.mes-Jeraid Larfoit CircuUlion Of Any Nwp.pr la Harnrv County. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11. ISIS Local News. Use Nyals Rheumatic Remedy. Ladies line shoes m suede and ' ihite buckskin at Schwartz'. I Try Nyals Family medicine at n.e Welome Pharmacy. 10 tf vl Thos. Stephens is back from im exienuea irip 10 oursiae joints. Supt. Hamilton and family I iere in the city this week to at- ( nd to official business. Hagey & Lundy chattels, small' loans, acreage city property. In 0. 0. P. Rldg, Burns. Oregon. Walter Cross has spent a por tion of the week visiting his wife hnd little granddaughters. A. Dunn will have charge of rav wood business in Burns this inter. Dry wood on hand to liny part of town F. 0. Jackson. 52.tf Mrs. H. W. McHose has ar ranged for a trial recital of her jupils at the Baptist church this veiling, iney will De assisted by pupils of Mrs. Dodge. W. A. Goodman sells Rolled Barley at IJc Rolled Wheat at lie. Clean seed Barley, lie pood Wheat lie at his barn in the west part of town. 6tf. H. J. Hansen of the Burns Meat Market is prepared to fill brders in any ouanty for hams, :acon and lard. Right prices in arge lots. lfitf UT OF TOWN TAXPAYERS "he Harney County National lank will b pleated to attend to the payment of your taxes upon receipt of your instructions. I Mrs. Herbert Larkin. who has in visiting her sister, Mrs. John Gemberling. took her dr- Your Future PROTECTION Lies In Your Present Found ation. You can build no safer or substantial foundation, or on a firmer basis than to start a DEPOSIT With The FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, HARNEY CO., ORE. An experienced dairyman Want ed Inquire at this office. 15tf Kant man Kodaks and Kodak supplies at The Welcome Pharm acy. 10 tf Loot Gold bar pin in vicinity of Tonawamu. Finder please re turn to Mrs. Curtis Smith. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ 100.000 "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ I $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Rolled wheat is the milk and egg producer try it. Better and cheaper than bran. Sold by W. A. Goodman. Phone him your order. ("lay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where all kinds of lumbtf both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone. Use Nyals Cough medicine for baby's cough. 10 tf Wanted Position as cook or housekeeper. Address Box 87. Baled hay, Bran and all kinds of grains at The Burns Dept. Store. I hereby announce myself a candidate for city marshal at the miinicinal election to be held in March. Wm. Foren. . Four pure bred Poland China t-n-tiir ViiiitrtPiliir mnrnirnT nr ri..v ., ..I ...... ...w....... mt X . rompanied by the latter and her Messrs Unnkwater DJOCum boh. an, w sow .... ... .. ... i, ...... i.,,,v,l tli..ir li ni'ksmith UKin His nil for sale. little uaughter. Mrs. tiemher-, : ". " - - ; ,;u ;; .,.;,!, ..:. I shot) to the building at the south son. minis, wregon. ihk vviii nan uumiuc ' iui Ian indelinate time. There will be no picture prc- rram at ionawama tonight, as the people have been going out ;very evening all week and are tired. A fine three-reel program jvill be given tomorrow night at tnid-week prices, 10 and 15 cent.'-. All new films and good. J. W. Buchanan was among those to visit Burns this week end of main street. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. 'THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR $ $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. Rav, Mr. Boada arrived here this week and will become the regular resident pastor of the Baptist church. He will hold services tomorrow !kUi morning and evening. For Sale 52 head of young broke horses, weighing from 1100 to 1200 lbs. See Oregon & West ern Colonization Co. agents, B. Blueprints of every Township F. .Johnson at Hums, or J. R. Married At the home of Mrs. IfeDuffaa in this city yesterday, Harry Spangler and Miss May Rnrber, Rev. Dr. Babbidge per forming the ceremony. It was a quiet affair with only home folks present. We join friends in ex tending congratulations. A few cotton seed planted in side the house now and trans planted after frost will prove a great novelty to yourself and friends. Knjoy seeing this beau- titul plant growing in your own yard or garden. Send 10c for liberal package of seed to Lynch Pharis Co., Montgomery. Ala. The Times-Herald has found that the Harney county high school basket ball team that i played at Harney last Friday 1 night was met by a heavier team than they expected which ac counts for their defeat. How ever, the boys conducted them , selves gentlemanly and took their defeat gracefully. Mrs. M. V. Dodge is preparing for a recital at Tonawama on the i It will be only a triul recital by her pupils as a compliment to the parents, but she has decided to make a small admission fee which will be given to William Carroll, the unfortunate young man who lost about five h"th his feet. Mrs. Dodge will Chas. Wil- '"' assisted by pupils of Mrs. 15tf ! (Iiuilt, Mrs. Rombold and Mrs. McHose. Fresh home made lard 17c. at Hansen's Moat Market. tf Use Nyals Stone Root Com p. I for the kidneys. 10 tf V. ,,.... f.. I...1.' 1 ' !-,,- INI1I I.- i,ii lumen ill ' . , , I ... . , . . . evening of March 21. I'oin.iii.. 111 i'.uiiii ami vt'ivei Just arrived. See them. Pan brad young Barred Rock Cocherels. a new strain, for sale. Chas. Wilson. 10 tf. CITY POLITICS. A meeting of the C vie Im provement Club was held last Monday evening and the. la lies brought out more candidates for the city election next Tuesday. Nominating petitions for Sam Mothershead and .lames Lamp "hire for mayor and councilman respectively, wore signed by the Indies, Mrs Copper and others (not. including Mr. Ilissner as she took no part in it other than sign them) circulated them later. Just what interest they will take in voting remains to be seen as several signed the petitions who frankly stated at the time they had no intention of voting. The Times-Herald can say with authority that neither Mothera head or Lampshire are opposed to water and sewer. They are in the same position as practical ly every property owner in Burns, in favor of an adequate and san'- tary water and sewer system, provided it can be installed com plete within the possible bonds that can be floated against the town. That is the attitude of almost every real property own er, their only concern being the selection of competent, far-sight ed, successful men to take charge of the matter. A statement covering city re ceipts and disbursements for a period of some three years was brought to this office yesterday afternoon for publication but it was too long for us to handle to day. It will be published in pamphlet form, however, so the voters may be informed. The candidates are: G. W Clevenger. Sam Mothershead for mayor; Frank Davey, James Lampshire, A. C. Welcome, Ceo. W. Young, councilmen; A. M. Byrd, D. M. McDade. J. J. Pat terson, recorder; Mamie Winters, J. C Welcome Jr., treasurer; W. Foren, R. L. Haines, marshal. SHORT COURSE BENEFITS HARNEY COUNTY FARMERS (Oenelndtd From Rata "I Pnye) J. f. Mahon and wife have re cently returned from a visit to California points. Mr. Mahon is in town today. and Ranue in ind take the short course. Joe ' correctto date. las been very sick and has not fully recovered, that is sufficient ly to do a good day's work, there lore he was in to consult with fla physician. While here he as a guest of his son Roe. Miss Helen Purington took ipart in a play given by the tresh- len class at Forest Gfjeve on the light of Feb. 22nd, it being the custom for the class to give a lay on Washington's birthday. liss Helen has many friends lere who are pleased to note any particular advancement and the Credit she may receive. Harney county. Price $1.00 each Address, Burns Blueprint Co., Burns, Oregon. 