WHWT-... m WWIfcmWl KMyjwjJMyyjWCTfiflftMHg UflCT DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE NOTES (Krom Our Portlnml Correspondent The work of educntii.B Eastern aaople aa to the opportunitia. Oregon offers for the settlor is not only beinu carried on from Dm yar'oua commercial clubs of the state, but very effective mi -onerv work is made by the Great Northern exhibit car new touring the middle west. This jut is really a complete laud how on wheels, containing sani ties of products Rrown in the state and is accompanied by well 'ormed men who explain the lay and answer questions. 1 120,000 people of the Middle est will have viewed the car taring its tour which ends at Peoria, Ills., April 4th. Railroad men in keeping tab on work done by the car, timl Inter- t in Oregon homesteads is hi.uh throughout the territory covered. Pew visitinar the exhibit ha Used their homestead rights and many announce their intention f coming West and filing on Government land remaining un claimed in this state. The ear earries a large amount of litera ture descriptive of Oregon and this is distributed to inquirers, The fourth annual convention ef the Columbia & Snake Rivers Waterways Association will be held in Pendleton April 14-16, Commercial organisations of Ore- gon, Washington and Idaho will participate. Encouraged by the success oi its initial performance, the Pa- eifie Northwest Land Products Show will hold a second and larg er exposition of soil next Pall, An organization for the coming show has been formed and offl era elected, vember 1-8. The dates are No- Exhibits of all soil products, both fruits and v (get ships are wanted :ind I'.il'iuri throughout the Northwest states . , . sre urcetl to plant lueir crops this year with the idea in mind of placing their best samples on display in Portland and com pet- ing for the many prize- to be of- fered. Farmers near St. Paul, Ore, fcare formed a cooperative cream- ery association, following the plan of the Tillamook dairy far- ssers which has been found so successful. Mount Angel has such an establishment already. There is a broad field for farm- ers and horticulturists in this state to make common causi vith their neighbors in market- iag their products and the re-. BUlts are bound to be mutually profitable. A conference for the Conserva tion of Human Life, the first ever held in the Pacific North west, will be brought together at Reed College, Portland. May 9-11. Exhibits, lectures and moving pictures .vill call atten tion to dangers that threaten the public health and remedies will be pointed out. Boards of health. education and physicians, peace aad eugenics societies will coop erate. Tho Forty Ynr Teat. An article must have excep tional merit to survive for a peri od of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1X72. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will find nothing better for a eough or cold. Try it and you will understand why it is a favor ite after a period of more than 40 years. It not only gives re liefit cures. For sale by all dealers. Strayed From Burns, 2 work horses, one a dark bay branded T 6 connected, the other a light bay, one hind foot and one front foot white, has brand but do not know what it is. Each wi'l weigh about 1400 lbs. Will pay any expense incurred for their return to Burns or information leading to their recovery. A. O. Skaterud, Burns, Oregon. KOTICK FOR PUBLICATION i'nitku BtathLavdOi nci Huiiih, OragOO Mini li It I'd: Votire ia JiereLy given that An h K Ir H it, 1 DrewMy, Oregon, who. on lit! 1, l'"''. iai UtrMn I.hn'1 Knti . . Ku 08161, for n tt ' ,. ftion Wi, TinriaLt. tu i in i l , Willamette, M.-rnllhii. huh fllei notli ui tntrntlOD to make flnal proof, In MtttblJlb lifm to the Jaii'i tbova - rlbn1 h fura B, L Bead a, I' h Commlfalouar, at l.la offlea, a iJrawaay, Oregon, on tne gTiud Juy ..i April, tflU ClaJinant uann a aa ullm h a Aca I. Johiiaon, fnd Uobortaon. lotin M Varrens, Arl.-y Acton, all of Jnwm OreifOi., W m. t a iikk, l.tiffht.-r WOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, UNITKIJ HTA'IKrt I ASH nllll'K, I Ilurua, Oregon, Mm' I. 1 1. I'll . I Notiee la hereby iff vi ii taut i loudt -i Im.' ol Voltage, OreKOM wlm, on Ft liruuty II, IIBtn, andeHuotfJlwiailKiitrv No. '1.17 i. Hnrlal Nu USilll, tf NJliWi HKUNW;,aml hW, '.I . . " i it lowlialilp -if H IUiiku .11 K Wlllaniitli Metlillau. Iiaa film! m. il.