vv nHH rff M L gSsrs UIBT DEVELOPMENT 1EACUE NOTES (tram Our Portlmul Got rrpoiili-rt An apple day aveririK the lb whole Pacific Nsrthwest is in prospect. Portland held throe apple days last week thnt were successful and they led to a wid r u of this favorite fruit. It is Bttffftested that BOlM date round the first of April be se lected. The idea is being taken UP by Washington Commercial Clubs. Oregon fared well in approp riations from Congress. In the Riven and Harbors bill a total of $3,123,800 is given over to im provements in this state, which ia divided between the Columbia and Snake rivers and the differ ant habors. Also $1, motto is appropriated for this state in the public buildings bill. The Oregon City Club is mak an investigation into the profits in sheep raising in that section of the Willamette Valley. While not a new industry there, it is thot it is one that is capable of large expansion. Oregon will observe Salmon Day on Friday, March" II. It is expected to make it a state-wide event and the Governor and pub lic officials have been invited to attend a special observance in Portland. President Wilson has been sent Oregon salmon with request that he have it served on the White House table on that date. It is expected this will be come an annual event, ranking in importance with California's Raisin Day. Oregon's best babies may have a chance to be exhibited at San Francisco's world fair in 1916. Provision has been made for an exposition of eugenics at the State Fair next Fall with (he idea of getting the best babies of various ages which may later be entered in a national contest at San Francisco. Other state- are taking similar steps. Sherman County is giving up its former one-crop idea and is growing more chickens ami hogs than ever before. Farmer.-; are taking up dairying and this move ment toward diversified agricul ture is the most hopeful sign in that district. Those who have branched out from wheat rais ing are finding it profitable. Livestock raising throughout Eastern Oregon has increased to such an extend that the (). W. K. t N. Co., has inaugurated a tri-weekly special livestock train service from Huntington to Port land. Its present twice-a-week service has been found to be in sufficient. Care In Choosing The Bull For The Dairy Herd Pays "In selecting a bull to head the herd, it is not enough that the animal be a purebred and regis tered bull," says George It. Samson, instructor in animal husbandry at the Oregon Agri cultural College. "He should be both of these, it is true, but in addition he should be from an advanced registry dam. If this is impossible because there are no advanced registry cows in the locality, the bull should be the calf of a cow which is known to be a fairly heavy milker, a high tester, and a persistent milker. His sire should be a Register of Merit animal if possible. "The animal which is being selected must be a good repre sentativeof his breed, and strong in constitutional vigor anil mas culinity. If he is old enough to be considered a tested sire that is, if he has daughters which have been milking for a year it should be seen that his off-spring nave unirormiy inherited the ex cellent qualities of their sire. "When selecting a new herd bull one should not be in too big a hurry to get rid of the old one, until his heifers have shown their quality. Know, if possible, what the old one has done, as well as what the new one probably will do, before the change is made completely." Tha Forty Year Teal. An article munt have sxosp tional merit to survive for a peri odof forty years. Chamberlaiii's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From small beKiniiinjt it hu gtotm in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will find nothing bettor for cough or cold. Try it and you will understand why it is a tavoi ite after a period of more than 40 years. It not only gives re liefit cures. For sale by all dealers. Four pure bred Poland China boars and two sows, about live months old for sale. rimy. Wil son, Burns, OreRon. I5tf What M. E. Lewis of San Deigo, Cal., Thinks of The "Robeesta" Cactus For Cattle Forage San Diego. Cal, Feb. M '13 Mr .1. C. Myrd, Hums, Oregon. Dear Sir: Some time ago you published an article relative to Spineless. Cactus for forage nnd suggested atrial I wish to say that I have mad a full and exhaustive study of its value nnd have a number plants growing and am going to plant more as fast as I can, I do not hesitate to say It is one of the greatest discoveries of the age ami will do more in the way of furnishing forage for all kinds of livestock than any other dis covery of the Century. Where it will grow it is more valuable, even ten times over than any ot her forage crop known. I have arranged to get a large quantity of the "Kobessta" the original l!urbank forage cactus and can furnish all who desire to try it at BO cents per piece delivered in Barns, I will gladly answer all inquiries from Harney county people and would be glad to have it tried out there. Yours very truly, M. L. Lewis. VOLTAGE DRIFTINGS Lyle Jones went to the lava beds after wood last week. Kd. Anderson has started his spring work on his homestead. The inhabitants of Ratville are contemplating upon a move to higher ground. Winter has returned but we hope it won't stay long. Miss Nellie Marshall and Miss I. una Dawson visited at the tat ters home over Sunday. Geo, Hall and Claude Schi g nave returned from the lava beds. I'luy did not bring anv uosts down, because of the bad roads. Charley Perrenoud is helping fed Dunn for a few days. (Jus. Stoll has returned to his homestead. He will go to the mountains soon the herd sheep. Hilly Dunn and family spent Saturday evening with Mrs. M. A. Dunn. Jack Roberts has moved from Coyoteville to Burns. His part ner, Sidney McNeil has to mix his own biscuits now. F. C. Durall and wife, their son Hugh and little granddaugh ter Dixie, visited Saturday and Sunday with John Durall and family. While here they went to Barton lake on a hunting trip. Wm. Weber and Ben Weaver made a business trip to Rums last week. The latter filed on a homestead in Catlow valley. We are sorry to lose these people, but he could not get any land near here. The Sunnyside Entertainers met at the school house, Friday evening, March 7th. The follow ing program was enjoyed by all; Recitations by Culver Marshall, Harry Durall and Marie Bartlett; Read' ig by E. C. Dunning; De bate: "Resolved, That Fire is more estructive than Water." The judges, Mrs. Mary Marshall, Walter Hodder and E. C. Durall decided in favor of the negative. Debaters Affirmative: Guy Cock lin, Mrs. Race and Sidney Mc Neil; Negative: Mr. G. M. Ben son, M. E. Race and Miss Daw son. Next meeting to be held Friday, March 21st. Everybody invited. Scribbling Silas. News From Princeton. Tom Healey arrived home Sun day from Diamond. John Patjins went to Harney to buy furniture last week. Ed. Maher is home from the Alvord ranch and says plowing In run there last week. Otto Nystrom made a trip to Jim Paul's a few days ago. Leo Fischer is visiting his folks at Princeton. liOts of moisture in the ground and we expect large crops in this section this season. lister the locator was in Prince ton last week. Jim Dickenson visited at Fred McCraths Sunday. Will Grant, the Watkin's man was home fast week. The Muther'i Favorite. A cough medicine for children should be harmless.' It should In- pleasant to take. It should be effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is all of this and is the mothers' favorite everywhere. Korsalebvalldealera, Dad l Turpentine From Our Pine Trees Now Advocated Turpentine from western yel low pine, ssyi the Di partment of Agricultural, oan be put to the same uses it. ; t lint from the long leaf pine of tne southeast, which furnishes the bulk of the turpen tine of commerce. It i i als a fact Western yellow pin forms eiormous forests in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast States, while the supply of long leaf is fast melting away. A product very similar to turpentine can be obtained also from pinon pine, another tree common in the southwest. Careful tests made by the De partment have shown that the yield of