The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 15, 1913, Image 3

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Hi Until ClrcuUlion Of Any
Nswspapvr In Harney Count.
Local News.
County CommiSMoner Bain
was down Wednesday.
Fresh home made lard 1 7c, nt i
Hansen's Meat Market. tf
Jasper Davis was down from ,
his home at llsrney lhursda
Wanted Position as cook or
housekeeper. Address Box 37.
Haled hay. Bran and all kinds
ot grains at The Burns Dept.
Huster Cawltield is in town
again after an absence of several
Kastman Kodaks and Kodak
supplies at The Welcome Pharm
acy, tutt
P. H. Gray and wife up from
liawen attending to some business
and visiting friends.
This is the time to sow grass '
seed on the melting snow. See j
the Burns Department Store
about it.
Roy Bunyard was in town,
u lew aays mis week looking i
after business and visiting'
$100,000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES i
Business men and property
owners are going to insist on con
servative property owners to fill
city offices this year. There is
talk of a mass meeting.
McKinley Thompson is home
from Corvallis where he attend
ed scnooi unai nis recent sick
ness, mention of which was made
a few weeks ago. He has re
covered his health to some ex
tent and is looking quite well.
Report Of The Condition
- Of Tk
First National Bank
At Barns, Oregon, Feb. 4th, 1918.
Loan." and Discounts
D. S. Bonds
Bonds and Securities
Premium on U. S. Bonds
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures
Five per cent Redemption Fund .
Capital $ 25,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 77, 469.16
Circulation 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 433,296.65
$660, 765. 80
Capital and Surplus 8100,000.
Frank Dunn was in the city
Use Nyals Cough medicine
for baby's cough. 10 tf
Ilagey & Lundy chattels, small
loans, acreage city property. In
I. O. O. F. Bldg. Burns, Oregon.
y J. E. Loggan was called to
Harney Thursday on account of
the illiness of his father, who is
reported improving.
Harry Crawford's wife and lit
tle daughter arrived from Port
land Tuesday night. They have
begun housekeeping in the Lucky
Resource, Feb. 4th 1913
Resource, Feb. 4th 1912
Increase In One Year
First National Bank
"Oldest and Bljrceat Bank In Harney Co."
Burns. Harney Co., Ore.
Use Nyals Rheumatic Remedy, i R. L. Hass was in town lust
I. L. Poujade was over from Wednesday.
NjCow Creek Thursday. Try Nyals Family medicine at
i' t 'Plw. 7,. t. ...... 1 t ii 44
LA DIES HOSPITAL. Private " "'"'" .
and comfortable care, Mrs. W T. Dr. Babbidge made a trip to
lister, Burns, Oregon. his alfalfa farm this week.
' Robt. Reed and wife were in A. C. Welcome and wife went
the city a few days this week over to Drewsey yesterday.
Harry C. Smith has the agency
visiting relatives and friends.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs.
for a very complete and moder- i Fred Black died the fore part of
ite priced chemical fire extin- the week and was uurien wea
ruisher which he hopes to place nesday. The little one was but
in every house in Burns. They ; days old.
have been tried and are a sue-. Bert Hamilton was over from
Icess a very essential thing in Si ver (reek vesterdav closing a
m emergency. See him as he is, deal with W. P. Davidson of the
foing to make an order right Oregon & Western Colonization
iway. Co., for a farm over in that sec-
P. S. Wheittenhiller who isas-!tion-
sociated with Mr. Allen in some R. J. McKinnion has purchased
five sections in this vicinity, has the C. M. Kellogg real estate in
returned from Spoksne and ex- this city, consisting of two lots
?cts to remain here for an in- where the office and barns were
lefinite time. He had arranged maintained. It is a good pro-
bring in some parties who de- party and close to Mr. McKin-
ired to invest in land but upon non's livery barn. He has taken
learning there was snow upon possession oi me property anu
the ground decided to have them will use the barn in connection
Icorne in later. with his feed stable.
