The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 03, 1913, Image 1

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The Biggest City In The Biggest
The Biggest County In The State
.Of Oregon, Best In The West
County In The State Of Oregon I
NO. 2B
ih, h.,,pv,y., v, ,, , LIVESTOCK SHOW TO
! From memory's put! we ne'er
T n
k j jssks 4BBv' )9
- iri 1 1 1
l JF j I IB, H
v J-V " Jr "V-
I ssia rP T V ST '
,,,, !t n , Bt HELD IN PORTLAND
imd (rue
trtland Paper States That President
of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Has Been Touring This Section
Incog Accompanied by Number of
Eastern Capitalists.
ccording to the Sunday ens for the Hill system of the
I f rn I. 12
rnal we have had another Oregon irunmme.
railroad man in our midst That the Chicago, Miiwauicee
- .. lit, it l' iTl It III .....Hiitikllif w(himI
out knowing it wneiner oi raui win evem.uuv wi
has visited Burns or not we its own line into Portland is re
unable to say, but he has garded as practically settled and
.. i . 1.... ti.kila PvmiflAnf K'arlinor'a inatw'
ii in uemrai wre""- " wsssw - w
t it means is speculative but tion of central Oregon at tnis
aure the Chicago, Milwaukee time may have been for the pur-
t Paul is looking tor a cnance pose oi Decerning personally
get to the coast ana we are acquaimea wun conuiuunu mm
at all averse to the roa'd com- prospects in central Oregon, it is
this way. In fact we have also regarded very probable that
. . !.1 i lln I Si Im .... ! .. inmi. nltinu fW inUfl-
Bl lor It WlinOUl cruwillllK " io eincriiiiiii h' v1 --
would welcome it to Burns sion of that immense territory
heartily as any other now tapped only bv the Hill
and Harnman systems.
Journal says in part: That The Chicago, Milwaukee & St
ident A J. Earling. of the Paul is making rapid develop-
Milwaukee & St. Paul ment in the Pacific northwest
d, did not hurry east from and by building into central Ore-
le after the completion of a gon at this time by way of Port-
r oi inspection oi me com- iana, it wouia gei a goouiy snarv
ty's lines in the Puget sound of a developing business now
itnct, but instead traveled divided only by two roads.
tly into Oregon and through t various times it has been
entire central part of the ,um0red that the Chicago, Mil-
i in auto, is the report that ' Waukee & St Paul has figured
just reached here. With on tne purchase of the Oregon
were a numoer oi eastern vVater Power division of the
italists and heads of large in- Portland Railway. Light & Power
trial propositions. He left COmDany. including the line to
ttle about two weeks ago. Troutdale and Estacada over
hether all of these distin- which it would find easy access
hed men and financiers ac- to the city and excellent terminal
panied President Lading on facilities on the east side of the
tour of central Oregon is not Willamette, south of the Haw-
wn, for so well were their thorne bridge. The Estacada line,
vements concealed that those too, would give it entrance into
ly to spread the news had central Oregon if extended, for
y known tnai me prominent preliminary surveys snow inai
Iroad head and buikier was in an extension from Casadero into
t part of the country, were the Warm Springs Indian re
in the dark. In this respect servation could be effected
tour strikingly resembled through a very favorable pass at
made by John F. Stevens, a comparatively small cost Such
while reconnoitering for a project has been pronounced
es J. Hill traveled over cen- very feasible by a number of ex-
Oregon in the disguise of a pert railroad builders and it is
bov under the name of Sam- said this course would be pursued
The result of his investiga- should the property be acquired
et that time led to the subse- by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
nt construction by Mr. Stev- Paul system.
HfesV jsMtMMaJMsjgsMbS Hs sLa '"" ' BbV ' ' ' sK3lP3ssm ' fifl
I L Jm sIsHHLsV i'M iBSSbIL. J&i - ' -Liiiifln TBsBLl
VvsV BH JBVflBfl iHl .dKsB H ' '-"' Birtt J
fits !h" -ff Ha mp JtwVtDk KSiHMHrV
4 1 ffwfsK ilWBnr llMsMB ii
if v ':,... tdMp' ; ' '"
Premium List of $10,000 to Include all
Classes of Cattle, also Pure Bred
Hogs, Sheep and Goats. Several
Silver Trophy Cups Will be Given
In Addition to the Premiums.
