The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 22, 1913, Image 1

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The Bif est City In The Biggest
The Biggeat County In The State
County In The Stat Of Oregon j
r &
Of Oregon, Best In The Wert I
NO. 15
f rtiPt I IN
ft I LT Til PR
Latest Reports From Official Sources
Indicates Early Completion of The
Line From Vale To Dog Mountain
In This County. Work West From
There Now Under Consideration
President Farrell of the O.-W.
R. AN. Co. recently returned to
Portland from an extended trip
to various points to consult with
other officers of the Harriman
system and assisting in the dis
solution of the several roads in
accordance with the recent court
decision. He states the dissolu
tion will have no effect upon the
roads and the business will no on
I as before so far as this territory
is concerned. The line west from
Vale to this county will be con
tinued under the present contract
which calls for its completion to
Dog Mountain. Mr. Farrell states
the line "will eventually go west
to a connection with the Des-
hutes line at Bend". However.
I ment is more or leas at a stand
' still on account of this and the
; sooner it is settled the better.
Ladies' Library Club
The Ladies Library Club met
with Mrs. Julian Byrd, February
The subject for the day being
"Women of the Nineteenth Cen
tury," the names of women in
literature were given in response
to roll call.
One enjoyable feature of the
program was music furnished by
Kvelyn Byrd.
Miss Locher's paper on "The
legal Status of Women of the
Epidemic Among Flocks On
Lower Powder, Killing The
Sheep Off By Hundreds
An epidomic among sheep in
the Lower rowder district, es
pecially around Goose creek and
vicinity, may result in thousands
of dollars loss to the flockown
ers in the next few days, if the
disease cannot be stamped out
The condition, which was mildly
prevalent among the (locks of
Wllfna llsitwli 111 I liutii IT. I'lut
week, developed rapidlv and on1 SupL Breithaupt of the Expo-
Sunday. County Stock Inspector (nmeni m s nsnaeu in urn
Dr. F. T. Note of this city was 'program for the short course It
nniii; a in.tA Ufcwt. is to be a week of work from
tivilin vi. iii 1 1 i i vi in t i(t iiii ' tii
ed Sheep Inspector Dr. Lytle of
Pendleton and the latter arrived
here Sunday night says the Bak
er Dcmocract
Subjects To Be Taken Up By Instruc
tors Next Week Outlined. Demon
stration Work And Illustrated Lee
hires Prominent Part. Large At
tendance Promised During Course
Monday morning until Saturday
evening. There will be three
night sessions at Tonawama, the seed testing and judging,
only nights available, at which ' 6. Dry Farming Rotation
ods lecture and demonstration
4. Dry Farm Crops varieties
seed selection, etc.; laboratory
work in aeed selection.
5. Dry Farming Crops grow
ing methods, laboratory work in
! 19th Century," gave evidence of
he doesn't state this to be imme-' much thought and careful study.
liate. It would look reasonable In ii sir- traced the steps leading
iiat it would not be topped long to woman's legal emancipation
lere as it would be a ureal ad- in most our states. In some
rantsge to have such aconnec- states, however, woman is still
ion in 1915 and no doubt it will legally as much a chattel or slave
lie completed. as she ever was in the dark aires.
Nothing was said by Mr. Far-, Miss Locher advanced the thot
rell respecting a possible change 'that men are not to be denounced
m the present survey throiiirh iut iwrauwina; hum ibws to ex
this valley as has been suggested
but he was not asked anything
.liioiit it, besides he would not be
in a position to make any definite
(statement in that respect at pre-
BBt The business interests of
Hums would like to know just
i hat is being done and when it
i ould be possible to get definite
information respecting the line
to this place and from what point
I it will come. Burns is going to
have a line just as soon as it is
ist, but rather, they should be
honored. "For had men ever
been prone to take advantage of
these laws they would have
been changed long ago."
Miss Smith read an excellent
prepared paper on "Women in
the Industries." She showed
how, during the past century,
work which had been done in
the home, passed into the factory.
Woman's hands were needed, so
she followed the work, necessar
ily going out into the world, into
Yesterday they went to Goose J""" """ Wl" "V
creek and found over 700 head of J,"6. "thne Jfven b Mr
the Bunch flock had died since Breighteaupt follewa:
the epidemic had been in effect The work in Agronomy will
and that they were still dying consist of the follewing:
vArv fimt Thnv miul.. u esivful Course I. Soils. Six lecture
examination but up tolas! even
ing had not made sure of the
cause of the trouble, although it
seems evident that poison fodder
of some kind is responsible. Dr.
