The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 08, 1913, Image 2

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Have you seen those New Spring
and Summer Samples at Williams
Zoglmann Clothing Co. 'a Store?
Just looking may not interest
you and you may think it doesn't
interest us; but well be glad to see
you here even if you just come to
We're so proud of our Spring
and Summer woolen line, that we
are anxious to have everybody see
Many new things in fine imported weaves. In
suiiingH, wit li Styles nre tJneqnaled.
We'll Look Out For' Yuii Look In To See I'h.
Clothing Company
Leading Clothiers - High Grade Tailoring
I. O. O. F. Building
- Burns, Oregon
Dr. Mnraden Dead.
The death of Dr. V. L. Mars
den. which occurred at Whittier.
California, on lnstSnturday night
Mnrch 1, has caused universal
somv throiiRhoiit Harney coun
ty whan ho huil lived Cor over a
quarter of a watery. During
his long residence hero whore he
practiced hla prof i ion he be
came known to aimed every man,
woman and child in not only
Harney county but portions of
Crook, GnU1 and Malheur coun
ties. It was not idone in his pro
fessional skill that endeared him
self to hundreds of people, hut aw
a man ho commanded the hitch
respect and regard of all with
whom he came in contact, lie
was ever ready to make any sac
rifice for the relief of suffering '" Hums.
or for the benefit of his neigh- Hums Lodge, No. 97, A. F. &
bon and friends in whatever A. M., of which Dr. Marsden
capacity he was called upon as was a past Master, and Hums
son and also his nged mother
who survive him have the heart
felt sympathy of this community.
Nothing is known definitely of
the plans of Mrs. Marsden for
the future as to whether she will
return here soon or not. Her
father lives nt Canyon City and
hei brothers reside in Bear Val
ley where they have large pro
perty interests in which Dr.
Marsden was also associated.
A hiRh tribute of respect was
shown last Tuesday when it was
learned by telegram that he
woidd be buried at Whittier with
Masonic honors that afternoon.
Mayor Clevenger immediately
asked that the business houses
close from 1 o'clock until four
and his request was complied
with by every business concern
otherwise. Dr. Chapter. No. 40, 0. E. S., of
which he was a member, will
hold memorial services at the
lodge rooms on next Monday
a citizen or
Marsden endured many hards!. i s
during his career in the discharge
of his duties in the big fi"ld of
She iimes-fwafd
Oh Yhi
Si Meat.
TWo. Moeth.
Takes The Customary Oath
Of Office And Becomes
The Nation's Ruler With
his practice, without any regard evening. The service will be
for his own comfort or health, participated in by many close
He gave his life to his work and and loving friends who mourn
the exposure and sacrifices he him sincerely. Sojourning mem
ndured are no doubt to a greet hers of either order are invited
extent n sponsible for his untimt - to attend.
ly death. Walter I .cForest Marsden was
During a long period of inti- born in Iowa June 20, 1858. The
mate association socially, frater- family came west when he was
Dally and in business the writer quite young and his early life
has had an opportunity to learn was spent in Nevada and Cnli
Dr. Marsden'.s worth as a man fornia. In the Centennial His
ln every respect. He knows the torv of Oregon, published last
esteem in which Dr. Marsden year we find the followin biogra
was held by hundreds of fellow phical sketch which is reprinted:
citizens; knows the high charac- pr. Marsden received his early
tor of the man, his devotion to education
his profession for the
humanity rather that from met
eenarv metives: of bis unselfish
Out Any Mar To Ceremony W()rk ', this Held covering a per-
' iod of over 28 years; knowing
in various mining
Will Get Mail This Afternoon
' Today makes the eighth day
since Burns has received an)
mail over the Canyon route,
which is the one that practical!)
brings all the mail matter receiv
ed from outside. There will be
a mail in this afternoon, :5,0M)
pounds having left Canyon Thurs
day morning, but this is only a
small portion of what should he
received as we are informed
there are at least four times that
amount awaiting transit. There
will be another mail leave tar,
yon tonight which should arrive
here some time Monday.
