The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 26, 1913, Image 3

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iet Circulation Of Any
r In Harney County.
UAY. AFML M. lis
.ocal News.
irals Rheumatic Remedy.
Hume was in town this
i fine shoes in suede and
ckskin at Schwartz'. . ,
jwer came over from
lurnB Hardware Co., has
sets in any quantity.
24 tf.
la.ll. Claude Schugand
ntsford were here this
Voltage making proof
bin will have charge of
business in Burns this
Dry wood on hand to
of town F. O. Jackson.
52. tf
Hendleson and wife, of
Mo., are late arrivals in
They are looking for a
and will likely become
Hit residents of this
Goodman sells Rolled
kt lie Rolled Wheat at
lean seed Barley, lie
heat lie at his barn in
; part of town. 6tf.
iCaragan and Wm. Wade.
whom have been inmates
hospital for some time,
covered from their illness
urned to their homes at
r & uoage. me civn
irs wiin omce in ine
erald building, have gone
outhern part of the county
.me work for the P. L S.
hey will be absent a couple
why not have beauti-
kplection? If you will use
ch Bloom Face Cream
ill be surprised at your
Price 50 cents a jar.
Swell Mailorder Co..
c67th., Street, S. E.
Portland. Oreiron
Iritv recorder wishes to
ention to the chicken ordi-
which was passed last
April 15 was the date that
kens should have been re-1
from digging up the
Drs garaen ana as mere ,
eik, complaints filed those
not comply with it are
i get in trouble.
Dawson and daughter,
lura. were in the city
the week making prepar
er the latter's trip to the
the Pacific Northwest
Bn. one win ao some
g for tne JBiR narney
on the trip and we pre-
M Reed results ior ine
r and also that Miss Daw-
have a fine trip full of i
FUport Of The Condition
Of The
First National Bank
At Barns, Oregon, Apr. 4th, 1918.
ammmmmtm jjBl mm ' ' "
Loans and Diacounta $338,328.64
U. S. Bonda 50.000.00
Bonds and Securities 52,623.96
Premium on U. S. Bonda 2,000.00
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 8,504.92
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00
CASH 156,877.06
Capital $ 25,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 76,040.72
Circulation 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 483,543.75
Capital and Surplus SI 00,000.
Resource, Apr. 4th 1913
Resources, Apr. 4th 1912
Increase In One Year
ft 129.650.45
First National Bank
Oldest ana HjSSSl Baak In Harney Co."
Burns, Harney Co., Ore.
Use Nyals Cough medicine
for baby's cough. 10 tf
John Marshall was down from
Harney the first of this week.
E. B. Moon was up from the
Sunset section during the week.
Baled hay. Bran and all kinds
of grains at The Burns Dept.
Geo. Cawlfield came up from
Marrows last Saturday, bringing
his mother in for medical treat
ment She is at the home of her
son, John.
For Sale -7-year-old horse
well broke weight about 1400 lbs.
tall, good action and suitable for
a driver. Price 13b.-A.. O.
Skotterud. Burns.
Charley Foo. who has been
conducting a restaurant in this
place, has closed it and gone to
Huntington where his brother is
in business.
J. W. Sayer and family desire
to express their sincere thanks
to their friends and neighbors
who so kindly gave assistance
and sympathy during the trying
moments of their recent bereave
ment. Bert Acker who is traveling in
the interest of the Peters Cart
ridge Co.. and Wm. Black, re
presenting Marshall Fields, were
here this week. Mr. Acker went
out to the traps with members
of the Rod and Gun Club two
afternoons and did some splen
did shooting.
if pur Opportunity Is Now
At Hand To Secure
Your Choice Of
The Latest
Kobe Silk, Silk Panama, Silk Pop-
Washable Silk Voile, Gaze Mar
ti, Serge, Lennox Poplin, Stripea
essaline, Cambridge z-epner, ran-
na, Messahne, Silk Katme, ver
ift Voile. Striped Taffeta, Windsor
Besse, Vigeaux Serge, Laurette
lantung, Rufflings and mmmmgs
If. Nifi v New Line haa jut arrived and will
be ready for your inspection the first of the
week- Come early and take your choice
while the variety lasts. Nothing later
will be ahown in Burn this season.
General Merchandise -
riasorlc Building, - - Burns, Oregon
Use Nyals Stone Root Comp.
' for the kidneys. 10 tf
Manny and Tod Newell were
in town this week.
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Gallagher, Monday, April 21 a
Phil Smith leaves today for a
trip to Warner to look after his
stock interests in that section.
Dr. Harrison was called to the
home of John Robinson near
Harney this week to see Mrs.
Robinson, who is quite sick.
Rolled wheat is the milk and
egff producer try it. Better and
' cheaper than bran. Sold by W.