A. H. Curry, the Harriman- Tom Allen is over from the P
kiidrews stage contractor, was Ranch. He states there is no
in town the fore part of this snow over mere anu me roaos
feek. He was accompanied by are fine. This is true over in the
)r. Denman. Mr. Curry states ! Catlow section also. He states
that travel has increased to such it is regular spring weather over
m extent over his line and the i there but the nights are yet too
additional mail caused by the cold for the grass to start. Tom
parcel post requires a heavier ! doesn't know anything about the
.'(juipment and he is preparing to railroad surveyors who are re-
nit on larger
this issue.
rigs. See his ad ported at work south of Malheur
During February we will hold our
Annual Clearance Sale when all
winter goods will be sold at greatly
reduced prices. We are determined
not to carry over any winter goods.
A few of these articles are listed
below. Cash will do wonders here.
Ladies Coats, Misses Coats, Children Coats, Ladies
Sweater Coats, Muses Sweater Coats, Children Sweater
Coats, Ladies Underwear, Misses Underwear, Misses Cloak,
Children Underwear, Muffler, Shawl, Drew Good,
Men Clothing, Men Sheep Lined Coat, Men Duck Lined
Coat, Men Mackinaw Coat, Men Sweater Coat, Men
Woolen Over shirts and Mens Underwear.
These, and many other articles will be
offered yon at a Great Sacrifice at
- General Merchandise -
flasonic Building., - - Burns, Oregon
Ladies fine shoes in suede and
white buckskin at Schwartz'.
Dr. Burrow has fitted up offices
in the Jorgensen building where
he may be found day or night.
For Sale 10 acres Sec. 19,
Trout Creek, Harney Co., with
irrigation, $(550. Address. F. L.
Burnham, 175-1 K. 72 Place. Chi
cago. III. 12-15
People interested in buying a
nice fruit for cooking purposes
will do well to read the new ad
of M. B. Sherman of Payette.
Idaho, on front page.
Mrs. I. Schartz arrived home
from Portland Tuesday evening
where she bed been visiting for
a month or more. She had a de
lightful visit, but glad to be
home again.
Customers and other desiring
us to settle their taxe will please
send us sheriff's statement of the
amount due together with in
structions for payment of same
Since it looks like none of
President Taft's appointments in
Oregon are going to be confirmed
candidates for the different offi
ces to be filled have become
"thicker'en thicker." In some
instances it is straining a point
to make the old line democrats
believe some of these office seek
ers are really of the right party
stripe to entitle them to consider
ation, but then this would not
interfere with their duties as
officers-if they can "cut the
According to notices in the
post office in this place the gov
ernment is going to let new con
tracts on the lines abandoned by
Kellog the first of the year. Bids
will be received up to March 11,
for the Burns-Vale and Burns
Canyon lines contractors to be
gin April 1st and the contract to
be in force until June 30, 1914.
The mails are now being carried
under temporary arrangement by
the bond house and will continue
thus until the new government
contracts are let.
Miss Laura Dawson writes this
office that she has received a let
ter from Phil Bates to the effect
that the proposed excursion trip
to Eastern points be taken by
young ladies of this state to
"boost" Oregon, has been post
poned until about the first of
June. This was decided upon
after learning thut the inaugural
ceremonies of President-elect
Wiison would merely be formal
on March 4th, the usual features
being conducted later. Mr. Bates
also found that many of the
young ladies of the party would
be inconvenienced at the earlier
date and would prefer making
the trip later. Miss Dawson has
decided to continue taking sub
scriptions for Mr. Bates' paper
in the hope that she may be able
to make the trip in June.
John Tacket was in Wednes
day making proof on his land,
leaving the following day for
eastern points where he will vis
it for a time.
Ettray A bay horse came to
my place on January 20th, 1913,
branded J. I. on left shoulder,
weight about 1050 lbs., halter
broke. Owner prove property
and pay charges. W. W. Stur-
ges, Riley, Oregon.
r' J. C. Leedy of the high school
informs us the students have de
cided to gel out an "Annual"
between now and the close of
the school year and have elected
Miss Roberta Hibbard editor and
Edgar Williams business manag
er of the publication.
Jonathan Bartlett was in Wed
nesday from Harriman assisting
a neighbor make proof on his
land. Mr. Bartlett thinks we
are going to have another good
crop season this year from the
amount of moisture now in the
ground and with the building of
the railroad we will all be pros
perous. We are overstocked with brood
sows. We have thoroughbred
Durock-Reds, thoroughbred po-
land-China, thoroughbred Berk
shire and mixed breeds of each
kind. These are as well bred
hogs as there are in Harney
County and will sell reasonable
if sold before we commence to
fatten then. Bennett Bros.,
IStf Burns Ore.
