return to Portland in a few
days after a visit to the power
site to ascertain what is neces
sary to get to work, and place
such data and information before
his associates in Portland, then
he will return to take up the work
proper. This undertaking has
been delayed from one cause or
ant her for some time
but Mr.
I'ellows states that all obstacles
have been removed and the plant
wjj be jnataiied without delav as
j hag tne nece8sary capital to
iro dhead.
There is some talk of another
K)wer line being put in from the
Malheur and it is possible that
the two projects may be merged
and only one line put into Burns
as the field will not justify com
peting lines. This, however, is
merely speculative so far as The j
Times-Herald knows. It is never-
theless gratifying to learn thut !
we are to have service as we
have been without lights for a
long period and the people of this
city will welcome a change.
Mothers' Day Program
at Baptist Church.
Mother's Day will be celebrat
ed at the Baptist Church with a
special Union service Sunday
morning, May 11, at 11 a. m.
The program for the service fol fel fol
eows: Prelude - - Mr. Fellows
Doxology ....
Invocation - Dr. Babbidge
Hymn All Hail the Power of
Jesus Name
Scripture Reading
Prayer - - Dr. Babbidge
Response ... Choir
Announcement ...
"Praise Thy God 0 Zion" Clare
Mr. Johnson, Dr. Standard
Mrs. Gault. Mrs. Farre
Mrs. McHose. Miss Mc(ii
Mr. Byrd, Mr. Randall
Offertory - - Mr. Fellows
Tribute to Mothers
Twelve Children
"My Name in Mothers' Prayer"
Mr- Johnson and Double Quartet
Sermon - - Rev. Beebe
"Tell Mother I.'Il be There"
Mrs. McHose and Double Quartet
Seats will be reserved for the
Mothers' Club an organization of
which Burns may be justly proud
for the beautiful and practical
work they have begun here for
a park and play ground. They
will furnish favors of white rib
bon bows, the emblem of purity,
for this service. These will be
pinned on all those who attend
by the ushers four young ladies
of the church.
County Court.
County court has been in ses
sion since last Wednesday but
little has been accomplished in
the way of making news. While
the judge and commissioners
have been busy, much time has
been devoted to the high school
and boundary boards.
A remonstrance was filed
against the petition of Geo. At-
well for a license in l.awen pre
cinct and the court refused to
issue the license.
Reports of the road masters
were received and accepted.
The petitions of Frank Thomp
son, Thos, Main, ("has. Hooks, I).
V. Wilfong. Goo. Knycraft and
W. K. Myram. each with several
others asking for coi nly roads
wore favorably fteti d upon and
tho several roads ordered viewed.
Today tho court is working on
mailers pertaining to the exten
sion work of the agricultural
college which a law passed by
the last legislature made possi
ble and it II desired that Harney
county take advantage of its pro
visions. There is also an amount
of business in settling claims in
connection with the recent term
of circuit court therefore it is
not likely the court wril adjourn
before the fore part of next
High School Teachers Elected
The Harney county high school
lioard was in session during the
week and yesterday completed
the election of teachers for the
corning year. Two changes have
been made, H. K. Shirk, formerly
of the high school at Enterprise.
Wallowa county, was elected
principal and Mary Forsythe. of
Kiddle, was elected to take the
place of Miss Wit.ell. Miss Jobo
phine IiOcher was re-elected and
.1. (' Leedbi instructor in agri
culture and Miss Zoe Irwin, in
structor in domestic, were re
More Game Birds if
We Want Them.
( Seme Warden Mace received a
letter from the office of the State
Game Warden yesterday stating
they bad a number of young game
birds at the State Farm that will
soon be ready for distribution in
in localities where people would
take an interest in their protec
tion and caro. Those include
China, Roves. Golden and Silver
pheasants which will bo shipped
when five weeks old together
with the hen mother in coops.
They must be cared for until
large enough to liberate then the
coop and motlu r hen are to be
returned to the farm. These
shipments are made entirely at
the expense of the state and all
we have to do is secure proper
care of the birds until they are
liberated and return tho old hen
and coops.