The Commercial Club sent a
telegram to Senator Chamberlain
on Wednesday and it brought im
mediate response with instruc
tion! to the post master at Can
yon to at once secure carriers
and move the mail. Post Master
Logan informs the Times-Herald
that arrangements have been
made to secure the mail over
this route every other day at
least from now until the first of
April when a regular contract is
to begin at the old schedule.
This arrangement is better than
being without mail as we have
the past week and at an interval
of the same length during .Janu
ary. The people of this bitr ter
ritory have not been given the
service thev shouid have had
since the mail stopped the first California.
The Times-Herald has been
fortunate in securing papers of
the 1th and 5th from E. K. Pur
Ington Riving the details of the
inauguration of President Wilson
and also a correct list of his cabi
net officers. The inauguration
him thus and feeling keenly the
loss of a most companionable
friend with whom it was a do
light to converse, advise and
associate, he fully realizes the
genuine grief of hundred; of
others who held him in like Of
sake of eumps in California and Nevada.
His schooling was limited and
was received under very primi
tive conditions. His early life
was spent in various Occupations.
He learned the telegraph busi
ness and was operator for the
Overland Company which owned
the first telegraph line across the
continent. In this capacity he
made his home al various points
high school and is now a student
in the medical department of the
Oregon State University at
Dr. Marsden is a prominent
Mason. He has taken his thirty
second degree and is a member
of the Portland Consistory. He
is past master of Hums Ixlge,
No. 1)7. His wife has been grand
matron of the order of the East
ern Star. Dr. Marsden is one of
the lending men in his profession
in the northwest. He specializes
in surgery and has gained an en
viable reputation for his skill in
this branch of medicine. Ho has
never let his medical knowledge
become out of date. He supple
mented his education by a post
graduate course in the New York
Medical school and Hospital. For
nine years he was the only doc
tor in Harney county. This
mennt that his life was practi
cally devoted to the service of
his fellowmen. His dutieB were
arduous and bis hours of work
practically unlimited. He is an
indefatigable student not only in
matters connected with his pro
fession, but also along various
other lines, lie is master of the
Piute Indian language and is in
tensely Inter ted in the gram
mar and history of that tongue
which is now being published by
the University of California. Dr.
Marsden returns all the old-o. Whitman, District Attorney!
school ideas regarding the duties New York; Herbert Noble, coun
of a physician in conjunction; gel for the Butterick Publishing
with the most modern knowledge Publishing Co; and James B.
along medical lines. His prac- Sheenan, counsel for the Ridg
tice has increased wonderfully way Co.
year by year until he is now re- The prize8 have ju8t en
gnrdedas the loading physician 'Br,ip,i ,,nmilUp U ,;
published in the March number
of Everybody's Magazine.
New dress goods just arrived
including latest! fabrics shown
Embroideries and Insertions
New Attractive Spring Shoes
King Tailored Waists Stylish
And Very Popular At
in his section of the country.
Grange Wins a Prize.
passed off without any
but the afternoon was
between Virginia Citv. Nevada
mishap I teem. Dr. Marsden will be miss- and Salt Lake City, Utah. For
windy, (,,i ;,, more homes in Eastern hn wmm lie wns mnsMil
the gale starting directly after jorow,m than any other man who the Atlantic and Pacilic Line,
taking oath ot omce, mereiore ever ivo,. competitors of the Overland Corn-
not more than 2,000 of the 75, 000 ,. Haredeil became ill last pany. In 1882 he took up news
people who witnessed the imuiK- j , , ,,.,,. severe sick-i twiner work and his activities in
this regard made him very pro
We are pleased to note that the
... . ,. i Vallev View Grange is listed
(Communicated) i l.
among the prize winners, havi.g
In the edition of The Times-; beg,, awarded Oregon's 2nd prize
Herald of Dec 21. 11M2, there 'of $50.