turpentine and rosin per season from western yellow pine in Arizona i; only two-thirds that from the southeastern pine, the dill", rence being duo to the fact that the season of flow in the west is about B6 weeks, and in the south about 88 weeks. Dur ing the Civil War, when tur pentining operations in the south had virtually ceased, some opera tions were carried on in Califor nia market, the westesn opera tions wore abandoned. The results of a chemical ex amination of the oils of western yellow, pinon, digger, sugar, and lodgeHile pines which have just been published by the Forest Service in sn official bulletin show the possibilities of the rosin and turpentine from western yellow and pinon pines as a supplement to the present supplies. Econ omic problems of markets, trans portal nui, and labor remain to lie solved. Information as to how the Forest Service secured the yields upon which analyses were based is given in another bulletin on the possibilities of western pines as a source ol naval stores, Cfianili-ilrttii . I ..I.I t. lor I timlipaliiin. For constipation, lhamberlsin's Tablets an- excellent Easy to take, mild and gentle in eifect. (iive them a trial. For sale by all dealer;. NOTIl'K KDU IX'Hi.li'A Hi) N I SI I Hi -I tttS I AMMIKI I1KJ Burnt, . u.'M'.ii. iinr. i. i.', 111 1 Null la berebf m.'i. ti.i MxiuIc r. It III "a, I Lawea, Orocon, ntni i n Jiineil lulu, nie.li- II. mi l.'a.l Milr, Su HI.', lor S'.HVV'. i" . r. &i ami M ' ,r ,, -. . a.TuwuablpM H., naagt .;.' r. , i. iiimii.'i i- M.-rl.li.iii. iini tilril t.i.il. . ..r Intention In luaki- rtnnl . oiiiiittilatltia proof, tu aatai.iiali Intra lotna land tboee tint til oil, b ton. aeglalei .it.. i !:. I'l.n. '.t Burna, Oregon on II..' I. Ill .In jr til l.rll. I 'I l riMiii.m.t namei a arttneaaea Moy Wllloni, oaoar .t. M H n.... .... II. in, nil ..I I awott, Oregon. i m i .i i . It.aiat.-r NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I m n i 'urr. I , m. I lei H r I l .it i, it. ifi.ii. Mmii h 1 1. l 'i t Notlr.- I, I..I. M gV n (lot! !.! II Kfllllflr. ol llll.), Oregon, uliu on Jnnv la, UQt. uiailu in. tu., i .. i Kntrjr, t arlel N" Qgfn lor IjiIh -', ... I in. I -b'.M1, narlion c, Tuwnihlp .- -. lunar rJ R., w iiiani.tir Mi-rlilleti ." l.li.l notion ot iiii. mi. .n lii to n I..- i in "I it."'.' " Kt pro..! luattablUn eUlnj to ill. inn. i above deeprtbad, before Ittgttttr and I t-i-lvti at Burna, Oregon, on lit.' nil. 'la. ..I At.'. I. I I i uiiiimiii unmea aa n Itm mm Unlit, i wrllllama. Prank llibble, Herbert A Dlbbla, William - Amort, nil ol Kiii-r. On icon. M n I' i hhk. Mi-aiNti-r CONTEST NOTICE. I si i i i. il it i .- S OgTgfin . Burns, irtfon, Mn h l". I i To i ail J Wvlatarg of Minis. I 'niton, run teshe: YOU tie In i M Dull lad I Iini hflBti'i'lii'r I Kltle) .WIli'Klt M iriiH.nri'Hiiii,'! IiIsimibI nlllre a..lri'ss, illi) oil Maul. luth. Ml., (Mr In this ii lh e hit ilul corroborate!) ni-i-iii at inn t n 1 1 at Hint rm nu tbi i" llniitni of your liniiie taad, eulrj s" . - rial N" iniho, nftda i-ei.ru ars lllli. Ihii.i.iiM1,, of taction , lownshin p: h , Kaugtj Ki K, w itTamftii Mi rtdlau. au-i as Kmuii'-n for hts contest haaUsast tha arl J A Wtlubsirg ha wholly ftbaudoDtd au.nl lain) for mors than B BontBl irtsi pflgC, Lui Dart! ni'iii- ii, raaJdaQ upuour mtUi tlad saint- Von are, Ibert fort, lurthti uoiiiimi that tin. alii allegHll.uiN will l,.i taken at tltla olllte a. bavlog been noufetaed by iou. ami otiraalil entry will I., eatn ele.l 1 1..- t.-r .. 1 1 until ynui fuitii. i rlgltl to be beard ibtn in, either in-tore I l.l.il i. appi el, II inn fall In III.- lii llil. ofll.e ulllni, Ivreot) il.tN alter the Kol 'It I'll liuliln nttnii ul tl.l. ...It'.', nit aboWD I.eloH., yiiurnliNV.it, in. I. r iitilh ).e. I III ally tueiitlllg ami rMpoadltig in Ibtaa allegatloua ol couleaf, or If Inn .'all nllhlltlhill lime to llleluttil. offlot due proof Ibtt you bait terved a cop) oi lOliratiNwer nil Hie Ntil'l I "tile. taut either In permit or by i.-.