I A. Goodman. Phone him your
' order.
Lots of fun at the pictures
; tomorrow night at Tonawama.
Two good comedies nnd two ex
ceptionally R(Kxi dramas, one a
thrilling Western plav full of
Strayed- From the Eggleston
place in Sunset a red and white
spotted milk cow, branded H with
X under it on right side. Liberal
reward for her recovery. Fred
Barron. Narrows, Ore. 24 tf
James Mahon was over from
his Anderson Valley home Wed
nesday. He reports the lambing
season quite satisfactory in his
section, although the weather
has not been most favorable.
However, the percentage is quite
up to the average.
To gather a state equipment of
40 horses with stages, harness,
bams, agents, drivers and hund
red million details in a period of
ten days is far from child's play.
Yet. this is a task that has fallen
to L. Woldenberg, who was
awarded the mail contract from
Austin to Hums. He is as busy
as the proverbial "cranberry"
merchant. - Blue Mt. Eagle.
Several autos went over to
Harney Wednesday loaded with
friends who attended the funeral
of the late J. II. Locrffan. Among
those who went over were Mr.
and Mrs C. I1'. Me Kinney, Mr.
and Mrs. K. K. Purington, Mrs.
Holland, Frank Johnson, L. M.
Brown, C. H. Leonard, Ira Davis,
Wm. Farm, Sam' Mothershead,
J. J. Doneaan, R. T. Hughet,
Miss Ethel Haines.
The following teachres have
been elected to teach in the pub
lic school of this city for the com
ing vear: Prof. W. M. Sutton,
principal and" teacher of the
eight grade; Mrs. H. J. Jokisch,
seventh grade; Miss Neva Hod-
der, fourth grade; Mibs Anna L.
Graham, second grade; Mrs. Kim
ble, primary. The third grade
teacher is yet to be supplied.
Mrs. J. A. Eberlee and little
daughter Ardis arrived here
Monday evening by way of Bend
from'Portlainl to join Mr. Eberlee.
The family will remain here an
indefinite lime while developing
some land which Mr. Eberlee
has owned in this vicinity for
several year. He saya he ia
going to have the account on the
other side of the book this season.
You will find IT at the Burns
Department Store. -' '
Fred Barron "was up from
Sunset during the week.
Try Nyali Family medicine a
The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf
' J. F. Conrad haa bean in town
this week. . "
. Ed Egli and wile" ire over
from the farm home An a visit
to relatives and friends.
Austin Gdbdinan Has a 6 horse
power gasoline engine and 2-ineh
rotary pump fOr sale." Bt-tf-
New pumps for ladies at
Schwartz in patent and velvet
Just arrived. See them.
Mrs.' Clyde Cowing, who has
been quite ill, is reported con
valescing by her physician.
A. D. Jonea and family, who
have been residing In this city,
have gone to their farm near
Narrows for the summer.
(rant Kesterson has been in
town for a few days on a visit to
his wife and family. Mrs. Kes
terson is quite ill at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
The Bums Hardware Co., ia
preparing a big order for field
fence to be shipped the first of
May. Parties desiring any spe
cial Ktna snouia see mis nrm De-
fore the order goes in as they
can thus save money.
W. H. Johnson and wife were
over from Silver Creek during
the week on a visit to friends
and attending to business. Mr.
Johnson states the water is too
high to do much farm work at
present in his section.
"The Katzen jammer Kids"
tonight at Tonawama Also a
screaming western farce-comedv, 1
"A Western Legacy." Both are
fine and those who have a weak
ness for fun are sure to be
W. Y. King has returned from
Corvallis where he was called on
account of the death of his
father. He found his brothers
and sisters all well and reports
the Willamette Valley very
beautiful at this time with the
orchards in full bloom.
' There have been something
over 3000 head of cattle sold in
this section this spring and ship
ped to outside points. This mesne
a considerable amount of money
put in circulation and gives some
idea of the magnitude of the
Btock business in this county.
H. F. Huntley and wife were
up rrom valley view during
the week the guests of
friends. Mr. Huntley recently
returned from Seattle where he
spent the winter and Mrs. Hunt
ley is a new addition to his farm
home, the marriage having taken
place but a few weeks ago.