Tne Times Herald understands
from this letter that these birds
mav be liberated any place in
the country and are not restrict-
tHj to a certain territory as those j
shipped in last summer. The
Ann club will take the matter up
with farmers who will co-Operate' evening from Brookings
iUK M ,lubt several coops may i h, had met W. G. Wober
,,,... lE. Hudson and son F. L
be cared for in this county. Any
one interestetl should address
the secretary of the club or write
Mr. Mace. This should be done
without delay.
Horse Racing July 4.
Jack Johnson, the horse trainer
at the fair grounds, has taken
up the proposition of some races
here on July 4 and 6 and has re
ceived sufficient encouragement
to assure a good meet with ample
purses to attract horses. There
will be harness and running races
for both days and of course this
will include some saddle horse
races for the boys in this county
who have some good saddle ani
mals. The program will be out
shortly, just as soon as arrange
ments are completed.
The Rotl A- Gun Club will also
have some .sport during that time
which will he an additional at
traction toward celebrating. The
i 'lnii plans to have some trap
shooting but whether it will be
confined to local shots or an in
vitation extended to some out
side club to visit us has not been
W. II. KobiiiH, who was in
town this week, told some of the
Gun Club members that the peo
ple of his neighborhood contem
plate a picnic during the summer
and he hoped it could be arrang
ed on dates that would permit
the Club coming over with the
traps and have some sport. His
suggestion met with hearty ap
proval at a meeting of the Club
held Thursday evening.
James Wesley Miller.
The following facts of tho life
of .lames Wesley Miller, the old
pioneer w,li died t Drewsey last
Monduy, were received by this
office by communication yester
day: Horn in Dcsinoines, Iuwa. Jan.
12. 1844, died May d, 1914, after
an illness of many months. He
was the father of 10 children, of
whom survive him: Mrs. Rosa
Bohna and Ray Miller of Canada;
Mrs. Emma Bohna of Vale, Mrs.
Lulu McMullen. J. H. Miller and
W. W. Miller of Drewsey.
Deceased was one of the best
known men of Harney county
and his death brought genuine
grief to many.
Land Opened to Entry.
Tho following townships have
boon surveyed, and the official
pints of survey will bo filed in the
land office June 10, 1913: Tp. ftt)
S.. R. 30 E.. Tp. 39 S., R. 31 E.,
Tp. 40 S.. R. 32 E., Tp. 40 S.. R.
33 E., Tp. 40 S.. R. 34 E.; Tp. 41
S.. R. 31 E.; Tp. 41 S.. R 32 E.
Tho land office will be prepared
to receive applications for the
entry of lands in the above named
townships on and after the 10th
day of June, 1913.
J. E. Sizemore has been in
town this week.
Apples, tot sale at the Blue
Mt. Stage office.
Remember the pictures tonight
at Torffiiwaroa.
TwnnihceTftrifugal pump for
sale. fhySVlson.
Bigs fornajjj-atJohn Marshall's
HarnejvPregon. 2Btf.
C. W. Frazier of Diamond M
registered at the French.
Walter Clark was over from
his Crane Creek home Thursday.
Fred Otley, Jr., was up from
I jiwen for a few days this week.
Harmony Arbutus Compaction
Cream at the Re xall Drug Store.
Born Monday
may u, w wn
I'eterson, a
and Mrs. P. C
Don't foroget the picture show
tonight and tomorrow night at
J. S. McLeod is here from
Pendleton on a visit to his daugh
ter, Mrs. Cal Clemens.
Mrs. A. A. Cowing left this
morning for Bend, when1 she
takes her mother who is en route
to her home in southern California
after spending the winter here
with her daughter.
Mrs. J.. W. Geary and Miss
Heir ne Swain have been doing
the grading in the eighth grade
examinations held this week.