-i.i. n.I mail If IIiI.ni rvlet II tn a le l,t tlie ilellver) nf a Cop) .f ) ...it niin net to llu- i i. lit. "IHIil III . noil, proOIOl Nili II Ml v-lei- rautl I"- e 1 1 1.. i tin- laid i initi'Ntaiit i writ ten it knotrledgemeu! t hia raegipi ui t r,.- .o., kbowlag lilt tlatl of 11. reielpl, orlhe M IT I I n . 1 1 , . f tbt " '...II by Hliolll the ilellierj Wag ItiKile llatlug Wl anil win Mi llii .... ... dellrereil; it madi i rtgltttied mall, ptllUl of HU ll NI I I li I' III 11.1 ' ollNlNt ol llll! Hltllll vlt of il.e ii-iN..ti hi a hotii tin-1 opy waa mailed latll.K win II nli'l the j. n.I iittlii its u hi, hit wai miilleil, Hint IhlN Nfflilavlt iiiiinI he aeeutn iallh il I.) tl lltaaatar'traotlpl fur the letter Vnii .hi.iill llata III tour itinnei the iniliiiiif the rfi.int1ii . lo it l.i. I, i on ilt'Nlru futtitti Ituth-i . In he nellt to mil Mfg I ahiii. Iti'Kliler Hale ol lint I'tihlli atlotl Mini I, It, I'M: lialeol .ei-uiiil piihllinthiu Mareh .'.'. I'M I. Hate of Ihli.l 'ii 1,11, all. Hi MNr.h '."I, 1111.1. Iialeuf liiu'illi iiiihllialluii April I lilt NOTICE OP CONTEST. I I IiVIi hrATRH I.ANI'OrFI'K ( Burltfi or.gjiiu. Man-h lu, ni.t In Irwin (V Vim i,k- of Hurim, jit gjtiu tun ll'Sll f Von arabaralii not I flat i imi mi-...,iht i Bpll .HlnmHi H I'.nr i it. I 1 1 .' mi. MS hi in ml odlrt' niMfi's.. ilnl "ii Uii I. 10. iui.i, tth- in Oils otiiin hia iiuii i urruboralod spplloatlou in oon ttsi ami gvaoura (If dttlcstlaUun uf ymn lloiui stual, Kntiy -iiImI No im'n.i . madu punrmbar 'ill I Mr i fur ii..- N V I . (if M....I I..,, fir. I hii. ''' m.il. KniiKi- :i -KhsI. WllUim-tlo Mtrl Hall, iiih' ni- i , m.ii -.I- nn nit ., mi.. m nn HlltKt'S (lint sh Id 1 nun C Vhii I y ko liss vv Imtly adau li - ii i-ii mi 1 1 I ii, I li i r iiii iif Ilia ti alx ii.i ill l ha last pttg-1 . in il lino list's I ait Itt-il, K'Sliliil upon "i i iilii ratad i.mu. Von ui. , llit'iilort', lui tlur nnilfliMl tliul llio atiil allMatloni will It laki-n l.y lliti OUlM mm having wau nulifvsstd by j on, ami you i in try will hi; tan ii It -I I In' .tu ihIit h li In nil yuur fur Iini i IkIiI I" lm i.t-iii'l (In nui, I'llluir liufnri' tills ull'u i- or ii..'i.l l Mm fi.'l to Ills In this ufflow wlllilu Iweilly ilas allui tli KiMHt'lll publluailuii oi I Ills nuiiif, us sliuwii iniuH (iur a ns wi-r u mil r -tlh, sii'i lit ally inaajtlllH ami n-si'iiiiilinu tu iIhm' all.-uuii nig nf ttnitsi. ui li yutl lull wHIiln i hnl (inr tu i- u tills niin i 'lm inioi iiuii ynii lia.i- s"ivt'd h Jpp) nf your gggUwai '' ii'" nu. i i "nil sum tiiiiiui in liursnli it l.y ri'tflsM-H-il liinll. l tills Mil vlis II inftiit' d tlir 'Iiii v i m ni ii 1 1, of you i answiT to t iii i Miit.'sii.tit ii. .tiam, iruof ol sui'li ssr v It t in ust tin chin . iht i- ii'l utust a ul' w .lit. n iti ln.nwlr'lKi.it'lil "I I. la rwslpt Of (tin OOpV. hIhiwIuk tliu.liiti .'i IIh ivri'liit, or llicalUila.it of tlm parion bj h li'H.i iln- dallvsry was malc si hi In k wbatl hikI m In ic t l.c i iiy was ilcll vt-r cil, if made li icptislcnil mall, pnwlol Milch -cni.i' Uiual tmusltt nl Hit- ii fill In ut of llu pur nun I v wIhmii i lm 0(i.) wi.h inuilcil, Mini I h la afTliluvll uiUMl bo in . iniiiiiiiii .1 l.y ihurosl iiissti i a ni sblt lor Lli Istisi Yon mIkiuIiI ulult In .mi ummhi U.c naiuo of ben (be puffj 1 1 III i in WO lOU inn ileal i n fiuuru uolli in tu In' m nl hi iiii, Wm. Kahhk. hcslsicr. Hale . I first j.nuii. ullt.n Mann ID, 1UH Jali ul iiiiiliil .i 1I1I. 1 Blli.it Marilt W, I'll til, ul tl. ml . nl. Hi atluit Maruli HI. IU1.I 111 "'"""' "J""' """" A-'"" '": For Eczema T'nr n nilM annltilng wnalt ll'i Inalanlle top tiio mi' W. Ittive eoltt ninny ntlter rameillea for kin IrOUhlt Iml iMimi Hint ' roulil lier aotiillr (intrant" ""' !" tlm D. II. I). Prorlillon ir I limi Kpihm Id tiag D. D. D. Prescription NOTICF FOR PUBLICATION. llNITHII NTATKH I.1KII limn, ii'ii it-, "i , i .in, March 4, mid. Villi, i' In i.i-ipI.v itivflll Hint I eater N illianiN piiv itlvan aho. "i. Mil "T, llrtiott April 17, IHOt, mail II i. -.1 I'M. i moil. Hurlal Nu. ii.'i.vi, fur HU mV' HK',H nllon .'U.ToHiiahlp'iiiH , Kattar Ti. u iiinii.fit.. M.'rltliati baa Hied notice of Intention in innkn final three jcar ptonl. in t'Mlal.llib rlaltn to tin- land aliova tlt'Nt tll.t'tl. I.i'f M.