The stat of Oregon w fully rapro
spntwl st lli' Viitliu. i rnxluri. KxmiI
tion by the llnmt i-olliwlioiui of frulU,
grains, ktuhi uml e)reliiliha thst I lie
state lis. ever SMl l''nt lo an imlustrUI
nJ agriculluiul SMW, In elisrgv of tbe
Ik i III. were O. K. Prsytsg of
OrvKnn City, J. K Hawhlll of H.-'n.l, ami
M. J. Dur rii of Eugana, Dragon.
All thni. gentleman ware pnmlnent
peakars at laiiiurt. given by tbe Min
neapolis Civic and Oommaroa Association
luring tbe course of the Isnil show.
Tlinu.ant!. of booklets, leaflet, and fold
er, of liiimlHiiuie appeuruneo were die
trilmted to tbe land aeekert who rrnwdod
the .liow during tbe entire two week..
Mutton and Its Value as Food
Farmers' Bullotitif2ft, "Mutton
and Its Value in the Diet,"
which has just bttn issued by
the Department of Agriculture,
tells of Reed ways of weparinir
old dishes and of ifr-ways to
utilize, and iievv"" dishes which
can be made from mutton, and i diahcB from the inexpensive cuts
is the latest of the bulletins lf mutton, which are palatable
which have been given the I8 wo11 wholesome.
popular name, Uncle Sams , Judged by its composition,
Cook Hooks."
are well known to the housewife,
and others are less familiar. All
are worthy of a trial, since the
ability to make many dishes
with any given foodstuff is an
easy way of securing variety in
the diet, which is so desirable.
The housewife who wishes to
economize can make many savory
High School Seniors
Entertained by Juniors ,
And did the nest that thev could
And if in any way they feel
They didn't huve a fair square
Their pardon now we humbly
And nil poor marks no more we'll
Tliis toast to them, tonight we
Long may our precious seniors
Lortpr may their .joy be full and
As rivers flow, the sea to meet.
And as from mountain tops on
That pierce the pure and azure
The streamlets cheer, the fields
So may their lives good fruits i
Perhaps if noble lives they live
Some credit to our school they'll
For hard we've tried with might
and main,
To shield their lives from future
if perchance, dark sorrows
Should cover them like death's
cold shroud
May then their lives with truth
be blest
O. M. Plummer, General Mana-i Agriculture, and at tmsent one
ger Pacific International Live- of the Industrial Extension
stock Exposition, to be held at workers under the Supr ritendent.
Union Stock Yards, North Port- of Public Instruction and tho
land December 8-13, 1913, advises Agricultural College is'secretury,
that the advance sheets of the L. R. McGee, the efficeint Office
; preliminary classification are' Manager with the Stock Yards
! about ready for the printer. The Company, has been elected trea-
' premium list will co,ver over! surer, John L. Smith, the fameus
$10,000, and will include beef Holstein breeder of Spokane will
and duiry types of pure bred again act as assistant general
Battle, also pure bred hogs, sheep manager. Among the directors
and Roats, as well as fat classes and advisory committee, are the
of cattle, sheep and hogs, both ' directors and presidents of pure
in car lots and as individuals. bred Associations and heads of
Mr. J. W. CUm of OssiMU th' Breed Organizations all over the
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
Mutton and lamb have always
been regarded as particularly
wholesome and there is reason
for this belief, as shown by work
of the Depart ment of Agriculture.