12tf As I am moving my saw mill 1 have four or five old buildings at the old site that I will dispose of at a bargain. Any one need ing such material should see me at once -Clay Clemens. 13tf Homer Bringle and wife were up from Narrows during the week having some dental work done. While here he took advan tage of the short course lectures hut had to return home before they were completed. ANNUAL clearance wf l el. During February we will hold our Annual Clearance Sale when all winter goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. We are determined not to carry over any winter goods. A few of these articles are listed below. Cash will do wonders here. Ladies Coats, Misses Coats, Childrens Coats, Ladies Sweater Coats, Misses Sweater Coats, ChildrAis Sweater Coats, Ladies Underwear, Misses Underwear, Misses Cloaks, Childrens Underwear, Mufflers, Shawls, Dress Goods, Mens Clothing, Mens Sheep Lined Coats, Mens Duck Lined Coats, Mens Mackinaw Coats, Mens Sweater Coats, Mens Woolen Overshhts and Mens Underwear, These, and many other articles will be offered yon at a Great Sacrifice at I. SCHWARTZ - General Merchandise - riaaonlc Building. - - Burns, Oregon Stinson at Prineville. 14tf Oscar and F. ('. Breithaupt, I brothers of Supt. Rreithaupt of ' the Experiment Farm, arrived' here this week from Portland and have each entered homestead I filings on land in the (Jlenlock neighborhood adjoining Mr. I Preston. Married Sunday. Feb. 1. at thf Presbyterian Manse in this city. Pert Richardson and Miss Kula McKinnon. Rev. Dr. Rab bidge pei formed the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Root McKinnon and has resided in this vicinity all her life. She is a grauduate of the Harney county high school mid has many warm friends and j admirers. Bert is the only son j of Sheriff and Mrs. Richardson j and is employed in the general I merchandise store of his father. He is a young man who has the iualities to make a successful business man. The Times-Herald joins many friends in extend ing congratulations and wishes Two good residence lots, in for a prosperous and happy life. Burns, under cultivation with I They will make their home in some iruit trees and a large! this citv. At present the young number of small berry bushes, under an irrigation ditch, fenced, a well built barn on them that will house 12 tons of hay and stall room for H head of stock. Imiuire at this office. ltJtf Herman Ruh and wife arrived home the first of this week from an extended visit to Southern California where they spent a good portion of the winter. Thev visited the Marsdens at Whittier early in December and about two weeks ago, just before leaving that section, Mrs. Ruh called again to pay her respects to the Doctor but he was not so well and she was not permitted to see him. No late news of his condition has been received by friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ruh had a fine time while out, but are glad to be at home again. Sheirfr Elk ins of Crook county came over the latter part of last week and in company with .1. II. Winaiidy of Bend and Sheriff Richardson of this county weny south in search of the McPher son brothers who were wanted over there for horse stealing. They found one at Oraville in this county and left him in charge of Winandy while the two sheriffs went on into Nevada where they captured the other. Mr. Winandy was cautioned to watch his man as he might make an attempt to get away and the first night he put irons on him, The next dav he talked good to his guard and said he was (.