appeared an account of the Jen- , .. .. ,,
imiiiij 1 ine.-t iiieac uiini
were presided over by
nie BriceMuck Trial, held by the', ,u
Vnllev View RmiM nl ihn V.l.,18
ley View school house, Dec. 14, supreme judges, with district
1912. attorneys as prosecutors. Ijiw
The outline of this trial was schools, colleges, universities,
published in the October, Nov- high schools, church societies
ember and December members ,i ,nioina ..11 m. tu..
country were numbered in the
great contest.
year and
urauon reauy nearu nis tiuuress. ,as(j)K fo. (im.tim, ,,llt lv.
We haven't the space to give ooyered sufficiently to be out
details of the ceremony -in fact ;lkr;,jM. n June last year he anil
there is no occasion for such. Hre, Marsden went to Portland
There was nothing extraordinary an,i s.llt Mveral weeks there
about it, the ceremony being for- attending the Masonic grand
mal in every respect. bodies which were in session,
The Cabinet is made up as fol- prolonging their visit to the Rom
lews: Festival with congenial coropan-
Secretary of State-Wm. .1. i(ns amj frifiuls of this place
Bryan of Nebraska. wba were also there. Later they
Treasury William G. McAdoo. ,,, f()i. s,)()rl tjm(.
New York. . ,, . . .
War Lindley M. Garrison, "it J" J""
Mw Inrapv tending the university and then
Attorney-General James Mc-
Keynolds, Tennessee.
Postmaster-General -Albert
Rurleson, Texas.
on to Whittier, California, the
home of .Dr. sfaraden'a mother.
In AugUft he had a severe attack
of pneumonia following this ro
of the year, that is a portion of
the time the mail came in regular
ly, but it was not at all sure at
any time. It seems that bond
lag houses are allowed to take
their own time and convenience
in making good on mail contracts.
Navy -Josephus Daniels. North peated abscesses formed on his
lungs and his weakened condi
tion previ nted his recovery from
thi. . Had he been in robust
health no doubt he could have
Interior Franklin K
David A. Houston
Commerce William C. Red
field, New York.
Labor-Wm. B. Wilson, Penn
minent pold ically and led to his
election to the Nevada state leg
islature. After his term expired
he became acquainted with Dr.
Bishop and was employed under
him for some time in the
state insane asylum. He grew
interested in the science of medi
cine and attended the lectures in
the California Medical College,
He later studied his profession in
the Kentucky School of Medicine,
from which he was graduated
with the degree of M I). He
started pmcling in Pellevue,
Idaho, where he remained until
18K7 when he removed to Drew
soy, Oregon, later moving to
Hurns where he has made his
home since that time.
In October, 1891, Dr. Marsden
married Clara A. Hyram of Can-
of Everybody's Magazine
This magazine offered prizes
to the amount of $11,54') to all
who wished to compete in this
In many instances universities
and colleges of high standing re-
There were 11.1 cash prizes in ceived prizes far below the one
all, divided as follews: awarded our home Grange. When
I! National prises; 881 State U, take into consideration the
prizes; 29 Canadian prises, ', ,., . .
,. ' . large held of contestants, and
1 he various state prizes were .. . . ..
lobe awarded only to the con- the m&ny advantages they had
testants in competition within ' over our nome talent we believe
the limits of their own state. every man woman and child in
The number of prizes for each I Harney Countv should join, in
state was based according to the I cengratulating the Valley ",ew
population. L,
;, ., , , .Grange on its great success in
Oregon was allotted five cash . ...
prizes: 1st, $100; 2nd, $50; 3rd. ' holding up the honor of our
$26 and two $10 prizes. county and State in this Nation
The following conditions gov- wiJe contest
orned the centest:
1. The Trial was to be held 1)etail of Characters.
and reKrt sent in not later than Judge, - - - - George Cobb
Dec. 20. 19ia Defendant - - Harry McComb
2. Every report was to be of iv...-ii!iinr ,tr,,n,,v ... :
.,, - It w.--.rt Mm fc.j - - 1
.en was Kssw Arthur Whitney
A. K. Richardson
General Merchandise
Will Prepay All Charges
On ;ill Dr Giimls and Bootaor8hoeH
lbiioii From him, to ;inv pontoffiCR
In ILniiey County Don't Forgel It!
