tes-Jierald Large.! Circulation Of Any N.w.paper In Harney County. SATURDAY. APRIL B. ISIS Get Acquainted Local News. Use Nyals Rheumatic Remedy. J. P. Cochran was in town yes terday. Ladies fine shoes in suede and white buckskin at Schwartz'. James Adrian is registered at the Burns from Trout Creek. Ralph Catterson and Dr. Min nie Hand were up from I,awen Thursday. Ora Hill left the first of the week for points in Washinsrton where he contemplates locating. LADIES HOSPITAL. Private and comfortable care, Mrs. W. T. Lester. Burns, Oregon. Dr. Harrison was called to Sun set Thursday to see W. J. Baker who is suffering from pneumonia. A. Dunn will have charge of mv wood business in Burns this winter. Dry wood on hand to any part of town F. 0. Jackson. 52.tf J. R. Williams was over from Silver Creek the fore part of this week attending to tome business and visiting his son Fred. Sheriff Richardson left here Thursday morning by the way of Canyon for points in Washing- i ton where he goes on official bus iness. He expects to return for ; court next week. With The FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON Bound To Bring Benefits To Both YOU-and-YOUBS P. A. Worthington is again in the city, having returned from Portland Thursday evening by way of Bend. He is here on real estate business we are in formed. Use Nyals Cough medicine for baby's cough. 10 tf Baled hay. Bran and all kinds of grains at The Burns Dept. Store. Roof Cotnp, 10 tf Use Nyals Btom for the kidneys. For Sale Household furniture. Call on Mrs. Helen tJoodlow. , G. L. Hembree. the Riley mer- W. D. Capua was in from his chant, was doing business in Will Smith, eldest son of Mrs J home over on Calamity during Burns this week. Harry Smith, hurt himself the1" week. Anconas Not lying chick- other day at the ranch so sever! y c. A. Schaper was over from ens, buy laying chickens. $1.50 that it was necessary to call a his home at Diamond during the per setting. W. L. Blott. 20-21 physician. His injury was quite week and was accompanied home the first national hank of (serious but he is getting along by his daughter. Miss Rosa. burns, capital and SURPLUS well. Always ready for job printing You will find IT at the Burns Department Store. Try Nyals Family medicine a The Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf J. 10. Sizemore has been in from his home for several days this week. Pure bred young Barred Rock Cocherels. a new strain, for sale. Chas, Wilson. 10 tf. Clarence Carey came to town Thursday and will be accompani ed home by his wife and children. Born Tuesday, March 18th to the wife of Grover Gould nt John Day. a daughter. Blue Mt. Kagle. For Sale Six room house. two lots, orchard, good deep well, woodshed, stone cellar. Ad dress. Box 80. Burns. Ore. 21tf M. F. Williams and wife came over from the John Day section last Saturday on a visit to their daughter Mrs. C. H. Voegtly. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 9100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR Mil SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Rolled wheat is the milk and egg producer try it. Better and cheaper than bran. Sold by W. A. Goodman. Phone him your order. Wanted Two relinquishments joining or within close distance of each other. Miss Kthel Haines, Burns. Oregon. For Sale - 7-year-old horse Two good residence lots, in well broke weight about 1100 lbs Jurns, under cultivation witn tan. gooa action ana suiiaoie ior 100.00O. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR Ji SAKE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. me truit trees and a large umber of small berry bushes, kinder an irrigation ditch, fenced. a well built barn on them that will house 12 tons of hay and stall room for 8 head of stock. Inquire at this office. Bitf Dr. Edmunds, a well known jEye, Far and Nose specialist will be at the Burns Hotel for one (week only, beginning April 7th. 'The' doctor is a graduate from Michigan University and six New York postgraduate schools of purgery and Catarrhal diseases. Tonsils and adenoids removed. State Supt Alderman has been p pointed superintendent of schools in Portland and will resign is state position on July 1. Prof. . A.Churchill of Baker has been lected as his successor. This ill meet with hearty approval f the teaching profession in j Kastern Oregon where Prof. Churchill is well and favorably known. a driver. Skotterud, Price Burns. 1S6. A. O Dr. Geary went to Sunset Thursday afternoon where he had been called to see Mrs. W. A. Rendleman. He reports the patient improving. Now is the time to get sweep ing reductions on Gents Furnish ings, Suits, Hats, Caps, Shirts. Socks, Boots and Shoes. Fred Haines, Burns, Ore. A limited supply of good, clean acclimated alfalfa seed may be had at the Burns Hardware Go's, store. Now is the time to get it and be ready to sow when weather and soil are right. F. M. Johnson has moved the Oregon & Western Colonization Co. offices into the Reed building where he has very comfortable quarters. Mr. Weittenhiller will occupy offices in the same build ing, they having already been prepared for him. Call at the Fred Haines store. Burns. Ore., and get our extreme ly low prices on all dry goods and gents furnishings. Clay CI. mens mill is the near est one to Hums where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him !v 'phone. Dr. Holland went to Kgli the first of the week, having been called to see Mrs. Link Hutton. He performed a surgical opera tion while there and left the patient improving. As I am moving my saw mill 1 have four or live old buildings the 'at the old site that I will dispose of at a bargain. Any one need ing such material should see me at once Clay Clemens. 