-lad he was going back and this de ceived Mr. Winandy, therefore he did not put irons on him in the even i ng, McPheuson asked permission to go to the wash room to get hi.", tobacco and made good his escape in the dark. The other prisoner was brought here Wednesday and later taken to Prineville. people home. are at the Richardson Summons. In tlir 'in int (iurt ul the Stiilr nl OfSgon im llfii Hey (''iiinty. Kmiiihi- h. Nrwili, Plaintiff, V. BdWln 1' Ni'Wcll, ilrlpmliinl. To ImIwiu IV NrHrll, tin- utmvr naiiu-il IVIi mlnnl. IN Tin: NAME 0 THK STATE OP OREGON, vmi hit hrrcliy rriiiirnl In apptar ami annum to the complaint lilnl agalMI ymi ill i lie- aliuvr rnlitlril unit, mi ur licltirr tin last iluy of thr timr lfBStlibnd 111 the nrilrr ul pulilioa ii,. i, ,, UlU huiiiiiiiina. luvtil, on in Ih loir llir 190l day Of April, 11)13, -imI ilntr being, llir ripiratioti of lii iirrln from llir lint pulilicutliin ol tlim mil- iiieii-. ami it tou ImI In npM'iii anil iiniwrr, fur want llirrrol I'laintitl Hill apply i" t In- I'mirt for 1 lie relief ilnnanil cil in tlu I'limplaint, to-wil, lor s ilrcrcc iliiianliinK the lunula of matrimony now Slitting bstWSSn I'laintill ami Defendant anrl tliat I'laintifT have a ilccrrc of (Hvorec aliNoliitifroiii the Ilefeiulant anil that the lMaiiititl have her inaiilen name rsstorcd This Hiiminoiia ia puliliahcil tiy unlet of Hun. Gran! Thompson, Jinlc of the Count; Court of Harney County, marie ami entrtiil mi the '-!7lh ilay of Pilnii &r, 1918, anil the tlnto of the tirat puti ligation of thia Hiiintnona ia Manli 1, Lia. M A. HIUC.S, Attorney for I'lniiitiS. Always ready for job printing NOW! Is The Time! To buy 5 or 10 acres. The Harkey Ranch is Now On The Market in small tracts. On account of the very low price, the richness of the soil and beautiful location it will be all sold in a very short time. Price and terms are as follews: $150.00 per acre, one-fifth down, balance in four equal yearly pay ments at 6 per cent interest. A discouut of $15.00 per acre is given where one-half cash is paid or $20.00 per acre discount where all cash is paid. TIuh aoraagt li located jutt uiu'-half mil north of the lUHiiieH hit. ion of Huiiih, Htmig-lit out from the limit! Htnvt, with n line nniiluiiiiznl nmd leading Up to it. The Inml IhIIio Kioht'Ht Alfalfa Hild (lunl- en Laud to be found, and ia now in a high atftte of cultivation. There h only 80 aoree to be Hold av era! traota are taken now. It WILL PAY YOU to call and Select Your True! At Onoe QM it in will booh be all Hold and doubled in value. Come In Today! ARCHIE McGOWAN . The Land Man . Edward Kgli, Vella M. Welconv, II. H Maee, Pauline Lor hi r, A. S. Swain. L. li. Breithaupt, Archie McGovrefi, Rot Buchanan, M. R. Haves. M. V Dodirc, II S Bower, l,ii'('iiilw.ii, c. n. Jam son, II. M. Hnilon, W. Farre, Riiy Smith. May EgflMton, I S. Geer, W. M. Sutton, L. EC. Hih- bard, .1. S. Cook, W. W. Talia ferro, Wm. Stirling, f, P. Cowan, W. A. Cowan, M. .1. Cage, C. C. Babbidge, .John Caldwell, B. F. Campbell, Pearl Fiik, Qraoa Lampshire, Mat tie Wilson, Frank Whiting, Peter Clemens, H. B. Simmons, Hattie Hastie, E. L. Swinney, E. F. Carter, Jennie Jones, L. E. McLaren, J. C. Clemens, Allen Jones, Arthur Morton, G. Hagey, H. C. Levens, J. C. Welcome, Jr., J. W. Geary, M. Kelley. phaj, Kohn, W. T. Lester. J. H. Heed, J. C. Foley J. W. Sovedge, R. D. Cooper, Laura Haney, Dan Harkey, J. W. Thompson, Harry C. Smith, Chester Dalton, J. J. Donegan, Florence Brittingham, Julian Byrd, Ula Harlan, Julia Cawl fleld, Curtis Smith, Simon Lewis, J. 0. Cawllield, Henry Vulira- more, Austin Goodman, M O. Wisdom, N. M. Stoy, C. G. Frye, A. Dunn, I. Schwartz, W. G. Bardwell. 