The children should remember
the masked ball at Tonawama
next Friday night, February 21.
Austin Coodman has charge of it
and tho dance will be conducted
as in the past. Children will be
admitted free, l.nly spectators 25
cents and gentlemen 50 cents
with 'he privilege of dancing
after the children unmask at 10
o'clock. Suitable prizes will be
awarded the children.
The masked ball given by the
Woodman Circle last night nt
Tonawama was attended by an
immense crowd who enjoyed it
very much. The prizes for the
best dressed characters were
awarded to Ernest Music dressed
as a Dutch girl, and W. W. Tell
eferro, as Sir Knight. Best Bus
stained characters, Mrs K. N.
Nelson as the Dutch denser and
('has. PVedricks as an Indian
Sidney Comegys was over from
Diamond during the week.
Lost-Gold bar pin in vicinity
of Tonawama. Kinder pleare re
turn to Mrs. Curtis Smith.
W. A. Goodman wils Rolled
Barley at Uc. Rolled Wheal m
ljc. (Mean seed Barley, Ifc.,
Good Wheat lie nt bit balm in
the treat part of town. tf.
Blueprints of every Township
and Range In Harney county.
correct to date. Price $1.00 ssoh
Address, Burns Blueprint Co.,
Burns, Oregon. 12tf
Mrs. Ijiirkin of Grcely, Colo.,
a sister of Mrs. John Gemini liny
arrived here lust week on a visit.
Mrs. I,arkin hns been bare before
and had many friends to bid her
welcome on this visit.
rrm... .it .. it... - - I
1 I1U Willi' III llll' ilKI II mi HI 'II
short course has been set for
Feb. 24th to begin. Messrs.
Breithaupt and Leedy have ft
ceived sufficient responses to their
inquiry to insure a big atten
dance and as accomodations are
limited in this city- that is when
large crowds are in they would
like to hear from private homes
where it is possible to get rooms
or room and board also. Parties
having extra rooms will please
notify either of these gentlemen
Pleas. M. Cheney arrived heie
Saturday from North Yakima
and states his family will join
him us soon as school closes up
there. Pleas, says he went out
to sec other sections and to enjoy
himself and has bought every
pleasure for himself and family
they found, but never enjoyed
any of it so much as the first two
days after his return to Burns,
and visited his old friends. He
is convinced that Harney county
has more opportunities than any
other section he haj visited and
is euntent to remain. He is un
decided as to just what he will
do. As soon as his wife and
little daughter come they will ar
range for a home in this city
and he may buy a little farm
near or possibly "loaf." He is
not particular just so long as he
is here and can "hobnob" with
his old "tillikums."
Christian Endeavor Society
Hold Business Meeting
The Burns Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor
met at the Manse, Tuesday even
ing and held their regular month
ly meeting. After much discus
sion in regards to betterment of
the society it was finally decided
to re-organize and make a fresh
start. The following officers
rert elected for the eneoing year:
Arthur Whitney, President; I
Mrs. Wm. Blott, Vice President;!
Miss Pearl Kills, Secretary; Mrs
John Caldwell, Treasurer. Miss
Hazel Cobb. Organist.
flic new officers wish to extend
A. Dunn will have chiuy 81
mv wood business in Burns this
winter. Dry wood on hnnd to
any pari of town v. . Jaeksoti,
52. tf
The Harney County National
Bank will be pleased to attend to
the payment of vuur taxes upon
receipt of your instruction.
W. E. Ali isiiii, who founded
the town of Alberson, Harney
county, Oregon, died si Payette,
Idaho, Thiirsduv mornimr, Feb, (i,
and the remains are being taken
today to Alboraon (or burial. -
Vale Enterprise,
Married At the liurns hotel.
Thursday evening, flsb. 18, .lack
Belmont, and Miss Ada Culp,
Rev. Dr. Babbidge of the Pres
byterian church officiating. It
was a (iiiet affair with only John
WalkUp and Miss Opal Brown be
ing present as witnesses. The
young people are well known here
the bride being a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L B. Culp and has
resident in Bums all her life.
Mr. Belmont has been working
in this city for the past two year.
The Times-Herald joins friends
in extending best wishes-
' Archie McGowan and family
arrived home Wednesday even
ing from their visit to Portland
and other outside points. They
were accompanied in by Mrs.