- ..I Intention lu Ceke final flvw yi-ar fimuf. to i-alaliliali t I ul tt a the laud gbove donorlbod, before Iteglatei gad Serel ver, t Htir lie, Oregon, on Ihuillel iluy ,!! IWIO. VI ':lelujeiit uatitea ea wll iiiibbib : Ueoree J. Hell. Welter llolafonl. I gtuue. h I-. Iiuiin, all ol j lane Oregon We Fggag, lli'Kletui OREGON PUBLICITY TO BE CONTINUED I'.iniiinii'il From Kirit Vagr) inv with means of going on the land and making the soil of the state produce additional wenlth w ill be one of the functions of i lie i u I u re campaign. An effort will be made to have the law landowners who now are disposing of their property in small tracts assist the pur chasers in stocking their prc peity. Reasonable farm loans will be sought for the immigrant farmer. George P. Johnson, chairman of tne promotion committee, re viewed the results of the last low years and declare that there is more need for further publicity than there has been in the past. "I was impressed with the en thusiasm displayed by the men at the meeting," said Mr. John ion after adjournment. "Wi ha(1 most ropresentative gsth erinf probably the most repre sentative ever secured for such a purpose." Walter P. Burrell also express ed eagerness to carry on the pub licity throughout the period of the Panama-Pacific Exposition. lie voiced the opinion that Port land and Oregon must have ade- quate publicity at that time, as ;l the other Western States will be making efforts then to attract t, urists and to secure permanent residents. T()n Richardson pointed OUt the need for activity along the line of securing settlers for the vacant lands and of assisting farmers who locate on the land. Others who spoke of and ap proved the jreneral plan were P. S. .losselyn, president of the Portland Railway, Litfht & Pow- er Company; Guy W. Talbot. president of the Portland Gas A Coke Company; R. B. Miller, I r:iHie manitirer of the ()-W. It. ,v . ( empanv: C. S. Jackson ; ........ .. null istier "i the Journal; ,i li. Young, president of the North Bank Railroad; A. L Mills, pres- idem of tho First National Bank, and W. B. Ayer, president of the EUtstern & Western Lumber Co, . To Experiment For Egg. On The Oregon Farms Poultry breeding for egg yield is the object of experiment No. 201, of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment League. There pro- bably Is nothing which will do more to advance the poultry in- dustry and increase the profits of production than systematic breed- inir of any kind. Undoubtedly 25 or 50 per cent of the hens in most farm flocks do not lay enough ejfgs to pay for their keep. The trap-nest is the only thing, so far as known, that will demonstrate this and will tell which hens do the lay ing. If a farmer in each county joins the league, trap-nests a flock, and then save the best for breeding purposes, his neighbors would come to him for eggs for hatching, and for cockerels from the best layers in his flock and it would not be long before every farmer in the county had stock bred from good layers. The league proposes to make three seperate experiments. In the first a three months' record of the eggs laid by each he'n in the Hock is kept. In the second a similar record for six months is kept, and in the third a whole years record. It is best, if pos sible, to start the experiments at the beginning of the laying year, and to use pullets. The work may begin when the flock begins laying. Nov. 1, is a good time to start a year's record, or it may start Oct. 1, or Dec. 1. In the first three months the early fall and winter layers may be picked out. Those will he the kind to breed from rather than others which, though they may lay as many eggs in the year, do SO in the season when eggs are cheaper. A six months' record will show fairly well which are the more profitable hens. At the end of that time there could be a weed ing out or killing off of the poor est layers. .Some will do pretty well for six months, but will fall short in twelve months, so they may be removed from the flocks when the end of the years shows conclusively which were the poor producers. The remaining fowls would be those which had made a good year's record. The best of these could be selected for the breed ing flock, and the pullets hatch ed from their eggs trap-nested the year after. Those who wish to build trap-nests like those ori ginated at the Oregon Agricult ural College may obtain a bulle tin, showing how they are made, together with blanks for keeniiiir . , ... .. egg records, by writing to the I J" t : j.i it extension division of the college, VERY UNSATISFACTORY IS THE MAIL SER. (Cotwladtd 1'imn I'm t Pass) way of Vale, as it would be much eaiser for him. The same would hold good in respect to the post master in that direction, but we could not be Riven adequate and quick service over this route, as it would make a difference of two days in the arrival of our mail. We are sntitli d lo a daily service from Canyon and the business interests of Hums are going to see that we get it. One would not suppose that a terri tory as large as this could be so neglected In respect to mail ser vice as this has been since the first of the year. The import ance of getting our mail is hard ly realised by those who have other advantages and have never experienced what we have had to put up with. NOTICE I'Olt PUBLICATION I'M I . I' RTATig I an'ii 111 Mi K Dorm, uragon, Mtroh M, MM. suiii laliarabj slvenihal Wallai BntafonI Voltage, Ortgoni trim, on liec.ltt, t0O7and ipttl I. I'lin, ii'i'i-i'iivi'i. mull,' it i. -dii ntr) sen (M-ihii on mil Nu OHM, for UKl.'A i, 4, K',W, Hue IK, I. '. . I; .1.' I . n.l M ', HKiaHucllon 111 I'nwnslilii '.'.' s. K,nun i I , V 1 11,1111, IT Mrl lilltiti, lie. llli-il litillrti "I In I'll n.'ti t.i main I urn! Iiin-r Ynir Proof, in ab ihI ImIi i litlm to llii' IiiihI ebtii ili.arrllu'il, bit torothl li.nli.li" mill K.'ii'Imt nl Hum- iii. on, .hi Hi.' -"ml 'iiiv ( April, in.' I I ilium nl M tt III en lie Vi lllliHt,'H fio.it isi- i Hull, il loHchui.T I n i. I' K DUDn, all "I a .'Mil,:. . t iri'ittni s Kahrh. K,.lii.r NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, DNITRDHTATM LAND mm K, i llnri.a. OtegUB, Mairli IT, in I t trial No "-ill Mil lit Nullef 1 ln-nln kIk'Ii In nil aa limn It may .tun, in ilmt in.' A Mnitlt etui PraaMa) Stn th oi Diamond, Hi. ,'.iii, I mi tiltil i. polll a Hull, uu.lrr tbfl in l nl Julio I, IM'7 tn irli'r' I ..i- i.l I.. ; A - w II Ion , 1. 1 A ', ... .-: lull I, i, ... a ; ... loll I. i. itta ' .i nil In I' HI M ' I 'I mil. I enplll hi lull Ill-Ills' lH'ii.liiiK mi On' Huroii Dragon mi. I unite. Mi, iiti'l till ..' i hi.iim IhiiiiIuk ailrniMlj or ili'.lrlttK In nl.jii't lu tbfl mini ret i liarai-li't. nl r..i mi) u iin i ronton, of an, iinri.ii Ion eel,l laud, or 10 tba iii.im.ni uf Inn mbm oi env port thereof to ibe ealil mlortoi hm.i biiii i.llta li,inli llli' li.. Il alll,ni II ,, ."I h. Oil- "HI i I. I ". Hi.' )! .liiy ,il Mar I'll W V KaIIIIK. K.KIM." ol II I' Hi; II' III llA'IKiN Nml i a r kh i a Mi, or urn i i; gon '-la h il. i a Ih-ii ...... ..... iiai 11..1.11 .- ... ., . , 0 ci -'. , i...... ., ., -,..ui i pn k ii i. , . , '. n i i ,. .... , , ..,, .1, rlt .'.I, tM'liifl lll'l ..' I I f. H ii .'" iim hi I'., till : i ..i i i . i i Iiiiui.i 1. 1 i , in. . ta Willi Ml I .11.1- . Illl,' .All. I I ..IA'.."I I I luiiiti, f I- in.. .. .'.I ..: ,..inW... iirtgoa V I I mi SofltitOI NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION I KITID -I.Mh.s i AMiiiK-KK, ii.uiiH. Oregon, v,in h i j, t'ji.i. I Si. tin I. In n I. y KUi ll Unit M.linli'h IIaTK. Of I H .,. I.. I M. ,;... WhU I'll I ill" . I ItIO, lUHAlA, II I. 'nl l.i. 'i! '-.. "I-.', foi N',.iV',. MOO '.. rati '1 Nl i,HK' ,. - .1.. I "il ntlill. .1 H , Khiiki' .t.' h . Wlllaim tt. Mi ti. linn. Ima nlril iiutli i-i.f Ititrntl.iti tu maar HimI i utniniilalluo ttfOOf . to ratat.liBli rlalin tulln- 1..I..1 hUivb .lrai 1 1 1.A..I. I., fiirtf K.-ulitiT mnl lli.irliii. HI HortlB. I lrnun nil lilt! I .'III i!h ul .i ll, 1.1 llailllHIll lllllllt'l HB !l Itlli l'l Hoy "iIIiiiik. iia. ar rtial, M II Hbai-b. Win. Hitk. all nl I mi .-n 1(1.11. AMI. h'AHBB. Hi Kill, r NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. IMIM. 1 At, I IM.IIIII. . Hutu- Oregon, Man h ll. Ill I N.illi' i. In i. '. mi. it timl l.p.vin II. Kriiiniy, ul Kill). Oregon, ii li" .in Jutii-in iihih, itiaili Im Bti'n.1 Iin v N.. ....l. -ktIhI So. OMTt, llir I.Ul J. I. I Hllll HAV'.SK', A1ll.lU Ii, r.,wtilllli ." -. K.ilil!.' II R., Mlllalimtlc Mttrl'llalt I.HB lllril I. ntlii' nl lltli'llliuu In iiihIai' Html U.i.'ii . i'ht .riiiil I.. .'