0. I). Smith, Thos. Sprague, V. L. Snolling, Chas. Leonard, Laura McKinnon, Dr. Elizabeth Ellis. Misses Maybelle Howard, Dora Edwards, Jose phine M. Locher, Mamie Winters, Leona Thompson, Ethel McGee, Rertha Schaper, Stella Rarber, Ix)uel Smith. Oliva Whiting, Iila V. Egli, Ethel Whiting, Nellie Reed, Minnie Schaper, Annebelle Faulkes, Ida Raker, Maybelle Raker, Verda Sturte vant, Rosa Schaper. Waverly: Pearl Thompson. Hazel Van Dorn, Helen Thomp son. I,awen: Miss Minnie K. Rerg, Mesdames Geo. M. Cobb, Wm. Rersr. J. M. HolTeditz. Harney: Mesdames Geo. Mar shall, Miss Mae Marshall. Narrews: Mesdames Ada Tel ler, Harry Gouldin. Reckley: Mrs. J. F. Raker. Diamend: Mrs. Sarah Rrown. John Day: Mrs. N. M. Stowe. Drewsey: Mrs. laura Vander-Veer. Ruchanan: Mesdames 660. Ruchanan, Eliza Hamilton. Seattle. Wash: " Mrs. Nellie Gasch. Fish Haven, Idahe: Mrs. C. A. Gardner. Following is a class of High School girls taking this ceurse: Hilda Tupker, Helen Sayer, Esther Hughet. Hazel Cobb, Ethel Thompson, Caroline Biddle, Hazel Young, Roberta Hibbard, May Gates, Mary Hendricks, Eloise Hibbard. Ella Johnson, Ruby Dalton, gnes Miller, As.l Clevenger, Helene Dalton, Ruth Smith, Jessie Rardwell. Ree Gage, Mary Poujade, Florence HolTeditz. Lois Sweek, Ella White, Ruth Miller. Zella Rardwell, Florabelle Goodman, B e s s i e Smith. ' & -vL I ' There Is No Question About its being an advantage to have a bank account back of you. Our officers are easily accessable and shall be pleased to have you call at any time, or write, in regard to opening a check account- Harney County National Bank "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" j The Bank Of Good Service United Stte Drpoa.te.ry I-or foetal savinga Depositary For The Stt of Oregon tr W. E." HUSTON i General Groceries c Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal OH, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements Given On Bis Orders J r If You Want ALL The Home News READ THE TIMES-HERALD $2.00 a year Best Job Printing THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON &, HICKS, Props. Old and Nkw Patrons Will Find the Rest Rrands Here -- Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon Public School Report The Times-Herald has received a report of the public school ol this city together with those standing highest in the mid-winter examinations. It is imposs ible to give this report in full this week. Principal Sutton re marks in the re'wrt that there were no tardies in the seventh and eighth grades during tho month just closed. Those taking the highest stand ing in their respective grades: First grade, Arthur Thornburg with a standing of 99); second grade, Walter Walkup, 100: third grade, William McHose, 5(84; fourth grade, Jo Cook, i)4; fifth grade, Regina Schwartz, 92fi; sixth grade, Agnes roley, 948; seventh grade, Uda Hayes 934; eighth grade, Ellen Geer. 998. Mr. Sutton adds the following comment respecting the exam in atien: "the showing made indi cates there is need of closer ai -plication on the partof the pupils if it is their intention to make the most of their opportunities." Mail Service Discontinued The last mail to leave Ruins under Mr. Woldenberg's service was taken out this morning. He is not going to continue and it ia something of a problem when regular service over this line will be resumed. It will be difficult to secure service even for the period asked hy the government bids to be opened here March 11, as the time of the contract will not justify the necessary outlay for equipment. Postmaster Log gan has posted a notice in his of fice to the effect that mail will be dispatched from this office every morning until further notice, but as to getting in mail over the Prairie line he doesn't know just what will be done. There will be no mail "from that direction today and should the mails be routed over the Vale line the present contractors will also suspend. - ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce to the public that we have pur chased the entire hardware stock belonging to the firm of Geer & Cummins. We I will continue to conduct the business at the same stand and ask a continuance of I your valued patronage. As a special inducement we give 10 per cent discount on all sales. BURNS HARDWARE CO Successors to Geer & Cummins BURNS, OREGON