Of the two meats lamb has been
the more popular in the United
States in recent years, perhaps
because special attention has been
given to raising it for the market
and to extending its season. On
the other hand, mutton is the
favorite in England. The whole
palatability, wholesomeness, dig
estibility, relative cost, and the
number of ways in which it can
be prepared for the home table,
mutton is an important foodstuff,
which is well worth the attention
of the housekeeper who wishes
to provide her family with an
attractive and palatable diet at a
reasonable cost
The Department of Agriculture
bulletin on mutton and its value
in the diet was prepared by C.
F. Langworthy, Chief of Nutri-
Burns Meat Market
11 j Mill I I
lj. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc.
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
Get it!
Rexall Drug Store
Reed Bros, Props.
question is simply one of taste tion Investigations, Office of Ex
and mutton in some form or j periment Stations, and Caroline
other has always been a staple L. Hunt, Expert in Nutrition,
and favorite food, used in large who has had much experience in
quantities, and on account of its the study of scientific and practi-
good qualities worthy of much cal problems relating to food.
more extensive use. Miss Hunt made an extensive
In composition and nutritive OI u"" '"'"J "P
value mutton is practically the ! a,,y for tma betin.
aame as beef, and the average
loss in weight in preparing the Referendum Threaten-
two kinds of meat for the table , ej Co Attorney Bill
is also practically the same, yet
mutton has for sometime been a !
cheaper meat in our markets
The farewell party for the
senior class af 1913 was tfiven
last Saturday evening by the
juniors at the home of Miss Azel
The house was decorated in the
class colors, pink and white, and
the table was heauti fully arrang
ed with cut flowers of roses and
The evening was tifient in play
ing various games, in which the
faculty and "Dignified Seniors"
took an active part. Miss Kuby
Dalton and Itert Oliver received
the highest prizes.
Refreshments were served
during which the teachers gave
toasts and the presidents of both
classes responded.
Mr. Jokisch gave the follow fellow follew
ing: A joyous throng has gathered
The feast and fun have caused
good cheer.
This festive hoard we're loath
to leave.
Hut we've had so much we scarce
can breathe.
famous Ayrshire breeder, who
was at the head of the Alaska-Yukon-I'acific
Livestock Depart
ment and who was the first to
.-.uggest the consolidation of the
dairy and the fat stock show in
the present organization, will
terve as president for this year.
The Vice-Presidents, are Wm.
M. Ladd of Portland, whose in
fluence along the pure bred line
.. a . Ill IMS' "M'lln itt I ICjim i .-. .. ..II
may tney hold in memory i , , - ', cu
,ipur Known, n. a. jastro, rresiuent
The love of friends and teachers American National Livestock As
he jsociation. liakersfield, California.
We wish them joy. we wish !F,rank J- Hagenbarth. President
ih..m well national vyooi urowers Associa
And find their school mate friends
the best
We wish them more than tongue
can tell.
Mis l,ocher recited, and Miss
1 Witzel gave advice.
Miss Irwin:-
Here's to the gruduates which
are to be,
Happy, and young and fair,
Here's to those who wish thei
Wondering when and where.
Mr. Leedy:
Six little Seniors
Very much alive,
Ludwig stole one,
Then there were five.
Five little Seniors
Talking as of yore,
"Sharkey" stole another,
Then there were four.
(Continued on page two.)
tion, Spencer. Idaho, Wm. Han
ley, President Central Oregon
Devclopement League, Burns,
Oregon, Howard Elliott. Presi
dent Northern Pacific Railroad
Company. St. Paul, Minn., Carl
: K. Gray. President Great North
ern Kaiiroad Company, St Paul,
Minn., J. H. Young. President
S, P. & S. Ry. Company and J.
il). Farrel, President O. W. R. &
N, Company, Portland. These
Pacific Slope, as well as repre
sentatives of commercial interests
of the entire United Sta
Among the local members of the
Board of Directors, are Wm. H.
i Daughtrey, President Portland
t Union Stock Yards Company, C.
0. Colt, President Union Meat
Company, W. P. Dickey, Presi
dent Portland Cattle Loan Com
pany, J. W. Creath, President;
Portland Live Stock Exchange,
J. L. Sterret of Sterrett & Oberle,
and M. J. Gill.