Notz returned homo last evening
but will go out again today,
while Dr. Lytic svnt out to sev
eral other ranches when- the
same condition has begun to ap
pear. According to the former.
hours and three demonstration
' hours.
1. The origin and composition
of soils. Lecture and demonstra
tion of analysis.
2. The soil types of Harney
County laborary work in soil
& The management of the
Different Harney County TyH-s
jssible and is ready to confer
fwith the railroad people when the an ever broadening field.
Itime is right
Nothing further has been Cornets By Mad
learned respecting the supposed ' . . M . . , -
survey now being made south of i . , n . r,
u iu t 1 m-i e 1 -onn Cornets by Parcels Post.
Malheur Lake. This is of no par-',,,.. , ,. . . , ,
. D I 1 Write for big, free catalogue and
titular interest to Burns at any ' . ., 1 . , n n-.
vi.u rrce inai wuer. client
rate. The matter in which this Unu t, M.tinn'a i or.,.
Itou.nv, aavrww, tiv, iui,ivii u miift
est Everything Musical. Eil-
some point to Burns. Develop-, ers Building, Portland, Oregon.
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
MODEL "T" 1913
It is the Universal Car ;Not a Cheaper
Car; but A Better Car
Every third car in the whole world is a FORD and
every owner is a satisfied one- that means much to you
Touring Cars 5 Passenger $725.00
Roadster, Two Passenger $680.00
All fully equipped and delivered here in Burns
For catalogues and full information enquire of
Kclulva Aaaala Wmr lirwr Vomntr
Your Safety Demands
That You Have Your Prescriptions Filled At The
A license is not all that is required to fill Prescriptions.
You must have perfect quality of ingredients, accuracy in
compounding and complete and well kept stock.
We give you all these. We never substitute. Your
Doctor's wish is carried out to the minutes detail.
REED BROS., Props.
It Stema probable that thousands of Soil. Discussion of individual
of sheep will die before the sample brought in by farmers.
cause or Hie I'liHleitue is discov- 4. Soil Alkali nature, causes
red and a cure devised, If such and remedies demonstration of
proves the case, owners of sheep testing for alkali.
In that section will sutler thous-; 5. Soil fertility -the use and
ande of dollars of loss within the value of manures and fertilisers;
next few days or weeks, depend-' illustrated,
ing on the spread of the infec- ti. Soil fertility building up
tion and the successor the voter- and maintaining the maximum
inarians in checking it. ! productive power.
Dr. Notz expressed every con- Nete: All farmers attending
fidenee that Dr. I.ytle would be the course are requested to bring
able to successfully fight the epi- a quart sample of the soil from
demic, which certainly, even if home. The sample should be
it goes no farther, will result in taken carefully so as to get an
a heavy linnncial fuss, that of even column of soil to a depth of
Mr. Bunch alone being sure to ten inches.
amount into the thousands be- Course II. Dry Fakminu. Six
fore the trouble la over. lecture hours and three demon
stration hours.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Subject:
Presbyterian Church is planning 1. Selecting the soil, clearing
for the annual Faster Sale which the land, storing soil moisture,
will be given on Saturday, Lecture and demonstration.
March 22nd in Mr. McConnel's 2. Soil moisture forms, move
offices. Tonawama Bldg. Full ments and losses -lecture and
annoncement later. Watch for demonstration,
them. 3. Dry Farming Tillage Meth-
j 25cts Per Gallon Delivered 2 Sets j
Too much cannot be said of the Natural Rasp
berry. While it is classed as dry berries, it is not
strictly such, being more moist, sweeter and more
like fresh berries. It may be eaten from the hand
like raisins. It makes a sauce as nice as canned
berries. I guarantee one package of berries to
make one gallon sauce if the directions are care
fully followed. You can't make a gallon of sauce
from any other kind of dried fruit nor buy can
ned fruit at that price. Besides it is the richest
and nicest sauce made especially for pies. The
Natural Raspberry is king of piemakers.
In order to introduce this delicious fruit, I am
offering 10 one gallon packages of Natural Rasp
berries by mail postpaid, upon receipt of $2.50.
Smaller lots 30cts per 1 gallon packages. Call
on your local dealer for small lots and demand
that he gives you Natural Raspberries- so labeled
The Natural Raspberry is sanitary. It is partly
dried on the bushes and harvested by machinery.
Is never touched by the human hand nor soiled
by dirty fingers. Wrapped in water-proof paper
Send All Orders To
soil building, for moisture conser
vation, and for different classes
of livestock.
Course III. Extra Lectures in
Agronomy and General Agri
culture, partly given at night
sessions with the steriopticon.