.t.il. Ilali i laltti III tin Intl. I tbOVe ilrai rlt. ."I, I,. Inn- Ki'itlalai anil Itit.lii'i tit lliinia, iiri'KUU, un Hie llilli ilni nl At. til. l 1 III I...III.H HB !A 111" BBl'H Kuiii i iiii.iin, i rant i ini.iii . n. ii it A I II. hli William i Annul, all ul III 1,-r . III. A'llll. MT I- I mi r K.'U.tl. r CONTEST NOTICE. I KITID 8TATM tAt OPFIfl f Ilurua. Oregon, M troll m, lfl.ll i Id i trl .1 V I'intiiMif Of I in lis, (fiyull, lull tti v: Vim nu iiiniA ooUflod til a I UbrJatopbar U Kpley.WBOgtVi t tu rue, Oregon, aa IiiihiI office addreaa. ilid uu Man h lOth, UlU, Die In tltla of At o iii ini corrulioratad upii atimi to enn t.ai nu -I mi lira 'tu . gin t'llaltiMi I ymir boBM slcau, i-titry No , Hrrlal no "ll 19, hihui- Ki't.ru m , ; i th. I'M i), (oi n i ' 4, ol Met tinti si, To ntblp M H . llir . I , W lihiinrilf UoiidlbO, atift as groiiO'ti for bla ounttMl hvalluii tbfl 'arl J. A V flnUTK lias wholly al.Hiiiinit'l sall lain) fur unfit' tlinti iiinnlhi Inst Ulli till MTII HttlflO, r. i.i i upooor i ulll , Hied sain.' Von urc, Uurafora. fiirthar natlflflJ Ihil tbfl aadl illafatloni m ill M Ukan at this offloa. as im.iiu: ! i'u ronfoaaad l.y on, ami uuraall i-niiy 1 1 1 I" i urn 1 l.-il th it.' i iii'! r vuilmui your furtntx right lo no hrHfil then In, i It her U'forn ihls oil l ooi ii ii'i" at. :i you (all to nu In tltla oftlii' within Ivrant i-. i aftor Urn Kol'ltTII publication of tl ia uotloa, aM ahown txilow, four ana war, undfroatb, ipoclftcally raatlD ami ri'MuoU'llng lo Iboaa alli'Htlona o( ion (est, or II you fflll tUlhln Ilmt tint.- tu llli-lntlili off i i) iii proof that ou hui- aiT i'ii ii oopy ol iuui in v.-.ii on Un- Miihl i "iiti'Miaiti t'lllo-r In partoo or h) reirlatorad mall if this aarvlofl i ma-iV b) 'in- daTtvars ol a sop) of yoni auvwer lotin r.Hiii iiuni in .imoii. pii'oi oi auru sor pica i" nut If ill Ih r l In an nl i nil It-Mi lit - wrll tm a bnowladgaiDflUl "' Iiia r't-li ol tin con), abuwlDj i in- iiiih ui Ita racalpt, or tba tiiii'i i . r ..i Ibaporaonby whom th lll very vaimado fititiing wbau ami wbaraiha vop arai dallvvred; if mad bj rafiitaiad Diall. Iiinol u ( hoi h larvlra mto-r oiiMlat ol Ilia altldn vlt of i in: pi raon bj wbum ibocopy waa mailed Minting s In ii and thi'jiUMl offloa tO whiililt wiiN mailed, unit tin r r i i v 1 1 uiuat in- aeoom (iiiih 'i it tin puaimajier'areoalp. lor tin- lettei Vou ibould itata lu sour aoatrer tin- aanedfrf tbapoatoffli i tuwbb b you 'tiaire future not in i to he m nl in uU Wn I a una lU'glattT Ufttri.l Qral I'lihili at Ion Murrh l, I'- Ii. iHiir oi aaooud pnbllcaUon Werofa Ba i'ia. Date fW thlnl nuhlli-alloii tf ftfOb flfl, bill. Pateol fninth 1'niiii. ation .i ii i. iflta NOTICK OF CONTEST. 1 J TKI HrA'IKN I.ANU OiVglt'K ( tiiiina, OragoO, March Id, mill. To Irwtn ('. Vim 1 1 k ol l.tirna, OflfJM OOfl taaii i' Vou are barabv nollAed that hrli...hur . Bpley.whoeivi h rturm ori'gon.Ha hi i.omi ofttoa addreaa. did on March 10, Ium, hi.- lu ilila nit) ii hi 'i ni corroborated application toooa tt at ami aei ura llu oeocellatlon of your 1 1 nine atead, Kntry erlal No uini.i. mini. December .). iwnf fui th'- NWti ol aeotloti :', Town i.lii. 16 r-iiijtli Itaiitfi i Khm. Wlllauuttt' Mt-rl illaii, uiii' it uroijinli Inr hla uiuteal lie alli'tcna thai aald Irwin C Van fyk baa wholly ahan 'loijfil hh 10 I'Hi't lor tuoii than alx moiiliia hut i-nhi ti-.i ti m h naval aattlao, realdea ujiun or uiii rated nam a, Vou an , Mm rafore, furlbof noiiiied ihui tbfl mi hi iilli-K'i'iniiM will be i nk mi by Hi ia oQflfl aa bavliiK been confi iaed ly )OU, aii'l your entry a ill i" ii iim i -I t tun mnli-r wlihoul your fur Ihil i U'l.t lo hi' IiiiimI tin ii'lli. i lit, ii lull'., i. thi oiin i' or .oi appeutjf you (nl tu ill,' In ihls otni i-wiiniu i wi'iny .in .unr iim- j-oi'kiii publloatlon nl thin nollre, hi abowu llow, )our aoflwer under oath, , -iiii uiiy toefltlna and n-ai'onillng to thrc Hlh giiii.iin ol voutuit, or If you full within that tlnifl to ill.- tu tbln Oafloe due prool Unit you bav tarvad a fopy .( your Hiimiu on t h- aald I'uiiii-aiMut eltbfli lo per eon or b rualaieren mail, l( thla aarvlofl li niii'ii ) tin- d alive 1 1 or h up) of your aiiMWi-i ton uitea'aiit In perann. prool' ol mn h a-u vl i iniiMt Im till In i llir a thi 'oulnateur wrltlnu aultiiowaedfjuieut nf bia rucelptoi tin1 ropy, ahdtt hiK (Iu 'In'1 "I ''' i i i.i ni Hi.' anitlav ii ul tlin iii' i hoi i In . Iiuni i In ilni vi'i y waa inaitu hit in,- a bell and win i- i tia .Copy waa (JDllver f.l.ji niaiii: liy letflaleu-ii1 iiihI), imi.if of men aarvlee initat euoalal "1 Hie uillitavlt of the pur .mi i i whoa iim ouo miih mailed, and ihia niii'iu.ii niiikt In- avitoui uu led hy iheuual ii Mint, i h reculdl loi the let la I . Yon aloiulil nin 1 1 hi Miiu unm, i i i he name uf Hid uial "Mho in wait) ll uu di-.lru in in.' iM.i, .; iii I i a nl lu uu. Win, r Altaic. HftfiMi-r. Iletuol Ural l.tibllielloii Mulili Ifi, 10 fl. uau m .....mi uutiiWiuu tureh ... lie il I . ill. ll. ulli.ii Mairli "li, IU1. batooi i....ni. uuuiiogiiou auiii ., m' lUl'.l Chomb.rUin't Toblol for Conttlpotlon For constipation, Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle in effect, (rive them a trial. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I NirliHTT l.anu urricit. I lliinia. nu 'nun, Man Ii 4, I 'J 1 11 I Nnllii' la in n'l' Kl'i'ii Uial I I'alur 'illimna, UN. V. Oli'llOll. Willi, nil April 17, IWM, mail.' lliiiiiraluail 1 1 1 v lilaiii, Hnrlal Nu. irilVHI lur Hi, ', W ' ,-l ',H I'llun :i, IihaiibIiIi.':is , IIiiuii.. U7 FbI, UllUni.lli' Mi'ilillBll Iihb II I ml ii.iilii' ul liili'iitlnn lu itmkH filial thru' yrar nroOT, lu I'BfHi.iiali i iHim in On- laml nfiuvn itrai rlli'.l. Iii'lnn. Hrmalur ami Huci-Iht. hi lltinlR. ori'Kuii, un tint I .il. ilay ' Airll. MM. rlalniNiil niiinri hb wltnimBia 1 1 rryiliT hmii 1'ryili'r. A W. ..iImiiiii, I! I Wllllaliia all all in niiuy, I'lraon WD. Kaubb. KikIbIi'i NOTICJC FOB PUBLICATION " IIN1TKIISTATKH I.ANIl IlKKII'K, lltirtia, mi. M..ii. Mairli 7, Will Nnllir ! hi ri'hy kivimi ilml Hnrlld A (loan i'.b. nl I't'll. Ori'gnii, wtiu, un Ma. It. :"'., mill Ki). B, l''l". I'I'BI Il ly, inniii- Hoilll.Blnail Klllllva Nu .Hill Hi'ilnl lll mil Nu OIIHll, fur HRwiKia, Hm.4, K',K',,H.'i. Il ami KV',NW, ami '', Hiilliiii Hi. Tuwnalilli n H , KxllKK M K , U III.i.ii.IIai Mrrlilaii, Iihb Alinl llu Hi' uf liili'iitlnn tu liiaki Dual lliri'i- yi.ar I'riiuf, to imIhIiIIbIi I'lalm lutlii. Unit aliuvi'ili'arill.i'.l. Iii'l. iri' Hriclali'i mill Idri'lviT, Hi Until,. 1 1rOROD, un Urn ttili .Iin ul April, lull i iBlinaiil naini i aa wltui't.-.i-A I'liarlra I'uiirh, William llumi.lt, Kilwml K k 1 1 . I'liarltia I'liitiii all i( Kail, iiirauii W'M I mi,. Ili.KlBirr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNfTBD CTATSI I ANII oKHiK. i iiuriia iin'iiuii. i I'l.niai i 7, uial KOllOf InlliT.ln , i. iiiIibi H.i'ail " Iinii'.li'i. ..( i itiiillli', un I'.m ih... i. ii I nil. nl :.n lull, ii aili. Iluiunalrail itilty No. iwr.'i.v fur ',', Si.ill.iti .11, I. .ii ,iIii..i.im . HaliKi-mi K . Wlllaiti Hi- Mi'llillan. haa IIIimI nollrn ul Itilriil Inn In mibbi' I'niil fiiinliiillatliili pinnl to .'tail 1 1 wl i rlalin lu llir lin.l ul. n. .Im. MI...I luliii. li. rl.l. i anil lU'i river, at lllirua, Dri'KUIl, oil it h .iin nf At.ill, )'H:i. i IBlinaiil until, a HI v lliii'Bui'B I- .i.l I I nil..!!. MilYllI M llliaii, N Mm. "II. Ft.. I Allpi,. all nl llruvlllu, Orefuu. I ihiii. Iti'Vlalir. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I ' n itu htatmb I, a nu i irn H . "t l"li. I. Ll ui ' 10. I Notice Im h. ii ii givrii thai Auult- vi Qoli a, I-. nu. i iy Mn, i. m Wlty, of Hrewat-y, t) re rod, whooiiNov iB.IVOfl maile lluuirgtaail Kniry So Qflla, fur HKV'-VVV.Mer li. N'tNW4 an( SW'.NK'g Mtuilui. n, Townablp Jl H . T(.hk j !''. . PiatiiKiti- Mailillan. baa fllnl Bollce of Inlontlou tu lntiif Dual three ytar Proof, to t-atahllab rlalm lo I be land abovr dvai-rluatl. befOfel I hi-. Ir, I R 4'ntninlifltititr, at hm ntll-r, Ol DfflWflflf. ' 'ffgnn, till thi- i-lli U "I March, ii laluiMiit naiioM mm MiiiiHea i'liarlra II Wlla.m, Jasnor K ,Bbo4ofl William Uunlapi allot p re wee v i oreanu. aui Ueorge Mm hanan of Rill hanau, Hn-giii' U a rtRHr ltin-o r, NOTKK FOR PUBLICATION ii oil feral i i t -a i n fit r . i HlirUfl, iMfgiin, lu-i .'inii-r .' Iflll I N..' o in In i Ukghui Mini I Immuhs II ill nl I'K'i. Dreejoui -n.. ui bVlwlv flualuliia I .in i ol ! I ," In r hat flU tl li. ihls in, ! in- airtiln-attuti iu flute i noaei aeetbni is., Itt'ii im - n ','. ..i 1 1. l ii Med Mtatefl tba -',K'4 x-i- ", i . n MM M n, g .i- -i rial N l l" A ii j an' t all "'i o mi in iiim; ad V reel J " Minis deavilbed ui deal r tug ii ubjeel booaui if the nihil ml rliaraetOI ol tin- Ia .1 or lot toy oh. i reOBOO to tbfl uiaixieai to ippllroot, bould ii- iin ii Mitiilav lis nl proteM in this iiiiii tu, ui befon iin- nth .las til February (Ml u u i- hi it, Refljtafoi HimI publll Mil. .11 JMIIUMI) II. tflj i. InH iniMli all. hi h'liiusi.ti 191 NOTICK rOB PUBLICATION. 1 1 I, .- i v i i, I. Dm i a liuriis, oraaon. Kabiuary Im. ivm NOttofl I" I" fl.) itVflal that JohU Itnaarl Mrrlcla, of Nain.wa, OlfljffOO. wlu. n Ma) l iiunbiiiI April .', l'Uu roflpoeUflely made borne trad Kntry No tVert. Iw.-nal oil. I .fauil So Liisv. &'-!!.: '!::l!-r":.,v?.w ir nr.',.