O. M. Plummer, Secretary &
Treasurer of Portland Union
Stock Yards Company, will again
have active management for the
coming year and any inquiries
addressed to him at Union Stock
Yards, North Portland, Oregon
will receive immediate attention.
It is the intention of th manage
ment to make the International
Livestock Exposition stand in
the same relation to the Pacific
Coast as does the International
of Chicago to the Middle West.
The O. W. R. & N. Company.
than beef. Buying in quantity
is recognied as economical where
the housewife has facilities for
storage. There are many cases
where a side of mutton could be
economically purchased for home
use where a side of beef would
be too large for such a purpose.
This would imply an economy in
the selection of the mutton.
As regards digestibility, there
is no practical difference In beef
and mutton, both being very
thoroughly assimilated. The
characteristic flavor of mutton is
commonly said to have its origin
in the fat. It is generally re
lished, and may be developed or
modified by various methods of
cookery fo meet the tastes of the
family. That mutton fat can be
used in the household in many
ways has been demonstrated by
experiments which have been
made with it.
The ways in which mutton can
be prepared for the table are
very numerous. Some of these
An exchange says: The recent
discovery of a joker in House
Bill No. 449, which creates the
office of County Attorney in each
county of the state not hereto
fore having a resident Attorney,
has brought about a threat to in
voke the referendum on the bill.
The law provides that the Gover
nor shall appoint the incumbents
for the new offices and that they
shall hold office until the election
in 1916. This places the Gover
nor's men in office for practically
a four-year term, in spite of the
fact that the next general elec
tion will be in 1914. The statute
also permits the Governor to fill
vacancies in all other counties,
his appointees to hold office, as
in the other cases, until 1916.
The statement is made that a
petition will be prepared and
filed before July 1, when the
time for filling such proceedings
will expire.
and comfortable care, Mrs. W. T.
Lester. Burns, Oregon.
Meats, Flour, Salt, Sugar, Gasoline,
Landplaster, Blacksmith Coal,
Auto Oils and Greases
- WE PAY -
Hides and Pelts
Thus. W. Stephen, Agt., Burns, Ore.
Finest Hog Conditioner On Earth
men are all widely known for ' through their General Passenger
Agent, Mr. Wm. McMurray, h e
already offered a handsome silver
trophy cup for the Grand
Champion Hereford bull of the
Show, while W. D. Skinner,
Traffic Manager of the S. P. &
S. Company has offered a splen
did cap for the Grand Campion
their intense interest in agricul
ture and livestock production and
their connection with the Pacific
International Livestock Exposi
tion into that Association a con
tinued and more successful ex
istence. N. C. Maris, many years a
member of the State Board of
(Contcnucd on! Page
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations,
Cdmmercial Headquarters
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
All Orders Given Us Will Receive
Prompt And Careful Attention
10 - PER CENT - 10
E. C. Eggleston, the popular Life Insurance and
Real Estate Agent of Burns, representing the
Will donate to the building fund of the Presby
terian church 10 per cent of all commissions he
makes during the time of business from
March 15, to May 1st
Insure your Dwelling, Barn or other property with us in the Best Companies. Guar
anteed Government Land Script of all kinds handled by us. What have you sell?
Legal Land Matters Attended To Promptly
s-x For TrjEtci , m
What Have You To Offer In Exchange?
We have sev. ral splendid ranches in California and Washington 157 acres well im
proved home, large amount of fruit, level land and hog tight, 6 miles from Thayer,
Mo. Any of theae fine properties can be traded for a good stock and hay ranch in
Harney County. Write or call on us, We can give you the very best of bargains.
mmmmmmmmm i
Offers You The Very Best Of Facilities i
For filling prescription. We have a large and
well assorted stock of prescription drugs and
competent Pharmacist to compound them.
We have the agency for the well known line
of Nyal Family Medicines, Eastman Kodaks
ana Supplies. Come and visit us at any time.
J. C. Welcome, Jr. Prop.