-alNlitr anil Ht'i'i-lvr, at Burna, Oregon, on tin' 1Mb day of April, ivia. i I ii I in an I t it mi w lineal (..it . i mI.-i I in.Ni iiiilii, A W. .nalmann, II l M IIiiiiin all of llllty. Oingoii ' I'llll, H miller NOTI01 FOB PUBLIC ATIOM UNI I Kit HI A TBS I.ANIMIKKIt'K, I llirila, HH'K'in, Man-li 7, IKI.'I Nollf-i'li licri'liy mim'Ii Hut Harll.la A Come i'in, nf hall. in. x" ii wlm, "ti Mai II IVU7, and ii 'i. I'iIii. r.'ni'.'i lli.'ly, inaile llnin. l. n.I KntllM Nu itiii.i .'i.'iinl ii". ;t an. I No in !.. , lor NKi(Ki. Ken. 4, B'lK'l. Hur. II aipl HW'jKW, an. I Vi'.HHi.. Unction III, Town. hip m H ', KutiK.' M V .. Willamette Mnrlilaii, haa rti.-.i in. lire of Intention lo na.lt Unal llinn yimr I'riHil, In t'Ntahllili rlatin tothn taint alHiviiilimi'rll.ril. biifom llealatnr anil I;, . . It t, .it Itnni. Oregon, ot. tin. inli ila of April, nil lalinant naini'N nn wltneaiei riiarlra I'liinh, William Burnell, Kilward Halt, ( hatli'i ruiiii'i). all uf Kgll, iiraann Wm i iiuii-. it.i'i.i, i KOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. 1'NITKH HTATK.H LAND OKKH K, MuniM Ori'iton, I . hruwn 7, tUl.1. Strtlt-i is hir'liv Ktvtm lliat O. CssrlHrhrnotlcr. ii 1 1 ro villi, iri'K'iii. v in.. in hfi'tiiilror Mt, ivii, i it'lit llonivnt.i.tl itiitry No. UA7A7 for WUH", kV i (hii U. I - n-ibi ! is , HmiKt- M K , WllUin- tii Mi'ililUn Li. (iini iiutlr Of iBWBllOtttO nakfl iimii DiiiiiMtintitin pi. mi u, ptaiiisii i IHIIH to tin- laliil show dMOribfd, Lfl.iit- L'P-i-tft mill ltitrltr. nt liiirns, OfMOB, u Ui .Hi ilny nf April, .til. IhIiiihuI DIBHU WtlMMII Rd J i hIIiiw. M.irin M noun, N Mnnntto I rtil VII. ii, ml u Ortivllli. OrvfuU. WM. loiNr, KftflittT. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. I nitki) htatm I.ami. tirrn r Munis, OrafOSi iti'iimrt lu. i -ii NollCMJ In hrrrl'V kImi IBs,' Atilllt M iiMlt'S, luiiiMTly vim if m rt . li . ti irtfv. Unsgon, whotinSiiv VS.IVM ihh: llirtit'itv( Koiry, Nu UHl'J, (or hh'Stt',, Hn L', N'.NWL -nl SWV4NKU rivt'tluB IS, I'oMtinhlii TlK., TtailKr M Ksvt, ilUiiiftit' m.'m.iuii, Iib n let) untie f inti nilttii to niHhr Mini Uirt )t-r rnxil, to I s'aiilUli rlstlm U !) Iniul alio. i 0strllil, l.MMt'P, . Ht-r.lr, l H t'tiliimlBSlotlir. at llll .irtit , at lin'tttrr, ')rfon, mi llu- intli rJal -it H !-'p, 1911 t Mai man I ainn hum. -. 1 liftilr. II Uira.ni, Ja,-r K liliu'trs VMNIani llQiiltp, ail or brWM7, i.-a. in mni iitorgt II 11 liHiiati ( Hm Imiian. Of pOB U m KaNHK HigWtfl NOTICE TOR PUBUCATION 1 ! I Kt MTATK I ANI' n (.. I lii'iin I'tcinn, li'friiii, r ;7 91 ! 1 n ipifiii.tKiiHitlifti 'lh m Hull .1 irvvon, .-bi.'.."i Klvln u Mraltilna I 1. -ii ni 1 hoi r in k h.-r, rm tth it 1 1, (his I ' 1 S IpllllrtllUII t" rill I r II fit) IT Si 1 I Bill It vi 1 I M Kiu't ..I Hit- I nil. I sim, ilu W KK -'t U I li .'I K I M tin- 4 mi, -rrlm ' ! '. i hii'1 ill .iii-i, . MlmliiK ri vitfly l Br andartva. itbvu ..1 dMlriug i .(jii Iimawm f id. mni mi rharactvf ul Uir la--I ..1 lot 10 o hi fBM'ii in ilii- iiiPfti tu ai'p Ii ant, -.Ii. iiiLI flit if Kiti.tpj, l i-f pn4 a I in this nrtlii- .in ..( Bi(tM. ilu- -!li iliv ul Krtiiiutry, i.l.i v h. Kaaaa, Itrgltttr Plrai putuit u. hi J n nan n. 1.1.1. I asl pQblloatloQ 1 1 1 int.it I, li N0TI0B rOB PUHLICATION. I mi an HTATaa Linn orrii a I .' "(...in. r.iliiuar I. IVI I Notlet la hereby given thai John KiiNael im Irl.', of Sarrowi, llri'gon, who, on May la, 1 irmi.,1 .ptti .'. 1 .in rt'ip,'. llirli mail It. .in tu make liunl Ihree Vear'nMf, to establish 1 Ml in to tin- Intnl show desjcrlbad. Ie(ure the 1- , isi-.-i Hint Itit'elvtr. at hums, tirts;un on lh. HUh .lay ..f April, Ml.l i In I man t iiaiioaas wlUiaaWM im Conagya. Alekatlder Mi ken It- I. N, Hughel. A '. Mull. urf. alt of Narrows, Uregou Wm KasrS. Kanlster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I nitki. HTiTta Land firm a, t lliiri.i. ureaou, Kvtiruar) la, tvl.t Not ne in l.eretiy gitcn tliatrlirlea Merlela.uf Narrov.1. Urtgoa, wlio ou Nuguil 17, IMH ma.le II. I hlllrt So ul.tiVi fur I l,MW ' M M I .'