There were 11 pupils from the
public school who took the exam
ination. The baseball boys contemplate
purchasing new ball grounds
from the Oregon & Western Col
onization Co. in the tract recent
ly platted north of town. The
boys were out the other day and
looked at it
Frank Johnson
arrived last
ton, J.
all of '
Washington, L. L. King of i
Nebraska end L. W. Shenefieldl
of Indiana, all of whom are look
ing for land. The party was
taken out in two automobiles
this morning for a tour of the
J. W. A. Myers and E. Wilson
were again in town this week,
having traveled over tho greater
part of this county looking for
the best investments. These
gentlemen are from Kentucky
and Mr. Myers says they are go
ing to Central Oregon and desire
to make a thorough examination
of the entire section before mak
ing a selection. They went out
to the Iron Mountain section this
morning and will return here the
fore part of next week.
Notice is hereby given that
sealed proposals for bids will bv
received, by the Building Coin
mi t tee of Hie First Presbyterian
Church of Burns. Oregon, on or
before May Mist 1913 at 2 o'clock
P. M. for theexcaTation for rnnd
construction of u one-story Hrieli
Church building 57x100 ft wtttj
stone basement, shingle roof, to
gether with all carpenter work,
electric wiring, plumbing and
drainage, heating, painting, etc.,
according to plans and specifica
tions on tile with the Secretary.
The committee reserves the right
to reject ony and all bide, and
the successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish approved surety
bond for 60 per cent of contract
A. B. WillTNKY, Chairman.
Aitest: C. C. Bahbiook,
Klirumatiam Quickly Cured.
"My sister's husband had an
attack of rheumatism in his arm,"
writes a well known resident of
Newton, Iowa. "I gave him a
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment
which he applied to his arm and
on the next morning the rheum
atism was gone." For chronic
muscular rheumatism you will
And nothing better than Chamber
lain's Liniment. Sold by all
is here.
Mrs. C
A. Harlan and little
son came down from tne larm
yesterday with the intention of
accompanying Cy back, he hav
ing been assisting in the First
National Bank during Al Wel
come's absence. .
Cur for Stomach Dlaordert
Disorders of the stomrch may
be avoided by the use of Chamb
erlain's Tablets. Many very re
markable cures have been effect
ed by these tablets. Sold by all
llurtia, ur.-Kui,, May 1, Itfin.
To William l.yuil.iif Mmi Itomarillno,
( ll for
Youaru tiereliy milluml that William H
lilraa. illil i,h Mar . II
hiiAlvi'a Minna, ureaim, aa m.ihxi i,nnv
olflc lilailuly rmrolHratiit a
Dbllltetlnu t.i cm.
(.'I aii'l mM'iiru th" 'in fllatluh of your lleaert
Imi'l, Knlrjr No -f'i, Nirlal V.i amf, mali' Mar
I IWKI, ll- I III' I.', oIIIip Nil,, hv of Mwtloil
N, luwiiaulp .') I., IUiiki' II Raat. WIMaunUe
Mi'rhtlan, ami aa tfriiuuila lor Ma i miti'at In
etrfiaa that you liata lallnl to akjieml tlia tun
of fcnio par mm In iiiltlvalliii ami no Ulmiii.
1.1. 1 laiol. that )on havn faila.i to oultlvata
ami Initial oIrJiUi
liu lain! Ill lal'l
nitrjr for tho purnoti- of rwlauiallon ami for
II... paat iwoyi'aia liavi- wholly ami romplat,.y
aliamloiiml an. loilry thai you arc a noo
f.alilrhl of till Htt.1. il Mt'gun.
Vno aro, Ihi'iiJiMl'.l fuiMii.r oollflai that Mm
hi nlliwaliiiiin will I. r iHkin hy Ihlioflli'K aa
hurliil own rop"i1 .) oo, ami your rntrr
will herein eleil tin i Ii r "ill. 1.1,1 yur fur
tint r r la hi til u.i li, t, hi ihi-rrlii. ulihnr luforo
tfcja (Bn or nil afipaal.ifVoti fall to m,. In ihla
iiflli wlthla Iwality ilajf alli-r Ilia KDI'KIH
liiitnlitlliin of thin lioll.i., aa ahown oclow mwnr umloroath, apw in. ally uiaeiliii
ami rap.miltll I., . Uteav uf i .Mitral.