1. The Farmstead -laying out
and improving the farm home
grounds and buildings (illus
trated). 2. Use and management of
the Harney Irrigated Lands in
tensive and profitable systems of
production (illustrated).
I. The Hen (illustrated).
5. Modern Home Machinery
6. Farm Weeds and their Era
Monday Draft horse judging,
two hours; feeding horses one
Tuesday -Light horse judging
two hours; beef feeding one hour.
Wednesday - Beef judging two
hours; sheep feeding one hour.
Thursday Beef judging, one
hour, sheep judging, one hour;
dairy feeding, one hour.
Friday Dairy cattle judging,
two hours; hog feeding, one hour,
Saturday -Hog judging, two
hours; hog feeding, one hour.
List of One Hour Lectures for
men: Marketing Live Stock;
Principles of Breeding; Breeds of
Hogs; Breeds of Dairy Cattle.
Evening lectures: -Steriopticon
Lectures on the Horse; Steri
opticon Lectures on Cattle and
Monday -10 to 12 Demonstra
tion Simple Vegetable Cookery.
1 to 2 Lecture Relation of Food
to health. 2 to 4 Demonstration
Simple Deserts.
Tuesday 10 to 12 Demonstration-
Cooking of Meats. 1 to 2
Lecture Care of Little Children.
2 to 4 Uses of Left Over Meats.
Wednesday 10 to 12 Demonstration-Cheese
Dishes. 1 to 2
Lecture -Foods for the Sick.
2 to 4 Demonstration Invalid
Thursday 10 to 12 Demonstra
tion Cukes and Cake Making.
1 to 2 Lecture The Home Nurse
and Her Problems. 2 to 4 Dem
onstrations- Invalid Cookery.
I klS Mlinh A rliiA o.S.1 (H.t!
tution Will Now Be a Real-Many ratrons And Parents Take Ad-
ity Ana should rrove a; .. C TL I . . r a a
vantage ui 1 ne invuauon extended
And Visited The Public School
Last Friday. Visitors Spent Pleas
ant And Entertaining Afternoon
Boon To Farmer and Mer
chant Alike in This County
Allen Jones has arranged to
start a creamery the first of next
month. He has the necessary
machinery on hand and will be
prepared to begin operations the
The Times-Herald has been
suggesting a creamery for this
place for several years and now
it is a realization. It means
much to the farmers and consum
ers of this vicinity and should re
ceive encouragement from all the
people. The enterprise is worthy
the patronage and co-operation
of the people.
Mr. Jones is going to take all
the cream brought to him from 1
the neighboring farmers and will I
pay them a good price. He,
The Times-Herald made men
tion last issue of the "Parents
Day" visit to the public school
on Friday of last week but did
not have space to give it as much
mention as desired. This visit
was a revelation to many who
were in the building for the first
time since it was completed and
the school term started. The
conveniences and modern equip
ment were a matter of favorable
comment but the most gratify
ing was the advancement and
general good system and disci
ulnfoa Via umII tolntkn ..(.. ,...,. t ..
p.,r muiuiv. 111. .hum i""- nini' nn or (ho oKU nn-na t
duct or just the cream and allow ' teachers. The visitors were free
mem me sKimmea miiK oacK.
to go and come as they pleased
in every grade-the afternoon
being given over to the visitors
recitations were suspended.
A record book has been kept
l.i- ii'ioli .. I . . . . . I .a - - M
Burns has not imported a large ' .T" "7" "",u opener
...;.. L . lne inspection of visitors. The
This is a convenience as many
who are raising pigs, calves and
chickens can use the skimmed
milk to an advantage.
This is the first winter 4hat
quantity of creamery butter
Some has been shipped in this
winter but not nearly so much
as in the past. With u creamery
at home and the co-operation of
the fanners nil this money may
lut lfstL-.r at ri-.rrw. u rwl tin ontoifiui.
established that will bring good to,the wona wo of each pu-
returns to the- promoter, the far
mer and the consumer as well.
pupils did not seem backward in
respect to displaying their work
in fact rather seemed anxious
and pleased when a visitor
stopped at the desk to show their
work. In each room, in addition
accompaniment of music and the
aid of a leader, this valuable ex
ercise was given in perfect har
mony. Parents will take a more active
interest in the school since this
visit and should visit oftener. It
is an institution very close to the
home and of such importance
that it demands more attention
than has been given in the past.
having made or issued any such
statements and unequivocally
brands as false any such utter
ances by malicious and irrespon
sible persons.
Further Be It Resolved, that
the Bend Commercial Club re
new its expression of entire good
will toward the people of Burns
and Harney county, with the as
surance of entire confidence in
the resources of Harney county
and of hearty and sincere coop
eration, not only in the building
up of the cities of Burns and
Bend, but of the entire Central
Oregon Country.