.. h . II .ill- .l, NK'.S1, Hec , I. I M i , It gg K . nil. I on Jail. I., ItOB, ui.'te .il.llllun I 11.1 ellll) Ni.lalie.l Herlal Nu tl.'.V.' forHK.i, N!. Itae. b, 1 .' I I . K oi K . ami on Man I. ..'. I nn. ma.le Ailll'l llil No. U41ia, for n',!.!.1,, SE!,HK.i, Hee, ,.;, .ml NVl'i,i, Hu.1 . ... I,, li.l.l, i'. niiiIIi, llange HI gall V, I IIni.i. I ti M. n-li. tl Iibn I) l.'il nolleeof Int. -i. I ... .. to Ul.ke final litre,' year proof to eitalillab elalnt to lite laoil aUlle .1.'. ril.e.l, t.el..r, tl.e Heglater anil Iteeelver. at llllriia. Oregon, oil lltr llltli tlay uf April, mill I I. iiii a 111 iiniion nn Mltli.-.N.'. lav InimttiN. in-x.n.lei MiKet.xle, I N Hitaliri. .1 ll.ii li. ml il ill N.rrowi. Die ton. Wm. tun lteiii-.li i Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMi: T.tltl.l'. NO. tl IN JUNK 14, IttlM. Hl.1'1 i-ht lltiiiinl. No 1 I'uaa '1:1 l.v l:'i " I 11 el 1 - ill nil. ' I'll -I p. III. N, Ititkir Oily Ar ft 0 '-until SlStf l.v ft '.'ft 'Sallaliiir)) " ft.lH) l-tM'kliartl " 4:S5 riiuiiipaiiiil ' I fij SliHlilanl .lunttliiiit " II1. "Water Tank! " 4:40 linan't Hlinrt "4:2 Mi-Kwt'lil " 4 6 JIlNCTIONt "4;I0 iiui.i.'i 4:06 JUNCTION! " :50 Huiniiillt " :0 O I. CainiJ ":06 :.riH ll):(M 10.07 10:17 10 :-.' " 10 ll " 10:11 " IO:Wi " 11:10 " 11:1ft " 11:40 " NOON IfiOO l. M. la lh " Ulffl " 1:10 Ar ttlnliieyl " UU rrpTom 2:40 unti.i M 2:10 St. on NiKimln tmly. iNu agent. 1 11 ki tn iHMiiinl only for Uilonii wliaro 1 11111H urn HchiHltiltMl to iniiko rittlsr ntoiM. raMNi-nriH intiit purohaac tlck-i-Ih wIuti HKiMitH rist lmfiir miti'riiiK truliiH or VO iviiIh Hi iltlltlon lo tin ro KiiUr'aii will Ihi rharicoal. ifOnn A. WKHT, Hnpt. QRANT UKDDM. Amt. Sunt. $1500 Reward! 1 in. iHi-ciui. rj lltiiiiiaaiiii Ncvaila l.lvuHtiHk I'rotui' (ton Assoclatluii of which the uii.lt 1 latiutl Is iiiciuIti, Will glvu It, (MX) mi icwanl for uvl lie lice IcatlliiK lo the ai lent ami con v let ion of miy pur ly or (.niiii-H stesl ItiK Iiuimcs raltl.t Of niulcs l.i'loiif liin Ut any of Its muui liiailillltiiti tu llu. ,ii...;,., it,,, uuileitlgiiuil i.rti'iN iltc aaiiiii ninilltiuii IMKI.OU lur all lt.irii-1 hratiiti-il Iturie at. ml Uar on botb or ultlu-r Jaw. Brauil nii-uiill In , lM J, t niuutla. Itange Harney, lake anil I'rook uouDlltt. Iloraeg "I'll h in 11 gug, Nutiu lull mown liuiaua aultl ami naiU i a. I VlU UlC llll lit liCM, It Hi l.'ail Hiiii nu. tuta, iBerianw.l:.; an. I No "..41.17, f.if agi.MVl'l. ,.',!'l.SIl Mt'.HV.'. SW.IRi;,Hei .'..n.I sV'.Nvritllil .Sl,l4K' ' .eetlun ,i.'. Iuiiihl. .'.. H Kauge at K, V II laiurtle Merl.tlaii, ttaa file. I nofli'e uf intention s'l I. MURRAY Public Stenographer Tonawamg Hldg.. Burn M. A. BIGGS Attorney at Law Vim-kIIv IIIiIjj., Hurna, Oregon mielKTiKH. IIAMNKY I.OIMIR, NO. 77, III II P. vli'i'la livery Hlnnlay In Odd I .1 low Hull at in p nt. A liniiii. w W. lioniii, Honri'tan N. (I. Iiegri'n work ni lo'low. Mnt Hattintay it. I tlalorv. ai'i'ooil Hattlnlai Klial lii'greo; third Haiunlay, Hnioinl llegrnel fniirth Haturday, 'I'litril liimriM.. IIUMNHI.IIIMIK Nil It, I i M Menla evi'ry flial anil thlnl lalnnlay In raeb i. ."inli I ill. W M lam Mothi'rahi'a.l. leCrtttrt M HlKMN WOOIlMKNOK AMKI.H'A Mi'iitNrri.ry airoinl anil Ion I In Kriilayivi.il Ilia at I.U.0 I. Hall, all lo I,". ,,.,,, I, nit,, I Nt w appllialila will ri-ii'lvn ti..,ii. ir.al '' , , , MA el.', .. V 0 w r. i . i. ii dark, HHMNH ellAITKH Nil. 40,0. K I Hi'i'ia every ai'i'iiml anil foiirlh boinleya. la Ma.Mil, Hall Prallkle Uele e W M Kllll Hweek. Herniary. MVI.VIA HKIIKK All tlSOSSS No. 41 fcteetterery lat ami M WtAoaadnl ,. , . Hi flii- Halloi . N. f, Maile I i'onar.1 Her Mee'v. TIU.K I1HI I.K ,So 101, H. ot W. Meeta every fonilli I in ..lay. Man.) Iloiloti lleiter HiHMltnaii. tlerk. OfMOIAL IUHKCTIIHV atATt-rasarai OH Hniialnra I Jonalhaii llniiriie Jr iliio I, i hamberlaln IW M Kllla l onareNiini ii (' yy llawley Attorney llenetal llovernor 'I' iilary ol Htale Ireaalirer gU.pt, I'M, lie tnatru m atale I'. mi. . A.M.I raw lor. I tuwalil Weal ,. .. I I'.en.oli T. Ii Kay I. M. Alilertnau a H llui.lway i K..I.' Kakln i I A vt, llrl'le I" (ii.lae. .M.eoii liuriuii I I. B, It. -an If. A. M.H.I. NIMH Jl Hi A . IHHIIIK JilNlriet Jinlae I. .Hon ,,. 