Grant Thompson and her son
McKinley. Archie states they
had a delightful visit and he also
found this section well advertised
in all parts, therefore looks for
an excellent year in the way of
new people coming in for homes
and investments. He found no
thing new in the railroad lin t,
except as other people have n -ported
on their return home, that
under the new management the
line now building west from Vale
to this valley is in the hands of
friends of Oregon who will give
home people every advantage in
the way of furnishing supplies,
etc. They visited Dr. Griffith
and found him looking fine and
to all appearances entirely re
covered from his recent illness.
However, he is going to continue
his treatment ut the .sanatarium
for a time and does not expect
to come home until he is eonvir
eed of his ability to take care of
his practice.
Presbyterian Church Tomorrow
Bible school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev.
Wm. Beard. S. S. M. of the
Grand Rondo Presbytery.
Duel "LoVe Divine". (Stam
en mrs. wm. rarre. iir. .niiian
Christian Endeavor at ..'in p.
m. This is Kndeavor rally day;
new features will be Introduced;
the meeting will be led by Mr.
In your money matters by depositing your
money when received in this bank and issue it by
No mistake in making change; no attempt to
exact a second payment; no question where your
money ha gone or what it went for; no fear for
it security.
The stubs of your checks, the canceled check
themselves, and the entries in your pas book tell
the story of your receipts and disbursements.
Be mothodical and secure and administer your
fund through the
Harney County National Bank
J The Bank Of Good Service j
United Stales Depositary
For Postal Savings
Depositary For The
State of Oregon
General Groceries tf
Select Can Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal
OH, Feed, Grain and Produce
Special Inducements Given On Biff Orders
If You Want ALL The Home News
$2.00 a year
Rest Job Printing
a special invitation to the young. Arthur Whitney the now presi-
people of our city to join with us
in making our society a great
There will be a soecial Kndea-
vor meeting next Sunday even- by the pastor
ing, at which time the roll will the occasien:
Patriotic Service at 7:.'H) p, m.
Subject: "Why we Love Lin
coln," the sermon will be preach-
SHcial music f r
be open to all who wish to join
with us.
Come out and help us we need
The South half of the Har
key ranch half mile north of
the business section of Burns
will be put on the market in
small tracts on or about
MARCH 1st 1913.
The highest price will not
be more than $150.00 per
acre and the payments will
be very easy, within reach
of all who want a nice home
for their own.
This is the Richest Alfalfa
and Garden land obtainable.
Has the finest view and can
be had for a smaller cost
than any other acreage near
Burns. Watch this advertis
ment in the next issue.
. The Land Man
"Star Spangled Banner" - -
Hoys High School Glee Club
Solo "My Own United States"
Delbert Hayes
The evening sermon is one of
the popular lecture-sermons series
that is being conducted by the
Mid-week family gathering
(prayer meeting) Wednesday
evening at 7:110 p. m.
A cordial welcome awaits you
at the house of Cod.
Tonawama Picture Program.
The programs for tonight, to
morrow night and the mid-week
show Wednesday night are up to
the usual standard of excellence
maintained by the house. To
night there are three reels.
"Honor and The Sword," which
is in keeping with the season.
"Their Hero," u comedy from
"At Good Old Si wash," and deal
ing with the athlelics of school
days. "Justice of Manitou," one
of those beautiful Indian stones
that are so popular with Tonawa
ma patrons.
Tomorrow night the usual
Sunday program and prices.
"The White Hope" is a comic
novelty which is advertised as
good for ono big laugh for every
foot and there are 1000 I'ni.
"A Bachelor's Waterloo" pmii 5
ises to be another dandy u n
maker. "The Triumph of Might"
,'s a western story of much action
with a good moral. "Rivals"
is a story of fisher folk, beauti
ful scenery on Santacataline
Island where the picture is
Wednesday evening will he an
interesting pregram: "Views in
Calcutta. India," descriptive and
educational. "Detective Doio
thy," advertised as a corking
drama, good, appealing and grip
ping. "The Sunset Qua" a
drama dealing with the soldiers
which will appeal to young and
old alike. Usual prices atall these
Old and New Patrons Will Find the Best Brands Here
Wines. Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
Watch this space for
new announcement in
a short time. Also see
change of firms name,
and big bargains to
follow every week.