He Will Also Give You
20 Per Cent Off
n .ill Wo. don Shirts, Swontors, Kt
He Will Also Give You
15 Per Cent Off
On All Sheen Lined Coats
He Also Carries One Of The Best
And Most Complete Lines of Fancy
And Staple Groceries In This City
That Means Something To You -fern
a MOCK I rial vv
held. st;ilihL'.' time
and place at
finally overcome these but hiHy()n city, Oregon, a daujditerof
vitality was .so sapped that he ;i prominent pioneer of that sec-
linally SUCCUtncd. tion. They have one son, George
His grief stricken widow and 1 By ram, a graduate of the Hurns
Long Enough To Investigate Why It Will Pay To Look Over
A few of the Thousands of Articles carried in stock by the Burns Dept. Store enumerated belew:
which the trial was held, with
names and address of the persons'
taking part
It. In awarding the prizts the
judges were to consider points of
comparative excellence on this
A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods, including Indies Cloaks,
Waists, Shirts, Sweaters. Shawls, Hand
Bags, Beds and Bedding, Undermuslins,
Dress Goods, Hosiery, Cut els and Cor
set Covers. Notions, Silks and Ribbons.
Gentleman's Dept.
The Most Complete and LVTo-Date
Gent's Furnishing Department also full
line of Men and Hoys Suits and Over
coats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs,
Underwear, New Stock of Working and
Dress Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Sus
nenders. Levi Strouss and "Boss of the
Road" Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters
Drugs Department
We mention hereji few of the things
carried in this department : 1'erfumery,
Face Powder,' Cream and Solutions,
Toilet Articles, Blue Vitrol, Formalde
hide, Chloride Lime, Sal Soda, Turpen
tine, Raw ar 1 Boiled Linseed Oil, White
Lead, Dry and Mixed Paint, Gasoline,
Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and
Poultry Foods, Insect Powder, Squirrel
Poison, Household Remedies and Grape
Juice, Denatured and Wood Alcohol.
Dry Goods Dept. Wares Of All Kinds Home Entertaiment
lawyer for Defense
- - - - Thomas Raycraft
County Clerk - - MissColman
Court Stenographer ....
Miss Richardson
Court Policeman - Mr. Wilson
a d; fl. IlUr, J 4.
a. The way the mock trial "'" r no.ieuiu
was held. Mrs. Murray - - Mrs. Raycraft
b. The way you arrived at Eliza Sharffer - Mrs. Shaver
a verdict. I Miss Hope - Miss Hazel Cobb
c. The way you made your Jennie Brice's Sister - - -rsport
Mrs. Hoffeditz
All reports were considered Mr. Holcombe,
individually, the judges selecting Timothy Seuft
those which in their opinion u D ...u
seemed best , Mr Reynolds,
The reports of the mock trials Mr- Alexander
held by the various contestants I Dr. Littlefteld
were submitted to a committee Mr. Howell -
Spring Colonist Period
Dally March 15 to April 15, To
All Central Oregon Points
of lawyers, consisting of Charles'
Thurlow Wilfong
Eph. Howard
George Bryning'
- Max Plath
- Allen Howard
- Clyde Shaver
Jury of Twelve.
Are so representative in character that
it is possible to furnish your home.
WOODENWARH Brooms, 1 1 r a 1 h s i.
Willow Ware. Water Hags, Barrels and
Kegs, Bowls, etc.
QUEENSWARK Fine Chins, Cut Glass,
For family friends and yourself if you
want a Phonograph with Records. We
handle the Famous Edison Phonographs
Children's Dept.