'iNtri.l lit, nn.) ia nrooke Ih-puly nut All, i n ,.nai. i In. in i ..nil me. ta lag ral Mm.. lay In Apill .. tir.t MoniUl In in lobt I tint Mcnsiiir Itilnl rit'.ft-iiiiM vt i'aiilsl- V I III-' mi. I'llMTI II. MM I : .iii.ii Jii.!i eik t ... in. i I.INI.I I I.. Ili..... It I II n,'l, .1 It I Ml. lei i r rerj A h .Ii i I,. I. In..., J I ..... . ..ii i. tl II, ., I. M itm Itnl. I neon i i ..,-... I I I. ON I Nlll 'i 'i i. .. i, i. nine "I . Il.ll.( . I..I '...I II. ..It. i, . I ..III. I) I .Hilt ... . Jaiiuai i . It,', i. N ul.. . lli.l w Mini . . pi, ...i. n.I II A II . . . I, - 4eaiNt-i geeell ei VI tii hane t rank l.vey I ITV ii n . . Mayor. Keionler, I teaaurer Harahal. U I IttruKr AM. Hrti J.i v homo Jr. ..It I . Malms (II J II a ii st-n , t .. onic f ram May l i. J Mi Mnliou i srj sitoimI sin) Mt4ii.n uf t'n t ill Ptiurlh W. hu.it Hiti:i:iini::::iiji:n:itt:ii:nt:nt:itiis:iii H .. -, .. .. u I H J'irs. urate i. rncnose TFACMKK Voice and Piano Methods 1 si il In Ciaciaaatti Unsmalun of Music Wc.1.1.' Ka stuJIii Jitd.Jiuii eat I'M- i . leu i i Church utuimuuaui:iiiiiiiuiitnmunii:i::iiu eaceeeaeaeaeaaeeeeeeeeeeee a e e LONE -l a e a e RESTAURANT : QaOttQS I OON liop. a - MoiiIm At All Hours. Short Ordan und Pnaspt Service With Reusonablf liates (live Me A Call e e e Oeeoelte 'llanea-Hereld Hulldlx a a .......................... Star Hotel S. J. MIDWINii.K. I'roo. NAKKOWS. - OklillON I his will be 1. .iiuii a tlealrable anil hiiipliithli- Ntupplng pla.u where comfort anil courteoua treatment are tonaldereil flrat Feed Barn Conttuctetl In omit-!. (ion H.N.McCOMB (ieneral Repair Shop Hear V. O. White' Shop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind Mill Work a Specially. Burns Sheet Metal Works lis, Copper, Sheet Ir.m Work of all iVcripliuu. Camp Slaves, Tauk, Jobbisx, Plumb' iiiK lo order, (jive Me s Trial. C. W. SCHUMANN Proprietor. oegtl 'a Old Stanil. This ia the time to how RruH.s need on the meltinv; anow. Si-e BuniH Di'iiarlineiit Store almtii it, COLONIST FARES - WESTBOUND March 15 to April 15, 1913 SEND FOR THE FOLKS While The Farea Are Low The Iiow Fat-en ujiply from the followinK and many other KiinlH in the Fast, to any station on the O.-W. B. & N. in Idaho, OrSgOl) and Washinprton. Atlanta, (ia. IB1.70 Loui.villc, Ky. $42.85 Oklahoma Cily $3r28 Baltimore, M.I M.7S Memphia, Tann. 42.S0 Philadelphia, Pa. M 71 Boaton, Man. SS.IS Milwaukre, Wia. 36.70 Pittaburg, Pa. 47 00 lluffal... N. Y. t7.r.O Montgomery, Ala. 50.16 St. Louie, Mo. 37.00 Charloaton, S. C. 53.90 Muikogee, Okla. 32.20 Denver, Colo. 30.00 Datriot, Mich. 43.50 New York City 55.00 Omaha. Neb. 30.00 Fort Worth, Tea. 40.75 New Oralaana 48.05 Kanaaa City, Mo. 30.00 Minneapolia, 30.00 Si. Paul, Minn 30.00 Leavenworth, Kan. 30.00 Chicago, Ilia. $38.00 PREPAID ORDERS Tickets will be delivered without extra charge to anybody at any point where Colo nist fares apply, upon deposit with any O. W. R. & N. Agent of the amount. For full particulars drop a card to H. BAKOUL, Agt, O. W. R. & N. Redmond, Ore. WHY NOT MAKE S200. A MONTH - - That's 960. a Week, almost S10.00 a Pay lalUHg V.ct.r Hsffi and fl re proof ) to .iiirt')ianla, dcturs( lawyers, acitllsts and well to 'In f rut' r-,ll oT wliotu reaJU them tl of a safe, but do not It now how eany Ills loowit one Haleaineti tli-clare our prioHlllori one of the best, clean cut moiiy maklnK oiiportunt Urnvir rvselTM Without previous fiwrl i in'. YOU can dupllrata the surerss of others. Our hamiaomely lllustrau-d VXK ;iaiTfl catalog Will enable you to preaent the subject torus totners lu as Interesting a insnner sn though m ton weft ullotlng them hrt.ugh our factory. UIVKt" gtllM llimiutuuiiB ava tuiivlllitllia lalkliigBiiliili v.'ilili It Ii linlHiNNlt.le lur a proiprellie ruitnmer lo uenj point! w'llt'll 11 II I 111 WON. line lur a tir.t to apply from your vicinity t one aaJeaman out of each locality. il'.u I YOU he llu- tir.t We ran favor only on" Our Haw Ham. Oaaaorty 10.000 ftataa b .-..