And Be It Further Resolved,
that these resolutions be given
publicity through the Press of
Friday 10 to 11 Demonstra-, Crook and Harney counties and
tion-Bread Making. 11 to 12 that a eonv he forwarder! to the
Burns Commercial Club.
pil, some specimen work of each
I was on the board. Map drawing,
j writing, arithmetic problems, etc
I were here shown to an advant
There is a decided interest
shown in the seventh and eighth
(trades in agriculture and it was
noted with some misgiving by
the writer that the text book
provided by the course of study
is not whnf if urmiilH 1... .,...,..
Bend, have issued and caused to thi8 ,ine and n effort wi
be circulated statements deroga- made to have a more thoro h
tory to Burns and Harney county, i course ingtailed. The evjdent
Therefore, be it resolved, that j interest shown in agriculture
the Board of Directors of the ' should be given more latitude in
Bend Commercial Club, repre- accordance with its
sentmg the majority of the re
sponsible and substantial citizens
of Bend, empathically denies
Mistatements Resented By
Bend Commercial Club
Whereas, certain statements,
purporting to have eminated
from the City of Burns, Oregon,
have come to our attention, to
the effect that certain citizens of
Six Potato Diseases
Causing Great Loss
That there's at least six well de
fined potato diseases, some of
them causing great loss in Ore
gon, has been determined by the
crop pest investigations at the
Oregon Agricultural College.
The experts have devoted their
attention thus far mainly to a
survey to discover the extent and
distribution of potato diseases,
but it is planned in the future to
study each of the six principal
diseases in detail with special ref
erences to conditions in Oregon.
Co-operative work is under
way to test different varieties of
potatoes for disease resistance.
The seed for these tests is furn
ished by the U. S. Department
of Agriculture, and a small field
of the college farm has been
planted, both good and bad po
tatoes being used, for compari
Th Bct Cough Medicine.
have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy ever since I have
been keeping house, ' ' says L. C.
Hames, of Marbury, Ala. "I
consider it one of the best reme
dies I ever used. My children
A very interesting half hour ,mve a" mmma ,l anu ,l worKS
was spent by the visitors in the , llke a charm. For colds and
assembly room witnessing thelwhoop'ng cough it is excellent"
calisthenics exercises. To the For sale by all dealers.
Strictly First Class. Splendid
Service, Fine Accomodations.
Commercial Headquarters
.Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Salads. 1 to 2 Lecture- Some
Causes of Disease and Its Pre
vention. 2 to 4 Demonstration
Bread making.
Saturday 10 to 12 Demonstra-
liiiti T:il.lf Swittiiiu mill Mi-iM?iF '
1 to 2 Question Box. 2 to 4 The
School Boy's Lunch.
Instructers: i- , n .. , .
In Ajrronem.v: Prof. Scudder lTCflOu Iniflk KailwaV mill
and Mr. Breithaupt.
The Board of Directors of the
Bend Commercial Club.
E. M. Lara. President
H. W. Skuse, Secretary.
In Animal Husbandry; Prof.
Potter and Mr. Leedy.
In Domestic Science: Mrs. Cal
vin and Miss Irwin.
Classes for Men 8 to 10 A. M.
and 1 to 4 P. M.
Classes for Women 10 to 12 A.
M. and 1 to 4 P. M.
Evening Lectures for every
body 8 to 10 P. M.
February 24 to March 1.
Now Leaves Bend 6:45 a. m. Ar
rives Portland 5:30 p. m.
This train runB through with
out change to Portland, crossing
the Columbia River on the splen
did bridge at the Celilo Falls.
Direct connections are made at
Fallbridge for Spokane and all
eastern points.
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Boloxiga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst. Etc.
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge Solicited and
Orders Given Quick Attention
Insure your Dwelling, Barn or other property with us in the Best Companies. Guar
anteed Government Land Script of all kinds handled by us. investigate our late lists
Legal Land Matters Attended To Promptly
What Have You Offer In Exchange?
We have a splendid Fruit Ranch in the fruit belt of Colorado; a modern improved
ranch adajoining Rosaliu, Washington and a splendid mercantile business in Moscow.
Idaho. Any of these fine properties can be traded for a good stock and hay ranch in
Harney County. We succeed where others fail. Write, or call on us at any time.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
To the Doctor and his Patient. That is why the Doctor
gets the result he expected when he wrote the prescrip
tion why the patient gets the results from the medicine
which the Doctor expected. Such results are obtained from
prescriptions when filled at our store, for we always have
a competent man in charge of this department.
J. C. WELCOME, Jr., Prop.