-'' t nr.nn',, " , r.,. r-'ann', llK,,1H,.r;Nin.l sV'NW'ainl SUNh'a. i.tl.... 1 l..ee i.etlili. . U Ua..n. t V ti. II n -e'l a i ii ' , iittiitpnii .. a- , ttaiig. a. , a In iim k . Meridian, liu ttlrti uutu-vol tntrnlion to iuakt i .11 i ihrio Tear Proof , i. itabnit L'lalin tu tin- im,. I above dwecrlleatl, iMiforr thr i:t',:UtM unt Kt-rrtvrr, at Horna, oraaiio oh (Im- loth .lay ..I April. 1 'I.! lalmaiit DatnaaaJ ifnrin I as i tin tu y ii. Alesaiidi'r McKanU' I S H urn. ( A V II ul'mr! . all u( SatfoWn, 1 'ft'ROli we Kmmv. Itealatrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I MTKI. HTBTKB l.asrj iirrn V. I liuriiB. in. ami, I.t. niaii i, iin Sum i' la hiriliy (Iti'ti lliel i lirlre Mrrti le.nl Narriiita. llregiill, wlm nu Allguel 17, l9Ur.. iiiailv Ifil Kill 1 1 Nu. Ul.l.ei flit t'.MVVt, Hei'. 3.1. 1 .'.K.li mi an. I SK'.NW,. Kec , I. T. W . , It. ..I I . anil un Jan. I.. IgQg, maile aililltlon el lid tiili i bbaIkIii "I Hnrlal Nn. M.-.i.' lnrSK', NYVU.ae. i.l -. II .mi K , end un Men t. a I meile Aild'l II. I No Ut.lK., ..r si,NK',. MCi,Ml;i4, .-.. ... eu. I Ni.mi, Kecllou .. I..V, ntlill-.' .iiitli. Ilangi. ;ai Ka.l. W lllainrlli Meridian, ha. Bled Dotlcwol latantiun lo main final thrri' fui proof In eel alillah rlalin la lln lend enim- ili-i iIIh'iI. U'lnn- hg 111 glati-r etni l'i-.. ii. i el lltirne, Oregun. OB llir toil, iley uf April, KU i Uuiiiinl num.. aa wltlieaee. lay 1'onegyt. AletemU't MikrnAlr, 1. N IIiikIihI, a aa ll.. ii. nit all nl Narruwe. Urn gull We r.aei Heglxiir. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. timi: TABLK N. il IN JUNK u, imm. i n::i WltHl Iliilllt'l Nil I I'llMM 11:0 l.v Bit " lll.'.M " 10 (II " l-.ael llollllll. 'J 1'aaa p. in No. Intl.. t Oily Ar ft: 0 South Heart l.v 5M .Saliglmryt " 5:00 l.ltliartt " 4:6ft I ln.iiiiKiiiil " 4 :S St.iil.lurtl Juni'lliiiil " 4:4ft Wittur Tankt " 4:4(1 OoSS'l Simrl " 4: '.' M. -Kwi'iil " 4:116 JIINOi'lONt " 4:10 iiiii.ifi " I 06 MIINCTIONI " :60 Siunnillt " :0 iii, Qaasj ":or 10.07 10:17 10 iM " 10 :'.' " 10:11 " 10:65 " 11:10 " 11:1ft " 11 40 " NOON ISiOO I'. M. li jft " I.' -.40 " 1:10 Ar Whilney " (JO TIl'TONt " 2:40 Aoatln " 2:10 Mn). un eigiiulii only INoatj.'"'- Ttokttg InhuihI only (or atatiima wlitrn Inline urn hi'IiisIiiI.mI to make n'nUr Hlopa. I'iihbi'Ii.'.i'Ik n.iint piimliaee tli'k iIm wlinrx IgSOtl H'lat ledum rnlrrlii tritilie or M I'riilH in .lililii.it tnllii'm Kiilei fun- will Iin rliuigeil .IOSKI'11 A. VVKHT, Hiid. QUANT QB0DBB, Aaet. Sunt. $1500 Reward! i ii.. un 'I'lHi. i .I fillllleefnl Ni in. I. .1 VI, .ilui'f, I'liil, , (lUD Amsih latlnii ul whirl. ti,. under aiaiu-d In mem tier, win aivi 11,(100 oo reward fur fvl ilfinr luadliiu in I I. It ei lubl . a.. I ...... , t tta i.i.ai ii 1 1 i t ii 1 1 ' tvU'llllll 111 11.1 A lift --- "-," a-; iy ur ,.ai Hi'- aUml in Doraai. oattU ur mult'M in luualiiK tu any ui na mum hera. hi atldlhuii iuUiii aLaive, the uuduialgiiud oiWri tba Namu iiiiidliluii liajooo fur all hurcva liraiitlfd liuis Hhud bar un both or eithut Jaw, Hrand riK-oid.al In ulght ruuutlaa Itangu Harney, Lake end .'rime uuunllua. Horaaa vented wheu auld. Nunu but grown huraua aold and only lu arge buui iiu, W W.I1UOWN KUe. OiuKuii. eaalflL I V' v. fS i E. MURRAY Public Steinigrnphcr Tonowanin HIiIk., Mtirnn M A. HK.GS Attorney at Law Vorgtly MIiIk-. Iturnn, OrrRon MIM'IK'"IRN. IIAHNKt I.IMIHK, Nil. .1, I ll l r. Alula uviiry Hiunley 1 1 .1 Ki'Htiw Hell el 7:iii) i m. A Ilium, W. W llimlil. Heiir.tlen N. II. Dafraa wurit ea folluwi ' Itet Hal unlay lui 1 1 Ht i,i i ..iiuni Haiiii.tm 1 1 1 i.r Dafraai iiiini Halurilnj, Hi-run. I lli'i'ir,.. Iiiuitli ."titiii.lai . 'I Int. I Dafrggi IIUIINHI.lllllIK Nil UV, AH A M., Met'te uvcry dial anil Ihlril laltn.lay In i-arli in. null I , . (iniilt, a M Hem Muiiii.rBiiieii. Iggratan M UU' UN WllllllMKN ul' AMI'.I.H'A Mi'i'iai'A'.'iv a .1 etui liiinli, Krulay ivi.ii Iiik ei I. ii. ti i. iinii. nil u.1,'1, ,,.,,. invliad. N.w niilli iitila nlll ri'nlvi. i , in. iri'Bl iiuni-.. M a Blitna, V 0 W t, l . i.li't i l.'il IIIIHNM I'llAI'lKIl Ml. 111,11. K l Mevleaivnry en I an. I f.milli h inula) a. in Mbb.ii.I. Hell Kraukli' iVlooni. W. M Ilia Hunk, Hi i n In,, MVI.VI A It Kill- I. A II IIKiillKK N.i.ei Meelenv.try Igtaadtd Weilni.eile , . IU nlli' Ileum . N. II. Meilgu l.nollar.l. Hit i.i'v. TDI.Kl IKI'I.K Nu. li H i w. Mi-i'ltuvi't) finitlli 'I ma. ley. Mini. I lliirtiin lli-ali.r fliHiilineii. i Ink. OPFKIIAI. IIIHKl.'TIIKV TATg