-. Lttn & - -- DRINKWATER& SLOCUM Sa SgSqttjRKstV .Vnf W S WtXlft ttrgeerigStgt I BgVraMgj , ageJgtg.gr If iSMaKdggfm ' Main St.. WRITE TOR 5PEOAL O tf I 1 t- I . THE A.H.AVERILL MACHINERY CO I S POKANE. WA5M.-PORTLAND. ORE. - .'AN JOSE BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON Sl SAYER, Propts Rough and Dressed Lumber. Rustic. Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. WHITE LIVERY NEW RIGS AND TEAyytS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctoi calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. ea)4aaaeaee,eeeeaeaa ' Cottage Inn ::BURNS SANVI'ORIUM: DINNING ROOM ij Mrs, wm. cummin. iv..,.. I I All TOY, I'roprlet' r . . . f . a I Open For lUiainess. Ki-Rular! I Best of caiv for patiinls ; Meala at all houra. Open 'Well finiiislu il ninins, neat until 10:80 every night I I 8SSM ami comforlalile. No t z CALLANDSEKMIO NOW IvtryllilriK Noat anil New 1 .......aaaaaN.a..N.... .81 M n apuolDted as n - gae..n Why baWVi soiiu one els? gtts the tmrrltoryT ' Th2I.thnnnlvfrwirrrifour fHimpanr was t-letirntiJ hy i-rtr'inif the most modern safa factory In the world. Wlda awaks man who rwoalTM our SjMMMal aclllnw Ihiluffint-nt, rrntlrrrd 1 1 ue-cfasa ry toilouble onr output. W are sponalns; many thousands of dolisrs tB la rKina our salt's organisation, but to learn sll partlculsrs. It wUlroettyou only the price of tgitAard. j4jfc Isk lor Catalogue 161. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK GO. CIICIItUTI. OHIO Annually. Horseshoeino;, Blacksmithin";, Wajjon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BR AKE8 Burns, Oregon, BUSSEU ENGINES BOILERS S&HMHI GRADE! MACHINERY CATALOG AND PfflCES :o.1 lcalI WwawHH FRONT STABLE mtmum a ieaeeeeee.ee. I'oiitaKious cases taken. kales keasonuhle 14 A gggggagoB PROFKHHIONAL CARDH. MWRSDEfl A GRIFFITH I'lii nIi'Ihiin nml BUlggSUg, IIIIRNH, OIIMi TILLSON HARRISON N. B., M. P. Dlllce Herond floor Timca-Herald Hid. Knlranre on Main Slreet KurriH, - - Oregon d. LU. GBARY I'livi.-iiiii nml ' nr'i'1,11. HuriiH, - - - Oregon. Uffil'l' III lll'W llllililillK Wltllil of Well ..llll I litiriii-HH ehiii, Mn jn HI. 'Phong Main Hh. R. I). BURROW M. D, I'hysician and Surgeon Offket .InrKcnsen lildK., Main St. C.ills attended Nixht or Day Li. E. HIBBARD DEUTIST Oflirif firal door Vrt pbtrto t'l l.-iy Hum Cfgggga. W. C. BROWN, DENTIST. I'.rlf.M, ll:p ,.. iillire imiiii . H anil tl MuwitiiL liuililing DENMAM & DFNMAN Physicians and Surgeons t'allN mitwfri'il priiiiiplly glgh r day 'I'll i.ii.s llarriman. Hapriman, Oregon Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon Itlrecl Telephone Connection La wen. Ore. A. REMBOLD Allnrti. i Ml l.itiv. Burns, Oregon VILLbH ii CilZcM a n ti k J rsS i i aw 1 Htirn, Itnagll Himiiia I. .iii.l 7 Majoaic Knilding l.iin liittU'iunk!) ma.le ul ii .-,,il,le ratei CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Hums, - - Oregon I'ih. tit'et in . Stair Cimrta and be lore t lie C S jriJ I ItSee. 'lias. 1 1. Ijeonard, ATTtlKNKV-AT-f.AW, 'artful attention given lo Collec lionn hikI Heal Kotate in altera. PIN liifnraitt-t. Notary Public Bukns. OsSSOa, A. W. (JOWAN ATTORN EY-AT-LAW State Courts and United States land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. It li tiNiiaK .N.tl M AM. M. V I ...una "no. a. m. ant-, r. a. COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation, Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. , Stirveye, Mapt, Ktlimateii, Superviaiou BURNS. OREGON K. 0. In. 1. Aim r'ornterly Aaal. Sagliagg to r. itt'iiauiaiioii kar rtog. A. O. h M'l.KNMI K.iriiH'rH chief B mii.-.-r al Bolae .V tVeelt-ru Ky. Eastern Oregon tngineering Company CIVIL AND IKHII.AIION liNOlNEEKS Burns, UrtKoo JEAN BART BA1.COMB 11 nt. m m s. k. , . MKM. A. A A8H1I. M. . I. K. K. HVDRAULiC ENGINEER Ditches, Koservoira, Final Proof Work, Hydro-Electric Power U. S. Dtp, Mineral Work Cosrl Work A Specialty i:ngiigi'il Iii llotli 1'iiwilB Ami ( liici tiuiBiil Stn-Miti liaginK Al.UhRSON - - OKROON JOHN ROBlNiON Stock Isspalor, llarucv Cosstj. lluilii' . Ll 1 ,-: Ittirng, Org JOHNI.KMHKItLING, Jswsler. Cptluiuii and F.nurmver. Fine Watch Repairing A Spt cislty. ..:,-:.'..:...---,;,.....