A letter to this office from
Emerson College of Oratory of
Boston, announces that Miss
Drusa Dodson of this city, who
graduates from that college next
month, read "The Other Side of
the Moon." and 'The Spell of
the Yukon" at the annual public
recitals of the senior class last
A marriage license was issued
the first of this week to Fred
Barron and Miss Pet Durall, both
of Narrows. We understand the
ceremony took place at the home
of Ray Barron in Sunset Thursday
evening, but have learned noth
ing of the particulars. We join
friends in extending Mr. and
Mrs. Barron a happy wedded
Mrs. W. L. Marsden and Bon
George arrived home Monday
evening after their extended
absence. They were accompani
ed over from Bear Valley by Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph By ram who spent
a few days with them. George
expects to return to the ranch in
a couple of weeks and will spend
more or less of hie time there
during the summer. Their many
friends are glad to welcome them
Dell Dibble went over to Bend
the fore part of this week for the
purpose of swapping lies with
any one who felt able to compete
for such honors. He returned
feeling he had met up with a
jolly live bunch and thinks more
of Bend than ever. He didn't
display his belt but it is taken
for granted he still wears it
L. Woldenberg was the success
ful bidder on the mail contract be
tween here and Canyon and will
begin carrying the mail the first
of next month. Mr. Woldenberg
has the contract from Canyon to
the railroad point and the two
will work well together, being
practically one line. He has
had the contract in former years
and conducted it very satisfac
tory, therefore we can look for
ward to good service under his
management again.
Kodak time is here.
Kodaks at The Welcome Phar
Fresh home made lard 17c at
Hansen's meat market. tf
Thos. Hutton was over from
his Wagontlre home yesterday.
Send your orders to the Wel
come Pharmacy they will pay
the postage of freight.
The Christian Endeavor wilt
give a social for young people oh
next Friday evening, May 2.
W. L. Spencer and wife were
guests at the home of "Grand
ma" Winters during the week.
Mrs. Millar will have a new
consignment of millinery next
Thursday which the ladies of
Burns and vicinity are invited to
call and inspect
C. S. Johnson, who recently
moved here from Van, has ar
ranged for the building of a new
seven room house on the 30-acre
tract he bought of the Advance
ment company. Ontario Argus.
A limited supply of good, clean
acclimated alfalfa seed may be
had at the Burns Hardware Co's.
store. Now is the time to get it
and be ready to sow when the
weather and soil are right.
James Weston is having the
residence property recently pur
chased at the north entrance of
town fronting the old grade,
nicely rearranged into a bungalow
type. It is a very attractive
homelike place.
Allen Jones has named his
creamery the Willowmere. This
is a good name and very appro
priate. He is turning off a fine
quality of products and we pre
dict his business will increase
very rapidly. In fact it is not
likely he will be able to supply
the demand for some time.
Dr. C. O. Callison, who came
here from Portland last month
looking for a location, haa gone
to Juntura where he expects to
open an office and practice. Dr.
Callison made a good impression
in this city and is considered a
good man in his profession. His
friends here wish him success,
J. W. A. Myers. E. Wilson and
Frank Doty arrived here last
Sunday and have since been look
ing over the country with a view
of locating. The two former
gentlemen are from Kentucky
and the latter from Indiana. All
have the right qualities to make
the kind of citizens Harney
county wants and they're going
to stay.
Rev. Father Roman has re
turned from a visit to Drewsey,
where he held services in the
Catholic church. He reports a
base ball game there last Sunday
between the Riverside and
Drewsey teams in which the
home team was the victor. The
Drewsey band played for the
game and also for a dance the
evening before.
The family of the late J. H
Loggan wish to extent their
thanks to the many friends for
their kind acts and sympathy
during their recent bereavement
and during the long illness of
deceased. Especially do they
wish to extend their sincere ap
preciation to those friends in
Burns for the beautiful flowers
sent as a token of their esteem
and respect.
A delightful party was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Davey Thursday evening
in honor of Miss Leila Egli, Miss
Lou Davey and Robert Davey. A
large number of young people
were present and 500 was in
dulged in. The honors were
awarded to Miss Gerstell, Miss
Agnes Miller, Miss Viola Richard
son among the ladies, the gen
tlemen who had the highest
scores I were: D. M. McDade,
Clifford Reed, James Weston.
Refreshments were served.
N. P. Turnbull is held in the
county jail pending an investiga
tion as to his sanity. He form
erly worked in the Silver Dollar
saloon but recently went to a
new mining camp where he ex
pected to locate. He issued some
checks to which C. A. Bedell's
name was signed and thia caused
trouble. The man has been
drinking very hard of late and
it is thougnt possible this is the
cause of his condition and that
he will be all right in a short
A telephone message from
Drewsey to friends announces
the death of Mrs. Bert Dunton at
her home near that place on
Wednesday. She was a highly
respected lady and leaves besides
her husband a little daughter,
six years old, also an infant born
only a few days before her death.
Her illness was of short duration
and her death a severe shock to
her relatives and friends. The
many friends extend sympathy
to the bereaved husband and
other relatives.
mmmmmmmm n
Dave Miller is In town from
Warm Serins home.
Will potter was over from
Egli during the week.