OMgllllN: IIM Hvuelura I Jiinallien Huiirni. Jr In... I, i iiniiiiu'rliiiii I W It I'll.. ruiigtveemen.... J . w lleitii j Aliiinii) t ii iteral iiuveriiur ".vi'retary ul in'. Irreeurer Bu.pt, I'ulilli' Inaltui 'mi. Sigta I'rllilnr , A Mi in I. .nl Oawelil Went . . I AA lirn.i.li . .. T. ll. Kay I. It. A ! iliiali V, H ..,i..n . i Ituln Kakln I .A Ui Hrlili- i..!i inr 1,1.1,-. . . Mn, ll llu, 1,1 11 ' 11 n. Heau. I t. A, MiHire NINTH lUllll IAL IHHI lllrl niaiiii t Judga lie.li.iu gge IHatriil Allium ) tt II ii,,,,,... Hi';, nil I. I.l All) i i uiiai.l l'i in I iiiiii. Uu- Hi. I Muinley III April en, I in. t Mundaj In I h int.i i iul.it HAiueli.i luliii lli'.ri'Bi niaiiii I A Inlil, I, I llulllllll iiuni. iuilga I at I l ll'BBlll' , nil. ii i KIlerlB i.traaiu .. li..... aii. ill I iirulii' HtiM-k i ngt vi im iiuiiii tanu 1. 1. i mn. I , t'utirl ii ietiuei) , .Ala I. Nmi'iiili.-i irgnl I luiuii."ii H I it..,.. 11 A Mill., I ....,, A k. It I Inn. la.. i. J I ..,.,,1, - M In 11 li U i mini Idililiiatui ),..-. I Bill I I I . t ; . . I .A i I I ,' , -. .l. ...I H A lit. I A Hi a ,.ti , gfi ,'l, .-I tt III Hani' I I...,. Iibai') It V Ml HNl' Meym, t, w i levengal Ki.rur.lir. . A. M. II) nl tti-eaiiti'i J.i tt ii tune Jr etalial. ..II I . II. In.. I II J II:. I.,. 11 I mini IIiiuii i A. t tti'll'Ollie 1 t ran. I'lii'l : I. I Mi kluliii.i Mri-llna. i.l tin- I ..iiui-ll lull Mm mill etnl Knurlli Wi.lma.l us:i:ii:;:n.::i;:u::::n:::::::::::::n:::ii:i.ii h Mrs. Qrace a. irlcnoae TBAcan Voice and Piano Method I Mil In Cincinnalli Cttnscralurv oi Mask; HciUt'iiti- Stltdlo in.l.door Aet IVrsli) 'terlim Church .mt.:i::::i!i:H::::iu::!!ua.i.ii:s:msm:ii! oooooaooooooooaoaoaaaaaao e e a a lone a e e RESTAURANT (11 OW1II: l-OON liop. o o o Meals At All Hours. Short! Ordan and Prompt Si-rvice O With Ui'iisonablt- Hates Clive Mo A Call 5 f 0 a Opetoallr Tleara-Hrrald Building a a oaaaaaaaaooaoaaaoooooooao aoaaoaxaaaaaaaaaaaooaooaoo O o Star Hotel S.J. MIDWINTIk, I'rop. NAHKOWS, - ORBOOlN I III- Will 1)0 I. mil, I l. ,1, ii .llii.- and hoapltublu HtoppiiiK place where comfort uiiil courtvoua treatment are miiNiilereU lirat Feed Barn Conducted In connection H. N. McCOMB General Repair Shop Rear W. 0. White's Shop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind Mill Work a Specialty. Burns Sheet Metal Works Tin, Copper, Slictl Iron Work ol all Description, Camp Stoves, lanky, Jubbinjf. Plumb iiiK to order, (iive Me a Trial. C. W. SCHUMANN Hruprletor. Vooictlv'a Old Stand. Thia is the time to how kiiihs Heed on tho meltinK Hnow. See the Ituni:. Department Store about it, COLONIST FARES - WESTBOUND March IS to April 15, 1913 SEND FOR TUB FOLKS While The Fares Are Low Tin' Low Faras apply from (lie following and manyeother points in lbs KaHt, to any station on Um O.-W. I!. A N. in Idaho, Oregon and Washington, Atlanta, Ga V.I Hi S4.7B ss.is 47.SO Louievillv, Ky Memphle, Tann. Milwaukee, Wie. Montgomery, Ala Muakogea, Okla. Naw York City New Oraleane St. Paul, Minn Chicago, III. Baltimore, M.I Boetnn, Maee. Ilullal.,, N. Y. Charlaeton, S. C Datriol, Mich. Fort Worth, Tea Mlnnnapolie, S3.00 43.50 40.7S 30.00 PREPAID ORDERS Tickets will be delivered without extra charge to anybody at any point where Colo nist farea apply, upon deposit with any Ol W. R. & IV. Agent of the amount. For full particulars drop a card to H. BAKOVL, Afft. O. W. R. & N. Redmond, Ore. WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH - - That's t60.00 a Weak, almoat $10.00 a Day Helling Victor Selre elul dr.- prool bogag to in. r.'lialil-. duclore, lawjrir., ill iili.la iiihI well In ilolermrra.all of wlmlu reall,- tham I .1 of aeeff. lull OODOt knuw linw ,-e.y It. I.. Iiioaa li oil.'. Heieetneii ili-clare oof .r..... it one of the l.-.l, eli-an rut itniti'-y - tnnh I iik ii....n i.n tire i v.r rei'i-lviil. Ulilioui pravloua aapert gagg YOU mil .lublleete the euecree of olfn-re. flur liemleoineljr IfltlalretiHl '0 (.age retelng will tnalili- you to irraeiit inr aunji-i-. 10 rue rm tit hi ea inlir. .line .. .. .. .. C . . r..ti were lillilllng theiu inrougn our in.-i..., .l.aiiirn revelveatlvlee and Inalrui'tlona for convincing talking pol ilun't VOU be ll..- Are toiivineliiK talalnic polula which It la HiipoaaiMf iof a proapffiive ruammer w f ny e nral HI ei,itny inun y" We eaa favor oaly ou aalaaoian out or eacu Our New Heme. Ceeeoh, S0.000 galea DRINKWATER& SLOCUM Main St.. WRITE FOR SPECIAL fh i IP .. ".f -Jirt fl ; 1 ttajaaiaaaaXAD . THE A.H.AVERILLMACHINERV CO.' SPOKANE. WASH.