18tf ('has. Comegys is in form Egli. Starr Buckland is over from his Cow Creek home. I'Ycsh home made lard 17c at Hansen's meat market. tf Ira Mahon is register! d at the French. Emory Hill an'l wife are over from their home near Albersor, A. S. Swain and daughter, Miss H clone, came up from Law en yesterday evening. S. M. Brown and family left today for their homestead where they will reside this summer. P. G. Smith started this morn ing with .some 880 head of beef steers for Bear Valley where he is to deliver them to buyers. W. H. Hollopeter is a late ar rival in Burns and will immediate ly enter the employ of James Lampshire at the garage. Mr. Hollopeter is said to be a first class machinist. W. J. Berry, recently from Indiana, arrived here this week in company with J. A. Eberle. Mr. Berry is looking at the coun try with a view of locating per mantly. He is favorably impress ed with Harney Valley. The Winnemucca Star announ ces that Mis. Chester Smith had received the news of the death of her brother, Craven Coleman, in a logging camp in Washing ton. 1 he announcement was to the elfect that he had been acci dently killed. No particulars. He was well known here. Kill- Snli nr Trnrlw Kiirhfv C. M. Salisbury has moved his fm,r mjpH from Q u . jewelry store into the corner re- ()ro . 8ixty.five acres in five year ccntly purchased from James d(, ()rchard (,uU m tonfl of Smith on the corner opposite the a , f a , , ft . ROod mi,MBMI, r m .uu.. oa.m. , m.h(X), h(usi. an(j R R 8wjtch Qn W. A. Goodman sells Rolled place. For further particulars Barley at lie Rolled Wheat at i write J. O. Scritchfleld, Fruit 14c. Clean seed Barley, ljc, land. Idaho. 21-22 Good Wheat lie., at his barn in A,conlinK to . Portland dis the west wirt of town. Stf. : .,.,, tho Utah (nBtructfon OUT OF TOWN TAXPAYERS bus been awarded a contract to The Harney County National t,llll the railroad west from Dog Bank will be pleated to attend to Mountain, the point in this valley the payment of your taxes upon to which a contract has already receipt of your instructions. 1"'''" 1,t from he east It is ex- . , p Tied grading on the western i young,. . . .. wpw.iiwii win i'1'Kiii III tt MIUI I time For Sale 68 head broke horses, weighing from 1100 to 1200 lbs. See Oiegon & West ern Colonization Co. agents, B. F. Johnson at Burns, or J. R. Stinson at l'rineville. Mtf The next meeting of the agri cultural club recently organized at the high school will be held at the hii'li kcIiimiI hiiiltlint nn novt Dr. Brown is having the build- u,i,,.i..., .,: t.qo j 1 "in" . 'iii t in u j, ni i .iw, mm ing opposite Tonawama arranged I it JH de8irH, thal a who are jn. ior iiin denial oiuce uiui aiso ,,,.,, ,! , .... Tk i i - i " t vnv iii.. a i ' rooms for Dr. Calison. They will be in their new quarters ready to receive their friends and patients at once. E LADIES! Your Opportunity Is Now At Hand To Secure Your Choice Of The Latest Kobe Silk, Silk Panama, Silk Pop lin, Washable Silk Voile, Gaze Mar vel, Serge, Lennox Poplin, Stripea Messaline, Cambridge Zepher, Pan ama, Messaline, Silk Ratine, Ver ona Voile, Striped Taffeta, Windsor Plesse, Vigeaux Serge, Laurette Shantung, Rufflings and Trimmings This Nifty New Line has just arrived and will be ready for your inspection the first of the week. Come early and take your choice while the variety lasts. Nothing later will be shown in Burns this season. I. SCHWARTZ General Merchandise - flasonlc Building, m - Burns, Oregon The Burns Hardware Co., is preparing a big order for field fence to be shipped the first of May. I'arties desiring any spe cial kind should see this firm be fore the order goes in as they can thus save money. Friends here have received telegraphic advice that Judge Webster's wife died in Portland last Thursday. The lady had been an invalid for many years. Judge Webster is well known in this vicinity where he has had considerable practice in the courts for many years. r l..l.. !..... i . i .