Our Children's Department is so com-
plete that we can furnish your little
Best Good With lowest Prices
Silver Deposit Ware. Mirrors, Cooking ,"'s 1,,,,,m . , " ,.u . toe- We have not
Utensils, Pottery Lamps and Lanterns. i '
Grocery Dept.
We've all kinds Flour, Hacon, Lard,
Honey, Grain, Grass Seed and Feeds of
all kinds. Farm Produce, FreBh Fruit.
Vegetables and Evaporated FruitB.
Special Dept.
Wall Paper, House Lining, Umbrellas;
Parasols, Trunks, Vulises, Suit Cases,
and Butterick Patterns. Whips, Hob
bles, Half Soles and lacks. Stationery,
School Supplies, Tobacco and Cigars,
Notions, Con feet ionnries. Grain, Wool
Hans, Sackn, Hinder Twine and Cord
Stickpins, Belt Buckles, Cull' and Collar
Buttons, Etc.
HARDWARE Headquarters lor Sport
ing Goods, Guns, Ammunition, Fishing
and Camping Outfits, Tents, Tarpaulians
and Wagon Covers, Building Paper,
Roofing, Wire Netting, Nails, Garden
Tools, Rope. Cuttlery, Tineware, Site.
Boot And Shoe Dept.
We are proud of this department and
can give satisfaction to all Men, Women
arid Children. We carry the celebrated
Buckingham & Hecht line. None better.
We Meet and Beat All Compel ion Your Trade Keapectfully Solicted
- The Burns Department Store -
Send Your
Orders For
Lumber, Lath,
Cedar Shingles,
Hardwall Plaster,
Portland Cement,
Lump Lime, Etc.
Overturf, Davis, Miller Co.
1 1 -. .. , ,, ,...,...l. ,,,,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Office Phone 36 Mill Phone 48
St. IiOuis
Little Rock
St. Paul
Kansas City
St. Joseph
I SO tH)
30 00
:io (K)
;u) 00
SO 00
::o 00
1 opportunity of moving
$ as 00
:7 00
,'!7 (HI
;;ii 7(i
42 SO
48 60
New Oreleans 18 05
From other points in proportion
TelJ your friends in the East of thi
wesiai low raies. wired train service
Northern Pacific Great Northern. Spokane, Portland A-
ana uregon trunk Hallways.
You can deposit funds with me and weal bound tickets will be
furnished people in the Bast
W. D. SKINNER, J. H. Corbett, Agt.
Traffic Mgr. Portland, Ore. Bend, Ore.
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request.
via Burlington
We have a large stock of the above
and can make quick deliveries to the
Burns Country. Get OUR Prices.
30-DAY SACRIFICE SALE-30 H,STORY repeats itself
. . . The sworn statements of Life I
1 must raise money to ia lor insurance Companies on file at 1
new spring goods and during the the Slate Insurance Department,
next 30 days I will sell for cash ( Salem, show thai In 1!K);. li10. f
everything in my big stock otll911' Oreso" Life the Only Life
in. mil uirc v ompuny exclusively
Household Furniture at actual
cost. Resides furniture of all
kinds, this includes carpets, cur
tains, rugs, bedding, blanket..,
quilts, wall paper, building pa
per, roofing, dishes, granite
ware, suit cases and trunks, sew
ing machines at a great savinu;
wagon sheets, tents and tarpaul
ins etc. Everything needed in
and about the household.
Q, W. Clevenger. 12
and comfortable care, Mrs. W. T.
Lester, Burns, Oregon.
uregon, sold more policies in
Oregon Lhanan other company.
In l!H20regon Life is surpass
ing all its previous records.
B, C. Kcci.KSTON,
1r , Agent.
Direct connection, .outh m
A. H. CURRY, Prop,
Lmvm Harrmikn Monday and Thurday
and ariive. Wodnatday and Saturday
raili waeli, connecting with .OMtkern
line- to Denio, Winnemucca, ate.