-PORTLAND. ORE.- fAN JOSE CALj BURNS MILLING CO. """ ' "" ". r-'ws Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. FoonriD'. WIoli dinp. ! - """Ql ... 37 Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. Oo To 'JOtXG WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. tttttt. t J ,-m . . s . Collate 1 1111 . 1 DINNINU ROOM AM TOY, I'mpilut r !!! SOpen For Bualivau, Ki'Kular; j 1,Ht of MeulH at all hours. Opan ! JWt'U funiisli.il until 10:30 every niirht I ' . il,ui loni 111 oohtaigioua c j CALL AND SEK MK NOW I'.vcrytliliiR- Naat and New J i : a $42.85 42.SO 36.70 . r.o.ir. 32.20 65.00 4S.05 30.00 $38.00 Oklahoma City Philadelphia, Pa. Piltehurg, Pa. St. Louie, Mo. Denver, Colo. Omaha, Neh. Kaneaa City, Mo. Leavenworth, Kan. .lfi.25 54.75 47 00 .17.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 a manner aa llimmli ...... ....I.iai .. m .,........ -n eelllnc eefia, giving Why IjcIui? aoseooe i- k1n ' h'' tdifitor) r '"'; locality The 211 It niinlvrraery of our romiiaiiy wae atlabratad by eracllng tin- moat t lero eafe feclury in II." AA'.riil Wide awake men aI,o rn-eleed our alrlel ai-lllt if lii.iut'i-tti.tit, re,iderMl It agtoaeary tmluuble our outj.'..l. We are aiieiiiiitig many llinueetiileof dnllere an. lerglngoureal'-eiirgatilrelliin, but to learn ell partli'ulere. It will ooat you oufy the i.rlue of a ooetel card. Ilk (or Catalogue 1ST. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CINCINNATI. OHIO annually. Horseshoeiiio;, hlncksniilhir.tr. Wgll'H1 WOrK' " COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, ttusstu ENGINES. BOILERS -.HiGHORADt MACHINERY CATALOG AND PRICES FRONT STABLE aeaaaaaae,aaaar,a g Ill iiibi . 1 . iv 1 . 1 . . 1 a, t 1 1 ee ;iuki. - VAraiUKIumj ' Mm. Win. Cummin. PrOD. Host of ear for patienta roonm, cli'iin and I'uniioitalili'. l oohtetvioua oaaea taken, kales ki'asiuiahU' aaaaaaaaaaaaa PROFESBIONAL CARDS. MARSPEN & GRIFFITH I'll ye.it-iHi.Bt ri il' r Bmpgohg, niiKNs, OSkOON. MM SON HARRISON M. II .. N. D. oflict- Isssai (l.ior Tlsm ITsisM Hid. Knlrant-f on Main HlrM't Iiuni:-'. - - Oregon J. Ul. GEflRY I'll vHJ.'iiirt iiml Surgeon. IIiiriiM, -, - - Ori-gon. Odri in ni-n Iniil.lni) H.iiiln nl W.ilc m ImriicHH nlnii, Mnjii Ht. 'PhotHJ Main 8.r. R. I). BUiVROW M. I). I'liysii i.t n and Surgeon ifflcct .l.iruins.-ii Itltis-. Mala St. Calls attended Night or Day b. E. HIBBflRD DENTIST I llliri. firHl tloor .'Hf t ilioUi I'.ill.-ry Uiirim. Orison. W. C. BROWN, DEUTIST. r.riivM, Oasaon. Olliic roniiis H and ll atsaODig i'.iiililini DENMrtN & DENMAN, Physicians and Surgeons i'iiIi- itnewur.'il ir.niiiily niglit or da 'I'Iiihio lliirriiiiaii. Hapriman, Oregon Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeonh Hired lelephone Connection La wen. Ore. C. A. REMBOLD Allllll !,, , Barns, Oregon LLIi, a UiiM ATTORN BV AT , IturiiH, Prejfoa H'huiih .; and 7 I ImorIc HiiiiUiay I Kurui Itiani Oti kly matt al roaaooftbte rauj CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Hums, - - Oregon I I'ractiife in tin- Stittt- CniirlR ami leJ dirt' tlif D S I .i.ii.l (Ifliof. iheus. 1 1. Leeastnrd. Attohnkv- at-i.aw, 8r,'lul iittorition given lo Collect tlfillH Hiiil EteWl Hut lite ni.illflra. Iim lii-iiriiiiri'. Notary Public Buhns. OaaooN 1 A. VV. GOWAN ATTORN HV-AT-LAW State Courts ami United Stat Iiml Oflice Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bar Hums. Oretron. IC li 1 OOI A,-, I M M ' IHlM)g i.i. e. a At. eor. c I COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Enginee Irrigation. Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. Burgajra, inpe, Trliaislts. flissarttl BURNS. ORECON I" I '. Iiu.Am ii'iiiitTiv Aasta Kofluaoi In c. B iin iHiontmii S'i A. O. I U i KN Ktu in.iU (Ui-jl k i iit-f i ui Bolat- Weetera Ry. Eas,er Oreron Eorioeerlo Company tun. m ihkiu.aiiun iwcrd Biros, Oregoi Jl:AN BART UAL.COMB All IK. M AM , , 1 . MKAI. A. A. AUKll. M. AAI. I. I . h, HYDRAULIC HNUINEER Ditches. Repervoire, Final PkkJ Work. Hydro-Klot'tric Power V. S. Hep- Mineral Work Court Mori A Specially Bltaftd In Hoi It 1'iiA.ile And tiiiviinmcnt Strtmn i.ajjin VI III K'MIN - - OKI (JIIN JOHN ROBIN O Slock Inspector, Harney Coaaty. 1 101111. A. I.l 1 1'.-... Hiirne, ill JOllNOKMltKKLlNO, ,.V Jeweler. Opttotan lOnui'iwoi". Fine Watih Repairlag A riulty. tun ' -arn if ITlriai T HI I saH DJ K5wfl nH a SSPWk H of VKBaal ajJeA "nCelwP BF g T -ii-i eejwf" VTV i i 1 a j jaV M.I n. a 1 1 . I I