- n.i. 1,111 Id IK'ONCI, lldllllT OI JIOII- ert and Kllis. has returned from Missouri where he hud been at tending school since he graduat ed from tin- high school of this place, lie Krai ac 'ompanied home bysoouiin, Robert Rennet, who is seeking health. The young man will likely spend the ntire summer here and may re main longer, C. W. Schumann, who has been conducting a plumbing and tin shop in this city for some time in connection with C. H. Voegtly's hardware store, left Thursday morning for Portland accompanied by his wife. He has closed the shop but may re turn to Hums later and establish himself in an independent busi- , ness of the same character. Will II. Rotter has returned I from his trip to Sand Roint, Ida., wnere ne n'liiani' u iyr some time, and is again on his home stead near I. -li. Mr. Rotter re ports many new people coming to his section of tin- country and considerab!" improvements going on. They are to have a new lObool district out in his neigh borhood, lh necessary petition and otl e a rangements having been completed They will like ly have school this fall and pos sibly this spring. present, the com mittee appointed at the last meeting to work out definite details of the organization will i reiwrt on that night. K. C. laylor was in the other Mrs L WodenbcrR died at day and States he had been de- San Francisco la8t weck she l.venng wheat to the mill. A waH a HJBUr of Joe MorrJ8 of thia test showed his wheat averaged city und tho fami)y made their better than MJ which certainly home htw for number of year8 ind.cates that we can raise wheat . whm, thoy have many friend8 ' She was formerly a member of Miss Agnes Stirling, eldest the local Kastern Star Chapter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ( and also held membership in the Stirling, has returned from a so- local Women of Woodcraft Circle, journ at outside points during a Many friends in this city express greater part of the winter. She sorrow and extend sympathy to spent a portion of her" time at the bereaved relatives. Corvallis where her sister is at tending school. Dating from April 1st The Ladies' Library will allow two books to be taken out on one yearly ($1.00) ticket viz one fiction and one of non-fiction. Hoping that a very good percent age of non-fiction will be more generally read by patrons of the library. By order of the library Circuit Judge Biggs arrived from Ontario last Thursday and has been holding court since yes terday. Only motions and argu ments are being considered pre pared to getting cases in readi ness for the regular term which convenes next Monday. There was no holdover grand jury from last term as had been the cus tom of late years, therefore the Elizabeth Kllis, Li- criminal matters will have to await the empaneling ol a new jurv. While coming down from his board Dr. brarian. 'i. H. Holland of the R. L. S. Co. arrived home the first of the week from a visit to the company ranch Tuesday in company with ranches in Malheur county. He Simon Lewis, J. C. Foley had reiKirts the roads in very good i two fingers torn off by his horse, condition, there only being a few ( which he was leading behind the bad places. Mr. Holland has a 'rig, pulling back and catching photograph of the new depot just the fingers in the coils of the erected at the Harper ranch, the I halter rope. Dr. Geary found it Oregon 'necessary to remove the little end of the rails on the & Kastern railroad. T. B. Hill, that old rustling dry farmer who makes things go down near Waverly, was in town this week attending to some land business and visiting his friends. Mr. Hill is still doing farming, the kind that makes something for the "kids" to buy stockings. He's just as jovial as ever and "pestered" around this office while in town. Dr. C. C. Babbidge of the Presbyterian church of this city has been elected a delegate to the second World's Christianship Conference to be held in Portland June 29 to July G. He was se lected as a delegate by the Na tional Reform Association. This is one of the greatest gatherings in history of this character and will be participated in by promi nent Christian men from all parts of the world. President Wilson will be in attendance and distin guished citizens from foreign countries are also taking part in the program. finger about half way from the hand and the third at the last joint. It was his right hand that was iniured and Foley isn't shaking hands with any of his friends since the accident. He says it has not pained him very much. J. A. Kberle, who is quite well known here, having purchased land here a few years ago, ar rived from Portland this week and will remain for an indefinite time. He has Borne new people on his place near the Embree bridge who will farm it for a term of years and as soon as the weather will permit he expects to put men at work clearing the sage brush from a tract he owns out near the Experiment Station. This will also be cultivated. Mrs. Kberle and little daughter will join him as soon as the roads get good and they can make the trip in with comfort. Baptist Church. Sunday School 10 a. m. Ser vices of worship and preaching 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Even ing tepic: "A Jealous Old Maid". Favorable Action Toward City Water At two meetings of the city fathers this week the matter of water and sewer was given pBf ticular attention. The proposi lion of Mr. Green was turned down both pliniM and Dtciflcs tions as well as tentative con tract, as it lacked derail and was not at nil satisfactory. The plans submitted for mains did not cov er the city adequately, leaving out Morrison's addition and also the north part of (own. The