Mike Wflmea of Miles City,
Montana, is here for the purpose
of buying horses.
The Williowmere Creamery of
A linn Jones will pay 32 centn a
lb for butter fat during the
month of My.
Assistant Supt. Holland of the
P. L. S. Co., has returned from
a tour of the ranches in the
southern part of this county.
'Mrs. G. A. Rem hold's piano
pupils will be heard in a recital
at Tonawama next Tuesday even
ing which promises a treat to
music lovers of this city.
Dr. Griffith made a trip, to
Twelve Mile over in Crook county
on Thursday to attend Mrtt
LemmonH who is suffering from
an attack of hj otted fever.
J. II. Walkup, mine host at
the French hotel, took his de
parture this morning for Seattle
where he goes on business. He
expects to be absent a couple of
A cherry colored violin was
taken from the yard by the
Burns Garage last Sunday after
noon and the parties should re
turn it to the Garage at once and
save trouble.
The officers of the Harney County
National Bank give personal at
tention to your requirements. We
have the time and the inclination
to be of material service to you
and we maintain a capable slaff to
carry out this essential.
Harney County National Bank
j The Bank Of Good Service
United Stale Depositary
For PoeUl Saving
Depositary For Thr
State of Oregon
The piano pupils of Mrs. G. A.
Rembold will be heard in recital
at Tonawama next Tuesday even
ing, April 29th. This is one of
annual treats to music lovers of
Burns and this program will be
public without any admission be
ing charged. It is sure to be
heard by all who can attend.
The program follews:
Trio Valse - - Streabon
Celia Byrd, Frances Donegan
Hazel Hibbard
On The Stage - - EngUmunn
Raymond Voegtly
Sonata .... Mozart
Evelyn Byrd
Voice of the Heart - Van Gael
Carmen Donegan
With Joy and Mirth - Kern
Violet Terrill
Trio Mazurka - - Kramer
Marjorie Byrd, Regina Schwartz
Violet Terrill
Romance .... Porter
Music Box ... Poldini
Marjorie Byrd
Two Flowers - - Koctling
Regina Schwartz
Argonaise ... Maamnet
Annette Leonard
The Arrow and the Song IHnanti
Song at the Armourer - Nevin
Mr. Piatt T. Randall
Melodie .... Lange
Lulu Miller
La Grace .... Bohm
Anna Sprague
Cavalleria Rusticana Mascagni
Mary Poujade
Violin Minuet - - Beethoven
Agnes Foley
Canzonetta - - - Schntt
Scherzo Valse - - - , Kern
Mrs. Fred Racine
In Dreamland - - Verner
Bessie Smith
Song of the Bathers - Wachs
Nathan Brown
Valse' .... Durand
Evelyn Byrd
Vocal -
A Song of Spring - Ntidliii r
I Know a Lovely Garden
Iiouel Smith
Drifting - - - - Bechtd
Agnes Miller
Polka ..... Bohm
Roberta Hibbard
Warrior's Song - - Heller
Si xtette-Lucia di Lummermoon
Donizett i-Englemann
Florabel Goodman
Presbyterian Church Tomorrow.
Sunday school at 10 P. M.
Christian Endeavor at 7 P. M.
Preaching at 11 A. M. & 8
The evening service will be a
union service, Rev. Mr. Beebe
will deliver the sermon.
Baptist Church.
Sunday School 10 A. M., classes
for all.
Service of worship and preach
ing 11 A. M., at Baptist Church.
Young People's meeting 7 P,
M., and union service at Pres
byterian Church 8 P. M.
Business meeting 12 noon.
Staled liitla will Ik.- u-i-rivcil liy IBS
Hoard of Director, l lekool linul
No. 1, 1 1 urncy County, Ou-kihi, for 73
cord of ft., pine wood of Brut ((Utility
to be cut during the month of June Tail
hiiiiii' to lw delivered and corded at Uh
vchool lmuw in ltui'iK .lot later tlian
September 1, 191.1. Tlie llouril i nerve
the right to reject uny and ull bid No
bid received after U o'clock p. in. of
May 3rd W. I.. HLOTT, Clerk
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Rest Job Printing
Old and Nkw Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here -
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oreeon
A Whole
Carload of
Just Arrived
Consisting of
Wagons, Disc Plows, Har
row Carts. Disc Drills, Disc
Harrows and Rarb Wire.
Stone Coal, Coal Oil, Glass
Churns, De Laval Cream Sep-
eratorsuonee uinis, uaruwi
ranle, - HI VjattlSaC
1UU1S eTaaa caasaa iavuvi
We handle the right kind of
goods at prices that will appeal
to your purse. We are receiving
many consignments-more coming,
so ask for what you don't se.
Rurns Hdw'e
All the news in The Times-Herald for $2.00