or It,.. u fall Ttllhlll thai I to 111,. ii thla
nftttr 1I111. proof tlintymi li. aarte.1 atopy of
yotir aitawrr 011 Ilia M ,oiii,..iant i-lth., 1,1
jK'taon or hy ikiihi. n-il mall If Ihla at'rllo I
mailo hy ilm ilalirary ot a oupv of your aiiawai
lollo- , -.nlia'aiit In p,.r,ui, piiMif of lurh aar
vlra tnuat ha all In-r tho - l.t i-ontaataut'a wrltlon
a'Biiuwliil4titt,.lit of hia no-olpt of tha ropy
howlnn Ihailat,. of lt ran. lot. 01 tho fflilaill
ot tha p.naun hy whom tha Uoll,,iy waa
tallna what) ami tWiaip tho nltpy WHilallvar
.I II oiailti h ii'iclliii., mall, proof of am I,
,r, 1. miiii roll. 1. 1 of tin. affidavit of tha I
1 y wnoin ilia ropy waa 11
avlt muat Im- a, oninpanl
ar'a ii-, all. 1 for tha latlar.
11, y waa mall,..! an.t ihla
afflilavlt muat hi' liv Ilia mmi
Vuo ahoulil alat.. In lour bomm . 1 11,. 1 ,ama ,.1
lha pott oKlrv to which 1011 ,g,ra til. air
1, to Ih aoril fo you.
Wat Kanhi. Hra-latnr
Hair of Mr. 1 puutli all, 111 May L KM.
Data of hhuuiI I'lihiivalloii May 10, l',i 1
Hat.' of II1I1.I putIll aliin, M,, i,, iM
I'a'r ol foil 1 Hi out, In ai,,o May M. 11119.
1 !,- r.ilk iut. -. in tun
wer era mi1H ih AhMt
wlMit '!! t-.i I...1 f.n.1 In tk
.,.l I, ft, o. Ill UUU.ntVOD
r. nn i-ej iiinnfa tl oil
lt niuili mIi. ! iitm t
a,.-. In ntntM lual
IIMaal M
it ln.tll iiiihUl Idtari!
... 1. r -"..l Thff Will
fi ta.aVa Ikbii uf nuntilu
1- ii. i 1 1.
I'uill m.i. i?eee
A tf rti rPMaklittlv to
)(-.) 1 1. ibU Htolrlet lie
..i.l In m Mill 1. IM lll. iLlI
Nn foiHitili ihf isfMi fit ref.
rrwia H rile l in.. fiv
ne '"u rftff rarir4M. ho long
)iti, bee lit in tbet ait 1
1 MHMl huattmee fvn (
mw le AtMreee.
w. a. ids
! iuuiimhini LM
II !
Have arrived and we are now ready to
supply you with your requirement!.....
have been added and all goods will be
The Burns Department Store
On Improved Farm Lands
Call and See Me In Tonawama Bldg.
The New Hudson "37"
Hudson "IS4" A, Six
Haynes 86 & 40 Hone Power
Reo the Fifth
Haynes Sixes
Reo-Two Ton Trucks
Madras. Oregon
New dress goods just arrived
including latest fabrics shown
Embroideries and Insertions
New Attractive Spring Shoes
King Tailored Waists Stylish
And Very Popular At
Farm For Sale.
UK) acres, all fenced; 50 acres
in cult i vat ion; new 7 room house,
small barn and other out build
ings. Running stream thru it
greater part of the year. Good
grain or hay land and well situ
ated; excellent bottom land for
farming. Can give in connection
a relinquishment to homestead of
160; a (Wsert claim of HO acres,
all joiirtng. Price $8600. includ
includlng desert relinquishment.