council adopted the plans of laying the mains submitted by the Kastern Oregon Engineering Co. which covers the town more completely and at less expense, that is a saving of about 1000 feet of pipe. The plans of Mr. Green will be filed and used as a basis of working out other de tails, however, as it was necess ary under the former contract to pay for these whether they were acceptable or not. The estimate made by the local firm of engineers is considerably cheaper than those of Mr. (ireen. the local people making an esti mate of $41,000 for water and $34,000 for sewer. The city au thorities hope to call an election in the immediate future to amend j the chnrter authorizing bonding for such purposes. An election was held before for this purpose but it seems it was not legal and must be submitted to a vote again. As soon as this is done a bond election will likely be called, it being the desire of the council to at least submit the proposition of water this season at any rate, as they feel this can be financed and the system installed this year. James Turner Found Dead A telephone message from Jas. Million's ranch at Anderson Val ley last night conveyed the in- fnrmntinn t hut .lnrrwR Ti ii-ii.t Ii:,r1 been found dead in one of Mr. Mahon's sheep camps yesterday evening. Coroner Clcvonger and Dr. Harrison left for the place this morning to investigate and hold an inquest. Deceased was a cripple and had been with the Kel'ogg stage lines for the past several year-, having driven on various lines and also worked around the office here in Burns. He was a very pecular character but had main friends. He went out on the stage Wednesday morning arriv ing at the Mahon ranch about :'. o'clock that afternoon and yes terday morning was taken to one of the sheep camps about four miles from the ranch where he had been engaged to cook during the lambing season. Yesterday evening a man came to the camp where Turner had been alone. and found him dead. He report ed to Mr. Mahon and the latter went up there this morning but could tincl no indication nt vio lence or marks on the body and has concluded his death was from natural causes However an inquest will determine more fully. Mrs. Mahon states over the phone this morning that tl e weather out there is very dis agreeable it snowing at that time and very unfavorable to tl e lambing which has begun. Change In Tonawama Pictures The usual picture program will be shown at Tonawama tonight and tomorrow night. There has been some change in the affairs as Tonawama now has another operator, another piano player and general change. This will no doubt meet with approval of its patrons as they like a change from time to time. Neil Smith is now "boss" at the pictures and has developed into a good operator. Mrs. Murray now pre sides at the piano and her repor toire of music is new to the pat rons and thus it will add to the enjoyment of the programs. Tonight there will be three fine reels shown, all good and in teresting. "Slippery Tom" is a comedy that is advertised as a scream. On the same reft will be shown a "(ilimpse of Belgum" "Rope Making Kent, Kngland." "The Puppet's Hour," and "An Outcast Among OutcastB," are both fine pictures that are sure to please. Tomorrow night there are the usual good comedies, two of them, "Margaret's Awakening" and an "Kventful Klopment. " "A Reconstructed Rebel" and "On Her Wedding Morn," are two good dramas of particular merit. Cough Medicine for Children. Too much care cannot be used in selecting a cough medicine for children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful sub stance and be most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets these requirements and is a favorite with the mothers of young children everywhere. For sale by all dealers. ' jS,"Xa GREAT DESTINIES are being founded every day upon small savings from slender incomes. A litte savings account today, in creasing steadily to a goodly one, eventually a working capital, then in vestment directed with the good judg ment which the saving habit inculcates thus destinies are wrought. Start Your Saviifgi Account Now At Harney County National Bank "YOUR IIOMI. INSTITUTION" The Bank Of Good Service j United Slatea Depositary For Postal Saving Depositary For The State of Oregon W. E. HUSTON fc i General Groceries f Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal Oil, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements Given On Big Orders J If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Rest Job Printing THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & HICKS. Props. Old and Nkw 1'atrons Will Find the Best Brands Here Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service. Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon SPRING SUPPLIES Have arrived and we can fill your orders in better form than ever, because we have a bigger and bet ter stock to select from. We Carry A Large Complete Line Of Heavy And Shelf HARDWARE Right now we call your at tention to our new Guns and Ammunition, Gar den tools, Alfalfa seed and Blacksmith coal. Burns Hardware Company Burns, Ore.