Fop particulars inquire at this
office. 21Mf
tlurua Mat No n
I itu in tin 1.1Kb orni a
Hurua. iir-io.ii. Apr), H. mil
Notlra ta hrraby a'ven thai tho Northarn
Patlflr Hallway lompauy, whulr lHit ofllra
aitilrtw la Nt Paul Mliiuraota. Iia Ihla lth ilay
ot April Hia fllail In Ihla 0BI1 r lla applli alioli
to aalvrt tinitrr tha prorlaloua uf tha Art of
I foiiiraa. approrl Jul) I. lMailW Hlat im, i'A
MouilH-aa' oiia-trr of aoufhaaat itiarlvr of
m.-i tun, thirl, two II7 In Towuahlp ihlrty l:i
Houlh.of Hauir thirty Iva INI. Kaal, uf Wll
lamattr PrtnrTpal Mailillan, Ktata of in. pin.
ronlalnlug forty l0 arraa
Mr HI A 1. No HUM
Any and all iirraaua claiming autyaraaly lha
laniU drarrluril or ilaalrlttg to ohjri't baoauaa
of lha mloara) rharactar uf ttir land or for
any othrr raaaon to the dlapoaal to applit-aoi.
abottld rllr thrlr afo,lalt of protral In thla
offii-.. on or bafora tha loth day of J lain
Wat rant. Kra-laln
: 1913 :
Trousers, Dress Shirts, Work
Shirts, Ties, Shoes and Hose
Spring "Summer
Underwear For The
Men and Women
Full new line of Ginghams
Percals, Lawns Etc.
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Burns, Harney Co. Oregon
Wheat Potatoes
Return Limit October 31
Colorado Springs
Kansas City
$107 50
110 00
92 00
72 50
55 00
55 oo
65 70
83 60
GO 00
79 90
00 00
The train leaving Bead G:45
itjwiiiii- 1.00 t. m., v.uiver :vu a. m., MeionusH. ju a. m., Maili
8:40 A. M. Maupin 10:48 A. M., makes direct connection at Fall : '
bridge with limited train Baal via Spokane. Portland & Seattle Rj
Train schedules and other details will bo furnished of request
Baggage checked and sleeping car accommodations arrange
through to destination if desired.
R. H. CROZIER, J. H. Corbett, Agt.
Aaal.Can'l Paaa. Aganl, Portland, Or. Bend, Ore.
W. C WILKES. Ami. Gen'l Freight & Paw. Agent, Portland, Or
Catholic Church.
1. On Sundays and Holy days
of obligation Holy Mass" with
sermon at 10 a. m.
2. On week days Holy Mass
at 7 a. m.
All other services, besides
those mentioned above will be
announced in church.
All invited and welcome to tin
divine services.
Sick-calls promptly answered
at anytime. Religious informa
tion and instructions willingly
imparted at the Franciscan
Rev. Fius Niennann, 0. F. M.
Psstor of The Church of the
Holy Family.
Always ready for job printing
New York
St. I-ouis
St. Paul
$72 50
60 00
108 50
60 00
108 50
9150 -fe
70 00
60 00
92 00
107 50
60 00
A. M., Redmond 7:24 A. M.. T
Direct cunnectiona aoutli via
A. H. CURRY. Prop.
Lava llarnmaii Monday and Thuixi
and arrivea Wodneaday and Saturd
ach weak, connecting with aoutheA
tin to Denio, Winnemucca, ate.
im i ki i aiic. i.ANDorrni,''
Hlirna, llrmi.n, April I,
Null) i narabfvlraii llial riam-'a M a may
mi liurua.onnoii. uIhi i'ii o inl r. iwua M.aaJ
II. Mm'. t, k.I hunt Sii Ml, for N',NK1, .''
h'. and NH'i, r ' , Km l Ion iu nalili. .1
Kallf' "- I. . n lllanii II M,ri. I,ui liaa till I IK
ll mI liiiiuiioii Im ui kvllual lure yt-ar IrooD
to i alal'hkli i 1m I in IoUm I .u.i al.MVi'uoavrll'H
uelore Kaalalel ami Itmitii .. i ilurua, OrKi ;
,,n i hi' lla da) mI May lulu
iniiuaut imiiii. aa tt ii neeepa r
la ii lay Tyler, wil'lam hy, Hugo liMiiaaM
Layfayaile Wn , all ..I iiuina. urvgoa.
Mm Kaftan, Kenlaiar j
Those desiring the service of
Jersey bull may find one at
'J. R. McKinnon barn.